A pleasant event unexpectedly descended - a masquerade ball! Order at the studio, run around the shops in search original costumes you don't have the time or money! What to do?! Well, firstly, calm down, secondly, remember that we can do everything with our own hands, and thirdly, look around. What do we always have at home? Right! Plastic bottles, newspapers, trash bags, boxes. From this we will make the most original carnival costume with our own hands.

From plastic bottles

Mermaid or kikimora

The most beautiful place on a plastic bottle is the bottom. We cut a lot of them right away. They will decorate the hem of the dress, the bodice, you can glue the original crown out of them. For a mermaid or kikimora costume, we need green bottles.

After the bottoms have been cut off, you still need to cut off the necks, and then carefully and evenly cut the remains of the bottle lengthwise into three equal parts. Burn small holes in the narrow part and collect them on a string into a garland that will become a skirt. Glue, sew or staple the bottoms along the edge of the skirt.

The bodice of the dress is best made by sheathing the old T-shirt with green plastic details. But the crown can be assembled from lush feathers cut from bottles and attached to a hoop or ribbon.

flower princess

The stand-up skirt for this costume is made from a wire frame. Any thin fabric is stretched on it. This is where the difficulties end and the creative part begins. Cut out petals from bottles of different colors, collect them into flowers and attach to the skirt. Cut half-liter bottles in a spiral and attach the "serpentine" to the skirt.


A costume from improvised materials for a boy can be made by simply tying together two plastic bottles and attaching them upside down to the astronaut's back with straps. And in order for our jetpack to be operational, glue red-orange patches imitating fire into the necks with your own hands.

Helmet, hat, crown

The largest plastic bottles are simply specially produced in order to make various hats for a hero, an alien, a king, a gentleman, a puss in boots, etc. out of them.

The photo shows how to make these hats. Cut out the fields from thick cardboard.

Costumes from…

leaf dress

It's only natural to go for autumn Ball in a dress from autumn leaf fall. To create such a masterpiece with your own hands, you will need little money: just a piece of fabric or an old dress, a large bag maple leaves and glue.

It is good if the leaves are a little wet. If they dry, the edges will curl up and the dress will become “shaggy”. Spray them with a little water from a spray bottle and start gluing them to the fabric.

Do this from the bottom up, overlapping the previous row. Try to endure color scheme. You can align the leaves with a warm iron, stroking them through damp gauze.

This dress is very beautiful, but not durable. If you're not going to wear it to the ball right away, mist it lightly every 4-5 hours. cold water so that moisture does not get on the fabric.

Package dress

Take garbage bags in two colors, cut them into one continuous sheet, and build a suit of ... rain, for example.

Dresses from improvised means are amazing. Few people know that packages, even the largest ones, are glued so tightly that they can be inflated like Balloons. Inflate 15-20 bags and attach them to long skirt in several rows. Such a gorgeous princess has never been seen before.

On the contrary, you can not inflate the bags, but cut them into a fringe, and then sew them on with lush red flounces.

newspaper printing queen

If you have piles of old read newspapers waiting for the next repair, it's time to put them to work. See what royal dress print ladies can be made by hand. All you need to do is take a printed sheet, fold it in half for rigidity, roll a bag out of it and attach it to the skirt in any way. The assembly order is the same as in the autumn costume.

Dinosaur and cowboy from boxes

A great dinosaur costume can be made from boxes. You can fasten the parts with a stapler, glue or tape. It requires imagination and engineering.

Another carnival costume for a boy is a cowboy on a horse. The muzzle of a horse can be made from the same plastic bottles. It’s a pity that it’s difficult to dance in such outfits, and you won’t invite a girl to a waltz, but a gift for best suit secured.

alien costume

The most profitable outfit is the alien dress. Yes, because no one knows what he really looks like. Invent what you want, cut, glue, draw with your own hands everything that fantasy allows. To indicate that you are wearing an alien costume, simply attach an antenna to your head and paint your face green.


The cloud costume is made of synthetic winterizer. Take white cloth or an old pillowcase.

Cut a hole in it for the head and wash lots and lots of white synthetic down. White tights complete the look.

Svetlana Krainova

Ecological show« Waste fashion»

Teacher Krainova S.V.

Global problems modern world that pose a threat to human civilization have necessitated ecological education and upbringing. And since the game is an important means of education, one of the leading activities, then through it you can create interest in this problem, form the positive qualities of the child, ecological culture . Today we present one of the types of gaming leisure activities.

Dear fashion lovers!

We are glad to meet you at the House of Models "Exclusive"!

Today in the hall there are famous couturiers, professionals in the world haute couture. Let introduce:

Top notch fashion designer...

Fashion stylist...

Cosmetologist-makeup artist…

Editor-in-chief of a fashion magazine...

Fashion designer...

Applause to all the guests in this room!

We bring to your attention new collection clothing models "Beauty and fashion at any time of the year» !

(Children come out in threes to the music):

Winter came with blizzards

We dressed warmly.

We love to ride down the hill

Walk in a warm coat!

The sun has set, it's time to sleep

The kids are ready for bed.

We wish everyone "Good night!"

We want to see sweet dreams!

If you want to be healthy, get fit!

And do any sport you like!

If you want, kick the ball

Play tennis.

The hot summer has come

The sun called everyone to the beach.

We bathed and sunbathed

And they got healthy!

The ball will come, candles will flash,

A wonderful evening is coming.

Sing, dance beautifully.

Gentlemen, Cavaliers

We know good manners.

Let's invite the ladies to dance

Let's waltz with them! (Waltz of the Last Three)

(All the kids come out).


Fashion, style and beauty!

We welcome you always!

Clothing should be neat and clean

Only the ignorant do not know this.

Winter or summer

Always be beautiful

After all, BEAUTY rules the world! (Sit down)

Music. caregiver:

"Think, man, how you kill yourself

In a crazy race for comfort.

How you destroy everything and everything in your path...

There is a mountain or an endless ocean in front of you -

You will destroy them, but in vain! After all, you can't live without them.

You depleted the riches of the bowels, cut down the green forests,

And littered the atmosphere ... Think, man!

We cut the ice, we change the course of rivers,

We keep saying that there is a lot of work to do.

But we still come to ask for forgiveness

By these rivers, dunes and swamps,

At the gigantic sunrise

At the smallest fry.

As long as you don't feel like thinking about it,

Now we are not up to it. Bye.

Airfields, piers and platforms,

Forests without birds and lands without water.

Less and less nature

More environment".

Presenter Let's imagine that today is not 2013, but 3013. The very global changes that were feared already in the 20th century took place on Earth. Natural resources run out

The face of the earth is a city surrounded by mountains of garbage. The man decided to use secondary waste for making clothes.

So, before you exclusive fashion show ecological disaster-FASHION FROM WASTE.

Host We invite the first participants! (Costumes from newspapers girl and boy)

The first thing I would like to start with is costumes especially for those who like to read from the company "Colins". Fine cut and tailoring of models allows you to feel comfortable in any situation. A beautiful shirt will warm your body and soul. Note that the seams are stitched with a thin metal thread, the cap is simple and elegant. The fair sex will not be bored in your company. Together with the lady you will be able to fill the brain with useful information read. But remember, you should not read with a burning candle. This can cause serious damage not only to your eyesight, but also life-threatening.

Let's welcome the next members! (From whole packages)

These are company models. "Kabanov and company". Suits made of unusually light fabric, at the same time durable, and also waterproof. It's just impossible to mess them up. Such models will serve you forever, your grandchildren and even great-grandchildren will wear them, because polyethylene does not decompose at all.

And we look forward to the appearance on the podium of the following participants: (From milk packages and a sarafan from the package)

This model will always remind you that your health depends on the state of the environment. Milk is a healing natural gift. Drink milk and you will always have a new wardrobe. In the rainy and windy weather of the off-season, you will always be in great shape!

And this sundress is just a dream of the fair sex! Nothing extra! Easy, convenient. Simple, and most importantly dry! The bright colors will draw everyone's attention and your girlfriends will fall with envy!

Dreaming of becoming a queen? Then we invite the next model!

(From sugar bags)

Chic sundress of the company "Cargo bag edging" for you! Even acid rain won't upset your skin's PH5 balance. The exclusive air and waterproof outfit is a reliable protection against the effects of precipitation and ultraviolet rays.

And now we present business suit! (from files)

Dear teachers! If your portfolio is outdated, don't worry! Give him a second life. A lady in a suit made from file bags will always be noticed by others, pedagogical thoughts will be visible from afar. While waiting for the bus at the bus stop, time will fly by, rereading page after page, you will plunge into the sea of ​​past pedagogical activity.

Let's welcome the next member! (From candy wrappers)

The model of the summer season is a candy girl. A sweet tooth costume, decorated with bright bows, will surely attract the attention of friends and acquaintances who love sweets. The hat will give you mystery and charm. This designer find will let you inhale the fragrance summer holiday and light chocolate.

“If you meet a woman on the street and she strikes you with her beauty, but you can’t remember what she was wearing, then she was dressed perfectly.” So said the great French fashion designer Usharo. So in front of you stylish clothes from fashion house "Cosmopolitan"

Please on the podium! (From juice boxes)

This model consists of a tunic and a short skirt. This is the perfect summer suit, because it will protect your delicate skin not only from scorching sun but also from heavy rain! Drink juice! They are very useful and also give you material for stylish clothes!

The next model from the company "Sprite"! We meet! (From bottles)

Summer outfit for a graceful lady! It is made from waste our current food production. You can go anywhere in this crop top and ruffled skirt! The hat will decorate any bright head, give you charm and a cheerful summer mood.

Approaching New Year! Oh, how everyone is looking forward to this holiday! Next model on the runway!

New Year costume "Green Beauty".

But this is not a forest guest, this is a model that can become christmas decoration period ecological disaster. You will not be able to admire the beauty of the firs in the forest, only Christmas decorations synthetic origin. Take care of the forest! Think about the future!

Taking care of your benefits and comfort, take care of nature, because nature takes care of us. Nastya reads poem:

Love your native nature

Lakes, forests and fields!

After all, this is ours with you

Forever native land!

On it you and I were born,

We live with you on it.

So let's go, people, all together

We treat her kindly!

So our show is coming to an end. We ask all participants to the podium. Thank you for your attention and understanding.

Back forward

Attention! The slide preview is for informational purposes only and may not represent the full extent of the presentation. If you are interested this work please download the full version.

Objective of the project: to generalize, consolidate and deepen the environmental knowledge of students obtained in the lessons of ecology, biology and in the environmental circle through the development of students' creative abilities.


  • teaching and educational: to motivate schoolchildren to self-education, the study of natural sciences, to promote the formation of knowledge about nature, its patterns;
  • educational: continue to develop in students a sense of responsibility for the state of the environment; to develop the emotional-sensual sphere of the personality of schoolchildren, to promote the rallying of the children's team;
  • educational and developing: to promote the development of thinking, attention, observation, the ability to solve problems designed for quick wits.

Lesson structure:

  1. Organizational moment (1 min).
  2. Introduction (4 min).
  3. The main part is a demonstration of "models" (15 min) and an intellectual warm-up (10 min).
  4. Final part (8 min).
  5. Summing up, awarding the winners and participants of the competition (8 min).

Equipment: a tape recorder, audio cassettes with music recordings on the topic, a disk with a presentation of environmental actions, an interactive whiteboard, a computer, posters on environmental theme, exhibition of environmental literature, living objects of nature and dummies.

Conduct form: theatrical show of models.

First, a general plan of action is drawn up. It would be useful to include a number of questions:

  1. Formation of the list of participants of the show.
  2. Determination of the composition of the jury.
  3. Preparation of certificates and diplomas for participation in the event.
  4. Organization of theatrical performance.
  5. Preparation of questions and tasks for intellectual warm-up.
  6. Hall decoration.
  7. Invitation of guests: teachers of an educational institution, employees of the department of education, department of ecology and natural resources, mass media and local television.
  8. Homework: make a model of clothes from municipal solid waste and define the concept of the model.

Additional recommendations: the display of models must be made bright, memorable, and informative; it is impossible to leave without encouragement any of the participants of the event, it is necessary to note the contribution of each to its holding.

Event progress

Hello Hello! Dear guests and our participants, dear jury and, of course, you, our dear fans!

Presentation included

We welcome you to our hospitable school No. 3 in Kotelniki! Today is an unusual day - for the first time in our school, and in the whole city, the humorous contest "Trash Fashion" starts. This is not the first year our school has been participating in various events on environmental education and education of schoolchildren.

The topic of household waste, the so-called TBI, has not lost its relevance for more than a decade. This environmental problem has served as a topic for more than one dissertation or Ph.D., but despite this, the problem remains unresolved to this day.

Today we will try to look at this problem from the other side, more optimistic than realistic, add a little humor, fantasy and ... love for nature. So we start.

The honorary jury of the competition today is represented by:

  • director of school No. 3 Ivanova Elena Anatolyevna;
  • chief specialist of the Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Administration of the City District Kotelniki Anna Valerievna Fedorova;
  • Nadezhda Ivanova Galkina, Deputy Director for Administrative and Economic Affairs;
  • head of the school library Lyubakina Olga Nikolaevna;
  • social pedagogue, teacher of fine arts Kiseleva Elena Leonidovna;
  • school secretary Lapaeva Zimfira Mikhailovna;
  • winner of the contest "Miss Charm", a graduate of our school Tregubova Ekaterina.

Representatives of glamor fashion from the world of ecology came to our competition from each class. According to the draw, the competition opens:

Grade 10. Invited to the stage Didarova Elina.

(music is turned on, a slide on the presentation)

Every woman should have a little black Evening Dress. Our Black Rose dress is made of polyethylene. It is decorated with a mesh interspersed with plastic stones. Mesh is an excellent packaging material. Accessories made of plastic bottles complete the ensemble. This is a bracelet, earrings, necklace. The boundless world of creativity and fantasy opens before everyone who dares to ordinary items, from which we usually get rid of, to work a miracle.

Your applause.

(After the show, the participant rises to the stage accompanied by young people and stands in the indicated place)

The next contestant was Tsatsuryan Flora, 8th grade

Our class is presenting a model called the Rose Goddess. When creating our dress, we used corrugated paper, plastic bottle, plastic bags, packaging materials and magazines. The skirt consists of several layers, the crown is made from an ordinary plastic bottle. And roses are made from corrugated paper manually using a special secret technology. And not a single pattern on our dress is similar to another.

The third participant of our competition had the honor to represent 8 b grade class. Meet Karakhanyan Asya.

We present from our new collection "Spring 2010" evening dress "Flight of Fancy". An airy dress made of the thinnest polyethylene with decorative elements in the form of a floral net and a candy wrapper. Light, elegant, representing an unprecedented magic of ideas, this dress embodies unpredictability, emphasizes your individuality. No one will remain indifferent, looking at him.

Live, dream, dance and sing - "Flight of Fantasy" with you!

And now ecological fashion will be presented to the competent jury by a student 4th grade Vorobieva Elizaveta. Do not forget to support our participants with your applause, especially such young ones.

As you know, any girl can create a salad, a hat and ... success out of nothing.

A resounding success among sweet teeth of all ages is provided by the very material from which our things are made - packaging from chocolates. The golden sheen, alluring rustle of familiar packaging from childhood evokes unforgettable sensations from meeting with your favorite delicacy. Only true connoisseurs will understand how priceless chocolate is for them, and at the same time, the passion for fashion is not ruinous for their wallet.

Our competition continues. On stage - 5th grade Tamara Martirosyan.

Our model "MSW - forever" is made mainly of film. Its edges are framed with ordinary foam. The decor is made from elements of ordinary shopping bags. Pay attention to the hat: a food bucket. The veil is made from mesh used to store fruit. Hat ornament is represented by elements packaging boxes from yogurt. The model is strong, light and eternal, like most solid household waste.

Pay attention to how much we learn about the world of sustainable fashion! And what lies ahead for us? The next number of our program will be a performance 5 b class. in front of you Matvievskaya Olga.

The upper part - the top, consists of two white bags, fastened with a stapler. The packages are pasted over with newspaper and candy wrappers, the handles are tied around the neck. There is a strip of newspaper on the bottom of the bag. The lower part - a skirt, consists of four crumpled and old packages. In two side bags - garbage (newspapers, packaging, candy wrappers). The first package is shortened, the second back is normal. On the right and left hand inscriptions D&G. The inscription was made with special tattoo pens.

I believe you do not forget to capture these wonderful and unique models.

Nowhere in the world, but only here, today for you a unique show .

Word 7 b class - Koryushkina Valeria

Grade 7b presents a new collection of "garbage fashion" - an evening dress "Princess of the Night". We used materials such as garbage bags and foil. In order to create this dress, it was necessary to match the color and texture of this dress. We thought for a long time what color combination to choose. We watched the fashion world for the combination of colors and decided to choose a black and silver color. Many stars wear black dresses to parties because this color is trendy and practical.

A participant from 6 b class. Meet Nikitina Margarita.

This charming costume, decorated with candy wrappers, is presented to your attention. Used as the base for the costume. cotton fabric. In this model, rows of wrappers overlapping each other are sewn onto the fabric by hand. Cuts of a mouth and armholes of a suit are edged with an oblique inlay. It took about two hundred candy wrappers and more than a month to make this costume. Accessories are made for the model: a hair clip and accessories for shoes.

Invited to the stage Rudenkova Olga, 6th grade student. Your applause.

This is a suit consisting of a top and a skirt. The top of the skirt is made from fairly large bags attached to the waist, and the hem is made from smaller bags attached with bows. The top is made from very dense and large bags. He reminds triangular shape. The crown is made of a cardboard base with a bag veil attached to it. It is held on with a rubber band. The whole costume is decorated with silver and gold wrappers. The whole costume is fastened securely with a stapler.

So, dear participants, the situation is heating up, the fashion show is nearing its end. Who will surprise us this time - as always 9 "AC», Ivanova Anastasia.

Our dress is created from sketches and imagination. 45 garbage bags, three meters of packaging foil were spent on it. All this is fastened with a stapler, threads and paper clips. Look at the bottom of the dress as it is made. This is the main decoration of the model. The model shows that any material can make an unusually beautiful thing. The dress was ready for three weeks. The model is presented by the author himself, most of the class helped in making the dress.

And the final chord in the ecological fashion show will be the model presented by 7 a class. Meet your applause - Ekaterina Prokhorova.

SevenAproduction presents the Prussian Blue dress from the new junk collection. It is made from environmentally dirty products: three types of garbage bags, newspapers, napkins and other materials that are not suitable for other use. The idea of ​​the dress is that after burning garbage, harmful chemicals are released, similar to the so-called "Prussian blue" and this is very harmful to the environment.

Well, the best couturiers in the world are puzzling over how to surprise people with new models. Today, a truly unique show took place before your eyes. Take a look at these costumes, remember them like that, and try to make them even better. And believe me, nature will thank you.

We thank our participants for the pleasure and invite them to the final stage of the competition: intellectual workout. We need to find out how our models understand the ecology itself.

The competition will be held in the "question-answer" mode. For the speed and correctness of the answer, each of you will receive the maximum number of points. And the strongest will reach the final.

So, representatives of grades 4–5 begin. We ask the participants to go to the middle of the hall.


    Red mouse with white tail
    In a mink sits under a green bush (radish)

    Black-winged, red-breasted,
    And find shelter in winter
    He is not afraid of colds.
    With the first snow right there! (bullfinch)

    The only substance on Earth that exists in three states (water)

(answered, went into the hall to special places, on the side in two directions of chairs, next to the jury, places are indicated in advance).

6th graders are invited:


    There was a child, did not know diapers,
    Became an old man, a hundred diapers on him ( cabbage)

    There is a girl in a red cap,
    Whoever does not pass, everyone will bow (strawberry)

    A document in which all rare and endangered species of plants and animals are registered ( Red Book)

Now the word is 7 classes.


    Neither a beast, nor a bird, a needle in the nose,
    A thin one, with a ringing voice,
    Hordes groan from her, nobles tremble.
    Whoever kills her will shed his blood (mosquito)

    Appeared in a yellow coat:
    - Farewell, two shells! ( chick)

    The main components of the habitat, the most important for any animal are ... ( food, water, air, environmental temperature, light, housing and other animals)

Stage 8 classes:


    I got out of the crumb-barrel,
    Roots started up and grew up, I became high and mighty
    I'm not afraid of thunderstorms or clouds oak)

    In a dark dungeon, girls are red,
    Without a thread, without a knitting needle, they knit knitting ( bees)

    The science that studies the relationship between man and the environment is called ... ( human ecology)

And now, the oldest grades 9-10, you have the floor.


    Not a plowman, not a carpenter,
    Not a blacksmith, not a carpenter,
    And the first worker in the village (horse)

    Humpback leaf with a groove,
    Has thorns, but can't hurt.
    But heals us at any day and hour (aloe)

    The state of imaginary death in living organisms is called .... ( suspended animation)

Well, while the jury sums up ( Annex 1), a little about pleasant things.

In your honor, students elementary school prepared a short presentation. Word 2nd grade.

Here comes the solemn and long-awaited moment. The jury is ready to announce the results of our competition. The floor for the announcement of the results is given to the chief specialist of the department of ecology and natural resources Fedorova Anna Valerievna .

For participation in the competition are awarded: (all participants rise after awarding to the stage, step and place in the hall along the indicated trajectory)

For participation in the humorous competition on ecology "Trash Fashion" the following are awarded: ...

Hello! You deserve our applause.

We ask you to freeze for a minute: a photo for memory . Everyone who wants to take a picture is now with famous models will be able to do this after the end of the holiday. And this is really a holiday, a holiday not only of fashion, but of the mind.

If our event did not pass without a trace for each of you and did not leave you indifferent to the problems of nature, if everyone, now by all means, takes care of the purity of nature, then our planet will become much cleaner.

We thank everyone who came to our fashion festival for their attention, the school administration for providing the hall and, of course, all the authors of this wonderful and unique collection.

To your applause, we say goodbye to our heroes.

And in conclusion, once again, the winners of our contest "Trash Fashion - 2010" are called for an encore. . All participants go one by one to the stage and all line up together for a group photo.

Musical accompaniment ( Appendix 2).

Until we meet again at the ecological Olympus!

Children's carnival costumes can be made from waste material. See how to make a costume for a Christmas tree, ladybug, peacock and other characters.

Garbage bag matinee clothes

The holiday in kindergarten will be unforgettable and fun, and the costume for each child will be quite inexpensive if you make an outfit from garbage bags.

Children will be happy to turn into residents of exotic islands for a while. Buy trash bags now various colors, so the costumes for the matinee will be colorful and varied. Each parent will make an outfit for their child, having familiarized themselves with the master class on making such clothes, and thereby help the children arrange a real holiday.

To make a costume with your own hands on this topic, you will need:

  • garbage bags with a capacity of 30-35 liters. in a roll;
  • rubber;
  • scissors;
  • scotch.

Roll out the roll, find the first package in it, without tearing it off, fold it in half.

To work faster, fold 2-3 bags at a time. Then you can cut so many pieces at once.

Now you need to tear off these folded packages from the general roll and cut off their side strips on the right and left.

Further, the resulting canvas is folded in half lengthwise and cut along this fold.

Now fold the next 2-3 bags from the roll in half. Trim the sides, then fold and cut along the fold into ribbons. Stack them up.

Cut off the edge of the tapes made from bags on the side where the cellophane was folded in half.

Now glue the resulting blanks to the adhesive tape with an overlap - on one side and the other.

After all the strips are attached in this way, you need to put an elastic band in the center, glue it with tape.

It remains to throw the strips in one direction.

The skirt is ready.

To give it strength, sew at the top, below the elastic band, without touching that one. Packages are a great material for a costume for a matinee in kindergarten, both for the bottom and for the top. We sew a bodice for girls.

Use the strips cut out in the way that was described a little earlier, but you need to cut the fold from them not from one, but from two sides. Then they will be 2 times shorter than for a skirt. After that, they also need to be glued to the adhesive tape and attach the elastic band.

You have a skirt and bodice.

It remains to make decorations on the legs and arms in the same technique, and the costume for the matinee is ready.

From garbage bags you can sew a princess dress, an outfit of Scheherazade, an oriental shah, a fairy. This material is well sewn, so it is enough to cut out the details of the costume, and then sew them on a typewriter. To give greater strength to the line, you can put a braid under it.

Waste material outfit ideas

From CDs it is quite possible to make a suit for kindergarten or for a school party. If they are in good condition, then use whole discs. They can be sewn to the hem of the dress or decorate the swimsuit along its entire height, and for the skirt, stretch the cord through the holes. Pulling it together, fasten the decor elements of the outfit.

If the disk fragments are scratched, cut out triangles like this from good parts and glue them to the dress.

If the child no longer reads his children's books, you can sew an original dress from them. If you put each leaf in a file, and then stitch it, the new thing will be more durable and moisture resistant. Instead of books, you can use the pages of glossy magazines.

But what kind of dress made of junk material was invented by creative designers. This idea can also be taken into account.

Even ordinary toilet paper can turn into an interesting vestment. If you decide to arrange a home party for the kids, and you need children's carnival costumes, this one can be made in 10 minutes.

All you need for it is:
  • 1-2 rolls of toilet paper;
  • black cosmetic paint;
  • tassel.
To make a mummy costume, you need to wrap a child, right on top of his clothes, toilet paper. At the same time, the head, arms, legs, body should be covered with it. The face remains free, makeup is drawn on it to make the image complete.

For greater strength, you can wrap a little white bandage on top of the paper and securely fasten its ends.

Other children's carnival costumes are quickly made. If the boy plays the role of a mummy, then the girl may well turn into a snail for this time. Her outfit is also created using paper, but more durable.

Here is what a costume outfit for a girl is made of:

  • thick paper;
  • tapes;
  • headband for hair;
  • cardboard;
  • glue gun;
  • construction tape;
  • two small Styrofoam balls or packages from Kinder Surprise.
Take a roll tight wrapping paper or wallpaper, cut a large rectangle from it. Remember it with your hand so that it becomes more pliable, wrap it with a roll. Starting from the smaller side of the rectangle, twist the workpiece to one side. Having designed a not very large area in this way, start folding it in a circle. To fix, fasten the curls with small pieces of tape in different places.

Focusing on the size of the child's back, cut a rectangle out of cardboard. Sew or glue 2 ribbons to it, measure these straps too. Glue the cardboard onto the rolled paper, and the snail's house is ready.

To make her horns, cut out 2 smaller rectangles from paper than for a house. Roll them up the same way. Glue a ball or a Kinder Surprise package to the tops.

Work completed. Such children's carnival costumes do not require special financial costs, and children bring pleasure and good mood.

New Year's costumes for children

The child will be interested in turning into a Christmas tree for a while. Such children's carnival costumes will surely make a splash when the lights are dimmed in the midst of the holiday, and the outfit will shine with a lot of light bulbs.

To make this New Year's attire, you need the following:

  • dense green fabric;
  • light bulbs LED 10 mm;
  • AA batteries;
  • wires for light bulbs;
  • crayon;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • pearls, beads for decoration.
We start sewing a children's carnival costume for a matinee from cutting. The easiest way is to take an existing dress, sundress or T-shirt as a basis. Wrap the sleeves, collar inward, attach this fabric template to the newspaper, outline, make the desired length, cut out. Make 2 similar parts, but on the front, the neckline is deeper than on the back.

Attach the pattern to the fabric, outline, cut out, leaving a seam allowance of 2 cm, and 7 mm on the neck. Sew 2 parts on the wrong side - a shelf and a back.

The neckline should be sufficient so that the child can easily put on the costume over the head over the matinee. Otherwise, you will need to make a vertical cut from the collar of the back down and sew in a zipper or fasten it on the shoulder.

Without turning the dress inside out, draw on the inside, using a large ruler, diagonal lines. Try to make them at the same distance as the marks for the light bulbs. Turn the dress inside out, stick the latter into the fabric, bending the antennae of the lamps, and fasten them to the canvas.

Now connect the bulbs with wire, fixing it on the antennae. The scheme of this is such that short tendrils are a negative charge (–), and long ones are positive (+).

Do not stretch the wire sections so that the structure does not break and the fabric is not too stretched. Pass the wire from the front to the back, securing it at the side seams.

Process the neck of the dress, decorate it with beads, and a spectacular outfit for a matinee is ready. To prevent the robe from pricking, have the child put a tight turtleneck under it. If you can't get LED bulbs, then buy a battery-powered garland and attach it to the front of your dress.

Outfit miraculous ladybug

Children's carnival costumes may be different. There is a place for this mischievous ladybug at any holiday.

The top of the outfit is made on the basis of a red turtleneck. Here's what you need to make such a carnival costume:
  • red turtleneck or t-shirt;
  • hair rim;
  • black brushes;
  • sequins;
  • glue gun;
  • fluffy red ribbon or pompoms of this color;
  • black fabric;
  • a glass or glass for a template;
  • red tulle;
  • crayon or thin dry bar of soap;
  • rubber band black;
  • tape measure;
  • scissors;
  • tracing paper.
Let's start with the headdress. Take a hairband, attach to it 2 brushes folded with bundles and bent in half. Attach a dark fabric to the rim, cut it out according to its size. In place of the antennae, make a cut. Pass the fabric through them, secure it to the rim with the contents of the glue gun.

Cut 2 pieces from the fluffy ribbon, fold them in a circle. Glue these elements or 2 pom-poms to the tops of the brushes.

Lay the black fabric inside out, using a bar of soap or crayon, circle the glass or glass to make circles. Cut them out and glue them to the turtleneck.

To sew a skirt, first we make markings for future folds on tracing paper. Step back 2.5 cm from above, draw a line. Then measure another 2.5 cm from it, draw another segment parallel to the first. Between them, make markings every 2.5 cm.

From the red tulle, cut 2 strips - each about 60 cm (depending on the size of the skirt). First put the first red transparent fabric on the tracing paper, make cuts on it according to the markings (every 2.5 cm), then exactly the same on the second tulle sheet.

From black fabric, cut 2 pieces of 55 cm, do with them the same way as with red tulle. We collect a fluffy skirt. Put pieces of black fabric on the tulle folded together, thread the elastic band through all the aligned cuts. Try on a skirt for a girl, cut off the excess ends of the elastic, sew them. Now so wonderful ladybug can fly, or rather, go to a fun holiday.

Beautiful long peacock tail for kids

It is enough to make only him, and an elegant costume for a matinee is ready. Here's what we'll use for it:
  • taffeta trimmings;
  • linen gum;
  • green tape;
  • blue, green, blue felt.
Attach the elastic to the girl's waist, pull it slightly, cut it off, leaving allowances on both sides in order to knit or sew the elastic. From taffeta or tulle, cut strips 10 cm wide. The more of them, the fuller skirt. Tie these ribbons to the elastic in the way shown in the photo, placing them on the sides and back.

And here's how to make decorations for a skirt so that it looks like a peacock tail. Cut out crescent-shaped blanks with a sharp middle from blue fabric. To do this, it is most convenient to use a template, then all elements will be the same size and the desired shape.

From blue felt we make blanks that are acute-angled on one side and rounded on the other sides. Exactly the same, but slightly bigger size cut out from green fabric. From brown felt we make large oval elements, then we sew each with light threads so that they imitate feathers.

Now you need to take one finished element of each color, apply it as shown in the photo, and glue it.

Take the lengths of ribbon you want, glue the felt pieces here, and then attach these feathers to the taffeta strips.

That's what a beautiful peacock tail came out, it will become a detail or everything carnival costume for a matinee See what other outfits you can quickly make from simple materials with your own hands.

A pleasant event unexpectedly descended - a masquerade ball! You don't have the time or money to order at the atelier, run around the shops in search of original costumes! What to do?! Well, firstly, calm down, secondly, remember that we can do everything with our own hands, and thirdly, look around. What do we always have at home? Right! Plastic bottles, newspapers, trash bags, boxes. From this we will make the most original carnival costume with our own hands.

From plastic bottles

Mermaid or kikimora

The most beautiful place on a plastic bottle is the bottom. We cut a lot of them right away. They will decorate the hem of the dress, the bodice, you can glue the original crown out of them. For a mermaid or kikimora costume, we need green bottles.

After the bottoms have been cut off, you still need to cut off the necks, and then carefully and evenly cut the remains of the bottle lengthwise into three equal parts. Burn small holes in the narrow part and collect them on a string into a garland that will become a skirt. Glue, sew or staple the bottoms along the edge of the skirt.

The bodice of the dress is best made by sheathing the old T-shirt with green plastic details. But the crown can be assembled from lush feathers cut from bottles and attached to a hoop or ribbon.

flower princess

The stand-up skirt for this costume is made from a wire frame. Any thin fabric is stretched on it. This is where the difficulties end and the creative part begins. Cut out petals from bottles of different colors, collect them into flowers and attach to the skirt. Cut half-liter bottles in a spiral and attach the "serpentine" to the skirt.

A scrap suit for a boy can be made by simply tying two plastic bottles together and attaching them upside down to the astronaut's back with straps. And in order for our jetpack to be operational, glue red-orange patches imitating fire into the necks with your own hands.

Helmet, hat, crown

The largest plastic bottles are simply specially produced in order to make various hats for a hero, an alien, a king, a gentleman, a puss in boots, etc. out of them.