The 11th month in the life of a baby for many parents becomes both very difficult and very pleasant: they do not have a moment of peace due to attempts to keep track of their energetic child, but at the same time, a child at 11 months is a complete charm! Most children at this age are unusually energetic, playful and require constant attention and supervision, because they want to learn as much as possible about the world around them, and the toddler’s capabilities are still too limited, so they have to constantly call their parents for help. But most of the childhood problems and whims are already behind us, and the first age-related crises are still far away and for now you can simply enjoy the company of your baby. At this age, you should not worry too much if your baby does not yet know how to walk or feed himself with a spoon, the main thing is to know what a child should be able to do at 11 months, according to doctors and child psychologists, in order to notice signs of developmental disorders in time.

Physical development of a child at 11 months

By the end of the 11th month, the child usually gains 300-400 grams and gains 1-2 cm in height.

By this age there is some difference in physical development in boys and girls: representatives of the stronger sex weigh more, about 10 kg, and are a little “taller” - approximately 72-74 cm, girls are slightly behind them - 9 and 70-72 cm, respectively.

At 11 months, it is quite difficult to accurately assess the physical development of a baby; some at this age walk confidently and can climb up and down stairs on their own, while others refuse to even crawl, preferring to be held in their arms all the time or sitting quietly in a playpen. Both are quite normal for an 11-month-old baby, so parents concerned about the pace of their baby's development should focus only on those basic skills that all children of this age should master.

They include: the ability to independently sit down and sit without support, the child’s attempts to crawl, stand up and walk while holding onto the bars of a crib or playpen.

Also, a child at this age should walk with the support of his parents and have fairly good control of his body - at 11 months, children’s movements become more coordinated. They fall much less often, crash into different objects and can confidently hold toys in both hands and move them.

A baby at 11 months should be very active and inquisitive; parents should be wary if their child does not try to get out of the crib or playpen, does not want to get off his hands and does not try to actively study the objects around him. The “correct” behavior of an almost one-year-old child is constant search for new experiences, thirst for discovery and communication, which often drives parents into a frenzy. Therefore, if your child begins to be mischievous, immediately somehow he woke up, immediately turns the whole house upside down, does not lag behind you for a minute and is constantly climbing somewhere, taking things apart and being interested in something, you should Rejoice - he is developing just according to his age.

Neuropsychic development of the child

At 11 months, most children constantly good mood The main thing is to feed them and put them to bed on time. The daily routine of babies at this age is not very different: 4-5 feedings a day, 1-2 daily naps, but night sleep can be reduced to 8-9 hours a day, depending on how much the child sleeps during the day. By the end of the first year of life, babies constantly delight their parents and everyone around them with their smiles, singing, first words and ringing laughter, while not forgetting to scream loudly and cry whenever they do not immediately get what they want. But coping with the whims and bad mood of a child at 11 months is not so difficult - they can be easily distracted by switching to some other object or toy or inviting the capricious child to play, run or jump.

Recipe for the occasion::

An eleven-month-old baby can already do a lot– he folds pyramids, collects cubes, knows how to eat from a spoon and can roll a ball and cars. At this age, children not only play with toys, they develop their first noticeable preferences, for example, a favorite hare or a car, which the baby will not part with. They also learn to play story games: rock and feed a doll, hum and “beep” while rolling a car, “write” something and draw.” finger paints and felt-tip pens.

Many children not only pronounce different sounds and sound combinations - this is included in the mandatory “minimum” by 11 months, but also trying to pronounce the first words: “mother”, “father”, “woman” and so on. Moreover, having learned to pronounce a word, the baby will use it to designate not only the object or person itself, but also all other actions and things as related to it. For example, the word “mother” will mean the mother herself, her dress or bathing the child, because it always happens to the mother! Also, many children, having learned to pronounce a word, after a few days stop repeating it, losing interest in it, and learn to say something new; in such cases there is no need to worry - after a while the child will begin to use all the words that he can pronounce .

During the period of active speech development of a child, it is very important that he hears only correct, clear speech - there should be no affectionate diminutive endings or “lisps”, this may slow down speech development and cause the child to distort words.

To accelerate the development of speech, it is necessary not only to constantly talk with the child, but also to read children's poems and picture books to him, so he not only develops a sense of rhythm, he also learns to correlate the objects depicted in the pictures with their sound designation.

At 11 months, the baby becomes somewhat more independent, he no longer wants to spend all his time alone with his mother and close relatives, he is also interested in other people, primarily children of the same age and older children. The child may watch their actions with interest, imitate them, or try to make friends with the children. But parents should be constantly on guard at this time and not leave their children alone - kids can hit or bite each other, fight over a toy, or become interested in each other’s eyes, hair and other parts of the body.

According to pediatricians, a healthy 11 one month old baby should be able to:

  • stand up and sit down independently, walk with support;
  • drink from a cup, eat from a spoon;
  • know the destination household items and be able to use them - that is, if you give a child a cup, he tries to drink from it, and if you use a comb, he runs it through his hair;
  • hold the toy with your fingers and not with your whole palm;
  • collect pyramids, place cubes on top of each other, open and close boxes;
  • show in pictures and bring, at the request of an adult, toys, household items, and so on;
  • understand the speech of an adult addressed to him and carry out simple instructions - “give me a ball”, “show me where our crib is”, “let’s go for a walk” and so on;
  • navigate your home, know where everything is and be able to use items for their intended purpose;
  • pronounce the first words and use sounds to indicate your actions and the actions of others.

Boys and girls at 11 months

At 11 months, a difference becomes noticeable not only in the physical development of children of different sexes, but their behavior and habits also change. These changes are most noticeable in the choice of games and toys for boys and girls. Babes prefer Stuffed Toys, dolls, strollers and so on, they enthusiastically rock the baby dolls, try to feed them, they like bright beads, beautiful dresses, and some fashionistas are even trying to use their mother’s lipstick or jewelry.

Ekaterina Rakitina

Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 13 minutes


Article last updated: 04/01/2019

Your baby is growing and developing. Every day he acquires new skills and knowledge, every day he discovers something interesting. 11 months is already quite a serious age, because in just 30 days the baby will have her first birthday celebration. During this period, children do not yet have special contact with peers. All his communication is limited to his parents and loved ones. Looking at her beloved child, every mother knows that her baby is the smartest and the best. But does his development correspond to his age? What if he is ahead or behind? To understand this, you need to know what a child should be able to do at 11 months.

Physical development

The normal weight of a child at 11 months is between 8 and 10 kilograms and depends on the weight of the baby at birth, the gender and nutrition of the baby. Weight gain in the 11th month is about 350 - 400 grams. If a child is not gaining weight at 11 months, you should consult a pediatrician and adjust the baby’s feeding regimen.

A child's height at 11 months is on average 75 cm; in the eleventh month, children grow by 1 - 1.5 centimeters.

Parents often ask: how many teeth should there be at 11 months? Everything is very individual. Most babies at this age already have 4 teeth, but there are also completely healthy children whose first tooth appears after a year. If your child is growing and developing normally, but has no teeth, don't worry. Ask your parents what time you started teething.

Baby's height and weight chart at 11 months:

Motor skills

At 11 months, the baby is already actively crawling and walking, adhering to support. Many children are already “walking” with their parents hand in hand. The child learns to maintain balance in an upright state - he can squat to pick up his favorite toy, and then straighten up again. Can sit for a long time without support, legs extended forward.

At this age, children can already manage to climb a small staircase. Often this process occurs on all fours and for quite a long time, but the fact remains a fact. After all, the kid had never been able to do this before.

Children at 11 months become more independent and can move around the house without the help of their parents. It is necessary to take care of their safety and remove all piercing, cutting objects and things that could harm the child.

To do this, parents are advised to get down to the baby’s level and take a good look at all the objects around that they want to grab, drag or taste. All drawers need special clips to prevent a curious baby from pinching his tiny fingers. Special upholstery for furniture corners is on sale.

Your child is still learning to walk. A strong fall or impact with an object can frighten him and leave a negative impression. This is the first step towards possible further delay in physical development. The child will simply be afraid and refuse to stand on his feet. Therefore, until his movement skills become stronger, it is better to isolate and soften all corners. Of course, it’s impossible to protect your baby from everything, and there’s no need to be upset if he falls and breaks his knee. But it’s better to try to protect it as much as possible.

Fine motor functions become more precise. If earlier the little one tried to grab an interesting object with all his fingers (and this was not always successful), now he can carefully take the thing he likes with two fingers. He moves it from palm to palm, examines it carefully, and tries it. He acquires favorite toys that he does not part with and carries them with him everywhere. Sometimes kids even refuse to go for a walk without their favorite doll or car.

An 11-month-old child can boast of the ability to drink from a cup practically without spilling liquid. Very often at this age they begin to reach for a spoon to eat on their own or to try to feed mom and dad. The same thing happens with a comb. The kid picks up a comb and tries to make a “hairstyle.”

At eleven months, the baby already feels quite independent in order to dress himself. He himself tries to put his pen into his sleeve, put on his shoes and hat. Parents should encourage this desire in every possible way and help the child cope with new tasks.

Games at 11 months

Unscrewing bottle caps can become a baby's favorite pastime; such a simple activity perfectly develops fine motor skills of the baby's fingers. He holds the bottle tightly with one hand, leaning it against himself, and unscrews the cap with the other. Usually, after obtaining the desired result, interest in the bottle disappears and the parents have to put the cap back on, while the little one is looking for new adventures.

By this age, the child already understands exactly where mom is, where dad is, where the doll is, where the bear is, etc. He very willingly and with undisguised pleasure brings various items at the request of his parents. He also begins to navigate in space and understands the concepts of “front”, “behind”, “side”, “above”, “below”.

This age period is best for gradually starting to make games more difficult. That is, ask the baby not just to bring a doll, but to feed it, put it to bed, change clothes, etc. These so-called “role-playing” games greatly stimulate the development of the child’s thinking and physical skills.

If it seems to you that the baby is not as active as he should be, then try to stimulate him. Scatter the toys in different parts of the room and ask him to collect them. This will force the baby to walk or actively crawl. Assemble and disassemble the pyramid with it, trying to maintain the order of the elements in size. Explain to your child why it would be correct to assemble the toy this way and not another way. And you will be surprised how quickly he will understand you and begin to do the same on his own.

During this period, visiting some new place can greatly please your baby. Take him for a walk to the park or to visit friends. This will improve these adaptive social skills.

Also, “petting zoos” bring great pleasure to children. At the age of 11 months, they can already distinguish a toy object from a living one, so a trip to chickens, ducklings, and goslings will be accompanied by a storm positive emotions, and will allow the baby to demonstrate his new skills.

Tactile sensations are very important during this period, so let your child run barefoot on the grass, pet pets, and pick flowers.

At this time, you can slowly teach your baby to go potty. Dr. Komarovsky considers it normal to “delay” this process for up to 1.5 - 2 years. So don’t worry if your baby doesn’t immediately understand what you want from him.

At this age, individual motor differences in children become even more pronounced.

Physical development

How will your child grow during this period in terms of height and weight? Now the so-called milk bite is actively developing, helping the baby get acquainted with new types of food.

Indicators of a child from 11 to 12 months

Growth chart and

And a weight chart


73.60-74.90 cm

9.805-10.470 kg

Head circumference

Chest circumference

The child’s hand movements become more skillful and dexterous

The baby takes small crumbs with his outstretched index and thumb fingers (tweezers grip). Knows how to tear paper: he grabs sheets of paper by turning his hand at the wrist and tears them. If you show your baby how to do this, he will try to place a cube on a cube, but will immediately destroy the resulting structure.

In order to get the object of interest, the baby can use different movements. Holds onto furniture or playpen bars, pulls up to stand. Gets down on all fours and crawls to get around an obstacle. Climbs onto a chair to reach out and get what he wants. Good muscle tone allows the baby to maintain balance not only while sitting, but also while standing, leaning on support.

The child discovers a most interesting game- holding onto the bars of the playpen with one hand, he can hold the toy with his free hand, knock on the edge of the playpen and throw the toy on the floor.

Throwing a toy introduces the baby to the weight of objects. In addition, he learns to look at objects from a different perspective.

While some babies continue to learn to crawl, others begin to walk

Approximately 50% of babies typically begin to walk by the age of one year. However, there may be completely normal deviations from this deadline that do not merit parental concern. As a rule, children master the skill of walking between nine and sixteen months.

Success in acquiring this skill is related to three factors: muscular strength, balance and temperament. The latter most influences the age at which the baby begins to walk.

Kids with a calm temperament often take their time and act more carefully. Since at the initial stage crawling turns out to be a faster way than walking, they improve in it and rush across the floor like meteors.

Children who start walking late are likely to be more concerned with looking at and exploring different objects than with learning new motor skills. Such kids go through this stage of development at their own pace, weighing each step they take. At the same time, when they start walking, they immediately behave quite confidently.

Children with explosive temperaments On the contrary, they begin to walk early. Typically, these are very impulsive, active children who overcome each developmental milestone so quickly that parents do not have time to photograph the achievement. Although sometimes it is not easy to predict who will start walking early. Most likely, this will be a baby with high demands, who strives to quickly crawl off his parents’ laps or get out of the baby’s chair.

In addition to temperament, the body type of a little person also seriously influences. Thin children, as a rule, learn to walk earlier. Toddlers who walk early tend to be playful and at greater risk of accidents than their more cautious peers.

Moms and dads who adopt a bonding style and often carry their children in their arms sometimes ask: “Will the child then walk later?” No. Research by many scientists proves that children who are raised with close parental attachment to their child often master motor skills at an even faster rate.

One should not overestimate the importance of which month the little one will walk. Since the age at which a baby begins to walk has nothing to do with the development of his mental or physical abilities. When and how a child begins to walk characterizes the uniqueness of his own personality.

Mental development

Speech understanding is actively developing. The baby begins to respond to his name - he turns and looks if he is called. He understands well when he is praised or scolded, and repeats actions that he was laughed at or praised for. He understands and fulfills his mother’s simple requests: “Give mom a piece of apple,” “Come to me.” The baby recognizes the intonations and semantic gestures with which adults accompany such requests, and he himself imitates the gestures of adults - “give-give-give”, “bye-bye”.

The baby begins to understand the meaning of simple prepositions- “from”, “in”, “for”. You notice that now he no longer tries to grab the toy through the wall of the transparent jar, but puts his hand into the hole and pulls out the desired object. Your baby can unscrew and remove the cap of a plastic bottle if you show him how to do it. Place apple and cookie pieces in the bottle to encourage your baby's exploration.

Kids love to play different games with parents. Children love noisy, active games that their fathers play with them. Dads swing and throw their babies up, circle and lower their heads down, and they laugh and demand repetition.

At this age, all children are strongly attached to their parents, and especially to their mother. They get anxious and capricious when they don't see them for a long time.

Children associate parents with a sense of security and comfort. Some babies require the presence of both parents during bathing, feeding and going to bed. Parents would like to depend less on the child’s mood, so they begin to teach their children to be independent - they teach them to eat with a spoon, drink from a cup, and fall asleep alone.

But many are faced with the fact that the child resists innovations - he puts down the spoon and waits to be fed, does not want to lie in the crib and screams when the parents leave the room. Teach your baby gradually. Sing a lullaby and rock your baby in your arms to calm him down and fall asleep. When your baby starts to fall asleep, leave the room.

The baby's babbling intensifies alone with himself, he pronounces entire “monologues”, consisting of chains of various syllables. The child begins to use babble to communicate and tries to actively copy the sounds he hears if he is encouraged to do so. He imitates the movements and gestures of his parents; at the request of adults, he can show where his nose, eyes, mouth, ears, etc. are.

At this age, babies need a variety of experiences.. Be sure to find an opportunity to go on an excursion or visit with your child. After placing your baby in a stroller or a kangaroo backpack, you can go to the zoo, a store, or just visit grandparents or friends. It would be great if there were other children there. Kids at this age begin to observe each other.

The first year of the baby’s life is coming to an end, bringing new changes in physical and mental development. An 11-month-old child acquires individual character traits and new interests. It is at this time that most often the baby takes his first steps in life and utters his first words. The child’s behavior, leisure time and daily routine change, and the time allotted for daytime sleep is reduced.

The developmental features of an 11-month-old child are such that he can and knows a lot, therefore he gradually becomes more independent in everyday life, as well as socially. During this period, it is already a little easier for parents to care for the baby, since the baby is not absolutely dependent on adults.

Features of the development of an eleven-month-old baby

Of course, the main skills that develop in this period, attempts to walk independently begin. Mom and dad will be able to stimulate these aspirations by holding the child’s arms or calling him to come closer to them. The baby is sometimes frightened by falling to the floor or hitting furniture. In such a situation, it is necessary to continue practicing so that he makes new attempts to walk. In most cases, at about a year old, the child can already stand quite confidently on his legs.

If the child is not yet ready to take his first steps at 11 months, but crawls a lot and actively lifts his limbs, then there is no need to worry about this. It means the time just hasn't come. It is very useful for a growing body to crawl on all fours, since the muscles work in an enhanced mode. In addition, it is much safer, reducing the risk of injury and impact.

Each child at 11 months has an individual development. But it is closely related to dietary habits. Most likely, the baby is already able to eat almost everything that adult family members eat: vegetables, a variety of fruits, cereals. Hard foods (apples, cereal breads) can be given only after the first 4 teeth appear. Chewing such food has a positive effect on the formation of a correct bite.

At common family lunches and dinners, a food culture is formed. The baby learns to hold a spoon and drink from a cup. During this period, many mothers think about weaning, but this can be done a little later, when the baby’s development reaches the next level and the little one is completely transferred to the regular family menu.

Children develop properly with sufficient levels of activity and mobility. They are very curious, and thanks to their standing skills they can reach the most interesting objects. Compared to infancy, the baby’s height has increased by at least 30 cm.

  • At eleven months, a girl, as a rule, has a height of 67 - 78 cm, weight - 7 - 11 kg.
  • By the same period, the boy will grow to 70 - 79 cm, weight is 7.5 - 12 kg.

Baby skills at 11 months

What can a baby do at this age? Let's look at the basic skills.

  • The baby can stand quite confidently on its legs, holding on to its parent’s hand or other support. The first steps cannot yet be performed without outside help. Often, at the age of 11 months, a baby gets special rolling toys that help him strengthen his muscles and develop walking skills.
  • The baby can sit up from a standing position, although with difficulty.
  • At 11 months of life, the child is actively crawling and can sit for quite a long time.
  • When grasping objects, the palm opens in accordance with their size.
  • The baby points his finger at the thing that arouses his interest.
  • The baby can hold a spoon and even eat using this device. The mug is taken with two handles.
  • The child can grasp small objects using two fingers. He can also place one cube on top of another.
  • Most babies at this age have teeth: two on top and two on the bottom. Some kids haven't developed them yet, and that's normal. If the incisors do not erupt within a month, you should consult a doctor.

Mental development

What should a child be able to do at 11 months? Children develop mentally very quickly, demonstrating to their parents more and more new skills almost every day.

  • The child utters his first words in his life that have a generalized meaning. For example, “am” expresses the desire to eat. He already knows several words and repeats new ones after the adults.
  • The baby understands that parents can be manipulated by crying. Mom and Dad quickly approach to a crying child, become more affectionate and kinder, so he can sometimes whine on purpose. At the same time in the eyes small manipulator there are no tears, but there is “cunning”.
  • The eleventh month of development allows you to understand much of the conversations of adults; the baby responds to requests: eat, take, give, show, and others. Many children shake their heads, expressing agreement or disagreement with their parents' words.
  • Kids can be very persistent in achieving their goals; they repeat requests several times if they don’t get what they want. After performing any action, they expect mom and dad’s reaction: praise, support.

  • During games, the baby tries in every possible way to please mom and dad or even tries to make his parents laugh with his actions. There comes an understanding that “hide and seek” or “tag” are games.
  • Intelligence develops. Children will be able to push one object against another standing on a table, chair, or shake out all the toys from the box in order to get all the contents at once.
  • An 11-month-old child loves to play; his development allows him to use simple story-based games: feeding toys, rocking dolls.

How to help a child develop correctly?

If possible, it is worth picking up the baby in your arms more often, despite the fact that he crawls well on his own and will soon begin to walk. Children at this age still need the close proximity of their parents, especially their mother.

The development of a child at 11 months is associated with the formation of word pronunciation. Adults should help him in every possible way with this. If the baby says some incomprehensible word, you need to try to determine the meaning of what was said and, together with the toddler, find the named object. Very useful various speech games:

  • Toys are collected in a bag, and then taken out one by one and named for the child. The ideal option would be to use items that are similar in theme: a doll and a dress, a car and a steering wheel or wheel. Other things that the baby sees every day are also suitable for this game: a pencil, a spoon, a book.
  • Experts recommend using Doman cards.
  • It is easier for an 11-month-old child to remember words during active games, so all actions must be commented on. The names of various objects, that is, nouns, are best learned, so there should be the most of them.
  • You can arrange simple scenes with words that are accompanied by corresponding actions: “give” - you extend your hands, “na” - you give an object, “hello” - you shake a hand, “bye-bye” - you wave your hand. Words should be pronounced slowly, without haste, stretching them out slightly.
  • While preparing food, your child should be told what you will do, what products will be needed for the dish, and how the whole process happens. Use the words: wash, clean, tasty, sweet, salty, bitter, cook.
  • Often children who still speak poorly eat little, which is associated with poor jaw development. In such a situation, it is recommended that they be given solid foods: apples, carrots.


Child development is also not complete without reading. It has a positive effect on attention, imagination, and love of books. Parents should do the following:

  • Toy books or products made from hard cardboard should be part of children's games.
  • It is necessary to show pictures to the baby, naming the animals depicted, fairy tale characters, objects.
  • You can sing short songs from books.
  • To maintain interest while reading, parents should change the timbre of their voice and actively use facial expressions and gestures.
  • Reading educational books should be frequent, but short in time.
  • While reading, you should not force your baby to sit next to you and listen; let him move.

How to develop a child? Gradually, if the listed recommendations are followed, the baby will learn to focus on books. It is better to choose those where on each page there is Nice picture and a short poem consisting of several lines. While the baby looks at the image, the text will be read. After this, the little one should be allowed to play or crawl. After some time, return to the book again, but to the next page.

Reading as well as storytelling helps develop thinking. In addition, the parents' favorite voice and their closeness will be associated with books.

Communication skills

Communication with other children will help to fully develop a child. An excellent solution would be to visit educational institutions intended for children. It is better to spend walks in special playgrounds that are visited by peers, as well as older children.

If among your friends there are married couples with children, you should visit more often. For normal communication with peers, 40 minutes is enough. Adults should not interfere with games; let children learn to communicate with each other on their own. It’s also not worth leaving them alone; it’s enough to take the place of an observer. For an 11-month-old child, viewing books, drawing, role-playing games.

Almost until the age of two, children associate the toys they hold in their hands with some kind of extension of themselves, so they cannot understand how and why to give them to another child. Parents should not scold them, because a kind of “greed” is natural.

The correct development of a child depends on mothers and fathers. Only parents who are always nearby can have a happy, healthy, intelligent, physically and mentally developed child.

The first year of life is coming to an end. The development of a child at 11 months is characterized by new indicators in physical development, the emergence of emotional and personality traits. At eleven months, your baby may make you happy with his first word or his first step. At the same time, he continues to develop emotionally and consolidate what he has mastered.

What's new in physical development?

During this month, the baby can gain from 300 to 400 g and grow by 1 - 1.5 cm. At 11 months, the child weighs 8.5 - 10.5 kg (± 1 kg), height 72 - 76 cm (± 3 cm).

What can a child at 11 months do:

  1. A child at 11 months can stand confidently, holding onto a support or your hand. Can walk while holding onto a rolling toy or a wall. Some children can stand on their own or even take a few steps while holding a toy for balance.
  2. The baby is still having difficulty, but is already sitting down from a standing position.
  3. An 11-month-old child crawls confidently on all fours and sits confidently for a long time.
  4. When you grab an object, the handle opens according to its size.
  5. Able to point with a finger at an object of interest.
  6. At eleven months, a child can hold a spoon in his hand and pick up food with it. Holds a cup with both hands.
  7. The baby has completely mastered grasping with two fingers and can pick up very small objects. Tries to place one cube on top of another.
  8. Most children at eleven months have 4 teeth: lower and upper central incisors. The first pair of molars from below and above may begin to grow. But some children may not have teeth yet - this is not scary, don’t worry and wait up to a year. If they are not there by the age of 1, consult your pediatrician.

What's new in mental development:

  1. The baby says the first simple words, in which he puts a generalized meaning, for example, he calls all the food: “am-am”, by the same word he means the desire to eat. A child at 11 months knows several words and repeats new ones after his parents.
  2. The baby began to understand that his mother could be manipulated. For example, realizing that she responds to crying faster and becomes kinder, the child may begin to whine on purpose. At the same time, you will notice a certain cunning in the eyes, with a complete absence of tears.
  3. A child at 11 months already understands much of what his parents say. He responds to requests: give, take, show, throw, eat. May shake his head both “no” and “yes.”
  4. The kid is persistently able to achieve his goal, repeats several times if what he wants does not work out. Having done something, he expects approval and praise.
  5. When you play with your baby, he tries to please you with his behavior or even make you laugh. Now the child understands that “hide and seek” and “horned goat” are games.
  6. The baby has become smart: he can push another object off a chair with one object, turn over a box of toys to get everything at once.
  7. Children at eleven months show signs of the simplest story-based play: rocking a doll, feeding a bear.

Child development test at 11 months

  • A baby at 11 months should be able to sit well, stand on a support, and crawl on all fours.
  • Show your child the box with the toy and open it several times. Then hide the toy. The baby should notice the disappearance of the object and express surprise.
  • The child must be able to use certain objects for their intended purpose: eat with a spoon, bring a comb to the head, repeating the movements of adults.
  • Show your child how to build a tower using blocks. The child must be able to place at least 2 - 3 cubes on top of each other. Pyramids are still difficult for the baby, but he can already put large rings on a stick.
  • The baby already knows how to distinguish objects based on common characteristics, for example, ask to show him cars or dolls among several toys. The child should point to them with his finger.

Child development by month - 11 months video

How to feed babies at 11 months?

The time for complementary feeding has passed, and the child can join the common table at certain conditions cooking: it must be boiled or stewed, contain a minimum of salt, sugar and seasonings. Now the mother can no longer cook separately for the baby, but can only chop up the food prepared for everyone. An 11-month-old child eats approximately 1 - 1.2 liters of food per day - this does not include liquids. Meals remain five times a day, this will be the case until about 2 years. All the main products have already been introduced, but you need to be careful with allergenic ones: oranges, mangoes, tomatoes. Mushrooms, chocolate, honey, nuts, tea, coffee and cow's milk should not be given yet.

If the baby is still breastfeeding, then receives the breast in the morning and evening before bed, as well as at night upon request. Some mothers, preparing at 1 year, reduce the number of feedings to a minimum by 11 months: once a day before bedtime. But if you plan to breastfeed for a long time, then continue to breastfeed when your baby wants to.

Mode – sleep and wakefulness

Your baby can now sleep more peacefully at night, even if you continue to breastfeed. Now he can ask for milk up to 2 times at night, and this is truly a gift for mom, who had to wake up up to 5 times a night. Many children can sleep up to 10–11 hours at night. During the day there are also two sleeps of 1.5 - 2 hours each. Each child’s routine is individual: children who like to sleep longer go to bed later during the day, and vice versa. The mother should adapt to the baby’s biorhythms, since the slightest changes in the routine can deprive the baby of appetite or have a negative impact on the psyche. You need to accustom your baby to a daily routine.

How to help your baby develop

  • Continue to hold your baby whenever possible. Despite the fact that the little one will soon walk and crawls beautifully, he still needs psychological closeness with his mother.
  • Support speech development in every possible way. If the child uttered some incomprehensible word, try to understand what it is and together with him find this object. Play speech games:
    • Collect in a bag various toys and name them when you take them out in front of the child. It’s good if the toys are close to each other thematically, for example: a car and a wheel, a doll and a crib. You can put any household items in the bag: a spoon, thread, a book, that is, everything that the baby comes into contact with every day.
    • Show Doman thematic cards.
    • Children remember words best when they do something, so in the best possible way learning remains a game. Comment on all actions during the game, focus on nouns - they are the first words.
    • Act out scenes from life with speech structures, for example: “here, take it”, “give me please” - holding out or giving an object, “bye-bye” - wave your hand, “hello!” - you shake hands. The scenes should be carried out slowly, drawing out the words somewhat.
    • Draw the baby's attention to the cooking process. Tell us what and what you cook from, how you do it: peel, wash, put, cook, hot, cold, tasty, bitter, sweet.
    • Often children who speak poorly also eat poorly. This is due to the weakness of the jaw apparatus. Let your child chew on a cracker or carrot.
    • Read picture books together.

Speech development is interconnected with fine motor skills, so continue activities with your child that develop finger activity:

  • Pour oatmeal into one small bowl and show your baby how to transfer it to another bowl. The same can be done with water while bathing. The exercises develop the arm muscles well and teach synchrony in movements.
  • During water procedures, you can invite your child to catch various small objects with a ladle. For realism, buy plastic fish and play fisherman. The game will well develop visual and motor coordination.
  • Sprinkle fine grains or flour onto the tray in an even layer. Take your child's finger in your hand and draw. Then let your child draw something on his own.
  • Take a ring that your hand will fit into. Put it on your hand first, then on your child. Then invite your child to put the ring on your hand or on his own, and help him the first time, guide his hand into the ring. The skill of hitting the ring with your hand is acquired from 2-3 lessons.
  • Carry on modeling and drawing classes with your child. Do not buy thick markers and pencils for your baby; it is better to choose small and thin ones, with a minimum number of colors in the set.

For modeling, 1 - 2 pieces of plasticine will be enough for now. Make a sausage out of it, then, together with the crumbs, cut it into equal parts and form small peas. Show your child how to attach them to a board or piece of cardboard.

It often happens that children who have learned to crawl well later begin to walk. This happens because the child finds the easiest and quick way movement and does not try to assume a vertical position. It's actually not bad. Scientists have found that such babies begin to speak better and earlier, and have good posture. So don’t worry about walking upright, it won’t go away from you, but, unfortunately, not all children go through the important stage of crawling. Do not force your baby to walk, just because some of his peers in the yard have already taken their first steps. Eleven months is not a long time for this.

Continue to do gymnastics and massage, and everything will take its course.