One of the most common procedures offered by cosmetologists in all beauty salons are various types of peelings. They are extremely popular among the fair sex, since they are presented almost as a panacea for absolutely any skin problem. Chemical methods of facial cleansing have been used in cosmetology for many decades, helping to solve problems of various kinds: from getting rid of acne to facial rejuvenation and improving skin structure.

Very often in the list of services at a beauty salon you can find the name “tca peeling”, otherwise it is also called “trichloroacetic acid peeling”. Let us examine in detail what this method of skin cleansing is, who it is suitable for and what problems it copes with.

TCA peeling - what is it?

Trichloroacetic peeling is a variant of chemical cleansing of the skin, the main active ingredient of which is trichloroacetic acid. This is a chemical compound of organic origin. It easily dissolves in water, can easily penetrate the layers of the dermis and has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, cauterizing properties. Is a toxic substance.

The main mechanism of action is as follows: acid molecules are easily absorbed into the deep layers of the epidermis, protein coagulation occurs and intercellular connections are destroyed. Due to this, the dying and exfoliation of the stratum corneum occurs. Along with dead cells, sebaceous plugs and micro-pollutants that clog pores are removed. At the same time, active division of new cells occurs in the deep layers, and the recovery process begins. At this moment, a slight soft tissue burn is visually observed. But after a couple of days, the injured areas are replaced by new healthy epidermal cells.

Attention! The procedure is extremely dangerous to carry out independently at home. Failure to comply with safety rules, hygiene of the session, errors in the concentration of the drug and the length of exposure time can lead to serious health problems and damage the skin forever.

Feasibility of application

The main task of any peeling is to correct cosmetic defects of the skin. When making an appointment with a cosmetologist for this type of care, patients expect to receive:

  • qualitative change in the appearance of the skin (smoothness, dullness, healthy complexion, etc.);
  • correction of pigmentation and post-acne;
  • stabilization of the sebaceous glands and restoration of pH balance;
  • lifting effect and tightening of facial contours;
  • rejuvenating effect and relief smoothing.

However, TCA medium peeling is primarily a medical procedure, the use of which has a list of specific indications. Most often, to prescribe this type of chemical exposure, the presence of several problem conditions is necessary.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

During the consultation, the specialist is also obliged to familiarize the client with the existing restrictions for performing the session.

The procedure will be refused if the following contraindications are present:

Types of TCA peels

Used in cosmetology solutions of various concentrations. Depending on the percentage and exposure time, the depth of exposure to the skin will differ. Based on the degree of concentration and exposure time of the drug, it is customary to distinguish between two types of peeling - superficial and medium.

You need to know that the degree of effect on the skin also depends not only on the concentration of the active substance, but also on parameters such as the number of layers applied to the skin, exfoliation time, additional use of compounds with resoricin, glycolic or salicylic acid. An important role is played by the condition of the patient’s skin before the procedure (presence of minor damage, wounds), as well as pre-peeling preparation.

How to prepare your skin for peeling

Cleansing the skin with trichloroacetic acid is quite a serious medical procedure, for the favorable implementation of which it is necessary to carry out a number of simple measures in advance. The effectiveness of the result, reducing the rehabilitation period and minimizing the risk of complications will depend on this. So, what subtleties need to be taken into account?

Skin care during the recovery period

For skin restoration and rehabilitation After exposure to trichloroacetic acid, a long period is required. Over the next 4-5 weeks, careful and careful care will be required. Damaged skin needs protection from unfavorable factors environment, protection from overdrying, dehydration and exposure to pathogens. In addition, for the best results, assistance in activating regeneration processes is necessary.

The entire rehabilitation period can be divided into stages.

The first stage is skin rejection

Peeling tca medium - manipulation, after which significant redness and swelling form on the skin in the first day. You may feel discomfort, tightness and dryness. This condition often lasts for two to three days. A thin film forms on the surface. On the fourth day, the face becomes covered with a dense crust. Under no circumstances should you touch the crust with your hands or try to scrape it! This can lead to infection or injury to the skin before a scar appears.

To alleviate the condition, the cosmetologist will prescribe the necessary moisturizing creams, which will include vitamins, hyaluronic or mandelic acid. In the first two days, using water or any other means to wash your face is strictly prohibited. All liquids will have to be consumed using a straw. Dairy products are excluded from the diet and green tea.

Then the resulting crust will begin to actively peel off, and the exposed skin will noticeably darken. This stage will last about a week. Then all discomfort will disappear.

At the rejection stage it is important:

Second stage - recovery

Over the next 2-3 weeks, the skin is completely replaced. Metabolic processes are restored, local immunity is increased, and the rejected epidermis is completely replaced by new young cells. Elastin and calogen fibers are remodulated. Appearance skin is also undergoing changes. The face becomes smoother, the texture is smoothed out, wrinkles and skin defects are less noticeable. Exfoliated cells reveal fresh, rejuvenated and healthy skin.

Care during this period should combine maximum hydration and nutrition. A useful procedure would be mesotherapeutic biorevitalization using hyaluronic acid. This will help restore hydrobalance, elasticity and skin turgor.

Frequency of procedures

Facial cleansing with TCA peeling medium impact gives noticeable results even after a single use. The effect after the procedure can last a significant period of time: from six months to a year. If necessary, a repeat procedure is possible after the end of the recovery stage, but not earlier than after 4 weeks. In this case, it is important to have time to complete both sessions in autumn-winter period.

Rarely does a procedure cause as many controversial reactions as the TCA peel. Some consider it a panacea for scars, freckles, wrinkles and dull complexion, while others are afraid to expose their skin to a burn, even a “controlled” one.

Let's try to figure out who is right.


What is a TCA peel?

Composition: synthesis of acetic acid and chlorine.

Main property: more powerful keratolytic than acids (more pronounced exfoliation function).

When TCA acid hits the surface of the face, a signal is sent to the brain through receptors: a burn has occurred. Then the brain gives the command to produce young healthy cells.

Since we are talking about a programmable effect, recovery proceeds evenly, the condition of the cells improves, and the cells begin to perform their functions better.

When the skin is restored after a TCA acid chemical peel, its color, turgor, tone and quality improve.

Properties of trichloroacetic acid

Trichloroacetic acid can destroy the bonds between cells, thereby exfoliating the scales and renewing the cover. As a result, TCA enhances lymph flow and blood supply to cells.

As a bonus, debris is cleared from the sebaceous ducts.

Peeling with trichloroacetic acid refers to techniques that act on the basement membrane: the border between the epidermis and dermis.

Sometimes TCA can penetrate to the papillary layer of the dermis (subcutaneous fat), although the composition was not originally intended for this.

TCA 15% peel (or TCA 20 peel) is used for a lighter burn. It allows you to solve minor problems of young tissues or prepares them for a more concentrated solution.

Some cosmetologists can use 35 and 50% TCA, but in this case there is a risk of complications.

Solutions with high concentrations are applied only pointwise, to benign formations and defects no more than 1 cm wide.

Acid concentrations above 32% are applied with anesthesia.

Indications and contraindications


The procedure is suitable for patients with the following indications:

  • Skin irregularities
  • Enlarged pores
  • Blackheads (Comedones)
    Acne in remission
  • First wrinkles
  • Freckles
  • Post-acne
  • Stretch marks on the body
  • Photoaging
  • Dull cover color
  • Stimulation of regeneration

For patients without any special dermatological problems, TCA facial peeling will help improve the relief and achieve prolonged makeup.

The color and tone will become more even, and the damage from increased temperature or cold will be reduced.


  • Under no circumstances should you obtain professional chemical peels through friends and do them at home, not in a salon. By saving money, you can lose on your beauty and health.
  • Diamond microdermabrasion is more suitable for scars, oily skin- enzyme or almond peeling.

Contraindications to the use of the TCA technique:

Advantages and disadvantages


Peeling with trichloroacetic acid is chosen for its advantages over analogues:

  1. Applicable not only on the face, but also on the back, chest, neck, décolleté, elbows, knees, even on the stomach and buttocks
  2. Smoothes the relief
  3. Improves skin quality
  4. Evens out color
  5. Has a strong antioxidant effect
  6. Detoxifies
  7. Increases protection against external factors
  8. Deep cleanses


  1. Painful
  2. Cannot be carried out independently
  3. Lots of complications
  4. Long rehabilitation
  5. May be an uncontrolled burn
  6. It takes a long time to prepare

For those who do not have the opportunity to come to the salon, you can do other peelings at home, which also thin the upper keratinized layer of the epidermis and stimulate the skin to produce new young cells.

If possible, be sure to carefully choose a salon and study the recommendations, otherwise there may be complications after TCA peeling.

Side effects

  1. Edema with a predisposition to allergies (you can start taking antihistamines in advance).
  2. Persistent, like after a sunburn (gradually turns into a crust).
  3. Feeling of tightness and dryness, moisturize, if it does not go away for a long time, injections of “hyaluronic acid” or mesotherapy are prescribed.
  4. Defects may remain(acne and scars), which disappear after completing the entire course or specialized treatment.
  5. Increased sensitivity to the sun,
  6. Demarcation line. Areas that have been treated particularly heavily may appear prominent or uneven on the face.
  7. Disturbances in the color of the cover due to melanin imbalance, lasts up to 6 months. or they may remain forever.


OK. 100 euros + 50% of the price for post-care products.


Preparation for the procedure

Preparation for TCA peeling implies the following rules:

  1. In 4 weeks you need to give up mechanical stress such as brushing, epilation, etc. Be sure to start using a cream with a UV factor of 50 SPF
  2. Minimum 2 weeks in advance start using weakly concentrated creams with fruit acids
  3. Carry out 1-2 superficial peels before the middle peel
  4. If you had herpes less than six months ago, you should start taking antiviral medications 3-4 days before the procedure.
  5. When there are 1-2 days left before the session, avoid steaming, tanning, thinning eyebrows, removing excess hair in the treatment area, so as not to injure the tissue
  6. You may need to get tested

TCA peel procedure protocol

According to some patients, after exfoliation the face seems to begin to breathe, there are no particular unpleasant sensations. The face changes color as blood rushes to it:

  • Pink complexion- superficial TCA peeling;
  • Light white- TCA medium peeling;
  • Pronounced white- TCA deep peeling.

Rehabilitation after the procedure

Care after TCA peeling lasts about 4 weeks (see Fig. - recovery by day).

During the healing process, bathhouses, saunas, gyms, and solariums are prohibited.

First stage

Immediately after the TCA peeling procedure, swelling, frost and redness, and tightness of the skin are observed, but you can still appear in public. (Swelling will go away within 1-3 days.)

The next day After peeling, a film forms (from the 4th day it will turn into a crust). The areas with active facial expressions will peel off the fastest, and then the rest.

During the regeneration process, you can constantly moisturize your face, up to 15 times a day, using a spray or foam - for example, Panthenol.

On the 2nd-3rd day You can start washing your face with mild products, chamomile decoction or boiled water (it is forbidden to mattify and dry out the skin!)

Second stage

Lasts 2-3 weeks: a new framework of collagen and elastin is formed.

During the formation of fibers, additional restorative techniques are indicated at the discretion of the doctor (for example, biorevitalization or mesotherapy).

How often can you do a TCA peel?

It will not be possible to do a repeat session earlier than 4 weeks later: it will worsen the condition of unhealed skin. A maximum of 2 treatments are possible within one season.


Blogger Gia (a.k.a. BeautifulWithBrains) gives several reasons why glycolic acid (GA) beats trichloroacetic acid.

Two studies were conducted: one compared 15% TCA and 35% HA, the other compared 35% TCA and 70% HA.

The result revealed:

  • First the good news: A lower concentration of TCA works the same as a highly concentrated HA.
  • Recovery period: and here TCA clearly loses. Some women do not peel at all after HA, and after trichloroacetic peeling cannot be avoided: the consequences of a chemical burn will be visible for several weeks.
  • Side effects also appear much more often after TCA.



Alexandra Gaunt

Alexandra Gont, dermatologist, specialist in contouring and anti-aging medicine (Moscow):
“This is one of the most popular and safest peels in the world. Despite the ease and simplicity of execution, it is very effective.”


Blogger Gia (a.k.a. BeautifulWithBrains):
“Every 3 months I do a glycolic peel and ask myself a rhetorical question: why burn your face with TCA if there is a gentler way to achieve the same result?”

What do you think about such exfoliation, is it worth it?

TCA peeling is used in classical cosmetology to treat acne and oily seborrhea, eliminate cosmetic defects, and also as anti-aging therapy. Its main component is trichloroacetic acid - an antiseptic, keratolytic and anti-inflammatory agent. Based on the intensity of the impact, the procedure is classified as peeling of both superficial and medium impact.

What it is? Effect of components on the skin

Peeling is a procedure for intensive exfoliation of the skin. It is used to treat dermatological diseases, eliminate cosmetic defects (scars, scars, stretch marks) and signs of age-related aging.

Peeling application areas- face, neck and décolleté, hands. It is also used to rejuvenate the skin around the eyes. In addition, the technology allows you to apply additional layers of product to the skin in problem areas.

Depending on the intensity of the effect, peeling can be superficial or medium. The determining factor is the concentration of trichloroacetic acid, which is set in the range of 15-35 percent. This is the main component of the peeling product.

Trichloroacetic acid causes intense exfoliation of the layers of the epidermis, which helps whiten the skin and even out its relief. At the same time, it destroys bacteria that cause acne and regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands.

A distinctive feature of TCA peeling is a long rehabilitation period, accompanied by particularly careful skin care during the process of its renewal. Others have a much shorter recovery period.

Peeling with trichloroacetic acid is indicated in the following cases:

  • oily seborrhea and enlarged skin pores;
  • acne and traces left after its treatment (scars, scars);
  • freckles and dark spots;
  • hyperkeratosis (thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis);
  • signs of photoaging;
  • age-related skin changes - loss of turgor, first wrinkles;
  • stretch marks (stretch marks) on the body.

At what age is TCA peeling performed?

Although this procedure is also used as an anti-acne treatment, it is not recommended for clients under 25 years of age.

The following photos will demonstrate what results you can expect after completing the peeling course.


TCA peeling is one of those procedures that are prohibited during pregnancy and lactation. There are also restrictions on its use during the menstrual period.

Requirements for the client's skin condition

If there are scratches, abrasions, local inflammation and allergic rashes, the procedure will do you harm, not benefit. You should not visit a cosmetologist during the period of exacerbation of dermatological diseases, including viral and fungal ones (herpes, demodicosis, etc.).

If you have a tendency to rosacea and the formation of keloid scars, it is better not to perform TCA peeling. Avoid this method of skin exfoliation if you have moles, warts and papillomas in the affected area.

Other contraindications to the procedure:

  • disorders of the endocrine system (including diabetes mellitus), mental disorders;
  • oncological and infectious diseases accompanied by elevated body temperature;
  • taking retinoid medications;
  • severe form of hyperpigmentation.

Seasonal indications

Since after the procedure the skin is defenseless against ultraviolet exposure, the peeling course is prescribed in the autumn-winter period. The optimal time is no earlier than October and no later than March.

Preparatory period and procedure protocol

Measures to adapt the skin to peeling

To take the first step towards completing the course, you must take the following measures a month before the first procedure:

  • 4 weeks before visiting a cosmetologist, stop using abrasive mechanical facial products.(sponges, brushes), do not conduct waxing sessions in the area affected by peeling. Protect your skin from sun rays with protective creams with an SPF index of at least 50.
  • Minimize skin stress from contact with chemical peels. To do this, the cosmetologist will prescribe products based on fruit acids for home use. It is necessary to carry out 1-2 preparatory procedures for surface peeling. Such measures are taken at least 2 weeks before the first session.
  • A few days before the peeling Start taking antiviral medications to prevent the formation of herpes.

It is prohibited on the eve of the procedure visit a bathhouse or sauna, pluck your eyebrows.

Stages of TCA peeling in the salon

  • Skin cleansing.
  • Apply the peeling composition with a cotton swab or brush. The product is applied in several layers - both on the entire face and pointwise (practised as a method for scars). A characteristic sign of peeling is the “frost effect”: a white coating resembling frost appears on the skin.
  • Elimination of exfoliant. The peeling composition is not washed off from the skin: the cosmetologist wipes it with a sponge soaked in a special neutralizer.
  • Applying protective serum or cream.

The average session duration is 60 minutes.

How to determine the desired concentration of trichloroacetic acid?

The depth of penetration and concentration of trichloroacetic acid is selected for the procedure depending on factors such as the client’s age, the nature of post-acne marks, the type of wrinkles, etc.

Main types of peeling based on the percentage of the main component:

  • Surface. The acid concentration does not exceed 15%. The goal is to gently exfoliate the surface layer of the epidermis and accelerate the regeneration of its cells. The result is an improvement in complexion and stabilization of the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • Median. The acid concentration is 20-25%. The goal is to smooth out wrinkles, restore the smoothness of the skin (fight scars, stretch marks). The result is a noticeable lifting effect, reducing the depth of scars, narrowing pores, and disappearance of age spots.
  • Deep. A composition with a concentration of trichloroacetic acid of 30% or more is used exclusively for the correction of spot skin imperfections.

A special type of medium TCA peel is also found in beauty salons. For such procedures, the Italian drug PRX-T33 is used, which includes trichloroacetic acid with hydrogen peroxide. This exfoliant product does not provoke severe peeling of the skin, therefore it has no seasonal restrictions.

How does it feel during the procedure?

The belief that TCA peeling is not painful is incorrect. However, with the help of some techniques the procedure will be much more comfortable:

  • firstly, the cosmetologist will provide slight cooling of the skin by fanning the face or pointing a mini-fan at it;
  • secondly, the use of a neutralizing composition minimizes the burning sensation.

Recovery and care after peeling

Be prepared for the fact that you should set aside at least a week for skin rehabilitation. In the first days after the procedure, a feeling of tightness is felt: the upper layer of the epidermis darkens and hardens, turning into a crust. Often, after a session, the face resembles a baked apple: all wrinkles and folds become visually deeper. At the same time, the skin is stretched so that facial movements are difficult.

Another expected phenomenon is swelling after peeling. This side effect appears during the first day of the post-procedure period.

Around the third day, the peeling stage begins. The keratinized skin is transformed into a thin film, which is peeled off in small shreds. At this stage, it is important not to tug or touch their edges, so as not to injure the skin. Peeling continues for a few more days, and after about a week the upper layer of the epidermis is completely renewed. However, the skin may remain red after chemical exfoliation.

Red spots after peeling are also a normal side effect: usually this cosmetic defect goes away within a few days.

The following photos with a gradation of peeling by day will demonstrate what the face looks like after a medium peeling session.

Complete restoration of the skin occurs no earlier than after 3 weeks.

Important: To speed up rehabilitation, it is recommended to conduct mesotherapy sessions during the post-peeling period. This activates the synthesis of collagen and elastin in the layers of the dermis, which guarantees improved regeneration processes and skin rejuvenation

During the skin healing process it is prohibited:

  • expose your face to the sun and sunbathe in a solarium;
  • visit the sauna, bathhouse, swimming pool, and also play sports;
  • use decorative cosmetics and products containing essential oils;
  • treat the skin with scrubs and apply.

Restrictions apply not only to appearance care. It is recommended to exclude spicy foods, marinades from your diet and refrain from drinking alcohol.

When can you wash your face after a peeling session?

Not earlier than 12 hours after the procedure. In this case, the means for washing is not the usual water (contact with it is prohibited during the first 2 days), but special professional products.

What should you apply to your face after the procedure?

  • during the period of peeling - with special medications prescribed by the doctor, as well as anti-burn ointments (for example, Panthenol). Conventional skin restoration creams will not work;
  • over the next 6 months, before going outside, use sunscreen with an SPF index of 30-50.

Duration of the course and frequency of procedures

To achieve the desired result, five sessions of TCA peeling are usually sufficient. One procedure cannot solve a cosmetic problem.

How often can you do it and with what frequency?

Due to seasonal restrictions, TCA peels are performed once a year. The interval between procedures is 3-4 weeks.

Negative consequences and measures to prevent them

In addition to the expected side effects (redness, swelling, peeling), unforeseen consequences may also occur during the rehabilitation period: allergic rashes, hyperpigmentation, the appearance of new scars. A common cause of complications after peeling is ignoring contraindications to the procedure.

  • Herpes. The reason for its appearance may be skipping antiviral medications. preparatory stage. Medications and pulse therapy will help correct the situation.
  • Acne after peeling. The cause of the side effect is an incorrectly selected procedure. The solution is to use zinc-containing and anti-inflammatory drugs. The rash should not be burned with alcohol.
  • Pigmentation after the procedure. It can be triggered by the following factors: peeling during the season of increased solar activity, lack of pre-peeling preparation, consumption cosmetics with essential oils. The solution is to take antioxidant medications and whitening salon masks.
  • Allergic reactions. To avoid them, consult a cosmetologist at the preliminary stage regarding the tolerability of the components of the exfoliant composition.
  • Scars after peeling procedures. A common reason for their appearance is the independent tearing off of the flaky skin. However, scars can also appear at the site of purulent rashes that have not yet healed at the time of peeling.

All these negative aspects can be avoided if the depilation procedure is carried out by a qualified professional. Therefore, we suggest using our catalog, which presents Odessa, Dnieper and other cities.

Is it possible to perform peeling at home?

Today, peeling products are freely available to everyone. Online stores sell 15 and 20 percent solutions that can be used at home. The contents of the bottle are enough for several procedures.

However, in order to know how to do everything correctly and without complications, only one professional product and instructions from the website are not enough. The procedure protocol can be individual, and only an experienced cosmetologist can control the process.

TCA peeling is a procedure that should be approached responsibly both in terms of choosing a cosmetologist and with regard to subsequent skin care. It is not suitable for those who expect instant results from visiting a cosmetologist or cannot carry out the rehabilitation period at home.

At the same time, the effect of the course of procedures promises you injection-free skin and the elimination of cosmetic imperfections. To achieve this goal, this type of peeling is worth trying.

Women who want to look well-groomed and youthful know what TCA peeling is, a popular cosmetic procedure. It is offered by beauty salons. It is based on treating the skin with trichloroacetic acid. As a result of the action of the chemical, rejuvenation occurs. Judging by the reviews, women become at least 5 years younger in a short period of time.

The secret of Trichloroacetic acid is in its composition. The success of the procedure depends largely on the knowledge of the cosmetologist. Depending on the degree of neglect of the skin, as well as the individual characteristics of its owner, different concentrations of the cleanser are used. The minimum percentage of acid content is 5%, the maximum is 50%. Most cosmetologists adhere to the golden mean. However, in some cases it is necessary to reduce or increase the TCA content in the product. Such procedures should be carried out by specialists. In the hands of experts, trichloroacetic acid can work wonders.

Trichloroacetic peeling is one of the methods of chemical cleansing of the skin. An important feature is the depth of impact. The more saturated the application solution, the deeper its components will penetrate. Trichloroacetic acid molecules reach the basement membrane even with a small percentage in the cosmetic product.

TCA has a whole set of important characteristics:

  • drying;
  • bactericidal effect;
  • anti-inflammatory properties.

TCA chemical peeling proceeds as follows: a drug molecule seeps into the depths of the epidermis, destructively affecting dirt particles and intercellular connections. Soft fabrics receive a slight burn, which serves as an incentive to start the recovery process. The affected tissues begin to be actively rejected, and in their place the body system grows new young cells.

During the recovery process there is a release from:

  • dirt filling the pores;
  • sebaceous plugs;
  • dead cells.

Manipulation is especially useful for people with oily problem skin. It is important to remember the toxicity of Trichloroacetic acid and trust cleaning sessions to specialists.

Take into account! The procedure is extremely dangerous to carry out at home. Improper concentration and timing can cause great harm skin, which will give the opposite effect from the expected one.

The decision to order a TCA peel at a salon should be based on knowledge of what it is and what consequences the manipulations will lead to. Experienced cosmetologists always use products to prevent complications in parallel with the procedure. Argosulfan, Baneocin, Betaderm, Oxycort and other antibacterial ointments and creams will be appropriate for TCA peeling.

TCA peeling has long been used in cosmetology. Over its history, it has undergone changes several times. As a result, modern cosmetologists use in their work different kinds procedures, which makes TCA peel applicable to different types skin pathologies.

There are 3 main types of manipulations that are widely known:

  1. Easy TCA Peel - superficial TCA peeling with a concentration of Trichloroacetic acid of only 15%. In addition to TCA, the drug used includes saponins and two fruit acids: citric and ascorbic. The resulting symbiosis of components allows you to penetrate deeper into the skin structure and improve the microvasculature.
  2. TCA Peel solution – deeper penetration due to the solution being strengthened with acid up to 20%.
  3. Only Touch Peel – the concentration of the active substance increases to 40%.

Cosmetologists test the skin and decide what percentage of TCA will be optimal. 25 - 30 percent is the most commonly used formula.

Let's consider all types of manipulations in more detail.


As already noted, superficial chemical peeling trichloroacetic acid has a low TCA content. Despite the fact that the concentration is too low, the effect is much higher than when cleansing the skin with glycolic, lactic and other AHA acids.

A TCA peel of 10 percent or slightly more can act as a preparatory procedure for a deeper cleansing. This type has exfoliating, stimulating and anti-inflammatory effects, like deeper peeling, and requires careful post-procedure skin care.

If you perform a superficial TCA peel from 5 to 15 percent, a frost effect will appear on the surface of the skin - a thin layer similar to pink frost. This coloring indicates that the drug did not reach a great depth.


TCA peeling of 15% or more is an average level, which is characterized by light white frost. Typically a solution with a concentration of about 20% is used. In addition to Trichloroacetic acid, it includes a lactokine complex consisting of amino acids. This version of TCA peeling, as can be seen from the photo, is applied to the face in a zoned manner, only to problem areas. More often, this type of manipulation is used for other parts of the body.

Superficial-medium TCA peeling restores the smoothness of the skin texture and eliminates wrinkles. It is used to combat scars and stretch marks. After the procedure, pigment spots disappear, pores narrow, and the skin becomes elastic and smooth.

When carrying out the manipulation yourself, the question arises of how long you need to keep the TCA peeling on and when you can wash it off - wash it off as soon as a rich white frost appears.


Only an experienced cosmetologist knows thoroughly what deep penetration TCA peeling is and is able to carry out the procedure in such a way that it is as safe and effective as possible.

Deep-type manipulations are prescribed to correct pinpoint imperfections. A solution of more than 30% is used. But not higher than 50%. After such a TCA peeling procedure, rehabilitation is required - restoration with the help of special gels, creams and ointments.

Properly performed manipulations using Trichloroacetic acid have a number of advantages:

  • speed of sessions;
  • when using solutions of low concentration, the restrictions are minimal;
  • preparation for the process does not require much time;
  • the results are visible visually;
  • frost effect, which allows you to determine the depth of penetration of the product;
  • relatively safe, since the drug has a low level of toxicity.

In addition to the advantages, there are a number of disadvantages of the procedure, especially when TCA 20 percent peeling is done. This:

  • the presence of a wide list of contraindications;
  • the speed of action of the product, which can confuse and delay the determination of the depth of penetration;
  • TCA peeling for the face, as well as other parts of the body, causes pain in patients;
  • with deep penetration, the skin peels off in large layers.

To ensure that the negative effect is minimal, before prescribing TCA peeling, the cosmetologist determines how many procedures are needed to achieve a good effect and in what concentration.

Sessions are prescribed if there are indications for the use of the drug. These include:

  • the appearance of pigmentation;
  • freckles;
  • stretch marks;
  • small and large wrinkles;
  • scars;
  • sagging, etc.

Peeling with trichloroacetic acid is not prescribed for acne. To eliminate this drawback, other more effective procedures are provided.

It is important to know how often you can do a TCA peel, how to prepare for a TCA peel, and to what extent the maximum concentration can exfoliate the upper layers of the skin.

It is important to choose the right time for manipulations. It is not recommended to conduct sessions during warm periods: summer, early autumn and the last two months of spring. It is also contraindicated to perform TCA facial peeling if:

  • recent tanning;
  • rosacea;
  • postoperative period when facial surgery was performed;
  • decompensated diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases internal organs in an advanced stage, especially in diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • increased convulsive readiness;
  • taking retinoids;
  • abrasions, cuts, wounds;
  • oncological diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • allergies;
  • pronounced pigmentation;
  • skin viruses.

Contraindications to TCA peeling may relate to individual intolerance to cosmetic preparations. If there is any of the above, you should bring it to the attention of a cosmetologist. Even in the absence of abnormalities, complications after TCA peel are normal. It is important that a specialist can predict the consequences and take measures to prevent them.

Complications - what are cosmetologists hiding?

The body's defensive reaction after acid treatment is normal. It is expressed in the form of pastiness - slight swelling and erythema - redness. However, other complications are possible after TCA peeling. They come in 3 types:

  • immediate – appear within 2 weeks after the procedure;
  • appearing during the regenerative period – after 2–6 weeks;
  • persistent - appear after 3-10 weeks.

Patients may develop herpes, inflammatory processes on the skin and allergic reactions. Not all cosmetologists warn that sessions are often not without consequences. What to do if complications arise after TCA peeling?

In fact, there are a sufficient number of remedies to help get rid of the consequences. For example, for allergic reactions, cream ointments will be useful:

  • Dermovate;
  • Elokom;
  • Advantan;
  • Laticort;
  • Lokoid.

Anticipating the consequences, an experienced cosmetologist will give the necessary advice to help you easily go through the post-procedure recovery process.

On average, a session takes about an hour. The manipulation is conventionally divided into 3 stages:

  1. Preparatory.
  2. Carrying out the procedure.
  3. Care after TCA peel.

At each stage, the use of certain cosmetics and the implementation of the necessary sequence of actions are provided. The photo shows the possible consequences of TCA peeling. The cosmetologist’s task is to minimize them. For this purpose, beauty salons have in their arsenal a large number of restorative and preventive skin reaction preparations. These are formulations with glycyrrhizic acid, zinc, antioxidants, homeopathic medicines, NSAIDs, ointments and creams. These products are used when performing TCA peeling.

Pre-peeling preparation

The first stage is preparation for TCA peeling. It begins 4 weeks before the scheduled manipulation. During this period, the skin should be treated with particular care. It is not recommended to use sponges, sponges, or facial brushes. You can't do hair removal. Cosmetologists advise actively using sun protection products. SPF must be at least 50.

It is important to know how to properly care for your skin before a TCA peel. You need to come to the salon with your skin consistently and thoroughly prepared for the procedure.

Preparatory procedures also include the use of antiviral drugs, especially if herpes has been observed on the skin over the past six months. Visiting the bathhouse or solarium on the eve of the procedure is not allowed.


During the session, it is necessary to clean and disinfect the skin. Next, the drug is applied. The product is evenly distributed in layers. To do this, use a brush or cotton swab. As a rule, applying the first layer is painless. The second and third layers cause discomfort and sometimes severe pain. In beauty salons, fans and fans are used to reduce pain. The product is left on the skin until frost appears.

As soon as a coating resembling frost appears, the exfoliant is removed from the skin. The cosmetologist wipes the surface of the face with a sponge soaked in a special neutralizer.

After the procedure, when TCA peeling is completed, competent post-procedure care for injured skin is necessary.

Post-peeling skin care

At the last stage of the session, the face is covered with a protective cream or serum. The recovery process will take at least a week. During this period, women experience an unpleasant feeling of dryness and tightness of the skin. The upper layers of the epidermis form a crust. Possible swelling. By the third day, the skin begins to peel off. This is all normal. It is important to begin skin care immediately after a TCA peel. The best restorative remedy is mesotherapy sessions.

Rehabilitation after damage caused by TCA peeling lasts up to 3 weeks. During this period, it is not recommended to sunbathe, go to the bathhouse, or visit the sauna. I'll have to give up decorative cosmetics and products containing essential oils. Scrubs and masks for skin care are prohibited. You can’t eat spicy or pickled foods or drink alcohol.

When asked when you can wash your face after TCA peeling, cosmetologists answer unequivocally - no earlier than 12 hours after the session.

Nervous stress, psychological overload, bad environmental conditions and many other unfavorable factors make our life far from being as simple as we would like. We can still cope with purely medical problems with the help of a doctor, although most often we go to the clinic only when it’s really bad. But the inevitable cosmetic defects on the face (network of wrinkles, acne, pimples, bags under the eyes, jaundiced complexion) cause many more difficulties, often remaining unresolved. The effect of a soft mask is often very, very unnoticeable. Lotions and scrubs used at home require sufficient time, and the result, alas, is not immediately noticeable. Grandmother's recipes seem ridiculous and ridiculous in the 21st century. And procedures in the salon, which are considered absolutely safe, actually have significant contraindications. But if the situation with your skin is close to critical, and your face increasingly resembles the ruins of a once majestic ancient temple, you will have to take risks, since there is no other choice. And instead of leisurely and gentle skin care at home, settle for something much more effective and dangerous. For example, for TCA peeling (medium or deep).

On the one hand, after such a procedure your face will literally be transformed. The result is truly fantastic, and reviews from women who agreed to take the risk are full of enthusiastic comments. But even a medium TCA peel cannot be called at least relatively safe (deep in this sense is even more risky), and you often have to pay very dearly for the cosmetic effect. And those women who tried to do it at home risk continuing the “treatment” in the intensive care unit. What is trichloroacetic acid peeling? How to make sure that after the procedure there is no severe disappointment? What contraindications are there for this type of chemical facial cleansing? Let's figure it out together.

Customer reviews: I suffered for a long time with my severely problematic skin. I tried a lot of things, but if there was any result, it was very, very insignificant. The cosmetologist recommended TCA peeling, and I took a chance. I did everything in the salon according to all the rules: an appointment with a doctor, careful preparation, skin care after the procedure... But in the end I’m happy. Dina, 36 years old.

TCA peeling: what is it?

The answer may vary. From the point of view of the salon client, for whom everything ended well, this is one of the most effective methods dry cleaning (after the procedure, the face is literally transformed). Less “lucky” women will tell you that such skin care is very dangerous, and to prove their words they will tell their own story. To be fair, it should be noted that TCA peeling owes much of its bad reputation to neglect of basic safety rules. The cosmetologist will give you a detailed and comprehensive lecture on the chemical properties of 3-chloroacetic and 3-chloroethanoic acids, their effect on the skin and the main methods of application. We propose to omit the theoretical part (those interested can find the necessary information on the Internet), focusing on the practical side of the issue.

Properties of 3-chloroethane and 3-chloroacetic acids

  • Keratolytic: loosening and effective cell removal upper layers skin.
  • Antioxidant: binding free radicals, blocking heavy metal salts, protecting the epidermis from adverse environmental factors.
  • Mattifying: the face gets rid of unnatural oily shine, “shedding” dead skin particles.
  • Tightening: TCA peeling stimulates the production of elastin and collagen, which provide a wonderful lifting effect (you can do it at home).
  • Antiseptic: as a result of exposure to acids on the face, most pathogenic microorganisms immediately die, and after the procedure the result lasts quite a long time.
  • Comedolytic: narrowing of enlarged pores, eliminating blockage of the sebaceous glands.

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, doing a TCA peel, or generally agreeing to any potentially dangerous cosmetic procedure, is strictly prohibited.

Indications and contraindications

First of all, let us remind you once again, dear readers, that TCA peeling is very, very serious. And skin care should first of all be safe, and only then effective. Therefore, before making an important and responsible decision regarding this procedure, it is worth weighing the pros and cons.


  • Pronounced skin irregularities.
  • A network of wrinkles caused by prolonged exposure to hard ultraviolet radiation(for example, due to excessive use of solarium).
  • Hyperpigmentation.
  • Spots on the skin after acne.
  • Striae (stretch marks).
  • Enlarged pores.
  • Hyperkeratosis.
  • Large scars resulting from acne.
  • Lentigo (freckles): senile and solar.
  • Melasma.

Skin types that best tolerate the procedure

  • Fat.
  • With a tendency to rashes.
  • Dim.
  • Inelastic.

Absolute contraindications

  • Chronic diseases, especially in the acute stage.
  • Fever with signs of ARVI: fever, headache, body aches, cough, rhinitis.
  • Fresh skin injuries in the intended treatment area.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Just received a tan (naturally or in a solarium).
  • Age restrictions (TCA peeling is not performed on teenagers under 18 and elderly people over 60 years old).
  • A pronounced tendency to form keloid and hypertrophic scars, papillomas, warts.
  • Any traumatic cosmetic procedures, if less than 2 months have passed since them.
  • Hypertension.
  • Photodermatitis.
  • Cuperosis.
  • Any inflammatory process on the skin: exacerbation of dermatosis, acne, herpes.
  • Some types of treatment (taking roacutane, radiotherapy, aromatic retinoids).
  • Mental pathologies.
  • IV, V and VI skin phototypes (the so-called Fitzpatrick scale).

Relative contraindications

  • Multiple nevi.
  • Days of menstruation.
  • Hirsutism and hypertrichosis.
  • Increased skin sensitivity.

An anecdote on topic. If you are completely satisfied with your appearance, but want to have more expressive eyes, try ordering a classic Greek profile from a cosmetologist, and then look at the invoice issued to you. A positive effect is guaranteed!

Advantages and disadvantages

The acids used in TCA peeling can hardly be called harmless, but much will depend on the qualifications of the cosmetologist, the individual characteristics of your body, the concentration of the active substance and the tasks to be solved. However, such a procedure still has more advantages than disadvantages.


  • Highest efficiency. TCA peeling is a recognized leader in salon cosmetology, successfully combining an acceptable cost and a wonderful final result.
  • Relative safety. Both acids (both 3-chloroacetic and 3-chloroethane), if all precautions are followed, are unlikely to lead to serious consequences. Which, alas, cannot be said about, which cosmetologists themselves consider a full-fledged operation.
  • The active components are well distributed over the skin.
  • Relatively a short time preliminary preparation and rehabilitation period (provided that the acid concentration is no more than 15%).
  • Instant lightening effect (occurs due to protein denaturation).
  • The result is noticeable after the first procedure (although skin care, if certain chemical acids are used, must be comprehensive).
  • TCA peels are relatively quick.


  • A large list of contraindications.
  • A visit to the doctor before the procedure is mandatory.
  • A pronounced pain effect is possible (depending on the individual characteristics of the body).
  • The high rate of acid penetration deep into the skin, which significantly increases the requirements for the qualifications of a cosmetologist.
  • There is a considerable likelihood of extensive areas of skin peeling (from 20 to 35%). In this case, the rehabilitation period will be significantly increased.

Large discounts offered by some beauty salons are explained by the use of questionable or expired reagents. Therefore, low price should not be the main factor of choice.

Execution steps

TCA peeling can be of three types: superficial, medium and deep. In the first case, the acid concentration is less than 15%, in the second - from 20 to 25%, in the third - more than 40%. Consequently, the details of the procedure may differ quite a lot, but the main stages of its implementation will be the same in any case.

Preliminary preparation

  • Superficial glycolic peeling - 2-3 weeks before the procedure.
  • The use of special sunscreen and moisturizing preparations, as well as creams with fruit acids.
  • A course of therapy aimed at strengthening blood vessels and stimulating tissue regeneration.
  • Refusal to use rough washcloths, scrubs, hair removal, eyebrow correction, as well as visits to the solarium, sauna and bath - for a month before the procedure (we recommend reading about).
  • Preventive administration of antiviral drugs - 3-4 days before the session.

Basic procedure

  • Cleansing the skin and thoroughly removing makeup (special gel-like preparations, not traditional milk).
  • Application of the basic composition to the face (at the client’s request, anesthesia can be used).
  • Neutralization of acid (most often, ordinary water is used for this).
  • Apply a moisturizing and anti-inflammatory mask to the skin.

During the procedure, the cosmetologist must constantly monitor the depth of penetration of the acid, for which a special technique developed by the American doctor Zane Obagi is used (epidermolysis - pink spots - persistent blue tint - pronounced White color skin). By the way, he developed the so-called blue TCA peel, which differs from the traditional one in the reduced rate of acid penetration into the epidermis. With a similar therapeutic effect, it has a lower risk of side effects and is better tolerated, so in general it is worth choosing it.

How often can you do a TCA peel? If the acid concentration is less than 15%, then the procedure can be repeated after 2-3 months. Medium and deep peeling is done no more than once a year and only in the absence of significant side effects.

Skin care after TCA peel

This stage is the most important and responsible. After all, the therapeutic effect ultimately depends on how carefully you follow all the cosmetologist’s recommendations. Drugs used during the rehabilitation period are divided into several groups:

  • sunscreen (SPF no less than 50);
  • melanogenesis inhibitors (protection against hyperpigmentation);
  • vasoprotectors;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs (calendula and witch hazel extracts);
  • ceramides (reduce skin sensitivity, restore its protective barrier);
  • antioxidants (the most popular is green tea extract);
  • stimulants that ensure the prevention of scarring and remodeling of the epidermis (vitamin complexes, zinc);
  • antiviral agents for the prevention of herpes;
  • mesotherapy biorevitalizers with hyaluronic acid;
  • preparations that help restore the film that retains moisture (aloe extract, protein hydrolysates).

If all contraindications are taken into account, and side effects absent or mild, skin care after the procedure may take 2-3 weeks.

Expected complications

  • Severe redness of the treatment area (erythema) lasts from 3-4 hours to 5 days.
  • Severe peeling of the skin.
  • Edema (the presence of an inflammatory reaction within the epidermis).
  • Increased skin sensitivity may last for 7-10 days.

Dangerous complications (consult a doctor required!)

  • Activation of herpes.
  • Infectious lesion of the body (a course of antibiotics is required).
  • Acute allergic reaction(unlikely, but possible).
  • Persistent erythema.
  • Change in skin color (marbling).
  • Hyperpigmentation (can be treated with additional peeling sessions or mesotherapy).
  • Exacerbation of acne or seborrhea.
  • The appearance on the face of a clear boundary between two zones - treated and untouched (the problem is eliminated by Jessner peeling).
  • Formation of rough hypertrophic or keloid scars.

Review from a cosmetologist

TCA peeling is a procedure with a very controversial reputation. Its effectiveness is exceptionally high, but you will have to pay well for it, both literally and figuratively. The author of the material clearly pointed out possible complications and side effects, and I would like to add that the average prices for this type of peeling are very immodest - from 12 to 35 thousand rubles. And if you need certain expensive rehabilitation procedures, the costs will increase even more.
Therefore, the justification for TCA peeling is not as clear as it seems. In many cases, skin care can be managed using significantly safer methods, especially if the problem you are facing is not medically significant. But if you still decide, I urge you to approach the choice of a salon in the most responsible manner, and take the cosmetologist’s recommendations with all possible seriousness. Believe me, this is not a whim, but an urgent necessity.