Olga Zuikina


Learn use words and expressions in speech, necessary for characterization of characters.

Contribute to the formation extended coherent statement, the ability to use indirect speech and conduct dialogue.

Clarification and expansion of the verb dictionary.

Formation of adjectives from nouns

Develop gross motor skills and coordination speech with movement.

Develop auditory and visual attention, memory, imagination, moral understanding.

To develop in children the ability to listen carefully to an adult and develop learning skills (answer questions, listen to the other without interrupting).

Cultivate a friendly attitude among children towards each other.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: To us at guests came to class, let's give them our smiles, let's greet them.

Children: Hello.

Educator: Have a seat. Guys, I know you love games, songs and dances, but there is nothing more interesting fairy tales. Do you love fairy tales?

Children: Yes.

Educator: From which Russian folk fairy tales these heroes. Guess the riddles.

* Long necks, red paws, pinching your heels - run without looking back. (Geese)

* It is tall and branchy. It turns green quickly in spring. Blooms in beautiful colors. Decorated with fruits in summer. In winter, it stands naked and looks unsightly. (Apple from an apple tree)

* Granny is gray-haired and white, dear to everyone in winter. Rings from the chimney are smoke from our (stoves)

* Flows and flows - it won’t leak out, runs and runs - it won’t run out. (River)

* Lives in a dense forest in an unkind hut old lady. (Baba Yaga).

Educator: Guys, what heroes you guessed the fairy tales?

Children: Swan geese

Educator: Why this fairy tale called Russian folk?

Children: Because this fairy tale invented by the Russian people.

Educator: How do Russian folk songs begin? fairy tales?

Children: "Lived once"

Educator: Guys, do you know this one well? fairy tale?

Children: Yes.

Educator: I want to know if you ever listened carefully, looked fairy tale« Swan geese» . I suggest you listen carefully to the phrases from fairy tales and find mistakes, if they are, then you should speak in unison: "No no no". If there are no errors, then we say in unison: "Yes Yes Yes" and clap our hands.

* Father and mother went to the city, and Masha and Vanyushka stayed at home. (Yes Yes Yes).

* They swooped down Swan geese, picked up Mashenka, put her on the wings and carried her away. (No no no).

Educator: Where is the mistake?

Children's answers.

* Masha helped the apple tree - she hung apples on it. (No no no).

Educator: Why not?

Children's answers.

* Masha helped the river - she moved the stone. (Yes Yes Yes).

* The hedgehog led Masha into the dense forest to a hut on chicken legs. (Yes Yes Yes).

* He sees Masha in the field, the stove is flowing, and nearby the river is baking. (No no no).

Educator: Where is the mistake here?

* Masha and Vanyushka were helped to hide from the swan geese by a stove, an apple tree, a river and Baba Yaga. (No no no).

Educator: What is the mistake in this phrase?

* Masha ran home: She washed Vanyushka, combed her hair, sat her down on the bench, and sat down next to her. (Yes Yes Yes).

Educator: Well done boys, fairy tale you know well - all questions were answered correctly.

Educator: Children, who kidnapped the boy?

Children: Swan geese.

Educator: Who are they Swan geese? Are they good or evil?

Children: Angry Birds.

Educator: Baba Yaga's servants, her assistants, evil birds that steal children.

Let's go out onto the meadow and stand in a circle. We will now turn into Geese-swans.

Geese and swans were flying(walking in a circle and swinging your arms to the sides.)

They sat quietly on the lawn (sat down in place.)

We walked around (walking in a half-squat.)

Pecked (bends forward.)

Then we quickly ran (running in a circle on tiptoes with wing flapping.)

Geese and swans are flying, wings make noise (walking in place with arms raised up and down from the sides, maintaining posture.)

Bent over the water (lean forward, bending, arms to the sides - back.)

Shake their heads (turns head.)

They know how to stand straight and proud

And they land on the water very silently (sit down.)

Educator: In this misfortune befalls a fairy tale. The evil Baba Yaga, with the help of geese-swans, kidnapped the boy.

When the children's parents return, how will they feel?

Children: Fear, pain, grief, sadness.

Educator: So that they don’t get upset, let’s help the girl get her brother back. The tests will be difficult, are you not afraid of difficulties?

Children: No.

Educator: Well, let's start then! To find your way, you need a plan map.

Sit down at the tables. Find the red dot on the piece of paper. What is drawn next to it?

Children: Stove.

Educator: First we need to get to the stove. Connect the red dot with the blue dot. What is drawn?

Children: Apple tree.

Children: River.

Educator: Then we will go to the river. Connect the green dot with the black dot. What is drawn?

Children: A hut on chicken legs.

Educator: Then we will go to the hut.

Children complete tasks on a worksheet.

Educator: Let's look at the plan - the map under the lamp.

Did everyone have such a plan?

Children: Yes.

Educator Now we have a plan, and we can hit the road.

Let's hold hands together

And we'll go around in circles.

We all walk slowly,

We place our foot on the toe.

We'll go down the path

Let's start stamping.

Keep your back straight

Just like a reed.

Now we'll hurry up

Let's run into the magical forest.

Educator: Let's say a gentle hello to the stove.

Children: Hello, cookie!

Educator: Guys, what did the stove treat Mashenka with?

Children: The stove treated Mashenka to pies.

Educator: What products are used to make pie dough?

Children: Bake from flour, add milk, sugar, egg; flour is obtained from grain.

Educator: What do you think the pies can be with?

Children: Pies can be with cabbage, mushrooms, cherries, apples, etc.

Educator: Well done!

Guys, say hello to the apple tree.

Children: Hello, apple tree!

Educator: Like ours, at the gate,

The miracle apple tree is growing,

And on the branches are sweaters, trousers,

Put your hands up, children,

Come on, urgently, give me an answer,

Does this happen or not?

Exercise "Yes - no".

Let's help the apple tree remove things.

(Boots - no boots, T-shirt - no T-shirt, trousers - no trousers, dress - no dress, sweater - no sweater, hat - no hat.)

Educator: Are apples vegetables or fruits?

Children: Fruits.

Educator: What other fruits do you know?

Children's answers.

Educator: IN fairy tale apples are called ruddy and pouring, how do you understand this expression?

Children: These apples are red, juicy, sweet, ripe.

Educator: Well done boys! There is a river in an open field, you friends are rushing to it. Say hello to the river.

Children: Hello, little river!

Educator: As you understand fabulous expression milk river - jelly banks?

Children: Instead of water, milk flows in the river, and the banks are made of jelly.

Educator: Well done, you understand this correctly fairy tale expression.

Also in fairy tale forest, into which Mashenka wandered, is called dense. Who can explain why?

Children: Because trees grow often in a dense forest. .

Educator: That's right, guys, in such a forest the trees are very tall and grow so close to each other that even on a sunny day it is dark.

There are different animals in the dense forest, what are they?

Children: Wolves, foxes, bears.

Educator: There is a hut in the dark forest, (spring, hands above your head)

Slide 8 (1)

Standing backwards (jump to stand with your back to B. Ya. and take your place)

In that hut there is old lady, (visor right, left)

Grandmother Yaga lives. (fists on belt, stomping foot)

Crochet nose, big eyes, (hook finger at the nose, eyes - joint b. and index finger)

How the lanterns burn! (throws fingers out of fist)

Ugh, how angry (wave with right hand, left hand)

My hair is standing on end! (showing sticking hair)

Educator: Guys, Baba Yaga is in good fairy tale?

Children: No, Baba Yaga is in the fairy tale is evil.

Educator: She is young?

Children: No, old.

Educator: She's beautiful?

Children: No. She scary: she has a hooked nose, spiky hair and a bone leg.

Educator: Baba Yaga is angry. Let's give her the compliments we know.

Children: Beautiful, gentle, stylish, pleasant, inimitable,

sweet, flexible, slim, funny, modest, dazzling.

Educator: Look, Grandma Yaga, how prettier she has become.

Children: Yes.

Educator: Let's ask her to let Ivanushka go home.

Which magic words You know?

Children: Dear Baba Yaga, please let Ivanushka go home.

Educator: And now we will hurry, to kindergarten we will run. Goodbye Baba Yaga. Look, Baba Yaga did not deceive, the boy is already home.

Summarizing classes.

Did you like it journey through the pages of Russian folk fairy tales« Swan geese» ?

We worked a lot, and now tell me which task was the most

interesting? Which task did you find most difficult? What was it like

the easiest? Why do you think you completed all the tasks?

Because you are very friendly, attentive, know how to solve riddles and never leave your friends in trouble. I thank you all for your active participation.

Summary of GCD for children (5-7 years old).

Educator: Nasedkina Anna Sergeevna

Goals and objectives:

1. Expand children’s knowledge about fairy tales;

2. Train memory, develop speech;

3. Cultivate a caring attitude towards books


1. Pictures of fairy tales

2. Airplane carpet

3. Telegram

4. Package

5.Toys (animals).

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: There are many fairy tales in the world,

Sad and funny

And live in the world

We can't live without them

A fairy tale is coming to visit us,

A fairy tale will enter every home.

A fairy tale gives miracles to those

Educator: Hello, my dears!

Do you guys like fairy tales?

I see your eyes sparkle!

Do you know many fairy tales?

Now you will meet them!

Guys, from the very early childhood you've heard the tales. When you were little, your mother and grandmother told you fairy tales, and then you went to kindergarten and someone learned to read them themselves. Reading fairy tales, you penetrate into a wonderful world, a mysterious, mysterious world. In the fairy tale, the most incredible miracles happen: either the Serpent Gorynych takes the beautiful princess into his domain, or the apple tree rewards the hardworking girl with gold and silver apples, or the cunning fox deceives everyone.

(letter from Pechkin)

Guests have come to us.

Pechkin: “Hello, dear guys, I’m looking for Uncle Fyodor. He's lost. Help me find him.

Educator: Guys, can we help find Uncle Fyodor?

Educator: Then let's hit the road. Let's remember what you can use to get around in fairy tales.

Expected answers from children: In fairy tales you can fly on a flying ship, on a flying carpet, on a broom, in a mortar, like Baba Yaga.

Educator: Let us go to a fairyland on a magic carpet.

(The teacher brings in a magic carpet made in advance with the children)

One two three four five

Everyone wants to get into a fairy tale!

/ Children, to the music of “Visiting a Fairy Tale,” walk like a snake, twisting and turning the spiral.

Educator: - Oh, where did we end up? - Guys, look who's meeting us. This is a mouse. In what fairy tale do we meet the mouse? (Teremok, Ryaba chicken, turnip)

Mouse, have you seen Uncle Fyodor?

Mouse: No, but maybe he got lost in fairy tales.

Educator: Guys, let's learn fairy tales with you.

1 task from the mouse, maybe it will help us find Uncle Fyodor

1 “Find out the fairy tale”

Girl sitting in a basket

Behind the bear's back.

Without knowing it himself,

He carries her home.

(Masha and the Bear)

Refuge of the Little Mouse,

Green frog

And other animal company.

Tell me the name in unison.


Three cups and three beds,

There are also three chairs, look

And the residents here really are

Lives smoothly. (three) .

As you will see, it is immediately clear:

To visit them. (dangerous) .

Run away quickly, little sister,

Fly out of the window like... (bird).

She ran away! Well done!

So, the whole fairy tale. (end) .

Fedya reads syllable by syllable:

This is a fairytale ".. ".

("Three Bears".)

It was baked from flour,

It was mixed with sour cream.

He was chilling at the window,

He's on the path. (rolled).

He was cheerful, he was brave

And on the way he sings. (sang,

The Bunny wanted to eat him,

Gray wolf and brown one. (Bear) .

And when the baby is in the forest

Met a redhead. (Fox,

I couldn't leave her.

What kind of fairy tale?

What a vegetable, what a giant!

Well, there’s no way to get it out!

Grandfather and grandmother pulled,

The mouse helped a lot!

(fairy tale "Turnip")

Pictures depicting fairy tales.

Educator: Well done, you know fairy tales well. Well, where is Uncle Fyodor?

Children: Uncle Fyodor is not here.

(Meeting with a bunny)

Educator: -Here’s Bunny, there’s a basket next to him, I wonder what’s in there? Let’s see! And here’s the envelope in it, this is what’s written. I haven’t seen Uncle Fyodor, but maybe he got lost in my basket.

Educator: Guys, let's look.

2 . "Bunny's Magic Basket"

(The bunny takes out objects from the basket. Children must guess which fairy tale this object is from):

Golden Egg (Hen Ryaba)

Golden Key (The Adventures of Pinocchio)

Jar of jam (Carlson)

First aid kit (Doctor Aibolit)

Jar of Honey (Winnie the Pooh and everything, everything, everything)

Rolling pin (Fox with a rolling pin)

Educator: Well done guys. Well, where is Uncle Fyodor?

Children: Uncle Fyodor is not here.

Educator: That’s right, he’s not here. Let's go look for him further.

(Meeting with the fox)

Educator: -Oh, Foxy, look what’s in her paws? Let’s see!

Children: Note.

Note. Fox: I was watching you and I see that you are very tired and suggests that we rest a little.

Educator: Guys, the fox sees that you are tired and invites you to play. Do you want to play?

Stop 3 “Meeting with the Fox”


- “There is a hut in the dark forest”

There is a hut in the dark forest - children are walking

Stands backwards - children turn around

There is an old woman in this hut - They shake a finger

Grandmother Yaga lives - they shake the finger of the other hand

The nose is hooked - pointing with a finger

The eyes are big - they show

Like coals are burning - they shake their heads

Wow, how angry! - running in place

Hair standing on end - hands up

(Meeting with the Bear)

Educator: - So we met Mishka on our way. And did he have a message for us? Didn’t you see Uncle Fyodor?

Message - Bear: I haven’t seen Uncle Fyodor? But maybe he got lost in my shifters. Help me, please, disassemble the shifters.

Educator: Guys, let's help the bear. And the guests will help us.

Stop 4 “Fairytale shifters”

“Green Beret” - “Little Red Riding Hood”;

“Barefoot Mouse” - “Puss in Boots”;

“Colorless cockerel” - “Rock hen”.

“Turkey Princess” - “Frog Princess”

“At the dog’s command” - “At the pike’s command”

“Baba-Byaka” - “Baba Yaga”

Educator: Do you think we helped the bear?

Educator: Well done to the bear, we helped, but Uncle Fyodor is not here either. Let's go look for him further.

(Meeting with the Wolf)

Educator: - Oh, what kind of animal is this (Wolf)

Children: Wolf

Q: Let's see if he knows where Uncle Fyodor is.

Wolf: No, but maybe he got lost among fairy-tale heroes. Help me solve riddles about fairy-tale characters. I know many, many of them for you today. Those who are attentive will quickly figure them out.

Educator: Guys, let's help the wolf.

Stop 5 “Riddles about fairy-tale characters”

1. Someone grabbed someone tightly,

Oh, I can’t pull it out, oh, it’s stuck tightly.

But more helpers will soon come running,

Friendly common work will defeat the stubborn person.

Who is stuck so tightly? Who is this... (Turnip)

2. The grandmother loved the girl very much.

I gave her a red cap.

The girl forgot her name.

Well, tell me her name. (Little Red Riding Hood)

3. He treats mice and rats,

Crocodiles, hares, foxes,

Bandages wounds

African monkey.

And anyone will confirm to us:

This is the doctor. (Aibolit)

4. The nose is round, with a snout,

It’s convenient for them to rummage in the ground,

Small crochet tail

Instead of shoes - hooves.

Three of them - and to what extent?

Friendly brothers look alike.

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Piglets)

5. My father had a strange boy,

Unusual - wooden.

But the father loved his son.

What a weird one

Wooden man

On land and under water

Looking for a golden key?

He sticks his long nose everywhere.

Who is this? (Pinocchio)

6. All girls and boys.

We managed to fall in love with him.

He is the hero of a funny book,

Behind him is a propeller.

He flies over Stockholm

High, but not to Mars.

And the baby recognizes him.

Who is this? Cunning. (Carlson)

7. You know this girl,

She is sung in an old fairy tale.

She worked, lived modestly,

I didn’t see the clear sun,

There is only dirt and ash around.

And the name was beauty. (Cinderella)

Educator: Well done, they guessed all the riddles. We helped the wolf, but Uncle Fyodor is not here either. Let's go look for him further.

(Meeting with Cat Matroskin)

Educator: -What an interesting hero, who is this?

Educator: maybe he knows where Uncle Fyodor is

Matroskin: Why didn’t you see it? Of course we have it in Prostakvashino. But first, guess which fairy tale these heroes are from? (Morozko: Emelya the pike king (At the behest of the pike): Old man old woman fox wolf (Tale of a fisherman and a fish): Goat wolf and seven kids (Wolf and seven kids): Moidodyr)

Educator: So we found our hero. Where did we find him?

Letter from Uncle Fyodor:

Uncle Fyodor: Thanks to Pechkin for the telegram. And thank you guys very much for helping Pechkin find me. Goodbye guys, it's time for us to return to our fairy tales.

Educator: Guys, let's say goodbye to our fairy-tale heroes. Let's take a little rest and go back to kindergarten.


"Zayushkina's hut"

(children stand opposite each other)

Our bunny lived in a hut (arms above his head, fingers connected to each other in the form of a house)

He never grieved (his head is turned from side to side)

He sang the song cheerfully (nod his head)

And I played the pipe (imitation of playing the pipe)

But the fox knocked (they knock fist on fist)

She drove away our hare (clap hands).

Now the little bunny is walking (spinning) sadly.

He doesn’t find a place for himself (they sigh and spread their arms to the sides)

Both the dog and the bear (wag their tail, then sway from side to side)

They approach our hare (they approach each other),

And they leave (divorce) with nothing.

Only one rooster

Helped our hare (wave hands up and down).

And now they live in the house (arms above head, fingers connected to each other in the form of a house)

Happily, in harmony (hug each other).

Educator: Well done children, how fun you played, it’s time for us to return to kindergarten.

Educator: Well, now let’s return to our kindergarten, and how will we get there?

Children's answers: On flying carpets.

Educator: The fairy tale says goodbye to you,

The children are returning home.

One two three four five,

We're flying back to kindergarten!

Educator: So we returned to kindergarten, did you like the trip?

Summarizing. What did you like most? Who did we meet in Fairytale Land? - What do fairy tales teach?

Educator: Oh, what kind of package is this? Let's see what's in the package. (I open it, there is a treat there). Here's a treat and a note. “Thank you children for the very interesting stories, you played fun, saved animals, you are kind and resourceful. See you. Pechkin."

I give the children a treat, the lesson is over.

Summary of educational activities for speech development for children 5-6 years old “Land of Fairy Tales”

Educational area: speech development.
Subject:"Land of Fairy Tales"
Age: senior group
Target: generalize children's ideas about fairy tales.
deepen, expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about fairy tales, and expand their vocabulary.
practice word formation and inflection.
develop the ability to recognize the emotional state of others and describe it.
develop thinking, visual memory, observation.
develop fine motor skills hands and movements.
develop the ability to coordinate your actions with partners, the desire to overcome obstacles.
to cultivate the ability to understand the meaning of figurative expressions in riddles, to develop artistic taste.
cultivate respect for books and a love of fairy tales.
Materials and equipment: computer, audio recordings, “letter”, slides on fairy tales, plates with peas and beans, tree models, Kolobok and Fox toys, cut-out pictures, illustrations of fairy tales, puzzles on the theme “Fairy Tales”.
Preliminary work:
reading fairy tales to children;
discussion of the material read;
solving riddles,
collecting puzzles for fairy tales,
coloring images for fairy tales.
Expected result:
- The child has an idea of ​​fairy tales, knows the names and recognizes the heroes of fairy tales.
- Masters the ability to reason and speak out.
- Formation of practical skills in working with children various materials(puzzles, cut-out pictures, cereals). 1. Organizational moment.
Educator:- Guys, today I want to invite you on a journey! - Do you want to go with me? (children's answers)
-Where do you think we will go today? (children's answers)
2. Main part.
- Guys, do you like fairy tales? (children's answers). And I love.
- What fairy tales do you know? (children's answers)
- Well done, you know a lot of fairy tales. How can you say about a fairy tale, what is it like? If there is a miracle in a fairy tale, then it is... (wonderful);
- there is magic, then... (magical);
- there is good, then... (kind);
- there is joy, then... (joyful);
- there are riddles, then... (mysterious);
- there is wisdom, then... (wise), etc.
- And if you managed to get into a fairy tale, who would you like to become? (Children's answers)
1 task “Help Cinderella”
Educator: Guys, we have received a letter. Shall we read it? (1 slide)
"Dear Guys! An evil wizard entered our land of fairy tales and brought us a lot of trouble. Help us please. He mixed up all the fairy tales and all the fairy-tale heroes. And we don’t know how we can get rid of his evil deeds.”
(2 slide)
Educator:- Guys, who do you think sent us the letter? (Cinderella)
-What did Cinderella do? What did you do? (She had to do the most difficult, complex and difficult work: her stepmother often forced her to sort out peas and beans. The girl worked all night).
Let's help her. But how can we get into a fairy tale? What magic words or spells do you know? (children's answers, only words are selected, for example: Krible-krable-booms).
(Music sounds)
(3 slide)
Educator: Here we are in a fairy tale. Let's help Cinderella sort out the beans (beans and peas in boxes).
Children sort through the beans and peas and find riddles at the bottom of the plates.
Task 2 “Riddles - answers”
After each guessed riddle, the teacher turns on a slide with a picture of a fairy-tale hero.
1. The beautiful maiden is sad,
She doesn't like spring.
It's hard for her in the sun,
The poor thing is shedding tears.
Snow Maiden (4 slide)
2. A woman rides on a broom in heaven and on earth,
Scary, evil, who is she?
Baba Yaga (5 slide)
3. At Alyonushka's sister's
The birds took my brother away.
High they fly
They look far away
Geese-swans (6 slide)
4. An arrow flew and fell into a swamp,
And in this swamp someone caught her.
Who said goodbye to green skin.
Have you become cute, beautiful, pretty?
Princess frog (7 slide)
5. Her grandfather planted her in the field
The whole summer grew.
The whole family pulled her
It was very large.
Turnip (8 slide)
6. Once upon a time there were seven guys
Little white goats.
The gray one tricked his way into the house.
The goat then found him,
I was able to outsmart him.
And she saved all her children.
Goats (9 slide)
7. It was mixed with sour cream
Baked in a Russian oven.
Met animals in the forest
And he left them quickly.
Kolobok (10 slide)
- Guys, tell me, where did Kolobok go in the fairy tale? (children's answers)
- Do you want to follow Kolobok to the Magic Forest? (children's answers)
An audio recording plays. The teacher rolls Kolobok into the forest, everyone follows Kolobok.
Task 3 “Fox's Tales”
- Guys, the forest is magical in front of us, there is silence all around. What kind of animals do you think live in the magical forest? (children's answers)
Educator:- I’ll tell you a riddle.
Who has their footprints in the forest
Does it sweep deftly?
A light among the foliage
And there are glimpses of bushes?
This is a formidable enemy of mice,
Hares and voles,
More cunning than all the forest animals,
He is fast and dexterous.
(Children's answers) The teacher shows the toy to Fox
- What kind of fox is there in fairy tales?
(Children's answers)
- Help Kolobok not fall into the clutches of the Fox. What are the fairy tales in which the fox is the main character? Then the Fox will let Kolobok go (children's answers)
(Answer options:
- Fox - sister and gray wolf
- Kolobok
- Teremok
- Mitten
- Fox with a rolling pin
- Fox and crane, etc.)
Educator:- Well done! The fox is pleased with your answers. Kolobok is saved!
Physical exercise "Kolobok"
Kolobok, kolobok, warm and rosy. (tilts to the right, left)
Jump and jump, jump and jump, our friend has started, (jumping, running in place)
He turned right, then he turned left, (turns right and left)
Then it spun with a leaf (rotate 360 ​​degrees)
then he became friends with the little squirrel. (squat)
Rolled along the path (running in a group)
and fell into my palms. (children run up to the teacher)
Educator:- Let's go further on a journey through fairy tales.
4 task. Quiz “How well do you know fairy tales?”
1. Who helped the hare drive the fox out of the hut? (“Zayushkina’s hut” - rooster)
2. What is the name of the fairy tale where brother Ivanushka turned into a little goat? (“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”)
3. What is the name of the fairy tale? main character who rides on the stove to the king? ("By magic")
4. In what fairy tale did the mouse help pull a vegetable out of the ground? ("Turnip")
5. In what fairy tale did the grandfather and woman cry over a broken egg? (“Chicken - Ryaba”)
6. In what fairy tale did the birds carry away the boy on their wings? ("Swan geese")
7. Near the forest, on the edge of the forest, three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three mugs.
Three beds, three pillows.
Can you guess without a hint who the heroes of this fairy tale are?
(Three Bears)
How did you guess? (children's answers)
- What kind of mood do bears get in? (children's answers)
- Do you know that bears love to play? Let's play with you too (children are freely located around the hall).
Game: “Funny Bears”
(Children, using a mimic exercise, depict the content of the poem.)
When bears are sad, they do this.
When bears are surprised, they do this.
When they're scared, that's how they are.
When bears are angry, they are already different.
When bears are happy, they do this.
Educator: Well done, guys. This is how different the moods of the bears are in the fairy tale “The Three Bears”.
Task 5 “Fairytale puzzles”
- Trouble happened, all the fairy-tale pictures fell apart, probably this could not have happened without the tricks of Koshchei the Immortal.
Puzzles you must collect
And call it a fairy tale!
(Children are divided into 3 teams and collect puzzles)
3. Final part. Reflection.
Educator:- Well done, you completed all the tasks. Now all the heroes are in their places. So our journey through fairy tales has ended.
- What did you like about the trip? (children's answers)
- What do you remember most? (children's answers)
- Isn’t it time for us to return to our group, to our kindergarten?
- I think that we are already tired of toys and books.
- Let's all say the magic words together: “Crible-crable-boom.”

Presentation on the topic: Land of Fairy Tales

All-Russian competition of pedagogical excellence " Methodical piggy bank kindergarten teacher"

Purpose of GCD: Organize the activities of students in order to generalize and systematize the studied material on fairy tales.

Integration of educational areas:

  1. Reading fiction
  2. Socialization
  3. Communication
  4. Artistic creativity
  5. Music.

GCD tasks:


  • Systematize and enrich children’s knowledge about the concept of “fairy tale”;
  • teach children to convey the characters’ personalities using facial expressions and gestures;
  • maintain interest in storytelling at the suggestion of an adult.


  • develop speech, the ability to maintain dialogue;
  • enrich children's vocabulary with Russian speech patterns;
  • develop artistic abilities when telling an episode of a fairy tale by role.


  • cultivate interest in reading and telling fairy tales;
  • distinguish good from evil,
  • bring children joy and pleasure from the game;
  • desire to show kindness.

Preliminary work: reading and telling fairy tales; solving riddles about fairy-tale characters; drawing portraits of fairy-tale characters; writing fairy tales based on models; familiarity with proverbs and sayings.

Activation of the dictionary: enter words denoting the characteristics of objects: “magical”, “wonderful”, “instructive”, “mysterious”, “yagat”.

GCD move

Educator: Do you love fairy tales? I brought you a book called “The Book of Fairy Tales.” Would you like to see?

Children look at the illustrations and see that all the heroes from fairy tales are “confused.”

Educator: I can't understand anything! What happened? Guys, have you noticed anything unusual?

Children express their assumptions: “here are heroes from different fairy tales, but they are all not in their fairy tales.” A note suddenly flies out of the book.


“Who flies on a mortar in the forest?
And lives in a hut there?
Who always scolds children?
Doesn’t let you listen to fairy tales?” (Baba Yaga).

Educator: Who is this guys? Have you guessed it? Do you know why she is called Baba Yaga? From the word “yagat”, which in the old days meant “to shout, swear.” Guys, we need to put things in order in fairy tales, what do you think needs to be done for this? (children’s options are listened to: “we need to make sure that all the heroes are in their fairy tales,” “we need to pass the test,” “we need to help the heroes return to their fairy tales”).

Children close their eyes, a picture appears on the wall, depicting episodes from different fairy tales.

Educator: I wonder what fairy tale we are in? (reads the riddle)

“Scraped by the bottom of the barrel,
Meshon on sour cream,
There's a chill on the window,
Round side, ruddy side
Rolled..." (kolobok)

Guys, do you remember this fairy tale? I suggest you split into three teams. I will give each team a picture with an episode of a fairy tale. Looking at the picture, try to play out this episode from the fairy tale “Kolobok”. This will be your first test.

After completing the task, on one of the first pages in the “Book of Fairy Tales” all the heroes fall into place


"Jumps, gallops,
Cries bitterly.
The dog didn't help
The bear didn't help
One cockerel helped Gorya.”

Educator: Guys, did you recognize the fairy tale? (children’s answers: “this fairy tale is called “The Fox and the Hare”). Let's play this fairy tale. I suggest you remember the end of this fairy tale.

Children tell the ending of the fairy tale, the teacher puts on masks - hats, and dramatizes the passage). The teacher shows the children one of the first pages in the “Book of Fairy Tales”, all the characters fall into place.

Educator: Well done guys, you did a good job with this task. That's what it is cautionary tale! Here is the following riddle: “The grandmother loved the girl very much, gave her a red cap, the girl forgot her name, well, tell me her name!” Let's remember how the wolf pretended to be a grandmother and talked to Little Red Riding Hood. Find yourself a mate, agree who will be the wolf and who will be the Little Red Riding Hood.

Acting out the dialogue by role, in the “Book of Fairy Tales” on another page all the heroes find themselves in their place.

Educator: The Russian people have collected many wonderful tales. What are the fairy tales that you are familiar with? (children name all familiar fairy tales). Guys, what original fairy tales do you know? (children name familiar fairy tale authors).

Tell me, are all the heroes in fairy tales kind and sympathetic? (suggested answers: “there is both good and evil in fairy tales”, “good always defeats evil”, “there are different heroes - good and evil”). I suggest playing the game. Characters from various fairy tales are hidden in this magic chest. I propose to determine which fairy tale heroes, in your opinion, are good, kind, and which are evil.

Game "Magic Chest". Let's make a big circle. If you get a “good” hero from the chest, then you clap your hands. But, if you get an “evil” hero, then you stomp your feet.

Educator: As you know, various miracles happen in fairy tales. Let's take a look at the Book of Fairy Tales. Let's see if all the heroes of fairy tales are in their places? Look, guys, we've broken the spell on the books.

Educator: Why do you think Baba Yaga is so evil? (children’s answers: “she lives alone in the forest”, “nobody loves her”, “she has a scary face”, “he wants people to be afraid of her”). What can be done to prevent it from being so harmful? (children’s answers: “you should feel sorry for her,” “invite her,” “treat her,” “make friends with her,” etc.)

Educator: Let's draw the kind Baba Yaga, she will see herself joyful, beautiful, and her heart will melt. We will send Baba Yaga her portraits, the address is there... and let's tell her good words, and I think that from our warmth, her character will change, she will become kinder. (children draw the face of the “kind” Baba Yaga).

Educator: Guys, what does a fairy tale teach us? (“instructive fairy tales”, “good always triumphs over evil”, “fairy tales teach friendship”, “you can see miracles in fairy tales”, “mysterious, magical fairy tales”).

Thank you for your kind eyes and friendly smiles. And I would like to end our meeting with a smile again. Let's stand in a circle, hold hands and smile at everyone around and each other.

Anna Diyan
Abstract of the educational activity “Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales”

Abstract gcd in the second younger group using game technology and elements of the TRIZ methodology

GCD theme: « Journey to the land of fairy tales»

Target: Creating conditions for natural psychological and social communicative development children, enriching the experience of independent activity, solving accessible cognitive problems through game techniques and elements of the TRIZ methodology.


1. Teach children to recognize people they know fairy tales, fairy-tale heroes.

2. Develop the ability to solve logical tasks; activate children's vocabulary,

3. Develop communication skills (dialogical speech through joint discussion; the right word pronunciation, situational business communication in work on fairy tales, coherent speech).


1. Continue to develop children's ability to empathize; the ability to think using techniques of analysis, synthesis, and comparison.

2. Develop cognitive activity, attention, memory, creative thinking, creative capabilities using elements of the TRIZ methodology.


1. Cultivate curiosity, friendliness, a desire to help, and evoke positive emotions in aunts.

Vocabulary work: to activate in children’s speech words-signs of objects, properties of objects (adjectives, actions (Verbs) .

Material for GCD: ball, "Magic chest", in it Kolobok, cards-schemes for fairy tale"Kolobok", mitten, illustrations for a fairy tale"Goat with kids", "Zayushkina's hut", sheets of paper (with pre-painted wax balloons, brushes, paints.

Preliminary work: reading fairy tales, speech games selecting adjectives for nouns, working with diagrams, solving problem situations, examining objects (what is it made of, what can be made of it, what it was before) .

Form of work: group (individual-collective) .

GCD type: complex lesson creative use of children's knowledge and skills.

Methods and techniques: visual and gaming methods combined with verbal methods.

Stage I. Organizational

1. Psycho-gymnastics – greeting (children stand in a circle holding hands) .

Hello - golden sun,

Hello - the sky is blue,

Hello - light breeze,

Hello little friend,

Hello - morning,

Hello - day,

We are not too lazy to say hello.

Stage II. Motivational

Fairy: Do you guys recognize me? Who am I? That's right, I'm magical fairy fairy! And today I want to invite you to commit journey through fairy tales. Do you want to go to something like this? journey? A fairy tales you know? I'll check it now! (the teacher throws the ball to the children, asks questions, the children catch the ball and answer the teacher’s questions)

(method "Brainstorm") .

Who left grandma and left grandfather?

Who ate the kids?

Who came to visit the bears?

In which fairy tale grandfather beat, hit a testicle and didn’t break it?

What has grown "Big - very big"?

What happened to the ice hut?

In which fairy tale, the cat saved the cockerel?

Who carried a basket of pies to grandparents?

Educator: Well done boys, you know fairy tales well. Now you and I can hit the road.

Stage III. Practical

Look guys fairytale magic chest(children sit on chairs) .

Let's see what lies there (the teacher looks into the chest) .

Here are things from fairy tales(takes out Kolobok) .

Who is this? (Kolobok)

What about Kolobok? (round, ruddy, naughty) .

What else is the same? (method of analysis) .

(ball, ball, apple, bun, candy)

What happened to Kolobok? (children's answers) .

How would you save Kolobok? (Creative task - trial and error)

3. The teacher takes out diagram sheets from the chest

Exercise: look at the diagrams and say, which the fairy tale hid in them?


What a fox fairy tale? (cunning, crafty, red, fluffy) .

And what kind of cockerel? (curious, trusting, vocal) .

What kind of cat? (brave, courageous, fast, dexterous) .

4. The teacher takes a mitten out of the chest.

What is this? (mitten)

What kind of mitten? (warm, woolen, bright, beautiful, colorful) .

What is it made of? (from thread, from fabric) .

What else is made from thread and fabric? (children's answers) .

What is a mitten for? (warm your hands, wipe something, take something hot) .

And who lived in a mitten?

Why did they live there?

Let's imagine ourselves as animals that lived in a mitten.

(empathy method) .

The teacher asks baby:

Who are you? What is your name? Where do you live? What do you eat? What do you like to do? Who are you afraid of? Who are you friends with? (the child answers on behalf of the animal) .

5. Physical education minute.

In a friendly circle one after another

We are going step by step.

Stand still, let's do it together So:

Once we stood up, straightened up,

Two bent, bent over,

Three hands, three claps,

And four are on the sides.

Wave five arms,

Six - sit down again.

6. The teacher takes it out of the chest illustrations for a fairy tale"Goat with kids"

Who lives here? (Goat with kids)

Mother Goat had three kids? (no seven)

Why did the kids get into trouble? (were naughty)

What was the gray wolf like? (gray, angry, toothy) .

What was Mother Goat like? (kind, caring) .

Is it good or bad that Mother Goat went into the forest? (method "Good bad"). (good - she eats, there will be milk for the kids, bad - she leaves the kids alone) .

7. Did. A game "Who will be what".

The teacher takes out chest:

Board-table, chair, tower...

Egg-chicken, chicken, omelet...

Ball cap, mitten, scarf...

Seeds - flower, radish...

8. The teacher takes a bunny out of the chest - he is crying.

What do you think could have happened to the bunny, who could have offended him?

(the fox kicked him out of the house) .

Let's tell the fox what else he can build a house from.

(trial and error method)

How can you cheer up a bunny? (children's answers) .

Stage IV. reflective

Is our the journey is coming to an end. I had a lot of fun and interesting time with you. Let's remember where we have been? What did you do? What did you like most? What didn't you like? (children's answers). I liked how you tried and were active (name positive and negative points, if any) .

And now I want to invite you to cheer up our bunny. Look how sad he is. To do this, you and I will turn into little wizards. And these magic brushes and sheets of paper will help us with this. You need to paint these sheets with paint and you will see what happens.

(Children begin to work. An image appears on the sheet balloons. They are colorful, bright, cheerful. Children give the bunny their work. Happy bunny. Thanks the children. Runs away to fairy tale) .