What can cheer up any woman? Of course, new hairstyle and the admiring glances of fans riveted on her.

However, in order to try on a new look, it is not at all necessary to radically change your hairstyle. Sometimes just a couple of interesting touches are enough and your hairstyle will shine with new facets. This task can be accomplished perfectly with bangs, the styling of which can be played and experimented with endlessly.

How to pin bangs - ways

Bangs are important hairstyle element, with which you can easily change your appearance and cheer yourself up. If you want to present this element of your haircut in a new way, just pin it up with bobby pins.

There are many options for how to pin your bangs, depending on its length and your desire. With the help of graceful transformations of the bangs, you can open your forehead, remove it from your eyes, fix it beautiful hairpins etc. So, let's see how you can pin up your bangs.

If you constantly walk around with long bangs that reach your eyebrows, covering your forehead, then you can look beautiful pin up the bangs at the top. An open forehead will draw attention to your face and makeup. You can leave your bangs smooth, apply hair gel or mousse to it, comb it up and pin it with bobby pins - you’ll get a wonderful everyday option.

Or you can comb your bangs to add volume to your hair and visually narrow your face. For holiday option You can pin your bangs with an elegant decorative hairpin. And if your bangs are too thick, you can pin up only the top part, leaving an even thin layer of strands underneath.

Another interesting one a way to beautifully pin up bangs is fashionable asymmetry. Comb your bangs to one side, fix them with hairspray or gel and pin them with a bobby pin. This asymmetrical hairstyle will suit absolutely all girls.

Parted bangs look very romantic and elegant. straight parted and beautifully pinned on the sides. This hairstyle will look best on girls with an oval face. It beautifully frames the face, emphasizes eyebrows and makeup. If you are going to a party, then pin up your bangs with pearls or rhinestones.

If you have long hair, it will look very beautiful bangs combed back along with the bulk of the hair. In this case, it will need to be secured with a hoop or hair ribbon. This hairstyle is both romantic and practical.

Representatives of the fairer sex tend to change very often.

The fastest way to change your image is a new hairstyle. But if everything is clear with the haircut, then growing curls is sometimes quite difficult.

How long does it take to grow bangs?

Nature intended it this way that, on average, a healthy person hair grows 1–1.5 cm per month. Having carried out simple calculations, we find that it will take about six months to grow bangs, and for female beauty this is an unaffordable luxury. Since all this time you will need to pin or hide your bangs, and this does not always look impressive.

But there are methods and methods that allow you to grow bangs up to 5 cm per month. We will talk about them below. It turns out that it is possible to make your hair longer in a short period of time and to grow bangs in 1–2 months. But let’s try to figure it out.

How to quickly grow bangs at home?

So, if you set a task grow bangs quickly at home , then it is necessary to resort to radical methods. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Method No. 1. Cosmetical tools

The key to success is high-quality cosmetics made from natural products.

Therefore, it is best to turn to proven, well-known brands that have proven themselves well and received positive reviews. Approach the problem comprehensively and use several hair growth aids at once:

  • shampoo;
  • rinse aid;
  • masks (mousses);
  • balms.

Remember: you should not overload your hair, so periodically replace cosmetic products with recipes traditional medicine, where 100% natural ingredients are used.

Method No. 2. Folk recipes

Masks based on mustard, red pepper, onion and garlic will help stimulate the hair follicle and allow hair to grow faster. These products are affordable for everyone, unlike the rather expensive ones cosmetics. In addition, when you make it yourself, you can be sure of its naturalness. Here are recipes for hair growth:

  1. Mustard mask. Turn 2 tablespoons of mustard powder into a creamy mass with water. Add 1 tbsp of castor oil to it. Mix and apply to the bangs area, having previously lubricated it, not reaching the roots by 1 cm, with clean oil. This is done so as not to dry out the hairs. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes and wash your hair as usual.
  2. Honey mask. Mix egg yolk and honey in equal proportions. Apply to scalp for 20 minutes twice a week.
  3. Pertsovka. Pour vodka over the pepper and leave for at least 14 days. Pepper infusion is also available in pharmacies and is quite cheap. It is mixed with castor oil 1:1 and rub in the area of ​​the bangs.
  4. Tomato rub. Grind the fresh tomato in a blender and rub the resulting mass into the bangs area. If necessary, such rubbing can be done over the entire head.
  5. Onion juice. Chop the onion and squeeze out the juice. Add 2 tbsp to it vegetable oil and apply. This remedy is considered the most effective, although the smell remains. To remove it, you can use an acidic solution (vinegar or lemon).

Method No. 3. Head massage.

Since hair growth directly depends on blood circulation in peripheral vessels, stimulation of these areas becomes a necessity. The easiest way is to resort to massage. It is carried out with light massaging movements daily.

How to grow bangs without them getting in the way?

The main disadvantages of growing bangs include the fact that during the process of their growth, they get into the eyes, hang down in uneven hairs and terribly interfere with their owner. It is at this moment that many girls abandon the idea of ​​growing it back and cut it off again. short bangs. But this method is quite radical.

You can remove your bangs so they don’t get in the way using hairpins, hoops, headbands, bobby pins, or simply braid your overgrown locks.

How to grow bangs and look beautiful?

If the decision to grow bangs has been made, then before you begin a long period of growth, you need to decide what exactly your bangs will be like in the future. After all, the shape of your face determines which bangs suit you.

It’s also worth considering how the image will change after the bangs grow out. It’s great if a hairdresser consults you, he will also advise which long bangs will suit you.

Knowing what the ending will be, be patient, since no one has yet managed to grow bangs in a week. Don't forget to consider your hair type when choosing cosmetic products to accelerate growth.

How to cut bangs to make them grow?

How to wear and pin up bangs when growing them out?

Initially it will save the bangs that have begun to grow invisible With its help, you can hide your bangs back or to the side. It will also save you if, when combing, individual strands of bangs that have not yet grown out become knocked out.

When the length of the curls reaches 10 cm, you can safely divide the bangs in the middle and style them into an overall hairstyle.

Can be used as an accessory original hairpin , which will serve as an additional decoration and make the image interesting.

Headband perfectly masks bangs and suits any type of hairstyle. With it you can create an interesting hairstyle or just let your hair down.

How to beautifully braid bangs when growing them out?

In addition to hoops, all kinds of hairpins and headbands, it will look original when growing braided bangs. Still preserved fashion trend braiders and fashionistas can take advantage of this when growing bangs.

You should give preference to tight braids, as short hairs may fall out of lush ones.

Bangs are undoubtedly the most important attribute of the style; they decorate the haircut. But it happens that it has been cut too short or unevenly, so it can be styled or pinned. So, how to pin short bangs is discussed below.


Through accessories

  • There are many devices for styling bangs, but the most effective are hairpins, bobby pins, “crabs”. They can stab her in completely different ways: on the side, with flagella, back.
  • In addition, you can transform your haircut with a scarf by tying it over unruly bangs and thereby hiding imperfections.
  • Another good way put bangs - headband. Not only is it good in action, but it can also emphasize style and image.

Before styling your bangs, you can treat them with mousse or gel and dry them with a hairdryer, directing the air in the direction of pinning.

The most popular methods of piercing

The bangs are a very problematic part, so you have to resort to hair clips or bobby pins. Below are the most common types of styling and pinning.

This bangs styling is not only simple, but also effectively changes the look, especially if it is long. After all, sometimes you want something new, namely a change of image. So, below are some parting words that will help everyone.

Choosing the right product for long bangs

Best fit modeling spray, which will maintain the effect for a long time. In second place are foam, mousse, hairspray, gel, but they can make your hair greasy, which is not very neat. But everyone has their own method for making the bangs look excellent.

The main rules for parting on the side

Next, as you applied lightly wet hair favorite remedy, let's get started bangs modeling.

This is where a hair dryer and straightener come to the rescue. It should be remembered that frequent use of devices can end in failure (cut ends).
Comb on the side, parting and length of bangs to suit every taste.
If we dry the side of the bangs, then lift it with a round comb, directing the air from top to bottom for some volume.
If you use an iron, then simply pull it to the side without holding it for more than 5 seconds.
After these steps, you can fix the finish using any method that will last the whole day.

Graceful pinning with tourniquets

This option is very simple, but quite stylish and graceful.

In order to pin bangs using this method, you need to divide the bangs into strands, twist each one into a flagellum and pin it with a crab. The hairstyle is suitable for both daytime and evening time in a restaurant. Harnesses complement the image, making it more romantic and mysterious.

Quite popular and easy way . You can use it every day to achieve stunning hairstyles without much effort. You need to comb your bangs well and pin them up with a hairpin or tie a ponytail. You can also do a little backcombing to add volume, this will enhance the effect.

How to style bangs beautifully

In addition to pinning, there are many styling options with their own unique twists and little tricks.

Comb and curl

To backcomb, you need to separate the top strand and use a fine-toothed comb to start the procedure on the bottom strand.

Do not comb with sudden movements, as there is a high probability of damage to the hair.

Using careful, calm movements, we run the comb along the strand, then record the result and cover it with the top smooth strand.

Perm is usually done on short hair and then the same procedure is carried out with backcombing.

Parting and French braiding

Everyone's parting can be different and unusual. There are straight partings, oblique, zigzag, and side partings. Today it is popular parting in the middle in the center. Just by dividing your hair into two equal parts, you can see yourself with a new hairstyle that gives freshness and shine to your eyes.

Bangs are one of the main elements of a hairstyle, allowing you to change it painlessly for length. However, there are many problems with it: in addition to the fact that it requires daily care, it needs to be constantly styled - it is she who can make the whole image sloppy. How to pin up bangs quickly, but at the same time beautifully? How to completely hide it in the general mass and take care of the growing strands?


Is it possible to style short bangs beautifully?

If the strands covering the forehead do not reach the brow ridges, it is often extremely difficult to remove them into the hairstyle. When woven into a braid, the ends peek out, so methods of changing the image involve either the use of wide headbands and bandages, or the use of styling products with a high degree of fixation.

In particular, girls who prefer short haircut and audacity in the image, you can simply treat your bangs with wax or mousse, after which carelessly dishevel her. But what about those who stick to elegant classics?

Comb your bangs at the roots, throw them back, opening your forehead, and secure them at the very ends with a pair of bobby pins to match your hair. Or you can take a hairpin that matches the design of your clothing.

The strands will hold as tightly as possible if the rest of the hair is gathered into a ponytail or bun, thereby stretching it.

You can also pull your bangs back, but cover them with a wide headband or ribbon: an option suitable for youth style, but often inappropriate in an office look. For compact face shapes, it is recommended to first comb this area at the roots and not press the bangs too much in order to add volume to it and height to the face.

If the front strands reach the middle of the forehead, you can try to braid them beautifully in braid or tourniquet above the hairline. The direction of braiding is chosen arbitrarily - it is important that the tip of the braid is hidden under long hair. Thus, the method is not suitable for ponytails, buns, etc. The weave must be secured with varnish: the peeking ends are worked on especially diligently.

It should be noted that it is undesirable to leave short bangs unstyled: unlike growing strands, being simply parted, it looks extremely unattractive, so it is either pulled out by brushing or introduced into the hairstyle.

How to remove long bangs in an unusual way?

As soon as the strands covering the forehead grow below the level of the eyebrows, they can be fully woven into the main mass or simply neatly removed various accessories. The main methods remain the same as for short bangs - bobby pins and headbands. But now it is becoming possible various braids, plaits, combs, etc.

The simplest option for pinning bangs is to do side parting and take it to the side, securing it at the temple, and then cover this area with the bulk of the hair. Attractiveness this method in that it allows you to partially open your face and stretch it out.

The same effect can be achieved if part of the bangs is pulled back, but the side strands are left: they will beautifully frame the face, also smoothing out its width.

How to pin up bangs without it being visible? Divide it into several parts and overlap each next one - the previous one after it is fixed by invisibility. The last curl wraps around her.

Very long strands can be beautifully introduced into almost any hairstyle or just braid into a thin braid, hiding its tip in the bulk of the hair. To make the fixation reliable, a bobby pin is attached under the loose curls, and the tip itself is hooked with a hairpin to a silicone elastic band.

Changing your look is quite easy if you know how to pin up your bangs in an interesting and stylish way. It will take very little time to style the strands on your face, and a huge number of accessories will allow you to flaunt a new hairstyle every day. You can simply exchange the bobby pins for a flower – and a romantic mood is guaranteed. And if you choose a strict hoop, then your hairstyle for university or office is ready.

Necessary accessories

Pick up suitable styling to the situation and along with it is quite simple if you purchase the following items:

Ways to style bangs

Choose one option or another based on the length and shape of the hair growing near the forehead, and take into account its structure. The factor to be taken into account is that long strand can be laid without much effort, but a short one may need to be pre-treated with gel or mousse to fix it, and then sprinkled with varnish.

Using bobby pins and hairpins

Before moving your bangs out of your face, match your hair clip to your outfit by color and occasion. For everyday hairstyles, you can choose more simple options, for a date or walks with your loved one, hairpins with flowers are suitable.

Going to evening celebration, give preference to masterpieces with rhinestones and sequins.

Let's look at how to beautifully pin up bangs in three ways:

Using ribbons, hoops, scarves

This option is ideal for those who want to know how to pin up short bangs. Wide accessories will firmly press the strands to the head and will not allow them to get out. Moreover, textiles are easy to match in tone with the dress.

Let's consider interesting ideas working with bangs:

Using weaving

A braid can solve the problem of how to pin bangs. With its help you can hold your hair firmly and for a long time.

Let's look at the basic options, on the basis of which it will be easy to fantasize about beautiful styling:

Using styling products

Hairstyles with bangs, combed and fixed with varnish can become a shocking option. Depending on the style, they can be combed into curls and rolled into a snail, placing it on the head or near the ear.