Summer is coming - a wonderful time of year, the weather is warm and sunny outside. I want to soak up the sun's rays and take a break from makeup; I have no desire to apply creams and lotions to my face. But still, one should not naively think that the sun's rays have their effect negative impact only in nature and on the seashore.

Within the city, the sun and dust have the same detrimental effect on exposed areas of the body and face. Therefore, you should think about how to protect your skin from the sun and dust.

Solar radiation

To protect against it, special day creams are used that contain components that help protect the skin from the sun even when exposed to direct rays. You should avoid using creams containing fruit acids, they can cause increased sensitivity to solar radiation.

To protect your eyes and the skin around them, you can use sunglasses, they will also save you from the appearance of facial wrinkles in the future, not to mention the fact that glasses can be stylish and fashion accessory to complement your wardrobe.

Dust and dirt

To protect the skin from dust, it is recommended to periodically use, for example, homemade or.

While relaxing in the clean air, somewhere in nature, you can relax and not worry about how to protect your facial skin from dust, taking a break from everyday cosmetic procedures, but in the city you need to constantly take care of such protection. For these purposes, a cream can also be useful, or you can use it, which will save the pores from dust; for this it should be crumbly and light; mineral powder is best suited for these purposes.

Spending your summer in the city? Be careful: the dust and dirt of the concrete jungle have a bad effect on your skin and ruin your makeup. In our new material you will learn how to resist harmful factors environment.

Daria Sergeeva,

beauty specialist of the Japanese brand KWC.

The main weapon in the fight against harmful environmental factors is proper skin cleansing and the use of decorative cosmetics.

  • Be sure to cleanse your skin twice a day: morning and evening.

During the day, city dust settles on your skin and worsens its condition. Dust is a mixture of toxins and dirt that clog pores and promote the growth of bacteria, causing various rashes. Replenish your arsenal of cleansers with a hydrophilic cleansing oil that will easily remove makeup and sebaceous deposits in the pores. Also don't forget about deep cleansing your pores for clean and smooth skin. This task can be accomplished with a delicate foaming product, for example, a cleansing foam cream from the Japanese brand KWC, which cleanses pores of impurities and delicately removes dead cells from the surface of the skin.

  • There are special cleansing lotions and tonics that penetrate deep into the pores, removing excess fat, which is so important for combination and oily skin.
In the summer, many people give up decorative cosmetics, which “flow” during a hot day and can cause discomfort. But don’t rush to hide your makeup bag. Of course, many perceive Foundation as a “putty” for deficiencies, while often not thinking about its barrier function.
  • Any foundation consists mainly of silicone, fats and talc - these substances form a kind of mechanical barrier that protects your skin.

You just need to choose the right one decorative cosmetics– strictly according to your skin type, so as not to cause a comedogenic effect (skin rashes).

It is also possible to use sprays to fix makeup. As a rule, such products include plant extracts and glycerin, which will create a protective film on the skin, prevent the evaporation of moisture from the skin and the deterioration of makeup in the heat.

And of course, don’t forget about the “lifesaver” for all girls with mixed and oily skin types.

  • During the day, when the skin begins to shine, it is better to blot it with mattifying wipes rather than powder it. A light touch of silk paper will not disturb your makeup.

Mattifying wipes will remove excess oil from the surface of the skin, prevent clogging of pores and the growth of bacteria, and also protect the skin from pollution on a hot summer day.

Skin care in summer is completely different from skin care in winter. In the summer we are faced with many factors that do not have the best effect on the epidermis; it loses moisture, dries out, sweats, and easily absorbs dirt. The skin has to endure enormous stress, which makes it lifeless and weakened. This includes ultraviolet radiation, wind, heat, sea ​​salt, indoor air conditioners and much more.

Summer problems

Due to the sun's rays, skin cells age faster, wrinkles appear, especially in the corners of the eyes (from the fact that we constantly frown in the sun). In summer, the skin often becomes damp, but such “hydration”, alas, is just a deception. The function of the sebaceous glands in the epidermis is activated, due to which the skin becomes rougher and thickens, thus protecting itself from the sun. If you start fighting this fat, you can get dehydrated.

So, the three components our skin needs in summer are cleansing, protection and, of course, care.


In summer, the air is not only humid and warm, but also very dusty, so bacteria multiply at lightning speed, the sebaceous glands function in an enhanced mode, and the pores become clogged. In general, this is an ideal habitat for various types of inflammation, pimples and acne. Therefore, thorough cleansing is necessary not only before going to bed in the evening, but also after coming from the street. The main thing is that it should not be too hard, because the skin is already subjected to excessive stress.

How to wash your skin?

It is best to use products that do not contain lye or soap. Various mousses, foams, and cosmetic milks perfectly remove dirt, but at the same time are gentle.

In no case is it recommended to wash your face with cold running water and soap; this further dehydrates the epidermal cells. But it is not forbidden to use a scrub for peeling; on the contrary, it is even useful, but, remember, everything should be in moderation.

Night cream should also be nourishing. An excellent option is a product with vitamins C and E, antioxidants and active moisturizers. Cosmetologists do not recommend using “winter” creams in the summer, as they are greasy and will clog the pores, resulting in excessive sweating of the face.

A real salvation are moisturizing masks, which are best used twice a week. The choice of masks in the summer is huge - both store-bought and homemade from fruits and vegetables.

In the morning, it is useful to carry out a toning procedure - wiping with ice (you can freeze herbal decoctions), which smoothes out fine wrinkles and gives the face a fresh look. healthy looking.

How to protect your face from the sun and summer dust?

There is such a term as photoaging. In the summer, this enemy is especially dangerous, as it lies in wait for us not only on the beach, but also just on the street. How to deal with this enemy?

First of all, you should not neglect special creams that protect the skin from ultraviolet rays. Secondly, regular sunglasses will come to the rescue and save your eyes from wrinkles and crow’s feet. But it’s better to forget about creams with fruit acids, as they increase the sensitivity of the epidermis to the sun.

Dust and dirt are constant companions of city life. To protect your skin from various types of pollution, it is recommended to use day cream and powder, which will fill the pores and prevent dust from getting in there. In summer, it is better to use loose powder or mineral powder, which does not weigh down makeup and is also easier to apply.

Protecting the skin is no less important than moisturizing and nourishing it. The skin of the face, neck and hands especially needs protection - after all, it is more susceptible to negative external influences than the skin of the body. However, women often believe that using protective creams optional, and a nourishing cream will suffice.

If you ignore protective creams, your skin will begin to dry out and fade sooner., will become flabby and covered with wrinkles. That's why protective equipment It is necessary to use them by selecting them according to your skin type, depending on the time of year and climate, lifestyle and working conditions.

The protective function is usually performed by day creams: non-greasy and semi-greasy, but there are also special ones that are intended specifically for skin protection from unfavorable factors– they are applied in the morning and removed only in the evening, before bed.

Nourishing creams are thicker and penetrate deeper into the skin; Protective creams soften only its upper layers, protecting them from wind, cold, heat, dirt and dust. Daytime protective creams, when absorbed, eliminate oily shine and give the skin a slight matte finish, so they are also good to use as a base for powder.

Protective creams should always be used, but this is especially important in dry weather; when a strong wind blows; hot or cold. On winter days, it is recommended to use creams with a certain fat content under the powder: for oily skin - semi fat cream, for normal and dry skin – fat cream. Moisturizing creams should not be used during the cold season.

The skin is protected by a thin film formed by a layer of cream and powder.

Protective creams also play an important role in the prevention of aging., and you shouldn’t think that protection is needed only from the sun: protective cream should be applied in cloudy weather, and even in the dark - if you go out at that time.

Protective creams often contain hydroquinone esters, which have a whitening effect, aloe extract and other components. When using protective creams, you need to take into account your skin type, and remember that decorative powder, like the emulsions that replace it, can dry out the skin. Therefore, it is imperative to apply a protective cream under the powder, especially if the skin is dry: it will protect not only from external influences, but also from decorative cosmetics.

If you apply a protective cream over a nourishing one, then the excess of the latter must be removed using a cosmetic napkin. If the cream is too liquid, apply it with the fingers of both hands, carefully in a circular motion, and not smeared over the face at random. If the cream, on the contrary, is too thick, then the skin on the face must first be moisturized - with lotion or even regular green tea.

Today, almost every cosmetics manufacturer, both well-known and new ones, produces similar products, so there is plenty to choose from. However, first we’ll tell you a little about those creams that you can prepare at home without spending too much time and money.

So, for winter, a mixture of any fatty cream with pork or goose fat, olive or other is suitable. fatty oil. The ingredients are mixed 1:1.

Another type of protective cream that is easy to prepare is a cream for dry skin. You need to take lanolin cream (2 tsp), zinc ointment and pharmaceutical pork fat (1 tsp each), mix thoroughly and use before going outside during the cold season.

For normal skin mixed in equal proportions olive oil, zinc ointment and spermaceti cream; for oily skin – corn oil, zinc ointment and boric vaseline. By the way, the last two types of cream can also be used for sun protection by applying them under powder.

A special sun protection cream can be prepared with zinc ointment based on lard (50 g) and salol (3 g). The zinc ointment must be carefully melted by lowering the jar halfway into hot water, add salol to it and heat again - about 10 minutes. Then cool, stirring the mixture all the time. wooden stick. This cream is applied under powder before going outside, and after returning, washed with warm water and soap.

Another one is suitable for protecting dry skin. homemade cream, very effective: it not only protects the skin, but also cares for it, making it elastic and soft.

You will need 1 tbsp. badger fat and St. John's wort oil, 10 g of wax and an oil solution of vitamins A and E. All components are mixed and heated in a water bath, then the mixture is poured into a glass jar and stored in a cool place. This is a very rich cream, and it is applied in a thin layer - not only on the face and neck, but also on the hands and skin of the feet.

For any skin type, a protective cream made from 3 types of oils is suitable - mango and shea butter (7.5 ml each), jojoba oil and violet extract (2.5 ml each). Mix all components and use as intended.

And now about some purchased cosmetics.

Estee Lauder offers protective moisturizer SZF 15 with antioxidants. This cream solves two problems at once - it is both protective and tonal: when applied to the skin, the pigment particles in its composition begin to work - the skin color is evened out, and it seems to begin to glow. At the same time, the skin is not only completely protected, but also moisturized. This cream can be used without powder or with Estee Lauder cream powder.

The well-known company Clinique also offers an effective protective cream - City Block Sheer Shimmer SPF 25. It protects the skin from the sun, maintains its healthy appearance and improves metabolic processes. This cream combines for the first time natural ingredients, providing protection against UV radiation and free radicals.

The cream is almost invisible on the skin - it is almost transparent, and can be used even by men. In addition, it is suitable for any skin type, including sensitive ones - the cream acts as a barrier that protects the skin from environmental influences. Makeup applied over this cream lasts a long time and is durable. Even oily skin feels great after applying City Block Sheer Shimmer SPF 25 as it does not clog pores.

Lancome, whose products are also known and loved by millions of women from all over the world, offers a skin protection kit - protective cream and lip gloss.

The cream moisturizes the skin, protects it from sun rays, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, and is resistant to moisture - even salty sea ​​water, and at the same time does not interfere with tanning. The aroma of the cream is fresh and subtle.

Lip gloss is so effective that it protects skin cells at the DNA level. Lancome Soleil DNA Guard set is really high quality new formula skin protection.

Uriage cosmetics are made using unique thermal water, characterized by a high content useful substances, therefore not only protects, but also moisturizes and soothes the skin. One of the creams offered by Uriage protects not only the face, but also the skin of the hands and the entire body. This is Barriederm cream - it protects the surface of the skin and restores its structure in deeper layers. The cream can be used not only under powder or makeup, but also for protection in hazardous industries or at home.

There are also less expensive protective creams - for example, protective and moisturizing cream from Garnie Skin Naturals series, for normal and combination skin. This is an effective long-lasting protective cream: it is applied throughout the day - it moisturizes and gives the skin a matte finish.

Mary Key offers two types of liquid protective day cream with vitamins and herbal extracts. The first is for dry and normal skin, valid for 6 hours, the second is for normal and oily skin, valid for 8 hours. The cream is easy to apply, stays on for a long time and gives the skin a smooth and natural appearance.

It is necessary to use protective creams: protecting the skin from harmful influences and preventing the penetration of toxic and destructive substances from the environment, they allow it to “breathe” freely, retain moisture in it and prevent premature aging.

Women living in big cities protective creams are constantly needed: not only toxic dust flies in the air of megacities, but also soot and suspended matter containing heavy metals, and there is nothing to say about car exhaust.

Summer protective creams neutralize the effects of sun rays on the skin, help it resist temperature changes, maintain optimal moisture and promote an even, beautiful tan.

Winter creams create a thin film on the skin that does not interfere with its full breathing. Using protective creams, you provide your beauty with constant and reliable support, and you will feel calm and confident under any circumstances.

Return to the beginning of the section Facial care

The face for most women is perhaps the most important part of the body. It receives maximum attention and must always look impeccable. At the same time, the face is open at any time and in any weather, which means that it is the skin of the face that is most susceptible to the adverse effects of external factors.

Protection for facial skin is an indispensable condition for its beauty and youth. Various skin protection products are aimed precisely at preventing overdrying and maintaining its elasticity for as long as possible.

The simplest and most common such remedy is day creams. As a rule, they have a lighter structure than fatty nourishing night products, and they do not penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, but act mainly in its superficial part - soften, moisturize and prevent drying, protect from dust and dirt. In addition, they often serve as a base for makeup. Day creams designed for oily skin have a mattifying effect, eliminating oily shine.

Apply day creams in the morning, about half an hour before going outside. Their use is especially important in hot and windy weather and certainly in cold, frosty weather. All skin types are sensitive to frost. In winter, it is recommended to use oily day creams for dry and normal skin, and semi-oily ones for combination and oily skin. During this period, in no case should you neglect regular nourishing masks(at least once every 10 days). Those with dry and normal skin can try masks made from vegetable oil (olive, corn, peach). For this purpose not a large number of The oil is heated in a water bath and applied to the face using a cotton pad or swab. After 15 minutes, wash off the oil and wash with herbal decoction.

A layer of powder applied on top of the day cream forms with it a kind of protective film for the skin. It is worth considering that in winter time It is not recommended to use creams containing large amounts of water under powder. Before applying powder, excess cream must be carefully removed with a napkin.

If you constantly work at a computer, facial skin protection is even more necessary, since in such conditions the risk of premature aging increases. In addition to the use of protective day creams and moisturizing night creams, regular (about once every 2 hours) irrigation of the facial skin is recommended. For this purpose, special sprays with thermal water are used. They perfectly moisturize the skin without damaging makeup, and sometimes they can even “fix” it. If your face is not wearing makeup, you can irrigate your skin with ordinary mineral water or wipe it with a napkin soaked in it. Skin protection products can be not only external. Eating tomatoes and cabbage will also help protect your face from harmful computer radiation. Has a similar effect green tea(you need to drink at least 2 cups a day). In addition, make sure that the air in the work areas is not dry and stagnant. Regular ventilation is necessary; If possible, you should use special air humidifiers.

Protection for facial skin under the hot sun is critically needed. A suitable skin protection product is selected based on individual characteristics (the lighter the skin by nature, the greater the SPF protective factor should be). Cream, oil or spray is applied to the entire face (but not close to the eyes) in sufficient quantity. Application must be repeated every 2 hours. And, of course, the golden rule is always relevant - avoid exposure to the sun during the period of its maximum activity - from 12-00 to 16-00. By the way, sunscreen for facial skin sometimes needs to be used in winter - for example, at ski resorts.

The article was prepared specifically for the women's website “I am a Lady.” Reproduction of the material is prohibited!

The skin should be constantly taken care of, as it is a natural protective shell that provides us with a comfortable existence in the external environment. Most of our skin, one way or another, is protected from cold, precipitation, the influence of chemical agents and radiation with the help of various items of clothing. The only area of ​​our body that constantly remains open is the skin of the face, which is why our efforts and attention should be aimed at preserving its natural protective properties.

Attractive appearance is perhaps the main component of a person’s acceptance in society. Of particular importance are beauty and external signs of health, which are largely visually assessed by the condition of the facial skin. Thanks to cosmetology, today a woman has in her arsenal tools that make it possible to maintain a fresh and radiant appearance for many years. But besides cosmetic preparations, which should moisturize, nourish and protect the “beautiful mantle”, we should not forget about nutrition, hygiene and basic rules of behavior that protect us from the influence of the external environment.

A person is constantly faced with the aggressive influence of many factors, which can be either of natural origin or the result of industrial activity. And yet, the skin of the face must be protected primarily from the following negative effects, which are harmful in themselves and enhance the influence of others:

Thermal radiation. Causes sweating, which promotes the dissolution of various chemicals and their closer contact with the dermis. Heat also improves blood circulation in all layers of the skin, which speeds up the absorption of chemicals. Cold. Dries the skin and causes the formation of microscopic cracks. Ultraviolet radiation. Causes burns and other skin disorders, such as: Melanoma. Wrinkles. Freckles. Age spots. Vitiligo. Benign neoplasms.

Also ultraviolet radiation enhances the absorption of chemicals and their negative effects on the body.

Daily care for a “beautiful mantle” should be as natural for a woman as brushing her teeth. Remember to follow the following rules, and you can protect yourself from such serious troubles as premature aging and cancer.

Keep your skin moisturized.

Keeping the dermis hydrated is of great importance for its protection. Skin that is properly hydrated retains its elasticity and does not crack or peel.

Drink plenty of water. During the hot season, you can moisturize your facial skin with mineral water or diluted milk from a spray bottle. Use moisturizer or lotion after every wash. Choose products without sodium lauryl sulfate, as this ingredient removes natural oils needed by the skin. During the cold season, moisturizers are applied at least an hour before leaving the house. When the temperature drops significantly (more than 10 degrees), they are completely eliminated and replaced with nutrients.

Washing is necessary to remove dirt, sebum, pathogenic bacteria and dead cells. However, any cleansing is stressful on your skin, so for best results, follow these guidelines:

Use mild detergents and moderately hot water. It is not recommended to wash your face with warm water, as it deprives the dermis of its tone. After washing, rinse your face thoroughly with cool water to remove any remaining soap and improve skin turgor. Dry your face with blotting movements to avoid stretching, then apply the cream.