Improper washing of a down jacket will lead to streaks or loss of down properties, which will make it unsuitable for use in winter. To prevent this from happening, wash a warm down jacket in an automatic washing machine at a temperature of 20–35°C in the “Delicate Wash” mode, and then carefully dry it on hangers for 2–4 days, turning out the pockets and fastening the zippers.

The most popular clothes in winter period becomes a warm down jacket. Unfortunately, over time it becomes smudged, and housewives have to wash it. Let's look at how to properly wash a down jacket in an automatic washing machine so that the down does not collect in lumps and the stains are washed off.

What is better: washing or surface cleaning?

Many people are afraid to wash down clothes at home, but they also don’t want to take them to the dry cleaner because of the cost of the procedure. Then housewives begin to clean the jacket with a brush to extend its service life. Let’s figure out whether it’s better to clean or wash a down jacket in an automatic washing machine.

Table 1. Benefits of washing and cleaning a down jacket

Therefore, washing has more benefits than brushing. Experts recommend washing your jacket in a machine 2-3 times per season. However, cleaning is also useful if a fresh spot suddenly appears.

Are all down jackets machine washable?

Any item has processing requirements, especially down jackets. To understand whether a particular down jacket can be machine washed, you should look at its label. If it states that an item of clothing can be washed both by hand and in a washing machine, then this makes life easier for the housewife, but if there is an icon for hand washing only, the use of a washing device is strictly contraindicated.

So, if a thing allows you to use an automatic machine, then you need to use it if:

  • the down jacket stinks of sweat;
  • spots have formed on the surface.

Modern manufacturers (in most cases) make down outerwear, which allows you to use an automatic machine, but then the housewife must follow the washing rules, choose the right temperature and use products that do not affect the feather/down structure.

How to wash a down jacket in an automatic washing machine correctly

If handled incorrectly, clothing may become unusable, so before starting the car, read the rules:

  1. Make sure there is a sign on the label that allows automated washing.
  2. If lint regularly escapes from your feather or down wardrobe, you need to abandon automated processing.
  3. Only one jacket can be placed inside the machine. You cannot combine washing it with cleaning other wardrobe items.

Using these basic rules, cleaning your down jacket from stains will be successful. You can watch the process of processing a down jacket in automated mode in more detail in the video: “How to wash a down jacket from stains in a machine”

Select the powder and water temperature so that the fluff does not clump

The correct selection of powder and water temperature affects what the item will look like at the end of washing, because due to these factors, some wardrobe items begin to stink or lose color.

What modes to choose for processing down clothes

To wash a down, synthetic, feather jacket in an automatic washing machine, you should select a special program. On most automated devices, it is marked as “Delicate wash” or “Bio-down”. Their use allows you to carefully remove stains, avoiding deformation of clothes.

If your machine does not have this mode, it is recommended to use the “Wash wool” program. It works similarly to delicate treatment and will not harm the down/feather product.

These modes are available in the following models of automatic machines:

  • Electrolux
  • Kediyaer.
  • Lawine.
  • Uniqlo.
  • Beko.
  • Thinsulate.
  • Electrolux.
  • Indesit.
  • Samsung.

In such machines, you can remove stains both on plain down jackets and on those with decorative patterns (light or dark): white, yellow, blue, red, etc.

Products for washing down wardrobes in an automatic machine

Processing bulky down jackets in a machine requires the use of special soap solutions, because it is better to avoid using powder (because of it, stains often appear on jackets).

To remove stains, you need to choose the following products:

  • laundry soap delicate clothes;
  • gel concentrate for special rag products (gel capsules).

These products are sold in bottles. To wash a jacket that is not particularly dirty, you need to use 30–40 ml of liquid. If there are pronounced dirt stains on the surface of down clothing, you need to increase the dosage to 60 ml.

There is no measuring scale on the bottle of substances, so you will have to measure the required amount of liquid using a cap with a volume of 40 ml. Therefore, for normal washing you need to use ¾ of the cover per 1 wash, and for intensive washing - 1.5.

Preparing your down wardrobe for washing

To wash a down jacket in an automatic machine correctly, it is necessary to carry out preparation (this will affect the form in which the item will remain after processing).

The preparation is as follows:

  1. Check your pockets and empty them.
  2. Unfasten the hood and fur inserts.
  3. Check the seams for holes and loose fluff. If there are even small holes, you will need to sew them up. If there are protruding feathers, you should completely abandon automatic washing.
  4. Turn the clothes inside out and fasten the locks and buttons to avoid damage to the automatic device and to preserve the product itself.

After preparation, you can start starting the machine.

How to wash a down jacket correctly: step-by-step instructions

Washing a down wardrobe at home is a painstaking job, but it allows you to save on dry cleaning and eliminates the possibility of clothing being damaged by the staff of the establishment. To wash your down jacket successfully, you need to adhere to the following order:

  1. Fasten the zippers and turn the jacket inside out.
  2. Place it inside the machine and additionally put 2-3 tennis balls or special balls there (to prevent the fluff from matting or forming a lump). They will not harm the car, but before using them, it is recommended to make sure that they do not fade, as this can ruin light-colored clothing.
  3. Set the gentle wash mode: “Bio-down”, “Delicate”, “Synthetics”, “Wool”.

After this, the process of removing stains and dust begins. At the end of the program, you need to take out the clothes, check how well the machine completed the task, and dry the jacket.

If for some reason the spin does not work, you need to do it yourself and hang the jacket to dry.

How to get rid of greasy stains on a down jacket

More often greasy spots appear on children's jackets, so such things require special attention. To wash particularly soiled down jackets at home, you must follow the following instructions:

  • Carry out preparation according to the principle described above.
  • Wash off greasy stains by hand using detergent. The effect will be better if you rub the contaminated areas and leave the jacket for 30 minutes. Next, you need to wash the detergent under running water.

Dish detergent is very difficult to wash out, so you should not put your jacket in the machine without removing the detergent from the product itself.

  • Select the delicate wash mode and set the intensive rinse to ensure that any remaining foam is thoroughly washed away.

In addition, it is useful to wash the collar, pockets and cuffs by hand. In this case, you should use soap or washing gel rather than dishwashing detergent to eliminate the risk of streaks.

How to bleach a white down jacket

Bleaching a down jacket is not a difficult task, but it allows you to remove a yellowish tint or gray from your clothes. There are several ways to achieve this.

Table 2. Jacket bleaching methods

If the jacket is snow-white, but there are stains on it. If the down jacket (white) appears gray or yellow.
It is enough to purchase the Vanish product. You should wash the stains with your hands and let the jacket lie treated, and then wash it on the “Delicate” mode, preferably with the addition of “Vanish” to the selected gel. To bleach a jacket, you need to pour water into a basin and add bleach. You need to place the down jacket in the liquid for 12 hours, and then wash it in an automated machine with the addition of the same bleach. The procedure must be repeated 2–4 times, depending on the condition of the jacket. If for some reason it is not possible to buy bleach, but you urgently need to remove yellowing from your jacket, you will need:
  • water – 12 liters;
  • ammonia + hydrogen peroxide (3%) – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt – 8 tbsp. l.;
  • powder.

Mix the ingredients and place the jacket in them for 4 hours, then wash the product in a machine.

If there is a sign on the label that prohibits processing in a machine, you should contact a dry cleaner. When using bleach, streaks may appear on the jacket, so you need to rinse intensively. You should not keep your down wardrobe in the solution for more than 4 hours. This will damage the fabric structure.

Drying a down wardrobe in a machine

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely dry a jacket in a machine, because in this case the down jacket will lose its shape and become unattractive.

How to dry down clothes after washing

When you take the jacket out of the car, you need to hang it up immediately (after drying, it will return to the shape it was in).

Additionally required:

  1. Unfasten locks, buttons and other fasteners.
  2. Turn it inside out to the front side.
  3. Button up your jacket so that it accepts correct form.
  4. Hang the down jacket on a trempel or hook it onto a rope over your shoulders (option 1 is better, because after drying, indented marks may remain in place of the clothespins).
  5. Stir the fluff manually so that it does not bunch up and the cells look fluffier.

When drying in this way, you must adhere to certain rules:

  • do not hang the down jacket near the stove or heating devices, so as not to damage the down with high temperatures;
  • You can’t dry your jacket horizontally – an insufficient amount air will lead to rotting and rotting of the fluff;
  • During the drying process, the down jacket should be shaken periodically so that the down can fluff up.

After processing, the jacket becomes wrinkled. You cannot iron it with a simple iron, because then the down jacket will cease to be fluffy. Owners of such a wardrobe item should purchase a lint-free clothing steamer.

What to do if the fluff gets lost after washing

If whisking doesn't help and you end up with sloppy lumps, that's not a problem. In this case, you should use a vacuum cleaner without a plastic attachment. You need to turn it on at the lowest power and drive it from the inside out, paying attention Special attention formed downy seals. This will allow the formed lumps to be broken up and returned to the jacket. beautiful view.

How to get rid of unpleasant odor

During the use of outerwear, it becomes saturated with sweat. As a result of the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria in sweat, an unpleasant odor appears. Fortunately, they are not able to survive low temperatures–25– (–30)°C. Therefore, to eliminate the smell, the down jacket should be frozen outside (in winter) or in the freezer (in summer).

How long should you dry your jacket to avoid a dog smell?

The appearance of a dog smell after washing indicates that the down has rotted and deteriorated. In this case, action should be taken immediately.

  • re-wash the jacket with added fabric softener;
  • Dry it in the cold for 2 days;
  • Dry in the house for an additional 1-2 days.

Such measures will help get rid of the fetid odor and thoroughly dry the jacket. To consolidate the effect, it is recommended to steam it with a steamer.

If you need to return your down jacket to cleanliness at home, you can easily do without dry cleaning if the manufacturer allows you to process it in the washing machine. In fact, the procedure is not complicated and does not require special skills, but thanks to it you can save on dry cleaning services and wear a jacket that looks impeccable.

Larisa, January 29, 2018.

Today the eternal girlish dilemma triumphs: to elegantly freeze in a jacket or clumsily keep warm in a down jacket.

Of course, a mature female mind will prefer a down jacket. But how to remain feminine, neat and beautiful in a down jacket? The answer is simple: first, put your down jacket in order!

The down jacket is rightfully considered the best option winter wardrobe. But at the same time, there is a significant problem with this kind of product - washing.

Once your favorite down jacket has become unusable, the question arises of restoring it by washing. In this case, you have a choice of two options.

Therefore, you should not forget that for down clothes it is better to use colorless soap (liquid) or a special shampoo.

Do not use products containing aggressive components, such as chlorine. At the same time, you only need to wash your down jacket when it is turned inside out!

Many down jackets cannot survive washing at home, so make sure in advance that this cleaning method will not harm the product!

  • Evaluate the marks on the clothing tag; perhaps your item is only suitable for chemical waterless cleaning.
  • Quality matters. If fluff pops out of clothes during wear, then washing this product is contraindicated!
  • Pay attention to the stitched squares of the down jacket: the smaller they are, the more likely it is that the down jacket will withstand washing.

Prepare properly!

Before washing, be sure to do certain manipulations.

  • Unfasten all removable clothing parts: hood, jewelry, etc. Be sure to remove the fur!

Advice! If the product has decorative elements that cannot be removed, but may leave stains and marks during the washing process, then these decorations should be wrapped in waterproof material (cling film, tape).

  • Fasten all zippers, snaps and buttons.
  • Inspect the down jacket for stains (typical places: collar, pockets and sleeve cuffs). If there are any, then you should wash them with a soft brush and ordinary laundry soap.

To remove stains on a down jacket, do not use powder, as it is less easily washed out of clothing and may leave white or yellow marks.

If you decide to wash your down jacket by hand, be extremely careful and careful, because washing at home can lead to the appearance of white (or yellow) spots and a change in the shape of the product.

To wash your down jacket correctly, adhere to the following points.

  1. Hang the down jacket on hangers and place it in the bathroom.
  2. Wet the down jacket using the shower.

Important! The stream of water to the down jacket should not go perpendicularly (point-blank), but obliquely. This manipulation will avoid excessive wetting of the lining and down!

  1. Apply your chosen detergent to the down jacket and scrub the surface of the product with a soft brush, paying special attention to the elbow area, sleeves and collar.
  2. Rinse off the detergent with a shower, directing the stream tangentially to the jacket.

Remember: the more thoroughly you rinse off the soap, the less likely it is that stains will form on the down jacket, which will be difficult to remove in the future!

Important: avoid excessive wetting of the product!

You can confidently try this method on a jacket or any other outerwear.

To dry your item properly, follow the tips below.

  1. The down jacket is dried strictly vertically (on hangers).

In a horizontal position, the filling of a down jacket will not dry out evenly and will become an ideal environment for the proliferation of microorganisms.

  1. It is necessary to dry the product away from heating devices, since fluff can high temperatures becomes more brittle.
  2. It is better to use for drying natural method on open air.
  3. To speed up the process of drying clothes, it is permissible to use fan heaters or hair dryers, but only if the air flow is not too hot (medium mode or cold blow mode).
  4. You can avoid crumpled filling if you periodically shake the down jacket while drying and knead the filling itself with your fingers.
  5. Place the down jacket in the closet only when completely dry to prevent the formation of mold in the filling!

If the fluff still gets crumpled

  • In such a situation, a regular beater used for its intended purpose on the jacket will help straighten it out.
  • The second method, more elaborate, is to use. Remove the brush (or install a narrow attachment) and start vacuuming the inside of the down jacket. In this case, the movements should be “bottom-up” - this will help the fluff to be evenly distributed throughout the jacket.


As a rule, down jackets do not need ironing. But if the surface of the product looks too wrinkled, then it is worth ironing it using a low temperature (no more than 120 ° C). In this case, preference should be given to vertical steaming.

Cleaning in the washing machine

To properly wash a down jacket in washing machine, you need to follow the recommendations given.

  1. Load the down jacket (only one, even if the machine's capacity allows you to wash several at once) into the washing machine.

Use a drum type washing machine. Semi-automatic or activator-type machines cannot be loaded with washing down jackets!

  1. Select the delicate mode for cleaning; the temperature should not exceed 30 °C.
  2. Do not use powder; give preference only to liquid detergents, as powder detergents are less easy to rinse out.
  3. Do not use rinse aid as it will cause the fluff to stick together!
  4. Always use the extra rinse function to completely remove the detergent from fabric fibers and lint.
  5. You need to wring out the down jacket! Spinning is allowed at 400-600 rpm.

    This procedure will also help reduce the formation of lint clumps.

    Don't worry that the balls can damage the drum of the machine. The equipment itself is designed for heavier items (for example, sneakers). To avoid possible “shedding” of the balls, first wash them separately by hand.

    They say that everything ingenious is simple, and washing a down jacket at home is even easier! Follow these tips - and your down jacket will be washed no worse than in a dry cleaner!

The down jacket is one of the most common types winter clothes in Russia, and this is quite justified - these clothes are filled with warm materials, among which are down, feather, holofiber and numerous others. Thanks to this, down jackets perfectly retain heat inside and do not let it out. Despite many obvious advantages, down jackets have one rather unpleasant drawback - these clothes are difficult to care for. So, without applying special rules, the first wash of a down jacket can also be the last - white stains often appear on the clothes, and the down inside tends to roll off. However, washing a down jacket at home without streaks is more than possible. How to wash a down jacket without streaks? This guide will help you!

Why do white streaks occur?

In order to understand how to wash a down jacket so that there are no streaks, you need to understand in detail the reasons for the occurrence of such troubles. So, white stains on clothes appear for the following reasons:

  • The use of low quality internal filler is the fault of the manufacturer.
  • Incorrect or insufficient rinsing of the down jacket after finishing washing it.
  • Uneven or improperly organized drying of clothes.

The question of how to wash a jacket without streaks arises often, which indicates the prevalence of this problem. If you do not want to be among the victims, take note of these tips!

General rules for washing down jackets

How to wash a down jacket without streaks? There are several answers to this question. general advice, which are suitable for any occasion. Some of them may change depending on your case:

  • Washing clothes with filling can be carried out at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees.
  • To wash a down jacket in the washing machine, set it to hand wash. If your model does not have this, turn on the delicate mode, which is very similar to manual.
  • How to wash a jacket without streaks? Do as many rinses as possible. One will definitely not be enough - there should be at least two, and preferably three. It is insufficient rinsing that becomes common cause the appearance of unpleasant stains on the surface of clothing.
  • How to wash a jacket to avoid streaks? Try to avoid dry powders entirely, instead choosing liquid products that do not contain dyes or bleaches. If you choose powder, use special formulations for washing down, or children's washing powders without questionable additional additives.
  • Set the speed to low - 600-800 per minute is enough. A higher speed setting may cause fluff to roll off, which is another bigger problem than scams on things.
  • Before washing a down jacket in a washing machine without streaks, be sure to remove all other things, and especially down jackets, from the machine drum. Yes, you will have to spend money on washing one item in terms of detergent and electricity, but in this case the risk is less.

If you are still thinking about how to wash your down jacket to avoid streaks, pay attention to special capsules. Small capsules contain liquid detergent - it does not leave unpleasant stains on clothes. The capsules themselves do not take up much space and are easy to use and store. The only drawback is the high cost, which some may find unacceptable. Otherwise, this is an almost ideal remedy against stains on things.

Rules for hand washing without streaks

How to wash a light down jacket without streaks? Perhaps, the best way It will be hand washing, since in the process of washing by hand, the likelihood of the formation of stains and lumps of fluff, which can reduce the pleasure of wearing a down jacket to a minimum, is reduced. Here a logical question arises about how to wash a down jacket at home without streaks, depending on the material of the clothing:

  • Holofiber. An easy-to-handle material, a product from which just needs to be soaked in a basin of warm water for 10-15 minutes, then washed as usual. Carefully select the water temperature - it should not be higher than 30 degrees. Also, do not soak a holofiber down jacket for a long time. Liquid detergent is used for washing.
  • Pooh. Material that requires careful handling. How to wash a down jacket by hand without streaks, so that its filling does not become unusable? The main rule is to try not to soak your clothes completely, exposing only the contaminated areas of the down jacket. Apply detergent to the fabric carefully, and do not forget to rinse it off with a soft sponge.

Before washing your jacket, so that there are no streaks left, do not forget to look at the tag, which is usually located on the inside of the down jacket. Perhaps the manufacturer prohibits manual and automatic washing of the product. In this case, you will have to limit yourself to just a damp sponge, with the help of which you need to carefully remove dirt from the surface of the down jacket. The main thing is not to wet it with water.

It is very important to know how to dry a down jacket after washing without streaks - often organizing proper drying is even more difficult than carefully washing clothes. Use the following recommendations, following which will allow you to minimize the likelihood of streaks appearing on your down jacket:

  • The product must be dried in a vertical position - to do this, hang the clothes on hangers.
  • Do not try to artificially speed up drying - placing a down jacket in close proximity to heating devices and fire sources can lead to the appearance of white streaks.
  • Try to dry filled clothes outdoors or in well-ventilated areas. Natural drying rarely leads to the formation of streaks.

Now you know how and with what to wash a down jacket so that there are no streaks. But what if you read the advice too late and appearance Are your clothes badly damaged? How to wash a jacket from stains? There are some tried and true recipes you should definitely check out below!

How to wash a down jacket from stains?

Are you interested in how to wash a black down jacket from white stains after improper washing or drying? There are three popularly proven methods that will help you return your clothes to their original appearance:

  • Dilute 2 teaspoons of dishwashing detergent in warm water, soak a soft, clean sponge in the resulting solution and gently wipe off any stains that have formed on the down jacket. After a few minutes of absorption, the solution should be carefully removed and the cleaned area should be rinsed with water.
  • Soak a cotton pad in a small amount of gasoline and wipe any stains found on the down jacket, then rinse off the remaining gasoline with warm water. This method is not suitable for synthetic-based fabrics, since they dissolve almost immediately under the influence of gasoline.

In the harsh Russian winter, a down jacket is the ideal outerwear that effectively protects against the cold. Besides this, it is also very comfortable. Down jackets are worn by men, women and children. This wardrobe item is made from padding polyester, holofiber and down - these materials require very careful handling. Unfortunately, the above outerwear gets dirty quite quickly, so the question of how to wash a down jacket so that the down does not get lost becomes of paramount importance. Please remember that any careless movement may damage the product. Of course, you can choose the simplest solution to the problem - take your clothes to the dry cleaner. In this case, you don’t have to rack your brains about how to wash a down jacket so that the down doesn’t get lost. But as for the financial side of the issue, it should be noted that this service is not cheap. In one season, you will have to remove dirt from outerwear several times, so in order to save money on the family budget, it still makes sense to independently solve the problem of how to wash a down jacket so that the down does not get lost. The information presented in this article will help preserve the above item of clothing in its original form.

It must be emphasized that if you want to get this effect, you must follow some washing rules.

It must be remembered that it is easier to remove dirt from high-quality products, since they have a double lining that does not allow feathers and fluff to come out.

Those who are concerned about keeping down down should also know: the high-quality outer material from which the clothes are made consists of both synthetic and natural fabrics, which means that they dry more easily.

The most polluted places

As a rule, the pockets, cuffs, elbow area and collar get dirty first. How to wash a down jacket by hand to fix this problem? It is necessary to first apply to the area of ​​contamination and then remove the stains using a hard sponge. It is not recommended to use it in this case, as it leaves a strong foam and is difficult to rinse off.

Machine washable

Have you decided to wash your down jacket in the washing machine? To begin, you must turn the garment inside out and zip it up. This way you can protect the front side from mechanical damage, in addition, this measure will not allow fluff to come out. The zipper must be fastened so that the clothing is not subject to severe deformation. Only one item should be washed per procedure. You should not put outerwear in the drum with other items, because if washed incorrectly, all items will be covered in fluff and feathers, and you will no longer be able to wear them.

What should you always remember if you want to wash your down jacket in the washing machine? During the procedure, the fluff almost always bunches up into lumps. To minimize this risk, it is necessary to place several balls intended for playing tennis in the machine’s drum.

This measure will make it possible to fluff up outerwear due to the fact that the balls will spin. Don't forget to wash them separately first, unless they are new, of course.

If there are no tennis fans in your family, then you can go to the store household chemicals and purchase special plastic balls.

Those who are especially interested in the question of how to wash a down jacket in a machine should know that the spin mode can be used, but not at high speeds.

Optimal temperature for washing

Before putting your outerwear in the drum washing machine, you should carefully read the information on the product label. After this, you will know exactly the washing features and temperature conditions, which, as a rule, range from 30 to 40 degrees Celsius. At the same time, do not forget that stubborn dirt on sleeves and pockets at this temperature is quite difficult to remove, so you should first use laundry soap, as was written above.

How to remove stubborn stains

Of course, many are interested in the question of how to wash a down jacket at home if greasy stains appear on it.

In this case, a cleaning agent that you can prepare yourself will help. You need to combine the following ingredients: starch (1 tbsp), salt (1 tbsp), lemon juice(1 tbsp) and stir them until they reach a creamy consistency. Armed with a cotton pad, apply the resulting composition to the contaminated area and leave for 10-15 minutes. Citric acid attacks the stain, and salt removes dirt. After this, remove any remaining salt and then begin washing your clothes as usual.

We wash without streaks

The quality of the detergent is also of great importance if you want to wear your favorite outerwear after the stain removal procedure. In this regard, the question of how to wash a down jacket without streaks becomes of paramount importance. The fact is that the powder is very difficult to rinse out of the above item of clothing, so the risk of streaks is very high. To fix the problem, you have to do a huge number of rinses. However, smudges can also form due to improper drying of the product.

Do you want to know how to wash a down jacket without streaks? The main thing to remember is that you cannot use dry powders, but rather opt for liquid products that are designed for washing at a temperature of 30-40 degrees Celsius.

You should also remember that the spin mode should correspond to 600-800 rpm, no more.


It should be noted that currently on store shelves there is a wide range of products specifically for down jackets. It's up to you to decide which one to buy, but know that a standard liquid cleaner will not remove dirt at all. worse than that, which is specifically designed to remove stains from down jackets, it is only important that it is of high quality.


Don't know how to wash a down jacket by hand? It should be noted that the mode is a more troublesome procedure than the automatic one. However, the principle of operation is the same in both the first and second options. Again, you should only use liquid cleaner. The temperature should be 30-40 degrees Celsius. Also, after the procedure, you should rinse the product thoroughly and repeatedly to avoid streaks. You also need to wring out your outerwear carefully so that it does not become deformed. After completing the procedure, the down jacket must be hung on a trempel to dry, and the clothes should be lightly shaken periodically so that the down takes its original place.

This measure will allow you to evenly distribute the down after the jacket has dried.

Drying nuances

As already emphasized, improper drying of clothes can also lead to streaks.

Some housewives use conventional radiators for this. It is better to avoid this method, since outer fabrics such as polyester and nylon do not allow air to pass through well, and during rapid heating on the battery, the fluff can simply rot, resulting in an unpleasant odor from outerwear.

Others prefer to dry down jackets directly on terry towel, but such a process takes a huge amount of time, and besides, the fluff remains in a wet state for quite a long time, which, again, can lead to rotting processes.

Once the clothes on the trampoline are completely dry, remove them, distribute the fluff evenly again and put them in the closet.

Washing the down jacket can be done either in a washing machine or by hand.

Quite often we are faced with irritating consequences that are associated with stains on the down jacket.

This is very unpleasant and you have to wash the down jacket again and again.

When washing a down jacket, streaks can appear due to improper drying, insufficient rinsing, the wrong product, or poor quality padding.

Before washing your favorite jacket or coat, learn all the methods of proper washing so as not to waste time and effort.

It is not always necessary to wash the down jacket completely; we will tell you how you can do it without washing the down jacket completely.

Detergent for washing down jackets

There are many products on the market that are suitable for washing by machine or by hand.

Not all of these products are effective; on the contrary, many will have a negative effect on your item and, in addition to stains, you will ruin the fabric and filling.

The most effective means are:

  • Domal;
  • Down Wash & Clean;
  • Profkhim;
  • KONGUR Wash Delicate.

These products do not leave streaks, but they still have a disadvantage - they do not remove greasy stains.

Domal detergent for washing down jackets

It is better to take a liquid balm. It will be great for washing down jackets and other things.

It retains waterproofness, down properties and shape, color scheme, drawings and impregnations.

This product does not require additional rinse aid or fabric softener.

Domalom must be washed at 60 degrees on a delicate cycle in a washing machine or by hand.

Profkhim product for washing down jackets

You can wash blankets and pillows with it. It is very similar to the first product, only it is less expensive.

The advantages of Profkhim include maintaining the quality of the fabric and preserving the natural covering of the feathers.

To wash a down jacket in a washing machine, you will need a maximum of 60 ml, for hand washing - 50 ml.

The water should have a temperature of up to 40 degrees.

Down Wash & Clean for washing down jackets

This substance can be found in sports stores. It is suitable for washing down jackets and other items containing down.

The biggest advantage of Down Wash & Clean is that it does not roll down the fluff, does not break it or remove its fatty coating, as a result of which streaks simply do not appear.

Suitable for both machine and hand washing.

The convenient dosage system indicated on the bottle allows you to wash correctly and quickly.

KONGUR Wash Delikate for washing down jackets

This product is also easy to purchase at a sports store. It copes well with heavy dirt.

Suitable for down jackets made from waterproof raincoat fabric. Developed by specialists, the product allows you to carefully care for your down jacket, without washing off the water-repellent coating and without damaging the product.

Suitable for hand and machine wash. If you use it manually, you will need 10 liters of water and 2 caps of product. Wash at 40 degrees.

When washing a down jacket in a machine, you need 3 caps and a water temperature of 30 degrees. It is better to wash on a delicate cycle.

An excellent option would be to use tools such as:

  • soda-based powder;
  • castile soap in bar or liquid;
  • soap nut solution;
  • shampoos without SLS (with a minimum quantity).

What products should not be used to wash down jackets?

Give up the usual ones. They produce a lot of foam, which is difficult to wash out and increases the risk of streaks.

Multifunctional products, rinses and conditioners will also not help you. They are not able to remove dirt, but only spoil the filler.

Do not use bleaches, they will ruin your down jacket and it will be impossible to restore it.

How to wash a down jacket in a washing machine without streaks

Before washing, you should prepare the product for this. To do this, you need to remove all the detachable elements, take out all their pockets and wrap the buttons and zippers in bags secured with tape.

Fasten the product and turn it inside out.

  • place the down jacket in the drum of the machine;
  • throw 3-5 tennis balls into it (they will wash off the fluff evenly);
  • add the product of your choice;
  • turn on the delicate washing mode, the temperature at which should not be higher than 30 degrees;
  • put on rinse several times;
  • Set the washing machine to maximum spin.

How to wash a down jacket by hand without streaks

If the product has fur inserts that cannot be removed, it is better not to waste time and not spoil the item. Take it to the dry cleaner and don't wash it yourself. It is almost impossible to select a remedy in this case.

If the down jacket is filled with holofiber, then it must be washed at 30 degrees.

Soak it in a bath of water and product. Hand wash cuffs, sleeves, collars and other contaminated areas.

Straighten and shake the coat without squeezing with your hands.

Then fill with clean water and rinse the down jacket well by hand. Repeat this procedure several times.

Take a clothes hanger and hang your down jacket on it. Leave to dry. We'll talk about drying the product next.

If your down jacket is filled with feathers or down, it is recommended to wash it as follows:

  • hang it above the bathtub on a hanger;
  • use a shower to wet it;
  • take a hard sponge or brush;
  • Apply the product to the sponge and begin to remove dirt and stains;
  • after that, rinse the down jacket with a shower several times;
  • let drain for about 3 hours and take out to dry.

How to remove stains from a down jacket

It is not always necessary to wash the down jacket completely; you can simply wash away the stains without leaving streaks.

How to remove grease stains from a down jacket

Take two teaspoons of dishwashing detergent and dilute it in warm water.

Wet a sponge in this water and rub the greasy stains. Let the product sit on the down jacket for about 30 minutes.

Take a damp soft cloth and remove the product from the stains. Rinse the areas with warm water in the shower.

How to remove oil stains from a down jacket

We'll give you a few. Gasoline will help you here by moistening a cotton pad and wiping the stain.

Then rinse off the gasoline with water and leave to dry.

How to remove various stains from a down jacket

In the case of stains of various origins (from food, etc.), ammonia will help you.

They should be washed this way:

  • mix 10% ammonia with 100 grams of water;
  • add a few drops of detergent;
  • mix the product well;
  • Apply to stain and rub;
  • rinse with water.

How to dry a down jacket correctly

To ensure that there are no streaks left on your favorite down jacket, dry it properly.

Your down jacket will take about 2-3 days to dry, so be prepared for this in advance.

Drying is done at room temperature, on a hanger or hanger - the main vertical position.

Shake it constantly so that the fluff does not get lost. You can use a carpet beater for this.

Should be every three hours.

In order for the down jacket to dry quickly, place it near heating devices or a fan.

Knead the clumps of fluff with your fingers and then vacuum it with a narrow nozzle from the inside out.

How not to dry a down jacket:

  • on the balcony or in the bathroom;
  • do not dry the down jacket by placing it on a towel on the floor in a horizontal position;
  • on the heater or battery.

How to remove stains on a down jacket after washing

If you washed your down jacket and the stains still remain, which happens extremely often, do not rush to get upset and start the process all over again. We'll tell you a few effective ways removing stains on a down jacket:

  • hydrogen peroxide (I liked this method the most; to implement it, you need to wet a sponge with peroxide and apply it to the stains, then simply wipe the marks with a dry towel);
  • detergent (suitable for removing yellow marks, apply it and wait a few minutes, then rinse the down jacket in the machine and dry);
  • vinegar (dilute vinegar and water in the same ratio, moisten a sponge with it and wipe off the stains).
  • lemon (do not replace it with citric acid, apply lemon juice to the stains and leave for 15 minutes, wash with a drop of detergent and leave to dry).