Before tights were invented, women, including pregnant women, did without them. The modern fashion industry, caring for the beauty and comfort of women, offers special styles of underwear, including tights during pregnancy. Are they really necessary and how do they differ from ordinary products?

Is it possible to wear tights during pregnancy?

Is it possible to wear tights during pregnancy? The question borders on incorrectness, since tights during pregnancy are just as necessary as at other times. This is not only underwear, but also an accessory that complements clothes and shoes. Transparent products make the legs more beautiful and slimmer, and this is extremely important for the good mood of a pregnant woman. Warm ones provide coziness and comfort, which is no less important.

An economical option for tights during pregnancy are regular ones, with a low waist and soft elastic. They are worn “under the belly”. Special ones are more expensive; they contain an insert that can “grow” along with the enlargement of the uterus. The insert is made of soft hygroscopic materials, usually cotton or velor, capable of providing heat exchange and microcirculation. In “winter” products, the toes and heels are additionally insulated.

The second type of product is compression, designed to prevent varicose veins. When choosing them, you should not be guided by the advice of incompetent people; it is better to ask your doctor or phlebologist for advice, who, if necessary, prescribes an examination.

Some women feel great in compression stockings and wear them instead of tights during pregnancy. They come in different models:

  • traditional;
  • with belt and Velcro fastener;
  • with open toes (heels);
  • with silicone gusset and openwork top.

What tights to wear during pregnancy?

Tights during pregnancy, as at other times, are needed to protect against the cold and provide a feeling of warmth and comfort for healthy legs. If there are problems with the vessels of the lower extremities, special tights are required. These are so-called compression tights, which are worn for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins.

What are the features and what kind of tights should you wear during pregnancy? On early stages It is enough to buy regular tights, just one size larger. Later, special products will be required, and in the last trimester, possibly, preventive compression ones.

  • Tights during pregnancy should delicately support your growing belly. Therefore, an elastic, denser, but stretchy material is used at the front.
  • A special cut with an insert is used, due to the increase in the abdomen, and a soft wide elastic band.
  • High-quality tights have flat seams or no seams at all. Volumetric seams are a source of discomfort.
  • In the cold season, you should wear tights made of wool or cotton.
  • It is advisable to check the information on the label about the manufacturer, composition and quality of materials.

Otherwise, this type of linen is chosen as in ordinary cases. Thin products are suitable for the spring-summer period, dense ones are suitable for the cold season. The thinnest are 15 deniers, the densest are 200 deniers. Nylon products do not stretch, but models with the addition of lycra or polyamide provide sufficient elasticity.

How to wear tights during pregnancy?

A real woman doesn’t wear tights anyhow or with anything. This is an accessory that complements the entire ensemble of clothes and shoes, so it must be in harmony in color, texture, etc.

How to wear tights during pregnancy depends on fashion trends And own preferences. Women wear tights during pregnancy under dresses, shorts and trousers of various lengths (capris, breeches). Tights with openwork, patterns, shiny or matte, flesh-colored, black or colored - everything is suitable, just to future mommy I felt elegant and attractive.

But the main thing that should not be forgotten during this period is convenience and safety. This is especially true during the cold season. At this time, you will need pregnancy tights with a dense texture, with a significant portion of natural threads in the composition. Such products are worn under woolen dresses and trousers.

Correctly selected tights are worn in the morning, when swelling is minimal. You can first lie down with your legs raised up. To avoid damage, remove jewelry and file your nails. You can even wear delicate gloves.

Next, you should grab the heel part of the tights from the inside and insert your foot into the foot. Carefully distribute the upper part of the product over the entire lower leg and thigh, smoothing it away from wrinkles and folds. Then put on and straighten the top part of the tights. If there is no pulling or rubbing anywhere, and all parts fit comfortably into the product, then the tights are put on correctly.

Compression tights during pregnancy

It is no secret that during the period of bearing a child, the likelihood of varicose veins increases significantly, and if such a problem has been observed in the anamnesis, it worsens, especially during the second and subsequent pregnancies. This is facilitated by hormonal changes that negatively affect the veins.

In this case, you should visit a phlebologist, who will probably advise you to wear compression tights during pregnancy. This elastic underwear forms an additional frame for the veins, evenly distributes pressure in the right directions, due to which venous outflow improves, and the expectant mother feels the desired lightness in her feet. This prevents unwanted varicose veins.

Clothes and underwear for pregnant women are sold on the Internet, in special stores and departments. When choosing anti-varicose tights, be guided by at least three criteria: quality, practicality, naturalness. Taking into account the fact that they do not stretch, you need to select a size that corresponds to individual measurements. Please note the following:

  • Compression tights should not have seams.
  • The safety of the material is confirmed by the RAL standard mark.
  • A good choice– knitted material with cotton braid.
  • It is advisable to purchase two pairs for replacement.
  • Expensive does not mean best; priority is comfortable underwear, regardless of cost.

They produce compression products of 4 classes; the first is suitable for prevention, the rest are used for therapeutic purposes, for medical reasons. Their density is measured in millimeters of mercury.

For example, the first class is prescribed for women belonging to a risk group, the second - for regular pain and swelling, the third - for chronic diseases such as thrombophlebitis. Full information about these indicators indicated on the packaging confirms the quality and originality of the product. The price ranges from several hundred to thousands of hryvnia.

Shaping tights during pregnancy

At the beginning of pregnancy, women make do with regular tights. When they become uncomfortable, they switch to low-waisted products, in which the elastic is located below the protruding tummy, or tights bigger size. Special tights are recommended after about five months.

It is not advisable to wear tights during pregnancy even occasionally. They disrupt the normal blood circulation of the lower extremities and pelvic organs, which adversely affects internal organs and fruit. It receives insufficient blood and, accordingly, oxygen, which leads to hypoxia. Constantly wearing tights inhibits the development of both the fetus and the uterus.

Even non-pregnant and completely healthy women are not recommended to wear such underwear for more than 6 to 8 hours at a time. Contraindications – hypertension, angina pectoris, varicose veins, arrhythmia, exacerbations of female diseases, neoplasms of various types. A woman will need corrective tights after the successful birth of her child.

Nylon tights during pregnancy

Modern hosiery masters have long learned to please pregnant women. The range of hosiery products includes various varieties, including nylon tights during pregnancy. However, are such tights useful during pregnancy if they are made of synthetics?

Synthetic fabrics can be beautiful and stylish, but the disadvantage is that such tights do not allow air and heat to pass through, the skin sweats and overheats, and is exposed, among other things, to pathogenic microflora. Most common problem The problem that occurs in such cases is thrush.

But this is not the only complication that arises from wearing nylon. During the cold season, such products contribute to hypothermia and provoke cystitis. Pain and burning during urination are undeniable symptoms of inflammation that require a visit to a urologist.

Finally, products made from nylon cannot help women prone to varicose veins. If preventive measures are taken, the resulting dilation of the venous vessels can continue to haunt the woman for the rest of her life. And it gets worse the next time you carry a child.

An alternative is special products that have orthopedic and slimming effects. They reduce the negative consequences of hormonal changes, increasing volumes and weight of the mother and fetus. Their higher price, compared to regular ones, is nothing, because we are talking about preserving health, which must be protected from a young age.

Tights for varicose veins during pregnancy

Why do you need tights for varicose veins during pregnancy? The short answer is to prevent varicose veins. Physiological changes in the body of pregnant women contribute to pressure on the veins, complicating the outflow of venous blood. As a result, dilation of blood vessels is formed, leading to varicose veins.

Compression tights during pregnancy do an excellent job of preventing the problem. When they are put on, the blood is distributed, squeezing the deeper vessels improves superficial microcirculation, nourishing the skin and subcutaneous tissue. The compression force decreases from bottom to top, “pushing” blood flow to the heart.

Therapeutic underwear must be put on in the morning, while still in bed, and not taken off all day. To avoid allergies, it should be washed with baby soap. After washing, tights retain their shape and quality if they are dried on a horizontal plane. Some models do not look as aesthetically pleasing as we would like, but if you wish, you can find beautiful products. Moreover, the priority in this case is undoubtedly comfort and practicality.

Models of anti-varicose products for pregnant women provide comfort thanks to a special design in the abdominal area and special manufacturing technology. In particular, some manufacturers use active silver ions, which eliminate odors and protect against microorganisms. In Ukraine they sell domestically produced products, as well as those manufactured in Latvia, Germany, Italy, Poland, and the USA.

Tights during pregnancy are an integral part of the wardrobe. They are necessary and important, and, like everything else, they must correspond to changed circumstances, fully support comfort and good mood future mother. There are plenty of such models on the women's accessories market. The choice is yours, dear mothers.

During times long dresses and corsets, the rules of decency prohibited women “in position” from appearing in society. Those of them who did not want to deprive themselves of the pleasures of attending social events, balls and other entertainment events did not stop wearing tight-fitting dresses and tight-fitting corsets until the last opportunity. We still remember with horror the consequences of such abuse of a woman’s body and the body of an unborn child. Cruel times and morals are a thing of the distant past, and in our time, pregnancy practically does not change the usual way of life of women: many literally do not stop working until the day of birth and strive to look attractive, despite the constantly growing belly. The basis of any office dress code is classic tights. Can pregnant women wear tights, including everyday tights, as well as warm ones? Will they put too much pressure on your tummy?

Can pregnant women wear regular tights?

At the beginning of pregnancy, the female body does not make any special demands on the wardrobe: with the exception of giving up tight trousers or leggings, all kinds of tights, skirts and dresses remain in your arsenal. But over time, tight knitwear becomes tight and the waist becomes rounded. How to be?

Naturally, tights with a tightening, lifting, corrective or modeling effect should be abandoned in the very first days of pregnancy.

Even if ordinary everyday tights seem quite comfortable to you and you expect to get by with them and thereby save money on buying special tights for pregnant women, you should know that you are taking a big risk. Too much external pressure on the tummy can provoke an increase in the body’s natural resistance from the inside, including increased tone.

Tights should just fit your stomach, waist and pelvis, but not squeeze in any way. In Soviet times, there were so-called one-size-fits-all tights that everyone wore. However, there were no special tights for pregnant women back then.

The ribbed cotton tights that existed during the Soviet era, which easily stretched to the shoulders, had to be tucked at the waist and additionally tightened with an elastic band, because the standard insert did not hold the tights at all. These tights did not cause any concern, since there was no elastane in their composition at all.

Due to the presence of elastane, Soviet tights fit well, but can be too squeezing. In addition, synthetic tights can impede skin breathing, which increases during pregnancy. For this reason, pregnant women are recommended to choose tights with a maximum cotton content.

Life hack: save on maternity tights

Maternity tights are always more expensive than regular tights. This is explained by the fact that the need for them is much lower than regular ones, and by the fact that more material is spent on their production and they have a more complex design due to a special insert on the tummy.

We buy regular tights several sizes larger

To save money, many pregnant women buy regular tights, but one or more sizes larger than needed. For some, this method is a real savings. All figures are different, and some may feel most comfortable in tights 2-3 sizes larger. At the same time, such tights do not press and do not slip.

We wear tights backwards

Tights with a wide back insert instead of a gusset, but without a molded heel, can be worn backwards, placing the insert on your growing tummy. Tights with a back insert usually start from sizes 4-5.

Let's move on to stockings

If the season allows, you can give up tights and switch to stockings. This option is especially suitable for those who suffer from swelling of the legs: special compression stockings for pregnant women they will help cope with the mentioned problem and replace tights. Modern compression stockings do not require a belt, but are held on the legs by silicone strips.

If you do not have problems with your legs and swelling does not bother you, then you can wear regular stockings. By the way, by buying several pairs of identical stockings at once, you can save money by not throwing away the entire pair, but only one torn stocking, and replacing it with a new one.

All the methods listed above are given only as examples and are not a guide to action. Remember that tights should under no circumstances squeeze your body, and therefore it is better to find an alternative or get special tights for pregnant women.

Special tights for pregnant women: rules of choice

For a while, larger-than-usual tights can save you from having to buy special maternity tights. Do you know what causes the most inconvenience to later pregnancy? These are elastic bands of tights! And, even if you buy regular tights a size larger, they are still designed to fit the waist of a standard figure. Some people simply cut the tight belt of tights without being embarrassed by the creeping arrows, some try to wear tights with a low waist, forgetting that their belt will be on the most protruding part of the tummy, and some wear regular tights, folding the belt under the tummy . Each of these methods causes a lot of inconvenience and does not solve the main problem.

Tights for pregnant women. Photo:

IN modern world pregnancy and the first period of motherhood can proceed with comfort, which was unavailable to most just 30 years ago. Instead of reusable diapers and endless hand washing, there are now disposable diapers, which free up mom’s time and help save energy and hands; A variety of children's clothing for newborns allows you not to keep your baby swaddled, but gives him the opportunity to move and develop from the first days of life. Against this background, special tights for pregnant women are just one of the little things that make life easier expectant mother. Should they be neglected?

Surely many people do not buy special tights for pregnant women just to save money. But are you sure that you will really be able to save money without harming your health and the health of your child?

So, if you are going to buy maternity tights, consider a few little things:

  • if you buy tights from an unknown manufacturer, carefully study the packaging; pay attention to the composition, even smell the tights (pregnant women have a very enhanced sense of smell), if there is a chemical smell, refuse to purchase;
  • before buying tights, consult the seller, read as many reviews as possible on the Internet, remembering that some of them may be custom-made;
  • remember that tights cannot be returned or exchanged, so if you make an unsuccessful choice, you will have no one to file a claim with;
  • Do not buy maternity tights from an online store unless you are an experienced online shopper;
  • when choosing tights, ask the seller to open the package and show you the product; feel the fabric, check the elasticity of the belt;
  • Remember that your tummy is constantly growing, so you may need several variations of tights.

Maternity tights will be needed for a short period, but they should be chosen much more carefully than any other. Even the choice of stockings for a wedding is not so important!

In addition to happiness, pregnancy also brings unpleasant surprises - the body is rapidly changing and these changes are not always positive. The risk of developing varicose veins, especially in recent months, when the load on the legs increases significantly.

Experts advise wearing special compression underwear for pregnant women with varicose veins; stockings or tights will reduce the risk of venous expansion, and also protect against the feeling of heaviness and swelling. Medical knitwear can be worn not only by those who have already encountered the problem of varicose veins, but also as a preventive measure. So, how to choose the right compression garments for pregnant women and who to turn to for help?

Occurs due to stagnation of blood in the legs, when the vessels are too pinched and cannot provide normal blood flow. It is this blood that gradually begins to burst the veins from the inside.

According to the degree of manifestation, varicose veins can be divided into three stages:

  • Stage 1. During this period, no external symptoms are observed, since the deformation of the blood vessels in the legs is still too small. In the evening, a woman may feel tired or tired in her legs, but the next morning they completely subside.
  • Stage 2. At this stage, the consequences of varicose veins are more noticeable; the pregnant woman experiences leg cramps. Most often this happens at night, and in addition to cramps, throbbing pain and sometimes itching may be felt.
  • Stage 3. The last and most difficult stage, when the veins are so deformed that they are not only noticeable under the skin, but also noticeably protrude above it. In this case, a woman may not experience pain and may not even notice if.

The main causes of varicose veins in pregnant women are:

  • change hormonal levels(which in turn leads to thinning of the walls of blood vessels);
  • increased volume of blood flow, creating additional stress on the veins;
  • increase in weight and, accordingly, load on the legs.

The risk of varicose veins also depends on the individual characteristics of the woman, including genetic predisposition, as well as the general condition of the circulatory system.

Important! In pregnant women, varicose veins can appear not only in the legs; dilation of the veins in the area of ​​the labia and anus is also possible. This requires urgent treatment, otherwise rupture of the vein will lead to very heavy bleeding.

Why do pregnant women need compression garments?

When asked whether it is possible to wear compression stockings during pregnancy, any doctor will answer positively. complements the main therapy, or is used for prevention. Knitwear helps relieve swelling and pain, and also affects the condition of the veins:

  1. The diameter of the vessels is normalized, which allows the venous valve to work better. Blood circulates better through the veins, and the risk of clots is noticeably reduced.
  2. As the veins are compressed, blood flow is increased and better pushed up to the heart.
  3. Capillaries quickly absorb extracellular fluid, which usually causes swelling in the legs.

Despite the good preventive and therapeutic effect, compression garments cannot be bought in a regular store, only in an orthopedic salon. Stockings or tights of some compression classes can only be purchased with a doctor’s prescription; only a specialist can correctly select the degree of compression and size in accordance with the individual characteristics of the patient.

Important! Contraindications for compression garments include skin diseases, diabetes, coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis.

How is varicose veins prevented?

Prevention of varicose veins with stockings for pregnant women will be more effective if combined with other methods:

How to choose compression garments?

Therapeutic knitwear for pregnant women should not be too tight or, on the contrary, dangle too freely. The degree of compression should only be chosen by a doctor.- phlebologist or surgeon. This is done taking into account the duration of pregnancy, as well as the presence or absence of contraindications.

Important! Before choosing underwear, it is also necessary to undergo a vein examination to identify possible pathologies.

So, which compression class to choose during pregnancy:

  1. First. Such stockings are worn to prevent varicose veins and thrombosis, and for complaints of heaviness in the legs.
  2. Second. Such underwear is recommended to be worn by pregnant women who already have varicose veins, nodes in the veins and obvious spider veins on the legs.
  3. Third. Prescribed for the most severe forms of varicose veins, as well as after surgery on the legs.

As for the material, it is best to choose products made from natural cotton. These stockings and tights do not have seams, and due to the special weaving of the thread, they will not put too much pressure on the legs and cause discomfort. It is also important that the fabric is breathable and your feet do not sweat.

Ideally, the product packaging should have a special RAL symbol, this means compliance with international quality standards.

The most good brands Currently considered:

  • Intex (Russia);
  • ORTO (Italy);
  • Venotex (USA);
  • Copper (Germany);
  • Tiana (Italy);
  • Sigvaris (Switzerland).

Prices vary from 400 to 5000 rubles depending on the manufacturer. It is better to choose stockings in the price category from 1,500 rubles - too cheap products, although not inferior in compression quality, wear out too quickly.

If there is a need to wear not only stockings, but also tights, in addition to correctly selected sizes and materials, the product should have an elastic insert on the stomach.

The stockings themselves can be combined with maternity bands, which will help support the belly correct position. This is a good prevention of hernia and back pain, since the bandage allows you to evenly distribute the load on the spine.

How not to make a mistake with sizes

When choosing compression stockings for pregnant women, not only the degree of compression and material are important, but also the size. You can take the necessary measurements at home. In order for compression garments to fit all parameters, you need to measure in centimeters:

  • ankle circumference;
  • circumference of the shin under the knee;
  • hip circumference above the knee (at a height of about 25 cm for women of average height and 30 cm for tall women);
  • leg length from the bottom point to the thigh circumference measurement line or to the groin, in case of choosing tights.

When buying tights, in addition to standard measurements, you need to take measurements from the waist and hips. The resulting dimensions will allow you to choose the required size of underwear, but it is worth considering that different manufacturers dimensional grids are different. It is best to entrust the selection of product size to a consultant in an orthopedic salon.

How to put on and wear therapeutic underwear correctly

Therapeutic knitwear is somewhat different from similar underwear. First of all, you need to know how to wear compression stockings during pregnancy:

  1. Stockings need to be pulled on while lying down and always in the morning, without getting out of bed, during the day and evening the legs will already be swollen.
  2. The fabric should be evenly distributed over the leg; there is no need to pull the stockings too much or twist them. You need to start with the sock and gradually distribute the material along the entire length.
  3. Tights are worn similarly to stockings.

However, it is not always convenient for pregnant women to wear underwear due to their large belly. For such cases, special devices have long been invented that allow you to put on stockings or tights without bending over.

How to wear and care for compression stockings during pregnancy:

  1. Compression garments are easy to wear all day, but your legs need to be rested at night.
  2. If you need to go to the shower or pool, you need to remove the stockings. After water procedures, they can no longer be worn.
  3. After removing the compression product, your feet should be washed and lubricated with skin-nourishing cream.
  4. Products can be washed by hand in warm water; instead of powder, it is better to choose baby soap to avoid allergic reactions. Washing should be done daily.

If a hole or abrasion appears on the material, you need to show the product to a specialist. Most likely, you will have to replace the old stockings with new ones.


So, what are the best compression stockings for pregnant women? This issue should be discussed with your doctor. Only after the necessary examinations can you choose the ideal compression garment model.

The choice of a manufacturer depends only on personal preferences and financial capabilities.

In contact with

To reduce the load on the legs and prevent the development of varicose veins during pregnancy, doctors increasingly recommend wearing compression stockings for pregnant women - knitwear therapeutic effect. They reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases of the lower extremities not only for 9 months, but even during childbirth and after it. For those who suffer from dilated veins, asterisks, cramps and pain in the legs, such underwear is a real salvation.

Before purchasing this knitwear, which has an amazing effect on your legs, it is better to first find out why pregnant women need compression stockings and whether they are needed specifically in this or that case. Since this is medicinal underwear, it has a number of indications:

  • chronic venous insufficiency;
  • tired legs;
  • swelling by the end of the day;
  • pain;
  • cramps in the calf muscles;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • thrombosis;
  • venous, eczema;
  • spider veins on the legs.

If any of these problems exist or are at least suspected while carrying a child, compression tights for pregnant women or stockings are simply necessary for the normal well-being of the expectant mother and a successful delivery. Their therapeutic effect is obvious:

  • veins are protected from expansion;
  • constant pressure is applied to the surface of the leg, which causes blood to actively circulate;
  • the supply of tissues with oxygen and nutrients improves;
  • prevents the occurrence of thrombosis and seizures;
  • the ability of blood vessels to absorb extracellular fluid increases, which leads to the prevention and elimination of edema.

The benefits of such underwear when carrying a child are obvious. It is recommended to wear it even during childbirth, so that the veins do not burst from the tension that the woman experiences at this moment. It is very important to choose the right compression stockings for pregnant women so that they are as comfortable and useful as possible. They are divided into several classes.


You need to be able to determine the compression class of compression stockings for pregnant women required for a given situation. If preventive underwear can be purchased by any woman in a pharmacy and is freely available, then therapeutic underwear, which includes 4 classes, can only be prescribed by a phlebologist. Accordingly, you can only buy it in a specialized salon using a prescription only. What is the difference between these types of knitwear?

  1. Class 1. The compression created by these stockings (tights) on the legs is up to 23 mm. rt. Art. They are recommended for pregnant women with the appearance of spider veins and pain at the end of the day, with enlarged veins.
  2. Class 2. The pressure distributed by this underwear on the legs does not exceed 33 mm. rt. Art. Used to treat thrombophlebitis and varicose veins in pregnant women.
  3. Class 3. Compression on the legs - no higher than 45 mm. rt. Art. Tights (stockings) of this type are prescribed by a phlebologist for severe venous insufficiency, which is characterized by impaired trophism.
  4. Class 4. The pressure exceeds 50 mm. rt. Art. Underwear of this class eliminates disturbances in lymph flow and eliminates severe swelling caused by this disease.

In addition to the above classes, there are also preventive compression stockings for pregnant women, which can be worn by all expectant mothers to prevent such problems with blood vessels, veins and capillaries in the legs. If a woman is at risk, the observing gynecologist will definitely advise wearing such underwear. The question is which is better - compression stockings or tights for pregnant women, and what is their fundamental difference.


Depending on a woman’s individual preferences, she can choose various types compression garments - tights, stockings or knee socks. There is also an elastic bandage with the same effect. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

  1. Compression socks for pregnant women, they are used if pain, cramps and varicose veins affect only the calf part, without rising higher to the thighs. The inconvenience of this type of underwear is that knee socks do not always look aesthetically pleasing. short dresses and skirts. Although they are ideal for wearing under pants.
  2. Compression stockings- one of the most popular options for this type of underwear for pregnant women. They look aesthetically pleasing and beautiful on the leg, do not cause discomfort when you need to go to the toilet (which occurs quite often in this position), and do not put pressure on the stomach. The only negative, which, however, is very significant, is that they do not fit well on the foot and often slide down, which disrupts the uniformity of the pressure they exert.
  3. Compression tights for pregnant women they are an excellent alternative to stockings. Their advantages are that they definitely won’t slip off your feet and don’t need to be constantly pulled up. The disadvantage is the pressure they put on the stomach. Although manufacturers are actively fighting this disadvantage and reducing it to almost nothing.
  4. Compression elastic bandage for pregnant women it is useful only if there are some local problems with the veins in the legs. Phlebologists recommend it extremely rarely to pregnant women.

In addition, you need to know how to choose compression stockings for pregnant women in accordance not only with the class and type of underwear, but also with its size. This affects the correct distribution of pressure across the legs.


To choose the size of compression stockings for pregnant women, you need to take the following leg measurements before purchasing a home:

For stockings:

  1. Circumference of the lower leg above the ankle (in cm);
  2. Circumference of the upper leg under the knee joint (in cm).
  3. Thigh circumference at a distance of 25 cm from the knee (for a woman’s height up to 180 cm). If you are taller, measurements should be taken at a height of 30 cm from the knee joint.
  4. Length of the leg to the point where the thigh circumference was measured.

For tights:

  1. All measurements taken to select compression stockings.
  2. Waist and hip circumference.
  3. Length of the leg from the foot all the way to the groin.

After the dimensions have been taken, the data obtained must be compared with the dimensions given in the tables. When purchasing underwear in a specialized salon, show your measurements to the sales consultant, and he will select compression stockings or tights of the required size for you.

Size correspondence table for women's stockings:

Now you know which compression stockings are best for pregnant women and how to choose them correctly to get maximum benefit and comfort from them. All that remains is to learn how to use them, which is not difficult at all.

Terms of use

There are several nuances that will help achieve greater effectiveness from compression garments for pregnant women:

  • first you need to consult a phlebologist who prescribes the use of compression stockings during pregnancy and after childbirth;
  • underwear should be selected only to a woman’s individual size;
  • high-quality compression knitwear comes under the RAL sign - its presence on the packaging indicates a European certificate for the product;
  • The warranty period for compression underwear for pregnant women is no more than 10 months.

If you follow these recommendations and use the above tips for choosing compression stockings and tights for pregnant women, they will bring maximum comfort and benefit. Protect your legs from excessive stress and varicose veins throughout the entire 9 months. This will allow you to regain your former slimness and beautiful shape after childbirth.

Despite the joy of expecting a baby and the happiness in anticipation of his birth, many women during pregnancy may also encounter its negative manifestations, one of which is.

Statistics say that every fourth young mother suffers from varicose veins, and almost all of them note that the disease appeared during pregnancy.

Varicose veins are dangerous not only due to aesthetic defects, which all women are so afraid of, wanting to keep their legs slim and beautiful. In fact, it is a manifestation and symptom of serious cardiovascular diseases, which means it can pose a threat to both your health and the health of the unborn baby.

Compression tights or other knitwear of the same type are considered one of the effective methods of combating varicose veins, as well as preventing it.

If you manage to use this wonderful remedy in time, the pathological process will be stopped. If you want to prevent the onset of the disease, consult your doctor in advance for help in selecting compression stockings, which are so necessary during pregnancy.

Since a woman’s body undergoes many hormonal changes and changes during pregnancy, and the volume of circulating blood increases significantly, this is often a trigger factor for the appearance of varicose veins (venous pressure increases, the elasticity of the venous walls decreases, etc.).

As the fetus grows, the load on the legs becomes more and more, then they begin to hurt, the woman may feel constant heaviness and fatigue.

The main cause of the disease will be the so-called spider veins (when small capillaries and the vessels will suddenly appear through the skin as an unaesthetic mesh of blue or purple tint).

A woman may also have a predisposition to varicose veins, and if she suffered from it before pregnancy, then after pregnancy and childbirth the situation, as a rule, noticeably worsens.

That is why doctors advise using special compression hosiery during pregnancy (and even during childbirth): tights or stockings, which are one of the simplest, safest and effective methods prevention of varicose veins. Of course, those protruding veins or vessels that appeared earlier cannot be removed by wearing stockings, but the appearance of new ones can be prevented.

Main features and principle of operation

Experts say that compression garments help to distribute blood pressure evenly and correctly in the legs, which, in turn, will help improve blood flow and prevent blood stagnation (in blood vessels), and will also protect the woman from other possible consequences and complications of varicose veins.

The jersey presses on the leg with a clear intensity: it focuses on the ankles at 100%, in the knee area the compression is about 70%, and reaches 40% on the thigh, that is, it is distributed from bottom to top.

This is precisely the principle of operation of compression hosiery. If we talk about the effect that wearing such tights or stockings has, then it is very noticeable and important for every woman who suffers from varicose veins, in particular:

  • Your legs face serious stress, increasing with each month of pregnancy.

By wearing compression tights or stockings, you help your legs cope with this load, maintaining their beauty and health.

  • The outflow of blood after wearing shapewear is regulated and normalized, and since constant and, most importantly, uniform pressure is applied to the surface of the legs, this causes the blood to circulate very actively.
  • Due to the action of compression garments, veins are protected from expansion, vessel walls are protected from stretching, and tissues are much larger and better supplied with nutrients and oxygen.
  • Blood circulation in the pelvic organs is also stimulated.
  • The legs stop swelling and hurting. Unpleasant sensations and heaviness go away.
  • Microcirculation improves.
  • The risk of ruptures in the walls of blood vessels is significantly reduced (this is especially true during childbirth).

In general, even if such problems are simply assumed, it is better to choose compression stockings or tights so as not to let them slip and bring the situation to a critical point.

Indications for wearing therapeutic underwear may include:

  • the appearance of spider veins or stars/nodules on the legs;
  • calf muscles;
  • discomfort and pain in the lower extremities (pain, fatigue, heaviness, constant severe swelling, etc.);
  • established diagnosis of chronic venous insufficiency;
  • pronounced varicose veins;
  • the appearance of serious and dangerous symptoms of the disease, such as thrombosis, venous dermatitis or eczema.

However, there are some contraindications, in the presence of which wearing compression hosiery is not recommended and even prohibited. These include:

  • cardiovascular diseases (heart failure, impaired blood flow from the arteries to the extremities);
  • diseases of blood vessels (atherosclerosis, aortoarteritis);
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • problems with the skin of the legs (pustular diseases, dermatitis, eczema, open wounds, etc.).

After putting on compression tights, you will immediately feel how much easier you feel, because their healing effect will help you maintain health and good shape.

What's in stock for pregnant women: choosing the right class

A phlebologist (vascular surgeon) recommends wearing compression stockings.

He should help you choose correct class and type of product.

All parameters are individual, since they depend on how the disease progresses, what symptoms it manifests itself in, etc. Other important factors are also taken into account:

  • features of pregnancy;
  • general well-being of the woman;
  • its physiological parameters (physique features, weight);
  • stress that accompanies pregnancy (inactivity, lack of physical exercise or activity, work with a load on the legs).

Based on all this, the doctor will select the degree and compression class of the product that is right for you.

This characteristic distinguishes therapeutic (or hospital) underwear from ordinary preventive underwear (the pressure of such knitwear is only 15-18 mm Hg (or millimeters of mercury), so it can be worn by women who do not yet have pronounced signs and manifestations of varicose veins - just for prevention).

Preventive compression hosiery is recommended for wearing by almost all pregnant women in the later stages, and sometimes during (after) childbirth.

As a rule, compression garments are sold in specialized salons or pharmacies with a prescription prescribed by a doctor.

There are four classes of compression stockings.

  • First grade.

Underwear that belongs to the first class can create compression on the legs, slightly higher than preventive (from 18 to 22-23 mm Hg). It is prescribed to women whose veins have already slightly enlarged, and small protrusions of the spider veins on the legs are also visible.

These stockings can relieve mild swelling that often occurs towards the end of the day. If the pain becomes stronger, and the veins protrude in areas longer than five centimeters, then it is recommended to move on to second-class knitwear.

  • Second class.

Its compression is 23-33 mm Hg. Art. Lingerie will help cope with cramps, pain, swelling and other unpleasant symptoms of progressive varicose veins. It may also be recommended to wear it for manifestations of thrombophlebitis.

  • Third class.

When a woman is diagnosed with severe venous or lymphovenous insufficiency (with impaired trophism, deep vein thrombosis, etc.), the doctor will insist on using third-class compression hosiery (up to 45 mm Hg).

  • Fourth grade.

The fourth class of compression can be prescribed for serious disorders of lymph flow, severe edema, post-traumatic syndromes, etc. (its pressure is above 50 mm Hg).

What to choose: compression stockings, knee socks or tights?

Having understood the classes of compression underwear, you will need to decide which type to choose: tights, knee socks, stockings? There are even elastic bandages of the same type.

  • Knee socks.

Compression socks look like regular ones - they cover the calf and barely reach the knee.

Pregnant women can use such products if leg problems concern only these areas, but if pain, varicose veins, spider veins, cramps and other symptoms spread over the entire surface of the legs, rising higher and higher to the hips, then knee socks will simply be ineffective .

They are convenient to wear only under trousers, and they do not look good in combination with skirts or dresses.

  • Stockings.

One of the most popular types of compression hosiery is stockings. Women love them for their beauty and aesthetics, as well as for their additional features: when wearing stockings, you don’t have to worry about the inconvenience of going to the toilet, and they don’t put any unpleasant pressure on the stomach.

However, if the stockings begin to poorly stay on the leg and slip down, then they can no longer be worn, because if the uniform pressure of the product is disturbed, there can be no question of any therapeutic effect.

  • Tights.

A good alternative to stockings is tights. Yes, you will have to take them off to go to the toilet, but they do not slip and do not need constant tightening. As for the pressure on the abdomen, almost all models for pregnant women are now equipped with special elastic inserts that do not have compression and gently fit the expectant mother’s belly, taking into account its progressive increase.

  • Elastic bandages.

How additional remedy, you can also use an elastic bandage, however, when compared with compression garments, its low effectiveness should be noted.

The biggest disadvantage of the bandage is that it is difficult to calculate the correct degree of compression with it, since you can simply adjust it manually, in addition, the bandages constantly slip, which further reduces the effect of the therapeutic effect.

Don’t forget that you need to know how to bandage your feet correctly, and you can’t always do it yourself.

Issue price

As a rule, the price of compression hosiery is quite high. Of course, it depends on how popular the manufacturer’s brand is, as well as on the material from which the underwear is made.

Please note that all products are made from natural materials, because they must be safe (have hypoallergenic properties, do not cause itching or irritation of the skin) and high quality (such tights or stockings cannot stretch over time, must be restored to their original size, etc. .).

In addition, knitwear must have good air and moisture permeability. Such products usually consist of microfiber, lycra, rubber and cotton natural threads.

Among the most famous manufacturers are:

  • The Venotex brand (VenoteksTherapy, USA) is considered one of the most widespread and beloved.

This may be due to the fact that the company provides its customers with a fairly wide range of products. If we talk about the wear resistance of products, then it is rather average, however, as is their cost. However, they are certified and do not contradict State Standards in any way.

  • Knitwear from the Italian company Relaxsan also has a relatively low price.

This manufacturer also offers a large range of different models with interesting design and all compression classes, but it’s worth clarifying right away that their models are very short-lived, since compression will only be noticeable for a month. Also, judging by the reviews, they cause some discomfort when worn.

  • Products of the Spanish company ORTO can be classified as middle class - both in cost and quality.

Women who prefer this brand note good quality of his goods (compression can last up to four months), however, sometimes the product deteriorates (extreme wear on the foot and toes).

  • Products from German companies Medi or Bauerfeind are of high quality, of course, this is reflected in their price, but the products have an excellent degree of wear resistance.

In addition, all models are very comfortable, pleasant to wear and easy to care for. The products are made in excellent design solutions.

  • The domestic company Intex has become a competitor to Western manufacturers, whose products combine the most attractive factors: high wear resistance, low cost and high-quality compression.
  • If we talk about elite compression hosiery, then this is, of course, Sigvaris.

Unique design, high quality workmanship, minimal wear and tear - these are the qualities for which you can pay such an expensive price, which is what distinguishes the products of this manufacturer.

Choosing the right product

In order for compression hosiery to really help you and have the necessary therapeutic effect, it must be selected and selected correctly. This also applies to choosing the right size, because such underwear can in no case be either small or large.

Compression stockings or tights must exactly match your measurements - only then will the pressure be distributed correctly across your legs.

So, before you go shopping, you will have to take your measurements and write them down.

It is best to measure your legs in the morning, when they are not yet tired and swelling has not appeared.

To select linen you will need the following numbers:

  • How many centimeters is the circumference of the shin?

At the bottom, measure above the ankle, and at the top, under the knee joint.

  • Then you need to measure your hip circumference.

This can be done by raising the meter to a height of 25-30 cm above the knee joint.

  • Once you have this number, measure the length of your leg.

For stockings, stop at the point that was the thigh circumference, and for tights, measure all the way to the groin.

  • Also, to purchase tights, you will also need to take measurements of your waist circumference.

With the results obtained and the doctor’s prescriptions, you can purchase the product you need. The sales consultant must have a special table that describes in detail dimensional correspondence. Provide him with your measurements so that he can choose the best option for you.

Under no circumstances buy such products at markets or in dubious shops and stalls, and also avoid unknown sellers, otherwise you simply risk purchasing a fake.

Remember that high-quality compression hosiery cannot be cheap. Please note that real anti-varicose tights or stockings do not have a certain density, like regular knitwear, so if you are offered to buy tights with a density of 70, 80 or 90 denier, know that these are not therapeutic or even preventive underwear, and there is no special effect from them you won't wait.

Be sure to check whether the product has a RAL standard mark - this is the only way you can find a product that will meet international quality standards.

You also need to dress and wear it correctly

To achieve the desired therapeutic effect, compression hosiery must be worn without taking it off for the whole day.

Putting on such stockings or tights is also not as easy as regular ones.

  1. It is best to put on underwear immediately after waking up.

Don't get out of bed - let it lie somewhere next to the bed. Both tights and stockings are put on lying down (you can lift your torso a little to pull the tights over your waist).

  1. It is necessary to act extremely carefully, do not stretch the product or twist it.
  2. For convenience, gather the top part of the tights or stockings into an accordion, and then, inserting your palm inside the product, carefully put it on.
  3. Check whether the heel of the product is positioned correctly on your foot. Then, slowly straightening it, pull it higher.

Some manufacturers sell special devices to make the process of dressing not so difficult (for example, MediButler; kits also include “sliding socks” for models of compression stockings with an open nose, for greater comfort).

To ensure that stockings or tights serve you as long as possible, follow a few simple rules:

  • Maintain good foot hygiene

Cut your nails in a timely manner - short enough, and polish them well so as not to snag or tear the product, smooth the surface of corns or dry calluses.

  • Wash your clothes by hand every day in warm water (no more than 40 degrees).
  • When washing, do not wring out the product or twist it.
  • Choose for washing special remedy for the care of delicate fabrics.

It could even be shampoo or liquid soap, the main thing is that it’s not ordinary washing powder. Also, you should absolutely not use bleach or dry cleaning.

  • Do not hang the product out to dry in the sun; hot drying will not work either;
  • If you purchased stockings, be very careful with the silicone elastic strip.

If water gets on it, it will no longer be able to tightly fix the product, so it is better to clean it with a cotton pad that can be soaked in alcohol-containing liquid.

If you purchased anti-embolic stockings (compression stockings intended for childbirth and the postpartum period), you can wear them for seven days without removing them.

You can shower in these stockings, and they can also be washed at temperatures up to 70 degrees, unlike regular compression stockings. This is very important because they may have to be sterilized to give birth.

Thanks to the open toe, you can monitor the blood circulation in your feet. These stockings are seamless and do not cause any friction. If you didn’t have time to put them on at home, then the midwives will definitely help you in the maternity hospital.

Instead of a conclusion

Varicose veins are, of course, unpleasant, but you should not be upset, because you can cope with them. Compression hosiery can significantly help you with this. If you are concerned that pregnancy will affect your legs, see your doctor to help you find the right compression product.