Nastya Rybka

Diary of Seducing a Billionaire

Dedicated to my shy billionaire Ruslan Podkhvost.


I read several works of fiction, based on real events, about the seduction of billionaires. Unfortunately, the authors of these works are apparently unfamiliar with people in this circle. That is why I am releasing this book without artistic editing - as it is in the form of notes. Such a billionaire, which is described in many fiction novels, cannot exist in nature, because I have not seen a single billionaire who himself goes to the store, drives a car, pours himself tea or meets someone in person, alone, as in “ 50 Shades of Grey,” when Mr. Gray himself went to the store for building materials, interviewed a student one-on-one without the help of secretaries – ha ha crazy – never! People of this level are accustomed to servants, and when dealing with billionaires, willy-nilly you enter into relationships with servants, which are quite numerous. She almost looks into the bed, and you get used to her like furniture. And therefore, to seduce a billionaire, you need communication skills with men and women that are inaccessible to ordinary young girls without special training. And now some of this preparation can be obtained in this book. In it you will see the real story of the seduction by a simple poor Belarusian student of a man who was included in the 20 richest people on the planet, one of the richest in Russia. Of course, it couldn’t have been done without the help of others; a brilliant teacher of seduction, my coach Alex Leslie, helped me with this. Without him this story would not exist!

I reveal seduction techniques that have worked, and I invite you to follow the path of seducing this billionaire with me. I will analyze my every step, involving you in reasoning about strategies for manipulating the richest people on the planet.

This way, together with you, we will walk along the same path, and this will allow me to pass on my valuable experience to you.

Warning for the faint of heart, moralists and virgins: In the lives of the richest people there are many strange things and things that go beyond the scope of the average normal person. Therefore, you and I will have many situations from which we will have to extricate ourselves. As an ordinary Belarusian student, something from the life of a billionaire shocked me. I apologize if anything turns out to be very inappropriate for you. All the same, we will have to get out of all situations together, not forgetting about the goal - seducing a billionaire.

Huntress - who is she?

The Huntress lives in an emotional world, the objects of which are changes.

She lives here and now, she does not think about the past and future. Because emotions exist only here and now, not in the past and not in the future. So she dates men, and since she lives in an emotional world, she gives them a lot of emotions. And they fall in love with her. And very rich men also fall in love with her because they cannot hook her with standard things. He can't hook her up by taking her for a ride in a Lamborghini or giving her a ton of money. Why? Because for her it is not a value, her value is an emotion. And what can a rich man do to catch you? He's used to catching people with the same things. Status. With money. Systemic things. And she is not a system player. She is a person who can only touch something emotionally. Therefore, she is inaccessible to these men and these men fall in love with her. He can't buy it. Plant at home. Make her do what he wants. She is inaccessible to him. Moreover, she conveys quite deep emotions to him, since she has been taught this. Learned to rock any person, evoke feelings.

Huntress Ideology

The material world is a picture. This is a world of comfort. This is a static world. And there are women who are bored with looking at the same thing and want movement. And movement is cinema! This is an emotional world. Cinema is built according to the laws of change, and painting is built according to the laws of staticity.

In the material world, the main thing is stability and constancy, and in the emotional world, changes and adventures are important. The value of the emotional world is in changes.

Relationships that are built in the emotional world are relationships built according to the laws of cinema, according to the laws of drama and change. It's the other way around! If in ordinary relationships people strive for certainty, then for passion and emotional relationships it is necessary uncertainty. Polarity required. Polar emotions. Rocking. For ordinary relationships, rocking is bad; everything needs to be smooth and quiet. And for passion it’s good! Because they lead to change. Great passions and emotions.

The Huntress is a creature of the emotional world. Her values ​​are love and passion, the love of this man. She doesn't need his money, she needs adventure, passion for him, the situation, the novel, the story. To make him fall head over heels in love with her. Gave there is passion. Feelings, stories with him that she can remember. And for her this is more valuable than any money he can give her. In order to evoke emotions in him, she can refuse his gifts, even very expensive ones, all of them, return everything to him, or give him something of her own, very expensive in the material world.

No ordinary woman will do this, because stability is important to an ordinary woman. For an ordinary woman, it is important to drag it to the registry office and print it half a yard out.

A good metaphor, or What does the Huntress need?

– What can I do for you? - asks the king.

– Move away from the sun, you’re blocking it!

- I am a king. I stand in front of you and can give you whatever you want! Ask!

“King, if you are dying of thirst in the desert, how much will you be willing to give for a glass of water?”

- Half the kingdom.

“So what’s the use of your half a kingdom when it’s worth a glass of water!”

This metaphor shows the value of the material world for a person who lives in the emotional world - for the Huntress.

When a person becomes acquainted with the highest values ​​of the emotional world, such as love, crazy passion, he devalues ​​the objects of the material world so much that he is ready to commit suicide and lose the whole world. Because all the riches in the world seem nothing to him in comparison with what he has lost in the emotional world.

Many people have lost capital and nothing, but we constantly hear that people kill themselves by losing love. Why? Having received it, love, when they lose it, they understand that without love the world is not nice.

Thus, we understand that an object of the emotional world is much more valuable than an object of the material world, since value is measured in the emotions invested in this property and money. Here's a billion, what can you do with it? Can you experience the inside? Enlightenment? Feeling a brain orgasm? No! And from the fact that you get a billion, or from the fact that you lose it - yes! The change in the material world has created an object in the emotional world, and you are already enjoying yourself or suffering!

All creators, writers, scientists, all innovators live in an emotional world.

My story, the book that changed my life

My journey began from the small Belarusian town of Bobruisk. I am an ordinary biology student. I am doing an internship after training. I live in a two-room apartment with my mother, she is a surgeon, she works from morning to evening, I hardly see her. I've never seen dad.

At the age of 19, I was head over heels in love with the cutest biker and womanizer in the entire area - the name Kolya awed me. I ran after him and pestered him with calls, all my friends laughed at me, and his name became taboo in our society. I buzzed everyone's ears about him to the point of calluses. I probably would have been running after him to this day, or would have ended up in a mental hospital, or would have done some other stupid thing. If not for one circumstance.


It’s a cool summer day, I’m walking along the courtyard of a Belarusian nine-story building, the birds are singing, the grandmothers are cackling on the benches. Standing near the entrance is my brother Tim, a creature a year older than me, burdened with a passion for mathematics, computers, and generally burdened with intelligence. They kick him out into the street once a year, when his mother decides that it’s time to air him out. He holds 2 books in his hands - in shiny covers, new, clearly not from the library.

- Did you go get some books? - Think. Sounds reasonable. But to his misfortune, I notice on the cover a depraved looking girl in a mini with flowing hair and a gangster-looking guy. Hm.

- What's this? Well, show me what you're carrying there? “I reach out my hand and almost grab the book, when with a sharp movement my brother hides them behind his back and starts moving sideways towards the entrance.

- Nothing interesting! – he snaps, turning away and pretending that the conversation is over.

- Yeah, right now! - and who did he decide to deceive in this way? I expected any kind of boring reading from him, and if he had just shown it to me, I would have passed it by. But here I smell something strange and interesting! That's why I need these books now and at any cost!

- Tim, I now have a 1.5 hour ride in a minibus, give me at least one, I’ll return it in the evening! If I hang myself today from boredom, who will tell you off when you sit at the computer at night? – I change the strategy and try to persuade him in an amicable way.

- Which one do you want? – He frowns with displeasure, realizing that he won’t just get rid of it. He turns 2 shiny volumes towards me so that I can see them, but still holds them tightly in his hands. Ordinary books - one black and one red - are also valuable to me! And why cling to them so much?

I look from one to the other, trying to understand which is better and more profitable for me.

- Take this one! “He reluctantly hands me a black one, with a girl in a mini on the cover that I liked. You need to grab what you gave. Tim wrinkles his nose, and it’s clear that a little more and he’ll change his mind, and I won’t get one.

- Thank you, Sun! - I tell him deliberately affectionately and kiss him on the cheek, as if not noticing his displeased face. - Until the evening!

I step aside and leaf through the book as I go, trying to understand what they were so diligently hiding from me. “Gone in 60 seconds, or the Secrets of successful dating,” read the letters on the cover.

- What? “I look back towards the house, but there’s no one there anymore. My brother and the girls basically live on different planets and their orbits do not intersect. Although. In the world of programmers and mathematicians, girls are studied theoretically. Everything is logical.

Within 2 hours of reading, I was completely immersed in the world of the book. Seduction. The author gave theory and practice leading to different options subsequent events. There were examples there. Stories. Tasks. No, my brother may be inexperienced in renting, but he is clearly no fool. He knows how to choose worthwhile reading from hundreds of options. The book was about how to effectively influence a girl. And I, as a girl, read it and understand - it’s tough, arrogant, but damn, it’ll work!

I started looking around and asking my friends who had read or heard this. From my brother’s point of view, I’m glad if he becomes more savvy in matters relating to girls. But what to do with the rest of the men? They could easily use this on me! And I realize that, most likely, if executed correctly, I will fall for this guy. I'll fall in love.

On the other hand, forewarned means forearmed. The book says:

– If you see someone using these techniques or phrases, tell them, “Say hi to Leslie.” This means that the person belongs to the crowd, and you are doing the same thing.” The number of books is limited. Techniques are freely available. And that means you can know them all. And thereby protect yourself.


I buy books and read them avidly. Each new feature is perceived as a living miracle, causing a burning sensation in the ass and a vector for adventure, instant practice and a desire to repeat. More men appear around me. Some people naturally use love tricks - an alarm bell immediately rings in my head. At that moment, the mechanism for the beginning and end of my feelings was already logically formed - I clearly understand what factors or actions can influence me. I join the “Style of Seduction” forum, where I post my story with Kolya and advisors appear. Over the course of several years, Kolya became an official boyfriend, then a husband, then ex-husband. Books became ingrained in my subcortex, traveled with me in the car, and lay in my bedside table. Everything worked. Everything. I no longer needed a psychologist or advice from friends. By adjusting my entire life to the mechanisms of seduction, I received amazing effectiveness. The new book "Hunting the Male" becomes a personal bible. And Leslie for me rises somewhere to the rank of gods. But some things in the book cannot be achieved alone, I need a team. I understand that the next step for me is training! I'm packing my things and leaving for Moscow for 2 weeks!


Meet Olya

Hunting – 2 weekends and a complete blowout! We met men, went to the registry office as a joke, tried to say YES to everything, refuse everyone, learned to shake up emotions, evoke jealousy, love, anger, hatred, resentment, happiness, interest. We were taught to break the rules and see life as a game. And from now on everything is not serious and we can do anything. Alex also turned out to be a man of flesh and blood. We met and even became friends, in any case, because of my success in practice, I had the opportunity for personal consultations. My life started from scratch.


Once during a training practice at the Oblaka restaurant, I saw a guy with a bunch of models at the table. He bought them cocktails and laughed with them. And they wanted in every possible way to gain his favor. I took the “Hunting” training and performed the “Naked Queen” exercise. I decided to do it on him. I approached him.

“Hello, my name is Sergei,” I said. - How are you?

He was very surprised and started laughing.

“Dima,” he introduced himself.

- What are you doing?

– I’m a singer, I’m shooting a video. Look,” he said, showing me a clip on his phone.

According to the rules of the training that day, we were told to do this exercise. Not to value in people what everyone values, and to value what no one values. And that’s why I successfully pulled it off here!

I needed to be led to the naked queen.

- Come with me, I need your help.

“To the toilet,” I said.

“Let’s go,” he replied, it was clear that he thought it was a joke. But he decided to check, got up and walked with me. We walked to the toilet, past bar counters and tables, he walked relaxed and smiled, he didn’t believe that it was all serious. And I watched when I would reverse the move.

He stopped before entering the toilet.

- Well, when will you stop me?

“Come on, let’s go,” I said and pushed him into the women’s restroom. He was no longer so brave. But he calmly walked in and stared at me.

The toilet is separate, and I just closed the door behind him and locked it.

I gave him the phone number.

“Take pictures,” I ordered, and he took the phone and started filming.

I undressed and told him:

– I liked you, fuck me right now!

- Do you have condoms? - he asked.

I gave him a condom. According to the rules of the exercise, we must give the guy only 10 seconds to make up his mind! After 10 seconds he loses his chance. Usually no one even has time to figure out what happened during this time. This is an exercise in courage for a girl and very clearly shows that no one will attack a beautiful girl, and the girl sees how confident men, when you offer them sex directly, immediately give back. You still need to work hard to unexpectedly, when he is not ready for it, seduce a man into sex.

– If this is someone’s prank, then you asked for it yourself, I won’t pay you money, keep that in mind.

Why did he say this? I understood only a year later, when I met his father. His father constantly takes pictures of young models for money, and he probably thought that this was another prank of his daddy.

He took me and fucked me.

And at the exit from the toilet, his model girl Olya was waiting for us.

Thus, I made an enemy among the models in the person of Olya. And I didn’t even think that he was so impudent that he would go there with me in front of a girl in this club.



One of Alex’s students, Maxim, works in a modeling agency that invites girls to parties with various oligarchs. I always wanted to practice on some billionaire to understand how a billionaire tastes different from an ordinary man! He invited me to a meeting with the oligarch’s assistant, who supplied the bohemian crowd with models. We need girls under 20, and I lied to him that I was 19.

“Drop off the questionnaire,” said Maxim.

- What it is?

– The questionnaire consists of 10 professional photographs and your parameters.

As I later understood, the questionnaire is a standard phrase that implies this - photo, height, weight, age and parameters - chest, waist and hips.

– Now they are recruiting for the party, but they select them during a personal meeting. Come to the screening in the evening at the European, Lena, the manager, will be there.

- Ok, I will.


I got ready, meeting at 18.00. We're going to Shokoladnitsa. There we see 15 more girls. All are thin and long-haired. They are about 20 years old, and each of them sits at a table alone.

“Such a painless viewing,” jokes Ira.

We don't look like girls who came to watch the show, since everyone is sitting alone at tables. And the two of us order food, cakes, laugh and discuss our affairs. Ira with packages from the shopping center. Looks funny. I'm even embarrassed.

Lilith is calling.

– Hello, when are you coming to Alex? What the hell is this? We're having a harem photo shoot.

- Just a second, Lilith, please! We'll be there soon.

The manager is late. I'm nervous, I don't want to let Alex down. I call her.

- Where are you? I need to leave for a meeting soon!

“I’m on my way, I’ll be there soon,” she says and abruptly hangs up.

Uncomfortable, I blushed. I'm acting like an impatient fool!

I look around and suddenly I see Olya! Fuck!


Olya is sitting in white 10 meters from me. This is a catastrophe. It makes me shiver.

Recruitment is limited to 19-year-old models. I’m 22. And I have no beauty contests, no magazine covers, and generally have nothing to do with the modeling crowd. She can somehow spoil me now. It's better to stay away from her. He'll throw something else out.

– We will now identify the manager when she arrives. And you protect me from that chick in white, okay? She knows me and can’t stand me, until she passes, I don’t want to go to Lena.

- Fine.

Lena has arrived. A blonde about 30 years old, cheeky, smiling and friendly, and with her was a blue-eyed, unkempt, unmanicured office rat, serious and frowning.

Who is this, maybe an assistant?

They sat down at a free table for three so that only one girl could join them.

When we arrived, we deliberately sat down so that we could not be seen, behind a column in the middle of the “Shokoladnitsa”. I can see everything that's going on when I look out from behind her.

One girl at the table on the right calls Lena. Lena picks up the phone and waves her hand. The girl sits down next to her. So, one after another, the girls sit down for an interview, which lasts three to five minutes.

I sit and watch. Nerves. I can't eat. What chance did you have of meeting Olya here?

When Olya passed, I decided to wait until the end and go last. It's my turn. I'm calling Lena.

- Wave your hand at me. Where are you.

Lena waves her hand. That's it, go ahead, gather your thoughts! I wore high heels to make myself appear taller, so as not to trip. I sit down.

- Hello.

“Now I’ll take a photo of you as you are,” Lena said and took a photo on her phone.

He doesn't even say hello to me. It's clear. Conveyor, we are just dolls for them.

- Why is this?

– So that we understand who is who. Do you have Schengen?

– Level of English?

- Free.

- Exactly how tall are you?

The office rat asks questions, and at this time Lena simply smiles and looks at me.

“Thank you all, we’ll let you know within a couple of days.” Are you free on weekends?

- Yes. Fine. Can you give more details? What kind of set and where? It's just my first time.

- An ordinary trip. There will be six to eight girls. Hanging out, relaxing, dancing, creating an atmosphere.

- Understood. A question. In terms of intimacy, how does everything work there?

– If you like someone, then by mutual desire you can do whatever you want. But no one owes anyone anything, is that what you mean?

- Yes thank you! “I’m blushing again, I could have figured it out myself.” But I had to ask, now I feel calmer, and at least I know what to expect. Well, I made myself look stupid, but I said it was my first time. How do I know what the rules are here? Now they will probably think that I am either stupid or a whore. I don't know what's worse. It would be better to ask someone along the way. Or Max's. Crap!

- Thank you for coming! – Lena smiles politely, but with her whole appearance she makes it clear that the conversation is over.

I go up to Ira, we pay and run to Alex. I had an unpleasant aftertaste, it’s unlikely that I passed, I’m throwing this interview out of my head. This is not my world - the world of dolls!


Sushi boy

We came for a photo shoot with Alex. Four girls were already ready to be photographed; it was necessary to take photos for Instagram, where we are all in a harem and happy. Photographer Vitya was a guy from the topic who had been reading Alex’s books for 6 years and loved taking photographs beautiful girls so much so that from his one-room apartment he created a real studio with special effects, in which he conducted photo shoots and lived. He was a poor and cheerful guy with expensive photographic equipment, which he bought with his last money.

I arrived, in Zhenya’s studio-apartment there were 4 girls, Alex with PR man Kirill and the owner himself. Anya reveals to us - a new girl who wants to get into Alex's harem, so she hangs out in the party all the time. She is still very young and inexperienced in the topic.

– Hello, Alex is busy, they are discussing something with Kirill, and we are still changing clothes.

Alex sat near the huge plasma with the guys, Vitya showed him photographs and videos of various pranks that he filmed. Alex turned a little when the door slammed, seeing us, he said:

“Hey, we’re busy right now, order enough sushi for the whole team, now, otherwise we’ll be photographed hungry, and there will be angry faces in the photo,” Alex joked and continued his work, without being distracted by us.

“Okay,” I said and found sushi’s phone number on the Internet. I ordered it. At this time I received an SMS from Maxim.

– You were chosen, they sent you a scan of your passport.

Class. I was chosen, all that was left was to fake a scan of my passport. When Alex released the photographer, I approached him.

– Vitya, can you change 2 digits in the passport scan in Photoshop?

Two movements of Zhenya’s hand and I became 19 years old) I send them my passport.

It was interesting to me? what will happen, where and to whom we are flying. I asked Lena via SMS:

-Where are we flying?

– We’re flying to Greenland for fishing. Do not take warm clothes, a jacket, mountain boots, a dress or heels with you. Do not use cosmetics. There will be six of you. Three are from Moscow, you will meet the rest in Reykjavik.

– What kind of party is this and what do you need from me?

– I wrote, if you go fishing, you’ll see everything. The rules are simple - behave politely and decently, do not approach men unless called. Until they contact you, don’t talk to anyone.

Scary. But according to the rules - always say Yes! And you have to go towards fear, so don’t care! I will pump through my fears. What can they do to me in Greenland? In Europe? Nothing! Max is my friend, an acquaintance, everything will be fine, I reassured myself.

We changed into black underwear, there were 6 beautiful girls. Suddenly the courier, the sushi delivery guy, called. The guys had a cool idea to play a prank on him.

- Let's now, when the sushi delivery guy comes in, you pounce on him and start undressing him naked. And we will film his reaction.

Vitya installed the camera in the corner of the room. Kirill looked at all this round eyes, because he did not understand what and why we were doing. And we are used to doing everything in the moment, spontaneously and getting high from it. And playing the sushi guy was fun!

Alex Vitya and Kirill hid behind the curtain. The sushi delivery guy calls the apartment. Suddenly Vitya runs out from behind the curtain.

- There is no sound, the batteries in the buttonhole are dead! – He’s huge and rushes to the buttonhole, quickly changes the batteries and hides back, we’re dying of laughter, very funny!

“Ice, lie down on the bed, you’ll play dead,” I quickly shouted! Ice started to get dumb, the sushi delivery guy was no longer calling the door, but my phone. Ice behaves like a fool in an extreme situation, so I told her - do what I say - I quickly undressed her and put her to bed. Everyone laughed at this, including Ice. A little shy Ice lay naked and pretended to be a dead chick.

We're trying not to die laughing, I open the door.

The following picture appeared before the sushi delivery man. Five beautiful half-naked girls in lingerie and one Ice naked on a bed with beautiful breasts lies and pretends to be a dead heifer.

“Here’s your order,” he mumbled, backing away from the door.

- Come in, I need to find money, come in, don’t be shy.

He was silent and marking time.

- Come on in.

- No, no, I'll stand here. “He practically pressed himself into the door, which I locked behind him.

In such situations, the main thing is not to laugh, and it is very difficult to restrain laughter. The girls and I discussed for a long time that we wanted to be brought to the police for attempting to rape a man, but we haven’t been brought in for that yet. We had a game like this during training, who would be the coolest to get to the police station. And we decided that whoever gets caught for attempting to rape a man will win a super prize - a pack of Durex condoms, which have been discontinued.

A tall man of about 40 years old, non-Russian, stands frightened in the doorway, and holds on to the handle, and repeats like a parrot - pay, and I’ll go!

“Take the money, here on the pillow next to that naked dead girl,” I say.

Ice laughs, and he realizes that they are making fun of him.

“Pay and I’ll go,” he continues.

“Until you fuck us all, we won’t let you go,” I decided to put the squeeze on him. “The door is closed, it’s night on the door, no one will find you,” I say, and laughter breaks through almost through the tears. He begins to come up with excuses - “I’m a Muslim, I can’t.”

– Yes, yes, yes, of course, don’t worry, we won’t tell anyone!

– I’ll call my friends now!

– Call the police immediately and ask for a nicer outfit!

And then it finally dawned on him what had happened!

– I understand, you didn’t need any sushi! You called me on purpose!

“What a smart guy,” I said and took the sushi away from the corridor into the room - we still wanted to eat!

“Man, use your brain, when was the last time you saw a girl like me, you won’t have such a chance again in your life.”

He started banging on the door and yelling - I’m a Muslim, I’m married, girls, pay and I’ll go! He began to whine, whine, break, scream - let me in, let me in. Great guy, we were dying of laughter, and I heard sobs behind the curtain, it was very difficult for the guys there not to laugh. And I decided to let him go - it’s already boring. And I want to eat. I opened the door and he ran out and ran down the stairs. I haven't seen anyone run so fast for a long time)

Lena wrote to me:

– Departure is at 4 am, at 2.30 the driver will pick you up and take you to the airport.

Alex was about to leave, new girls were going to go with him, who wanted to join his harem.

He called me over and said - I need to talk to you, they are not ready yet, you are coming to me now. Send them with Kirill, he is my new acquaintance, a businessman and specialist in selecting experts for the media, we need him. Let the girls blow his mind. And they will show what they can do. He's a private investigator and involved with detectives, but I don't think he's had any exposure to Huntresses or skills.

“Okay, I’ll send them,” I said. I gathered the girls.

“We’re all going home now.” But together with Kirill, and along the way your task is to blow his mind.

– What, we were going to Alex’s?

“He’s tired, and you’re not ready yet,” I said. – Are there any questions regarding the assignment?


Meeting with Alex

20 minutes drive and we are near the hotel.

Alex is a strange person. Lives in hotels, does a million different things at once, doesn’t stay anywhere. You can change several cities or countries in a day. Nobody knows his current location. Sometimes it seems to me that he doesn’t even know him. Life in the “here and now” style is reflected in it to the fullest. Everything is in the moment and at its peak. Without thinking and marking time. Man-action.

He gets out of the car and waits for me to park. I'm afraid of him. Green eyes are too bright, tenacious gaze. It's like he's scanning me or reading my thoughts. Now he looks at me with a smile, encouragingly. But I feel with my whole being how dangerous he is for me.

– If it’s not a secret, why am I here and alone?

– You’re flying away now for a week, it’s unknown whether we’ll see each other someday. I can be anywhere in a week.

- How do you know that I’m flying away?

How did he know? I only found out that I was approved a couple of hours ago!

- Baby, have you forgotten, I always know everything.

Alex strokes my head, and I disappear somewhere. Well, how can you talk to a person whose one touch makes me instantly lose the thread of the conversation?

- Let's go to.

He pushes me towards the hotel door.

While we are going up in the elevator, he looks into my eyes and is silent. I stare back at him and can’t look away. I'm scared and embarrassed.

Luxurious room on the top floor, huge bed and mirror on the entire wall. The room is in complete chaos - scattered things that apparently fell on the floor right where he took them off, there are mugs, a computer and chocolates on the table. Even the daily work of a room cleaner cannot regulate the whirlpool of energy around him.

Alex takes off his jacket and throws it on the chair. There, near the entrance, a backpack flies to the floor. He doesn't even pay attention to these little things.

He lies down on the bed with his clothes on and points me to the space next to me. The lights turn off and we lie face to face next to each other. I close my eyes. I have a tendency to feel someone else's gaze on me, even with my eyes closed, I feel that he is still looking at me. I open my eyes - indeed, my instinct did not let me down. We just lie and look at each other in the dark. Scary. I'm afraid of him.

He slowly and carefully takes my hand, I feel his skin under the pads of my fingers, I squeeze his palm in response. His touch chills me to the bone. He brings his hand to my lips and thumb outlines them. I feel the blood rushing to my face. Touching his face, I answer him in kind. Like a magnet, I am already drawn to him. I squeeze his chin with my fingers and press my lips to his.

I arch with excitement, I just rip off his clothes and I don’t understand how I end up naked at the moment and under him. I don't want affection anymore.

“Come on, bitch,” Alex whispers in my ear.

I bury my nose in his neck and try to remember his smell, keep it in my head for the future, for future use.

The phone rings and I jump.

– Anastasia, good night! This is the driver. Tell me the address where I can go.

I dictate the hotel address.

- Thank you, leave in 20 minutes.

I completely forgot that I need to go somewhere!

- Alex, I don’t want to leave at all! At all!

Don't let me go, tell me to stay and I will stay with you!

- It only seems to you. You will find yourself at the airport, and you will immediately want adventure and fly somewhere!

- Maybe.

I go to the shower and clean myself up. Again this strange anxiety and uncertainty of the trip covers me.

The driver called, and I’m still running around the room in a hurry, collecting scattered things. Alex comes up to me and kisses me again.

- Good luck to you, Huntress.

“Thank you,” I answer quietly, and the floor disappears from under my feet again.

I'm moving towards him


Flight and meeting girls

I arrived at the airport, it really lifted my spirits, Alex was right. It is unknown what lies ahead, adventures, I love it very much! On the plane, I started looking through the eyes of the girls to see who might be going to the same party. I noticed a blonde girl. She was sitting in the front row, she met my eyes and looked away. She had a stern face. And very beautiful hair to the waist, and it is clear that they were unpainted.

I got up to go to the toilet. I walk past her. The airplane engine makes a quiet noise. The salon is half empty. Night. We meet each other's eyes and go to our respective places.

Landing. Copenhagen. Little time for transfer. It was interesting to see where she would go, but I was afraid of being late, so I ran out and ran to the transfer.

And I rush into another plane heading to Reykjavik. I switch off and go to sleep. We were supposed to meet up with the others in Reykjavik, but I overslept and ran to my connection in Nuuk and jumped on the plane. I sit down. I have a seat near the aisle.

A blondie I know is sitting across the aisle from me. We make eye contact again. She lowers her eyes. All clear. She's right there.

A mulatto girl is sitting near the window on my side. Curly hair, slightly slanted eyes. He also stealthily glances at me. Pretending to be on the phone. I turn my head. I see another girl in front. Skinny too long hair, and looks around curiously.

The flight to Nuuk lasts about an hour. The plane is half empty. Landing. We all get up to pick up our things. My two neighbors from different sides meet their eyes.

The one who was sitting next to me asked the one who was sitting on the other side of the plane:

– Who else do you think?

- I'm first, you're second. – I look at her in her eyes and smile.

“Third,” I say.

She smiles back at me, and from somewhere in front we hear a voice:

“Four,” responded Masha, with whom I later became friends.

The other two were silent for now and did not confess, although they heard this conversation.

The four of us had already left the plane. The airport is very small, without passport control. We go to the taxi and start waiting for two more girls. There are few people at the airport, the airport is about 4 rooms.

Then we saw the driver getting out of a black minivan.

He looked at us, clearly recognizing us.

- This is all? – he asked us.

“No, we’re waiting for two more,” we answered.

I decided to start dating because I needed to immediately take the lead. According to the rules of the topic in a simple way taking leadership means introducing everyone to everyone in the group, and I took advantage of this.

- Let's get acquainted, my name is Nastya. I am from Moscow. Where's everyone from?

“Masha, Amsterdam,” said the girl in light green tracksuit, with red curly hair curly hair. I remembered how she sat opposite me in Reykjavik, and did not show that she was going where I was going. It was not clear from her that she was a model, she looked completely simple, and only her tall height gave her away.

– What, seriously Amsterdam?

She laughs back at me and says:

- Yes, that’s how it happened. Some of my relatives live there. Actually, I was born in Kyiv.

“Ksyusha, from Moscow,” said the blonde with a stern face, whom I noticed first in Moscow.

“Alice, from Ukraine,” said the mulatto woman who was sitting to my right on the plane.

It was really cold outside. I regretted not taking a down jacket.

“I don’t have any warm clothes with me at all, I took my brother’s sweater,” said Masha.

“Let’s hope they give something out there,” said Alice. Is she cold or does she look so miserable all the time? I want to feel sorry for her. Although she looks cute.

“I’m equipped, I even took my mountain boots with me,” Ksyusha proudly shook her travel backpack.

“You are very serious, you prepared as if for an exam,” Masha teased her. On the transfer to Reykjavik, when I was sleeping, they managed to become friends and sat there for five hours.

We stood there for about 15 minutes, the girls still didn’t come out.

I again decided to show leadership here too and told the girls:

“Wait here, I’ll go get two lost people, maybe they’re getting their luggage,” I said softly in an orderly tone, but these were already simple commands from the topic of dominance, which I worked well in master training, and they immediately showed me all the signs of submission me, which made me happy. How cool it is that I trained so much before, now everything worked out great for me and almost automatically.

I went to the airport building. Almost immediately I came across a long-haired girl who was sitting in the front of the plane. She was carrying suitcases behind her and looking around.

- Fishing?

- You are alone?

– The girl gets her luggage from behind.

“Marina,” she said very restrainedly, answered haughtily and, apparently, with high self-esteem.

- Then wait for the girl and come out, we are standing on the right from the exit, waiting for you!

- On right? – she asked again.

“Okay,” she answered reservedly. She didn’t want to communicate with me, and it was obvious right away! Very in vain!

About 5 minutes later, two models with suitcases came out of the building, one of them Marina, and the second a cheerful girl, blonde, large, smiling. It was clear that she was not a model, but an athlete.

- Hello, girls, let's get acquainted, I won't remember everyone, I'll remember as I go, my name is Katya.

We introduced ourselves to her. Lena informed us that we would live in a room two at a time. And I started looking for a partner. Ksyusha was with Alisa, and it was clear that they would already live together. I liked Masha from Amsterdam the most, she seemed sincere and cheerful. Didn't smoke. The rest were all smoking. The four of us boarded the bus, and the last two girls were still smoking importantly near the entrance, although everyone was waiting for them. We were all tired, we all wanted to take a shower, there were 3 transfers in a day. Everyone looked at the two girls with displeasure. But they didn’t care, they didn’t even try to hurry up! This was starting to irritate me.

“We could smoke near the hotel,” Masha told me.

“Forget it,” I say.

Instead of dutifully dragging the suitcases inside, as the girls did, Marina simply pats the driver on the shoulder and points her finger at the suitcases. After which, without looking back, he walks into the back rows of the minibus. The grandfather shakes his head and, groaning, trudges off to load her suitcases.

They finally finished smoking. We headed to the hotel.

10 minutes later we were there. The island is quite small. From the looks of the girls, I understood that no one wanted to live with Marina. Therefore, Ksyusha and Alisa were the very first to get out of the car. Then Masha and I, and two pretentious smokers took the suitcases from behind. And I took Masha’s hand.

– As I understand it, we live together?

- Yes, great!

“Cool, let’s go have a quick look, maybe there’s a chance to choose a room.”

The last names were already written on the keys, who lived with whom. Bummer. I was given a key to a room on the second floor, and Masha on the first.

- Let's switch, cross out the name in one of the numbers on the key and register together!

Break the rules - the first rule of training)

- Yes, great.

We had two rooms. We ran quickly to choose which one was better. We looked at the first one and on the way to the second one we met Marina in the corridor of the first floor.

– Who lives in 117?

- Apparently I live with you, give me the key.

I read the name on the key and told her.

- Yes it's me.

I give her 2 keys.

- We decided to change, a girl who hasn’t arrived yet will come to see you!

“Okay,” she takes the keys and goes forward. And we go to the elevator and laugh.

“God forbid we live with her with such an eternally dissatisfied face,” I said.

– Yes, but the main thing is that our number is better, because we haven’t seen it. If we gave it to her best number, it will be a shame! Pray that we don’t make a mistake,” she laughed!

We go up to the 2nd floor. And our number turned out to be bigger! There is justice in the world)


Leadership seizure techniques were used. If you want to become a leader, start introducing everyone to everyone, take responsibility for moderating conflicts and solving group problems. Evaluation frame. Positive thinking.


Boat ride

We receive an SMS from the manager who created the “Greenland” group on WhatsApp and added all the girls there.

– Six of you have arrived now, the seventh will arrive a little later. Relax, settle down. Now one of you will go on the boat. Just a second, I'll tell you who it will be. The rest can rest for now.

About 5 minutes later she sent my name.

- Nastya, quickly get ready, you have 40 minutes! A car will come for you.

Another 5 minutes pass.

– Another girl will go with you.

At this time, Masha, without indignation, runs around the number:

- Why do they take you alone? Are we all here together? What kind of friendships do they want after this? Why are we being separated and what will I do at the hotel without you?

At this time, the manager writes to the group:

– Nastya is not going alone, someone else will go with her! Now I will clarify who!

I write to the manager in a personal message:

- Can I have Masha?

SMS. “Nastya and Masha are leaving in 40 minutes, get ready.”

Masha jumps for joy.

It looks as if they are pulling me out there alone and taking a girl so that I don’t sit there alone. Nonsense creeps into my head. I got nervous. Wilderness. Greenland. You never know. In fact, no one meets you, there is no food, no instructions.

I am writing to Alex to somehow calm down.

- Alex, tell me, on what principle is a group of men seduced?

- What is it? Are you having a gangbang there?

“Out of the whole group, only me was chosen and sent to the boat. I'm scared. There are 6 of us girls here, only I am going.

- Are there many of them?

- Don't know. How many men can be fishing? It's all very strange.

– 1 per crowd, oh, this is your dream.

- I need to run out already, I thought you’d say something about strategy...

- Nastya, if you need it, just say so, call, and I’ll take 2 minutes and talk.

- Hello. Please tell me how to act in order to seduce them all and then start relationships with everyone? I want all the men there, this is some rich man's party. They should all be awesome.

- Clear. Your task. Firstly, all the time, when you don’t know what to say or how to behave, you stare at the phone like an ostrich. And you are not an ostrich, you are a fish! When you are there, immediately start shooting with your eyes, look everyone in the eyes when a person appears, ask questions, be interested in everything, listen with interest, sincerely, to what the person says, get high and laugh, be high, look for something to get high from and relax, have It's your weekend baby! And this is hunting. You're on a mission, don't forget! As a Huntress, I must seduce and make the coolest guy there fall in love! It's clear?

- Yes, Master.

- Well done!

Everyone in Alex’s harem is some kind of animal, that is, he calls everyone by the names of animals, and he is the Master. Moreover, there are no repeating animals. He called me fish. Because at the very beginning of our acquaintance, I was silent as a fish and was afraid to talk to him. He put forward the theory that if you call a person an animal, he immediately becomes more relaxed and simpler, and by the way, in many cases this happens. Girls become children. And each of us really looks like the animal he calls it.

I calmed down a little, the main thing is that I am confident and understand what to do. But it was still scary to go to some strangers, when everything is so mysterious and no one says anything! But together with Masha I was not so scared.

We got into the taxi that was sent for us. We drove for about half an hour. After driving around a gorgeous, beautiful lake, the road went through the mountains.

Masha filmed Snapchat on Instagram. And every time she started filming, trees appeared near the road, completely blocking the view. 30 seconds ends, and everything is fine again. She again guides with her hand, and again the trees begin to appear.

I told her:

- Move forward to the driver, now let's see how you mess up this landscape.

Masha sat forward, and we immediately drove into the tunnel))) Then some tractors started appearing. There are construction sites, and the view on my left is great, the trees are gone! I am laughing. She started cursing.

- What it is?

“Just don’t come back to me, otherwise I’ll lose this view here.” He's afraid of your snap)

In the end, we laughed so hard and reached the lake. This is not a lake, but a bay. The driver just drops us off, closes the door and drives off. We are standing on the pier, there is nothing around, grass grows up to the waist, a narrow pier is half a meter, there is a forest behind us, and the driver has already disappeared.

It's incredibly cold outside. Masha and I looked at each other.

- Well what are we going to do? If they wanted to kill us, it would be easier and cheaper in Russia!

– We’ll wait, and until we freeze, we’ll take selfies!

We started taking pictures! About 15 minutes passed. There was a yacht standing in the middle of the lake. Which from a distance looked like some kind of vessel. A small boat separated from it and drove towards us.

– On the shore, 2 crazy chicks are running around in the unreal cold and taking pictures!

The boat docks.

“Well, after all, they haven’t forgotten us,” Masha tells me.

You go down the pier to the boat. There are two men there. One Sergei, short with a big belly, but very strong, looks like a security guard, dressed all in black, short haircut, military bearing. The second blond with blue eyes, a little younger. He did not introduce himself and was silent the whole way and steered the boat.


Strange yacht

“Girls, sit down,” said Sergei. And he gave me and then Masha his hand and helped me sit down.

The entire journey from the boat to the yacht took a minute.

When we arrived, 2 ships were standing next to each other, tied to each other. From the shore we only saw a fishing boat. A yacht was tied to it, I only saw it from behind. And it was clear that the yacht was not for fishing; judging by the finishing and everything else, it became clear that the yacht was expensive. Both yachts have Russian flags. There were two men in the uniform of border guards with emblems and shoulder straps walking at the fishing station.

We climbed the stairs onto the fishing boat, I saw some cages, a large cutting table, and all sorts of gear.

From this ship, Sergei transfers us to a yacht, between them there is a ladder.

“Let’s go,” he said and extended his hand.

I stepped on the tire between the ships, Sergei caught me - I told him not to step on it.

He takes Masha and me into the cabin. Everything is done in beige colors, stylish. There is a fluffy beige carpet on the floor.

– You need to take off your shoes before entering the cabin. “Only go inside barefoot,” said Sergei. - Come on in. - And he left.

We entered and the cabin had 3 sofas opposite each other. Large plasma. All things are either screwed or attached so that they do not wobble when moving. All equipment is built-in, there is nothing standing or hanging! Behind the sofas there is a large bar counter and a table. Everything is beautiful, like wood. And the interior is very modern. There were 6 plates of fruit on the bar counter. And nuts. We were very hungry and didn't know if we could eat it. I told Masha:

- Until they ban it, we eat everything!

She is shy, and I begin to crush the cherry.

After the bar and table there is a toilet, there are 3 entrances to the cabins downstairs. And forward - the yacht control room and the kitchen. A woman comes out to us from the direction of the cabin. She looks like a maid or servant. Dark hair in a bundle, light makeup And simple clothes. Looks about 45 years old.

“Girls, would you like some tea or coffee,” she says, not saying hello, but smiling.

“I’ll have some tea,” Masha said politely.

– Black or green?

- Green.

– And I’ll have an Americano coffee.

– If you want to call me, there is a button here, press it. “She pointed to a small remote control with a button in the middle. – You can’t go behind the toilet, and be careful with filming, it’s prohibited inside the yacht! Sit down, eat and relax.

She left, and we sat further, not understanding anything at all. It felt like there was no one else on the yacht except us. What will happen, we don’t know what should happen either. Everything is very strange. The woman returned with tea and asked. – Maybe you want to watch a movie or play some music?

– Do you have Wi-Fi? – I asked.

- Yes. – And she handed me a piece of paper with a password and login.

“Then you don’t need anything else, if there’s Wi-Fi, we’ll find something to do.”

The maid left, we were hungry and tired, but it was incredibly interesting to look around. We took the plates of food and tea outside. There was a table and sofas along the side. We started taking pictures and went to the bow of the yacht. Then we wrapped ourselves in blankets and sat drinking tea!

Wi-Fi appeared, and I was thinking about how to start communicating with Alex. I sent him some kind of joke.

- How are you? – Alex asked.

- Nothing. We are sitting on a yacht with a girl. We are waiting for something unknown. Nobody says anything. It's all very strange. Send a photo? The place is beautiful!

I sent Alex a photo.

- Great, take a photo at the helm.

- They are not allowed into the control room. It's a pity. According to the rules of the game, you first need to look around before you act, so I look around.

- Will you meet me at the border? There were some men on the yacht wearing border guard uniforms.

– Do you have a party of border guards there?

- No, the border guards cannot have such a yacht. Everything is very strange.

- Well, you'll see soon, then.

We sat outside for several hours and already took 1000 selfies with the Greenland mountains in the background. We discussed everything under the sun, Masha complained about her boyfriend and the difficulties in her relationship with him. A standard set of contradictions in a couple. I listened for about 40 minutes, and I started to feel sleepy. I like Masha, I need to advise her something.

– Mash, have you read “The Hunt for the Male”?

- Wow. Then where do such problems come from? Same step-by-step strategy manipulating a man.

– I read, but didn’t practice much. Must re-read!

Well, okay. If I had read it thoughtfully and not been lazy to practice, there wouldn’t have been so many difficulties and self-torment. However, since she has the book, it means that all is not lost. It's already late. Around 10 pm. Nobody approached us, and we basically don’t see any people there, except for the border guard men at the very beginning and the woman who makes tea for us. There is complete silence around, calm, you can hear a bird flapping its wings on the shore. And there was no one on the ships and complete silence. Creepy.

Suddenly, unexpectedly at 10 pm exactly like clockwork, the boat that brought us docked. Several men come out of it, and two young guys in orange life jackets climb onto the deck from below. Servants and guards. We have already seen one of the men in border uniform. A fat man about 70 years old, he looks due to excess weight, he walks heavily and with difficulty, the speech of an old man, he speaks very slowly. He came up to us.

- Hello, girls, how are you not cold?

“No, everything is fine,” we said.

“Well, that’s great,” he went inside our yacht.

“Here’s another person who has disappeared,” I laughed, saying this to Masha. He disappeared somewhere again, and we were left alone. There was some action going on on a nearby yacht. The Japanese cook came out. In white clothes and a starched cap, he began to cut up the fish. Right on the street. He threw the garbage into the water, and the seagulls picked it up in flight. The scream was incredible. 2 boys came out and began to clean the deck of a neighboring yacht. The floor of our yacht was about one and a half meters higher, and we watched everything that was happening there as if from a stage. Our phones died, we were bored. And there was nothing left to do but watch. We asked the maid for chargers for the iPhone, she brought some kind of box, rummaged around in it and said that she didn’t have a charger for the iPhone!

We sat in blankets with tea. And we’ve already gotten used to this button, which you can press and call a maid with some extra tea! She periodically changed plates of fruits and nuts for us. We even ate our fill. Suddenly another man approached us, who also appeared out of nowhere on this lonely yacht.

“Vitya,” a 40-year-old man in a military jacket and high fishing boots came up and said, smiling. He looked very simple, as if you could find him in the nearest store when you go to buy bread. It was clear from his face that he really liked to drink. He has a reddish complexion and a slightly loose speech, a voice hoarse from cigarettes, but overall the man is friendly and cheerful. “We’ll eat fish tonight,” he said simply. - Do any of you smoke?

“No,” we answered in unison.

– Again, the whole company is non-smoking, well, my, I’m the only one who smokes! – he began to lament, but spoke as if his thoughts were occupied with something else.

– Wait, there’s a whole hotel of girls and everyone’s smoking!

He perked up:

- Do you want anything? - he asked.

– Everything is great, but there are no chargers for the phone.

– Why don’t we exercise, now everything will be done! - he said and went somewhere.

We were left alone again. After about 10 minutes the maid came and brought 2 chargers. I'll finally get in touch with Alex. I write to him, and it calms me down.

We put phones in the room, and messages began to come in the chat that the girls were also going to our yacht and would be leaving soon. Masha and I didn’t understand at all that we were the only ones doing this for 4 hours and why they called us earlier.

Dating and sex with him


Yacht owner

It's beautiful outside, but too cold. The girls have arrived. We have already seen four and one is new. I didn't notice it right away.

“Hello,” she says to me when I go out on deck to talk to Alex. - Do you remember me?

A tall, 180 cm tall, thin, glasses-wearing girl who looks like a teacher looks at me with narrowed eyes, angrily.

“Well, well, remember, remember, I remember you well,” she repeats again.

She looked at me exactly the same way a few months ago when I came out of the toilet drunk with some guy. I got lost. Of course, I recognized her. Olya finally passed! Only she was missing here! Knowing my age and all the ins and outs.

“Hello,” I have to lie, “I don’t remember you!” Remind me.

“You were fucking my boyfriend in the toilet, I wonder how you got here, well, never mind, we’ll find out.” You will also answer for your actions! – she says sternly and heads towards Anya. My troubles are already beginning! We urgently need to find out who the owner of the yacht is and turn everyone against it, or I won’t live here!

I was a little confused because I had known this girl for a long time.

You need to remember Alex’s words and start acting like a man with her!

- Exactly! I remembered! You won’t immediately forget such tits - you were still staring at me the whole evening at the club, you obviously wanted to take me off! I’m actually not into girls, but for someone so persistent, you can make an exception! “What if you like it,” I tell Olya. Her gaze turns from furious to incomprehensible, confused.

“You can’t, I say, show so clearly that you want me!” You even lost your breath - you’re still excited!

- What? Yes, you are sick! I don't want anything like that! - she makes excuses.

- Come on, there are a lot of lesbians now. This is the norm nowadays. If you want, we can talk about it. – I look at her with a smile.

- What more! “She turns around and goes into the cabin.

This is a cool feature - communication in the style of a Provocateur, you accuse the victim of wanting you. It helps a lot to resolve difficult situations. I obviously pick on her, brazenly, she makes excuses, gets embarrassed. Typical female position in relation to the role of a dominant male (in in this case to me). She can no longer react aggressively to me. And he just leaves.


This is a cool feature - communication in the style of a Provocateur, you accuse the victim of wanting you. It helps a lot to resolve difficult situations. I obviously pick on her, brazenly, she makes excuses, gets embarrassed. A typical female position in relation to the role of a dominant male (in this case, me). She can no longer react aggressively to me. And he just leaves.


Masha and I are sitting on the same sofa, the girls have taken the rest.

“Girls, would you like tea or coffee, there is a button here, you can call the maid,” I said.

- Why did they gather us all here? What will happen now? – Marina asked.

“We’ll wait and see,” answered the swimmer.

“You can order some wine,” the manager wrote in the Greenland chat.

The girls started ordering wine.

“I’ll have white, but the sweet one your boss likes,” Ksyusha says to the maid, who nodded her head, smiling.

What is this, I thought. Which boss? How can she know this?

“Well, tell us who does what and where they study,” said new arrival Olya. – I was born in Kharkov, I live in Moscow, I’m studying to become a prosecutor.

“I’m a designer from Kyiv,” Masha continued.

“IT Technologies, Moscow State University,” supported Ksyusha.

– Wow, we have a highly intelligent company here!

– Studying IT is difficult for a girl. So you're smart, or what? – I started teasing Ksyusha. At the workshop they taught how to tease people harshly, but kindly. So, to put them in their place, to say any harsh thing, but so that they do not get offended.

– It turns out that you dye your hair on purpose to cover up the presence of your brain? – I continued.

“So her eyebrows are also light,” Masha joined in, laughing, from the other end of the hall.

- She’s smart, she paints her eyebrows too! - I answer.

“No, I’m not smart,” Ksyusha begins to justify herself. – IT doesn’t mean that I write programs, and in my second year I really just don’t understand much! - She made excuses for what at the very beginning she presented as a source of pride and what should have raised her in our eyes - for her education. Great. Everything according to Alex's slide. Now she needs to be praised. Show that I'm really on her side.

- Well, whatever it is, a girl who studies in such a field cannot be without a brain. What course? Second? If you weren’t expelled the first time, it’s in your head, that means there’s something there! - I tell her condescendingly and with approval.

“Well, yes, I’m not stupid,” she admits without pathos and calmly. I let her be smart on my terms.

– Does anyone know how to turn on the TV? You're an IT guy, turn it on! – girls from the far sofa join the conversation. They have not yet realized that we have already measured our strength and the battle is over.

– I’m an IT specialist, not an electrician! – Ksyusha is indignant.

- Come on, what is there! In the first year they should have already taught how to change a light bulb and fix a TV. I praised you too much! - I exaggerate the frank joke, bringing everyone, including the aggressor, into the positive.

Girls pick up this theme. The atmosphere is clearly becoming warmer.

A girl sitting next to her looks at me with wide eyes.

– Do you stare at all girls like that? People, look at her! Yes, she devours me with her eyes! And I still have to spend the night in the same hotel with her! I am afraid of you! – Alice is first in shock, then realization, then laughter. My favorite chain of emotions.

All this happened only because I had in my blood the technology of seducing women, which Alex taught at the training. The main secret to eliminating a competitor is brilliant and incredibly simple! And I always replayed his words, which I first heard 4 months ago on the first day of the Hunt. “To pick up a competitor, just fuck her!” And Alex taught this throughout the entire training, how to fuck her, how to really seduce anyone into sex! He insisted on this, forced us to do it! And now I realized how brilliant it is! They can’t do anything against me, because they instinctively now feel in me a man who can now fuck anyone, and one wrong word... And instead of competing, they try to please me as a man! To understand this, you just need to experience it for yourself. Otherwise you won’t understand this at all! “If you want to win the competition instead of competing with her for him, start competing with him for her, take it for yourself and not give it to him. Anyone becomes a victim, relaxes in anticipation of the one who will eat her. And he is no longer interested in being with her, he is passionate about playing with you, and he will play the game only with the player, not with the victim. The player is always higher and more valuable than the victim. Sacrifice is only a means to obtain pleasure in the game.” Now only I, on this yacht, saw the genius of these phrases. Because it really is!

I wrote to Alex on WhatsApp - “I’m photographing girls, as always. They cling to each other, compete, show off. But he’s not with me, shit. This is a mega option. Moreover, they can be beaten out harshly, and they generally get lost. And they compete for my attention. I'm shocked. They look into your eyes. Tough."

At this moment a man comes in to us. Tall, bearded, wearing a cap and a waterproof dark jacket. He walked a meter into the cabin. And the other two remained standing behind him so as not to disturb him.

- Hello, girls, how are you? – the newcomer says, smiling and in a calm, confident tone. Ksyusha happily waves to him, as if she knows him. I look at her intently and questioningly. He waves back and slowly scans each person sitting with his eyes. For a moment he looks at me, appraisingly - from bottom to top and curiously - right into my eyes. I look straight ahead, without looking away or lowering my gaze. Who will reconsider whom? Seriously? He raises an eyebrow questioningly and smiles, turning his gaze to the next one. Some kind of excitement has begun among the girls, which worries me. It feels like I'm the only one who doesn't know what's going on here.

Everyone starts answering him:

- Everything is fine!

- Everything's OK!

- Ok, we'll eat soon! - he says.

I don't even try to start a conversation because the rules are to gather information first. I remain silent and watch who will do what. The bearded man gives me one last appraising look and leaves the cabin.

“This is Ruslan, this is his yacht,” Ksyusha explains.

- How do you know this? – Marina clarifies.

– I’ve already been to his party and know him a little. Very cool man! - she says importantly.

I immediately write to Alex:

- The owner of the yacht has arrived. Dude is fire!

- Who is he?

- I don’t know him. Name is Ruslan. I like him, I want to seduce him, help me! I can’t cope on my own, there are a lot of girls here, very beautiful, the competition is high, and everyone wants him! Help me and ask for whatever you want!

– Act, don’t wait. Take it yourself! You can do everything! There will be difficulties, write.


Family dinner and seduction of the owner

After 10 minutes, 2 women came for us. One, Anna, who looks about 60 years old, has blond, dry, shoulder-length hair, thin, no makeup. The second is an ordinary student girl, Masha. 26 years old, long hair in a ponytail.

“Good evening, girls,” Masha smiled. - Thank you for coming.

“Come out, put on your boots and go down to the second yacht, we’ll have dinner there,” Anya said dryly and arrogantly, without saying hello. Then she approached Ksyusha, it was clear that they knew each other. She greeted her and said something in her ear. After which Anya left, and Ksyusha told thin Marina and Katya the athlete to stay. The three of them stayed on the yacht, and we went down to the second one. The fishing boat also had a cabin. You also had to take off your shoes in front of her. We walked through the small kitchen, where a Japanese cook, a maid we already knew, and another woman were bustling around. Next was the living room, there was a large table in it, around which people had already begun to gather. Anna sat at the head of the table. In an announcer's tone, sternly, like a school teacher, she directed the seating arrangements.

“So, we’ll leave this place for dad,” Anya said, pointing to the chair opposite the owner.

She showed me to the farthest end of the table. Masha was seated next to me.

-What is there?

-What are you talking about?

– There are 4 forks, 2 different sized spoons and 4 different knives, this is a table setting!

“There will be problems,” Masha giggled.

“They decided to test us on etiquette,” I guess.

“Give me that plate,” says Vitya, who is already familiar to me, sitting to my left.

I turned my attention to the man opposite him. It was very difficult not to single him out. An intelligent man, in glasses and a shirt, over 40, with a kind of tight smile, he fidgets in his chair and constantly adjusts his tie! By the way, no one else wore a tie to fishing except him; all the other men were wearing sweaters and T-shirts.

We are not fed all day, we, hungry, swallow our saliva and wait for everyone to gather.

“So, let’s start eating crabs,” says Vitya and throws a crab claw into our plates with his hand.

“This is how they feed animals,” Masha whispered to me.

“Come on, come on, we’ve been fishing for you all day, take a sample,” Vitya smiles from ear to ear and chooses dishes to suit each of us. Without wasting time on the instruments, of which there were too many for Vitya to get confused in them, he simply placed the fish with his hands.

“And we were fussing here, we didn’t know which fork to start eating the salad with,” Alice can be heard whispering from the opposite end of the table, who blinked her eyes for 15 minutes, looking at 4 options for forks, “Vitya simply solved the problem with his hands.”

“Look, look, everyone is eating, no one refuses, everyone is kind of polite,” I comment to Masha in a low voice and laugh.

After about 5 minutes, our girls finally came in and they sat down next to the owner. Ksyusha is on the right, the swimmer is on the left, Marina is opposite.

We had a blackout, we started eating and were silent, I didn’t hear anything, because I was in a trance from the fact that food was entering my stomach, and until I was full, I didn’t even want to not notice anything, not hear, not speak. On the table there was sushi, huge crabs broken in half, and some kind of fresh fish.

– Today we caught this fish! - Vitya says proudly and puts a piece of it in his hand.

I tasted it, cut it and saw that it was raw from the inside, having eaten a little of it, I did not eat the raw piece.

Sashimi was served on the table, some fresh pieces of raw fish, processed with something. I mainly kill crabs, there are a lot of them here - whole bowls. The men's glasses contained some kind of yellow liqueur or vodka; the girls' glasses were filled with wine.

A man of about 70, an obese man in a border guard's uniform, but without a cap, comes in and sits down in the place that was reserved for “dad.”

– If you want to drink or eat, what should I put in for you? - During breaks, Masha and Anya fuss around him.

“Give me some vodka,” he said slowly. - I'll go later.

Ruslan suggested to everyone:

- Let's drink to the meeting.

I asked Masha for water and poured it into a glass. Alex strictly forbade me to drink anything there, because during hunting and action the brain must work extremely clearly, and none of the Hunters who have received master status drink anything at all or smoke. This is one of the conditions for his work with us.

Everyone had yellow glasses, but mine was clear.

Ruslan constantly looked at me, but didn’t say anything to me, just looked. When I poured water into the glass again, he addressed me for the first time.

- Don’t you drink at all?

- At all.

“Well done,” he said.

- Here, here, eat this! And here's another! “Try this too,” says Vitya and throws me food!

“Vitya, nothing fits into me anymore, I want everything, but I’ve run out of space.”

“Come on, what did you eat there,” he says and continues.

- What, he doesn’t eat crabs? Maybe the Belarusian wants some potatoes? - Ruslan asks Vitya about me from across the table.

I look at Ruslan, he laughs and switches to the next girl. Gives out attention in portions? Is it really so immediately noticeable that I am from Belarus?

Everyone felt a little awkward. A new company has gathered.

Ruslan was making fun of the girl swimmer and athlete Katya.

– Now it’s just +16, you’ll go swimming now, the swim will be just around the corner. “We’ll send you and the doctor on a swim,” Ruslan joked, nodding towards an intelligent man in glasses and a shirt.

The doctor was flirting with the girls at this time.

-Who are you, where are you from? – the doctor was keenly interested in Masha and Alice.

– I teach at Moscow State University, give lectures on cell theory, and I also have several IVF clinics.

“I also study at Moscow State University,” Ksyusha responded, “I’ll need to go to your lectures!”

– I am a designer, I do wedding decor. And in general, organizing weddings,” said Masha.

Alice, on the contrary, could not say anything to herself at all. She studied somewhere, but periodically forgot the name of the institution, or something else. She was a very cheerful girl, but it was very difficult to get coherent speech from her!

The other side of the table - dad, Ruslan, the girls and Anya were drinking, Ruslan drank two or three glasses, the rest more. He was more restrained in his drinking than the others.

He looked at me again a couple of times. When he looked at people, for some reason all the people looked away. He has the heavy gaze of a predator, he looks at a person appraisingly and intently, and does not smile. It's like he's studying a person. And everyone is embarrassed by this, but I decided to show him the Huntress’s gaze in return, and said to myself: “I’ll fuck you, bitch,” and I didn’t look away. She started staring at him insolently. And then she batted her eyelashes on purpose and decided to tease. He laughed and looked away.

“The crabs are very tasty,” I told Vita.

“There are still people there, do you want me to show you?”

“Yes, of course,” I said to Vita, who immediately got up from the table and went to the exit, and I followed him. Ruslan looked at it and followed me with his eyes. Someone also reacted to our movement, the girls went out to smoke and go to the toilet.

Vitya and I found ourselves on the deck, there were 2 young guys who were cutting up a huge fish, about a meter long, there were about 10 of them on the deck.

-What kind of fish is this? – I asked.

“Cod,” answered the boy.

On the floor there was a basin in which there were smaller fish, about 50 small fish.

– Where do you put all this then, it’s impossible to eat it?

“We eat some, take some to the market,” Vitya answered. – Do you want to catch someone here with a spinning rod right now?

“I would love to, but I feel sorry for her.” You are killing it, if only you could catch and then release this fish! I would try, but we’ll damage everything for her with the hook, she won’t survive.

He sat down on the deck parapet and lit a cigarette.

– Fishing calms me down; since childhood, I remember fishing with my father. Back then it was just a regular fishing rod, but now look how everything has changed. “He jumped up and walked over to the boat parked next to the boat. There was all sorts of fishing gear there. He showed fishing rods with an electric reel.

“You don’t need to pull for them anymore, just hold them in your hands,” he said.

- If you pull a big fish, you still need to hold it, because it wants to live, it breaks free.

“Yes, it’s necessary,” Vitya laughed.

Wants to impress me? Plays with his biceps when he holds the spinning rod. I pretend I don't see.

- Let's go look for crabs. “He called one of the guys, and using one of the ropes that was lying on the floor, they pulled a huge cage out of the water on the side of the boat. There were a bunch of crabs there. About 15 centimeters in diameter with huge tentacles, they moved, I wanted to look closer, but I was afraid that they would bite me. One of the young boys took two fish, opened the cage and threw them to the crabs.

- What is this for? – I asked.

– I fed them – the fish were big, 40 centimeters.

-Are they going to eat this?

“Yes,” he laughed.

“Let's see,” I said. “They won’t eat here only in the water.” “Well, let’s let go,” he asked, looking at Vitya.

The trick of being sincerely interested works, I showed interest in fishing, although now I’m not at all interested in it, and Vitya began to show off!

- Well, did you look? – Vitya looked at me, clarifying.

“Yes, thank you,” I said. At this time, Anya and Ksyusha came out of the cabin, saw the cage and began filming a video. I backed off. I started looking, at the opposite end of the yacht there was a chapel and a small cemetery, which we passed by. Since one edge of the sky did not go dark, it was a very beautiful sight. It wasn't a full night there. All the time like sunset or dawn. And it painted a beautiful picture of the chapel. At that moment Anya came up to me.

- Come with me.


The beginning of a seduction strategy is information gathering. I assess the situation, look around, and don’t stand out. For now I'm the same as everyone else. I use chips with caution. Sincere interest in a man and what he does evokes sympathy on his part. Clear signs of attention from Vitya. The Huntress's gaze is a cool trick for attracting attention. Women, embarrassed, look away from the strong male. Looking straight is a provocation and an indicator of courage. Let the first one give up and look away!


First sex with a billionaire

She takes me upstairs.

Through the wheelhouse of a fishing yacht into some cabin. The cabin was simply huge, 50 meters, very serious and expensive decoration. To the right of the entrance there was a table and a printer, very large! Opposite there was a toilet and shower with luxurious European decoration. And if you go straight, there is a huge bed about 3 by 3 meters. There are a lot of beautiful pillows on one side, two bedside tables, both with thick books on them. Several phones, one huge iPhone of the latest model, one phone with a keyboard, several chairs stood near the windows. The windows were completely covered with curtains, there were no gaps. On the floor there was a carpet with a pile of 3 centimeters. I immediately wanted to sleep there. I never would have thought that this fishing boat could have such an incredibly expensive cabin. Much cooler than a yacht that looks like it costs tens of millions of dollars.

– What should I do here?

- Hide, now Ruslan will come to you, do you want to go to the shower? - said Anya.

“Yes, okay,” I said and went into the shower.

I found some tasty things there from the Beoterm company. These are elite expensive cosmetics. I happily smeared myself with it and decided to stall for time. After my shower I put on a fluffy robe and I put one of these on. I’ll go to the room and sleep, I thought. I really wanted to sleep. It was about midnight. I didn’t yet know who Ruslan was, but I was ready for any turn of events. I was worried and wrote to Alex:

- They finally brought me to this guy, his name is Ruslan.

“And,” Alex replied via SMS.

- Nothing, I’m sitting in the room. They are strange.

– It takes a long time to explain everything, I’ll tell you everything later.

- Turn on the recorder. I’ll listen to how he communicates, and I’ll tell you about him and your communication. Is there butyrate in the water? Maybe that's why they're strange?

– No, I opened the bottles myself, it’s unlikely.

“Dictaphone,” Alex wrote again!

I immediately turned on the recorder. I couldn’t understand for myself what was happening and what to do. I really needed help.

Ruslan came in and pretended as if he didn’t understand what I was doing here.

- Oh. “What are we going to do in such darkness,” he said. It was really dark and the light came from the corridor.

“I don’t know, play hide and seek,” I joked.

“You hid okay,” he said and walked around the bed. He was wearing pants and a zip-up jacket. He unbuttoned it and laid it on the chair.

“Hmm-hmm-hmm,” he said. - How are you?

He lay down next to me and started touching me.

“I was warned that I had to hide.”

– She’s also teasing, Belarusian. “Belarusians are making fun of the damned Muscovites,” he chuckled.

Why did he say “Belarusian” again? First time at the table: “Do you want some potatoes, Belarusian?” Now again.

“How well you hid during the tea party,” he said, and at that time everyone sat down to drink tea.

Did he realize that Vitya was taking me away and decided to send Anya after me? The hook with my gaze, the challenge I threw at him at the table, and the competition clearly worked. I immediately, on Alex’s advice, began to seduce everyone there. The first principle is to please those around him and for all the men to run after me.

- Did you run away to me?

- Yes, I ran to you. “We need to sleep, it’s early in the morning to go fishing,” he said very embarrassed. I see that there is now nothing left of the man who was below, and he is clearly embarrassed by me, which means he really likes me. That's why he's talking nonsense. I continued to behave in the same impudent manner.

“I thought you never sleep at all.”

– Are you, by any chance, from Belarus? Why are there so many attacks on the country? – I retort, and he laughs again.

I was sitting on the bed in a huge man's robe. It was possible to put another person of my size into it. I wrapped it around myself several times and tied the belt. Getting under my robe was quite a labor-intensive task.

- Wow, what a fur coat the Muscovites gave you! - said Ruslan, trying to fish out a piece of my leg from under his robe.

I laughed. He behaved quite brazenly, groped me confidently and clearly - the experience of an adult man was telling. But intuitively I felt his constraint. I lay down on my back, he lay down next to me on his side. With my fingers, barely touching, I began to taste it. This is an energetic connection, a connection. Checking how a man feels about his condition. I slowly dig my nails into his collarbone, then release the pressure and run the pads of my fingers along his neck. He short-circuited, began to get high, closed his eyes, threw back his head. His excitement was transmitted to me, vibrations spread throughout the room. Yes, I definitely like him. With his free hand he continues to fight with my robe. Then he suddenly gets up and turns off the light altogether. In the darkness I hear the rustling of clothes as he undresses.

The curtains in the cabin are very thick; they do not let in any light at all. Despite the late hour, the deck was well lit. Near the bed there were very dim lamps with soft light. Plus light in the hallway. But Ruslan pressed something, and the lights turned off everywhere.

- Come on, do oligarchs have sex in the dark? – I openly laughed.

- Seriously? Are you turning off the lights? – my banter here was already unconcealed.

Why is he surprised that someone is joking with him? The reaction to all this is such genuine surprise - his eyes widen, and for a second he naively slams them, as if trying to figure out what they told him? Well, how can you not make a person react to such a sweet reaction, especially when the creature batting its eyes naively is a hundred-kilogram man, confident and mature.

- What? - At first he didn’t understand, then he laughed. – If you tease me, I’ll pester you dirty, beauty!

- What are you doing now? - I answer.

- No, well, it’s not dirty, it’s still clean! – Ruslan retorts.

He seems to like to make fun of someone himself, why such a strange reaction when they make fun of him? I put a tick on this point - ask Alex and feel out this strangeness of Ruslan.

– So we’ll just sit without light? If I miss, I'll bite you! - I laugh.

- Forgive me please! – Ruslan answers, for some reason again embarrassed. “I’m just a little old-fashioned,” he makes excuses for turning off the lights.

- Come on! - I don’t believe it and laugh.

- What? – he plays along and laughs too. “Well, stop teasing me,” he says and immediately turns on all the lights in the cabin. - So you see how much light there is at once! “Then he adjusts it and leaves the light dim at the headboard.

With the light I shamed him.

- Yes, that’s so good!

I hadn’t had any new men for a long time, and I was a little scared, I began to forget what a new, unfamiliar body was. But in the moment, the feeling of novelty really excited me. I asked the coach: how to behave in order to make a man fall in love in bed? To which Alex always gave advice - to give yourself up, to love him, sincerely, to find what is beautiful and cool in him, from which you can get high. Men feel this sincerity towards themselves and remember it.

At Ruslan's beautiful body, I love big men who show that they play sports. He smells nice, soft skin, great big dick. Apparently, the active and healthy image life - he has a very good erection.

I stroke his stomach, kiss him tenderly, like my most beloved boy. He falls somewhere and lies on his back with his head thrown back. There is a blissful smile on your face. A very sensitive body - I stroke it, and it arches after my hand, relaxes, moans. The member stands like stone. I carefully hug it with my fingers, play, at first I smoothly, with barely noticeable movements, stroke the penis from head to base, pull back the testicles, and study it. The movements become penetrating, strong, I feel the resistance of his muscles, for me now this is the last penis on the planet. And I really want it. And he wants me.

Ruslan pulled my head down almost by force, pushes my dick into my mouth, I choke, it gets in with difficulty. He just fucks me in the mouth with his dick, holding me by the hair on the back of my head, I try to open my mouth wider so as not to hurt him.

He lets go of me and reaches for the nightstand on the left, rustling something there. Apparently condoms. Yes, I guessed right. Hands 1 to me. He just emanates excitement, I feel him very well at this moment. Looks into the eyes, a wild, animal look. He forcefully grabs me by the chest and throws me onto the bed on my back. I'm still in this huge robe, in which I'm frankly confused. He squats and pulls me towards him like a doll. It is useless to resist, and I don’t want to. He enters sharply and roughly, then turns me on my side and lies down from behind.

The robe bothers me, I get confused in it.

“I have a fur coat,” I remind you. The robe actually looks like her.

“Wow, there’s something beautiful drawn here, right above the ponytail,” he says, noticing my tattoo on my lower back.

“I wish I could get under this beautiful ponytail,” he continues. And he begins to carefully make his way to my butt with his fingers. Oh no!

I laugh it off and say:

“Your dick won’t fit in there.”

– Have you ever had anal sex? – asks Ruslan.

“No, it wasn’t,” I answer.

“Well then, we won’t,” he says. He clearly didn't want any trouble.

He went into the shower. I lay and waited for him on the bed. Sex with a billionaire lasts 15 minutes, as it turns out. And it’s not much different from sex with any other person. Although the impression of Ruslan remained good. He tried, and it’s clear that he wanted me to feel good. I lay with him for about 10 minutes and stroked him. It was clear that he did not want to leave. He began to walk around the room and get dressed. His T-shirt was on the bed behind me.

“Give me a T-shirt,” he asked politely. I stood on the bed naked.

I threw a T-shirt at him, he caught it. Then the pillow flew.

He started to dodge, then another pillow.

- Now I’ll throw away my robe.

(Games in the harem taught this automatically - you see a pillow - throw it!)

“You need to throw something heavy at this size,” he laughed, meaning that he was huge. I saw him turn into a child, laughing sincerely for the first time.

- Well, it depends on why you quit.

“Well, she runs away, he catches up, she doesn’t run fast, she falls,” he joked, hinting that I was giving in to him and provoking him.

I stood sideways to him.

“Listen, what a beautiful butt you have,” he said.

“At what point did you consider this,” I said and laughed.

“Now you bent down and I saw.” Wow,” he leaned over and kissed my buttock.

“Let’s go and disperse everyone, otherwise we won’t get up to go fishing.” Gorgeous.

(At this moment, Alex's OS - it was necessary to start lighting up and invite him to immediately arrange a party in his room, because now, when he had just gotten high from a new girl who he liked and he wanted to like her, it was necessary to take the bull by the horns and not save nothing for the future. – I want to have fun, let’s have a party, let’s send everyone to your room and undress... At that moment he was still on an endorphin high, he was cheerful, playful, and he had to take advantage of this and be active himself.) And then I lost my mind, he was clearly hinting at me staying to sleep with him. – Delete, readers should not see this.

- Well, where are we going home? – I asked, because I didn’t expect him to leave me right away.

– Where to go home in Belarus?

- No, I mean to the hotel.

“I at least need to get dressed.”

- I'll cover you.

He hinted to me three times that he wanted me to stay. But according to the rules of the huntress, after the first sex you need to get out of his cabin and away from this yacht. Let him think, dream and suffer. Otherwise, today he will get enough and tomorrow he will tumble with someone else. So I quickly get dressed.

I'm going downstairs. There is a disco on the deck. The men had already all left. Only girls dance. Ruslan approached each one in turn, said something and hugged them, periodically looking at me in my direction.

(Alexa's OS - If she had shown activity as a Huntress at this moment, then he himself would no longer have approached, but I would have approached and dragged the girls into his room. And supervised the process of seducing them now.)

I went downstairs and hid around the corner of the yacht to talk to Alex.

I sent him a voice recording, I needed feedback and what to do next.

I got very excited, but didn’t finish with Ruslan. And I couldn’t relax at all. And I didn’t really have time to get high, I was still in a tense state, and because of this I couldn’t relax it. And I think he could feel it. This is bad.

“I don’t care about anyone,” I wrote to Alex. “It feels like I’m fucking in front of you when I record my sex on a tape recorder.” Clinic? “I was hoping that Alex would tell me what to do about it and how to solve the problem.” I wanted to please and impress, but it’s impossible to do this without emotions, and I couldn’t feel emotions.


First problems after sex

The girls look at me askance. It is clear that everyone is on the same yacht and understands where and with whom I was. The swimmer and Ksyusha, who used to smile at me, stopped doing so and turned away their faces. Of course, they could not directly express their displeasure. Marina's face was even sour. When I came down, she was already standing with Ruslan in an embrace, he was telling her something funny, she pretended to laugh, her eyes were serious! If she could bury me with that look, she would do it.

I approached Masha. I smiled at her, she smiled back at me.

- Let's go to the stern.

We turned our backs to everyone and started dancing, looking at the water.

- How did it go? – asked Masha.

“Everything is fine,” I answered restrainedly.

Masha showed me the phone and asked – is it similar?

On the phone in “Yandex” it was filled in - Ruslan Vasilyevich Zolotov and his photo.

“Yes, it’s him,” I agreed.


There were a lot of people and music was playing. I stood and looked sideways at what Ruslan was doing.

I went around the corner of the yacht where the girls were hiding to smoke. And I started writing to Alex. I didn’t understand Ruslan’s behavior. And I didn’t understand what this concert meant with hugs to everyone one by one. What does he expect from me, what actions?

I'm calling Alex.

“It’s already starting here, everyone hates me.” Girls in the cold after my sex with Ruslan.

“You constantly tease him, good job, you took off his crown and threw pillows at him.” It’s not for nothing that I studied in a harem,” Alex joked.

– The competition is careful, and be positive all the time, have fun and communicate with everyone and don’t react in any way to the fact that he’s groping someone else.

“Okay, I understand,” I said and felt that someone came up behind me, it was Ruslan.

- Why are you hiding here?

“I’m talking on the phone,” I answered. Alex was signed as a mom. - Mother is calling.

He hugged me, smelled my hair and left.

I understood that he was drawn to me because I slipped away from his tactful offer to stay and did not jump on his neck because of this.

I went out to dance with Masha, and at that moment Masha was called up to the second yacht. Anya took her away, and the assistant told everyone to get ready and load onto the boat. She talked with Ruslan for half a minute and told everyone to sit down. It was almost 4 am, I really wanted to sleep. The only thing I was worried about was where Masha was and when she would appear.

– Don’t worry, Masha will arrive soon in the next taxi, everything will be fine.

Masha was the only one with whom I became friends. That's why I was worried about her. Anya roughly pushed me towards the boat:

- Go, go, your Masha will come.

I didn’t understand what it was at all. Ruslan had already disappeared into the cabin, and the girls were all already sitting on the boat waiting for me, there was nothing left to do but sit down and meekly leave.

We dock and walk for about 5 minutes along a path in the dark to the place where the driver is waiting. We see a minibus there with the headlights off and the doors closed. Sergei started banging on the driver's window. A sleepy old grandfather came out from there.

– There should be six girls! - he spoke in English.

“There are five of them, we need another taxi here in an hour,” Sergei explains in broken English.

“Okay,” said the old man.

I calmed down that Masha would be at home.

We sat down and drove off, I wanted to sleep, I laid my head on Alice. She was eyeing me on the yacht and she started groping me a little. Naturally, she put her hand on my leg and started stroking me, I was surprised, but didn’t say anything. I pretended to be asleep. I was very interested in what she would do next. Then I took her hand and put it higher on the fly of my jeans, she didn’t remove it, but she stopped stroking it. I sit and think - just not to laugh.


How Alex taught me to love the forest

We drive through a dense forest, creepy and huge trees. There is complete darkness all around. And the absence of sounds. I used to always be afraid of places like this. It seemed to me that someone’s ominous eyes were looking at me from the darkness. But after one incident when I look at the ominous tall trees, I begin to get excited.

This was in Poland a couple of months ago. Anetta and Ira, who also studied with Alex, told me this trick. If you perform this with any man, it’s a bomb, but it’s important to convey the state that Alex shows when he teaches this. And I will tell you how he taught me, despite the fact that it is very personal and intimate, nevertheless it is a learning process about which each of us is obliged to write a report, no matter how closely we perceive it.


Alex stopped the car at the edge of the forest, on a path. On this day we had a day without words. We didn't say anything to anyone, we just contemplated.

We walked for a long time, first up, up the mountain, then somewhere to the side. He forbade me to speak and was silent himself. Communicated by signs. The area became downright wild - huge trees blocking the sky, ravines and no traces of humans. I really liked it all. A thunderstorm was gathering, and thunderclaps could be heard somewhere very nearby. The forest seemed to give off warmth. This is a specific place or person, but I felt good there. Cozy and warm.

He hugs me, and I float, so organically at that moment this thunderstorm, silence and his hands came together. It seemed the whole world was on board.

We buried our clothes and keys and didn’t take our phones. Summer, wild forest and us, completely naked. I felt part of this place, as if my home was here and my whole life had been like this. Complete unity.

I stroked the trees and listened to the sounds, ate rabbit cabbage, just like in childhood. There were a lot of mosquitoes, but, oddly enough, they didn’t bite me. It seemed that nature simply accepted me, easily and naturally.

He leaned me against the tree, bent me over and entered sharply. I was completely lost, without counting time, all sensations disappeared except the feeling of his penis inside me. I didn’t even have the strength to moan, I just flew out and came over and over again. The lubricant flowed down my legs, I became so excited that it was difficult to enter. He put me on my knees, then completely laid me on the ground. Below me there was a litter of cones, leaves, branches and something prickly, but I didn’t feel anything at all. Only from the prints afterwards did I figure out what I was lying on. It was cooler than the softest bed in my life, the smell of leaves on the ground and the forest before the rain was intoxicating like a drug. I didn’t feel the temperature, didn’t hear anything around me, some snatches came on at times - sometimes a smell, sometimes a sound.

It’s becoming easier and easier to cum together, I feel it more acutely.

It started to rain, we got dressed and sat for a long time in an embrace under a large pine tree, water flowed around us and we were absolutely dry. Two woodpeckers were sitting right above us - one was tapping something out of a tree and feeding the other. I leaned my head against the warm trunk and imagined that I was this tree, I had lived here for hundreds of years, and my hands were the branches, and my feet were deep in the ground. And it really seemed like rain was dripping down my many-armed body...

I think I fell asleep for a while. Or completely surrendered my consciousness to this warm and rough wood.

After sleep it became cold, the feeling of temperature returned to me. We returned to the hotel still in silence. I looked at other people and did not understand their abundance of sounds from their mouths and some strange fussiness. I wanted silence, to preserve this state of enchantment and integrity with the world for as long as possible inside.

He gave me a whole forest today. Today for the first time I realized the meaning of the phrase that happiness is the end of internal dialogue.

I think I dozed off a little on Alice's shoulder. I wake up from the jolt of a car stopping. We arrived at the hotel. We collided at the door and there was such an awkward moment, we couldn’t figure out who was letting who through, me her or she me. I missed it, I’m a Huntress, which means I’m a man)

I start to seduce him


Instructions from Alex and task for tomorrow

I'm calling Alex.

– Alex, I think it makes sense to include competition with another man? He walks around now and gropes all the girls and tomorrow he will try to seduce someone else, so I want to understand what I should do to maintain my position.

- Of course it does. The most important thing is to be constantly high and maintain a positive state. TO happy people pulls, no matter what happens, you make all the tricks from the state of being high. Then you can do anything and any of your impudence will work if you are happy. And if anything happens, immediately apologize and say, baby, what are you talking about, I’m just kidding. You need to pretend that you are in love with him and convey this state to him. Try to transfer from me to him. The way you communicate with me, communicate with him in the same way, hug his head with your hands and kiss his head, just like mine. This is your strong feature, it’s yours, this turns off the brain, and he will relax, put him on affection, you’re good at it.

– I want to take a selfie with him, how do I do this?

– What problems could there be with this?

Nastya Rybka

Diary of Seducing a Billionaire, or a Clone for an Oligarch

Diary of Seducing a Billionaire, or a Clone for an Oligarch
Nastya Rybka

The diary of a poor Belarusian student Nastya, in which she tells how she seduced a billionaire who was included in the list of the 100 richest people on the planet according to Forbes.

Nastya ends up on a yacht with a billionaire. Having hired a seduction coach, she, completing all his tasks, makes the oligarch fall in love with her. But it's not that simple. With her first successes, very powerful enemies appear in her, and in addition, Nastya learns that it was not by chance that she got on the yacht: she was selected for a terrible experiment. Will she and her coach be able to get out of this situation?

Nastya Rybka

Diary of Seducing a Billionaire, or a Clone for an Oligarch

© Nastya Rybka, text, photo, 2017

© Design. LLC Publishing House E, 2017


To my shy billionaire

Ruslana PodTail


I read several books about seducing billionaires - works of fiction supposedly based on real events. Unfortunately, the authors of all these works apparently do not know the people of this circle well enough. That is why I am releasing this book as is, in the form of my own notes, without any literary processing. Such a billionaire, who is described in many novels, cannot exist in nature. I have not seen a single billionaire who would go to the store, drive a car, pour himself tea or meet with anyone in person alone. In the famous “Fifty Shades of Gray” Mr. Gray himself went to the store for building materials, gave a one-on-one interview to a student - without outside help, without secretaries... Ha ha, crazy - never! People of this level are accustomed to servants, and, being in a relationship with them, willy-nilly you enter into relationships with servants, which are very numerous. She almost looks into the bed, and you get used to her, like furniture.

Therefore, to seduce a billionaire, you need communication skills with men and women that are not available to ordinary young girls without special training. And now some of this preparation can be obtained in this book. In it you will see the real story of the seduction by a simple Belarusian student of a man who was among the twenty richest people on the planet, one of the richest in Russia. Of course, I couldn’t do it without support; I was helped by a brilliant seduction teacher, my coach Alex Leslie. Without him this story would not exist!

I reveal seduction techniques that have worked, and I invite you to follow the path of seducing this billionaire with me. I will analyze my every step, involving you in reasoning about strategies for manipulating the richest people on the planet. So we will walk this path together, which will allow me to pass on my valuable experience to you.

Warning for the faint of heart, moralists and virgins

There are many strange things in the lives of super-rich people, many things that go beyond the understanding of an ordinary, normal person. Therefore, you and I will have many situations from which we will have to extricate ourselves. Something from the life of a billionaire shocked me, an ordinary Belarusian student. I apologize if anything turns out to be very inappropriate for you. All the same, we will have to get out of these stories together, not forgetting about the goal - seducing the billionaire.

[Huntress: who is this?]

The Huntress lives in an emotional world, the objects of which are changes.

She lives here and now, she does not think about the past and future. Because emotions exist only here and now, not in the past and not in the future. Therefore, she dates men and, since she lives in an emotional world, she gives them a lot of emotions. And they fall in love with her. Very rich men also fall in love, also because they cannot attract her with standard things. They can't get her by driving a Lamborghini or paying her a lot of money. Why? Because for her it is not a value, her value is emotion. And what can a rich man do to catch you? He's used to catching people with the same things. Status. With money. Systemic things. And she is not a system player. She is a person who can only be touched by something emotional. Therefore, the hunter is inaccessible to rich men, and these men fall in love with her.

They can't buy it. Plant at home. Make her do what they want. She is inaccessible to them. Why do they want her? Yes, because she conveys deep emotions to them and does it skillfully. She is taught to rock any person, to evoke feelings. This is a masterful level of influence on men. It is much deeper and stronger in impact than the usual behavior of a woman begging for diamonds.

Huntress Ideology

The material world is a motionless picture. This is a world of comfort. This world is static.

And there are women who are tired of looking at the same thing, they want movement. And movement is cinema! This is an emotional world. Cinema is built according to the laws of change, and painting is built according to the laws of staticity.

In the material world, the main thing is stability and constancy, and in the emotional world, changes and adventures are important. The value of the emotional world is in change.

Relationships that are built in the emotional world are relationships built according to the laws of cinema, according to the laws of drama and change. It's the other way around! If in ordinary relationships people strive for certainty, then passion and emotional relationships require uncertainty. Polarity required. Opposite emotions. Rocking. For ordinary relationships, rocking is bad; Everything needs to be smooth and quiet. And for passion - good! The pendulum of emotions leads to change. Great passions and feelings.

The Huntress is a creature of the emotional world. Her values ​​are love and passion, the love of this man. She doesn't need his money, she needs adventure, passion for him, the situation, the novel, the story. To make him fall head over heels in love with her. Gave her passion, sensations, unforgettable stories with him that she can remember. And such memories are more valuable to her than any money he can give her. To evoke emotions in him, she can refuse all his gifts, even very expensive ones, return everything given to him, or give him something of her own, very expensive in the material world.

No ordinary woman will do this, because stability is important to an ordinary woman. It is important for an ordinary woman to drag it to the registry office and print it out half a yard.

A good metaphor, or What does the Huntress need?

– What can I do for you? - asks the king.

– Move away from the sun, you’re blocking it!

- I am a king. I stand in front of you and can give you whatever you want! Ask!

“King, if you are dying of thirst in the desert, how much will you be willing to give for a glass of water?”

- Half the kingdom.

“So what’s the use of half your kingdom when it’s worth a glass of water?”

This story shows the value of the material world for a person who lives in the emotional world - for the Huntress.

When a person becomes acquainted with the highest values ​​of the emotional world, such as love, crazy passion, he so devalues ​​the objects of the material world that he is ready to commit suicide and lose the whole world. Because all the riches in the world seem nothing to him in comparison with what he has lost in the emotional world.

Many people lost capital - and nothing; but we constantly hear that people kill themselves by losing love. Why? Having once received it, love, and subsequently lost it, they realize that without love the world is not nice.

We understand that an object in the emotional world is much more valuable than an object in the material world. Value is measured in the emotions invested in property or money. Here's a billion: what can you do with it? Can you experience the inside? Enlightenment? Feeling a brain orgasm? No! And from the fact that you get a billion, or from the fact that you lose it - yes! The change in the material world has created an object in the emotional world, and you are already enjoying yourself or suffering!

All creators, writers, scientists, all innovators live in an emotional world.

My history. The book that changed my life

My journey began in a small Belarusian town. I am an ordinary student - a part-time student at the Faculty of Biology. I do an internship after studying, working part-time in a laboratory. I live in a two-room apartment with my mother, she is a surgeon, she works from morning to evening, I hardly see her. I've never seen dad.

At the age of 19, I was head over heels in love with the cutest biker and womanizer in the entire area - the name Kolya awed me. I ran after him and pestered him with calls, all my friends laughed at me, and his name became taboo in our company. I buzzed everyone's ears about him - to the point of calluses on my tongue. I probably would have been running after him to this day, or would have ended up in a mental hospital, or would have done some other stupid thing. If not for one circumstance.

Cool summer day. I’m walking along the courtyard of a nine-story panel building, the birds are singing, the grandmothers are cackling on the benches. Standing near the entrance is my brother Tim, a creature a year older than me, burdened with a passion for mathematics, computers, and generally burdened with intelligence. He is kicked out into the street once a year, when his mother decides that it is time to ventilate her son. In Tim's hands are two books with shiny covers, new, clearly not from the library.

“Did you go get some books?” - Think. Sounds reasonable. But, to his misfortune, I notice on the cover a depraved looking girl in a mini with flowing hair and a gangster-looking guy. Hm.

- What's this? Well, show me what you're carrying there? “I reach out my hand and are almost grabbing the books, when suddenly, with a sharp movement, my little brother hides them behind his back and begins to move sideways towards the entrance.

- Nothing interesting! – he snaps, turning away and pretending that the conversation is over.

Nastya Rybka

Diary of Seducing a Billionaire

Dedicated to my shy billionaire Ruslan Podkhvost.


I read several works of fiction, based on real events, about the seduction of billionaires. Unfortunately, the authors of these works are apparently unfamiliar with people in this circle. That is why I am releasing this book without artistic editing - as it is in the form of notes. Such a billionaire, which is described in many fiction novels, cannot exist in nature, because I have not seen a single billionaire who himself goes to the store, drives a car, pours himself tea or meets someone in person, alone, as in “ 50 Shades of Grey,” when Mr. Gray himself went to the store for building materials, interviewed a student one-on-one without the help of secretaries – ha ha crazy – never! People of this level are accustomed to servants, and when dealing with billionaires, willy-nilly you enter into relationships with servants, which are quite numerous. She almost looks into the bed, and you get used to her like furniture. And therefore, to seduce a billionaire, you need communication skills with men and women that are inaccessible to ordinary young girls without special training. And now some of this preparation can be obtained in this book. In it you will see the real story of the seduction by a simple poor Belarusian student of a man who was included in the 20 richest people on the planet, one of the richest in Russia. Of course, it couldn’t have been done without the help of others; a brilliant teacher of seduction, my coach Alex Leslie, helped me with this. Without him this story would not exist!

I reveal seduction techniques that have worked, and I invite you to follow the path of seducing this billionaire with me. I will analyze my every step, involving you in reasoning about strategies for manipulating the richest people on the planet.

This way, together with you, we will walk along the same path, and this will allow me to pass on my valuable experience to you.

Warning for the faint of heart, moralists and virgins: In the lives of the richest people there are many strange things and things that go beyond the scope of the average normal person. Therefore, you and I will have many situations from which we will have to extricate ourselves. As an ordinary Belarusian student, something from the life of a billionaire shocked me. I apologize if anything turns out to be very inappropriate for you. All the same, we will have to get out of all situations together, not forgetting about the goal - seducing a billionaire.

Huntress - who is she?

The Huntress lives in an emotional world, the objects of which are changes.

She lives here and now, she does not think about the past and future. Because emotions exist only here and now, not in the past and not in the future. So she dates men, and since she lives in an emotional world, she gives them a lot of emotions. And they fall in love with her. And very rich men also fall in love with her because they cannot hook her with standard things. He can't hook her up by taking her for a ride in a Lamborghini or giving her a ton of money. Why? Because for her it is not a value, her value is an emotion. And what can a rich man do to catch you? He's used to catching people with the same things. Status. With money. Systemic things. And she is not a system player. She is a person who can only touch something emotionally. Therefore, she is inaccessible to these men and these men fall in love with her. He can't buy it. Plant at home. Make her do what he wants. She is inaccessible to him. Moreover, she conveys quite deep emotions to him, since she has been taught this. Learned to rock any person, evoke feelings.

Huntress Ideology

The material world is a picture. This is a world of comfort. This is a static world. And there are women who are bored with looking at the same thing and want movement. And movement is cinema! This is an emotional world. Cinema is built according to the laws of change, and painting is built according to the laws of staticity.

In the material world, the main thing is stability and constancy, and in the emotional world, changes and adventures are important. The value of the emotional world is in changes.

Relationships that are built in the emotional world are relationships built according to the laws of cinema, according to the laws of drama and change. It's the other way around! If in ordinary relationships people strive for certainty, then for passion and emotional relationships it is necessary uncertainty. Polarity required. Polar emotions. Rocking. For ordinary relationships, rocking is bad; everything needs to be smooth and quiet. And for passion it’s good! Because they lead to change. Great passions and emotions.

The Huntress is a creature of the emotional world. Her values ​​are love and passion, the love of this man. She doesn't need his money, she needs adventure, passion for him, the situation, the novel, the story. To make him fall head over heels in love with her. Gave there is passion. Feelings, stories with him that she can remember. And for her this is more valuable than any money he can give her. In order to evoke emotions in him, she can refuse his gifts, even very expensive ones, all of them, return everything to him, or give him something of her own, very expensive in the material world.

No ordinary woman will do this, because stability is important to an ordinary woman. For an ordinary woman, it is important to drag it to the registry office and print it half a yard out.

A good metaphor, or What does the Huntress need?

– What can I do for you? - asks the king.

– Move away from the sun, you’re blocking it!

- I am a king. I stand in front of you and can give you whatever you want! Ask!

“King, if you are dying of thirst in the desert, how much will you be willing to give for a glass of water?”

- Half the kingdom.

“So what’s the use of your half a kingdom when it’s worth a glass of water!”

This metaphor shows the value of the material world for a person who lives in the emotional world - for the Huntress.

When a person becomes acquainted with the highest values ​​of the emotional world, such as love, crazy passion, he devalues ​​the objects of the material world so much that he is ready to commit suicide and lose the whole world. Because all the riches in the world seem nothing to him in comparison with what he has lost in the emotional world.

Many people have lost capital and nothing, but we constantly hear that people kill themselves by losing love. Why? Having received it, love, when they lose it, they understand that without love the world is not nice.

Thus, we understand that an object of the emotional world is much more valuable than an object of the material world, since value is measured in the emotions invested in this property and money. Here's a billion, what can you do with it? Can you experience the inside? Enlightenment? Feeling a brain orgasm? No! And from the fact that you get a billion, or from the fact that you lose it - yes! The change in the material world has created an object in the emotional world, and you are already enjoying yourself or suffering!

Nastya Rybka

Diary of Seducing a Billionaire

Dedicated to my shy billionaire Ruslan Podkhvost.


I read several works of fiction, based on real events, about the seduction of billionaires. Unfortunately, the authors of these works are apparently unfamiliar with people in this circle. That is why I am releasing this book without artistic editing - as it is in the form of notes. Such a billionaire, which is described in many fiction novels, cannot exist in nature, because I have not seen a single billionaire who himself goes to the store, drives a car, pours himself tea or meets someone in person, alone, as in “ 50 Shades of Grey,” when Mr. Gray himself went to the store for building materials, interviewed a student one-on-one without the help of secretaries – ha ha crazy – never! People of this level are accustomed to servants, and when dealing with billionaires, willy-nilly you enter into relationships with servants, which are quite numerous. She almost looks into the bed, and you get used to her like furniture. And therefore, to seduce a billionaire, you need communication skills with men and women that are inaccessible to ordinary young girls without special training. And now some of this preparation can be obtained in this book. In it you will see the real story of the seduction by a simple poor Belarusian student of a man who was included in the 20 richest people on the planet, one of the richest in Russia. Of course, it couldn’t have been done without the help of others; a brilliant teacher of seduction, my coach Alex Leslie, helped me with this. Without him this story would not exist!

I reveal seduction techniques that have worked, and I invite you to follow the path of seducing this billionaire with me. I will analyze my every step, involving you in reasoning about strategies for manipulating the richest people on the planet.

This way, together with you, we will walk along the same path, and this will allow me to pass on my valuable experience to you.

Warning for the faint of heart, moralists and virgins: In the lives of the richest people there are many strange things and things that go beyond the scope of the average normal person. Therefore, you and I will have many situations from which we will have to extricate ourselves. As an ordinary Belarusian student, something from the life of a billionaire shocked me. I apologize if anything turns out to be very inappropriate for you. All the same, we will have to get out of all situations together, not forgetting about the goal - seducing a billionaire.

Huntress - who is she?

The Huntress lives in an emotional world, the objects of which are changes.

She lives here and now, she does not think about the past and future. Because emotions exist only here and now, not in the past and not in the future. So she dates men, and since she lives in an emotional world, she gives them a lot of emotions. And they fall in love with her. And very rich men also fall in love with her because they cannot hook her with standard things. He can't hook her up by taking her for a ride in a Lamborghini or giving her a ton of money. Why? Because for her it is not a value, her value is an emotion. And what can a rich man do to catch you? He's used to catching people with the same things. Status. With money. Systemic things. And she is not a system player. She is a person who can only touch something emotionally. Therefore, she is inaccessible to these men and these men fall in love with her. He can't buy it. Plant at home. Make her do what he wants. She is inaccessible to him. Moreover, she conveys quite deep emotions to him, since she has been taught this. Learned to rock any person, evoke feelings.

Huntress Ideology

The material world is a picture. This is a world of comfort. This is a static world. And there are women who are bored with looking at the same thing and want movement. And movement is cinema! This is an emotional world. Cinema is built according to the laws of change, and painting is built according to the laws of staticity.

In the material world, the main thing is stability and constancy, and in the emotional world, changes and adventures are important. The value of the emotional world is in changes.

Relationships that are built in the emotional world are relationships built according to the laws of cinema, according to the laws of drama and change. It's the other way around! If in ordinary relationships people strive for certainty, then for passion and emotional relationships it is necessary uncertainty. Polarity required. Polar emotions. Rocking. For ordinary relationships, rocking is bad; everything needs to be smooth and quiet. And for passion it’s good! Because they lead to change. Great passions and emotions.

Sep 26, 2017

Diary of Seducing a Billionaire, or a Clone for an Oligarch Nastya Rybka

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Title: Diary of Seducing a Billionaire, or Clone for an Oligarch
Author: Nastya Rybka
Year: 2016
Genre: Biographies and Memoirs, Nonfiction, Contemporary romance novels, Erotic literature

About the book “Diary of Seducing a Billionaire, or a Clone for an Oligarch” Nastya Rybka

Surely every woman dreams of marrying a rich man. But how to do this? Not every girl knows about this, and how could it be otherwise, because billionaires are far from ordinary people. It is not typical for them to go shopping or drive a car on their own; for this they have servants, to whom they are already accustomed.

The book “Diary of Seducing a Billionaire, or a Clone for an Oligarch” is a visual aid on how you can lure a real rich person into your network. Nastya Rybka, the author of this amazing creation, says that this is quite difficult to do. According to her, the manual was created based on real experience that she gained during the “hunt for a billionaire.”

Nastya Rybka talks about how she managed to seduce a rich man on the Forbes list. The writer does not say who this man is, but it is known that a seduction instructor helped her in her writings. It was thanks to his techniques that everything turned out great.

So, a young girl, Nastya, ends up on a yacht with a billionaire; by pure coincidence, she manages to get onto the ship, where she was supposed to meet this rich man and use everything that the instructor taught her. Very soon the girl realizes that she got on the yacht for a reason, it was beneficial for someone. After some more time on the yacht, it becomes clear to the girl that she has fallen into a trap from which there is no way out. What awaits the young girl now? Will she be able to seduce her billionaire? What techniques will he use? Who benefited from her presence on this ship? You can find out about this if you start reading the book “Diary of Seducing a Billionaire, or a Clone for an Oligarch.”

The author has a rather unusual way of thinking, and therefore expresses his thoughts quite clearly and vividly. The girl talks about how to behave correctly, what to wear and in what circles to move in order to get in front of a billionaire. Nastya Rybka criticizes numerous stories about how a rich man will walk around a store or suddenly stop on the sidewalk to meet a pretty girl. Most likely, he will order to bring her to him for acquaintance. In the book “Diary of Seducing a Billionaire, or a Clone for an Oligarch,” everything is real, the writer did not sweeten the images of her heroes, did not make them sugary, they are what they should be in real life. For her, such a description is the basis of the work, which attracts the reader even more.

Reading the book “Diary of Seducing a Billionaire, or Clone for an Oligarch” is quite easy; the writer did not overload it with unexpected turns of events, but at the same time created an effective guide to manipulating men.

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