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Shoes are an important detail by which one can judge a person’s neatness. Unpleasant odor from shoes appears quite often for various reasons. Not only sweaty feet and not completely dry shoes can be its source. Even brand new shoes sometimes smell terrible!

Using these tricks, you will overcome the problem of shoe odor in a joke. Simple home remedies help not only remove the disgusting smell, but also prevent its reappearance! Works even with training shoes...



How to remove unpleasant odor from shoes

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1. Soda
Baking soda not only absorbs excess moisture present on the insoles and inner surfaces of shoes, but also neutralizes any bad odor. Apply baking soda to the insoles and leave it in your shoes overnight. The next morning, wipe your shoes with a napkin. The smell is defeated!

2. Talc, baby powder
You can use talc in the same way as baking soda - leave it in your shoes overnight. Another option that works especially well with heels is to apply foot powder before putting the shoes on. This is a wonderful remedy for excessive sweating of the feet.

3. Citrus peel
Fresh lemon, lime, orange or grapefruit peel - natural deodorant, which will eliminate odor from shoes for a long time. Place the peel pieces inside and wait just a couple of hours. It was as if the smell had never existed!

4. Dried lavender, sage
These medicinal plants cope with unpleasant odor in one go! They kill the bacteria that cause it. To carry out a mini-disinfection, place a couple of dry branches of these plants inside your shoes overnight.

5. Essential oil tea tree
Place a few drops of oil on the sides of your shoes. It will be absorbed and will act as an antibacterial agent for a whole week! The bacteria are in shock, the smell is dissolved.

6. Activated carbon
A few charcoal tablets in your shoes are a killer against odor and excess moisture inside. It is also useful to wipe your shoes with a cotton swab dipped in vinegar: you will feel the result immediately.

Don’t forget that the insoles in your shoes need to be changed regularly, your shoes need to be washed and dried, and your feet need to be kept dry! This is not only an aesthetic issue: the smell in shoes is often a companion to a nasty disease - foot fungus. To avoid it, stick to simple rules hygiene and forget about the fact that your shoes may smell like anything other than orange peel.



What to do if you have excessive sweating of your feet?

Excessive sweating of the feet can be caused either by fungal diseases or the quality of shoes. Low-quality shoes made from leather substitutes do not allow the feet to breathe, as a result they become sweaty, and humidity and heat are an ideal environment for fungi. So check the skin of your feet for the presence of a fungal infection, and if found, begin treatment.

It also happens physiologically increased sweating. In this case, special medicines which reduce sweating. For example, formidron, Teymurov paste, and salicylic-zinc paste have such properties. Be careful not to apply these products to damaged skin. In addition, special deodorants for feet have been developed that will also refresh them.

Of course, we shouldn’t forget about hygiene. If you have a problem with sweating, be sure to wash your feet with soap twice a day. To disinfect your feet, you can make special baths. For example, if you make a decoction of strong tea and soak your feet in it for about 20 minutes, it will perfectly tighten the pores and disinfect the skin due to the tannin content. You can also take baths with tea tree oil, which is also an excellent antiseptic.



What to do if your feet stink

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Home remedies to combat unpleasant foot odor

There are many home remedies to get rid of strong odor permanently. These methods are easy and simple to use.

  • Baths with potassium permanganate. Add enough potassium permanganate to warm water so that the solution turns light pink. Apply daily. You can also use formaldehyde (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water). If there are minor damage to the skin (cuts, scratches), then you should not use the method.
  • For severe sweating, before putting on socks, pour boric acid powder and talcum powder mixed in equal parts directly into them.
  • A solution of formaldehyde (5%) is mixed with tincture of iodine (2%) and rubbed on the areas of greatest sweating between the toes and feet.
  • “Shock baths” for the feet help reduce blood flow and get rid of heavy sweating. At the same time, water your feet alternately with hot and cold water. In summer you can do contrast baths at least every day. This method cannot be used for diabetes mellitus, as well as for vegetative-vascular diseases and circulatory disorders.
  • Lemon and rock salt, dissolved in warm water, will also help you get rid of unpleasant foot odor at home. To do this, take 2 tablespoons of salt and the juice of half a lemon. Keep your feet in a container with the solution for 10 minutes in the morning and evening.
  • Herbal baths of nettle, mint and sage have an antibacterial effect. Take a spoonful of these dry plants and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Leave for 20 minutes covered. Then we filter the solution and bathe our feet.
  • Bath made of willow and oak bark. Take 2 tablespoons of dry crushed powder of these trees and pour boiling water. Let it sit for 20-30 minutes. Before use add hot water. With regular use, the smell of sweaty feet will disappear.
  • Use a bath with kombucha, the acidic environment of which kills bacteria.
  • A black tea bath will also help get rid of the smell of sweat. Pour 50 grams of black tea (or several tea bags) into a liter of water. Can be used immediately hot or later cold. It is especially good to use this method in the summer heat.
  • A solution of radish juice (squeeze about a kilogram in a juicer) and half a teaspoon of glycerin can help get rid of the smell of sweating. Pour the solution into a bottle and treat the feet, between the toes and the toes themselves. It must be stored in the refrigerator.
  • An ancient way to get rid of the pungent odor of sweating is ginger tincture. To do this, you need to grind 100 grams of fresh ginger root on a coarse grater or meat grinder. Wrap the resulting mass in a piece of cloth or gauze, dip it in boiling water for 8-10 minutes and wipe your feet with it.
  • Bath with vinegar. Dilute 4 tablespoons (preferably apple cider vinegar) into 2-2.5 liters of water. We use this method every evening.
  • This recipe will help get rid of the smell directly in the shoes themselves. Take 3 tablespoons of dry sage and the same amount of soda. The resulting powder should be placed in a teaspoon in boots overnight, and shaken out in the morning. Do this every evening

How to quickly remove the smell of cat urine from shoes

Pets can not only bring joy, but also cause some inconvenience, causing problems in the form of the presence of puddles anywhere in the house. If it’s quite easy to remove a puddle from the floor, then how can you quickly remove the smell of cat urine from your shoes in this case?

In order to remove it, you need to know the material from which your boots are made in order to prevent damage to them.

Fresh urine is eliminated faster and more efficiently, so when it is detected, you must immediately begin cleaning.

  • The stench from cat urine is quickly removed from shoes made of fabric (sneakers, slippers, sneakers). It must be washed with cold water and treated with a solution of potassium permanganate diluted in water, then washed in a machine. It is advisable to dry in the open air;
  • Regular vinegar diluted in water will help eliminate the stench of urine in a shoe. You need to pull out the insole, wash it well, if the stink does not disappear, replace it with a new one. Wipe the inside of the boot well with vinegar and air dry;
  • It is more difficult to remove the stench of urine in shoes made of leather. In this case, you need to treat them on top and inside with a solution of potassium permanganate, wipe with an alcohol solution of iodine, but only if they are dark in color, iodized spots will remain on light skin;
  • After the shoes have dried, they must be treated with a special product called “Antigadin”. sold in a pet store. After it, the cat will no longer wear her favorite shoes to the toilet.

There are other means that help eliminate the unpleasant stench, these are neutralizers, for example, “OdorGone” in the form of an aerosol, its components act on urine acid, destroy its molecules and they disappear.



How to eliminate the unpleasant smell of urine from shoes without damaging them even more?


Perfume ingredients combined with acidic urine form a specific odor that will be much more difficult to remove;

After treatment, boots or shoes must be kept away from the animals, otherwise they will again try to do “their business” there. Another option for how to effectively remove the smell of sweat from shoes is to use folk remedies.

Feet in shoes begin to sweat. Increased sweating is a favorable place for the appearance and proliferation of bacteria responsible for an unpleasant odor. Another reason why bad smell occurs is the material of the shoes. Most often, shoes are made from artificial materials, with rubber sole and plastic insole.

How to eliminate sweat odor using deodorant

To eliminate unpleasant odors in footwear, there are special deodorants. The antibacterial substances included in the products help extend the life of shoes and eliminate odor. Deodorants do not leave stains and dry quickly.

Usage: Before spraying, shake the can well, keeping it 20 cm away from your feet and shoes.

  • Legs: Spray onto the top of the foot, between the toes and on the sole.
  • Shoes: spray inside the product for 2-3 seconds before and after wearing. To achieve visible results, it is recommended daily use.

Brands of deodorants for feet and shoes:

  • “Odor Eaters” - 300 rub.
  • “Salton” - 200 rub.
  • “Scholl” - 150-180 rub.
  • “Salamander” - 170-200 rub.
  • “Every day” - 50 rub.

You can buy them in shoe stores.

How to get rid of bad odor using folk remedies

At home, you can kill bad odor using a variety of methods. With their help you can not only destroy bacteria, but also quickly absorb the disgusting odor.

  1. Deodorization baking soda. After the shoes are removed, sprinkle some baking soda inside and leave overnight. Before putting on, shake your shoes thoroughly to get rid of excess powder.
  2. Shoe cooling. Wrap the shoes in a plastic ziplock bag and place them in the freezer overnight. The cold will destroy the fungus or bacteria that cause the unpleasant odor.
  3. Moisten cotton pad alcohol or vinegar and treat the inside of the shoe with it. Leave untouched for some time. Bad odors will undoubtedly disappear. You can also wipe your shoes with hydrogen peroxide or boric acid.

    All this can be purchased at the pharmacy.

  4. You can remove an unpleasant odor by filling your shoes with newspaper. If you perform the procedure in the evening, you will find fresh shoes in the morning.
  5. Cat litter perfectly absorbs unpleasant odors. Place fresh litter in a sock and tie it to form a ball. Put socks in your shoes overnight, and in the morning there will be no trace of the smell left!
  6. Excellent natural odor absorber – ground coffee. As with cat litter, the coffee is collected in a sock and left in the shoe overnight.
  7. Another effective method remove unpleasant odor - use orange peel. It is enough to leave the peels of 1-2 oranges overnight for the smell to disappear.
  8. Mixture of the following ingredients Eliminates bad odors: baking soda, starch and baking powder. Place everything in a sock and leave it in your shoes overnight. This recipe is guaranteed to work!

In addition to directly combating unpleasant odor from shoes, it is necessary to take preventive measures to prevent the problem. These include:

Always have several in your closet additional pairs shoes and alternate wearing them.

Necessarily dry your shoes after coming from the street.

  • To dry your shoes quickly, twist newspaper into lumps and place in boots, renewing the procedure every couple of hours until maximum moisture is absorbed.
  • Salt also works great for drying shoes. Place the salt heated in a frying pan in a nylon sock, tie it and put it in your shoe. As the salt cools, the procedure must be repeated.
  • Another interesting way using dry rice. You need to fill the box 2 cm with rice and place the shoes with the soles up on the grain. In 4-5 hours the shoes can dry completely. This method is especially good for leather shoes.

Try change socks as often as possible. Breathable, cotton socks help absorb some of the moisture from your feet. Socks should be changed daily to avoid bacteria build-up.

Doesn't hurt to use it daily foot deodorant, which will give a feeling of freshness and cleanliness to the feet. Most often, such deodorants are produced in the form of a spray.

Taking a shower is good wash your feet with antibacterial soap. To prevent dryness, the skin of your feet should be moisturized with oil or lotion after washing. Moisturizers from Nivea and Johnson'sbaby (about 200 rubles) are excellent for this purpose.

Insoles made of cedar with antimicrobial properties are perfect for protecting your shoes. The silver lining has the same properties. There are also insoles with activated carbon.

Give preference to good ventilated shoes.

Unpleasant odors interfere with a person’s life, making him less confident. This cannot be tolerated, because currently there are many ways to get rid of this problem. All you have to do is choose the one that’s right for you.

The unpleasant smell that comes from shoes can greatly spoil the mood of any person. Indeed, for many this is a real problem, but not everyone knows how to solve it exactly. Some take a radical approach to solving this problem - they simply buy a new thing and throw away the old one. But a month passes - the second and everything repeats again. Some try to treat shoes and boots with a variety of means, but here again, little gives a good result. So what should you do when your shoes start to smell? What does it smell like - it just stinks disgustingly.

In this situation, you should definitely start fighting the unpleasant aroma. And a special remedy can help here, which is designed to rid a person of this unpleasant problem once and for all. And this product is called shoe spray.

You can buy it in almost any store. However, it is very difficult to recommend one particular brand or another. The thing is that only through your own experience can you understand whether the spray works or not. Each one is developed using a special technology that makes the treatment of shoes, boots and slippers completely safe for both the person himself and his favorite shoe models.

As a rule, after the first use, the product works perfectly for a whole week. This means that after treating your boots, for example, on Sunday, you can forget about the unpleasant aroma for a whole week. In addition, using this spray is simple and convenient. And this is also of no small importance for every person who, at least once in their life, has encountered the problem of unpleasant odor from shoes.

Traditional methods

To prevent shoes from smelling, you can use various folk remedies. Some of them are very effective, but it’s still not worth the risk and using some untested substance. After all, in this way you can cause irreparable damage to your favorite shoes and new boots.

Hydrogen peroxide helps to cope with odor well. This solution can be purchased at any pharmacy. You should only treat with peroxide at night. To do this, moisten a cotton pad with a small amount of solution, after which the boots are wiped from the inside with this pad. Be careful not to get the solution on the outside surface, otherwise a stain may remain.

Baking soda also helps with odor. In the evening, you need to pour a small amount of soda into each shoe and distribute it in an even layer over the entire inner surface. And in the morning, the soda must be shaken out well. Make sure that the soda that is poured into the shoes is dry.


Something as simple as freezing can also help eliminate odor in shoes. To do this, place your favorite boots, shoes or slippers in a bag and put them in the freezer overnight. In the morning they need to be taken out and warmed at room temperature. But this remedy does not always help, because some bacteria are completely insensitive to low temperatures. So don’t be surprised if everything happens again in a couple of days.

You can try this remedy - soak a small piece of cotton wool in vinegar and put it directly into the shoe. However, after this you should definitely ventilate them. The unpleasant odor, of course, can be removed in this way, but at the same time the shoes will acquire an unpleasant aroma of vinegar. Therefore, this procedure should be carried out in the summer and on the balcony, or in another open room.

Attention to insoles

The insoles in each pair of shoes must be strictly individual, and they must be made of natural material, but in no case synthetics. Insoles need to be washed at least once a week, and ideally daily, because it is in them that a huge amount of bacteria accumulates. Cleaning the insoles with special products will help eliminate the unpleasant odor. However, this cannot be done once and for all.

Insoles made of cardboard, which are impregnated with a special substance, also help to cope with the problem. But they need to be dried daily and changed at least once a month.

Changing socks daily can also help get rid of the smell. However, it is worth knowing that socks should only be cotton and in no case synthetic. In this case, they will not be able to absorb sweat, which is produced quite a lot on a person’s feet. Therefore, wearing only socks made of natural fabric helps solve this unpleasant problem.

But there are times when it is simply impossible to remove the smell from it. Such shoes, as a rule, have artificial fur and artificial leather. The smell is absorbed very deeply into such materials, and it becomes impossible to get rid of it. There can be only one solution here - buying something new that is made from natural materials.

Insoles are also important. In order to eliminate the smell, you just need to wash them daily. However, here it is worth knowing that the insoles should also be made of natural material. And after such treatment of the insoles, you can forget about the smell.

Some people recommend using green tea. In this case, you need to spray strongly brewed tea from a spray bottle inside the shoes, and the smell of sweat after this procedure will disappear within minutes. for a long time. However, to ensure that the problem does not return again, treatment using this method should be repeated several times a week.

But to prevent odor, you need to carefully care not only for the shoes themselves, but also for your feet. Feet should be washed every day with soap and treated with special talcum powder or lubricated with a cream that prevents the growth of bacteria. Namely, bacteria, or rather their waste products, are the cause of that very smell that everyone fights as best they can.

If shoes are made of poor quality material, then removing odor from them can become a real problem. That is why, before buying certain boots, you should consult with a sales consultant, who is obliged to answer all your questions in detail, and choose those that are of high quality and durable.

Some people also recommend very exotic odor control products. For example, baking powder for dough. A sachet of this substance must be poured into the shoe, distributed well over all walls, and after a few hours collected with a vacuum cleaner. They say that after this the shoes do not smell for a long time. So it’s worth a try - maybe it really helps.

Unpleasant odor in shoes can be eliminated using special means, which are not sold in pharmacies, but most often in hardware stores. Such substances are called “odor and moisture absorbers.” And they are actually very effective means.

The odor absorber for shoes is sold in a cardboard package, inside of which there are 2 bags. You can read what exactly is in them on the packaging. These bags must be placed in the toe of each shoe every evening, and in the morning they must be taken out and dried. You can use them for a month, and then you have to throw them away, since they will cope with their functions worse and worse.

Yes, indeed, the problem of stink from shoes is very relevant today. Everyone suffers from this - both women and men. And this can even create a real complex that will interfere with a person’s life.

Foot care rules

In order to get rid of odor in shoes, you must take proper care of your feet. This is the only way to solve this difficult problem.

The first rule is washing your feet every evening. At the same time, they should definitely be washed with soap and thoroughly rubbed with a sponge, and not just rinsed in water. After this, you can make contrast baths - first soak your feet in cold water, then in warm water, then in cold water again. This procedure will improve blood circulation in the legs and improve immunity. In addition, it will help your feet sweat less.

After this, you should definitely wipe your feet thoroughly with a towel, and finally apply a better moisturizing cream containing disinfectant ingredients to your feet. This will help remove the unpleasant odor of sweat.

In the morning, it is better to apply talcum powder to your fingers and soles or lubricate them with a special deodorant or cream that would prevent them from sweating during the day. And, of course, you must put on clean socks or tights every morning.

In the fight against odor, you need to put a lot of effort and effort. These rules must be habits, and this is not so easy to do. After all, sometimes a person is so tired at work that he is simply unable to take out and dry his insoles or wash his feet before going to bed. He wants only one thing - to fall asleep. However, remember that in the morning your feet will emit an unpleasant odor that not only you, but also your family members or colleagues will not like.

Unpleasant odor from shoes is a problem for many people. Sometimes you have to walk in shoes or shoes, boots or ankle boots almost all day, and when you then take them off, the “aroma” literally hits you on the spot. Moreover, not in a positive sense. Of course, it’s unpleasant, even disgusting. In addition, in such an environment, bacteria and fungi develop much faster, leading to even more serious problems, now with health. Is it possible to somehow defeat such an insidious enemy? Of course, and we will tell you how to do it.

Shoe odor: causes and pathogens

Before you start solving the problem, you need to figure out where it comes from in the first place. After all, knowing the cause, it is much easier to deal with its consequences.

There are many factors causing an unpleasant “aroma”:

  1. My feet are sweating. This is especially true for those shoe models that are made from non-natural materials. In them, ventilation is difficult, the skin quickly becomes hot and, in order to cool down, it begins to sweat.
  2. Smelling materials were used in production. For example, some types of leatherette, modern polymers used in shoe production, glue, etc. can emit a very unpleasant odor.
  3. Incorrect care. Pretty too important point. When purchasing something new, always ask how to properly care for it. The key word here is “correct,” because improper care can ruin the material, which will subsequently begin to rot and stink.
  4. Non-seasonal wear. Winter shoes created for winter, summer - for summer, etc. If you wear it outside of the intended season, again, you will cause irreparable damage to the material and, therefore, cause odor even in the highest quality models.

Everyone knows that the best method to avoid getting into trouble is prevention. Proper care in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, timely wear, adherence to personal hygiene rules and, finally, careful treatment are a guarantee of getting rid of the problem of unpleasant odor from shoes. However, there is always a risk, and even the most careful owner can have such a nuisance. What to do? It's simple.

Well, even the most careful and careful care will not give a 100% guarantee that the terrible “amber” will not appear. In general, the smell from shoes is not only hygienically and aesthetically unpleasant, but also quite uncomfortable for others. The “aroma” is usually very pungent, it spreads quickly and is very difficult to dissipate, so it causes great inconvenience to everyone. But today he will be finished once and for all.

All methods can be divided into “mechanical”, “chemical” and “traditional” or “folk”. We will tell you about each group.

Mechanical methods
They consist in the fact that no special means are used, and the desired effect is achieved mainly without any impact on the shoes. For example, you can simply air out your boots regularly. Place them in the open air (balcony, street) so that the material is well ventilated and dries out. Then the “amber” will not be so noticeable.

Another option is to remove the insoles. As a rule, they are the ones that are saturated with sweat the most, because they bear the main pressure of the entire foot. The material of the insoles accumulates dirt, bacteria, and fungi, which actively multiply in heat and humidity. If you want to interrupt their feast forever, throw away this part of the shoe and replace it with a new one.

Finally, a good assistant in the fight against the enemy is regular washing or wet cleaning. Now many manufacturers offer shoes that feel great after going to washing machine. The main thing is to use the right mode. In addition, you can wash your boots or shoes yourself and then dry them naturally. But there is one danger here: not all shoes tolerate such procedures well. Many inexpensive or low-quality models simply fall apart from exposure to water. Therefore, be careful and better consult with the seller. By the way, sports types shoes (sneakers, sneakers, etc.) are usually manufactured taking into account the fact that they need to be washed. But again, not all.

Chemical methods
They have one thing in common: the mandatory use of certain products to eliminate odor. It can be:

  1. Special deodorants for shoes. They are sprayed on the inner surface, thereby neutralizing the odor. Purchased in shoe stores. Use on clean and dry boots.
  2. Absorbent gels and dry substances. They are based on absorbents - compounds that completely eliminate moisture. Have you seen the little packets of crumbly contents that are put into many crumbly foods to prevent them from getting soggy? Approximately the same products can be put into shoes. They will absorb all the moisture, eliminating the “aroma”.
  3. Insoles. Some manufacturers have gone even further. They offer special, “magic” insoles, which, having their own scent, neutralize all unpleasant odors. In addition, they are made from hygienic, breathable, natural material. They greatly reduce foot sweating.
  4. Activated carbon. Unexpectedly, he also easily copes with the problem. And the whole point is that the medicine is an excellent absorbent. It absorbs moisture, thereby removing odor. Place only about half a dozen tablets in each shoe (sneakers, boots, etc.). Leave it overnight and just remove it in the morning. Problem solved.

In addition to those already named, there is one more group. This traditional methods, those who were invented by the savvy and resourceful long before the advent of special means. By the way, such methods are quite effective.

Traditional methods
What do people tell us when faced with such a problem? Several tips:

  1. Soda. The most common food one. You don’t even need to dilute it, just generously sprinkle the entire inner surface of the problematic shoe, and then set it aside for several hours, or overnight. The soda will absorb all odors, dry it, and at the same time disinfect the shoes, destroying harmful microorganisms.
  2. Ammonia. An equally effective remedy, although it has its own rather pungent aroma, it quickly dissipates. Treat the inner surface with the solution and dry. The method is also very effective as a preventive measure against the appearance of “aroma”. Hydrogen peroxide will also be used for the same purposes.
  3. Potassium permanganate. An excellent option for shoes made of synthetics. We also make a weak solution and wipe every centimeter inside. The smell will go away and will not return. Or he won't be back very soon.
  4. Vinegar. They need to moisten pieces of cotton wool or cotton pads, and then put them in their shoes and leave them overnight. In the morning you take it out - and that’s it, the enemy has disappeared, the boots can be worn again. Without feeling any discomfort.

The problem of unpleasant odor from shoes is relevant for many. But now you have in your arsenal various ways fight it and, we hope, they will help get rid of this discomfort once and for all, restoring freshness, cleanliness and neatness.

Video: getting rid of unpleasant shoe smell

The unpleasant odor that comes from shoes can cause problems not only for the owner of the shoes, but also for the people around them. Agree, it’s not a very pleasant situation when you are ashamed to take off your shoes while visiting because your shoes smell unpleasant. And when you come home after a day of work or shopping, you don’t want to inhale the “aromas” that your boots or shoes emit.

Shoes stink more often on men, but, you must admit, women's shoes or boots also have the ability to spoil the air in the room and the mood of a beautiful lady.

In some cases it even stinks leather shoes good quality. What can we say then if you have inexpensive Chinese shoes bought on the market...

What to do if your shoes stink? Is there any way out? The simplest method is to throw away your shoes, but this option is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, we will try to understand the problem and find ways to solve it.

Shoes stink strongly: reasons

Why do shoes stink? There is no clear answer to this question. Even new shoes have a specific smell. When trying on shoes in a store, we don’t pay attention to this smell, but when we come home, we notice that the new shoes also smell: glue, packaging, the materials from which they are made. Some people don't like this smell, but most importantly, there are ways to get rid of it.

Worn shoes can emit a very unpleasant odor. The thing is that dust, dirt, and sweat particles get into our shoes. And the smell appears due to the appearance and reproduction of bacteria in shoes. Even very clean people can have stinky shoes and feet because our skin produces sweat even when we don’t feel it. Add to this the entry of dust and small particles of dirt into the shoes - and you get an unpleasant odor.

Shoes made of synthetic or low-quality materials smell unpleasant, because the foot in such shoes “does not breathe,” so the smell appears very quickly, it can be strong and pungent.

Having understood the causes of the unpleasant odor, it is important to know how to get rid of the nasty “aroma”.

What to do if your new shoes stink?

The simplest and easy way get rid of the smell in new shoes– ventilation. Remove the shoes from the box or plastic bag and leave them on the balcony overnight. If such actions do not help, you can use these tips.

  • Wipe the inside of the shoes with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide. These solutions have disinfecting properties and the odor should disappear.
  • Buy a special shoe deodorant and use it. Spray your shoes with deodorant and leave them overnight so they won't be wet when you put them on.
  • Try using adsorbents - substances that absorb excess moisture and unpleasant odors. Flour, baking soda, and activated carbon are suitable for shoes. Pour the powder into your shoes, leave for a couple of hours, then vacuum the inside. Be aware that activated carbon may leave black marks inside your shoes.
  • Regular table vinegar will also help get rid of the smell. Soak cotton pads in it and put them in your shoes for 2-3 hours. Then air out your shoes.
All of these tips can be applied to old shoes if other methods of eliminating odor do not work.

What to do if old shoes stink?

The smell that comes from worn shoes is very unpleasant. If you encounter this problem, use these recommendations.

  • Take good care of your foot hygiene. This is a banal recommendation, but it must be followed. Of course, unpleasant odor in shoes does not always appear only because of unwashed feet. It happens that everything is in order with hygiene, but the shoes still stink. And yet, reconsider this item on the list of daily hygiene procedures.
  • Change your socks or tights every day. It is unacceptable to wear the same socks for two days in a row without washing them first. Wear high quality cotton socks.
  • After coming home, be sure to wash, dry and air your shoes. Ideally, for each season you need to have at least two pairs of shoes, so that you can leave some at home for airing and drying, and put on others. If this is not possible, the following advice will be useful to you.
  • Change the insoles of your shoes more often, dry and ventilate them. If your shoes smell a lot, you can purchase antibacterial or scented insoles that are designed to remove the unpleasant odor.
  • Use deodorant on your shoes by spraying them at night. Your shoes will be dry and fresh before leaving home.
  • If possible, do not stay in the same pair of shoes for a long time throughout the day. If you have the opportunity to change your shoes at work, be sure to take advantage of it. This way you will save your shoes from an unpleasant odor, and the skin on your feet from sweating.
  • Sneakers, sneakers, and house slippers can be washed. And summer shoes (sandals, flip-flops) should be washed with warm water and soap and dried.
  • What to do if your shoes stink? Another way to get rid of odor in shoes is to freeze them. Put your shoes in plastic bag and place in the freezer overnight. Please note that not all types of shoes can be frozen: patent leather, for example, cannot be frozen.

And finally, one more important piece of advice. Buy quality shoes from trusted manufacturers, which are made from good materials. It is better to spend money on the “right” shoes than to later look for methods to get rid of unpleasant odor and treat foot hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). Enjoy the shopping!