Cleaning jewelry Maintenance must be regular if you want to keep your jewelry in perfect condition for as long as possible. It's no secret that anyone a precious metal wears out, becomes dull, becomes clogged with small particles of dust, and stones lose their shimmer and shine over time.

Quite often when purchasing jewelry you can hear that cleaning should be carried out only in a specialized salon by professional means. Indeed, a person working in such a field knows all the processing technology in great detail and does it masterfully. But who said that it is strictly forbidden to clean jewelry at home?

The correct approach to each type of material will give results no worse than in the workshop. The main rule for cleaning jewelry is to determine the type of precious metal and the nature of the contamination.

Cleaning jewelry with improvised means

We offer several types of jewelry cleaning with household products, in which you will find a variety of methods that suit you and your jewelry. It is worth mentioning that different types of precious metals need to be refined different ways. With prolonged use of jewelry, they come into close contact with skin, dust and other contaminants. As they are worn, the items lose their luster, become dull and are no longer as luxurious as before. If you are planning to clean items at home, then jewelers recommend doing this at least once every six months.

Gold processing

Processing almost any type of gold can be done at home using available materials found in the kitchen or medicine cabinet. The most popular jewelry is considered to be work made of yellow gold. If your jewelry is not equipped with stones, then you can safely proceed to such manipulations.

  1. The most gentle processing of gold items occurs using soft fleecy material. You can rub your jewelry regularly in this delicate way. Brush each area of ​​the item with light massaging movements until it becomes shiny. This procedure is suitable for adding shine to jewelry, but will not cope with complex stains.
  2. Gentle cleaning of gold jewelry can be done with soapy water, liquid dish soap, shampoo, or liquid “powder.” In a small fireproof container, prepare a strong solution from the product suggested above. Place a velvety rag at the bottom of the container and place the jewelry on top. In this position, boil the items in the liquid for about 2-3 minutes, then remove and wipe dry with a suitable cloth.
  3. Using the same detergents described in the previous paragraph, you can make a warm bath for gold jewelry. Objects can be kept in this solution for 15 to 120 minutes, depending on the degree of contamination. The bottom also needs to be covered with soft material. At the end of the procedure, each piece of jewelry is treated with a soft toothbrush or a special brush, then washed in running water and dried with a fleecy cloth.
  4. Hot water with baking soda helps break down stubborn stains. For this procedure, you need to pour water into a small fireproof container, into which you then lower it onto the soft fabric of the product. Add 1 tbsp to well-heated water. l. soda and let the items sit for a few minutes. After this, the jewelry should be carefully removed so that it is hot enough and cleaned with a brush. Then rinse thoroughly and dry. It is not recommended to treat products with dry powder, because abrasive particles will completely scratch the metal!
  5. Laundry powder in combination with ammonia gives a good result for uncleaned items. For 1 tbsp. hot water you need 1 tbsp. l. powder and alcohol. It is advisable to leave the jewelry in this solution for several hours, then wash and dry it.
  6. In a concentrated saline solution prepared in the following proportion: 2-3 tbsp. l. table salt by 0.5 tbsp. water, you can leave the products overnight, then rinse thoroughly and dry.
  7. Sweet water works the same way as saline solution. The recommended proportions are the same, but the waiting time can be reduced to 4 hours.
  8. Many people practice cleaning jewelry with toothpaste. This method is acceptable if the paste is quite tender or without dried grains. A little product should be applied to the surface to be treated and the jewelry should be cleaned with light movements. Sweep toothpaste you need quite a long time under a good stream of running water.
  9. Fresh onion juice may seem like an unusual remedy to some, but quite often jewelry owners use this “grandmother’s” method. The precious metal can be dipped into onion juice or simply rubbed with a cut of the vegetable. After a few hours, the jewelry can be safely washed without even using a brush.
  10. Ammonia in combination with hydrogen peroxide gives an intense reaction and a good result. It is highly not recommended to soak products with stones in such liquid! To prepare the solution, mix in 1 tbsp. cool water 2 tbsp. l. 3 percent peroxide, 3 tbsp. l. ammonia and a couple of drops of detergent. Gold must be kept in liquid for about 2 hours, and then washed and dried.
  11. Beer, oddly enough, also cleans gold jewelry. The drink (preferably light) should be applied to a soft cloth and rubbed onto lightly soiled products.
  12. Vodka, alcohol and, as a last resort, perfume can also be used to clean jewelry dyes.
  13. Ketchup is another old non-standard method. It can be used like toothpaste. And it cleans the surface due to its high level of acidity.
  14. Contact lens liquid is also known to work well on gold jewelry. The beauty of this solution is that it does not need to be prepared, mixed or heated. Just pour the liquid purchased at the pharmacy into the items overnight.
  15. GOI paste is a good substitute lipstick with any color palette. All you need to do is apply the lipstick to the product and rub the product with a cotton pad or soft cloth until the paste disappears completely.
  16. Egg white in combination with 2 tbsp. l. beer, formed into a homogeneous mass, can make gold shine again. Simply apply the mixture to a cloth and wipe the jewelry with it.
  17. 9% table vinegar will also add shine to jewelry if you apply it to a cotton pad and thoroughly treat the jewelry.

As you can see, folk remedies there are a great variety of gold products for processing! You can test each method yourself and choose the most suitable one for yourself.

But cleaning other, rarer types of gold, such as white, pink, red, black, blue, green and other shades, should be done more carefully and try not to use alcohol cleaners. Depending on the purity and color of the gold, the percentage of alcohol in the processing solution may also change.

If a piece of jewelry made from a rare type of gold has a fairly high price or is valuable as a keepsake, then for the first cleaning it can be taken to a jeweler. Perhaps the master will share with you information about the rules and features of caring for such jewelry.

In rare cases, when it is necessary to urgently process a rare type of gold, you can use a 10% ammonia solution. Ammonia should be mixed with cool water in a ratio of 1:6, then add liquid soap or detergent to the liquid. The decoration should be placed in the solution for no more than 15-20 minutes, and then removed with hands wearing rubber gloves. The procedure is completed by washing under running water and drying with a soft pile material.

How to properly care for your silver

With proper care of silver, it will not have time to become dirty and darken. The fact that silver is not capricious and can be processed fairly quickly makes it possible to keep jewelry in perfect condition without much difficulty. The processing of silver items will be of higher quality if cleaning procedures are used frequently enough.

  1. A strong soap solution will remove fat deposits from silver items, and adding 1 tbsp. soap liquid 1 tbsp. l. ammonia will increase the cleaning efficiency several times. It is necessary to soak items in this solution for 2-5 minutes, then rinse under water with a brush and rub with a soft cloth.
  2. The same soapy liquid will help remove blackening from precious metal, in which the products should be soaked for at least 2 hours. After this, the silver is thoroughly rinsed, dried and treated with a mixture of tooth powder and ammonia. The pulp should be rubbed in with a soft cloth and then washed off with boiling water. The procedure is completed by rinsing and drying.
  3. Raw potato juice can also serve as a good cleanser. You need to moisten a cloth with potato juice, rub the product with it and leave it in that state for an hour. After the time has passed, thoroughly rub the items again and rinse.
  4. Ordinary table vinegar 9% perfectly corrodes not only fat, but also blackness. In 0.5 tbsp. vinegar you need to add 2-3 tbsp. l. water and pour the resulting liquid over the silver metals. After 2-3 hours of soaking, you can take out the products, rinse and rub until shiny.
  5. Aluminum foil gives a good chemical reaction. Line a small bowl with a piece of foil and fill it enough hot water and add 1 tbsp. l. dry bleach or laundry detergent. One minute will be enough for a positive result. Instead of cleaning powders, table salt is sometimes added in the same volume.
  6. Ammonia in combination with water should be applied using rubber gloves. This method will require mixing 1 tbsp. water with 0.5 tbsp. ammonia. Place the silver in this liquid for no more than 10 minutes, then remove it, rinse under running water and rub with a lint cloth.
  7. Toothpaste is the most common way to clean silver jewelry. Using a soft toothbrush, simply brush all parts of the product with paste. At the end of the process, using the same brush, the silver is thoroughly washed from the remaining paste under running water.
  8. Soda is a fairly abrasive material. The powder is slightly diluted with water to obtain a paste and the silver is rubbed with this mixture until it shines. To prevent grains of food from getting stuck in the recesses of the jewelry, the jewelry is thoroughly washed immediately after cleaning procedures. However, it is worth considering that baking soda can scratch new or delicate products.
  9. You can treat silver with hydrogen peroxide only if you know for sure that there are no other impurities in your product. Moisten a piece of soft cloth with peroxide and rub the jewelry until shiny.

Let us remind you that almost all of the above methods do not allow the presence of stone inserts in the precious metal. It is advisable to start cleaning silver jewelry with the most gentle methods, and only if necessary move on to more drastic methods.

Platinum purification

Platinum purification is perhaps the rarest process. Platinum jewelry is superior in durability and quality to previous metals. Such products practically do not oxidize and in rare cases darken. But, like all jewelry, platinum jewelry gets scratched when worn. After prolonged use, platinum jewelry acquires a light patina. But this may be more likely due to the presence of many small scratches.

Since platinum has high strength and density, it practically does not require radical processing methods. To maintain cleanliness, it is enough to soak such jewelry for a short time in soapy liquid, shampoo or other detergent. In rare cases, you can use a soft toothbrush when dirt has become embedded in the curves of the object. After thorough washing, platinum items are polished with a soft suede cloth.

Professional care

Without professional care and specialized means are simply not enough in cases where traditional methods cleaning jewelry does not give the desired result. And experts strongly recommend visiting a jewelry workshop at least once a year for proper cleaning of your jewelry.

One of the newest and most effective technologies is polishing and washing in an ultrasonic bath. Initially, this procedure was carried out only by qualified specialists who were very familiar with all types of precious metals and stones. But with the advent of miniature devices for processing jewelry and costume jewelry on the consumer market, every jewelry owner has the opportunity to clean products at home.

The device is a small bath in which products and ordinary water or special liquid. Next, the machine should work according to the instructions and composition of your jewelry. Quite often, when purchasing such devices at an affordable price, jewelry owners are dissatisfied with the quality of the device. In the workshop, objects processed in a similar way shine with cleanliness. Often the answers lie in the quality of the equipment and the professionalism of the specialists.

If you are not ready to purchase an ultrasonic device or doubt its performance, visit a jewelry specialist several times a year. He actually masters all processing methods and will be able to prevent possible breakage, secure fastening or stones falling out in time.

In jewelry stores, repair studios, and even online stores, you can also purchase specialized products for high-quality cleaning of your jewelry. Such devices remove dirt first-class, returning your products to their original appearance. This can be an aseptic liquid for cleaning your items, which should be used according to the instructions, dry or impregnated wipes, and even entire jewelry care kits.

With the mass popularization of highly professional cleaning products for jewelry maintenance, jewelry owners are increasingly giving preference to such treatment items.

Options for restoring jewelry with stones

Options for restoring jewelry with stones involve delicate work with one or another type of material. Although, in principle, the processing of precious metals is not difficult, but at times difficulties arise with jewelry inlaid with various types of stones. We should talk separately about products with inserts, because there are certain types of jewelry to which stones are attached using glue. If it reacts with water or a more aggressive liquid, the adhesive may lose its properties. In addition, there are many types of stones that require special care.

Organic materials

Organic materials are fossils of organic origin that have acquired the structure of rock over time. These include: corals, ammolite, pearls, jet, amber and mother-of-pearl. Filigree jewelry with such inserts does not tolerate acidic or alkaline solutions, as well as interaction with ammonia:

  • It is recommended to treat jewelry with the listed stones in a 50% alcohol solution;
  • Pearls require special careful cleaning. The jewelry should be cleaned with a soft brush soaked in soapy water. After this, the products are washed and carefully dried;
  • amber and coral mineral are processed only by the dry method using a cotton, wool or velor cloth.

Antique jewelry set with stones, or those on which the stones are attached with glue, are best left to be cleaned by professionals.

Semi-precious items

Fossils with a density percentage below five are considered semi-precious items. Similar stones include moonstone, garnet, turquoise, quartz, opal, tourmaline, malachite and others. Items with such inserts are quite sensitive to prolonged interaction with liquids. Also, stones are afraid of acidic environments and alkalis, so the best option is short-term treatment with soapy liquids. The cleaned jewelry is rinsed in running water and polished with soft cloths.


Precious stones contain very high hardness. They are quite resistant to chips and scratches:

  • Craftsmen advise cleaning jewelry with expensive stones with denatured alcohol applied to a cotton pad, a stick with cotton wool, or a piece of soft cloth. Use a dampened object to wipe all hard-to-reach openings, and then rinse and polish with a dry velvety cloth;
  • For heavily soiled items, treatment with hair shampoo, liquid soap or diluted washing powder is recommended. You need to moisten a cloth in the cleaning liquid and rub all the parts with it;
  • It is recommended to treat products with diamond inserts with a delicate brush soaked in soapy liquid;
  • more diamond jewelry soak in non-concentrated diluted ammonia (2-3 drops of ammonia per 1 cup of water). Half an hour will be enough for a good cleaning;
  • greasy deposits that have formed on your product with stones can be removed using a soft brush soaked in gasoline. After such an event, the jewelry must be thoroughly rinsed to remove unnecessary odors.

Almost all stones do not tolerate hot water well, so jewelry with inserts should be cleaned in warm or cold water.

Rules for storing precious metals

Appropriate storage rules and timely care of precious metals will help maintain their original shine and high-quality appearance. Take the time to treat your jewelry regularly and it will serve you for many years.

  1. Jewelry should be stored in a special case (box) upholstered with soft material.
  2. Products with various types Metals should be kept away from each other or placed in separate fabric bags.
  3. Semi-precious stones do not tolerate contact with the sun well, so they should be kept in a closed container.
  4. It is advisable to keep a suitcase with jewelry away from heating devices and other sources that emit heat.
  5. Try to always remove jewelry before going to bed, while cleaning, taking a bath, or playing sports.
  6. When using different perfumes, try to avoid areas with jewelry because the contents of the perfume can affect the appearance of metals and stones.
  7. Choose the appropriate cleaning product for each precious metal or stone.
  8. At least once or twice a year, arrange a comprehensive inspection of items from jewelry makers. Professionals will not only perform a good treatment, but also inspect to identify other defects.

To ensure that your precious alloys and inserts always delight you, make it a rule to superficially clean your jewelry at least once a month. In addition, follow the recommendations for caring for different types of jewelry. And when using professional cleaning products, read the instructions carefully.

A timely procedure for treating jewelry from dust or dirt will allow you to enjoy the beauty and shine of your favorite jewelry!

Exist different types alloys of gold with other metals. Some are harder, others are softer. On soft alloys, micro-scratches appear faster, causing the product to become dull.

Why do jewelry fade?

There are four more reasons why jewelry loses its presentable appearance.

  1. Natural human secretions. The body produces sebum and sweat. The secret adversely affects jewelry.
  2. Cosmetical tools. Do you use creams? decorative cosmetics? Protect items made of gold or gilding from contact with such substances - they age the jewelry.
  3. Detergents. Cleaning powders and bleach have a particularly detrimental effect on rings and bracelets.
  4. Dust and dirt. City and household dust gets into the corners of jewelry, making it dirty and unsightly.

Types of stains and 3 options for solving the problem

Gold is a delicate metal and is easy to scratch. Decorations with stains also look unsightly. Most often, products need to be washed:

  • from blackness;
  • from darkening;
  • from traces of soot;
  • from inclusions of dirt;
  • from greasy deposits.

Whatever problem arises, you can use one of three cleaning options.

  1. Professional. A jeweler will help restore gold to its original shine and clean it using modern, gentle ultrasonic technology.
  2. Homemade using folk remedies. Washing gold at home to make it shine is not an easy task. But doable. Various recipes and “grandmothers’ advice” are used: vinegar, foil, toothpaste and others.
  3. Homemade using special products. Jewelry stores sell special solutions, wipes and creams for cleaning gold at home. With it, all contaminants disappear without additional effort or equipment. You can also purchase a compact home ultrasonic bath for cleaning items made of precious metals and jewelry.

How to clean gold: 12 traditional methods

There are 12 folk ways how to clean gold. When choosing the right one, remember that jewelry should not be rubbed with force. Also, dry soda, sugar and bulk cleansing are not used. Fine abrasives may scratch the product. Use brushes with soft bristles only.

  1. Soap solution. Mix a tablespoon of shampoo in a glass of heated water. Place the product in the solution. Wait two hours. During this time, all contaminants will dissolve. To enhance the effect, go over problem areas with an old toothbrush. But remember that the bristles should be soft.
  2. Toothpaste. Cleaning with toothpaste is the most common. Apply some paste and clean the gold. If you clean the chain, distribute the contents of the tube over the entire length at once, then wipe it back and forth with a soft cloth. According to reviews, this is the most effective way.
  3. Petrolatum. Take in equal proportions: powdered chalk, soap shavings, Vaseline, water. Mix chalk and soap, then add Vaseline. Gradually add water to bring the mixture to a paste. Application: lubricate and wipe.
  4. Lipstick. Titanium dioxide, which is contained in women's lipstick, will help against dark stains on gold and gold-plated products. Take a clear lipstick and apply it to cotton wool or fabric. Wipe down the decoration. The pomade will also help polish away any scratches on the gold.
  5. Vinegar with onions. To remove dark stains, wipe the product with a mixture of grated onion and vinegar (1:1).
  6. Sugar. Mix two teaspoons of sugar in a glass of water. Soak the gold for at least six hours.
  7. Salt. Leave the jewelry in a solution of a glass of water and three tablespoons of salt throughout the day.
  8. Soda with foil. Place foil on the bottom of an enamel dish and fill with half a glass of water. Add two teaspoons of baking soda. Will begin chemical process, known as ion exchange. In this way you can clean not only gold, but also silver. Place items in the solution. Keep for at least ten hours.
  9. Egg and beer. Whisk beer with egg white. Rub the mixture over the decoration.
  10. Liquid for lenses. Pour liquid over all decorations for three minutes.
  11. Hyposulfite. A substance used by photographers will help get rid of iodine stains.
  12. Lemon. Squeeze lemon juice and wipe problem areas.

When you have decided how to clean gold, prepare not only the ingredients and equipment from the recipe. You should have a dry and soft cotton napkin on hand. After the procedure, the gold should be washed in clean water and wiped dry. Do not wear products immediately after cleaning.

3 recipes with ammonia

Not a single first aid kit is complete without ammonia. With its help you can add shine not only to glass and mirrors, but also to gold. There are three recipes for cleaning gold at home with ammonia.

  • Option number 1. For a glass of water, one small spoon of alcohol. Dampen the cloth or cotton wool and wipe the jewelry. Wash everything with soapy water, then with plain water.
  • Option No. 2. Make a paste from crushed chalk (talc) and ammonia. Apply as in the previous method.
  • Option No. 3. Mix ammonia (a teaspoon), liquid soap (half a teaspoon), warm water (a glass) and hydrogen peroxide (30 ml). Immerse your earrings or ring in the solution for ten minutes.

Ammonia is a powerful cleaner, but it has a pungent odor, so use in a well-ventilated area. It is good for them to do a “deep cleaning”, but not often. Ammonia can damage some materials, so this method is not suitable for cleaning earrings or rings containing platinum, stones or pearls.

If there are inserts

Stone inserts on jewelry will not tolerate rough treatment. They are easy to scratch and become dull. Know that stones do not like water. Those parts of the jewelry where the insert is attached should not get wet. Especially if the stones are glued. Otherwise, valuable minerals will simply fall out. There are two ways to clean gold with stones:

  • alcohol - wipe products (for example, with cubic zirconia) using soft fabric or cotton pad;
  • soap solution- process carefully and quickly, and then it is important to dry well.

Diamonds are cleaned no more than once a month. And it is still advisable to entrust such products to a jeweler. And special store-bought solutions or ammonia will help you clean white gold with diamonds at home. Remember, stones such as opal, pearls, turquoise and amber do not tolerate a humid environment.

5 rules for wearing

Caring for gold jewelry is easy. By following these five tips, you can extend the interval between cleanings and keep your items looking expensive for a long time.

  1. Remove before cleaning. Housework or renovations and decorations do not go together. Even when washing dishes, take them off or wear gloves.
  2. Avoid contact with cosmetics. Cosmetics have a detrimental effect on the appearance of products. When applying creams, gels, perfumes, do not let them come into contact with gold.
  3. Protect from sunlight. The sun's rays change the light of metal. Therefore, protect your gold from such contact. A box is suitable for storage, but keep in mind that cardboard boxes are prone to stains. The best thing is wood, lined inside with a polishing material.
  4. Protect from temperature changes. Fluctuations in the thermometer and changes in humidity indicators have a bad effect on the condition of jewelry.
  5. Remove at night. And be sure to wipe with a soft cloth after each wear.

Do not take seriously the advice to clean gold with Coca-Cola or other sodas - they are harmful not only to the stomach, but also to precious metals.

Don't put off cleaning your gold at home until later. Proper care and careful handling will extend the life of your jewelry.

Graceful gold chains and luxurious rings, elegant earrings and pendants, thin and wide bracelets - there is hardly a single woman who is absolutely indifferent to this beauty. At home, every representative of the fair sex has a treasured box in which her personal “gold reserve” is stored. Of course, it is always nice to go out in a magnificent gold set, but gold tends to fade over time. Then the impression will be completely different! Let's see if there are ways to clean gold at home, without resorting to the expensive services of jewelers, and make it sparkle again?

Why do you need to clean gold?

If our rings were made of pure precious metal, then most likely they would not change their appearance. However, alloys are always added to gold for jewelry:

  • - copper;
  • - zinc;
  • - cadmium;
  • - silver.

They are the ones who are sensitive to the effects unfavorable factors external environment: polluted air, water, various chemicals with which we come into contact in everyday life, for example, floor cleaning products, hair coloring products. Often alloys oxidize, and gold jewelry not only tarnishes, but can also change color.

Even white gold, which is a more “noble” mixture (silver, gold, palladium), sooner or later darkens, microcracks that are invisible to the eye may appear on it, into which particles of dirt become clogged.

An important point: it is dangerous to wear regular earrings and piercing “earrings” for a long time without subjecting them to treatment and cleaning from time to time. Dirt can get into a small wound (the slightest damage to the puncture site is enough) - and inflammation is guaranteed.

So, you need to get rid of dirt in a timely manner. How to clean gold jewelry at home so that you never end up in such an unpleasant situation?

White and yellow gold: are there any nuances?

Before considering the methods and methods by which you can clean gold at home, we note one feature of these precious metals: white gold should be handled more carefully than its “simple” counterpart. Do not subject it to active scraping with coarse bristles.

At the same time, white gold requires more frequent cleaning. Yellow can be treated with cleaning mixtures less frequently: it resists external “dangers” quite steadily.

How to clean gold at home: the most common methods

When wondering how to clean gold at home, craftsmen try many different means. Hydrogen peroxide has proven itself well, coping well with even very severe stains, and ammonia.

Hydrogen peroxide plus ammonia

Pour about 40 ml of peroxide into a glass of warm water, add a teaspoon of 10% ammonia (aka ammonia) and the same teaspoon of liquid soap. All this should be mixed, after which the decorations should be placed in the solution for 20 minutes.

After the specified time has passed, the gold should be washed with ordinary running water, blotted thoroughly with a napkin and left to dry completely in a dark place.

Cleaning gold with ammonia

To make your rings and chains sparkle like new, you can do this: pour a 25% ammonia solution into a small container and immerse the items in it for 4 hours. Cleaning gold at home in this way is easy - you just need to make sure that the jewelry is completely immersed in the cup. After cleaning, do not forget to rinse the products with plain water and dry.

Ammonia for gold jewelry

Some people will prefer this method: cleaning with ammonia. We take:

  • - ammonia (10% solution) - 0.5 cups;
  • - water - 0.5 cups;
  • - any detergent - 1 tablespoon.

First you need to boil water and pour it into a glass. Pour alcohol into the water that has begun to cool and add detergent. What to take? Maybe something inexpensive, like Pemolux. You can use Cinderella dishwashing detergent. Leave the gold in this mixture for 1.5 or 2 hours, and then rinse with water. Wipe and dry. Done – your jewelry will shine again!

Napkins with vinegar

Cleaning gold at home with vinegar is also a simple operation. You should moisten a napkin with table vinegar (which, of course, every housewife has) and thoroughly wipe all gold items. Or you can immerse the gold directly in vinegar.

Then rinse the gold and wipe dry. The smell will disappear quickly.

Dishwashing liquid as a gold cleaner

Any gel used for washing dishes - for example, "Fairy" - is perfect for cleaning gold items at home. You need to pour a tablespoon of cleaning product into a glass of warm water, foam the mixture and put the gold there for a couple of hours.

Next, you will have to apply a light mechanical force - gently rub the dirty and darkened areas with an old toothbrush. This is how gold is cleaned at home if it is not equipped with polished precious stones that can be inadvertently scratched.

How to clean gold at home with salt?

It turns out that among the methods invented by folk craftsmen there is a very elementary one, accessible even to a child. A mother busy with housework can entrust this operation to her daughter or son in the evening while preparing borscht. How to clean a gold chain at home when you don’t have anything on hand? Take half a glass of hot (moderate temperature, not boiling water, of course) water, add salt (three tablespoons) and stir. Now let the child dip the gold jewelry into the solution and observe them. You can shake the water from time to time.

The mixture should be left until the morning. In the morning, jewelry should be washed and dried. After this they should shine.

How to clean gold jewelry using vinegar and citric acid

You can quickly clean gold at home by using vinegar in combination with citric acid. We dilute half a bag of lemon in water, boil it, add vinegar (no more than a tablespoon). Place the decorations in the hot mixture for a few minutes and that’s it. Then follow the usual procedure: wash, wipe, dry.

Refining gold...with soda?

How to clean gold at home if you have a lot of Coca-Cola left over from yesterday children's day birth or any other soda? It’s a pity to pour it out, you won’t drink it anymore... Remember, do you have a gold ring that hasn’t been cleaned for a long time? Pour some delicious water into a glass, and then put the ring in it. Literally half an hour - and the gold will become perfectly pure. If not completely, spoil it additionally with a soft brush.

The most needed product on the farm? Of course, vodka!

We already know how to clean gold with ammonia. What if you use another product - one that also contains alcohol and is highly respected by the people? How to clean a gold ring, for example, with vodka?

We moisten a cotton swab with the “fragrant” liquid and simply wipe the ring. Those who have tried this method say that the dirt is removed without leaving a trace.

Soap and water are our best friends

Gold earrings and gold chains require periodic bathing in soapy water no less than their owners. You can set up a “bath” for jewelry like this: beat the soap until a fluffy foam forms and place gold in the soap solution. Leave for a couple of hours, then remove and rinse with clean water. If dirt remains noticeable here and there, you need to rub these places with a soft brush or cloth.

Cheap gold cleans well laundry soap. It needs to be planed or grated, add hot water. You can crumble half a piece of white chalk into the resulting “porridge”. Jewelry should be kept in the mixture for 1.5 or 2 hours, then rinsed, dried, and lightly polished with flannel.

You can make a mixture of:

  • - half a cup of soap shavings;
  • - a glass of warm water;
  • - a third of a teaspoon of Vaseline;
  • - halves of a piece of chalk.

After mixing everything thoroughly, immerse the jewelry in the “gruel” for about an hour. Then you should rinse them and dry them.

The sweet way to cleanse

The following method may seem very unusual: 3 teaspoons of sugar should be dissolved in warm water and gold items should be placed there for several hours. It's great if you leave them in the sweet solution overnight. In the morning, wash off the sugar water, blot with a napkin, dry the gold and put it in a dark place.

Gold and bow

If you can easily tolerate the smell of fresh onions, grate half an onion on a coarse grater. Or you can squeeze the juice out of it onto a cotton pad. You can immerse your jewelry in the onion mixture for half an hour, or you can wipe all the earrings and rings with a cotton pad and onion juice. Then you need to thoroughly rinse the jewelry to remove the “aroma.”

Lipstick as a cleanser

The exotic way to remove stains on jewelry using lipstick is not very well known. However, those who have tried to care for their gold in this way claim that the method works. Perhaps you have leftover unused lipstick that you won't wear on your lips anymore? Then why not use it in cleaning gold jewelry?

To do this, you only need to rub lipstick on each pendant, earrings or bracelet, rub with a dry cloth and rinse the items well with running water. Helps! The cleansing effect is explained by the presence of titanium dioxide in the lipstick.

Mustard powder

It’s also easy to remove stains from your favorite jewelry with mustard powder. You need to pour the powder onto a clean napkin and wipe the gold items with it. The powder acts as a very mild abrasive: without damaging the jewelry, it gently cleans it.

Matte gold: what should we use to clean it?

Cleaning matte gold has its own characteristics. The surface of such products is easily damaged by mechanical action. Therefore, you should not use brushes and powders with large particles when cleaning matte jewelry. Of the methods already listed, you can use cleaning in an ammonia solution.

You can also try mixing the following ingredients:

  • - a teaspoon of lime;
  • - a teaspoon of water;
  • - half a teaspoon of soda;
  • - salt on the tip of the knife.

You should get a soft paste. It needs to be left for 3-4 days, after which rub the gold items with a flannel cloth moistened with the resulting product. Leave the decorations for 4 hours. Then wash and wipe dry. In this way, even old dirt is cleaned off.

Taking care of jewelry with stones

Gold earrings with stones, rings, pendants decorated with diamonds and pearls - what to do with these gold jewelry?

Many stones do not tolerate moisture well, so they should not be allowed to remain in prolonged contact with water. Such jewelry includes:

  • - malachite;
  • - pearls;
  • - amber;
  • - turquoise.

You can quickly wash jewelry with these stones in a soapy solution and immediately dry it properly. You can treat them with alcohol using just a cotton swab. If you want to clean cubic zirconias to make them shine, use vodka. Jewelry should be placed briefly in a glass with this alcoholic drink.

Rubies, sapphires and topazes can withstand bathing in solution washing powder. But it’s better not to use laundry soap: it will contribute to the loss of shine.

Please note: pearls are very afraid of vinegar: this “stone” simply dissolves in vinegar. So try other methods: for example, wash your pearl necklace with shampoo and dry it.

If your jewelry includes sets with natural turquoise, it is better not to try to remove dirt from them yourself: entrust such products to specialists. Turquoise is a capricious material.

Rules for caring for gold jewelry

Cleaning your gold jewelry should be done once every 2 months - this will be enough to maintain its magnificent appearance. But in order for such frequency to be sufficient, it is necessary to observe simple rules, which will help you preserve your jewelry in all its pristine beauty for a long time.

  1. First: when you come home, immediately take off your gold jewelry. An exception may be the case when you decide to arrange with your spouse romantic dinner or when guests are expected. While doing our usual housework (peeling vegetables, doing small laundry, mopping the floors), we often forget to remove the rings. Jewelry quickly becomes covered with dirt, which is not always easy to wash off later.
  2. Rule two: do not store gold items in cardboard boxes and caskets. Today there are many such “chests” on sale, which are very attractive in appearance, but deteriorate the appearance of gold during long-term storage. Cardboard contains sulfur, which, when released, causes the gold to tarnish.
  3. Third: put your “gold reserves” in a place where the sun’s rays do not reach. It should be dark and dry there. Constant high humidity will not have the best effect on the “appearance” of your jewelry. And don’t throw all the rings and chains into a pile indiscriminately: it’s better to arrange them with flannel rags so that they don’t scratch each other.

Gold jewelry brings its owners many pleasant emotions. They are universal, suitable for any age and any life situation, be it a business meeting or an after-work party. To ensure that they always please the eye and shimmer with a bright shine, follow simple rules for storing jewelry and do not forget to clean them from time to time. Then your jewelry will always sparkle like new.

Gold is an unpretentious metal, but still, from time to time, products made from it tarnish and change color. There are simple methods on how to clean gold accessories with stones yourself at home. They can quickly restore the beauty of a precious metal.

Several factors influence the formation of plaque, darkening, and loss of shine in gold jewelry:

  1. Organic compounds are released from the human body through sweat and form a plaque that collects dust particles and contaminants.
  2. Due to exposure to cosmetics, perfumes, household chemicals, pharmaceutical products develop a patina (patina) on gold. If the compounds contain iodine or mercury, the result is stains that only a specialist can remove.
  3. Chemical effects on precious metal include the influence of alkalis and metals contained in tap water.
  4. The dark mark on the leather left by new products is a consequence of coating the gold with a substance for pre-sale preparation. It can be easily removed with a napkin.
  5. Low-quality gold with an altered alloy is susceptible to oxidation. Only a jeweler can clean such products.

How to clean gold at home

When gold jewelry is worn constantly, it needs to be cleaned monthly. Small stains can be removed with soapy water. To do this, use mild detergents or delicate shampoo.

You can clean gold with stones yourself as follows:

  • accessories are soaked in a previously prepared solution or the composition is applied to the surface, cleaned with a soft-bristled brush;
  • products are rinsed under cool water;
  • dried;
  • polish with suede or a flannel-like cloth.

Gold jewelry with stones should be cleaned using methods that do not use abrasive or acidic agents.

Salt or baking soda, if used, must first be dissolved. You cannot keep a product with a glued stone in water; it can be cleaned with cotton swabs.

  1. Peridots cannot be cleaned with acid.
  2. A special paste, ammonia or soap composition will do.
  3. , corals, turquoise, like all soft minerals, do not tolerate hot water or alcohol-containing compounds (including ammonia).
  4. Ammonia does not pose a threat to cubic zirconia, zircons, and citrines.
  5. For sapphires, topazes, rubies, emeralds, hot water is excluded.
  6. Alcohol solutions are recommended for emeralds, sapphires, and diamonds.
  7. Rubies, garnets, opals, lapis lazuli, and amethysts can be cleaned with a brush and soapy water.
  8. Large stones can be cleaned with the burnt end of a charred match, passing it over the surface of the gem.

The choice of method for cleaning jewelry yourself depends on the texture, color of the product, and the attachment of the stone insert.

White gold items require delicate cleaning so as not to damage the rhodium layer. To do this, place the jewelry in the cleaning composition for 30 minutes. A longer period of time will negatively affect the attractive appearance of the accessories.

At home, 100 ml of water and ammonia are used for the solution, shampoo is added - 1 tbsp. spoon. For minor stains, replace ammonia with delicate soap.

Watch the video on how to clean decorations at home:

Cleaning the chain

The chain consists of small, easily torn links in which dirt accumulates. You can clean your gold accessory and avoid tears by soaking it. The product is immersed in the solution for half an hour and dried naturally.

Cleaning earrings

Earrings usually consist of small parts, decorated with stones. Therefore, you can clean your jewelry in two stages. The fasteners are processed first. The inserts are then carefully arranged. The method depends on the type of stone and how it is fixed.

Cleaning rings

Rings get dirty more often; dust, grease deposits, and dirt accumulate in their corrugated patterned parts.

  1. When it is necessary to add shine to the jewelry, it is polished with suede.
  2. If the stone is glued, you can clean it with a cotton swab dipped in a weakly concentrated soap solution.
  3. Difficult-to-clean areas with patterns are wiped by moistening a swab with glycerin.
  4. Gold rings with topaz are cleaned with ammonia (7-8 drops) mixed with liquid soap (40 ml). The accessory is kept in the composition for about an hour.
  5. Jewelry with cubic zirconia can be cleaned with any paste-like product available at home, without abrasives.

Gold cleaning compounds

There are many recipes for cleaning compositions for gold jewelry that are easy to make yourself. Some achieve quick results, while others require a longer time for the gold to shine.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

For the solution, select a non-metallic container, pour 200 g of water at room temperature. Add:

  • 40 ml of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide;
  • 1 teaspoon of ammonia;
  • 2 teaspoons of delicate detergent or liquid soap.

The decoration is left in the composition for a quarter of an hour. You can clean hard-to-reach openwork parts with soap or toothpaste.

In addition to the topic, see the express cleaning method:

Medical alcohol

The accessory with the stone is dipped in alcohol, then wiped with a soft cloth previously soaked in soap and water. To dry, the product is placed on the base so that residual moisture drains or evaporates, but is not absorbed.

Citric acid solution

A gold product is immersed in a weakly concentrated aqueous solution of citric acid for no more than 7 minutes. The method is not used for jewelry with chrysolites.

Sugar syrup

50–75 g of sugar is dissolved in 200 g of hot water. Place gold jewelry in the cooled syrup for 12 hours. The method is suitable for cleaning lightly soiled accessories with mechanically attached stones.

There is a quick option where the jewelry is dipped in slightly sweetened water and polished.

Unusual cleaning methods

There are other options for using improvised means to clean gold accessories:

  1. Before polishing, the gold is rubbed with lipstick.
  2. Gold jewelry can be soaked in Coca-Cola for 0.5 hours.
  3. A solution is poured into a bowl, wrapped inside with foil, in the proportion: 20 g of soda per 200 g of water. Products are soaked for 24 hours.
  4. Moisten with table vinegar cotton buds or discs, wipe accessories with them.
  5. Toothpaste is a common remedy to clean gold with stones. This method does not require immersing accessories in water.
  6. A composition of chalk (3 pieces) and ammonia (5 tablespoons) is applied to gold jewelry with stones for a few minutes.
  7. Products are soaked in contact lens liquid in the evening and left until morning.
  8. Gold is rubbed with a fresh cut of half an onion.

In specialized stores, along with instructions for use, they sell products for cleaning gold with stones.

In liquid media, the products are kept for the specified time. Accessories are moistened with sprays before polishing. The paste is applied to the surface, the most contaminated areas are rubbed.

What not to use for cleaning

The use of unsuitable means and methods for cleaning gold products results in the formation of scratches and stains. To save noble metal, do not apply:

  • boiling;
  • abrasives;
  • hard brushes, sharp objects;
  • laundry soap, washing powder.

It is not difficult to clean gold jewelry with stones yourself. Following the cleaning rules will help keep the metal looking attractive longer.

How do you clean gold jewelry with stones? Tell us about your experience in the comments, share the article on social networks.

Even if a woman (and a man too) has only one wedding ring, he still needs to have a periodic bath day. Or at least clean it.

Everyone washes their face several times a day, but they forget about the ring or chain. But microbes and dust accumulate on them, and the gold itself fades over time, becoming covered with microcracks and stains.

Of course, if you have a whole box of gold jewelry, and some of it is even exclusive, then it is best to turn to specialists for help. This is especially true for those jewelry that consists not only of gold, but also ennobled with precious stones, pearls, or very expensive, carved, with many small links.

Professionals will expertly clean gold jewelry, which will become as good as new after cleaning.

Also available at jewelry store special remedy, which is designed for cleaning gold jewelry. Most likely, you will be offered jewelry cosmetics from the Aladdin company. But if you still decide to clean gold items yourself, then at least buy special wipes for polishing gold items in the store. Their price is reasonable. After all, those rags that you have at home may simply not be suitable for this job.

And for those who still want to clean gold jewelry themselves, below are methods for cleaning gold jewelry and recommendations on how best to do it.


But first you must remember that cleaning gold without stones and with stones differ significantly from each other! After all, if an ordinary wedding ring can be cleaned with soda and toothpaste, and can also be dipped in boiling water, then a ring with a precious stone requires a more careful attitude.

For example, when cleaning with abrasives, scratches may appear on the smooth surface of the stone, and when in contact with boiling water, the color may change. This means that if you are going to clean a gold ring or earrings with precious stones such as amber, opal, emerald, pearls, then they cannot be mechanically cleaned using chalk, toothpaste and other substances.

The main methods of cleaning gold jewelry - liquid solutions with the addition of active substances: soap, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, citric acid and others - must be applied carefully to gold jewelry with stones.

After all, if hard precious stones (diamond, beryl, aquamarine, topaz, quartz) react well to contact with ammonia or hydrogen peroxide, then soft stones (turquoise, coral, pearls) cannot be cleaned with either vinegar or ammonia.

You also need to treat white gold with care., which can be damaged by too vigorous cleaning. Therefore, it is also cleaned with liquid soap, ammonia or alcohol.

Cleaning gold with soap

Method 1. This method is the simplest and most easily accessible. To keep your gold jewelry as good as new even after a few years, they need constant care. If you always wash them in soapy water, you won't have to resort to more drastic measures.

To do this, pour hot water into a bowl and add soap or dishwashing liquid. Whip up a rich foam and dip your gold jewelry into it.

After one or two hours, rinse them in clean water and place them on a napkin to dry.

Festive video recipe:

If the jewelry is poorly washed, take a soft toothbrush and lightly scrub the jewelry with it.

Method 2. Grate the laundry soap and add the same amount of chalk to it. Pour in some hot water to make a thin paste. Rub this mixture onto your decorations. For this purpose, you can use a soft toothbrush. Polish clean jewelry with a soft, dry cloth.

Method 3. Prepare a small amount of soap shavings. Add to it the same amount of Vaseline, crushed chalk and water. You will get a thick paste. Apply this paste to a soft cloth and clean your gold items. Then wash them well to remove any greasy film and dry them.

Cleaning gold jewelry with sugar

This method is good for adding shine to gold jewelry that does not need to be cleaned to remove dirt and stains.

Pour clean water into a glass and add two or three teaspoons of sugar. Stir. Immerse your gold jewelry in sweet water and leave it there overnight. In the morning, take out the products and rinse with plain water. Pat dry with a clean napkin.

Cleaning gold with vodka

This is probably the most common and easy way. In addition to vodka, you can use alcohol and even gasoline. Apply the liquid to a piece of cloth and rub the product with it. If the product has many links, then it is best to pour the liquid into a small container and lower the decoration into it. This method is suitable not only for an engagement ring, but also for decoration with transparent precious or semi-precious stones.

Cleaning gold with carbonated soda

To restore the original shine to gold jewelry with clear gemstones, dip it in a glass of soda and leave it overnight.

Alka-Seltzer to the rescue!

If the decorations are dull, just put them in a glass of sizzling Alka-Seltzer for two minutes. This is often enough to make the jewelry shine again.

Cleaning gold with vinegar and citric acid

Pour vinegar, lemon juice or diluted citric acid into a cup. Place the gold jewelry and hold for a few minutes. Then rinse and dry.

Cleaning gold jewelry with baking soda

Method 1. Pour some baking soda onto a plate and add enough hydrogen peroxide to make a paste. Clean the ring with this mixture, and then rinse it in clean water.

Method 2. Gold decoration Sprinkle with a thin layer of baking soda. Then pour vinegar and rinse with clean water. This method cannot be applied to gold jewelry with pearls or other precious stones.

Method 3. Mix table vinegar with soda in a 2:1 ratio and immerse gold jewelry in this liquid for one to two hours. Then rinse with clean water and dry with a soft cloth or special napkin.

Method 4. Cover a bowl with foil and pour in some water. Add salt and baking soda to the water. Stir. Place the gold jewelry in the water and use a soft brush to clean it thoroughly. Then rinse in clean water and dry.

Method 5. Place 50 g of baking soda in a small enamel bowl and pour half a glass of water. Place gold jewelry in a saucepan and put it all on the fire. As soon as the water and soda boil, add two tablespoons of vinegar, reduce the heat and boil for twenty minutes. Take out the decorations and let them dry.

Cleaning gold jewelry with baking soda

This method is suitable for both silver and gold jewelry. Prepare a solution of half a liter of hot water and a tablespoon of soda.

Place a piece of zinc in a jar and place all the gold jewelry there. Fill them with hot soda solution.

Take out the jewelry, rinse it in clean water and dry it.

Cleaning gold jewelry with ammonia

Method 1. Add a few drops of ammonia to a glass of water and immerse gold jewelry in it. After an hour, take them out and rinse them in clean water. If the jewelry is very dirty, you can add a little liquid soap to this composition.

Method 2. Pour equal amounts of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia into a glass of water. Add a little washing powder to them. Place gold jewelry there and leave for five minutes. Then remove them from the glass, rinse them in clean water and dry them with a soft cloth.

Method 3. Pour a glass of water into a small saucepan, bring to a boil and add a tablespoon of ammonia and some liquid detergent, for example, dishwashing detergent. Dip gold jewelry in this water and leave for two hours. Then take them out and rinse in clean water. This method helps clean heavily soiled jewelry.

Method 4. Place heavily soiled gold jewelry without stones in a small container and fill it with ammonia. Leave it for several hours without fear of ruining it. Then remove the jewelry from the solution and rinse under running water. Dry.

Cleaning gold jewelry with lipstick

Apply any lipstick to the gold item (you can use the cheapest one). Wait a little and carefully wipe off all the lipstick with a clean, dry cloth. Your gold jewelry will immediately shine like new. Titanium dioxide has this effect on gold.

Cleaning gold with mustard powder

Mustard powder is a mild abrasive, so it will not cause any harm to gold rings. To clean them, sprinkle a little dry mustard on a cloth and gently polish the items.

Cleaning gold with toothpaste or tooth powder

Since these substances are still abrasives, they need to be cleaned very gently, only lightly polishing the product. Diamonds respond very well to such cleaning. To do this, you just need to squeeze a small amount of paste onto a soft toothbrush or cloth and rub the ring with it. You can only use white classic toothpaste without a whitening effect.

Tooth powder can be diluted lemon juice. After cleaning, the ring is washed in clean water and dried on a rag or paper napkin.

Polishing gold jewelry with beer

Method 1. This method is only suitable for jewelry without precious stones. Moisten a cloth with light beer and gently wipe the jewelry with it. Then wipe dry.

Method 2. Combine half a glass of warm beer with one egg yolk. Clean with this mixture gold product and then rinse in clean water.

Cleaning gold with salt

Pour a glass of hot water into a bowl and add four tablespoons of salt. Stir until completely dissolved. Place gold jewelry in this solution and leave for twelve hours. Then rinse them under running water and dry well.

Cleaning gold jewelry with a bow

Take an onion and peel it. Then grate and squeeze the juice into a cup. Place jewelry in this juice and clean with a soft brush or cloth. Rinse and dry the cleaned items.

Cleaning gold jewelry with chemical reagents

Method 1. If you accidentally dropped iodine onto the ring, you can clean it in this way: put one teaspoon of hyposulfite in a glass of water and stir. Immerse the ring in this solution for fifteen minutes. Then rinse and wipe dry.

Method 2 Suitable for cleaning matte gold. Mix 8 parts bleaching lime, 7 parts bicarbonate of salt and 2 parts table salt in a bowl. Add 1/3 cup of distilled water. Place the decoration in the mixture for a few minutes. Then take them out, wash them with alcohol and leave them on sawdust or a paper towel to dry.

Method 3. Mix 16 parts chalk, 4 parts white lead, 6.5 parts clay, 0.5 parts bloodstone, 1.5 parts magnesia. Use this powder to clean your gold jewelry.

Method 4. Mix 80 g of iron oxide (kolkotara) and 30 parts of ammonia. Clean your jewelry with this mixture.

Method 5. If stains appear on the gold ring, they can be removed with a borax solution. To do this, moisten a cloth with the solution and wipe the ring.

Tips to help you keep your gold jewelry in excellent condition

  • Taking on homework, it is necessary to remove all gold jewelry so that it does not come into contact with hot, humid air, for example, in the bathroom. And also did not come into contact with detergents such as bleach or bleach.
  • Sometimes the rings grow into the finger so much that they can no longer be removed. In this case, you should always wear rubber gloves to protect the ring from an aggressive environment that could damage it.
  • Wash gold jewelry often in soapy water or wipe it with alcohol.

  • Remove all jewelry before taking a bath or going to the shower, sauna, or swimming pool.
  • Remove gold jewelry before undergoing cosmetic procedures in a salon or at home. After all, creams, lotions or paints can react with gold and ruin it.
  • Store gold jewelry in a dry place in a wooden box. You should not store jewelry in a cardboard box or box, as cardboard can release substances that will affect the color of the items. For example, if cardboard contains sulfur, the surface of the jewelry will oxidize.

Remember to take care of your gold jewelry and it will always be in perfect condition!