Every year, the solemn May parade on Red Square reminds us of the difficult years of the most terrible and bloody war of the 20th century - the Great Patriotic War. Indeed, such a long-awaited Victory Day was given to our people at the cost of the lives of many thousands of fellow citizens who died in the struggle for peace and freedom.

The tradition of celebrating May 9 on a grand scale has been preserved to this day - in 2018 the celebration of the 73rd anniversary of the Great Victory will take place. In honor of such a significant date, in major cities of Russia, as well as in post-Soviet countries, there will be festive processions of military personnel, the laying of wreaths at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and memorial meetings of front-line soldiers.

When choosing congratulations on May 9, 2018, we recommend taking a look at our selection - here you will find beautiful poems and wishes in prose for Victory Day, strict official lines and lines touching to tears. So, short congratulatory SMS in verse can be sent on May 9 to veterans you know or work colleagues. When congratulating your family and friends on the Victory, it is better to choose poems supplemented with warm, sincere words from yourself. I wish you happiness, health, and peaceful skies above your head!

Victory Day was first celebrated in 1945, when the Act of Unconditional Surrender by Nazi Germany was signed. Thousands of citizens of the huge victorious country greeted such joyful news with delight, listening to the radio message of the Soviet Information Bureau. To commemorate the Great Victory on May 9, 30 salvoes from thousands of artillery pieces were fired - the most grandiose salute in the entire history of the USSR. And even though very few veterans and eyewitnesses of the events of bygone years remain alive today, their heroic contribution to our history can hardly be overestimated. On the eve of Victory Day, we have selected the most beautiful short congratulations on May 9, 2018 - to veterans, friends, and work colleagues. Of course, words will not heal past wounds and bring back lost relatives and fellow soldiers, but with the help of beautiful short congratulations on May 9 in poetry and prose, you can show your sincere participation, expressing your gratitude and sincere gratitude to everyone who heroically defended our future.

To everyone who fought for the Fatherland,
The lowest bow to the ground.
Thank you for the Victory,
For saving our lives!

On Victory Day I wish you
A sea of ​​life victories,
May your life be bright and wonderful,
Without melancholy, worries and troubles!
Peace in the sky and in houses,
Happiness and joy in our hearts!

Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on the great holiday, Victory Day. May there always be a clear blue sky in our lives, may our loved ones and children never know what war means, may our hearts always be proud of the exploits of our grandfathers, may the song of Victory awaken in each of us the power of patriotism and a sense of good hope.

Dear colleagues, please accept our congratulations on the great Victory Day! We wish you peace in the country and your families, happiness and tranquility. Honor sacredly the memory of those who gave us the opportunity to live and work.

Tears glisten in the eyes,

Gray hair flashes at the temples.

Veterans saved our lives

Through pain and bitterness, fear and wounds.

Happy Victory Day to you too,

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.

I want to say thank you for life,

I wish you good health!

With the advent of the next anniversary of Victory Day, I would like to congratulate all relatives, friends and acquaintances on this important historical day. Indeed, the result of the unparalleled courage of thousands ordinary people was the deliverance of the country from the Nazi invaders. So, today, on this wonderful spring day, representatives of the older generation are receiving warm congratulations from May 9, 2018 from your family and friends. When preparing for Victory Day, it is important not to forget to pick up a few cool short congratulations in verse to express the most joyful feelings and wishes. Every veteran will be pleased with such attention on Victory Day - short poems can be read in person or sent as a congratulatory SMS. Let May 9 remain for a long time in the memory of the people who have traveled such a long and difficult path to their Great Victory.

I hasten to congratulate you,
Today is a holiday - Victory Day!
Let your friends be nearby

Victory Day is a glorious holiday,
It’s time for us to remember the main thing:
I wish you with all my heart
Happy peaceful fate!

Happy Victory Day!
This holiday is dear to us,
It's good that they covered it up
We will slap our enemies!

Let there be no wars in the world!
Peace, rule the earth,
So that the sky is blue
Smiled at us in the window!

Hero of computer shooters,
Well, look away from the screen!
Happy Victory! They fought for her
Our heroes, veterans!

So celebrate with gratitude,
That your life is quite normal
And the shots here are not dangerous -
The fights are virtual!

Your grandfathers fought for you.
Honor and praise to them!
You are on this Victory Day
Be as agile as an arrow -

Congratulate all the veterans yourself,
Privates and captains,
Officers and sergeants -
Giant winners!

The texts of congratulations on Victory Day are always distinguished by their special solemnity and soulfulness, evoking the most reverent feelings in listeners. Every time we try to choose original beautiful congratulations on May 9th - Best wishes peace, goodness and happiness. In many work collectives, it is customary to congratulate each other on Victory Day and organize ceremonial events with the presentation of gifts and bonuses to participants in hostilities. A traditional part of the holiday is the official congratulations of colleagues and managers, clients and business partners Happy Victory Day. Here you will find several options for official congratulations in prose for a festive speech - you can also send postcards and letters for Victory Day on May 9, 2018. Beautiful bouquets It’s better to stock up on red carnations and lilies of the valley in advance in order to adequately congratulate your fellow veterans on the Victory.

Dear colleague, today is the amazing holiday of May 9th. This day is full of happiness and joy, as well as sorrow and sadness. But on this bright day I would like to wish you a peaceful sky above your head, as well as only the brightest moments that lie ahead! Happy holiday!

Dear colleagues, on this venerable day, we say a big “Thank you” to our fallen heroes who gave their lives for the sake of peace on earth. I would like to wish you prosperity and stability in everything on this day. Let only peace reign in your families! Happy holiday and all the best.

Victory Day is a holiday that is of great importance to all of us. Every year on the Ninth of May our hearts are filled with pride, joy, and at the same time grief and sorrow. But more than anything else in this holiday of light and hope is that the sky above our heads will always be peaceful! Happy holiday, dear colleagues! Don't forget about the exploits of our heroes!

I sincerely congratulate you on May 9th. This day is a symbol of heroic courage, valor and courage.
The victory that we got provided everyone with a peaceful sky above their heads. Glory and honor to all heroes. Happy holiday!

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on the great holiday - Victory Day! This holiday has become a symbol of the heroism of our people, their unbending perseverance and indestructible spirit! The caring attitude of the older generation towards the fate of their Motherland should become a shining example of patriotism and the strength of the people's faith for everyone!
The veterans paid a great price for the Victory; many are no longer with us today! But we remember their military glory! I wish you health, warmth, attention and care of your loved ones! May the sky always be peaceful and the sun shine brightly!

Victory Day is a national holiday that annually attracts thousands of people to parades, concerts, veterans' meetings and other special events. For all Russians, May 9 is an opportunity to express sincere gratitude to veterans and combatants for their unparalleled heroism for the benefit of their native country. By tradition, congratulations on May 9 are heard from television screens, on the radio and at festive demonstrations. If you don’t know how to beautifully congratulate your grandfather, father or fellow soldier on Victory Day, we recommend taking a look at our website - here you will find a large selection of short congratulations in official prose. Unlike poetry, even an inexperienced speaker can easily prepare congratulations on May 9, 2018 in his own words. Congratulate your loved ones and relatives on the Great Victory, the anniversary of which in 2018 we will celebrate for the 73rd time - a joyful and sad date in our history.

Congratulations on Victory Day and I sincerely wish you to live happily and enjoy life, thank our grandfathers for peace and forever stand as the banner of the victorious cry “Hurray!”

Happy Great Victory Day, veterans! The victory you have won is very honorable and respected. Health to you and your family, may the peaceful sky forever become a symbol for everyone.

On Victory Day over fascism, we wish you peaceful skies, good health, and family joys. Keep in memory the feat of the people, pass on respect for veterans to your children and grandchildren.

Congratulations on Victory Day and from the bottom of my heart I wish to remember the fallen heroes with dignity and honor, to thank our veterans with generosity and a sincere smile, good hope look to the future and live in the present with great happiness.

We congratulate you on the glorious day that proclaimed the triumph of peace, on Victory Day. Let this great holiday there will be peace and tranquility in your soul and heart, may your loved ones be healthy and happy. Take care of peace and harmony, value life, sacredly honor the feat of your people.

Today, Victory Day still evokes the most touching feelings, recalling those important events more than half a century ago. Indeed, almost every Russian family The Second World War affected us in one way or another - many were injured or remained forever on the battlefield. Therefore, beautiful congratulations on May 9, 2018 can be safely addressed to all citizens of our country, who went through the harsh and hardships of the war years. So, we bring to your attention a selection of beautiful short congratulations in verse on Victory Day - dedicate them to your family and friends, adding touching words of a personal nature. If you are far away on this wonderful spring day, a short SMS congratulations on May 9 from our holiday collection would be an excellent option. Each recipient will appreciate such a sincere and sincere gesture, designed to preserve the memory of the glorious heroic past of our great people.

Years go by, but a glorious feat
We will never forget.
Congratulations to everyone on Victory Day,
We only wish to live in peace!

Peaceful sky, happiness, warmth.
Only calm days
Understanding, good.
Let's say thank you to the participant-grandfather,
For the holiday, for the joy,
For our Victory Day!

Happy Victory - holy, long-awaited, beautiful!
And with a cloudless, peaceful and clear sky!
Think how sweet a peaceful life is,
And smile warmly at the May sun!

With a wonderful, immortal, great Victory!
We owe every moment of our lives
To the heroes - those who died and are now alive,
Let us bow to them with gratitude!

Happy Victory Day - glorious and wonderful!
Happy day of peace, goodness, great happiness!
May there always be good luck in everything,
He will give you the best of destinies!

On the Great Victory Day - congratulations!
We wish you good luck and good luck.
May every year be full of happiness
Let all good things happen!

Every year the Great Patriotic War becomes further away, and the number of surviving veterans and combatants inexorably decreases. For our contemporaries, the events of the war years 1941–1945 seem to be something distant and unreal, which can only be read about in history textbooks. However, millions of people of that era are familiar first-hand with the horrors and hardships they had to go through to bring our Victory closer. Alas, many of the soldiers did not return home from the war, remaining forever on the battlefield - however, thanks to their unparalleled courage and patriotism, a huge country was saved from the fascist occupiers. And even though today the faces of veterans are covered with wrinkles, their spirit remains unbroken, and their love for the Motherland is sincere and strong. On the eve of the next anniversary of Victory Day, we have selected congratulations for veterans on May 9, touching to tears - in poetry and prose. Such heartfelt poems and words of prose will be appropriate when presenting commemorative Victory medals, as well as other state awards and insignia to WWII veterans and home front workers, as well as other state awards and insignia, Rosregistr reports. Happy holiday, dear veterans, Happy Victory Day!

How few of you are left with us,
Heroes of that terrible war.
You fought to the last
For peace and happiness for the country.

Bowing our heads before you,
“Thank you” we say quietly.
Can't ever be expressed in words,
How much we value you.

Live for at least a hundred years
We are very glad to see you.
From Victory Day now accept
Congratulations from us!

Our dear veterans, congratulations on the Great Victory Day! We will always remember at what cost this victory was achieved, so we will not tire of thanking you and wishing you joy, prosperity, and long life. Be healthy and strong, because you gave us a future in a free land!

Your feat is difficult to evaluate -
We weren't there in those years.
But it's unlikely we could live
Without you and that freedom,
What could you give us?
I paid for everything in full.
We can believe, think, live,
Silence has been given to us.
But the fire burns in memory
And this light is eternal.
Thank you! May God protect
Health, many years to come.

Thank you, veterans,
Why did you fight back against fascism?
And not sparing your lives
They defended our fatherland.

Low bow to you from all of us -
For your invaluable feat,
For a peaceful sky, for laughter,
For the holiday we love so much.

May they glorify you throughout all ages,
And your wounds will not be forgotten.
Happy May 9th to you! Hooray!
Thank you for peace, veterans!

We live under a peaceful sky -
For this, I bow to you!
Thank you for covering your shoulder,
You saved our common home!

We always remember your feat,
The war is left behind
We thank you for this!
We will honor the memory of the dead.

Time flies unnoticed, and very soon Victory Day will come - the long-awaited holiday of liberation from the Nazi invaders. So, it was on this day 73 years ago that thousands of Soviet citizens greeted the Victory Salute on Red Square with jubilation and joy. In honor of such an important event, May 9 was declared a day off - however, since 1948, the Soviet government crossed out Victory Day from the “red dates” of the calendar, making it a working day. And only 20 years later, May 9 returned to the status of the greatest holiday, marking the significant date with a military parade on the main square of Moscow, as well as a gala reception in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. With the collapse of the USSR, the holding of magnificent celebrations on May 9 was temporarily stopped - the tradition was resumed only in 2008. Today, many are looking forward to May 9 to admire the parade and fireworks, as well as take part in special events. On our pages you will find heartfelt, beautiful congratulations on May 9th Victory Day, which can be dedicated to veterans, work colleagues and friends. Short or long, such a congratulation on Victory Day will be remembered for a long time for its sincerity and touching sincerity.

Happy upcoming holiday of May 9!
May the sky be blue
Let there be no smoke in the sky,
Let the menacing guns be silent
And the machine guns don’t fire,
So that people and cities can live...
Peace is always needed on earth!

May your sky be clear

The star of joy does not go out.

And the roar of tanks and guns

He will die forever.

Over the years, without arguing,

We wish you with all our hearts

Health and health again,

And a good and great life!

Happy Victory Day!
I wish you peace in your home,
Sun, blue sky,
The greatest happiness!
Clear, gentle dawns,
Warmth in winter and summer,
The kindness of family, friends,
Only good news!
Let there be peace on the planet,
Children grow up in happiness,
Wars will disappear without a trace,
Spring reigns in life!

I congratulate you on May 9 - the Day of Outstanding Victory over Fascism, on a holiday that gave us peaceful prosperity, happiness, carefree joy and well-being. On this day we pay tribute, express extreme gratitude and respect to all the heroes; we will never forget their collective feat. I wish you good health, happiness, understanding and goodness. Happy holiday!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on Victory Day! Victory Day is a vivid example of the heroism, courage and bravery of people who fought for their Motherland. This is a patriotic cry to fight fiercely to increase the glory of our ancestors in all sectors, for a great Russia, for a world without war! I wish you health, prosperity, happiness to your family and friends, self-confidence, good spirits, creative inspiration and inexhaustible energy!

Congratulations on May 9 invariably touch the most delicate strings of the soul, each time mentally returning us to long-standing military battles and bloody battles. Indeed, Victory Day is considered a symbol of the power and strength of our people, who, at the cost of many lives, managed to defend their Homeland. As a token of gratitude, we dedicate to our fathers and grandfathers the most beautiful congratulations on the Victory of May 9, 2018 in verse. Today we have the opportunity to congratulate you on Victory Day from a distance by sending a short SMS to all your family and friends. We are sure that among our options you will definitely pick up some beautiful ones. short SMS congratulations to May 9 - with best wishes on such a great holiday.

And it's May again, and we are with flowers

We come to the eternal flame!

Heroes stood up for the war

Freedom, your homeland!

I hasten to congratulate you,
Today is a holiday - Victory Day!
Let your friends be nearby
Let no troubles touch you in life!

Congratulations to grandpa now
And I wish you good health!
Victory Day has just arrived -
So, you greet him with love!

Grandma, dear, happy holiday!
May Victory Day bring
Various joys
Bright days all year round!

I congratulate my colleague
I wish you from the bottom of my heart,
So that Victory Day is appreciated!
Joy, goodness and faith!

So, we tried to collect the most beautiful congratulations on May 9, 2018 in poetry and prose - short sms and long stanzas, funny for friends and colleagues, strict official ones for veterans and the manager at work. In addition, here you will find a selection of congratulations on Victory Day on May 9, touching to tears, with heartfelt words of wishes - such poems and prose can be dedicated to everyone who is dear and significant to you.

There are holidays that, along with joyful emotions, also evoke difficult associations associated with human sacrifices and tragedies. Victory Day, May 9, is one of these. Despite the fact that more than 70 years have passed since the overthrow of the German fascists, memories of that terrible war and its horrors still live in the memory of today's generations. Every year at the beginning of May, people around the world not only revere the feat of Soviet soldiers, but also rethink the lessons of the past, hoping not to repeat terrible mistakes in the future. Needless to say, the traditions of this great holiday should live on, constantly reminding us of the fragility of peace and harmony on our planet. Beautiful congratulations on May 9 in poetry or prose - one of those traditions that is easy to maintain in every family. However, do not underestimate its importance. As long as people send each other heartfelt congratulations on May 9, even in short SMS messages, the memory of the Great Victory will live on for centuries. It is especially important to say warm wishes to veterans and eyewitnesses of those events, which are becoming fewer and fewer every year. Believe me, a wish that touches tears from the lips of a representative of the younger generation is just as important for a grandfather who saw the war, as is a more official congratulation from the head of the city or the administration team. In our article today you will find best congratulations from May 9, 2018 in poetry and prose, filled with the kindest and brightest wishes for everyone.

Heartfelt congratulations on Victory Day on May 9 in beautiful verses that will bring you to tears

Probably the main difference between beautiful congratulations in verse for Victory Day on May 9 from other wishes is their sincerity and ability to bring tears to the eyes. And this phenomenon is easy to explain - in such congratulatory poems They always talk about the great feat of the Soviet soldier, about the difficult trials of the people and the horrors of the war years. This mixture of pride and bitterness, joy and endless pain, skillfully conveyed in poetic lines, touches everyone to the depths of their souls. We have collected just such heartfelt poems, touching to tears, with beautiful congratulations on Victory Day in the following collection.

Options for sincere congratulations in beautiful verses to bring tears to tears on May 9, Victory Day

Victory Day is special for the country:

We remember the soldiers and the fallen.

Rockets will fly into the air for them

Yes, the sky will be colored with lights.

I guarantee there are no people who don’t appreciate it

An army feat of those who protected children.

I believe the blows of war are behind us,

There was only light and joy ahead.

Good health and warmth!

The birth of healthy, happy children,

The grandfathers who recognized them are a great example!

The war has long since died down,
The blue sky is above us again.
Only the memory of the past is alive,
We will not forget this pain over the years.
Don't forget those young guys
That victory was getting closer for us.
With no way back
They only ran forward under fire.
Happy Victory Day! Let the birds sing
Let the planet be full of flowers.
The sky will be decorated with fireworks
In honor of the heroes who are no longer with us!

Through tears and pain, through battles and years
The fighters were approaching victory.
And that day came, the trouble receded,
Everyone cried and rejoiced!
Congratulations to all those who returned alive,
Let us bow our knees before them.
We will honor the fallen with a minute of silence,
Generations must remember them.
We must say thank you to them for everything.
Thanks to our fathers, grandfathers
For peace, for calm and grace.
Thanks to them all for the Victory!

Official congratulations on May 9 for veterans in prose

Every year there are fewer and fewer of them... Living witnesses of those terrible events are gradually leaving us, taking with them the true memories of the war. Very soon there will be no one left who can tell the younger generation about the realities of the Great Patriotic War, based on their own experience. Therefore, it is so important to remember and be sure to congratulate veterans on Victory Day, preserve their stories and be proud of their exploits. Official congratulations on May 9 in prose are just a small example of how you can thank veterans and honor the memory of the fallen. Such wishes, as a rule, are relevant for large celebrations in honor of Victory Day, which take place at the city level or a specific organization. At the same time beautiful official congratulations in prose from May 9 for veterans are also relevant for school assemblies and children's concerts on this great day. You will find examples of such wishes in the following collection.

The best official congratulations to veterans on May 9 in prose

Dear veterans, during the difficult years of the war you defended our people’s right to freedom and independence. Let me bow our heads before your glorious feat, which will be honored for centuries, and wish you indestructible health, good spirits, respect from others, prosperity and peace.

Dear veterans, we congratulate you on a truly huge holiday - Victory Day! Don't let the ghosts of the past bother you. You sacrificed and gave of yourself for a brighter future. Your merit is the millions of lives that are now living in the world. I wish you health, honor, support and peace of mind!

Dear veterans, we congratulate you on Victory Day! You are our pride, our role model, who have given us the opportunity to live in peace! We bow to your exploits, strength of spirit and will, and unbroken heroism. Be healthy! You have given a priceless gift to all subsequent generations. Thank you for this! I wish you happiness, prosperity and as much good as possible!

Beautiful congratulations on Victory Day, May 9, to veterans in verse

Along with solemn wishes in prose to veterans on Victory Day on May 9, beautiful congratulations in verse should also be prepared as part of the ceremonial events. It is best to choose options for holiday poems that contain words of pride and deep gratitude to veterans of the Great Patriotic War. To give such beautiful congratulations on May 9, Victory Day in verse for veterans even more inspiration, they can be read against the background of wartime music. You will find examples of beautiful poems with congratulations on May 9 for WWII veterans below.

Options for beautiful poems with congratulations to veterans for Victory Day on May 9

We say thank you for freedom,
For giving us peace.
For work in the rear and exploits at the front,
For making life so peaceful.
We wish you health and longevity
And may troubles pass you by forever.
For your courage, I will sing songs -
Veteran heroes, Happy Victory Day!

Thank you, dear Veterans,
For your pain, for your wounds,
For courage, courage in battle...
For everything, I thank you!
You are very devoted to the Fatherland,
We wish you a long life,
Love, from everyone who is close to you,
May you be greeted with a kind glance!
An example for young people to take
So that the trembling is not terrible again,
So that the soul is not in tears...
Only, only joy in the eyes!

Your feat is difficult to evaluate -
We weren't there in those years.
But it's unlikely we could live
Without you and that freedom,
What could you give us?
I paid for everything in full.
We can believe, think, live,
Silence has been given to us.
But the fire burns in memory
And this light is eternal.
Thank you! May God protect
Health, many years to come.

Short congratulations to grandparents on May 9, 2018 in verses from children

Particular attention should be paid to short poems with congratulations on May 9, 2018 to grandparents from children. Everyone understands how important it is to educate the younger generation in a patriotic spirit and respect for elders. Short congratulations in verses for Victory Day on May 9 addressed to the children's grandparents different ages- a simple way to instill respect for elders and introduce holiday traditions. Many old people, although they did not take part in hostilities, felt the consequences of those terrible events, having gone through a hungry childhood and a difficult working youth. Their parents were the heroes who made victory over fascism possible. Therefore, for them this day will always be an important holiday, congratulations on which they deserve and expect.

Examples of congratulations in short verses for grandparents on May 9, 2018 from children

Happy Victory Day, grandfather, congratulations
I want you from the bottom of my heart
For victory, for courage
I send you gratitude.
I'm proud of you, grandpa
You are a real hero
Be healthy, don't lose heart,
The main winner is mine.

Happy Victory Day, beloved grandfather!
The world that everyone needs in the world,
Let no longer be destroyed by the malicious enemy,
The calm course of life will not be disturbed!
I wish you to smile
And always stay healthy.
Makes you happy at the beginning of May
Let the lilac bloom beautifully!

For your grandchildren you are the main warrior,
Worthy of various honors,
Fought, didn't fight -
You won the victory
By living in this world,
The one who was responsible for us,
By believing and working
I achieved the best in my life!

Touching congratulations on May 9, Victory Day in prose and poetry for the team

There is probably no family in the vastness of the former USSR whose history does not contain memories of war. Almost every home has its own heroes, fallen brave men and strong-willed workers, thanks to whom we live today under a peaceful sky. This war is relevant to everyone and therefore touching congratulations every individual citizen and our entire society as a whole deserves the Great Victory. An example of what general wishes might be for May 9, Victory Day - touching congratulations in prose and poetry for groups. They can be used at special events and memorial concerts in work organizations of various sizes. For example, the director of a company or the head of a workshop at a factory can use one of the options for touching congratulations on Victory Day in prose or poetry for the team. The main thing is that these wishes are spoken with all your heart and soul.

Options for touching poems and prose with congratulations to the team on Victory Day on May 9

Colleagues, happy Victory Day,
Happy great day to all people!
Pain and troubles are a thing of the past,
And grief from cruel days.
I wish you all goodness and peace,
And solidarity in everything,
May the good sun shine
And it warmed your home!

Happy holiday to you, Happy Victory Day,
With the triumph of good over evil.
Mira, dear colleagues,
The sun is only outside the window.
Let him never wake you up
Shot and sirens blaring.
Let only the song always sound,
The trill of singing nightingales.

Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on the great holiday, Victory Day. May there always be a clear blue sky in our lives, may our loved ones and children never know what war means, may our hearts always be proud of the exploits of our grandfathers, may the song of Victory awaken in each of us the power of patriotism and a sense of good hope.

Beautiful short congratulations on May 9 in verse to tears

If you want to choose beautiful and tear-touching congratulations for your family and friends on May 9, then pay attention to the following selection with short poems. This is the ideal format for holiday cards, wishes at a personal meeting or a ceremonial toast. Also, such congratulations can be used to design thematic pictures and school wall newspapers in honor of Victory Day. You will find examples of beautiful short congratulations in verse on May 9 that will bring you to tears in the following collection.

The most beautiful congratulations to tears on May 9 in short verses

Congratulations on Victory Day
And with all my heart I wish
Never know war
Seeing joyful dreams.
Let everyone be involved,
So that there is peace and happiness,
So that faith and love
They entered the house again and again.

May the sky be peaceful
Over our heads!
I wish you on Victory Day,
May life be colorful!
Let's fill the world
Goodness, love, light!
We remember everything with pride
After all, there is no more important date!

Happy Victory Day! Happy holiday.
Life - in peace, care, warmth.
Let the desired and most victorious
Every day will be everyone on Earth!

Touching short congratulations on the Great Victory on May 9 in prose

Short congratulations on the Great Victory on May 9, touching to tears, can also be in prose. Unlike similar options in poetry, such wishes are much easier to remember and reproduce from memory. In addition, they can always be supplemented with your own words, which will make short congratulations on the Great Victory on May 9 in prose even more touching and sincere. But even without additional phrases, ready-made short congratulations on the Victory from our next selection will become in a great way express words of gratitude and pride on this significant day.

Options for touching short congratulations in prose on the Great Victory for May 9, 2018

Congratulations on Victory Day! Remember our heroes, honor their memory and sacrifice. Live peacefully in sunlight and breathe deeply.

On Victory Day over fascism, we wish you peaceful skies, good health, and family joys. Keep in memory the feat of the people, pass on respect for veterans to your children and grandchildren.

Congratulations on Victory Day and I sincerely wish you to live happily and enjoy life, thank our grandfathers for peace and forever stand as the banner of the victorious cry “Hurray!”

Probably the most popular congratulations not only on Victory on May 9, but also on other holidays, can be called short wishes, which are suitable for SMS. Agree, it’s very convenient to choose beautiful poem With good wishes on May 9 and send it to recipients from your phone book. Moreover, this format is also convenient for congratulations on the Internet via email or social networks. When choosing short congratulations for May 9, 2018, which are suitable for SMS, it is better to focus on universal options about peace and victory. You will find examples of such wishes in short poems in the following collection.

Short congratulations on Victory on May 9, 2018, suitable for SMS format

Happy May 9, Happy Victory Day!
Health to everyone without measure,
Good luck to everyone, love
And peace, happiness, warmth.

Happy Victory Day, spring day.
The day we found
Sun, air, sky, world.
Happy holiday! Goodness and strength!

Happy Victory Day! Happy Heroes Day
Saint of our Motherland!
I wish you happiness and sunshine,
There is peace, love, tranquility in the heart.

Victory Day on May 9 is a great day in the history of not only our people, but the whole world. One of the main traditions of this holiday was, is and will be beautiful and touching to tears congratulations and wishes in poetry and prose. Particularly important are good words recognition and gratitude to veterans, of whom there are very few left. Warm congratulations are also awaited by grandparents who had the difficult fate of rebuilding the country after difficult war trials. And relatives, friends, neighbors, friends from the team and just acquaintances will be happy heartfelt congratulations on this day. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to prepare long official speeches - a short poem with touching wishes that fits in SMS format is quite enough. The main thing is to pay attention and once again remember the events that are long gone, but still important for each of us. We hope that congratulations on May 9, 2018 from our article will help you choose the best format of wishes for your loved ones, relatives and friends. Happy Victory!

On May 9, we celebrate an outstanding date - Victory Day of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War and I would like to express words of gratitude to our fathers and grandfathers.
On this day we will bow to those who saved our Soviet Motherland from destruction, who saved the peoples of the Soviet Union from fascist slavery, and gave freedom and independence to many countries of Europe and Asia.
The traditions and feat of the Great Victory call us to fulfill our civic and human duty to the veterans and heroes of the Great Patriotic War. And never forget about the strength and greatness of our Motherland.
Happy holiday, dear friends! Peace, prosperity to your families and always clear and bright skies above your heads!

Dear fellow countrymen!
“Spring 1945 - how long the entire Soviet people have been waiting for you,” as it is sung in one of our favorite songs.
May. The awakening of the earth, flowering in nature, the bright spring sun inspires hope for the future. There is another sign characteristic of this month - the appearance on the streets and squares of our cities of people with gray hair on their temples and orders on their chests. Orders and medals indicate that these were participants in the Great Patriotic War. These people defended our Motherland from the brown plague and brought peace to our lives. They survived the terrible years of hard times and gave up their youth so that our Motherland would be free and independent.
The war of 1941–1945 was one of the most brutal, but thanks to the courage of the Soviet people, it was won. There is no more terrible word than “war”, there is no sadder word. The Great Victory was won at the cost of many millions of human lives.
“No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten” - we have been living under this slogan for 64 years now. There are search teams working in our country that are still finding the graves of soldiers who went missing or died in that bloody war. And in our educational institutions, veterans themselves are frequent guests. They tell the younger generation about what it was like during the war, about how their grandfathers and great-grandfathers lived in the rear and how they forged Victory. Schools and lyceums in our city also often host lessons of courage, where veterans of the Great Patriotic War are invited. Students listen with great interest about those unforgettable days.
Almost every family experienced this cruel war; the memory of those killed is kept sacred. We bow deeply to you, veterans of the Great Patriotic War. We wish you health, prosperity, stay with us for a long time, be happy, may your family and friends respect you. We wish all residents of our city a peaceful sky above their heads, a happy and dignified life.
Happy holiday! Happy Victory Day!

> May 9 - Victory Day

Dear veterans, dear residents of our city!
Very soon our country will celebrate a special holiday - Great Victory Day. This unforgettable day went down in history with vivid pictures of general rejoicing, the thunder of artillery salvoes that announced to the world the end of the Great Patriotic War, the Victory of the Soviet people over Nazi Germany. This is a holiday of bright sadness and jubilant joy of triumph. The majestic Victory Day will always remind us of what people had to endure during that harsh time. We remember those who walked towards death in battles in the name of saving the Motherland, those who brought Victory closer with their heroic work in the rear, those who raised the country from ruins. This is the day of our common Remembrance. This is the Day of Great Feat. He is in each of us.
On this festive day, we address our warmest congratulations and words of gratitude, first of all, to veterans - front-line soldiers, home front workers, residents of besieged Leningrad, prisoners of fascist camps - all those who bore the hardships of the war on their shoulders. You are all the generation of Winners. For us, the heirs of the Great Victory, your selfless service to the Fatherland is a vivid example of perseverance, courage, and heroism. On this national holiday of military Glory, we wish our dear veterans and everyone health, happiness, attention and love of loved ones and relatives, confidence in the future! Good and prosperity to your families!
Happy Great Victory Day!

> May 9 - Victory Day

Dear veterans of war, labor and the Armed Forces!
Dear military personnel and residents of the garrison!
Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945. - truly a national holiday, always solemn and exciting. On this day we pay tribute to the heroism and dedication of the defenders of the Fatherland. The Great Victory remains for us a truly great and life-affirming holiday, a symbol of courage, greatness and fortitude of our people, the immortal feat of soldiers and home front workers.
The military feats of the army and navy soldiers will forever remain in the memory of the people. During the years of severe trials, the greatest dedication, fortitude and heroism of the Soviet soldier, his highest patriotism, loyalty to military duty, and boundless love for the Motherland were revealed with unprecedented force. Having valiantly passed a merciless test with fire and sword, he walked with honor the incredibly difficult road of war from Moscow to Berlin. Millions of our compatriots fell on this difficult path to Victory. Eternal memory and gratitude to humanity to them.
We thank all war veterans and those who made their personal contribution to the defense of the Motherland, forging Victory in the rear. Congratulations on the Great Holiday of our people - Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War! Let the memory of this Victory be an eternal example for everyone, a model of courage, perseverance and devotion to one’s Fatherland.
On this significant day, please accept my sincere wishes for peace and goodness, happiness and health, prosperity and further success in your activities for the benefit of Russia!

> May 9 - Victory Day

Dear veterans!
I cordially congratulate you on significant date- Happy Victory Day!
May 9 is a special holiday in which the heartache of irreparable losses and the great joy of the Great Victory merged together.
A low bow and the most sincere words of gratitude to you, our dear veterans, and to all the workers who forged Victory in the rear, for your great, immortal feat, for your fortitude and courage! I wish you good health, peace, goodness and prosperity!
Happy Victory Day!

> May 9 - Victory Day

Victory Day is a significant and exciting holiday for every resident of our country, which we celebrate as a tribute to the memory and deep respect of the glorious defenders of the Fatherland, to everyone who selflessly, heroically at the front and in the rear brought the long-awaited day of the Great Victory closer.
This is what unites us and makes us invincible in the face of any challenge. The Victory won by older generations still inspires us to new achievements, strengthens our spirit, helps us overcome difficulties and move forward.
With all my heart I wish you health, happiness, prosperity, peaceful skies above your head and inexhaustible faith in a better future for Russia.
Happy Great Victory Day!

> May 9 - Victory Day

I cordially congratulate you on Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War!

The war with Germany was the main test of all Russian history, its tragic peak. Our fathers and grandfathers bore the brunt of the losses and played a decisive role in the liberation of Europe from Nazism. And today our common task is to preserve the memory of the Great Patriotic War, comprehend its lessons, and educate young people to respect the legacy of the Victory.

I am confident that the current generation of Russians will make Russia a great, prosperous, democratic country, respected by the world community not only for its feats of arms, but also for its contribution to the science and culture of world civilization.

I wish you peace, prosperity and happiness!

> May 9 - Victory Day

We sincerely congratulate you on Victory Day!

The great victory burns with an eternal fire in our hearts, and our consciousness is filled with a feeling of joy and gratitude to the older generation for the gift of peaceful life at the cost of incredible efforts and our own lives on the battlefield and in the rear.

On these joyful days we wish you and your loved ones goodness, prosperity, health and peaceful skies above your heads!

> May 9 - Victory Day

Dear veterans, we cordially congratulate you on Great Victory Day!
This great Day is forever inscribed in golden letters in the heroic chronicle of the Fatherland. Today we honor the Generation of Winners with love and gratitude. Their feat, perseverance, love for the Fatherland will always serve as a high moral guideline for us.
Please accept my most sincere wishes for good health, happiness, family well-being, successful and creative work for the benefit of the Fatherland.
May there always be a peaceful sunny sky over your Motherland, and may your home be filled with joy, love and warmth!

> May 9 - Victory Day

Dear veterans and home front workers!
The significant day of May 9, 1945 is especially noted in the history of mankind. Decades pass, generations change, but the Great Victory, as a symbol of national pride, military glory and the valor of our people, remains forever inscribed in the heroic chronicle of the Fatherland!
Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on the Great Victory Day!

Victory Day on May 9 is the most significant and bright day. It is thanks to the victory over Nazi Germany that we are now free. On our website you can choose the most beautiful congratulations on May 9th in prose.

Prose, like poetry, is an excellent method of congratulations on any holiday. Congratulate your friends and loved ones, your loved ones and relatives, and do not forget to honor your ancestors.

On this day, and not only on this day, I would like not only to congratulate you on Great Victory Day, but also to try to show how grateful we are to you. This holiday combines the bitterness of loss and the great joy of victory. Honor and praise to the heroes who gave us a peaceful sky above our heads. May only victories and happiness accompany you on your life’s journey. Happy holiday!

Please accept sincere congratulations on Great Victory Day! Victory Day is a symbol of heroism, courage and bravery of people who defended their Motherland. This is a call to persistently fight for increasing the glory of our ancestors, for a great Russia, for a world without war! I wish you health, prosperity, happiness for your family and friends, confidence in the future and bright hopes for the future, good spirits, creative inspiration and inexhaustible energy!

Our dear veterans, congratulations on the Great Victory Day! We will always remember at what cost this victory was achieved, so we will not tire of thanking you and wishing you joy, prosperity, and long life. Be healthy and strong, because you gave us a future in a free land!

The Victory Day, on which we wish to congratulate you today, will not be lost among the dusty volumes of history. The ninth of May makes us think again about the peaceful future of future generations. Let not even the shadow of war darken your future or that of your loved ones! And may your dreams be joyful, just like the serene reality around you.

The most beautiful congratulations on May 9 in prose

I congratulate you on a peaceful sky, with the singing of birds and the scent of flowers, with children's laughter and the happiness of being free. I congratulate you on the fact that many years ago our people accomplished a feat and overcame the war for the sake of life and its continuation. I congratulate you on Victory Day! Let the memory of the events of the Great Patriotic War not allow us not to love life.

Victory Day is a significant and exciting holiday for every resident of our country, which we celebrate as a tribute to the memory and deep respect of the glorious defenders of the Fatherland, to everyone who selflessly, heroically at the front and in the rear brought the long-awaited day of the Great Victory closer.
This is what unites us and makes us invincible in the face of any challenge. The Victory won by older generations still inspires us to new achievements, strengthens our spirit, helps us overcome difficulties and move forward.
With all my heart I wish you health, happiness, prosperity, peaceful skies above your head and inexhaustible faith in a better future for Russia.
Happy Great Victory Day!

A terrible word is war, and a wonderful word is Victory!
It’s so hard to realize that every year there are fewer and fewer of them! Our veterans... They stood, did not break and did not give up!
They did not see a rich and well-fed life and knew how to be content with little, but they were happy when on May 9 they learned about the Great Victory over fascism! Low bow to you, dear veterans and good memory to all the heroes who did not live to see this bright day! I wish you good health and long days of life!

Congratulations on Victory Day! And may the menacing clouds of war never cover the peaceful sky above our heads. Let it not be the explosions of bombs and the roar of guns that thunder over our cities, but festive fireworks. Let the tears in your eyes be only from joy and laughter, and let the boys learn about what war is only from books and films. Happy holiday!

Today is the day that one cannot help but celebrate, the day when the greatest feat of the Soviet people is revived in memory. And I want to congratulate you on Victory Day, wish you happiness, health, faith in the best and keep in mind the main thing - respect for those who fought in that terrible time!

Beautiful congratulations on May 9th in prose from the heart

Please accept sincere congratulations on the great holiday - Victory Day! Today, in times of peace, we honor and remember those thanks to whom we can work calmly, enjoy life and raise our children! Thanks to them, our heroes, who gave their all for Victory, we are making plans for the future and can calmly think about tomorrow!
We wish your organization prosperity and success, and your employees vigor, good health and spring mood!

On Victory Day, I want to congratulate you and wish you many of the brightest and most memorable victories. May only happiness and joy await you in life, may success never end, and may your memory forever preserve this important date, the holiday of May 9th!

Today I want to congratulate you on Victory Day. Fortunately, all losses and military troubles are far in the past, and thanks to soldiers devoted to the Motherland, our country lives under a peaceful, clear sky. I congratulate you and wish you never to experience all the horrors of war.

May 9th is everyone’s favorite day! This is a holiday of veterans who defended the country during the war. Congratulations on this wonderful Victory Day! I want to wish you only a peaceful sky over the whole earth, so that we can be proud of our country, so that the children laugh carelessly and joyfully, so that we live long and happily.

Congratulations to everyone on Great Victory Day. Let our children know about the war only from the pages of history and never see it in reality. After all, for this, Soviet soldiers went on the attack and mercilessly beat the enemy. Peace and love to us!

Victory Day! May 9 is a dear date for us during the tragic war days. A holiday of national sorrow and joy at the same time. The road to a peaceful existence paved by the lives of our grandfathers. And today we have selected congratulations for you on May 9 in your own words (in prose, official) and in verse: very touching and beautiful, with which you can congratulate people dear to you, or send SMS.

History of the holiday May 9

More than 70 years have passed since that significant day, but every spring, every May 9, we honor and glorify the heroism and bravery of Soviet soldiers. And the further into history the victorious year of 1945 goes, the more we understand the greatness of the heroism of the defenders-liberators.
Every year the significance and historical importance of Victory Day becomes more valuable and dearer to our hearts. This greatest holiday has penetrated our hearts forever.
Unfortunately, the ranks of veterans who have survived to this day are noticeably thinning, and those who remain are a real symbol of our era.
On this sacred day for the whole country, we give a low bow to all those who died in the Great Patriotic War, in fierce battles who defended the independence of the Motherland and a peaceful future for our children. Eternal memory to you, dear veterans!

Congratulations on May 9 (Victory Day) in prose

9th May! We congratulate everyone on this great holiday and wish peaceful skies above your heads and peaceful sleep to your children! Let this honored day remind you that the road to a well-deserved peace was not easy, and Victory came at the cost of the lives of brave and courageous heroes. Appreciate every minute of your life, enjoy freedom and do not forget the Great Victory Day!

Patience, endurance, patriotism, courage and self-confidence - these qualities were demonstrated by our ancestors more than 70 years ago for the sake of a bright future. We congratulate you on Victory Day and wish that each of you honors and remembers the heroic feat in the name of the Motherland! We wish you warmth, family comfort, peace and harmony, goodness and prosperity! Let love for the Motherland be your faithful companion! Love life, friends!

Victory Day is a holiday written in golden words in the history of life. We congratulate you on this sad and at the same time joyful day, and we want to wish that the memories of the feat of Soviet soldiers will never be erased from your memory! We wish you a bright life without hostility and wars, understanding, friendly relations and mutual love between peoples! Let the peace given to us by veterans be appreciated!

Official congratulations on May 9

Dear friends! On this day, a tear of sadness involuntarily rolls down the cheek of all those who survived the horror of a brutal battle. Don’t hold back your emotions, give free rein to your feelings: after all, on this significant day it is impossible to remain indifferent. We congratulate you on Victory Day and wish you peaceful skies above your head and peace between nations! Love to you, good news, independence and daily joy!

We wish you today to congratulate you on Victory Day and with words of wishes to touch the depths of your soul. Let your relationships be strong, love the size of the Universe, the hugs of a loved one cozy, children healthy, goals achievable, victories dizzying! Peace to your home, family prosperity and national unity! Take care of yourself and keep the bright memory of our veterans!

Today is the greatest historical holiday- Victory Day! Tragic and joyful. The heart beats excitedly with happiness and contracts with sad memories. Mixed feelings, a bright future, fireworks, the shine of orders on the chests of veterans, eternal flame and triumph! After all, Victory is ours! On this great holiday we wish all people simple human happiness, peace, warmth and understanding! Happy Victory Day!

Everyone remembers this day. Everyone knows this day. History preserves memory, and our hearts preserve compassion. Holy day - Great Victory Day! We congratulate you on the holiday and want to wish your life to be peaceful, without hostility and disagreement! Let your children look into the clear sky! Let your every day be bright, free and independent! Take care of the world that we got at a great price!

Congratulations on May 9 in verse

Our grandfathers managed to win with dignity,
And we wish you to preserve this world with dignity,
Let no trouble touch your life,
Appreciate life, friends! Happy Victory Day!

Today is Victory Day! And that means -
You have achieved triumph, success and good luck,
So continue on the course “forward”,
Life is calling you to accomplish great feats!

The Great Victory gave us success,
Our children sleep peacefully under the peaceful sky,
Mixed feelings, sadness and laughter,
We wish peace to people all over the planet!

We wish the sky was blue,
We wish you joy and tears on Victory Day,
Let no smoke billow over the country,
Let the birch trees become even brighter green!

Congratulations! Bright holiday - Victory Day!
Our grandparents gave us in '45,
Low bow to you for the orders,
They remember you! The whole country is proud of you!

Congratulations on May 9 - short, beautiful SMS

Happy Victory Day! Let's enjoy spring!
We are proud of the heroism and courage of the whole country,
We wish you good health and long life years,
May there be many more joyful victories in your life!