Leading: We called all the guests
On this anniversary day.
They looked after the hero of the day,
Dress decently!

And we decided at this hour
Ask you about him.
Both young and old should know
Who is the hero of the day today? (Name.)

Who is ironed, clean shaven,
Has a presidential look? (Name.)
Who is charming, elegant,
Who is a hunter, an avid fisherman? (Name.)

Of course, you all recognized the hero of the day,
But you haven't mentioned his age yet. (50 years.)
A very long road:
Five dozen to walk.

And today, let's say strictly,
This needs to be washed.
Our dear hero of the day!
We are happy to raise our glasses to you!

May you always be healthy
And be glorious to boot!
And we tell you this, lovingly,
Let there be everything in life:
Health and good luck!

Game "We praise the hero of the day"
Leading: Dear guests!
Pay attention to the wine:
“Slavutich”, “Slavyanka” is its name.
We gave the name in honor of the hero of the day,
We kept it in the basement for half a century.

When was Vyacheslav born?
The wine was in the cellars,
Since then it has gained strength,
The baby was not left behind.

And to find out if it arrived,
The hero of the day and I will try wine.
This bottle of wine
We pass it back and forth.

On whom the music stops,
He pours a glass,
Says his toast to the guests,
Glory to the hero of the day.
(Game. Toasts.)

Leading: And now I propose to conduct an experiment. Here in front of you is a bottle of wine, half of it has already been drunk. I'll start one sentence, and you have to finish it...
I'm starting: the bottle is half...
One word left to say...
Full? Right...
Empty? That's also correct.

But the word “full” was said by an optimist, and the word “empty” was said by a pessimist. This also happens at a certain age: our hero of the day turns 50 today. In this phrase, between the word “fulfilled” and the number “50” you can put a short word “already” or two short words“just yet.” Let's ask the hero of the day what he will put in front of his age. So, today I turned... “Only yet?” This means you are an optimist.

Leading: Let's drink to the optimism of the hero of the day! If he is only 50, then he will be 100! For healthy domestic optimism!
Blitz survey "Constellation Pisces"

Leading: During the years that the hero of the day lived in the world,
A house is built, a bush is planted, and children grow up.
What else has he done in his life?
What kind of destiny did you build?
Everyone can find out today
Taking a star with a question.

(The constellation Pisces is laid out on the wall of stars. Each star has a question on it. Guests choose a star and answer the questions.)

When and under what circumstances did you meet the hero of the day?
What do you like most about the hero of the day?
What tree can the hero of the day be compared to and why?
Why would you present the order to the hero of the day?
What great joyful events do you know from the life of the hero of the day?
Try to guess the dream of the hero of the day.
What question have you always wanted to ask the hero of the day?
Tell us an interesting incident that happened to you and the hero of the day.
How many times has the hero of the day changed his place of residence?
How many years has the hero of the day been given the honorary title “grandfather”?

Confess your love to the hero of the day using modern jargon.
Birthday boy flexibility and strength test

Leading: Thanks to the guests for their answers!
We are talking about the fact that half a century has passed,
Just about half a person's life.
What is age?
Really, nonsense.
The soul of the hero of the day will be forever young.

We have Toastmaster 10t.r. in 6 hours

But a man at 50 always passes the exam:
There is a test of strength, and most importantly, of intelligence.
Now we will see why our hero of the day is famous,
We give him every chance.
We invite the hero of the day to answer several questions.

It was given to the birthday boy, and people use it more often than he does. What is this? (His name.)
Can a birthday last two days in a row? (No, there is night between them.)
What will the birthday girl do after living 50 years? (Live 51st.)
What fabric cannot be used to make a birthday suit? (From the railway station)
Why, when the birthday boy wants to sleep after the holiday, does he go to the bed? (By the floor.)
When is the birthday boy in a room without a head? (When I stuck my head out the window)
When is the easiest time for a cat to get to the holiday table? (When the door is open.)

Leading: You have now shown the flexibility of your mind,
But he promised to show off his strength to us.

(They put boxing gloves on the hero of the day.)

Assignment: write the phrase with a marker in boxing gloves: “Today I am the hero of the day.” (Completing the task.)
Leading: Today you are the hero of the day,
Showed a natural gift.
But not only on the anniversary
You surprise your guests.
Everyone knows you well
You are almost like family to them,
Everyone congratulates me from the bottom of my heart,
They send you a big greeting.

Leading: I invite all guests to congratulate the hero of the day in the following way. First, we need to split into two teams: the right half of the table and the left. Each team is given chocolate. At my signal, we pass the chocolate down the chain, holding it without using our hands and biting it so that the last one gets it too. As soon as the last one finishes the chocolate bar, the team shouts in unison: “Congratulations to the hero of the day!”

(Congratulations game.)
Leading: Dear birthday boy!
Life isn't that complicated
If you're not alone
Your first friend is your wife,
We will give her our word.
(Congratulations to the wife.)

There is always peace in my soul,
When the children are all with you.
Now is the time to tell them.
All words to the hero of the day.
(Congratulations to the children.)

You are for your grandchildren
“Grandfather, “grandfather,” “grandfather.”
There are three of them already
On the anniversary year.
(Congratulations to the grandchildren.)

Every year our family grows
Childbirth will continue, relatives will increase.
(Congratulations to relatives.)
Anniversary wish
You can also accept it from your friends.
(Congratulations to friends.)
Leading: Let's raise our glasses to the fact that our guests found some time and came to us here today for our anniversary!

Congratulations from the Italians

Leading: Dear guests! Dear hero of the day! Now greet guests from far abroad with friendly applause. The Italians have arrived.

(Disguised “guests” enter - an Italian woman and a translator. Each has their own text. The Italian woman reads out one sentence, the translator immediately “translates” it.)

Italian: Brilliant, blooming, winter scented, hero of the day.
Translator: Dear hero of the day!
Italian: And the sit is free, drunkenly dormoedo tight.
Translator: Dear guests!
Italian: Get out of here as quickly as possible.

Translator: We welcome everyone who is here.
Italian: The convict hard worker hasn't received a damn dollar.
Translator: Representatives of the working class and commercial structures.
Italian: Teach, read, count, paper, marato and music, and then kick out.
Translator: Educational and cultural workers.

Italian: Bandito, shoot, catch, plant.
Translator: Militia workers, police, security departments.
Italian: And other lords of lodirento.
Translator: And other other workers.
Italian: Slurp on anything.

Translator: I arrived on a special flight.
Italian: Italy has a stubborn light in his eye.
Translator: From sunny Italy.
Italian: Congratulations to the hero of the day Vyacheslav
Translator: Congratulate the hero of the day Vyacheslav.

Italian: Dashchito damn chatto from Italiano in chechanto different nonsense.
Translator: I brought greetings and congratulations from Italian and Czech friends.
Italian: There's no need for any kind of fuss.
Translator: And small modest gifts.
Italian: Spervanto vyruchenzo italian belly grow, fat accumulated, ok retektiro.

Translator: First of all, our Spaghetti straws.
Italian: It’s very tasty, sousento, rewarding.
Translator: Sauce from America for coloring straws.
Italian: Stinks a mile away, cipollin's head from the mafioso structure
Translator: For the smell especially from the Sicilian mafia - onions.

Italian: Spilled, drained and underfilled.
Translator: The famous Amaretto liqueur.
Italian: Pomeranto wished forgiven.
Translator: In conclusion, I would like to wish...
Italian: The back is not bolento, the nose is not chihanto, the catfish are cusanto, the legs are shaganto.

Translator: Health.
Italian: Copanto in the garden, tidy up in the house, taskanto bags, success everywhere.
Translator: Youth, long life.
Italian: Don’t swear, love always, respect your friends.
Translator: Friends, happiness.

Italian: Always pour a drink for the hero of the day in Vycheslavo!
Translator: Let's drink to the hero of the day Vyacheslav!
(Toast. The Italians leave.)
(The lights in the room go out.)

Leading: Anniversary candles are lit
Congratulations, hero of the day!
On this memorable, festive evening
We bring this cake to you as a gift.

Let it be in darkness and silence
Words will find their way to you...
Let me wish you on holiday -
Let happiness be only a help.

We wish you good luck, ardor, heat,
We wish you good health again.
And again we will tell the hero of the day
Everyone unanimously said in unison: “Congratulations!”

So that luck awaits you along the way,
And every evening was joyful,
And we will also ask you in addition -
Manage to blow out these candles!
(The hero of the day blows out the candles)
(Tea drinking. Dancing.)

Unfortunately, birthdays are only once a year, and anniversaries are even less common. That is why the anniversary is celebrated magnificently and on a grand scale. And for the holiday to be a success, the script must include funny scenes. For a man’s anniversary, for example, you can take some from our article.

Birthday is a bright holiday

It doesn’t matter how old a man is - 55, 40 or 30, funny scenes for an anniversary will always be appropriate. They allow you to add a special atmosphere of fun and jokes to the holiday. But in order not to inadvertently hurt the feelings of the owner of the holiday, you should not make fun of the negative aspects of the hero of the day or other participants in the celebration in the production. Remember the golden rule: it is better to play up your advantages in a colorful and bright way than to joke about your shortcomings.

Particularly interesting on a man’s anniversary are funny scenes with dressing up, although here you will have to make some efforts in advance and carry out preparatory work. Read the script carefully and prepare clothes for each character in the production. It will be useful if guests can rehearse and learn the words in advance.

Read also:

  • Ideas for anniversary competitions

So, the theoretical part is over, it’s time to move on to practice.

It's good that today is a holiday

Funny scenes for a man’s 60th birthday can be congratulatory, comic or educational in nature. Today we bring to your attention a simple skit that can introduce all participants to the event. The organization of the production should proceed as follows:

  1. A small group of people comes out in front of all the guests and stands in a row.
  2. The first three lines are repeated throughout the text; they must be spoken by everyone together with breaks for the speech of other participants.
  3. The entire text should be pronounced as a pioneer motto.

General text:

We came to your anniversary

Drink and eat

And if they didn’t come...

Guest first: Then I would go to the garage!

Fuel oil, a lot of dirt -

What a beauty!

Oh, the carburetor is new,

I wish I could sort it out quickly.

We came to your anniversary

Drink and eat

And if they didn’t come...

Guest second: I would have to babysit my grandchildren

Egor, don't torture the cat!

Oksana - get off the window!

Oh, our lot as women is not so easy.

We came to your anniversary

Drink and eat

And if they didn’t come...

Guest third: I would lie on the sofa

I would watch our football.

Where are you bow-legged!

Give it to the left and back

Hit the goal!

Eh, I would have scored them.

We came to your anniversary

Drink and eat

And if they didn’t come...

Guest fourth: would have to clean up

So much dust! Where's the bucket?

Let's start with the bathroom.

Here we go?

We came to your anniversary

Congratulate, drink, eat.

Jubilee: What if you didn’t come?

Guests: They would have come anyway!

Mini-scene congratulations

A sketch of congratulations on a man’s anniversary may contain funny phrases in the form of a toast. The main text with wishes is read by the host, and the guests only repeat the memorized phrase:

Today is not an easy day,

We are celebrating our anniversary

And no matter how old you are,

A man always flourishes.

We need a drink for this!

And we don't mind!

To the hero of the day

We compose praise.

Should I drink for this?

And we don't mind!

Good luck, money and health

We wish him with all our hearts.

Should I drink for this?

And we don't mind!

Our dear birthday boy,

Happy Birthday honey!

Golden anniversary - golden gift

Funny scenes for a man’s 50th birthday should correspond to the theme of the holiday. The fiftieth anniversary is considered a golden birthday, and the production of “The Tale of the Ryaba Hen” is perfect for it.

Presenter: Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and grandmother. Grandfather was very old and weak. Most of all he loved to spend time on the stove on the bench.

(The song “Im sexist and i know it” plays, and a grandfather in a suit with a cane comes out, limping, and sits on a chair.)

Presenter: But our grandmother’s soul does not age. Just look at her: quick, mischievous, cheerful!

(The song “I’m walking like this” plays; the grandmother comes out, dancing, blowing kisses to the audience and sitting on a chair).

Presenter: And although my grandmother was cocky, she never offended my grandfather. On the contrary, she loved him very much and kissed him:

  • first on the right cheek, then on the left;
  • first on one knee, then on the other.

Grandfather's legs will hurt - he'll massage them, his back will ache - he'll massage it, grandfather will get tetanus - and then he'll massage it!

(The song “Lower, lower, just about there” is playing; the grandmother gives the grandfather a massage).

Presenter: And my grandfather and grandmother had a Ryaba chicken, but not an ordinary one, but a magical one!

(A melody plays and he comes out dressed in women's sundress man with kokoshnik).

Presenter: Who knows what a decent chicken should do? That's right, carry testicles. But for this she needs a groom. Meet the Australian broiler rooster!

(A man in red shorts and a cap of the same color comes out, flaps his wings and crows).

Presenter: In order for a hen to lay an egg, the rooster must look after her.

(The hen and the rooster dance a fiery dance together).

Presenter: So they danced, the rooster trampled the hen a little.

(A screen is pulled onto the stage, behind which the egg is hidden.)

Presenter: A little time passed, and our Ryaba went to the maternity hospital, where the most intimate process took place - the birth of an egg.

(The chicken goes behind the screen, some movements are happening there).

Presenter: Now let's see what we got out of this? Applause - egg!

(The screen is removed, and a new character appears on the stage, dressed as a golden egg).

Presenter: And how happy the grandmother was, the grandfather also shed tears of happiness. Everyone was happy!

And the old men decided to break the egg and take the shell to the pawnshop:

  • Grandfather beat and beat and beat the testicle and did not break it.
  • Grandma beat the testicle, bit it, and pinched it, but never broke it.

Grandfather is crying, grandmother is crying, everyone is crying! And then a little mouse appears.

(A thin man comes out to the music, dressed in a skirt and a translucent blouse, with round ears on his head).

Presenter: Every self-respecting mouse should have a tail! Where did he get lost?

(An ordinary man appears on stage and hugs the mouse around the waist.)

Presenter: The mouse was running very quickly and as soon as it waved its tail, the egg rolled into the crack and broke there. Grandpa is crying, grandma is crying. Of course, there was such an increase in pension.

Chicken Ryaba says a word: Don’t cry parents, in honor of the holiday I will lay you a new golden egg. Only you should congratulate our hero of the day from me.

Applause breaks out, guests and participants in the scene drink to the health of the birthday boy.

: 50 years old man. Ideas for an interesting and fun holiday!

So, what does a man need to celebrate his 50th birthday?

Decide on the location of the celebration. Set a festive table at home or rent a room, for example, a country cottage or a cozy restaurant.
. To make it fun and interesting, invite a toastmaster. will help you have fun, make up funny congratulations, will make guests happy original gifts. Make a plan for your evening, or use a ready-made one and make new changes to the script.
. To create a memorable holiday atmosphere, you can shoot a video with congratulations for the hero of the day, and also invite a photographer. Such a cool surprise will stay with the birthday boy for many years. Pay attention to decorating the hall, order the services of a decorator, or show your imagination and take on this honorable responsibility.
. Don't forget to create a guest list for men over 50 years old. Send colorful invitations and agree on a dress code.

50th anniversary script for a man

A scenario with competitions will help make the evening fun and memorable.

: "Hurray! Well, and of course, school friends are an integral part of our lives. So, school friend (friends) - Sergei Alexandrovich."
Friends say the guests are drinking to the hero of the day.

: "And now! Let's find out which of you knows Nikolai Petrovich best?"
Held . asks questions about the birthday boy’s childhood (year of birth, first teacher, favorite toy, etc.). For each correct answer, a chocolate medal is awarded.

: “Ah, student years! So much emotion, energy, anticipation, love! In 1980, Nikolai Petrovich entered Moscow State University and became a student at the Faculty of Engineering. Almost adulthood! What interesting things can our fellow students tell us, what do they want to wish to their friend?”
Friends stand up, say, guests clap, drink.

: "It's time to remember the young student relay races!"
A tug-of-war is held, and the winning team is awarded medals for “strong students.”

: "And now disco!"
Two dances sound, the guests sit down at the table. Wedding slides are included.

: “Nikolai Petrovich devoted many years to his beloved work. Dear colleagues and friends came to congratulate the birthday boy, let’s give them the floor!
Slides of photos from work are shown on the screen, friends and co-workers say.

Leading:"And now disco!"

It continues with loud music, the birthday cake is brought out, and the guests give gifts.

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The restaurant hall is ready to receive participants of the celebration. There is a buffet in a small room, where the hostess, the wife of the hero of the day, greets the guests. All the guests have gathered. The host comes into play, inviting guests to take their seats behind festive tables.

Good afternoon to you, gentlemen
I ask everyone to come here
Come on, come on,
There are tables waiting for you, look
Both salads and appetizers
Everything is solemn and delicious.

Take your place
Let it become crowded from happiness
Let wine and food
It will cheer you up
The hero of the day has been waiting for you
We are a gift to him today
We've got some fun in store
Congratulations, revelations.

And now I ask guests
Feel free to fill your glass.
Pour for yourself, for your neighbor
We have no time to talk now
The solemn moment has arrived
Applause. The hero of the day!

We welcome the hero of the occasion, full name, your applause.
Today we celebrate our half-century anniversary, the man turned 50 today, this significant date, a wonderful person, respected and loved. Begin.

Honoring the hero of the day. “Glasses are poured with a reflection of amber” can be performed by invited artists or a group of pre-arranged guests. Guests drink with a toast. The host suggests getting ready for the second toast.

Life rushes like a fast train
They just flicker outside the window
Years. Next to the one with whom
Many years have passed.
He will understand, forgive, hear everything
Will be sorry, give advice
Gentlemen, please be quiet.
There is nothing more beautiful
A toast from my wife and friend.
Congratulations for your husband.

Calls I.O. wives, applause. Toast, music, preparations for the next toast.

Today we congratulate a wonderful man, we have known him for a long time, and many can say today that they consider acquaintance and friendship with the dear hero of the day an honor, which we will hear about today, but now, attention, important point. Parents of the hero of the occasion. (Represents by parents' names)

At this time, children's photographs of the hero of the day are broadcast on a screen installed in advance, the presenter invites the mother and father to comment on the pictures on the screen, it is important to select children's photographs where the birthday boy appears in a funny way.

Gentle hands mothers
Strong arms father
Protected diligently
Son of your hearts.

Sleepless nights, restless days
My son is already fifty.
You raised a worthy son.
You have a hundred years of health in a row.

Over to you Dear Parents. Sounds like a toast.

There is nothing easier in the world,
Having given the floor to my mother-in-law,
Give her a riddle,
Tell me where your son-in-law is.

The mother-in-law should comment on photographs of the birthday boy in his youth, at the time when he was courting her daughter and wooing her.

Mother-in-law, it doesn’t get better
Like a caring mother
Always knows everything about his son
And it’s time to give her word.

The wife’s parents congratulate the dear hero of the day (introduces, gives the floor)

Snacks and treats are waiting.
Pour it, have a bite.
And performing artists
Let them come to your taste.

Invited artists will perform by prior agreement. A calm number with jugglers, magicians, and clowns will fit well into the evening’s outline.

It's time for songs
Sing along more fun
That's why the world is interesting,
To sing with friends.

Let's sing! Choral drinking songs, depending on the musical preferences of those present, are agreed upon in advance. The presenter must determine when to continue honoring the hero of the day.

Our dear hero of the day is neither young nor old.
The man is in full bloom, the children are now grown up.
And trees were planted and a glorious house was built
And now the grandchildren are growing up in prosperity in that house.
He is a zealous owner, he is a caring father.
We touchingly adore his grandchildren, finally.
And today the whole family congratulates the hero of the day,
Children, grandchildren, matchmakers, daughters-in-law and, of course, sons-in-law.

To your applause, we ask all children to welcome the hero of the day. Toasts and congratulations from the offspring, they present gifts and songs and poems from representatives of the younger level of the family. You can continue showing photographs where the hero of the day appears with his family.

We continue to congratulate you.
Isn't it time to give your word?
Team and management
Raise a toast with them.

There are congratulations from colleagues and management. Gifts are given.

And now for the hero of the day, dancing in the heat of the moment.

Guests dressed in gypsy skirts dance, inviting the hero of the occasion, and involve the rest of the guests in the dance. This can be framed as a competition, based on the results of which the most incendiary performer will be chosen. Music, dancing.

We all need some refreshment
Please sit down at the tables.
Sort out the glasses, shot glasses, pour quickly.
Our birthday boy was waiting for congratulations from friends.

Friends proclaim toasts to the hero of the day. The amount of time is determined by the presenter, who monitors the tempo of the celebration. Prepares competitive games.

Game one: team of the hero of the day, representatives of the stronger sex, and a team of women. Each team member receives a letter, the leader makes a riddle, the answer to which in the form of a word must be formulated by the teams. Tasks can be related to moments in the life of the hero of the day. The team that gives the answer first wins. The hero of the day and his wife act as strict judges. Prizes for the winners.

Continuation of congratulations from friends.

Stayed too long? Shall we dance or sing songs?
We’ll sing and lose, so let’s all get up together.
We split into two teams. The ladies are here. Here gentlemen.
Come up, don't hesitate, come here to us!

Game two: who will outsing whom. Men and women. Compete on quality of performance, knowledge of words, volume. Game option. The presenter offers to sing a well-known song, but the music sounds different, the participants must adapt to a different melody and rhythm and sing at least one verse. The judges are the same.

The stronger sex and the weaker sex
Continue the eternal dispute
Let's all play together
To the anniversary volleyball!

Game three: volleyball. A team of women and a team of men throw inflated Balloons two colors through a ribbon held by two people, it could also be the hero of the day and his wife. Music sounds, volleyball starts, stop the music, the winner is determined by the color of the balls on the team field. And so on for several rounds.

Game four: all participants stand in a circle and kneel in a circle from one participant to another plastic bottle without helping with your hands.

Game five: An orange or apple held by the chin is also passed around the circle formed by the guests.

Fifty years ago, on such and such a day at such and such an hour, wonderful person. Many kind words were said in his honor today, good words, and now we must give the floor to the hero of the occasion himself.

The hero of the day says a toast.

Sweet table and leisurely conversations. This process does not need regulation. At the request of the guests and the hero of the day, singing songs to the accompaniment of a guitar or accordion.

Even a child knows that 50 years is half a century. And what about this holiday you need to prepare in advance. And the most important thing is to work out to the smallest detail interesting scenario anniversary for a man's 50th birthday. It’s even better that your script is fun, not dry and formal. Still, God himself commanded to have fun on such a significant day, as they say. Next, we have prepared for you an approximate version of your celebration. You can take it entirely or change it to suit your guests and your principles.

Exactly 50 years ago the sky lit up new star, and the parents gave the name to this star (the name of the hero of the day). And so, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, this star pleases us with its presence.

Half a century is already behind us,
But don't be upset!
There is still so much to come!
All your friends are with you!
You told me a lot in life,
Where have you been?
You know a lot about life
But the best is yet to come!

Dear guests! Let's greet our hero of the day with thunderous applause! After all, today is his day - a day that many dream about, and when it comes, many are upset by his quick arrival. But we wish our hero of the day not to be sad or upset. After all, fifty years is not an age for a man, it is only the beginning - the beginning of his prosperity and the beginning of his new life, in which there will be only the best.
And now I ask everyone to sit down at the table.

Let's fill our glasses,
Let's all drink to the hero of the day with all our hearts!
So that he could live peacefully and not grieve,
And he invited us all to the centenary!

We drank and ate
The hero of the day was thanked.
Take turns getting up
Give him gifts!

(guests stand up one by one and congratulate the hero of the day and present him with gifts)

I suggest you play
And stretch your bones.
I want to remember my childhood
And this is what I will offer you!

Competition 1.
Couples needed: man and woman. The men sit on chairs and the women dance to the music. On men's knees lie inflated air balloons. As soon as the music stops, the women run up to their men and jump on their laps to pop the balloon. If the ball has not burst, then you can jump on your knees, fidget and do everything to make it burst. But you can’t help with your hands or fingers, you can only work with your butt! The last one to burst is eliminated. Thus, at the end there will be two couples left, who will compete for a prize for the title of the most elastic butt.

I suggest we return to the table,
And sing one song for the hero of the day.
The words of this song are familiar to everyone,
So I keep singing along and not eating tomatoes.
(guests sing the song “Let them run clumsily”)
(If you have a desire, you can fulfill it.)

Oh, we sang to the fullest,
It's time to wet the neck.
And to make it more interesting to drink,
Let's make a toast!
Who's to say best toast, Friends,
He will receive a gift from me personally!
(guests pronounce)

We'll play again.
Who wants to take the prize?
Come to me quickly
And you will learn the rules.

Competition 2:
And again we need couples consisting of a man and a woman. One of the pair goes into the next room, where the presenter tells him what he should portray. For example, show that their daughter was born or that the postman brought a pension, and so on. And the second in the pair must guess what is being shown to him. You can show with movements, gestures and everything else, but you cannot say anything. Whoever did it better and funnier wins, and the rest are given incentive prizes.

I suggest you dance
And I’m announcing a dance competition!
Show me your best dance
And take your prize!
(guests dance, and whoever dances best wins a prize)

Our holiday continues
Guests are invited to the table.
Drink, eat, have fun,
Have a good time!
(The guests return to the table. Then you can hold more competitions, which you can search on our website, dance and just talk about any topic)