Jewelry is an accessory suitable not only for women, but also for men. IN modern world More and more often you can meet a guy with an earring, pendant, bracelet. For a long time, representatives of a noble family decorated their fingers with massive rings. And today, representatives of the stronger sex do not refuse to buy rings. Depending on which finger men wear the signet on, the designations for using the decoration are interpreted. In fact, it is not only the finger on which the ring will be worn that is important, but also the hand, right or left.

What does the signet on a man's right hand mean?

People try to decipher the meaning of an accessory for various reasons. Sometimes it is just etiquette for wearing jewelry, and sometimes jewelry is used as a protective talisman or amulet. In both cases, it is necessary to follow the unwritten laws of fashion, style and various beliefs, so that it is impossible to alter the intended meaning in the “wrong” meaning.

  1. Big. Psychologists say that thumb Authoritarian individuals with a strong character have the right hand.
  2. Pointing. Business etiquette does not recommend putting signets on your index fingers in order to avoid the formation of the wrong opinion about a person as an aggressive person. Let us remember which men from past eras wore their jewelry in this particular way. Guy Julius Caesar, Ivan the Terrible and other rulers striving for power and possessing dictatorial inclinations.
  3. Average. Wearing jewelry on the middle finger indicates a desire to show others your independence and self-confidence. Moreover, the more massive the ring and the larger the insert, the stronger the desire to demonstrate strong-willed qualities.
  4. Nameless. Christians chose the ring finger to wear a wedding ring. Sometimes there are two of them on this finger: an engagement finger and a wedding finger, and one of them may be a signet.
  5. Little finger. From the point of view of esotericists, this method of placing a signet is subconsciously chosen by men with strong character and leadership qualities. Psychologists say that people with a ring on the little finger of their right hand are creative people.

The kind of signets worn by men in ancient times are different from those worn today. Previously, jewelry was engraved with initials or a family coat of arms; in the modern world, rings have long ceased to be a means of leaving an impression, so the pattern can be anything. It all depends on what information about himself the owner of the unusual jewelry wants to convey.

What does the signet on a man's left hand mean?

A symbol of power or a sign of wealth, wedding ring or an amulet, just a piece of jewelry or a ring with an underlying meaning - psychologists believe that it is human nature to place accessories on a subconscious level. An interesting fact is that people with similar personality traits place jewelry in the same way.

  • Big. The habit of wearing rings on the thumb came from Ancient Rome. There it spoke of prosperity and was considered a sign of wealth. Modern jewelry should not be “conspicuous” and attract attention. It is better to choose laconic thumb rings.
  • Pointing. Psychologists describe men with a signet on their index finger as purposeful and reasonable people. But sometimes megalomania and a tendency to hysteria can be added to the above qualities.
  • Average. Several centuries ago, family jewels were worn on the middle fingers. And from the point of view of popular beliefs, rings on the third finger serve as a kind of amulet, giving vitality to the owner and protecting him from dangers.
  • Nameless. According to aspects catholic faith, the ring finger of the left hand is intended for wearing a wedding ring. In Slavic culture, there is a sign of a divorced man wearing a ring on this finger.
  • Little finger. The most ideal option is a signet on the little finger of the left hand. Many men prefer this method. The thing is that this type of wearing an accessory does not carry any semantic religious or occult meaning.

All these rules are very conditional. There are no clearly established frames and boundaries. A man can wear his jewelry as he sees fit. The most important advice is to choose rings so that they look discreet. Pretentious, bulky signets can indicate a lack of taste in their owner. In everything you need to know when to stop.

On which hand should a man wear a signet? which hand means what?

  1. so that it can be seen far away, it’s already shining so that it’s just like that and tell it
  2. Depends on the glove
  3. on both O_o
  4. Dress a bald man, stylishly now
  5. It doesn't matter which one is more convenient. It means fingers, not hands.
    Typically the signet ring is worn on the left little finger, but in France men often wear it on the left ring finger. The classic wearing rules in France are defined as follows: the upper part of the engraved area should be directed towards the nails. If the person who wears the signet is the head of the clan (senior male representative), he wears the signet on the ring finger of his left hand. If a person is simply a representative of the clan, the signet should be worn on the ring finger or little finger of the right hand.
    The signet ring can be worn with the engraving on the outside or inside of the palm. These days people wear it the latter way more and more, but the French generally prefer traditional way(outside). Wearing a signet inside in France means that a person is engaged.
    Wearing a signet on your hand is not a sign of nobility, just as the absence of a ring does not mean that a person is not a nobleman. Many nobles do not wear signets, either out of modesty or because they prefer not to be classified as such.

    The ring finger, apparently, was not chosen by chance by lovers, because wearing a non-engagement ring on this finger indicates a romantic nature. In addition, those who like to wear any ring on the ring finger really value beauty and, at times, luxury. They are not without a passion for art. A ring on the ring finger can also signal a desire for pleasure and thrills.

    An authoritatively pointing finger with a ring gives those wearing it the self-confidence that is so necessary for innate modesty. The ring on the index finger seems to spur hidden leadership aspirations in them and helps to overcome difficulties in communication. The future conqueror with the most serious intentions is already visible before his eyes. The main thing is not to become dependent on decoration, otherwise

    Hands with a ring on the thumb often come into view. The owner of the hands is characterized by incredible energy and a flurry of emotions, as well as steadfastness in defending his own opinion. Those who wear a ring on their thumb fully admit their temper and try to cope with it. They actually don’t like to conflict, it’s just that their search for the optimal communication option is accompanied by rather violent outbursts.

    The ring on the middle finger is usually a family ring. It is intended to emphasize the connection with family and history. Those who wear a ring on the middle finger can understand very deeply philosophical issues, twists of fate, etc.
    But the ring on the little finger makes me think. It has been noticed that on this finger it is most often worn by rather selfish people who are prone to various vices such as gambling or adultery.

    As you can easily guess, wearing two or more rings can be interpreted as a combination of different personality types. On the other hand, if all the fingers are hung with rings, it means that this is a rather original person, although perhaps not sufficiently self-confident.

People have worn since ancient times jewelry. Rings played the role of amulets and amulets. It was believed that wearing a ring on a certain finger could change fate and improve a person's life.

The first men's rings, according to historians, appeared in Ancient Rome. It was not a simple decoration, but an indicator of independence and maturity young man. A modern man wears a signet on whichever finger he wants, without always thinking about what character traits he reveals in this way.

A little history

Previously, this decoration was a symbol of the fact that its wearer belonged to representatives of high society. Such rings were worn by kings, generals, and representatives of the clergy. Letters were sealed with it. By the imprint on a wax or wax seal, the addressee could find out who the letter came from.

A few interesting facts:

In the Soviet Union, there was an unspoken ban on men wearing rings. An exception was made only for the wedding ring. And only recently have men's signets become popular again.

Now there are no strict restrictions on wearing rings. Everyone can wear them the way they want. Where a man wears his signet depends on what exactly he wants to communicate about himself to others. Even if not everyone is familiar with the etiquette of wearing rings, a certain impression will be subconsciously created about the person. The meaning of each specific option has a certain meaning.

Features of wearing jewelry

Not only women, but also men love jewelry. Of course, we mean rings. They can be either very thin or massive. A heavy massive ring is called a ring, and a signet is one of the types of ring. There are many models: with stones, with patterns, smooth cast ones without decorations. Sometimes there are options with engraving. This usually means it was made to order (unless it's an heirloom). Everyone chooses the desired option themselves.

Signet on the little finger

In ancient times, on the little finger of the left hand there was a ring that served as a seal. It is believed that creative individuals prefer to display their ring on this finger. There is an opinion that men who wear a ring on it are prone to gambling and flirting. Palmists believe that a signet on a man's little finger means that its owner has a strong-willed character and the ability to persuade.

On the ring finger

This finger "answers" for love and family. It is on him that the wedding ring is worn. Catholics wear this decoration on their left hand, and Orthodox Christians wear it on their right hand.

It is also believed that the nameless one is responsible for creative success. Therefore, you can see the ring on it for artists, painters and other representatives of creative professions.

Middle finger decoration

Since ancient times, family jewelry has been worn on this finger. This speaks of respect for one's ancestors. There is an opinion that wearing a signet on the middle finger will help overcome difficulties and increase the owner’s prudence.

Psychologists believe that wearing a ring here demonstrates a man’s confidence in his abilities.

Index ring

It is quite rare to see a ring here. Previously, the location of the ring on the index finger indicated a person's membership in an order or fraternity. According to psychologists, purposeful rings are worn on it, strong people. It is believed that sensible men wear it on right hand, and wearing it on the left hand indicates that the person suffers from delusions of grandeur and is prone to hysterics. Psychologists do not recommend using signets on the index fingers, as it creates the impression of increased aggressiveness of the owner of the jewelry.

Accessory on the big one

If a representative of the stronger sex wants to assert himself, he puts the signet on his thumb. Such people are distinguished by powerful energy, impulsiveness and sexuality. Very often such men have a quarrelsome character. In this case, the ring should be small and laconic in design. Too massive and elaborate jewelry on the thumb will look vulgar.

Following these unspoken rules, every man will be able to choose an accessory that suits his character and choose where to wear it.

Historical facts indicate that the wearing fashion first appeared in Ancient Rome. Representatives of the stronger sex put several similar accessories on their hands at the same time. The signet on the finger was not only a decoration, but also a symbol of maturity and independence young man. In addition, a ring of this type was considered a magical attribute that had an influence on the fate of the owner. We will learn more about this relationship and what fingerprints mean in this article.

What does palmistry say?

Even ancient experts in this field argued that the fingers on the hand are “responsible” for personal qualities and the ring on a certain finger plays the role of an “amplifier” of certain character traits. Modern psychologists, having studied this fact, largely agreed with the opinion of ancient palmists. By looking at a man’s hands, and specifically at the finger on which the ring is worn, one can draw certain conclusions about him as a person. From the information presented below, you will learn how to “decipher” the character of a representative of the strong half of humanity, whose hands are decorated with a large ring. Men, having familiarized themselves with the facts described, will be able to decide on which finger to wear the signet in order to turn their destiny in the right direction.

Little finger

It is this finger that selfish and gambling individuals prefer to wear. Such people are characterized by a craving for new experiences. They are frequent regulars at casinos and entertainment venues. Their passion is so great that they can put the most precious thing in their life on the line. It is very difficult for people living with such a man. He rarely shows tender feelings for his chosen one and is capable of betrayal.

When thinking about which finger to wear the signet on, do not opt ​​for the little finger, do not “awaken” bad qualities in yourself.

Ring finger

The ring placed on this finger indicates that its owner is a romantic and enthusiastic person. Traits of such a personality include energy, expressiveness, and sexuality. Such men value beauty and wealth. As a rule, they get carried away various types art. Among the professions, they choose those that are related specifically to this direction: artists, actors, performers, photographers.

In addition, the signet on the ring finger, like any other ring, is a symbol of family and love. Therefore, if a man constantly wears this jewelry on his right hand, this indicates that he is a faithful and loving spouse and a good family man.

Middle finger

Family jewelry is worn on this finger. This suggests that a person honors his ancestors and is proud of his ancestry. Also, the fact that the middle finger is decorated with a ring indicates that the man is a philosopher. He is able to calmly and wisely solve problems and look for the most correct way out of various life situations.

In ancient times, the signet on the middle finger was considered a symbol of sexuality. Representatives of the stronger sex specially decorated this finger with a metal ring and believed that their masculine strength would become stronger. And modern scientists claim that wearing it gives a person vital energy and vigor.

You now know on which finger the strong and courageous wear the signet, and we hope you will be able to draw the right conclusions for yourself from this information. However, the facts presented later in the article also deserve attention.

Index finger

Very often in illustrations in history books we see kings, princes, and generals with an outstretched arm. These people are wearing a large signet ring. This suggests that powerful and tough natures prefer to decorate with such an accessory. Such men are characterized by the following character traits: pride, courage, self-confidence. And if you are still thinking about which finger to wear the signet on, then take these facts into account. The qualities of a leader will not be superfluous for any man.


The ancient Greeks associated it with the phallus. To enhance sexual power, they decorated this finger with rings made of iron.

Representatives of the stronger half of the population who want to assert themselves wear a ring on this finger. These people are different strong energy, sexuality and impulsiveness. Men with a ring on their thumb are often big brawler. They enter into an argument at every opportunity, even if they are sure that they are wrong. It is very difficult for such a person to admit his mistakes.

You already know which finger people with this or that character wear the signet on. Most likely, you have made a decision for yourself which finger you want to decorate with this accessory. But you need to know how to wear it beautifully and correctly. For example, if you put on a signet, then you should not put any more rings on that hand. The only exception to this rule can be a wedding ring, and then only on condition that the signet is placed on the thumb or index finger.

Well-groomed hands are a prerequisite for wearing jewelry on them. No precious ring can cause positive emotions and admiration if the nails and skin of the hands are unclean in terms of hygiene and the presence of physical damage (abrasions, scratches, wounds).

Which finger to wear the signet on is up to the man himself. But we hope that with the help of our tips, representatives of the stronger sex will be able to do right choice. I would like to believe that the fact of having this jewelry on that other finger will really help them change their lives for the better.

Today we will look at a man's ring and signet, as two completely different types jewelry for the stronger sex.

You will learn:

  • How to wear a ring and signet correctly?
  • What do astrologers say about choosing a finger for decoration?
  • Interesting facts and a little history.
  • On which finger do men wear the signet, and what does it mean?
  • On which hand is the ring worn?
  • Which ring will become a talisman for its owner?

History of the signet. IN In ancient times, both women and men wore precious jewelry. These were gold chains, large rings with stones, earrings, pendants, with which the nobility were hung from head to toe. Such abundance jewelry emphasized power and wealth. Over time, the stronger sex stopped wearing several jewelry at the same time, thereby changing fashion for many centuries.

If earlier the ancient Egyptian priests believed that a man's signet had the properties of an amulet and protected its owner from the evil eye, then over time the purpose of such decoration changed radically.

Just a few hundred years ago, a mirror print of a signet was considered a personal signature. Such jewelry was used to seal letters, and the man's ring itself was passed down from generation to generation from father to son.

At the moment, a man's signet has a more aesthetic function, because almost no one uses paper letters anymore, much less sealing an envelope with an important document with wax. Although, family signets are still worn by the royal family in Great Britain, the Pope, as well as many celebrities and the top of society.

Why should you wear a signet?

  • Modern
  • Fashionable and stylish
  • Maintains status
  • Makes an excellent family heirloom

Agree, many men do not wear jewelry at all, except for a wedding ring. Some people find it inconvenient, others think it’s kitsch. But remember that a correctly selected stylish signet will only emphasize your status. After all, there are a lot of design options, and you will surely find the ring that suits you perfectly.

If previously the seal had a mirror engraving of the family coat of arms, initials or other design symbolizing something, now this print has been replaced with more modern versions. These can be abstract drawings, or signs of the Zodiac, inscriptions in Latin.

Fashion trends have not bypassed men's signets, and have made a revolution in the jewelry world. Masters create miracles with perfection with men's rings, combining several types of gold in decoration, as well as encrusting the signet with small diamonds.

Another modern option is to make a custom antique men's signet. The master, using various methods, artificially ages the surface of the ring, thereby giving this jewelry the appearance of a long-standing family heirloom.

Character and characteristics of a person Purpose of the ring What a decoration
ThumbEmotional, energetic menRestrains temperament and pacifies aggressionSignet with red or yellow gold, without inlay.
Index fingerMen with low self-esteemIncreased luck and self-confidenceRing or signet made of white gold, platinum
Middle fingerMen Facing Insurmountable SetbacksHelps you cope with difficulties and problemsFamily name signet. The color of the metal does not matter
Ring fingerAesthetes. Lovers beautiful jewelry seeking fame and fortune. Also, single people (worn on the left hand) who want to find their soulmate.It will help you achieve great success in love, universal fame and acquire significant capital.Ring made of yellow and red gold. A combination of several colors is possible, as well as inlay with diamonds.
Little fingerMen who directly connected their profession with communication with other people: politicians, speakers, psychologists, businessmen. And also fans of extreme sports and gambling.Improves oratory skills, helps to reach out and find a common language with your interlocutor.Gold signet or ring with

Did an astrologer's advice help you when choosing which finger to wear the signet on? A year ago, we raised this topic in more detail on the Centaurus Journal blog, and you can learn something interesting for yourself there, and accurately decide on both your finger and your hand -

A few facts about which hand to wear the signet on:

  • The signet ring is most often worn on the left hand - on the little finger.
  • French men wear this ring on their left ring finger.
  • Family family signet: the head of the clan is worn only on the ring finger of the left hand, and the rest of his male relatives are worn on the little finger or ring finger of the right hand.

Let's start reviewing the men's ring

Do you know the difference between these two men's jewelry? If the signet is made of gold, platinum or silver, and can be inlaid with several small precious stones, then in a man’s ring there is always one large large solitaire stone. It can be either precious or semi-precious.

E it's fashionable. For several years now, the fashion for gold rings with onyx has held a leading position in men's jewelry. Astrologers explain this by saying that the powerful energy of this stone gives determination and inspiration to its owner. And the stylish deep black color goes perfectly with any color of gold or platinum.

Are you choosing a ring but can't decide on the design? Be sure to look at the option of a ring made of 585 gold and onyx solitaire. In our workshop you can make such a ring to order.

Weight 15 grams - price 16,000 UAH.

Order a ring! Press!

How to choose and wear a ring?

  • Decide on the color of the metal. If you already have an engagement ring or bracelet on your hand, then opt for a ring made of a similar precious metal.
  • The size of a man's ring and stone plays a big role. If this is your first decoration, you should not immediately buy a massive option. You may feel uncomfortable or uncomfortable to wear. Pay attention to simplified models with a minimum of elements.
  • Don't forget about your everyday clothing style. Massive ring with big stone rarely fits under a business suit.
  • Put on the ring, clench your fist, wave your hand. If you are comfortable and the ring does not pinch or fall off, this is your option.
  • You choose which finger to wear the ring on yourself. But about the most popular stones in these decorations we will explain below.