A very strong spell for love

God's house. God's threshold. God's throne.

The power of love is mighty,

A tear of jealousy is flammable.

Go, melancholy, to every hair,

To the servant of God (name),

On his crown, on his temple,

On the liver and on the heart,

On the blood and on the vein,

On all his joints,

For all his thoughts and thoughts,

On his white chest, rosy cheeks,

For lust and sighs.

He wouldn't be able to sleep,

He wouldn't be able to eat.

Ten winds, the tenth is a whirlwind.

Twist his brains so he won't eat

Didn't sit, didn't lie,

And he rushed and ran towards me from everywhere.

Locks won't hold him, bolts won't stop him.

Darlings will not cajole you,

The aunts won't persuade you, the guys won't understand.

He would keep me, slave (name), in his head,

I didn't let go of my mind.

Without me he can't breathe clean air.

Like a fish on the shore without water, it dies,

Grass dries without mother earth,

There is no sky without clouds,

So let slave (name) me

Never forgets anyone.

And who will treat him?

From the first day he will be tired. Amen.

For devoted love

This plot is read until dawn.

There is a willow tree in an open field,

On that willow the bird built a nest,

She dropped the egg and chick into the sea.

How this bird's heart ached for the egg,

So that God’s servant (name)’s heart aches

And it was whining about me, God’s servant (name).

So that he doesn’t eat me with food, so that he doesn’t wash me down with wine,

With the young ladies, so as not to forget,

I never stopped loving him until my gray old age.

I would seem like the moon to him at night,

At dawn - a morning star,

When thirsty - sweet water,

When hungry, eat.

My hands are wings, my eyes are arrows.

A century to love, a century to not forget me,

Never change with anyone.

I'll lock the keys, bury the castles in the sand,

I'll throw the keys into the hole.

Whoever gets those keys is the only one

It will become an obstacle to my love.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Love spell for twenty years

Buy two wedding candles for your angel day. They recite a spell on them, and then stand in church at someone’s wedding (be sure to take candles with you). After the wedding, the candles must burn out completely. Store the leftovers at home, in a secluded place.

Read like this:

You are wedding angels,

You are wedding rings,

You are holy candles, golden images.

How do people trust you?

They trust you with their destinies,

Praying and hoping

So I, God’s servant (name), believe and hope in you.

Bless the heart of God's servant (name)

For long-lasting love, for twenty years of life

To me, God's servant (name).

How the red sun can't be

Without rays

How hard is it for a person to live?

Without your clear eyes,

Aityu breastfeeding without milk,

A hundred-year-old man without a batog,

Just like a fish cannot be without water,

A living person without food

It couldn't be that way

My husband without me, his wife,

God's servant (name).

How difficult it is for a person to live without sleep,

Just as there is no house without doors and windows,

A head without a thought, a man without a shadow,

A cat without laziness, a dog without barking,

Spring without May, winter without January,

Churches without an altar, a knife without a blade,

Earth without a worm

So would I be twenty years, like one day,

In the heart of God's servant (name) was,

Lived, slept, spent the night,

I didn’t get tired of her either in body or in business.

Day by day he would be bored, he would not know peace,

He confessed his love,

For twenty years I haven't known a single p...

My word is fire, my work is earth.

Love, servant of God (name),

Me (name) is greater than himself.

Force to crown

From the letter: “My daughter is seven months pregnant, and she has another boy from him. He sleeps with her, but does not marry her, and the children are orphans with a living father...”

Give him some spoken kvass to drink. He'll go to the crown like a sweetheart. I repeat, this is done only with kvass:

East to west, north to south.

Turn the servant of God (name) to the altar.

Vlasiy, Medosiy, you have tamed

An evil snake in a cave,

So tame the heart of God’s servant (name).

So that he grabs his heart,

He sought the hand of God's servant (name),

She was drawn to the altar to get married

From this time, on my orders.

My word is strong. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

For loyalty and love

From the letter: “Dear Natalya Ivanovna. I am one of those who is called an abandoned wife. My husband, Nikolai, courted me for a long time, seeking my consent to marriage. At that time I liked a completely different guy, but because Kolya literally taken out of the loop after my refusal, I still married him. I gave birth to three children and lived with him for twenty-nine years. And now he has found himself a woman who is younger than our daughter. Tomorrow I will be fifty years old, and that’s it. At age it is difficult to start rebuilding family life.

My husband not only left me, he took literally everything he could. I never thought that a divorce was possible, and therefore everything: the car, the garage, etc. was registered in his name. The dacha is also registered in his name as the responsible developer. To please his young wife, he robbed his own children and me, who had lived with him for almost thirty years.

Overnight, not only our youth was forgotten, but also the fact that for thirty years I washed, cooked, bathed and looked after him when he fell ill and underwent a serious operation.

Dear Natalya Ivanovna, I really love your books. They give hope and support to people like me.

I have a favor to ask of you. Don’t stop writing books, teach us how to keep unfaithful husbands, teach us to fight for love.

Thank you for this and low regards.

Kryukova Tamara.

Conspiracy for strong love

Read for drinking and eating:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Face towards the icon, ridge towards the rival,

Shoulder to your husband, God's servant.

He would love me and not see enough of me,

If he would talk to me, he wouldn’t say enough,

He would have slept with me, but not gotten enough sleep,

He would have kissed me, but he didn’t kiss me.

How does a hungry man think about food?

That's how my husband would dream about me,

About his married wife, God's servant (name).

Be picky about my words,

My speeches, be conspiratorial.

To my words the key and the lock.

The lock is in the company, and the key is in the sea.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Lord gave the land, the Lord gave the water. The earth gave birth to gold and silver.

And how everyone will set their sights on gold,

Hands are reaching out to him,

So my husband (name) would covet me,

Loved it, would never

He never left me.

With his lips and hands he reached out to me,

To his married wife, slave (name),

He hugged and showed mercy.

How the true Christ did not change his faith,

So would my husband, slave (name),

Wouldn't know anyone but me

He didn’t cheat on me until his grave.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

What else is needed for happiness?

Therefore, we will not mark time for a long time and will immediately move on to the essence of what is happening. Once you have read the text of the conspiracy, we will move on to consider the technical aspects of the process. There is nothing complicated about them; no additional chewing is required.

« God's house, God's threshold, God's throne.
The power of love is mighty, the tear of jealousy is flammable,
Go, melancholy, to every hair of the servant of God (NAME).
If he should sleep, he should not fall asleep; if he eats, he should not overeat.
Nine winds, the tenth is a whirlwind.
Twist his brains so that he doesn’t eat, sit, lie down,
And he rushed and ran towards me from everywhere.
Let him hear my voice everywhere,
Without me he can't breathe clean air.
So may slave (NAME) never forget me.
And whoever treats him will be tired from the first day«.

This version of the ritual must be done according to the same principles as his full version. No difference.

External nuances are not so important - it would be more correct to use it in any magical plot for love - faith. And here it can be written with a capital letter so that it is read and perceived easier.

Faith. Faith works wonders if it is directed in the right direction through a conspiracy. Technical nuances include the following things that you need to remember:

  • A love spell is made at sunrise or midnight. This is due to the cycle of natural rebirth on which our entire universe is tied.
  • Watch your speech. The most important thing is not WHAT you say. More important is HOW. Turn on confidence, then the beast called Love will cuddle up to you. An ardent conspiracy for love - great way convince him to hide his teeth away from you and give reciprocal affection.
  • Exhale at the end of pronouncing the text of the conspiracy, take a deep breath at the beginning. This will help collect your thoughts.
  • Remember that a powerful love spell is not a panacea, but an excellent ritual for sparking reciprocal feelings in the soul of a loved one.

The most popular ritual is considered to be a conspiracy for strong and lasting relationships. This is explained by the fact that love plays a very important role for people. There is no such person who would not want love. Who would like to live alone.

If we talk about women, they generally cannot imagine their life alone, without attention, without affection and without a beloved man nearby. Everyone wants a family and a child. Everyone wants to be loved and to be devoted and faithful to her.

No matter what bookstore you go to, you can find many books by Natalia Stepanova everywhere. She is a Siberian healer. Those people who have at least once turned to magic know the name of this woman.

She has an incredibly strong conspiracy that has a powerful effect on people. We are talking about love relationships:

God's house, God's threshold, God's throne.
The power of love is mighty, the tear of jealousy is flammable.
Fuck you longing to every hair on the servant of God
on his crown, on his temple, on his liver and on his heart,
on the blood and on the vein, on all its joints,
to all his thoughts and thoughts,
on his white chest, rosy cheeks,
For lust and sighs.
He wouldn't be able to sleep, he wouldn't be able to eat.
Nine winds, the tenth is a whirlwind,
Twist his brains, no matter what he eats, sits, or lies down,
And he rushed and ran towards me from everywhere.
Locks won't hold him, bolts won't stop him,
Darlings will not cajole you,
The aunts won't persuade you, the guys won't understand.
All he would do is slave me. He kept it in his head, he didn’t let go of his mind.
Let him hear my voice everywhere
Without me he can't breathe clean air.
Like a fish on the shore without water, it dies,
Grass dries without mother earth,
There is no sky without clouds,
So let the slave. never forgets me.
And whoever begins to treat him will be tired from the first day.

If the spell is used correctly, it will bear great fruit. With its help you can return love, gain or save. Can be removed frequent quarrels in a relationship with a loved one.

All people who decide to turn to a conspiracy for help are wondering how to do it correctly.

Absolutely any conversation has power only when it is read meaningfully, with an understanding of what is happening.

Faith. Without it, nothing at all is possible. Whatever you do, faith must be present everywhere. You must believe in everything you do, in yourself, in the power of the conspiracy and its effectiveness.

The best time for conspiracies is sunrise or midnight
East, this is the side you need to face
before you start doing the ritual, exhale, relax, you should not be tense. Direct all your attention to the plot.
if the spell is short, then try to pronounce it in one breath
on the last word - exhale
don’t be afraid to present your love and the clearer the better
don’t be distracted by anything, there should be only one thought in your head
the plot must be read while standing, that’s the only way
It is advisable to fast for several days before the ceremony begins.
When speaking, you must bow your head.

Love is simply necessary for procreation. But it happens in life that we are not always needed by those whom our heart has chosen. It is in this case that people turn to magic for help. Love magic, that's what it's called.

And love itself has a certain magic. A person in love, for whom everything is going well in his personal life, seems to be breathing in a new breath of fresh air. Everything starts to work out for him in other areas.

Watch the video

White magic can never harm a person. Everyone knows this. A ritual with the help of white magic can radically change a person’s life, and, in better side. They help very well in matters of the heart. They unite families, bring back spouses, and help get rid of the loneliness that has been haunting them for many years.

If everything in your life is far from being the way it was or not the way you wanted, you don’t have to be afraid that white magic could do some harm. This is impossible. Feel free to turn to conspiracies and find happiness. Love and be loved.

They read for food or drink, which they then give to their husband:

On the sea, on the ocean, a board lies on the waves,

And melancholy floats and sways on it,

From the board to the water, from the water to the fire,

Satan ran out of the fire,

He called, shouted, ordered:

- Pavushka Romania, run quickly,

Blow on slave (name)'s face, lips, teeth,

Blow into the bones, the body is white,

Into a zealous heart, into scarlet blood

And blow (so-and-so) ardent love,

So that he grieves every hour,

To suffer every minute

For me, for his wife,

According to God's servant (name).

I quickly ignite his blood,

I close the conspiracy of seventy locks,

Seventy locks, seventy keys,

Do not know, slave (name), any other love than mine.

Who is wiser than me?

That's why he carries loose sand,

Seventy locks cannot be opened.

My first and second words,

And whoever wants to remove my plot - no way.

Lips, teeth, key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Chapter 4 (20). ORDINARY LOVE AND THE LOVE OF BUDDHA December 13, 1972. Bombay, India Questions: Should love be continuous, and when does it turn into devotion? Why does tantra give so much importance to the body? Tell us something about connectedness and freedom. First

How to remove ardent love from yourself For this ritual, you will need water collected from a deep well on the night from Sunday to Monday. You need to put three of your silver rings and a chain in this water for three hours, then pour the water into a clean glass glass, put it on

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Love Venus-Mars in the V or XI fields.

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To remove ardent love from oneself From a letter from Lesya from Kyiv:

And love What happened to friendship! When I was admitted to the hundred-gate monastery! If your friend, once dear to you, has angered you, do not punish him, O Mighty One, according to his deserts. Everyone says you're disgusted? When, comforted in heart, will I see you reconciled? Accept it! The source of my words

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Love Origin is ancient Russian. She is a little frivolous, vulnerable, and needs affection herself. Complaisant, compliant, without reproach. She loves to work, everything goes smoothly in her hands. Good, but not always lucky in life. Internally stable, pious. No matter how attractive and charming

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II. Love The source of any lack (or what people call a problem) is a lack of Love. Learn it, Increase it, Be it - this is the answer to all the questions existing in the world. Coming from the One Spirit, I am Love - the great connecting force of this world. Updated and

The mighty power of love. Its influence on humanity has always been felt especially acutely. But if you are gnawing at the lack of love in your life, then the most powerful magical spells for ardent love will be an excellent way to prepare for their appearance.

What is a strong conspiracy for ardent love

If the word “love spells” confuses you, forget it. The action of a real love plot is contained in its name. He “speaks” for you and your best spiritual impulses. With the help of conspiracies, you will go through the stage of finding yourself in another person.

Lose yourself in love, and then powerful conspiracy on love can help you with this.

What else is needed for happiness?

Therefore, we will not mark time for a long time and will immediately move on to the essence of what is happening. Once you have read the text of the conspiracy, we will move on to consider the technical aspects of the process. There is nothing complicated about them; no additional chewing is required.

Powerful love spell

Ardent variant strong conspiracy from the reference book of magic by Natalia Stepanova.
"God's house, God's threshold, God's throne.

On his crown, on his temple, on his liver and on his heart,
On the blood and on the vein, on all its joints,
All his thoughts and thoughts,
On his white chest, rosy cheeks,
For lust and sighs.

Locks won't hold him, bolts won't stop him,
Darlings will not cajole you,
The aunts won't persuade you, the guys won't understand.
If only he kept me as a slave (NAME) in his head
Crazy – I couldn’t let go of my mind.

Like a fish on the shore without water, it dies,
Grass dries without mother earth,
There is no sky without clouds.

And whoever begins to treat him will be tired from the first day.

A short version of the most powerful love spell

"God's house, God's threshold, God's throne.
The power of love is mighty, the tear of jealousy is flammable,
Go, melancholy, to every hair of the servant of God (NAME).
If he should sleep, he should not fall asleep; if he eats, he should not overeat.
Nine winds, the tenth is a whirlwind.
Twist his brains so that he doesn’t eat, sit, lie down,
And he rushed and ran towards me from everywhere.
Let him hear my voice everywhere,
Without me he can't breathe clean air.
So may slave (NAME) never forget me.
And whoever treats him will be tired from the first day".

This version of the ritual must be done according to the same principles as its full version. No difference.

How ardent conspiracies work

In magical rites, rituals or conspiracies of a sensual direction, understanding the depth of the process is of predominant importance.

External nuances are not so important– it would be more correct to use it in any magical love spell – faith. And here it can be written with a capital letter so that it is read and perceived easier.

Faith. Faith works wonders if it is directed in the right direction through a conspiracy. Technical nuances include the following things that you need to remember:

  • A love spell is being made at sunrise or midnight. This is due to the cycle of natural rebirth on which our entire universe is tied.
  • Watch your speech. The most important thing is not WHAT you say. More important is HOW. Turn on confidence, then the beast called Love will cuddle up to you. An ardent love plot is a great way to convince him to hide his teeth away from you and give reciprocal affection.
  • Exhale at the end of pronouncing the text of the conspiracy, take a deep breath at the beginning. This will help collect your thoughts.
  • Remember that a powerful love spell is not a panacea, but an excellent ritual for sparking reciprocal feelings in the soul of a loved one.

Instructions for performing the ritual for ardent love

  1. Buy 12 church candles of any kind and light the lamp, the candles in half a circle in front of the icon. If it is not there, make do with an icon and candles.
  2. The previously memorized text is read facing the image of any female saint. A woman is the keeper of the hearth, and only she can give it a spark, not forgetting about support.
As you can see, its power does not depend on the simplicity of the effect. Love and be loved. This conspiracy will teach you to give Love and, most importantly, to receive it correctly. Do it wisely. Good luck to you and happy love!

Love rituals of white magic will help you find harmony in relationships and revive faded feelings. Light methods are safe both for the one who bewitches and for the object of the love spell. But this does not mean that rituals can be carried out thoughtlessly.

With the help of white magic it will not be possible to separate a strong couple or subjugate a person to your will. Such love spells are not done out of revenge, self-interest or with the aim of stealing someone else’s man. All light conspiracies are aimed at changing the feelings of the target without harming him or other people.

How to read love spells correctly -

There are a number of rules that are advised to adhere to esotericism when reading love conspiracies:

  1. White love spells are not performed after sunset, on Lent, Sunday and church holidays.
  2. The period of waxing of the moon or the full moon is more suitable for reading love conspiracies.
  3. It is not recommended to perform more than one ritual during the day.
  4. To perform the ceremony, be alone so that no one disturbs you.
  5. Before reading the plot, say any prayer (for example, “Our Father”). This will help you cleanse yourself of negativity and tune in to the love spell.
  6. Before the ceremony, untie your belt, remove all jewelry, let your hair down and put on light-colored clothes.
  7. The conspiracy is pronounced in a low voice or whisper, without faltering or interruption.
  8. It is advisable to learn the entire text by heart.
  9. The effectiveness of the spell will be enhanced by a wax candle ( natural color or red). At the end of the ritual, it should burn out completely, unless the conditions of the love spell require other actions.
  10. After the ceremony, thank the higher powers.

White magic spells for a man's love

Magical actions with the call of light forces do not break a person’s will and do not cloud his consciousness. The plot enhances already existing emotional and sexual attraction. The ritual performed will eliminate doubts and fears and remove the psychological barrier between you. The object of the love spell will perceive what is happening as a natural process.

Don't expect the love spell to work quickly. On average, it will take 3-4 weeks for the first results to appear. If there is no effect, try another method. If you do everything right, your man will soon reciprocate your feelings.

Conspiracy for a man's strong love

The conspiracy is pronounced at a deserted intersection of two roads. Hold a photo of a man in your hands. Cross yourself three times and bow to all four directions, observing the order: west, east, south, north. After this, read the plot three times and immediately leave the intersection.

I will become (name) blessed,
Bowing to the four sides.
On the east side there will be a church,
And in it is the Throne.
The Mother of God stands on the Throne,
She folded her hands and looked at me.
You yearn, Mother Mary, for your Son Christ,
Crucified on a high cross.
So the servant of God (name) would yearn for me and grieve,
I didn’t know peace and joy on earth without me,
I didn’t sit at the oak table,
I didn’t lie down on the wide bed.
If only I could give him bread, water, salt,
Fish and meat food.
How people don’t live long without food and water,
How do they get food and water?
This is how the servant of God (name) would come to me:
At night with the moon, in the morning at dawn,
On a clear day in the sun,
I would be the most beautiful to him.
My word is molded and strong, tenacious to the servant of God.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen. (three times)

Strong love spell

Light a wax candle and say the text seven times. While reading the plot, hold in front of you an image of the man you want to bewitch.

Repeat the ritual for three days, take a new candle every time.

God's house. God's threshold. God's throne.
The power of love is mighty, the tear of jealousy is flammable.
Go, melancholy, to every hair, to the servant of God (name),
On his crown, on his temple, on his liver and on his heart,
On the blood and on the vein,
On all his joints,
For all his thoughts and thoughts,
On his white chest, rosy cheeks,
For lust and sighs.
He wouldn't be able to sleep,
He wouldn't be able to eat.
Ten winds, the tenth is a whirlwind.
Twist his brains
So that you don’t eat, don’t sit, don’t lie,
And he rushed and ran towards me from everywhere.
Locks won't hold him
The bolts won't stop it.
Darlings will not cajole you,
The aunts won't persuade you, the guys won't understand.
He would keep me, slave (name), in his head,
I didn't let go of my mind.
Let him hear my voice everywhere,
Without me he can't breathe clean air.
Like a fish on the shore without water dies
Grass dries without mother earth,
There is no sky without clouds,
So may slave (name) never
And he doesn’t forget about anyone.
And whoever begins to treat him will be tired from the first day.

Conspiracy to return love

If a man has lost interest in you, use this simple love spell. He will revive feelings and send lovesickness to your chosen one.

The plot is read three times at dawn, facing the rising sun. Suitable days weeks: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday.

Zarya-lightning, red maiden,
Take away from me, servant of God (name),
Longing for melancholy, dryness for dryness
And put it on the servant of God (name),
on his white face, soft lips, bone teeth.
So that he is about me, about God's servant (name),
He was sad, he was grieving,
I was sad - I was grieving,
I was sad - I was grieving,
I was sad - I was grieving,
I didn’t know the Light of God
I didn’t sleep for days or nights,
I didn’t go to my mother to see my father,
I didn’t wander through the forests, through the fields,
I didn’t know my girlfriends and friends,
I didn’t hug my lovers,
He rushed from corner to corner,
The snake wriggled on the ground.
I looked at the sky - there I am,
I looked at the water - there I was,
I looked at the ground - there I am God's slave (name).
How they suffer for the dead,
How bitter tears are shed for him,
So my husband would suffer for me,
He shed his bitter tears
For me, for God's servant,
After his married wife (name).
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Strong love plot

The next plot is read in a strong wind. Lunar day and the day of the week do not matter. Take the man's photo and go outside.

Turn in the direction from which the wind is blowing and read the plot loudly one or three times. After that, turn over your right shoulder and go home.

How do you, the wind, pull smoke from the stove,
You fan the fire with your strength,
Blow up and heat three furnaces with a bright flame.
One oven is sadness, the other oven is melancholy,
Third oven to heart
Kindle the servant of God (name).
The baptized servant of God (name)
Take a soul, bring a soul
And bring his soul to my soul,
Body with body, and flesh with flesh.
Send a fierce drought at him,
Unmerciful, incurable,
So that he will dry for me, God's servant (name),
Drier than dry grass in the field.
Take his will away from him,
No locks, no doors,
So that he stands next to me,
You missed me and suffered
I knew no peace either day or night.
My molded words cannot be spoken, cannot be interrupted,
Do not soak in water, do not steam in a bathhouse.
Be, my words, strong, sculpting.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.