Love is the most beautiful feeling that any person on the planet can experience. She teaches you to be kind, patient, wise and generous. Love begins at birth, when mom and dad see their newly born baby. Mom has the most devoted and sincere love. She will never betray, deceive, or let her child down. He will always believe in him and give him his love and warmth throughout his life. Love can begin suddenly, at the first sight of two people. Or it can come gradually, after a long time of communication with each other, when people are united by some common interests or hobbies.

Love can be different, but it always gives warmth to other people. There is love for animals, for defenseless cats and dogs, for pigeons on the street, for your pets. Animals feel love very much and are drawn to those who treat them with kind feelings. Even small children are capable of loving animals.

There is always love in any family. Dad falls in love with mom long before the child is born. Then parents give their love to their children, and it multiplies. Children also love their parents very much, as well as their sisters and brothers and grandparents. Parents and children love each other all their lives. Teenagers, young girls and boys can fall in love. The first feelings are very touching and tender. Usually first love is remembered for life. When a person loves, he wants to show constant care, give joy, and do pleasant things. A person in love will never upset his soul mate; he will try to do everything for the happiness of his loved one.

Among believers, the love of God is highly revered. They pray in church, read prayers. Such people are very kind and know more than others what love is. Every person always loves someone throughout his life and is himself loved by someone. Love is the most wonderful feeling on earth, helping to be happy, giving joy and warmth to other people.

Option 2

Love is the best feeling on our earth that a person can experience! It can be different, for example, towards parents, animals, sports, the opposite sex. But this feeling always manifests itself in the fact that you cannot imagine your future life without the object of your love. You always want the object of your love to be nearby, and you would always do only good things for him.

Love between a man and a woman is the most important thing on our planet. Thanks to this feeling, families are created and children are born, and the human race continues on our earth. People in love are very happy; if a person managed to create a family out of love, then we can say that he was very lucky in life.

A loving person gives warmth, kindness, care and does not demand anything in return. We love our parents, friends, and our parents and friends love us. We give each other gifts, in difficult times we are even ready to give our lives for a loved one.

It feels like love can do a lot. For example, love can take you away from tragic actions, defeat a war, cure a terrible disease, and inspire heroism.

Love is not only fairy tale, it can bring pain and suffering. A loving person always wants to possess the object of his heart, but in life not everything is possible, for example, a terrible thing, like death, will not allow this, and then loving person doomed to bitterness and sadness. It is also worth understanding that love is not always mutual, and then the loving person is also doomed to difficult experiences.

In our lives, we all have beloved close people and friends to whom we do not have time to pay more attention than we would like, and this is not right. It is worth putting aside everyday worries, worries and entertainment, and paying attention to your parents, grandparents. It’s worth coming up, hugging and reminding them how much you love them and how much you need them.

Every person on our earth wants love to rule the world. Only love can save you from wars and diseases! Only thanks to love the world becomes cleaner, brighter and more fun. If there is love, then people will be happy, obsessed only with good deeds and will not harm each other. Love and be loved!

Essay about Love and its types

They compose songs about love, write poems, and do crazy things for it. But what is love? Love is the most mysterious feeling in emotional life person. No one can give a clear definition of this concept. Although people have different associations with the word love, most associate this feeling with such concepts as serenity, peace, warmth and joy in the heart. However, love comes in different types.

When people hear the word Motherland, they feel a feeling of love. Love for your state, region, city. Love is manifested in respect for the surrounding nature, people and animals. This includes love for the house and street where you spent your childhood, and for grandparents who took you to the village in the summer, this is also your first pet.

Another type of this feeling is love for your family and, of course, for your parents. Every child's first words are "mama" and "dada." Parents take care of their children from childhood, surround them with love and care, teach them the basics of existence and help in all endeavors.

One of the important aspects of human life is friendship. Throughout life, a person meets and gets to know different people who then become friends. This is where love for friends manifests itself, expressed by support, care, and loyalty. It’s always fun to hang out with friends, go for walks and share all sorts of news and secrets.

And finally, love between a man and a woman. Every person meets his soulmate in life. Some people believe that you only get to meet your loved one once in your life. True love never notices the shortcomings and bad deeds of a loved one.

We can come to the conclusion that love surrounds all people on planet Earth. It is a component of every person's life. Love helps our heart beat faster and fill it with light and warmth. Therefore, it is very important to show love to all living things in this world, because it helps not to give up and move on.

Essay 4

It is believed that one can talk about love for hours. It is not for nothing that the most famous philosophers, writers and poets easily devoted a considerable part of their time to this activity. The first tried to understand what love is, why does a person need it, perhaps it is easier to exist without this mysterious feeling at all? In other words, philosophers did not want to come to terms with the fact that for some reason unknown to them, out of nowhere, suddenly, between two people, and often not only people, a strong “unearthly” connection could arise. Until a competent explanation for this fact is found, not a single philosopher will be able to sleep peacefully!

Poets and writers, due to their spiritual affiliation with creativity and feeling, on the contrary, valued the above-mentioned connection even without detailed explanations. The poet, raising the topic of love, could shout out loud “I don’t believe it!” only when he himself encountered a natural phenomenon in the sensory world - a gap. Disappointment in love, attempts to settle scores with one’s own life, along with attempts to revive those bright emotions that are currently lacking - what a fertile topic for creative reasoning! Judge for yourself, among all the poets of the famous “golden age” there is not a dozen who have never touched upon the theme of tragic love.

But let's return from the heights of poetry and philosophy to the environment of ordinary, unremarkable people. Don't they bring up the topic of love in their daily conversations? Aren't they happy for mutual friends celebrating? silver wedding, they don’t talk about children’s first love and don’t discuss kissing couples in public transport? Is this feeling inaccessible to them, “mere mortals”? Available, as accessible! An ordinary citizen simply does not have the strength or time to delve into philosophical reflections every day about what true love is, or to be killed for months because of an unrequited feeling. And even if he thinks about it, he certainly won’t write down his reasoning in the hope of passing it on to his descendants.

Essay on the topic What is love?

Each person answers this question in his own way, since it is impossible to give an exact definition to it. Everyone thinks and feels differently, so the manifestation of love is also individual for everyone.

Some people love money and as soon as they meet someone with wealth, they immediately fall in love. Many call this manifestation of love not true love, arguing that as soon as the money disappears, love will pass, but true love never passes. I hasten to disappoint such people; love leaves even those who experience the most strong feelings. This happens when a person is not paid attention to for a long time, he feels unnecessary and simply leaves, but he loved, his love was sincere, why then can we allow ourselves to say that it was not real? People rarely think about questions such as, what is love? Why is it needed? How to distinguish it from a habit.

Love is a habit towards a person, that’s why married couples arise because, due to long love, a habit has arisen and people cannot see their future life without a partner.

Love, no matter what it is, is always real, it’s just that most people have principles and what does not agree with their opinion is rejected. Love helps a person move forward, it makes him more productive, he works harder to get married, raise children, go for a walk with his beloved. But, despite all the positive aspects, it can also let a person down, for example in studies, his brain stops remembering information normally, which can result in bad grades.

But in general, love is a wonderful feeling, you can’t live a day without it, so love people and all living beings. Love will bring a little joy and a feeling of happiness into the soul.

OGE 9th grade Unified State Examination 11th grade. Reasoning for 8th grade. 15.3

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Love... Love is everything! And that's all we know about her.

They sing songs about love, write poems, and under its influence they make amazing discoveries. Love is a mystery, a riddle that cannot be clearly defined. So what is love?

In my opinion, love is a feeling of warmth, peace, tranquility and joy in the soul, that state when you are comfortable and you can be yourself. But love is different.

Firstly, it seems to me that we experience a feeling of love when we say the word Motherland. Love for your country, region, city in which you live. An example is Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky, who liberated their homeland from Polish invaders. My little Motherland is our village of Baranchinsky. The village is small, I know every street in it, my relatives, friends and acquaintances live here. When I go to study in another city, I will miss my home, which is associated with so many memories: walks with friends, the first time I skated, the Christmas tree lights and my first grade. Here I don't feel lonely.

Secondly, love for family and, above all, for parents. Our parents gave us life; our first words are “mom” and “dad”. They take care of us all our lives, surround us with love, affection and attention. Parents are the rays of the sun that illuminate our life path. For their sake, we are ready to do anything. In the fairy tale by Aksakov S.T. “The Scarlet Flower” tells the story of a daughter’s love for her father, who went to live with a monster instead of her father. I love my parents very much and am grateful to them for supporting me in everything and always being able to give me advice in difficult times.

Thirdly, this is love for friends. Friends are the people with whom you spend your free time, trust your secrets, share your popcorn at the movies. Speaking about friendship, I remember the novel by A. Dumas “The Three Musketeers”. Athos, Porthos, Arimis and D'Artagnan - an example true friendship, an example of men who are ready not only to save each other’s lives, but also to defend the honor of a woman. There is a saying “Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are.” But it’s true that most often our friends are very similar to us: we like the same books, films, music, hobbies and even ice cream. Friends are the fireworks of our lives. I love my friends because they can make me laugh, it’s never boring with them, and an ordinary walk with them turns out to be an adventure.

Fourthly, love for pets. And it is impossible not to recall the story of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev “Mumu”. Gerasim's love for Mumu, his only friend, did not leave me indifferent. Gerasim took care of the dog with love and tenderness, but the lady’s order separated the two friends. Nowadays, almost every house has some kind of cat, dog, parrot or hamster. Usually a person remembers when he first brought this little fluffy ball into his home and it seems to have made the house cozier. When you return home, a puppy will greet you at the threshold, wagging its tail. You can spend hours watching a hamster run amusingly in its wheel. A cat named Bucks has been living in my house for four years now. He is a rather capricious and finicky animal. I feed him special food every day, give him vitamins for cats in the morning, comb his thick fur, and walk him outside. In response to my caring for him, Bucks keeps me warm at night. I can't imagine a home without my beloved cat.

And finally, love between a man and a woman. The other half without whom you feel lonely. Love begins when you stop noticing a person’s shortcomings, when you see yourself in him. Your heart begins to beat faster in his presence, you change your outfit a hundred times and hide your hair before going on a date with him, when his soul touches yours and it feels like flying, it’s happiness for you to look into your beloved eyes, also glowing with love. Then an amazing, inexplicable feeling arises and you understand that it is not the force of gravity that holds you on Earth, but he. Being with him, you communicate with the entire Universe. The most striking example of such love, in my opinion, is the love of Evgeny Onegin and Tatyana Larina. Their tender love letters to each other can be re-read many times. Although the story of these two lovers did not turn out to be happy, for me they will remain a symbol of pure and innocent love.

Essay on the topic Mother's love, what is OGE 15.3

Who is Mom? Mom is the first relative on our land, the first and last best friend, assistant, mentor. The list can be endless. The connection with the mother begins from the first week of intrauterine life and lasts until the very end.

Mother's love is not only about washing, cleaning, cooking. No one will regret it, no one will caress you as sincerely as a mother can do. Without falsehood, without any selfish goals, the mother rejoices for the success of her child, and if her child is ill, hurt, sad, the mother feels it and she begins to be sad and worry even more than the child. Mother's love is the strongest, most selfless and bright feeling of all that exists. Our mothers are always with us: in trouble and in joy. Unfortunately, we cannot always appreciate this and often take it for granted. Only with age do people come to realize what hard work it is to be a mother.

So rarely do we admit to our mothers that we love them, even less often do we give them compliments and simply nice words, but mothers sometimes need them so much. Mothers know everything, they cannot be deceived, because a mother’s heart will never fail. They always feel everything and this fact cannot be refuted. Mothers cannot be angry with their children for long; they always forgive them everything. Although they swear, it’s never out of malice, and they themselves don’t want to swear, we just often do the wrong thing, and they just want their children to be happy! True, sometimes mothers are also wrong, but this is forgivable for them; children also cannot be angry with their little blood-mothers for long.

There is only one mother in life. She is always unique and irreplaceable. Everyone has their own - special, the best. She is the best at everything: cleaning, cooking, washing, ironing, singing, fashion and style. There is no happier mother in the world than a mother gifted with reciprocity from her children. The more often children compliment their mothers, the more often they offer their help and feel sorry for their mothers, the better they study and listen more, the happier the children are, the happier the mother!

Mother's love is capable of anything for the sake of her child. Mothers can endure hellish torment, go through any test, take full responsibility and even go to extreme measures for the sake of their child. As in Kedrin’s poem “Heart,” when a son killed his mother for the love of a girl, the heart that fell out of the mother’s chest asked him, “Son, are you hurt?” These words clearly show that there is nothing stronger than maternal love and even betrayal cannot break it.

To summarize, we can say that mother's love It cannot be designated by one term, it cannot be described in words, it can only be given and felt. For each person it is different, everyone perceives it in their own way, however, its power is one!

How do you understand the meaning of the word READING? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay - an argument on the topic: What is reading?, taking the definition you gave as the thesis.

How do you understand the meaning of the word MEMORY? Formulate and

Comment on your definition. Write an essay-
discussion on the topic: “What is memory”, taking as a thesis
the definition you gave. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two)
example-argument confirming your reasoning: one example-
give an argument from the text you read, and a second one from yours
life experience.
The essay must be at least 70 words

How do you understand the meaning of the word SOULLESSNESS? Formulate and comment

the definition you gave. Write an essay-argument on the topic: “What is soullessness”, taking
The definition you gave as a thesis. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments confirming

“What a teacher should be,” taking the definition you gave as a thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give 1 example-argument from the text, and the second from your life experience.
The essay must be at least 70 words
text below)
(1) I turned around sharply and saw something wild: silently, viciously, ineptly, Seva Agapov was beating Allochka Oshchepkova, and she resisted like a cat - just as silently, viciously and ineptly.
(2) I jumped up to Seva, shook him so that he would come to his senses, pulled him by the hand, and without any transition, with the same fury, Seva began to hit my hand with his free fist, swearing dirty.

(3) I, stunned, said to his blows:
- (4) Seva! (5) Sevochka! (6) Seva!
(7) With a strong pugnacious movement, he slammed his whole body onto my hand and pulled away.
(8) The door slammed, and I cried. (9) From surprise, fear, powerlessness. (10) Howled in full voice. (11) What should I do? I was a novice teacher then and often cried. (12) A lot of things were new to me, and this is the most terrible thing - unchildish, childish abuse.
(13) Now, ten years later, having gone through a lot and drank in different things, having lost the habit of tears and getting used to the harshness of the true truth, I firmly know that a teacher must be able to immerse himself in a person and not always - far from always! - there, in the depths, he will find fragrant flowers, sometimes it happens just the opposite. (14) But don’t be afraid! (15) We must get down to business with our sleeves rolled up. (16) You must pick up a hoe and, despite the burden and dirt, stumbling, going into dead ends and returning again, drain the swamp until gardens bloom in its place!
(17) There are no shameful positions, there is a shameful - or bashful - attitude to the matter, and more than once I felt a special surge of purity and clarity, enthusiastically throwing out from the most secret corners of children's souls the trashy, vile, base, which, by the way, is not so there is very little in almost every person.
(18) Fright and panic are not the best way out of a situation for a teacher who heard swearing or saw nasty things. (19) Let's get down to business, but it's better quietly, but for real, without fuss and exclamations!
(20) The hardest thing for a teacher, the most incurable, is that he is worried about his prestige, is afraid to admit a mistake, and is even stubborn about the mistake. (21) This stone is heavy, and it is the gravest sin for a teacher to blame, using the authority of the profession, from a sick head to a healthy one, and even if this head is small, a student’s...
(22) I repeat again that this is my current understanding of the problem, when my tears have dried up, but not because the spring has dried up, but because it has become more restrained, and my love is more reasonable and my heart, it turns out, is more experienced.
(23) Then Sevina’s abuse is like volleys of execution.
(24) But I cried my own, put my face under the icy stream again, put a wet handkerchief on Alla’s bruises, and she and I went out into the corridor to answer to the teachers’ council. (25) Allah is for the fire, I am for the fate of the first “B”.
(According to A. Likhanov.)


Love is the most beautiful feeling on Earth, given to man from above. Love is the most incomprehensible and mysterious phenomenon in the emotional life of people. It is love that makes us do rash actions: good and vice versa. Happy love inspires a person, makes him able to soar above the earth.

Each of us has seen a person in love, perhaps been in his place: how happy his eyes are! They sparkle like stars in a moonless night sky... The gait becomes light and weightless: wings, unfortunately invisible to others, have grown behind the back... A person in this state discovers previously unknown abilities and talents. One awakens a poetic gift, the other takes up brushes and paints. Lovers want to shout to the whole world about their feelings. Their heart, soul and mind are too full of emotion to remain silent.

But those who have had the misfortune of experiencing love disappointment or loss feel completely differently. Their hearts are breaking with pain and anguish. Life completely loses its meaning. For such people, the only question becomes: “Why do I need such a life if the one I love most in the world is not nearby?” Thoughts about taking his own life visit the unfortunate man more and more often. Nothing can bring him back to his old life. Only after some time does the pain subside, leaving a deep wound in the heart.

Perhaps later, people who have suffered a heartbreak will be unable to give and respond to a bright feeling, fearing new blows of fate. They will talk about humanity in general, they will talk about love for it. But all these are just empty words...

Humanity, in my opinion, is really much easier to love than a specific person. This love does not require daily confirmation, nor any costs - material or mental. All of humanity will not be able to make claims over trifles, will not argue and quarrel with or without reason.

True love towards humanity begins with love for your loved ones, for those who surround you. And even if the phrase “Love your neighbor” is banal, it does not seem to us something unrealistic and supernatural: great love begins with small things.

Love is not easy beautiful words. Love is a great work: daily, persistent, sometimes even too hard. Having fallen in love with a person, you are obliged to take care of him, to always be there at the right moment. It is not for nothing that when entering into marriage, lovers vow to be together “in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy.” Without mutual respect, without patience for each other, even the most passionate love cannot last for many years.

It is interesting that couples who had been married for 40-50 years named these qualities as the main rules of happiness: patience, attention, respect. And, of course, responsibility for each other and to each other. There is no way to do without this. It is very important that everyone feels a reliable shoulder to lean on in difficult times. I think many will agree that without all of the above, love is not possible.

But to learn all this, you need to see your “soul mate” in a person. You must learn to restrain your emotions if something irritates you about your loved one: it is better to calmly tell him about it. Working on yourself is the most difficult thing in love. But here it is also important not to “go too far”: you should not humiliate yourself or cower in front of a person. True love such sacrifices are completely unnecessary.

Of course, it's easier not to start Serious relationships if you don't want to work. But years later, looking back at your life and not finding anything worthwhile in it, your heart aches painfully from the days spent aimlessly. It’s not for nothing that wise people said: “Love is easy to acquire, but difficult to keep...”