“Creative Mom 2015” - Elena Ogulkova shares the script with us children's day birth of the house that she organized for her son. The birthday turned out to be thematic, educational and emotionally very rich. I think this day was remembered by all participants of the holiday! We give the floor to Elena.

My son saw piñatas in some store six months ago and got the idea to make a piñata himself, and always in the shape of a dinosaur. Thus, the theme of the Birthday was a foregone conclusion; we needed a Dinosaur Party.

I looked a lot on the Internet and put together a scenario that was most suitable for us. I wanted the games to be suitable for ages from 2 to 7 years old, there would be no competitive moments and the whole event would take no more than 30-40 minutes. In general, I chose the most interesting, in my opinion.

Preparation for the holiday

Pinata in the form of a dinosaur

We inflated it, tore the newspaper into pieces of about 10 by 10 cm and prepared glue (PVA was mixed with water in a 1:1 ratio). Then, using the papier-mâché technique, they pasted the ball in 2 layers. When the structure was dry, which took a couple of days, we pierced the ball and pulled it out.

We filled the pinata with confetti and small chocolates and sealed the hole with tape. Then we decorated the blank corrugated paper and glued the dinosaur parts drawn on cardboard. (Semyon took Active participation in making a piñata and drew the head of a tyrannosaurus himself)

Soda Volcano

Inside the volcano there is crumpled newspaper for volume, a layer of foil on top to give it shape, then it is coated with construction plaster and painted. acrylic paints. The volcano's mouth is made from a Rastishka glass. It took me no more than 15 minutes. To make an eruption into the crater, you need to pour baking soda, pour in a little dishwashing detergent mixed with red paint, and then add vinegar.


Wooden parts from a three-dimensional puzzle in the shape of a dinosaur are buried in the sand. At home, you can use semolina or any other cereal.

Tyrannosaurus Nest

In the nest there are books as a gift: “Dinosaurology” and “”. And also eggs made of foil, inside of which there are small dinosaur figures.

Scenario for children's birthday “Journey to the world of dinosaurs”

Paleontologist: Hello guys. Do you know who I am? I'm a paleontologist. A paleontologist is a scientist who studies the fossil remains of extinct organisms, studying the features of their existence and distribution in space and time. I'm especially interested in dinosaurs. But tell me where I ended up. Where did my time machine take me this time?

(Children answer that it’s for a birthday.)

Time Machine

Paleontologist: Wow! I sincerely congratulate the birthday boy and want to get to know you. What is your name, how old are you, what do you like to do? Do you like adventures? Then I want to ask you for help. I confess to you that I am an unusual paleontologist, I have a time machine on which I can travel into the past and study everything that interests me there.

Last time I'm in the Cretaceous period. I kept a diary called “Dinosaurology”; it contains very important facts unknown to modern scientists. But I was attacked by a Tyrannosaurus and, running away from it, I lost my work. Guys, could you go back in time with me and help me find my diary. I have a map of my route. And here is the time machine. You are ready? Then it's all up to me.

(I had a tent as a time machine; I had previously recorded a short video on a tablet from some scientific film, which showed moving into the past. While the children were watching a piece of the film, an assistant laid out hummocks and snakes).

Paleontologist (shows the children a map): Our path lies through swamp with poisonous snakes, you need to jump over the bumps so as not to fall into the swamp!

Let's look at the map.

Valley of Volcanoes

Paleontologist: We're in Valley of Volcanoes. During the Cretaceous period, volcanic activity intensified. Gradually the seasons appeared. Which ones do you know, and what time of year is it now?

Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?

Flowering plants arose, and herbivorous dinosaurs enjoyed them. Now let's watch the volcano erupt.

(We pour vinegar from a test tube into the mouth of the volcano and observe the eruption. At this time, an assistant throws red Balloons.)

Paleontologist: Children, hot lava is flowing into our valley! (Children use toothpicks to pierce the balls or burst them in any other way)

Thank you very much, you saved the valley from fire!

Dinosaur Digging

Paleontologist: Let's look at the map, where should we go next? Waiting for us excavation area. Last time I didn't have time to dig up all the fossils, maybe you can help me? Everything we know about dinosaurs comes from fossils—bones and other traces of life preserved in rocks.

(Children take out all the dinosaur parts from the sand; they can assemble it later.)

Herbivorous dinosaurs

Paleontologist: Let's look at the map. Oh, ahead of us Valley of Herbivorous Dinosaurs.

Herbivorous dinosaurs reached enormous sizes. One of the largest dinosaurs was Supersaurus. He weighed the same as 10 elephants. Each such heavyweight required hundreds of kilograms of food daily.

(There are cut fruits and vegetables and a bag of whole fruits on the table. Children first determine by touch what is in the bag. And then, blindfolded, they try the treat and try to guess by taste).

Battle with Tyrannosaurus

Paleontologist: Where will the map lead us now? Children, it's waiting for us meeting the scariest dinosaur Cretaceous period! Tyrannosaurus was one of the largest land predators in the history of civilization, had excellent eyesight and a well-developed sense of smell. With powerful sharp teeth, like giant scissors, he tore apart prey and crushed the bones of herbivorous dinosaurs. Tyrannosaurs were brutal, aggressive killer predators. Are you ready to fight him?

(We approach the piñata in the shape of a dinosaur and break it. We treat ourselves to sweets.)

Gifts in the nest

Paleontologist: Look here it seems Tyrannosaurus nest, and in it is my Dinosaurology diary! And dinosaur eggs, let's see what's in them!

Did you know that the first dinosaur eggs were Hypselosaurus eggs? The shape of the eggs practically did not differ from each other, they were usually round and elongated, the only difference being in size from 15 cm to 1 m 20 cm. Let's imagine these dimensions.

(At this time, the children unwrap the eggs and find small dinosaur figures in them, which they keep as souvenirs)

Guys, thank you so much for your help, I'm so happy! Now let's drive the “loaf” around the birthday boy!

Did you like the children's birthday scenario? Save to your favorite wall social network to please your child on the upcoming holiday!

By the age of eight, a child already has a circle of friends, school friends, and may even have his own group of interests: sports, scientific, artistic or other. As a rule, mostly same-sex companies are invited to birthday parties, but mixed ones are also possible. In any case, so that those gathered don’t get bored, in a good way the celebration is a thematic scenario.

This activity allows children to develop their creative, physical and intellectual abilities, learn to act in a team, take initiative, loosen up, learn to communicate and interact with other people, express emotions.

The thematic focus of the script may be different. IN in this case, the script is related to archeology and history. Dinosaurs, mysterious monsters that lived millions of years ago, are of great interest to both adults and children.

Inventory and other necessary accessories for the scenario:

  • Images of various types of dinosaurs, as well as other prehistoric animals and primitive people (as well as their household items).
  • Wooden (or plastic) sticks - several dozen pieces.
  • A toy bow with arrows on suction cups and a target.
  • Cards made of paper: a berry should be drawn on one side, and back side should hide the design, like a playing card. The number of cards is 20 with berries, and 20 without berries.
  • Tennis balls, basket (or bucket).
  • Berries (strawberries, raspberries, grapes or others).
  • Scissors (several pieces), large paper and plastic bags.
  • Toy weapons: bow, hammer, club, spear, dart.
  • A basket and ten Kinder Surprises (chocolate eggs).
  • Cards with color names where the color and the word do not match. For example, the word “red” is written with a black marker, etc.
  • Presenter's costume: an authentic costume for him can be a fur vest (with the fur facing out, or a fur coat), a long-haired wig, a club (baseball bat) in his hand.

1) Start of the script.

The host comes out to the assembled guests, shakes his club in greeting and says:


You came here for a holiday,

I salute you all!

There is an interesting story,

I'll tell you now...

We will talk about our ancestors,

Primitive times,

Dinosaurs, old skins,

Spears, bows and fires.

The presenter shows the children photo reproductions of ancient animals ( different kinds dinosaurs, saber-toothed tigers, bears, etc.) and asks if anyone knows the names of these creatures? If no one knows, then the presenter explains what they were called, where they lived and what kind of life they led.

Then the presenter shows images of primitive people, their clothes, weapons, tools, rock paintings and other things.

After this, the presenter addresses the audience:What do you think, children, did our ancestors fight dinosaurs? Now, some people think that they fought, while others think that this did not happen. How to be? Let's try to figure it out...

2) Primitive fashion designers.

The presenter says:Our ancestors, who lived in cold areas of the planet, wore clothes made from animal skins, something like this(points to his vest). Do you think it’s easy to make such clothes yourself? We don't have skins, but we can use other materials. Let's try!

The presenter gives the children scissors, paper and plastic bags and shows how they can make some kind of clothing out of this: cut out holes for arms, heads, etc. Then they will be able to try on these “clothes” on themselves.

3) Game “Hunting Instinct”.

The presenter says:Who can say what activity was the main source of food for primitive people? That's right, it's a hunt! People hunted various animals: bison, deer, goats, wild boars, and even mammoths. The most accurate hunter hit the target with a spear or bow. Come on, who wants to prove their accuracy and hit the target better than anyone else?

The competition consists of two stages. First, players shoot with a bow, trying to hit the target. The results are recorded and recorded by the presenter. Then you need to throw a tennis ball into a basket from a certain distance, and the winner is determined based on the number of accurate throws.

At the end of the game, each participant receives a toy weapon: a spear, hammer, dart, bow or club.

4) Competition “Berry picking”.

The presenter says:Who can tell: what was the second most important source of food for primitive people, besides hunting? That's right, this is gathering: berries, mushrooms, nuts, fruits, vegetables, healthy herbs. Who wants to try this interesting business?

The presenter lays out paper “cards” on the floor, back side up. He then gives a command to the players, and each of them is given the opportunity to collect as many “cards” as possible. When all the “cards” are collected, the players hand them over to the presenter, who looks at how many tags with prizes they contained, and for each tag the player receives a certain amount of berries (strawberries, grapes, etc.).

5) Competition “From a spark - a flame.”

The presenter says:Do you know how important it was for primitive man know how to light a fire? Life and health directly depended on this: fire scared away predatory animals, helped to keep warm, cook food, and illuminate the darkness of the night. In order for the wood to burn well in the fire, you need to lay it in a special way. There are several ways to stack firewood...

Leading with help wooden sticks demonstrates options for laying firewood for a fire: “hut”, “star”, “well”, “fence”, “taiga”, etc.

After this, the participants of the competition are divided into two teams, receive materials for creating fires, and at the command of the leader they must manage to put together as many as possible in the allotted time. different types bonfires The team that copes with the task better receives a prize.

6) Game “Dancing by the fire”.

The presenter says:For primitive people, fire was not only a source of warmth and protection, but was even considered a deity. They worshiped fire, staged ritual dances around it, and sang songs. Let's remember how fun it was!

The presenter places a chair in the center of the room, on which he places candles and lights them. Then he turns on music with a lively dance rhythm. All the children, together with the host and the birthday boy, join hands and begin to dance around the fire in a circle. At the same time, everyone takes turns saying congratulations, with wishes from themselves to the birthday boy.

7) Game “In the footsteps of dinosaurs.”

The presenter says:Well, now you have clothes, weapons, you know how to light a fire, collect fruits and vegetables, perform a dance ritual before the hunt, then it’s time to go hunt down dinosaurs! Show us what they should look like so we can recognize them right away!

The essence of the game is this: Each participant is given a few minutes to demonstrate the behavior of a dinosaur using gestures and sounds. It will be especially funny if you film it on camera and then let each of the players watch it from the side.

8) Competition “Dinosaur Nest”.

The presenter places a chair in the center of the room, places a basket with Kinder surprises on it, and says:Look what's here - it looks like a nest of dinosaur eggs! We were lucky to find him. But how do you divide the eggs among each other? Each of us would like to take all the eggs for ourselves... Let's have a competition!

The presenter shows cards one by one, on each of which the name of a color is written: red, blue, green, yellow, cyan, orange, purple, pink, black. The players' task is to name what color the word is. The trick is that the name of the color and the color of the word are not the same! For example, the word “red” is written with a black marker, and the word “green” is written with a blue marker. Whoever names the color of the word correctly the fastest gets a chocolate egg from the nest as a gift.

9) Final.

The presenter asks the children to eat chocolate eggs and see what's inside. There are no dinosaurs inside. The presenter says:So you have guessed the main secret: the first people appeared on our planet when dinosaurs had all died out a long time ago, so people never met dinosaurs! But you have the opportunity to get everyone together at this birthday, and you need to say thank you to the birthday boy for this!

Many boys and girls are interested in dinosaurs. And this is a great theme for a birthday! Children aged 5-9 will love going on an expedition to a lost world to find dinosaurs. How to entertain little guests and how to decorate a holiday, read the script for a themed Children's party.

Themed decoration for a children's party.

Dinosaurs lived at a time when the planet had impenetrable jungles, so to decorate a children's party on the theme of prehistoric times, a green corner in the country or use large indoor flowers is a good choice. Trees, vines, monkeys and other jungle inhabitants can also become part of your themed children's party decor.

Tree cuts, branches, stones and a sandbox for excavations - all this fits well into the concept of the holiday. Draw intricate dinosaur tracks on paper that kids will love to follow as they search for the giant ancient animal.

Invitation to children's party Make a “Dinosaur” egg into a kinder surprise, packing it in a themed box.

Every child can cook paper bag, stylized as an expedition member’s backpack. In the bag, put scoops for excavations, paper caps on your head with expedition symbols, and albums with dinosaur stickers.

Games and competitions for children 5-9 years old.

How to entertain little guests at a children's birthday party?

Piñata in the shape of a giant dinosaur egg.

We make a piñata from papier-mâché and hang it over the free space. We use feathers (from the pillow) and caramels as filling. Do not make your structure too heavy for the safety of children. The piñata is broken using a stick; in our case, you can use badminton rackets. Each child hits the piñata once until all the candies fall out. The order can be determined by asking riddles.


We invite children to follow the intricate footprints of a dinosaur in search of an ancient cave where a surprise awaits them. Among the dinosaur tracks there may be tracks of other animals. You can invite children to guess them.

Ancient cave.

Soap bubbles are hidden in the cave, which also become part of the game. Challenge the children to compete in inflating the biggest soap bubble, the size of a dinosaur.


Bury the toy dinosaurs in the sandbox in advance. Let the children find them using archaeological tools. If there are a lot of children, then you can divide them into teams - who will find the largest number of dinosaurs faster. After playing, have the children wash their hands and sit down at the table.


During the time of the dinosaurs, volcanoes were common. Make a volcano eruption for the kids using simple way. Make a large volcano out of plasticine with your children. Then pour red food coloring, soda and vinegar into it. Children will be interested in watching such an experiment.

Photographers: http://www.shuttergramportraits.com/ and http://www.ashleighnicoleevents.com/

We are often asked in what style it is better to celebrate a holiday if there are both boys and girls on the guest list, especially if all of them have not yet left the tender and enthusiastic age of childhood.

The answer is simple: invite little dinosaurs to your party. Due to their natural charm and enthusiasm, they will not leave any child indifferent. And an adult - believe us.

The collection is perfect for little fans of good cartoons, for example, “The Land Before Time,” and will also help out if, after watching the Pixar cartoon “The Good Dinosaur,” your child asks for his own dinosaur. This collection will also appeal to adults, especially fans of Jurassic Park. ;)

What does it take for a holiday in this style to go off with a bang?

Start by decorating the venue

Pendants and a congratulatory banner depicting the heroes of the holiday will help you create a bright mood. You can complement the themed decor with bright pendants made of multi-colored circles, paper circles and orange garlands with cheerful polka dots. Pendants, by the way, are perfect for zoning space or will become a bright background for your sweet table.

You can choose plain balloons in the colors of the holiday - purple, light green, orange, or take balloons with playful multi-colored polka dots. If the celebration is outside, the balloons can be collected in small bouquets for weights and placed in different parts of the site, tied to children's chairs, placed in the photo area or secured near the sweet table. After the holiday is over, give everyone a balloon, make a wish and release the balloons into the sky!

A stylish addition to the decor will be meter-long helium balloons - you can make a mix of bright monochromatic balloons and complement it with transparent balloons with confetti in the colors of the holiday

If you have time, you can get creative and sew these funny tails and slippers for guests from felt or fleece.

An important point in creating a festive atmosphere will be decorating the birthday table in the dinosaur style. You can set the table with dishes in the theme of the collection and complement the table setting with plain dishes in purple and orange colors. Party hats They can also be used to decorate a table at your party - it’s so cool to hide surprises for guests under them: toys, souvenirs, sweets (just be sure to be in the form of dinosaurs!).

Complete the decor of the main table or candy bar with paper figurines with dinosaurs - they will surely become the favorites of all children.

The treat at such a holiday can be canapés and sandwiches, green salads, meatballs and anything your heart desires, most importantly, healthy and decorated with images of these cute animals.

Special attention should be paid to the sweet table. Cake is undoubtedly the most awaited moment of any holiday. Here are just a few dino cake ideas out of the millions that can now be found on the Internet.

Dinosaur cookies and cupcakes can be given out to guests after the party as small sweet gifts.

The background for a sweet table can be orange and light green pompoms, bright paper circles or satin ribbons in the colors of the holiday.


Besides beautiful design celebration and goodies on the table, there is another important aspect: guests need to not only be invited and treated, but also entertained! We have collected for you funny Games and children's dinosaur-themed birthday contests.

1) Dinosaur bones.

Why don’t you prepare plastic dough in advance, and at the beginning of the holiday invite the children to make cookies in the shape of dinosaur bones from it, just like in a paleontological museum? There will be no limit to your delight when you serve freshly baked “exhibits” from the Mesozoic era for dessert.

2) Dinosaur tail.

Little dinosaurs and your little guests love outdoor games, so offer them one of the varieties of the game of catch. A leader, the so-called Diplodocus, is selected. He must “smear” the other players, and each “stained” player joins the leader, taking his or another participant in the chain by the hand. Accordingly, with each new “stained” player, the tail of the “Diplodocus” increases, and catching others becomes more and more interesting, because you can’t unclasp your hands!

3) Ice Age.

Small gifts to remember the holiday are a good tradition that brings joy to both guests and the birthday person. The night before the holiday, freeze small dinosaur figurines (available at toy stores and even newsagents) inside ice cube trays or yogurt containers. During the play part of the holiday, you can give each child an “iceberg” and offer to free the dinosaurs from captivity in the ice. Someone will pour warm water on them, someone will split them, and the little ones can ask adults for help. The winner of this competition will be the one who saves his dinosaur first. And guests will take the figures home as a good memory.

4) Shaggy Diplodocus.

Another game that involves movement, but more calm. This competition is great for an indoor children's birthday party.

The leader stands with his back to the other players at the maximum distance from them. When the game begins, the presenter loudly pronounces the following “code” phrase: “A shaggy diplodocus is pushing me in the side,” and while his voice sounds, other players can move towards him. The task of each player is to be the first to touch the leader and take his place.

What's the difficulty? The fact is that the presenter, before the code phrase, names the way in which the players are catching up with him: squatting, holding right hand behind the left heel, goose step, and as his heart desires. And before each repetition of the phrase, he names a new method.

The main thing is don’t forget to take pictures!

We wish you unusual holidays!

My son is an expert and lover of dinosaurs, we have all the books in the world, it seems to me, about them, my son knows all the facts and names, voices theories of extinction. And therefore, when it came to celebrating the 4th anniversary, no one had any doubts that we would go to The Lost World.

When all the guests had gathered, I asked them how they thought, how did people know that dinosaurs once lived on Earth?

The answers were correct, of course. Paleontologists are scientists who study fossils. Fossils are bones, eggs, pieces of skin and other remains found by scientists. From them people learned about ancient lizards.
Most dinosaur fossils have been found in deserts, in places where rivers, lakes and seas once flowed. So we’ll try to find dinosaur bones like real paleontologists.

It will be a little easier for us because... we have a diagram according to which we will need to arrange the found bones.

For reference: the bones are molded in advance from salt dough, dried and varnished.

Now we have to go to a lost world, but first we dress up as dinosaurs and come up with names for ourselves. If you noticed, many names of dinosaurs contain prefixes or endings such as “SAUR”, “DON”, “RAPTOR”.

The children came up with names for themselves taking this fact into account. We had Temadactyl and Sashasaurus and Leshadon, etc. And, of course, each dinosaur had its own signature roar.

For reference: we made special “dinosaur” ridges with the children in advance from colored paper for each guest.

And now that we are ready, have our own names and can growl no worse than real dinosaurs, we go to the swamp.

Who is an anaconda? Who knows? That’s right, an anaconda is a big snake, dangerous, merciless, it existed already in the time of dinosaurs, and now you and I need to overcome the lair of anacondas - the BIG SWAMP.

As you can see, through the swamp you need to follow well-trodden paths, otherwise you will fall and drown. And further important point- so that no anaconda has the desire to attack us, we will also pretend to be a snake, to do this we will grab each other’s shoulders to appear longer and more dangerous. And we all walk along the lines together.

And you need to be careful, walk very quietly and listen to the sounds, as soon as you hear the command “ANACONDA IS AWAKENED”, you all need to quickly sit down and freeze in place so that she does not notice you.
Well done! We did it!

You and I passed the anaconda swamp and ended up in the valley of the longnecks. Long-necked dinosaurs - brachiosaurs and diplodocus - are herbivorous giants. They were the largest creatures on the entire planet.
They had long necks and also long tails.

I'll introduce you to a little diplodocus, but he got into trouble...he...lost his tail. Like this.
Let's help him find his tail and attach it to the right place. Where should the tail be?
But the task will not be easy to complete - we’ll blindfold it, untwist it, and you have to attach it to the right place from memory.

And so you and I climbed high mountains. From their height one can see the entire ancient land. But even here we are in danger, troodons are making their way towards us, these are small ( less than a person) predators. Although they are small, they always attack in large flocks and therefore it is very dangerous, but we are lucky that we are on the mountains, we have stones, we need to bring down this flock, we throw stones (balls) at them and do not forget to roar with our signature roars , scare them.

Hurray, we put them to flight.

In our world, meteorite falls are not uncommon, and here there is a crater nearby, a trace from one of them. The trail was so strong, and the meteorite was so scorchingly cold, that in the place where it fell, everything froze, became icy-icy.

So you and I are going there to unfreeze the poor dinosaurs, who have turned into ice in the literal sense of the word.

For reference: for this step I froze the dinosaur figurines in balloons filled with water.

Who knows how dinosaurs are born?

That's right, from eggs.

Maiosaurus translates to "caring mother", these dinosaurs were the most caring parents of all dinosaurs. Other dinosaurs, laying eggs, forgot about them, the dinosaurs themselves hatched and survived, depending on your luck. But not maiosaurs, they took care of their eggs, transported them to better places, warmed them, and protected them from predators.

Majosaurs in our world had trouble - there was a heavy rainfall and flooded the lowland, flooded it so that the eggs remained on one side, and the nests on the other, they need to be moved.

For reference: I laid plastic film on the grass, poured a little baby shampoo and water on top, and we got a slippery slope. At one end of which there was a basin with water bombs, and they had to be transferred to another basin (nest), standing at the other end of the path.

Attention, attention, the great volcano NAST-NAST is preparing to erupt.

Volcanic eruptions during the time of dinosaurs were not uncommon; sometimes the eruptions were so powerful that within a radius of several kilometers there was nothing living left, the lava burned everything in its path.

You and I will now make our own volcanoes, come up with names for them and arrange a massive volcanic eruption.

For reference: for the volcano I prepared in advance salty dough, decorations (stones, shells, cones, blades of grass, etc.) They sculpted all this onto a base - a yogurt bottle attached to a plate. Soda was poured inside the bottle and water with citric acid was poured on top.

Pteranodons are flying lizards that often lived on the coasts of seas and oceans, ate fish and lived in caves.

Let's be a pteranodon for a bit, your hands are wings, come on, show me how you will fly? And scream!
Well done, and now on the command “NIGHT”, you all need to quickly fly into the cave, otherwise huge, flying predators will grab you.

And on the command “DAY” they fly out and circle screaming.
Let's play day-night.

And now pteranodons go hunting, or rather fishing, because they ate fish. In a basin of water, oh, sorry, in the ocean, there are fish (plums) floating, which you need to reach with your beak.

There is no photo of this stage, but instead of a cave there was a tent where the children joyfully flew into.

Our journey through the lost world has ended, now it’s time to turn into children and go eat at the table.

And now a long P.S. August 4, 2016 was a very hot day; already at 8 am it was +28 outside in the shade. That’s why there were a lot of competitions with water, ice and all sorts of douches, and they saved us, at least a little.

This holiday is notable for the fact that I did it not alone, but together with the children. They enthusiastically cut fruit, sculpted bones, painted mountains, and carried out any assignments to prepare for the holiday. I think this is very important, it teaches the ABILITY (yes, that’s right) to create a holiday, and not just be consumers who come and wait to be entertained.

Much was done, of course, crookedly and askew, but the very fact that the children wanted to participate everywhere is worth a lot.

The script was invented in 4 hours, preparation at a leisurely pace took a week.

At every stage, the children shouted “more, more, we want more,” and this is an indicator that, I think, everything was a success. The birthday boy is happy, the guests are happy, I’m glad it’s all over)))) I think the theme of dinosaurs has been fully covered)