Baby bottles must be washed very carefully: babies’ bodies are very susceptible to pathogenic bacteria formed in leftover food, and chemicals should not enter the baby’s body.

Although some pediatricians are against frequent sterilization of baby utensils, none of them denies that feeding bottles need to be kept perfectly clean.

The baby's dishes need to be washed in a certain order:

  • Immediately after feeding, the bottle is disassembled and rinsed as much as possible. hot water, removing plaque and remaining milk or porridge. After that, if you don’t have free time, you can leave it in the sink. If the dishes are too dirty, they are filled with soda solution.
  • Next, wash it thoroughly with a brush or brush, Special attention paying attention to the thread and the bottom. The pacifier, ring and removable handles are also rubbed with a special small brush.
  • Then rinse the bottle well with hot water.
  • After washing, place it on a clean towel in a well-ventilated place to dry completely. The drying process also needs to be monitored, because poorly dried dishes can also harbor bacteria.

If the appropriate permission is given on the dishes themselves, then they can be washed in the dishwasher using baby detergent. However, it is still better to clean the nipples by hand.

Can I use detergents?

When washing, it is allowed to use detergents, namely:

  • baby dishwashing detergent;
  • baby soap;
  • laundry soap.

Some conservative parents do not use detergents, using baking soda, mustard powder or table salt.

However, modern detergents for washing children's dishes contain a minimal amount of harmful substances, which cannot be said about ordinary detergents Oh.

Bottle sterilization

Sterilization is a set of measures aimed at the complete destruction of all types of microorganisms.

Until recently, it was believed that newborn bottles should be sterilized before each use, and by 6 months the frequency of sterilizations could be reduced.

However, modern pediatricians say that it is necessary to sterilize a child’s dishes only before the first use or after a long break in use.

Sterilization is carried out using:

  • boiling;
  • steam treatment;
  • special sterilizer;
  • multicookers or steamers;
  • microwave;
  • special means(tablets, solutions).

To sterilize by boiling, place baby dishes in a pan of filtered water and boil for 5-7 minutes. Then it is taken out with tongs, laid out on a clean towel and allowed to dry thoroughly.

Rubber nipples quickly deteriorate after such sterilization; silicone nipples are more durable in this regard.

Sometimes the bottles are held above the steam rising from a kettle or saucepan. Some parents pour water into the bowl of a multicooker or steamer, and place the dishes in a special compartment above the bowl. This method is considered more gentle than boiling.

If sterilization is carried out regularly, then it is more advisable to purchase a special sterilizer.

Water is poured into it, and several bottles are placed into the container at once.

To sterilize, some parents immerse the dishes in a glass bowl of water and microwave them for a few minutes.

There are also special reusable bags on sale where water is poured and bottles are placed. After this, the bag is sealed and placed in the microwave.

Only dishes that do not contain metal parts can be sterilized in the microwave.

Sometimes, in the absence of the possibility of boiling or using a sterilizer, microwave or multicooker, parents use special solutions and tablets. Pour water into a bowl, dissolve the product and immerse the bottles for half an hour.

How to wash baby bottles when traveling?

When preparing to travel with your baby, you need to place the pacifier brush, brush and detergent in sealed bags.

It is best to wash baby bottles in potable water.

In the absence of such, you can do this under running water, after washing the sink.

Since the quality of the water used is unknown, the dishes must be sterilized after such washing.

If this is not possible, you need to rinse it with as hot water as possible.

When traveling, special aseptic tablets are also useful, which can sterilize children’s dishes in cold water in half an hour.

For those who like to travel, special sterile inserts for the bottle have been created: they are removed after each feeding, but the container itself remains clean.

Thus, parents should approach the issue of cleanliness of children's dishes with all responsibility. The baby’s immature immune system may not be able to cope with bacteria that appears in a poorly washed feeding bottle.

Video on the topic

Many of us dream of becoming a mother or father. Those who have already become happy parents, realized the burden of responsibility that fell on their shoulders. First of all, these are constant worries about the baby’s health. Parents need to protect their child from contact with various pathogens and must ensure the cleanliness of the objects around him (carpets, toys, dishes, etc.).

In this regard, the question of detergents for washing children's dishes becomes very relevant. Synthetic reagents, which we often use in everyday life, are not suitable because they contain chemical compounds and salts that are harmful to health. It is impossible to remove them from the surface of the dishes in one or two rinses. We have to look for an alternative approach, because we are talking about the safety of using detergents on a child.

Folk remedies for washing children's dishes

Mustard powder will successfully remove grease and will not leave scratches on the dishes.

Let's start with the simplest. One option is to wash baby dishes with regular hot water using special cleaning tools such as a brush and sponge. The main thing in this method is not to leave the dishes dirty, wash them immediately. How effective is this method? Of course, it is ineffective. Only some microbes die when processed using high temperatures. Also, it is often impossible to completely remove food residues (from, or), including fats that settle on the walls of the dishes. The advantage is the availability of this method and minimal costs. But not all parents have the time and desire to immediately start washing the dishes after the child has eaten.

Every family has baking soda, mustard and vinegar in their kitchen. But not everyone knows that these are not only food additives, but also good dishwashing detergents. For example, soda is good at removing even stubborn stains from old kitchen utensils. The recipe for its use is quite simple: pour a small amount of soda into a bowl, dip a sponge and wipe the dishes. For greater effect, you can use the edge of a lemon as a cleaning object. Using soda is absolutely harmless for children, and the dishes will always shine. On the plus side, this cleaner has disinfectant properties, so you can say goodbye to germs. The only drawback of soda is that it cannot be used for enamel, Teflon and any other dishes that are sensitive to abrasion. Scratches may remain on the surface.

If parents are worried about the condition of their children's dishes, then it is better to use mustard powder (mustard) instead of soda. It does not leave scratches on the surface and is much more effective at removing grease, unlike the previous product. For convenience, you can pour mustard powder into the container of an empty salt or pepper shaker and use the required amount when washing dishes, or simply dip a damp sponge into a saucer with mustard. To enhance the effect, you should take vinegar. It is mixed with mustard powder or ready-made cheap mustard is taken (it already contains acetic acid). Vinegar by itself will not cope with fat, but it has many other benefits:

  • disinfects dishes;
  • destroys mold and viruses;
  • copes well with dirt;
  • removes food odors.

In addition to detergents from food additives, you can use laundry soap to wash children's dishes. It is made from organic substances and contains no dyes, preservatives, or fragrances, which makes it safe for use. Recipe for making dishwashing liquid from laundry soap: you need to grate it (100 g) and dissolve it in 0.5 liters of hot water, then stir until the soap shavings dissolve. To enhance the effect, you can add a quarter cup of glycerin to the prepared solution (it softens the skin of your hands) and the juice of one lemon or leave it without them. Soap does a good job of removing grease and disinfecting. However, there is an opinion that it is not completely washed off from the dishes, forming a film on it. This way, residual soap solution can get into your food. To prevent this from happening, the dishes should be thoroughly rinsed with water after treatment.

Basic requirements for detergents for washing children's dishes

Children's dishwashing detergent should not contain components hazardous to health, fragrances, synthetic dyes or substances with a strong odor.

People of the 21st century often do not trust people's councils and are increasingly resorting to searching for detergents in departments household chemicals. However, when choosing such products, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • compliance of baby detergent with sanitary standards and GOST;
  • absence of strong odors (may have a very light aroma), as well as synthetic dyes and fragrances in the composition (only natural dyes, approved for use in the food industry);
  • good washability regardless of water temperature;
  • absence of chemical compounds hazardous to the body (parabens, phthalates, phenols, sulfates, formaldehydes, phosphates, petroleum products, EDTA and NTA, SLS, etc.);
  • the presence of an antibacterial component in the composition, which ensures good disinfection of children's dishes;
  • A good addition is the presence of substances that protect the skin of the hands from irritation and dryness (glycerin, plant extracts).

Attention! This applies to every parent. Before purchasing baby dishwashing detergent, be sure to study its composition!

The main thing is not what is written on the label in large letters (this could be an advertising ploy by the manufacturer). It is important to know what is inside the bottle, because we are talking about safety of use in relation to a child. The inscriptions on the label: “Does not cause allergic reactions”, “From the first days of life” and others do not always correspond to reality.

The well-advertised baby dishwashing detergent “Eared Nanny” can easily be found on store shelves. Unfortunately, not everyone knows that its components are far from ideal. And the composition is not much different from conventional synthetic dishwashing detergents. Be careful!

Ecological detergents for washing children's dishes

Taking into account all the points regarding the choice of detergents for washing children's dishes, we can give an example of those that are popular with many parents:

  1. Ecological dishwashing liquid Ecover is created from plant-based components and does not contain harmful chemicals or petroleum products. Cleans children's dishes perfectly even in cold water.
  2. Babyline (“Babyline”) is a detergent for washing children’s dishes, which, thanks to natural ingredients, included in its composition, can be used to rinse vegetables and fruits.
  3. "Our mother" - effective remedy for washing children's dishes, removes residues of dairy, fermented milk and other products, and is easily washed off with water.
  4. “Planet Organica” is an ecological dishwashing gel with organic lemon (99.5% natural ingredients). Effectively copes with washing dishes, fruits, vegetables and children's toys.

Finally, I would like to talk about one exotic detergent - bamboo napkins. They are quite difficult to find, and they are expensive. But, as they say, nothing is spared for the health of children. Bamboo napkins perfectly remove grease and any dirt from children's dishes without using any detergents. The advantage is that using napkins is quite simple: you just need to wash them periodically. They will last long enough.


So, every parent wants their child to grow up healthy, so it is necessary to be especially careful when choosing products for washing children's dishes. This article will help you navigate the cleaning methods, but the choice is always yours. Someone will like the old, time-tested folk remedies, and someone will go to the store and buy environmentally friendly gels or liquids that are safe for the child’s body. It is worth remembering that you should not wash children's dishes with synthetic detergents, which contain harmful chemical elements and can cause damage. early age cause various diseases and allergic reactions. The main advantage of products for washing children's dishes should be safe use and no harm to the baby's health.

We choose the best food for the kids, special medicines, carefully iron their clothes, and wash them with special products. But there is one more aspect that adults do not always pay attention to - what they use to wash children’s cups, spoons, and plates. Conventional gels and powders contain enough harmful substances that can harm a fragile body. Let's find out how baby dishwashing detergent differs from regular detergent and what the market offers.

What are the requirements?

Household chemicals contain toxic substances - without them they would not give the desired effect. It is possible that the detergent will be washed off poorly and some of it will enter the body. What an adult endures without consequences can cause a sharp protest in a child’s body. That is why increased demands are placed on gels and powders used to wash dishes for children:

  1. No pungent odors.
  2. Easy to wash off with water of any temperature.
  3. The presence of a disinfectant component is against microbes.
  4. The composition of such products excludes:

– parabens;

– phthalates;

– phenols;

– formaldehyde;

– sulfates;

– phosphates;

– petroleum products.

  1. There should also be no pungent odor - no fragrant flowers or fruits, and especially no “chemical” smell. If you smell the smell of alcohol, acetone or phenol, put the bottle aside, this is not suitable for children.
  2. Absolutely hypoallergenic.

What components are acceptable?

Children's household chemicals may include:

  • Bleaching agents with disinfection effect - the presence of perborate and sodium percarbonate is allowed.
  • Substances that increase the cleaning effect in water of any temperature.

The issue of washability deserves special attention. If the dishes are carelessly rinsed, surfactants (surfactants) remain on them. They penetrate into the food and then into the baby’s stomach. According to GOST 32478-2013, the residual surfactant content cannot be higher than 0.1–0.5 mg/cu. dm. It is recommended to take products in which surfactants are obtained from natural raw materials - the presence of cocoamidopropial betaine and lauramidopropyl betaine is allowed. With such components, the product is more expensive, but also safer.

Review - what product should I use to wash children's dishes?

Detergent baby remedy it must be completely safe, not cause allergies, and there must not be a trace of toxins in it. Manufacturers have taken care to create special washing gels and powders that are easy to distinguish even visually - they are bright, with funny pictures and funny names. The diverse range can be divided into three groups:

  • for hand washing;
  • for dishwasher (PMM);
  • as well as homemade crafts made with your own hands from environmentally friendly ingredients.

Let's take a closer look at all three categories. Any household chemicals store can offer an assortment of children's dishwashing detergent. The task of adults is to study their composition and choose the best option. The popularity rating will help with this.

Hand wash

Which is the best product to choose? Let's look at a few popular products. Let's find out how to manually wash your baby's plates and which option to choose for child care facilities that are not equipped with dishwashers.

"Umka." A caring mother will definitely buy this gel - they use it to wash nipples, bottles, and toys. Creates a lot of foam and is effective in cold water. It washes off well from surfaces. There is nothing toxic in it, there are no allergens. No smell or color. Ingredients: water - 30%, plant extract, citric acid, antibacterial agent and preservative - up to 5%, sodium chloride and anionic substances - 5–15%. Costs 50–70 rubles. Consumption - a bottle per month.

Babyline. According to the manufacturer, this gel is even suitable for washing vegetables. It contains glucose, herbal extract, non-toxic surfactants, fragrance and distilled water. The bottle is equipped with a dispenser. The gel has a thick consistency, no color or odor. Does not cause allergies. Doesn't damage the skin. According to reviews from mothers, it does not break down fat very successfully. It is quite expensive - about 130 rubles.

"Our mother". This is a liquid concentrate. Suitable for cold water. Contains surfactants - anionic 15%, amphoteric 5%, nonionic 15%. Cost - 120 rubles.

AQA baby. You can wash any household items - from pacifiers to toys, you can also wash fruits. The packaging is designed to last for about a couple of months. Costs 130–140 rubles. Bottle with dispenser. Consists of nonionic and anionic surfactants, preservatives, perfume composition and water. Transparent, smells pleasantly of fruit. The only negative is the presence of surfactants.

Molecola. Environmentally friendly product. You can wash fruits and vegetables. Price - 140–180 rubles. Consists of glycerin, citric acid, water, xatan gum. One drop can wash up to 15 items.

"Stork" You can wash all baby utensils - pacifiers, rattle toys, bottles, breast pumps. This is a thick transparent gel with good foaming and a bactericidal effect. The cost of a 500 ml bottle is about 100 rubles. It contains only surfactants isolated from plant materials. Also consists of glycerin, sodium citrate, chamomile extract. Reviews from mothers indicate that the smell is too strong. Users also note a negative effect on the skin of their hands - after “Stork” it begins to peel off.

Meine Liebe. Removes grease and waxy film on fruits, creates a lot of foam and is easily washed off. This gentle gel is environmentally friendly and safe for babies - this is what the manufacturer claims. The latter also recommends it for kindergartens. However, there are no marks about environmental assessment on the packaging. Costs 150 or more rubles.

For dishwasher

If you have a dishwasher, nothing prevents you from using it to wash children's plates, bottles, etc. The main thing is to use special products. Let's look at the most popular ones.

"Eared Nanny All in 1". These are special tablets for PMM. With their help, contaminants from plant and dairy foods are easily washed off. It can also be used for washing ordinary utensils - the product copes well with grease, coffee and other stains. Price - 250–300 rubles. The package contains 20 tablets.

BioMio. This is perhaps the most popular environmentally friendly product for PMM. Seven effects in one tablet. Great Opportunities- it is not afraid of cold water, makes glass surfaces sparkle, prevents the appearance of scale, and prolongs the operation of the electric heater. The manufacturer assures that Bio Mio contains no chlorine, surfactants, artificial flavors or other toxic substances. The average price is 590 rubles.

Meine Liebe. This is a German product made from harmless components of plant origin. A package of 400 g (20 tablets) costs about 400 rubles.

Ecover. Ecological product. Tablet form of release. Suitable for any PMM. Breaks down fats. There are no flavors, sulfates or phosphates. Consists of oxygen bleach, glycerin, 5% surfactant and other approved components. The difference between the product is its biodegradability. Can be used without salt and mouthwash - these are three-in-one tablets. Costs about 700–800 rubles.

Homemade products

If you want to save money, but wash children's things with harmless ingredients, you can prepare them yourself. But keep in mind that you cannot use them regularly in PMM - this is harmful to the device, especially if it contains mustard. Some popular recipes:

  1. Soda, borax (can be bought at the pharmacy) and lemon acid. Soda ash (250 g) is mixed with fine-grained salt (half a glass), borax (250 g) and lemon (100 g) are added. Here you go the best remedy- because you know that there is nothing harmful in it.
  2. Fluffer. Yes, exactly the one you put in the dough. Mix baking powder (a glass) with baking soda (two glasses) and borax (a glass). The resulting powder is safe and cleans well. But you can’t store it for a long time - no more than a month. Then the properties are lost. Copes well with biological contaminants.
  3. Glycerol. Take liquid glycerin (25 g), lemon juice (50 g), alcohol (teaspoon) and hot water (3 tablespoons). After mixing everything, pour it into a dark bottle. Enough for a month. And they don’t store it longer. For manual use only, it is not recommended to pour this composition into the dishwasher.

Useful video:

The market is replete with all kinds of detergents, including those positioning themselves as eco-products. Study the composition of the products offered so that your child’s health is safe. Whether you wash dishes by hand or in the dishwasher, the environmental safety of the cleaning product is equally important.

Baby bottles and pacifiers need to be sterilized. A baby is most vulnerable to disease during the first year of life.

The child's immune system is not yet fully developed, so he is highly susceptible to various types of infections. Therefore, the cleanliness of pacifiers and milk containers is very important. If they are not sterilized, bacteria that accumulate inside can lead to illness.


Every pediatrician tells mothers about the need to buy a sterilizer for children's dishes. They recommend sterilizing glass and plastic bottles.

How often should this be done? For a newborn, cleanliness both in the house and in the dishes is important. It is necessary to sterilize after each feeding, and not skip the procedure. This is what most pediatricians recommend.

In fact, such a procedure does not have to be carried out after every feeding. Once a week should be more than enough to prevent uncontrolled bacteria formation.

Daily sterilization of baby bottles at home is only necessary if the child is sick.

Until then, you have high-quality and good water that you buy for your baby, you don’t need to boil it too often, just wash it properly.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has banned the use of bisphenol A, or BPA, due to the chemical's effects on baby development. If you are using older baby dishes, make sure they do not contain this synthetic estrogen.

If you use a dishwasher with hot water and a heated dry cycle to clean everything, there is no need to sanitize by hand.

If you decide to sterilize regularly, this is normal, and you should not rely on others. The procedure can be performed frequently for up to 3 months. During this time the immune system the child is already slightly developed and can protect him from infections.

Many pediatricians advise carrying out the procedure during the first year of the baby’s life. Usually during this time the immune system is fully formed and boiling is no longer required.


Before disinfecting all containers after feeding, you must wash the utensils.Wash children's utensils immediately after using them. If it stinks, it cannot be sterilized. First you need to remove the smell.

After feeding, always wash all feeding products. We don’t leave it for later. Especially if the products are plastic, they quickly absorb unpleasant odors.

How to wash children's dishes? Most young mothers think about this question.

An inexperienced housewife washes with a regular detergent, but an experienced mother knows that Gala and Fairy are harmful to the body. For your baby, you need to buy a liquid specially designed to thoroughly wash baby's feeding products.

Detergents should be chosen carefully. If after using it the child shows any signs of an allergy, replace the soap product with another one.

How to wash baby bottles:

  • Pigeon;
  • Aqa Baby;
  • Nuk;
  • BioMio;
  • "Umka."

Children's dishwashing detergents do not harm the gastrointestinal tract. They are made from safe plant materials.It is completely safe to wash baby bottles with these detergents.

They are completely washed off in any water. They have a good antibacterial effect and are gentle on the skin of mother’s hands.

How to wash bottles:

  1. Do not wash them when assembled. First of all, take it apart. This way all the dried milk will be washed off better. Separate washing is also recommended because a lot of milk accumulates between the ring and the nipple, which promotes the rapid growth of bacteria.
  2. Prepare hot water and add a small amount of detergent.
  3. Place in a soapy solution, take a brush or a special brush, and clean thoroughly. Use a long brush to scrub the bottom thoroughly.
  4. To clean the nipples, turn them inside out.
  5. Rinse all parts well in clean water. If the product smells of soap, rinse again.
  6. After finishing the manipulation, you need to dry it.

Sometimes even after thorough washing it is not possible to remove the unpleasant smell of sour milk.

How to wash kitchen utensils?

Before you sterilize baby bottles, you need to remove the stench. Baking soda will help with this. It perfectly removes any unpleasant odors. Baking soda deodorizes children's dishes.

Just add 1 tsp. products, fill halfway with hot water. Close the lid and shake vigorously. Pour out the soda solution and rinse.

If the juice smell remains, use vinegar. Just fill the container to the brim with this product and leave it overnight. Rinse the feeding container in the morning.

Homemade cleaning products rinse well and do not enter the body of crumbs with food. They are safe for babies.


Sterilizing bottles for newborns using this method has long been outdated. Now modern housewives They use special devices for the procedure, a microwave oven, steamers and antiseptic tablets.

However, due to the ease of disinfection, many mothers continue to boil feeding bottles.

If they are suitable for this procedure, you can sterilize children's utensils using them.

You will need to select a separate pan and use it only for these purposes. It cannot be used for cooking or washing other kitchen utensils.

Every experienced mother probably knows how to boil baby bottles, however, those new to this business may carry out the procedure incorrectly.

The whole process will take no more than 10 minutes.

Subject to this procedure plastic products Not recommended. After boiling them, you will end up with deformed dishes.

How to sterilize feeding bottles:

  1. Remove nipples and caps, rinse the dishes thoroughly to remove any remaining milk, juice or porridge.
  2. Place all ingredients in a saucepan with cold water and put on fire. Do not immerse them in boiled hot water; a sudden temperature change will cause the glass to burst.
  3. Boil water and keep the container in the pan for some time.
  4. After completing the procedure, remove it with forceps, as well as the pacifier. Place neck down on a clean towel. There is no need to wipe it, let it dry on its own.

You can boil a silicone pacifier or pacifier often and change it once a month. With this procedure, latex ones quickly become unusable; they will have to be changed once a week.

Special sterilizer

There are several different devices designed to sterilize utensils for infants. These devices perform all the necessary functions for high-quality disinfection of feeding products.

The best sterilizers:

  1. The 2 in 1 electric steam device from Chicco is considered one of the best. Sterilization of these devices destroys up to 99.9%. The whole process takes 5 minutes. How to sterilize baby bottles: pour 80 ml of water onto the heating surface, place 2 bottles, turn on the device. Do not remove the dishes from the steamer until feeding. When the lid is closed, sterility is maintained for 24 hours.
  2. The Philips sterilizer processes 6 bottles at once in 8 minutes. Steam technology is the most effective and can kill most pathogenic bacteria. How to properly sterilize baby bottles: pour distilled liquid, place the container inside and turn on the device. After 8 minutes, all utensils will be ready for use.

Electric sterilizers work by using high-temperature steam. They can be used to clean milk containers, pacifiers and other feeding accessories.

Steamer and multicooker

Sterilizing bottles in a slow cooker is often used.How many dishes can be placed in it at one time?

This technique is capable of processing a lot of dishes for a newborn at one time. More precisely, as much as will fit in it.

How to sterilize bottles in a slow cooker:

  1. Pour a liter of water into a clean bowl.
  2. Then place a grate for steaming.
  3. Place all the dishes with which you plan to feed the baby on the wire rack.
  4. Then the lid is closed and the container sterilization mode is turned on.

The process takes up to 15 minutes. At the end, take out the dishes and lay them out on a clean towel. It is dried upside down.

Is it possible to sterilize in a steamer? Can.Sterilizing in a double boiler is as easy as shelling pears. The process is similar to that in a slow cooker. Drying is also carried out on a clean towel.

There is enough room in the steamer to place them neck down or sideways. You can place several feeding containers, pacifiers, and pacifiers inside.

Now every mother knows how to properly sterilize baby bottles. infant in a slow cooker and a double boiler. This is very convenient, because most housewives have at least one of the devices.


Another easy method is to sterilize baby bottles in the microwave. Using a microwave oven, you can quickly and efficiently process all the crumbs' dishes.

Before you start sterilizing baby bottles in the microwave, make sure the microwave is clean. If it's dirty, wash it first.

How to sterilize bottles in the microwave:

  1. The first and easiest way is to use steam. Place them in a container and pour water into a separate container next to them. Process for 1.5 minutes.
  2. The second method is water. Pour clean liquid into the container, place the washed dishes and close the lid. The container is placed in the microwave and the maximum power is set. After 8 minutes of boiling, the dishes become sterile. It is removed from the water with tongs.

It is easy to sterilize children's dishes in a microwave oven. The procedure can only be carried out if there are no metal elements in it.

Sterilizing bottles in the microwave using both methods is effective and quick. You can do it as many times as needed.

This type of sterilization of bottles in the microwave is not harmful for glass, but it is better not to process plastic in this way.

Antiseptic tablets

The last sterilization method is the use of chemicals. Disinfectant solutions and tablets that are diluted in water thoroughly clean all feeding equipment.

Antiseptic tablets are placed in water and kept in solution for 30 minutes. There is no need to rinse anything.

After finishing the procedure, put the dishes to dry. The solution does not need to be washed off; it serves as a barrier between the surface of the container and microbes.

Sterilization is an opportunity to protect a child from infections in infancy. However, you should not get too carried away with this procedure. It is useful for the baby to contact the outside world and microbes.

Every woman, having become a mother for the first time, initially thinks about how to maintain the health of her baby. In Russia, many pediatricians recommend sterilizing the dishes from which babies eat and drink. In Europe, this is taken more simply and they suggest keeping the child in more natural conditions, without creating an incubator.

Each mother makes her own decision on how to care for her child. And when there is concern about the baby’s health, it is better to play it safe. If you decide to keep your child in extremely clean conditions, let's look at all the options for washing and sterilizing bottles.

It is not always necessary to sterilize before each feeding, but there are some conditions under which disinfection is required.

  1. After a child's illness.
  2. After prolonged use of feeding utensils, with clearly visible contamination.
  3. After purchasing a new container.

Another frequently asked question concerns the age at which baby care and feeding equipment should be sterilized. Pediatricians believe that the minimum threshold is the age of 4 months (until the baby begins to actively explore the world), and the maximum is the age of 1.5 years (when the immune system is fully strengthened).

The Avent baby bottle is ready for use after sterilization

Preparing dishes for sterilization

Before starting the sterilization process, the dishes for feeding babies must be thoroughly washed, after unscrewing the caps from the bottles and removing the nipples from them.

How to wash

  • Containers for feeding children must be washed very carefully. For deep penetration, to the very bottom of the bottle, you can use a brush.
  • Each part should be washed separately, washing away any remaining mixture or other type of food from the grooves and bulges.
  • If the dishes are heavily soiled, you can soak them for a while to make it easier to clean the dishes from dirt.
  • You can also use a dishwasher with the addition of special detergents to wash children's dishes. After this method, sterilization is usually not necessary if the full cycle of the machine is used.

Here are the main points that answer the question “How to wash baby bottles?”

What to wash with

Conventional dishwashing detergents are not suitable for small children and newborns. There are several options for washing children's dishes:

  • Laundry soap with warm water.
  • Soda with warm water.
  • Special detergents for children's dishes.

If sterilization after washing is not provided, then dishes washed using any detergents should be thoroughly rinsed with clean water and dried, laid out on a previously prepared clean towel.

Chicco plastic bottle disassembled piece by piece for sterilization

Sterilization of nipples and plastic utensils

We should talk about nipples and plastic separately. If you use high-quality cookware from trusted brands, then the question of processing methods will be removed even at the time of purchase. Manufacturers specializing in children's dishes offer products for purchase that are ready to withstand any type of heat treatment and still remain usable.

Low-quality plastic at high temperatures can emit harmful substances, which will negatively affect the baby’s health. Moreover, such plastic can become deformed under prolonged heat exposure.

Not every nipple can withstand regular exposure to high temperatures. For nipples, steam sterilization is best. Boiling is also possible, but you shouldn’t be overzealous with it.

Approaching the issue of purchasing feeding bottles responsibly will be an absolutely correct decision.

Sterilization methods

There are several ways to disinfect baby bottles:

  1. Boiling.
  2. Microwave.
  3. Steam sterilization.
  4. Cold sterilization.


The most accessible and economical way. Pour the required amount of water into a large saucepan. The volume of water under which the container prepared for sterilization will be hidden is considered necessary. Pre-disassembled and washed feeding dishes are immersed in water and boiled for at least 10 minutes. We’ll look at how and what to wash dishes before sterilizing a little later.

The main inconvenience of boiling is the inability to process several feeding items at once. If you take a very large pan and try to boil several bottles at once, the disinfection process becomes very lengthy.


The process of sterilizing plastic bottles for children in a special tank at maximum microwave power

Microwaves can also be used to treat food and drink utensils for newborns. There are two methods of microwave processing:

  1. Rapid boiling. Pre-prepared dishes are placed in a container of water and boiled in a microwave at high power. 5 - 7 minutes are enough to completely disinfect dishes in this way. The main disadvantage, as with regular boiling, is the small amount of dishes that can be processed at a time. The advantage over conventional boiling is that it takes less time.
  2. Steam treatment. Steam treatment in a microwave oven is possible using special bags or a sterilizer designed for this. Microwave sterilization packages can be purchased at children's stores or pharmacies. Dishes ready for processing are placed in a bag that is tightly closed and placed in the microwave for no more than 10 minutes. The microwave is working in this case at full power. There are also microwave sterilizers designed to process several items at once. Compact devices that hold up to 6 bottles are equipped with a reservoir in which you can store disinfected glassware for 24 hours. The downside of this sterilizer is that it can process bottles with a volume of no more than 330 ml.

Steam sterilization

Steaming dishes for feeding children is possible in several ways.

  • Steamer or multicooker. The processing principle is exactly the same. The prepared dishes are placed on a wire rack placed in the appliance. In the selected device, a special tank is filled with water, above which a grate with the objects being processed is located. The appropriate mode is turned on: “steaming” - 10 - 15 minutes; “sterilization”, if any, 5 - 7 minutes.
  • Electric sterilizers. Designed specifically for disinfecting children's dishes using steam, and can also be equipped with a heating function baby food. The advantages of such devices are, despite their external compactness, ease of use and processing capabilities. large quantity items at once. Also, sterilizers operating from the network are equipped with a timer that notifies the end of the processing process. Containers left in the sterilizer after disinfection remain sterile for 5 hours.

Cold sterilization

Cold sterilization involves the impact of chemicals on the containers being processed. The chemicals used for cold sterilization are completely safe for children, but after treatment, the dishes may have a specific odor. The usual rinsing of dishes with boiling water after the processing process will help get rid of possible odors.

For sterilization without steam and boiling, you need a large container with a lid and specially purchased tablets or granules for dissolving in cold water. The tablets contain drugs intended for antiseptic treatment.

  • Add the tablets to a container of cold water until completely dissolved.
  • Then the dishes prepared for disinfection are immersed in the resulting solution. Dishes placed in a container with sterilizing solution must be completely hidden by it.
  • This solution can be used repeatedly during the day by placing new dishes in it for 30 minutes.
  • Also, already treated dishes can be stored in this solution for 24 hours.

This method is very convenient in conditions where there is no electricity or the ability to use electrical appliances: maternity hospital, country house, travel.

Any sterilization of utensils for feeding babies, as well as other accessories, such as pacifiers or teethers, is available at home. There is no need to worry about the health of the child, having the ability to disinfect at any time.