What is it and how to open it? Is it possible to develop it in yourself and if so, how to do it? Many videos, trainings and books offer “quick and effective” solutions, but the truth is that there is no truly quick fix.

To be filled with feminine power, you need to understand it, realize your unique nature and awaken as a Woman.

We have selected 15+ for you the best ways focus and accumulate truly feminine energy inside.

Stop list: what leads to energy exhaustion in women and how to avoid it

You can often hear that modern women have completely forgotten how to be women.

It would seem, what nonsense - is it possible to forget how to be who you physically have been since birth?

And yet, it's true. Striving to be on an equal footing with men or simply doing things on their own out of habit, women begin to lose their own unique energy inherent in them by nature.

And so it turns out: in appearance the person is female, but in terms of sensations you can’t tell.

Why is this happening?

This should be dealt with first, because if you don’t stop doing what deprives you of strength, you will never be able to accumulate new ones.

There are a number of main energy absorbers that hinder you on the path to achieving spiritual harmony:

  1. Grievances and unspoken experiences
  2. Inner monologue
  3. Reliving the Past
  4. Unresolved relationship problems
  5. Stress and illness
  6. Unfinished Business

Feminine energy is the Moon. Quiet,enigmatic, attractive and mysterious.

There is no activity in it, this is the prerogative of male solar energy, so stop doing hard work meant for men. Believe me, they can handle it!

To feel her nature, a woman must be joyful and fulfilled, which means she must be able to please herself and accept the joy that others give her.

And, of course, you need to be able to listen to yourself - after all, feminine energy lives in the very depths of the soul of every lady.

All it takes to awaken it is attention and just a little effort.

We are looking for sources of replenishing feminine energy

Physical ways to develop feminine energy

A woman can withstand very, very much - no one will ever argue with that.

Often gentle and fragile ladies show endurance that is difficult to suspect in them.

But there is a surefire remedy that can instantly turn a stern tigress into an affectionate domestic cat.

And this is nothing more than physical affection, care and care.

Advice: the listed methods and means may seem insignificant and not too serious, but just try to give them (and yourself) all your attention and do it at least somewhat regularly - and you will very soon notice an incredible effect.

Sauna and massage

The best way is to get together and visit the steam room in the company of friends. There is relaxation, life-giving communication, and rest - there are countless benefits here.

And after a relaxing heat and a toning pool, visit a massage therapist: he will provide final relaxation to every muscle in your body, disperse stagnant energy and relieve stress.

Manicure and pedicure

These elementary procedures are the most powerful batteries for feminine energy.

By keeping your arms and legs well-groomed and neat, you become a little more confident in yourself, in your own beauty and irresistibility.

And who wouldn’t be pleased with beautifully decorated nails, delicate palms and heels?

Advice: you shouldn’t get carried away with huge false nails - regular visits to the specialist will be enough to maintain a stylish French manicure.

Body, face and hair care

How often and how carefully do you take care of yourself? For many women, hygiene and caring procedures are limited to a quick shower, face cream and combing their hair a couple of times a day.

This is enough to maintain neatness, but to accumulate feminine energy, it is worth considering more pleasant and longer-lasting activities.

Among them:

  1. Bath with essential oils
  2. Fragrant body scrubs and gels
  3. Nourishing hair masks
  4. Facial cleansers and softeners

And, of course, don't forget to take care of your skin throughout the year.

Sunscreen is necessary both in summer and winter, and in cold weather the skin needs additional hydration and nutrition. Preserve your beauty - it’s feminine and correct!

Makeup and outfit selection play an important role

Makeup and outfits

Every woman wants to look impressive, but makeup and outfits are often reserved for special occasions, holidays and significant events.

This approach cannot be called correct.

Dress nicely always and everywhere, especially at home. Even if you live alone, and even more so if your loved one is next to you.

A man will feel very special if a woman dresses up for him (even if no one else sees), and you will get a powerful boost of the right energy when you look into his sparkling eyes.

Walking, yoga and dancing

Any one is very useful for body and soul.

If you don't have time to exercise, choose options that don't require a lot of investment on your part, but still help you concentrate and multiply. feminine energy.

These include:

  1. Walks
  2. Yoga
  3. Dancing

I would like to especially note the latter, because the feminine principle is revealed in dance and carries with it reality itself.

It doesn’t have to be ballroom or other “studio” dancing - you can just turn on your favorite music at home and move to it as your body tells you.

Tip: Try doing this when no one is around. This will help overcome constraint and more effectively stir up your feminine power.

Psychology and communication for accumulating the power of women

You've probably heard that women are naturally more talkative than men.

But do you know that the need to talk is one of the main ones for a lady, and unspoken words, when accumulated, can cause stress or even cause illness?

Don't let things get to that point. But you shouldn’t dump all your emotions, experiences and thoughts on a man - it will most likely simply “blow his mind.”.

Here are a few directions in which you can direct your desire to chat in a way that is safer for others and beneficial for yourself:

  1. Girlfriends. Women simply need long conversations with other ladies - it charges them with energy and allows them to relax mentally. And don’t listen to any complaints - fortunately, with mobile phones, the “always busy line” is no longer a problem!
  2. Psychologist. Solving problems at work or in relationships without “nagling” anyone is an art, and a specialist is ideal for this. In addition, he can really help you understand yourself and find balance in those moments when life seems shaky.
  3. Elder. Whether it’s parents or just personalities you respect, Teachers - communication with them is incredibly useful for women. The life task of ladies is to preserve home and communication with ancestors, and a better way to do this than to communicate with elders has not yet been invented.

Not only the quantity, but also the quality of communication plays a huge role.

Try to make sure that in your environment there are only like-minded people who understand and share your life views and aspirations.

Connect with those who inspire you to strive for more and are on this path with you.

But it’s better not to waste time on those people who judge you, give unsolicited advice and generally “teach you life” from their point of view, if you want develop feminine strength and energy within yourself.

Advice: It is very useful for women to communicate with older, married and happily married friends and mothers - they will help direct your energy in the right direction.

Creativity and self-development as tools for energy accumulation

Feminine hobbies that are in harmony with your nature will help awaken your inner creativity and strengthen feminine power.

You shouldn’t take “feminine hobbies” as a sentence to engage in needlework, singing and growing flowers.

They are also included in the list of suitable activities, but in fact, you can apply yourself in almost any activity.

Here are a few examples to help you understand the variety of hobbies possible:

  1. Music and singing
  2. Shopping
  3. Travel (secular or spiritual)
  4. Reading or writing
  5. Photograph (on both sides of the lens)
  6. Cooking
  7. Taking care of home and loved ones
  8. Drawing and design
  9. Parenting

And these are just a few of the options.

Remember: doing something you like will help you open up and tune in to the same wavelength as the Universe, and she knows for sure that you are a Woman and can awaken this energy!

That is why a lady who is in harmony with the world around her looks feminine and attractive - exactly the way a bearer of the feminine principle should be.

We wish you good luck on your path to awakening your feminine energy!

Women's energy needs constant nourishment. One of the most powerful helpers in this matter is nature and its elements.

Recently, women have become more attentive to their energy. This is not surprising, because it is she who largely determines a woman’s attractiveness and luck. Many people believe that improving your natural abilities and living in abundance is not so easy. In fact, using the elements you can strengthen your energy several times.

Knowledge about the power of the elements came to us from our ancestors. They argued that it is from their combinations that all living things and our world consist. Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether are integral elements of our existence. That is why they contain enormous strength which you can use to your advantage. A woman is also the progenitor of all humanity and is connected with all the elements through strong energy channels. However, over time, for many, these channels become clogged, and vital energy gradually stops flowing to such representatives of the fair sex.

Earth Element

This element is responsible for stability, coziness, comfort and everything earthly. A woman can receive this energy from all living things. No wonder in ancient Rus' there was a special women's tradition hug the forest trees and ask them for help and strength. This method is still very powerful. If you want more femininity and love in your life, then it is best to choose birch or any other “feminine” tree. If you need support and support in resolving certain issues, then choose a male tree, and its energy will give you strong-willed masculine qualities.

Another way to replenish your strength is with scents. This is quite easy to do in spring and summer. It is enough to find any flowering plant and inhale its scent, which will lift your spirits and improve your well-being. In winter, you can use aromatherapy. Essential oils not only have healing powers, but also work as aphrodisiacs. This is exactly the method that great women used to attract the attention and love of the opposite sex.

Water Element

Everyone knows that a person cannot live without water. Water symbolizes life and dynamics. It's not without reason folk saying says: “A drop wears away a stone.” The water element teaches a woman gentleness, patience and wisdom. Where it is impossible to go ahead, water will help with its ability to bypass all obstacles and even modify them over time.

Fire Release

Fire itself is a very powerful energy that ignites literally and figuratively. The fire element helps to reveal sexuality and passion in a woman. And only such a woman is able to attract a worthy man. To nourish yourself with the energy of this element, you should wear red items or accessories as often as possible. Also, periodically using candles in the house will help fill you with the energy of love.

The sun is also equated with the element of fire. Feminine energy can be increased in the following way: when you are outside on a clear day, raise your palms to the Sun, close your eyes and imagine how the golden energy of the heavenly body fills your body. Feel your heart fill with love and abundance. Take seven deep breaths and exhalations, and you will see how after this the world will sparkle with bright colors, and you will have much more strength.

Air Element

Air is constant movement, freshness and change. This is what a woman, filled with energy, is most often like. This state manifests itself in lightness, laughter, dancing and a playful mood. It is precisely these representatives of the fair sex that you want to be around. They attract glances and are capable of turning the head of everyone they meet. But the air element is also power. Remember hurricanes and winds that can sweep away all obstacles in their path.

To fill yourself with air energy, you can use any meditation or other breathing practices. As a rule, during meditation several elements are involved at once. For example, meditation on opening the heart chakra includes the fire and air chakras. It is recommended to combine breathing practices with yoga. In this way you can work with both your internal state and your body.


Everything related to self-realization and self-expression is etheric energy. It can best be tracked in creativity and during inspiration. It is the ether that launches all the above elements, because nothing will work without inspiration. A woman is capable of rejoicing ordinary things and enjoy every moment. This is her strength. You can draw etheric energy during your favorite activity or hobby.

You can also fill up with energy by watching your favorite movie, photographs, reading books, and even while doing household chores. If you love to cook, then before you start, mentally say that you want to get not only pleasure from cooking, but also increase your feminine energy, and this will certainly happen.

These simple recommendations will help you be in a state of happiness and joy every day, which means attracting love and abundance. Daily affirmations from Natalya Pravdina will be excellent helpers, which will remind you that life is wonderful. Love yourself, be open to the world and don't forget to press the buttons and

For many, the teaching of chakras is more than a metaphor. Recently, not only adherents of Eastern philosophy and esotericism have been talking about them, but also, among others, psychologists, spa therapists, fitness yoga teachers and homeopaths. Many of my friends have recently been “training their chakras” - actively attending relevant trainings - and are not overjoyed with the results. One fell in love, the other stopped having conflicts at work, the third became pregnant.

The most interesting thing for me is how to communicate with the opposite sex at the chakra level. It is believed that the first chakra, muladhara (the one located just below the tailbone, it is also called the “root chakra” and is associated with the color red, the energy of the earth and the planet Mars) is responsible for our stability, connection with the earth, with our roots, ancestors. This chakra circulates the energy of survival, procreation, the ability to take risks and solve problems. If it is blocked, then the ground under your feet disappears, you feel like a victim of circumstances, your lower back hurts, problems with your legs, joints, and endless injuries begin. Fortunately, it is not so difficult for a woman to unblock this chakra - just learn to let a man take care of you. This chakra is male, the energy in it moves clockwise (this is the yang direction), and in men it should be active, and in women it should be passive. Muladhara is, first of all, the satisfaction of basic material needs, and according to the principle of energy exchange, it is better if the responsibility for this lies with the man. According to the teachings of the chakras, a man's mission is to provide his woman with basic safety, comfort and protection. Then it will be able to be successfully implemented in other areas. And the woman’s task is to charge it with energy at the level of the next, second chakra - svadhisthana. It is located approximately 5 cm below the navel (in women - at the level of the uterus) and, conversely, ideally should be active in girls and passive in boys. This chakra (it is associated with the energy of water, which is the feminine element, and the color orange, and is ruled by Venus) is responsible for pleasure, sensuality and sensitivity, tenderness, the ability to receive pleasure, for beauty, for accepting oneself (primarily one’s body ) and for creativity.

When the second chakra is blocked, we experience guilt, cannot “let go” of ourselves during sex, doubt our own attractiveness and solve endless problems with the female organs and kidneys. And if energy flows freely there, a woman is able to endlessly give a man pleasure - through touch, sex, delicious food, a warm home, care and tenderness.

At the level of the third chakra - manipura (yellow color, fire energy, the Sun) - energy is transformed and returns from man to woman. This center, responsible for social status, money, willpower, control and perseverance in achieving goals, should be active in men and passive in women. For many modern women(and, as it turns out, I have problems too) with this. We want, as they say in America, to have it all - to take an active position in life and control the situation. There is nothing wrong with this if... the desire to control does not go off scale and we know how to switch in time. Back pain, especially in the center of the spine or in the diaphragm area, constipation, gastritis and other problems with the stomach and intestines, as well as anxiety and worry about the future are all signs that the third chakra is blocked. According to energy laws, being afraid of losing money and work is very harmful - especially for a woman. This is how we lose strength and, most likely, sooner or later we may actually be left without funds. Money and status will come - on their own or through your man. You just need to trust the world more.

One of the most important “female” chakras is the fourth, anahata (emerald color, air energy, planet Moon), which is located at the level of the heart. Anahata is responsible for the ability to experience compassion and love - unconditionally and limitlessly, as well as to charge a man with emotions, inspiration, while accepting him as he is. It is believed that when a relationship is built on the fourth chakra, that is, you are connected not only by sex (this is a union on the first chakra, such relationships are the most fleeting), not by the desire for comfort and pleasure (relationships on the second chakra) and not by social status (connection on the third chakra) - they have a chance to be truly harmonious. It is also believed that this chakra is associated with our relationship with our parents - the left side of the heart is connected with the mother, and the right with the father. If you are able to experience a state of causeless childish joy, regardless of the weather and other circumstances, most likely your heart chakra is open. Dejection, aggression, the desire to please everyone, a feeling of “emptiness” in the heart, the need for self-affirmation, psychological insufficiency, and on the physical level, problems with the lungs and upper parts of the spine are signs that there is not enough energy in this center.

The fifth chakra, “vishuddha” (blue color, etheric energy, planet Mercury) is again masculine. This center controls self-expression, the ability to persuade and lead, generate and implement ideas, and achieve success in society. If this area is blocked, there is a lump in the throat, difficulty expressing an opinion, runny nose, sore throat, problems with teeth, thyroid gland, chronic tension in the shoulders and neck.

Sixth chakra, ajna ( Blue colour, planet Saturn), is another energy center that women first of all need to develop. It is located between the eyebrows, at the level of the “third eye”, and is responsible for intuition, wisdom, insight, the ability to trust yourself, listen to your inner voice, feel other people - first of all, your man, adapting to him and gently controlling him, more precisely , directing. Energy deficiency here includes headaches, vision problems, depression, a feeling of being lost and lacking a purpose in life, or when we live too much in our heads.

Finally, there is the seventh, “genderless” chakra called sarashara. It is located in the crown area and is responsible for communication with the cosmos, highest spiritual realization and unity with God. True, mystics say that for most modern people this zone is closed.

How to “pump up” chakras?

Natalya Ignatova, presenter of women's trainings

I have my own center where, among other things, I teach classes on the “Orgasm Reflex,” which helps to “pump up” primarily the first and second chakras. This practice was invented by the Austrian psychotherapist, Freud's student Wilhelm Reich, who believed that by unblocking the muscle clamps in the intimate organs that arise as a result of parental prohibitions, we release orgasmic energy. The more this energy you have and the freer it circulates in your body, the brighter the sex becomes, your creative potential the higher and the more successful you are in life. I watch all the time how, after the “Orgasm Reflex,” girls’ gait, gaze, and complexion change; they become a magnet for men. If you don’t like training, try a simple chakra breathing exercise at home. Sit back, close your eyes, tune in to your breathing. Spend two minutes on each chakra. If you find it difficult to mentally “fill” your chakra with its inherent color, it may be weakened or blocked.

  • Sit back, close your eyes, listen to your breathing. Bring your attention to the first chakra, which is located at the base of the spine. Feel your tailbone, sacrum, pelvic floor, relax your perineum and breathe, directing your attention to these areas, filling this space with red color through your breath.
  • Mentally move to the second chakra, which is located in the lower abdomen and in the center of the pelvis, begin to breathe into this place, filling it with orange - about two minutes.
  • Bring your attention to the solar plexus area. Concentrate not only on the front of the body, but also listen to the sensations at the back, in the center of the spine, filling this space with the color yellow using your breath.
  • Bring your attention to the chest area, to its center. This is the heart chakra, slowly fill it with green.
  • Go to the throat, the area of ​​the fifth chakra. Feel the back of your neck, while relaxing the cervical vertebrae, filling this area with blue.
  • Bring your attention to the sixth chakra, which is located between the eyebrows. Fill the brain area with blue.
  • Focus on the seventh chakra, it is at the crown and above your head. Fill this area with purple.

Every day, worries and problems fall on us and almost completely fill our lives. As a result, we lose a lot of energy and rarely restore and replenish it. This leads to a decrease in joy from life, and there is simply no time left for love. In the evening, you want to get to bed, put your head on the pillow and lose yourself in sleep. What love and joy there is here.

And so every day... Life passes in constant solutions to problems, and happiness and joy are left “for later”. But at the same time, many women complain that men have stopped paying attention to them, as if they were wearing an invisible hat and their life has turned into a gray, dull existence.

It's all about the lack of feminine energy, to which men react. Surely you have noticed that there are periods when men do not notice you at all, but as soon as you fall in love, they immediately begin to hover around you. This is due to the fact that your level rises and your field is filled with love and erotic charges. The people around you feel this and cannot pass by you, since your field attracts them.

When you are in love, you feel positive energy within you. Life is transformed and begins to play with bright colors, the heart is warm and joyful, stress and depression pass by. But you can wait a long time for love to visit you, so you need to awaken this wonderful energy in yourself on your own.

Feminine energy: how to awaken it...

Step one. Reconnecting with yourself.

Modern people, as a rule, rarely touch each other. We try to touch other people as little as possible, and do not tolerate other people's touches. As a result, tactile sensations freeze in us, and we simply stop enjoying them, and our body begins to get sick, grow old and bring only negative emotions. It is important to establish a sensual relationship with yourself and learn to receive joy from tactile sensations. How to do it? There are special exercises:

This is interesting:

Touch. Take a feather or living flower and lightly stroke your body with it. Relax and enjoy yourself. Using gentle rotational movements, touch the body lightly, starting from the cheek, moving to the neck and chest and going down below. Soon you will feel how energy has awakened in you and flowed through your body.

Taste. Place several types of natural products on a plate (spices, fruits, honey, jam, etc.). Blindfold yourself and start trying one product after another, monitoring your sensations. Feel how they change, not only in your mouth, but throughout your whole body.

Smell. Buy aroma oils whose smells you like. Soak cotton wool in them and, with your eyes closed, begin to inhale each aroma separately. Observe the sensations in your body.

Nature. Being filled with energy from nature is right and natural. Observe what your body reacts to most strongly: rain, wind, sun or rainbows. What is your favorite thing to look at? Water, mountains, fire or sky... Look at it and absorb the energy.

Practice, observe. Soon you will begin to feel incredible pleasure from the release of energy that has been suppressed in you.

Step two. Liberation from the burden of the past.

Having experienced love disappointment, a woman often closes her soul and decides that she will never love anyone else. She suppresses her emotions and does not allow herself to feel. The burden of “uncryed” grievances is especially heavy. This is when a man offended her, but she said to herself: “I’m strong, it doesn’t hurt me at all,” suppressing her emotions. But the problem is that these repressed emotions will periodically emerge from your subconscious and significantly ruin your life.

Firstly, you need to allow yourself to experience certain emotions without getting stuck in them.

Secondly, you need to cry and talk it out. You can go to church to see the priest, you can talk with a loved one and a sympathetic person, or go to an appointment with a psychologist. As a last resort, you can talk it out and cry on your own, saying it all out loud or writing about your experiences in a diary. It is important to “let off steam”, ease the soul and not suppress all these emotions by deceiving yourself.

Thirdly, you need to psychologically and energetically break away from the person who offended you. To do this, you need to imagine that there is a white thin thread stretching between your hearts, with which you are tightly connected with your offender and any movement causes you pain. Mentally take the scissors and cut this thread, saying: “I forgive and let you go. And forgive me. You are free! I am free!".

Step three. Falling in love.

You need to fall in love. In whom? For starters, into yourself... And then, at least into the cat). If your feminine energy is asleep, then this is not due to the absence of a loved one, but due to general mental ill-being. There is no need to deprive yourself of love and joy of life just because there is no man next to you at the moment. Love for yourself and for life works wonders, read about this in the article. Remember that like attracts like, and when you send vibes into the Universe true love, warmth and kindness - she answers you the same!

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What is a real woman like in your opinion? Wearing provocative minis and necklines? Earns more than her husband and hires a nanny to raise her children? It turns out that most modern ideas about what should be real woman and what its strength lies in is fundamentally at odds with what is written in the Vedas - a collection of ancient knowledge created in the 16th century BC. uh

56. Feeding yourself with love is one of the most important aspects. If a woman has not filled her heart and soul with love, she is energetically weak. And it can’t give a man anything. worse than that she will begin to vampirize his energy. - decline of a man, financial collapse, illness. Use any technique to fill your well with love. A woman is a giver. She must be full of love.

57. Decorative - applied creativity- knitting, embroidery, modeling... - everything that you can create with your own hands raises the level of your creativity.
58. Give compliments - to yourself and other women. Kind kind word makes us stronger. So, if it’s hard for you to say something good about other women, solve this issue. Rejection of women can cause difficulties in relationships with mother, mother-in-law, and daughter.
59. Express love - in any form, at any time. Hug and kiss your loved ones. Speak words of love to the world, people, your things. The sun, the spring breeze, the rain and even your sadness. For she is your teacher. Any rejection and struggle devastates a woman.

60. Arranging bouquets - working with flowers gives a boost new strength. Charge charge of renewal and flowering.

61. Eating healthy - eat foods that are less processed and closer to nature. Remember what power an apple you pick in the garden gives? And some kind of hamburger. the sensations are strikingly different.

62. Affection - gentle touches help a woman understand herself. And and find out. caress your body. if you don’t have a man, don’t deny yourself tenderness. Start every morning and end the day in bed with gentle touches to your face, body, and legs. Kiss your hands yourself - and others will adore them. 63. Being alone with yourself - do not be afraid of those moments when you are left completely alone. Don't run away to get married just because you're lonely.

Male energy is the energy of struggle and achievement, and female energy is of peace and pleasure. Acting according to the principle “I am myself” is a man’s way, allowing a man to take care of you is a woman’s way. Masculine energy helps you focus and achieve results. But if there is too much of it, the girl becomes tough, controlling and demanding. She begins to compete with men, measure her will and strength with them. But this struggle leads nowhere. A woman with a distortion of male energy suppresses, a man loses his strength next to her, becomes weak and dependent. And the woman herself begins to get tired, sick and suffer from loneliness. Having shouldered all the responsibility, at some point she feels empty and tired, exhausted and cold.

Sexual energy is feminine energy. This is the energy of creativity and passion, it sets the world in motion, causing it to develop and change. That’s why a man is so eager to merge with a woman, he wants to be filled with this energy and realize his potential by creating something material. It could be a movie or a song, a factory or a restaurant, a car or a house - male energy always manifests itself in some form into which female energy is transformed.

1. Self-care
The element of ladies is beauty. Woman paying attention to her appearance, caring and nurturing your body, feeds your internal energy source. What is the first thing ladies do when they experience negative emotions? They go to the salon and change their image, cut and dye their hair. The self-confidence that appears after this nourishes the feminine principle. Devote at least 30 minutes to yourself every day and you will see positive changes in all areas of your life.

2. “Male shoulder”
Don't be afraid to ask a man for help or support. Any signs of attention from the stronger sex lift a woman’s spirits. They act no less positively on the energy source, charging and stimulating it (after all, a woman cannot exist without masculinity, like a man without a woman).

This exchange of energy strengthens the biofield of both the stronger and weaker sex, making men feel in a dominant position. Well, what male doesn’t like being a leader? The value of a woman who makes her partner feel important is many times higher than the value of a dictator's partner.

A woman is a creative source. She needs self-expression. This could be anything from painting pictures to growing indoor plants. A passionate woman attracts members of the opposite sex like a magnet. Maternal energy finds a way out in the “birth” of creative ideas, which means the chakras function unhindered and do not go into a state of stagnation of energy flows.

4. Give thanks and pray
Prayers and gratitude are positive manifestations that allow you to tune the “strings” of your inner world and harmonize all processes. If the chakras are closed or do not allow energy to circulate, it is prayers and words of gratitude that can save the situation. Try to use the energy of communication by telling people pleasant, encouraging words. By giving, you will replace expended resources with positive energy impulses.

Wear skirts and dresses
Agree, a woman in a dress looks completely different compared to how we see her in pants. Skirts allow you to highlight your figure and give your silhouette a special magic. It is not for nothing that in high society it is considered bad form to wear trousers to the first seven dates. And pants, as clothing for women, began to become part of the everyday wardrobe only in the 20th century.

How to develop feminine energy in yourself. Communication with other women.

Feminine energy increases in heart-to-heart communication. It increases even more when communicating with similar carriers of this energy. That is, women. We very often ignore women's conversations. Many people do not like and do not know how to be friends with girls.

But it is precisely this kind of friendship that can enrich your life. After all, no man will ever be able to understand you the way a woman can. And it’s much more difficult for a man to listen to your experiences and problems. And friends - true like-minded people - will happily listen and support.

Especially valuable communication is with married women who are happy in family life. They can become a treasure for you - you will find wisdom, experience, support, friendship, and love - in one person.

In the previous article the question of... Since our energy is spent on various activities, other people, daily worries and problems, below are 20 effective ways how to restore feminine energy:

  1. Cooking. Cooking is a creative activity. Turn on your imagination, please yourself or your loved ones. It doesn't matter what you cook, just enjoy the process.
  2. Make a beautiful album with your old or new photos. Get aesthetic pleasure from viewing.
  3. Massage is one of the best ways. It’s just great if your beloved man pleases you with a massage. Gentle touches on your body will make you more sensual and feminine. It will help relieve fatigue and tension, disperse energy throughout the body.
  4. Hair and hand care. Everyone knows that in women's hair great energy and strength. A woman is simply obliged to monitor their health and beauty. Everything also concerns the hands. The process of grooming your hands and painting a manicure restores energy well.
  5. Yoga class. Here you, in addition to developing your body, also train your mind. Thoughts are directed in a positive direction, your condition improves, you are filled with harmony and inner peace.
  6. Relaxing bubble bath. Water can take away all bad energy, thoughts, and fatigue. And with the help essential oils, sea ​​salt, flowers and calm music, you will be filled with everything good and pleasant.
  7. Makeup for yourself. A woman should always look beautiful. Not only at important meetings, in public, for a man before marriage, etc. You also need to be in order at home, because it’s nice to be beautiful and you’re in a good mood right away.
  8. What could be better than dancing? Turn on your favorite music and dance your heart out. It doesn’t matter if it’s a fun, fast dance or a slow, erotic one. It doesn't matter in the kitchen or in front of the mirror. Just dance and enjoy life.
  9. Walks in the open air. You can walk with your loved one, thereby strengthening your relationship. Or you can sometimes take a walk alone, observing life and people, nature and animals. In any case, a walk is a useful pastime.
  10. Shopping. Buying new clothes gives wellness for all day. And the process of trying on itself charges with energy. Therefore, if you don’t have the opportunity to go shopping, you can simply take beautiful outfits from the closet and try them on.
  11. Cleaning the house. It is very important to get rid of unnecessary, old things. Take time and cleanse your house, thereby cleansing your aura. Place the flowers in a vase and let them give you warmth, comfort and aroma.
  12. Go to the sauna with your friends. A great place where you can relax, forget about problems, improve your health, and talk about your own things.
  13. Communication with other women. Then an exchange of feminine energies occurs. It is very important to communicate with like-minded friends, and even better with happy, married women. They will listen, understand and support better than men. Yes, and constantly pinning your female problems on a man is stupid.
  14. Be generous with compliments and nice words to other women. Try to always look for only the good in people. Also learn to accept compliments yourself, don’t be shy. Women support each other nice words, and men do not always notice the small efforts of his beloved.
  15. Find time to exercise outside, at home or at the gym. Keeping your body in shape with the purchase Have a good mood. After all, it has been proven that physical activity produces a large number of hormones of happiness, and stress and worries are lost.
  16. Caring for flowers. This activity can be compared to meditation, which gives a woman incredibly great strength and at the same time peace, inner harmony and flowers in her soul. The state in which they are depends on the woman. If you give them kindness and care, then they will give even more positive things in return.
  17. Allow yourself a photo shoot. Taking photographs is also an art, where you can see yourself in different roles and images. Look, evaluate yourself, make sure that you are beautiful.
  18. Acting skills. All women are actresses, emotional beings. Play different roles, let it be funny and amusing.
  19. Cleanliness in everything. If you are surrounded by negative emotions, wash your hands and dishes. Cleanliness helps get rid of a bad mood. If you feel a loss of strength or low energy, take a shower or simply wash your hair.
  20. Needlework. This creative process affects female hormones. When doing needlework, the right hemisphere of the brain is activated, which is so important for modern women. Now there are many types of this useful and beautiful activity, everyone can choose for themselves suitable technique, and then enjoy the finished work.

As you have now seen, there are a huge number of ways to restore feminine energy. The main thing is to love yourself and be filled with love, because you need to give it to the world.

In my articles, I often write about the fact that we, women, need to fill ourselves with Feminine Energy. That we need to make time for ourselves, to do Women's affairs. There is even a list of activities that raise Feminine energy - you can read it here.

And everything would be great if it weren’t for the same situation that I’m facing. Women do all this without realizing the purpose. Over and over again they take baths, go shopping, get manicures. But the purpose of all this is simply to fill yourself with energy. For myself. And then I hear their tired voices - who are already so tired of all this and do not bring joy.

If you imagine that a woman is a glass, and energy is water, then it is clear that you need to drink from a glass. Just continuing to pour water into a full glass is stupid. Water will be wasted and cause inconvenience to others.

Also with energy. It’s strange and pointless to just hoard it. Save to have energy. It needs to be used. It needs to be directed somewhere. It must benefit the world.

It is important to be filled with lunar energy. This is definitely important. A fulfilled woman becomes happy, confident, and feminine.

But even more important is why or who she does it for. Filling yourself with energy for the sake of energy is like turning on the light in an empty apartment. And waste electricity.

The light must be on for someone. He must help someone or something. The lamp above the table helps children do their homework. Lampshade in the kitchen - creates an intimate atmosphere during evening tea drinking. A light bulb in the front door helps people reach their apartment safe and sound.

And the woman?

Surely you have seen very feminine, attractive, sexy women, from which emptiness emanates. An empty apartment with a light bulb on.

And even if this apartment is a thousand times beautiful, no one sees it. No one will be able to lie down to sleep on the exquisite bed. No one will be able to appreciate tastefully selected mugs. There is no one to enjoy an elaborate bath with a pile of fluffy towels. Then why all this?

Why accumulate feminine strength in yourself if you don’t spend it?

When we have enough energy, we must start sharing with the world. Caring for others, helping someone, giving your time and energy for the benefit of another.

Then everything that has been accumulated can be realized. Can find a point of application in life. And bring even more energy with you.

Charity and selfless service provide millions of times more energy than greed and narcissism.

It is much nicer to give gifts than to receive them.

It is much more joyful to give than to receive.

Much more love is to serve others.

I wish you to be filled with Feminine energy not for yourself. A woman is the one who sees Souls. And helps them to open up and fulfill their destiny. This is precisely why we are given Lunar Feminine Energy.

Olga Valyaeva – valyaeva.ru

Exercise to enhance feminine energy

  1. Sit comfortably, take a deep breath and exhale. Close your eyes.
  2. Feel your body, watch your thoughts. Just notice the fact of their existence, watch their movement in your head. Now imagine that all the energy that is in your head begins to slowly fall down.
  3. If you are sensitive, just feel and observe the process of energy flowing down. If you are less sensitive, you can imagine a picture: as if a smaller copy of you is sitting in your head, and then on an elevator it comes down and lands very softly at the level of the uterus.
  4. Now keep your entire focus on the level of the uterus, just feel that you have it. Where attention flows, energy flows. Observe the sensations.
  5. Take a few deep breaths in and out. Imagine that you are breathing from the womb. Do this exercise slowly, meditatively, savoring every sensation, help yourself with breathing.
  6. We focus on the uterus for 2-3 minutes.
  7. Now notice the difference in your condition before and after performing the exercise.

Video Feminine energy: how to develop it and how to manage it.