Make your farewell to your girlfriend as romantic as possible. If you are flying by plane, have a romantic evening with candles in the airport cafe, if by train - in the restaurant of the station. Let the girl associate the place of farewell with something pleasant, not sad. During dinner, try not to talk about your separation. Tell her more about how much you love her, ask her to dance.

Develop a conversation about what you will do when you get back together. Don't forget the flowers. Before leaving, you can discreetly put a piece of paper with a love message in the girl’s bag. For example, these could be the following words: “Beloved, (girl’s name). As soon as I was away from you, I realized even more how much I love you. I won’t be sad, on the contrary, I want to smile with happiness, because I have you, I’m very lucky. You are the most beautiful, faithful, kind, desirable, sympathetic, beloved, sweet, gentle (choose one of these words). I love you!" The main thing is that the lines come from the heart. If you don’t have enough imagination to write a love letter to your other half, you can simply quote poetry from poets; she will undoubtedly like this option. After all, the main thing is your attention to it. She will value this above all else.

What to say to a girl when breaking up

I say goodbye because the night has passed.

You gave the dark time of day to one beauty, but you don’t plan to stay with her. I don’t care why – there can be many reasons. It may be completely unknown whether the girl herself plans to continue communicating with you, but in the morning there is little time to find out all this, and there is no need. Say that this morning was unforgettable, this dawn is the best ending to the night. But there’s no point in saying goodbye, don’t ruin the atmosphere.

Goodbye. I don’t want to say a lot of unnecessary words, they won’t make anyone feel any better anyway. Just know that you will forever remain that special person who managed to touch the most intimate thing - my soul. Do I love you? I will answer, without thinking for a minute, that yes, and even very much so. But the problem is that my love is not enough to save our relationship. It always seemed to me that two people should fight for the strength of an alliance, but apparently, the opinion turned out to be wrong. Remember, all the best things are connected exclusively with you, and if you suddenly find yourself in trouble, I will undoubtedly come to the rescue. Only as a good friend, just an acquaintance, but nothing more. You are in my heart forever, and this is perhaps the saddest thing. After all, I can’t love anyone the way I love you. I sincerely believe that everything will be fine for you, that you will find your happiness. I'm sorry that everything turned out so that mutual dreams remained the sweet dreams of those who were once one.

It's sad to know that we have to part. But I hope that this will not lead us to negativity and resentment. May each of us find our own happiness, may we be lucky on our life’s journey. All the best to you.

I don’t know how I can survive all these days without you, because today, together with you, I am letting go of a part of my soul. Take care of her, I won’t be able to exist without her in this dull and uninteresting world. I enjoy you, am inspired and admire you. Come quickly, because without you everything fades and loses its colors.

I vaguely imagine all this time that I will have to spend without you, because you are my long-awaited soul mate, whom I have been looking for for so long. My joy, idolized, beloved, come back quickly. Without you, your whole life will fade away, and all your days will become completely uninteresting and dull. You are the reason for my smile, which, unfortunately, I have to let go of, at least for a little while. I look forward to our next meeting with great impatience.

I don’t want... I’m leaving... I’m sorry I can’t take it anymore... I’ll leave, close the door behind me and call someone else now... forget me and I’ll definitely forget you forever now... I can’t understand you , what do you need from me... and recently I realized that you didn’t need me, you need it from me... Forgive me for not giving... because I didn’t love you... we just suffered in love.. . keeping love not for myself... I'm sorry, I'm not yours anymore...

The time for parting has come, my soul is somehow sad and empty. But, we will cope with all the troubles, with all the problems, thoughts and obstacles of time. The main thing is to believe in the best, and everything will be fine.

From today, it’s time for me to stop, because you won’t be around. I understand, work, circumstances, affairs, but with your departure, it’s as if a part of me is leaving. I know it won't last long. Time will pass and you will return to me, but until that moment, I will count the minutes, dreaming of the upcoming meeting. I will think about you constantly, returning to you in thoughts and dreams. I will ask heaven and all kinds of saints to take care of you and return you to me safe and sound. You are my happiness, and as you know, it is impossible for a person to live without happiness. Come back to me as quickly as possible, I'm looking forward to it!

Today will be an extremely sad day, and all because today I say goodbye to you. It might not be for long, just a couple of days, but this time will seem like an eternity to me. Please come back as soon as possible, because without you my whole life is in turmoil. My day begins with your smile and ends with your kiss. Don't deprive me of this for long. I will miss you beyond belief, the love of my life.

My beloved person, I’m very sorry, but it so happened that we have to part. May your heart not cry, may your soul not be sad, may everything in your life turn out wonderful, may there remain warm and kind relations between us.

"I'll be on the list of your exes"

Don't tell the future
About who you had in the past.
Don't call me, be quiet
Although I know it will be difficult.

It's hard for me to think that now
I'll be on the list of your exes
And you are on my list for losses,
For those who love, but for those who have grown cold.

“We must not forget about each other”

What a pity that we might meet again
Fate will never give us
But let us forget about each other
She will never be forced...

"Don't judge our past harshly"

Reluctantly, but still we admit:
Our relationship is stagnant.
So come on, don’t scold fate,
We will part ways with you forever!

Don't judge our past harshly
Try to find happiness!
It's good that the wrong road
We didn't have time to go far!


Goodbye! How sad this word is.
Who invented it?!
For the language it is simple,
Well, what is it like for the heart?...

“Separation is tearing my soul to shreds”

Separation is tearing my soul to shreds,
The heart is crying lonely.
Darling, I miss you very much -
It couldn't be otherwise.

The separation is very difficult,
I want to cuddle up to you.
Trust in your own hands,
Stay together forever.

"I want to hurt you"

I want to hurt you.
I want to become empty and cruel
So that your icy blood
Looked like strawberry juice to me.

I want to hurt you.
I want merciless revenge.
Shut up about your love.
We will never be together.

“Can I force myself?”

I don't know if I can force myself
To live the same way as I lived, but without you.
Don't wait and don't think and don't call,
Don't talk about your feelings.

Will I be able to get used to it, will I be able to forget?
Will I be able to love other women?
Let time heal all this sadness.
Feelings have melted, and I'm very sorry.

"Farewell, my beloved!"

The wind will disperse the fallen leaves,
And drops of rain will fall on the palm of your hand!
Our meeting was still unnecessary,
This sets the heart on fire!

No one will understand what suddenly happened to us,
We can no longer be together with you!
In separation from you, our hearts are not united,
Farewell, my beloved, like an echo of words!

"I loved you very much"

With you, my love,
It's hard for me to leave
I loved you very much
Although it's hard for me to admit,

But remember, don't forget
Words and promises
Wait for me and don’t miss me,
Accept my confession!

“I don’t forgive betrayal!”

I call you my beloved
For the last, unpleasant time.
I don’t forgive betrayal -
Betrayal is tearing us apart.

Free, like the wind in a field,
Run where you wanted to run.
Not a very big grief -
Send you to hell.

“There could be such a fairy tale”

There could be a fairy tale like this:
I am a fairy, you are a handsome prince.
But the dream coloring sheet fades,
Now I don't know the boundaries

Sadness, sadness of waiting:
What if you still come...
Only memories remain
About what kind of lies there are.

"My eyes are now opened"

My eyes are now open,
And the love was completely gone.
How stupid it is that I fell in love with you,
That I was next to you.

I won't regret the past
I'm glad to break up with you.
Goodbye, my dear good one,
Don't stand on the path of life.

"Once a Close Person"

With you, my once beloved,
Once a close person
With whom did I spend sunsets?
And with whom did I meet the dawn,

It's very difficult for me to leave,
But love cannot be returned,
And I wish you happiness,
I wish you not to be sad.

"I can't forgive you for cheating"

I can't forgive you for cheating
From now on you belong to someone else!
You showed all our feelings the price,
Farewell, beloved, but already a stranger!

I won’t find a place for offensive phrases,
It is occupied with bitter vexation!
Love and betrayal will not go together - it’s cramped,
Confusion fell on top of her!

“Our feelings have exhausted themselves”

Our feelings have exhausted themselves,
Or maybe they weren’t there at all?
And broken, what we dreamed of,
And in the soul of sadness there is eternal gray hair.

We won't hold hands anymore
That's it, my love, we are at the end...
We will take the emptiness as our guarantee,
Let us become a miracle of the heart for others!

"You left my planet"

You left my planet
Full of happiness and dreams!
The hero of Juliet neglected
A feeling of gentle warmth!

Well, let it be, but now I
There really is nothing to lose!
Away with boredom and doubts,
It's time to start life from scratch!

"Sad Confession"

You will read a sad confession,
And now you will understand everything yourself.
The time has come for parting -
It’s necessary, even though it’s still sad.

Our feelings warmed us hotly,
But there is no more warmth to be found.
I'm really sorry, darling,
That love has completely passed.

“I am glad that I am free”

I'm glad that I'm free
That the shackles of love are broken,
It was difficult for me to breathe with you, as if
I'm a prisoner. But I am reborn again.

And if something is wrong, I apologize
But I think you're happy about the parting.
Remember only the good moments
And let the spring garden bloom in your soul!

"You cheated on me"

You cheated on me. What were you hoping for?
Is it better to have everything on the side?
Oh, how easily you trusted someone else!
But I don’t care about that anymore.

Do you think you are so unique?
But I don't need a used girlfriend.
Don't ask for forgiveness, you crazy thing
After all, a wall has grown between us!

"Forgive me, I don't love you anymore..."

Forgive me, I don't love you anymore
I’m even happy and there’s no sadness at all...
I'm leaving, leaving forever,
Forgive me, but the feelings are all gone!

You are my former beloved,
I once loved you sincerely,
But all the words have already echoed,
We won't be around you anymore!

“The fire went out, the feelings subsided...”

The fire went out, the feelings subsided,
Love has passed, and it’s a shame.
My heart felt somehow sad,
And sadness crept into my soul.

A spark of love, no matter how hard you try,
Now there is no resurrection.
Forever, my dear, say goodbye -
I won't be able to love anymore.

“Love has passed and will not return”

Love has passed and will never return,
Believe me, I am very sorry that this happened!
We were together, our hearts were happy,
But our feelings, dear, did not work out like a fairy tale!

The soul will mysteriously spill hope,
And it’s like I won’t even notice it!
We will no longer make a double flight of souls,
I don't love you, I'm sorry, there will be no meeting!

“Love is gone, but I’m not sad”

Love is gone, but I'm not sad
Not a bit, not a bit sorry.
The two of us are lonely, empty,
And sadness crept into my soul.

Feelings do not bring me joy,
And they are tormented day by day.
Darling, goodbye. This is how it should be:
You are no longer my dream.

"It's so hard to say goodbye"

It's so hard to say goodbye.
It's even harder to forgive.
Don't think, don't cry, don't get angry
And don't blame anyone.

Cover yourself with a blanket
Or just water the flowers.
It's so hard to forget.
It's even harder to forget...
Not finding any reciprocal warmth.
There is no love, there is a reason for sadness,
After all, you are no longer with me.

“You and I parted so hard”

It was so difficult for us to part with you,
Both of them are sad.
And it was as if they remained friends.
I say: whatever you want, but it’s a pity...

It's a pity that we didn't know each other well
They didn’t try to understand their feelings.
It's a pity that the evil blizzard of life
She didn’t let us start everything again.

“It’s agony for me to say goodbye to you”

It’s an unspeakable torment for me to say goodbye to you,
It’s not easy for me to bear your farewell glance.
And where do separations come from in the world?
Why they always torment and hurt so deeply!

Call, write, quench your heart's thirst,
Give me a kind and quiet word, like water.
So that my soul can warm up from your warmth,
So that these long days don’t torment you so much.

Goodbye, let me go! Love is dear to me
But, alas, you trampled all of it!
This fairy tale will not repeat itself again,
Another one is waiting for you at the pier of love!

“It happens, love passes...”

It happens that love passes,
And we won't be together anymore
Memories year after year
They won't make your head spin

There will be no “us” and no common plans,
Joint life paths,
And we'll only be close again
In friends' photos!

“I won’t see you soon”

I'm ready to howl like a seasoned wolf,
From the sadness that reigns in the soul.
I won't see you soon
And my heart aches with sadness.

I miss you so much,
I curse separation every day.
Darling, I dream about it,
I'll look into your eyes again.

"I don't want to be with you anymore"

Your love seemed tempting
I was ready to give everything for her.
But it turned out to be endless stress
Everything I could once dream of.

What are these relationships called?
In which there are only quarrels, only pain?
No, not love, all this is humiliation.
I don't want to be with you anymore.

"I have to say goodbye"

I have to say goodbye
But I'm looking forward to our meeting,
My beloved, my happiness,
I'm delirious without you!

The separation will fly by quickly,
We'll be together again
I will see your pure gaze
How we need each other!

"You recently cheated on me"

You recently cheated on me.
Didn't save it. Didn't appreciate it.
I didn’t understand, I couldn’t understand,
But my heart will be trampled

I did it easily. Well, not me
And the Lord himself is your judge. You and I are not together now.
Is there any point in worrying?
It's not your destiny to be your bride,
Apparently, I, my love, will become.

The old feelings have faded away
You simply killed them.
I wish myself happiness!
The world of other men is full.

“You killed love forever”

Everything that happened between us
She betrayed me with her betrayal.
You killed love forever,
Which I cherished so much.

Farewell, and don't cry in vain,
Tears cannot help grief.
Love started out so beautifully
And it ended in terrible pain.

"Don't say I'm a scoundrel"

I can breathe easily again
Cause I'm free at last
Love is gone. Everything is far away.
Don't say I'm a scoundrel

You and I will understand each other,
Become free and happy!
Yes, everything is gone, love is gone -
And with it scandals and sadness!
And secretly, but wildly jealous
To the one with whom you taste love!

"Minute of Parting"

Minute of parting
Not always happy
And a sad confession -
My love has passed

Don't cry and don't be sad,
The paths diverge
And again the feeling of happiness
What awaits you ahead!

The day of parting has come,
Separation awaits us ahead,
Here is my platform and the train is approaching,
Boarding is announced through the microphone...
And I stand and I can’t take a step,
I look into your loving eyes,
I'm burning in the arms of farewell,
After all, I want to stay forever...
It happens, the result is sad
We live in different cities
I'm in St. Petersburg, you're in Smolensk,
And we won’t change life, we’re not like that.
I entered the carriage and the doors closed.
And the train moved slightly
I couldn't hold on anymore
And she cried like a child
Now your appearance has melted in the distance,
I can no longer see the station,
I gathered myself and whispered,
Farewell beloved forever!!!

Well, we decided to say goodbye.
Our happy paradise has become hell...
It's hard for me to communicate with you.
Forgive me for everything. Goodbye.
Goodbye, be happy with someone else
Everything has been empty between us for a long time.
We swim separately and remain silent
It's like ice on the ocean.

What will I tell you when I say goodbye?
That I was happy.
Didn't fit behind my back
Two open wings.
What flew in the sky
And she didn’t hide her face.
What's my high song?
I didn't see the end coming.
Only everything has gone somewhere...
And the crown of it all is melancholy.
It flew off and sang away.
Haven't finished crying yet.

Night comes and the wind extinguishes
A candle in frozen crystal,
On an old desk
All that's left for me is ashes
Letters from a burnt... in the darkness

Dreams look into the gaps in the windows,
Flowing in with barely audible music,
Let's rain on warm gray roofs,
Weaved into beads of silence.
And in the dark you can barely breathe...

And you are alone again at night,
In the flow of days you disappear,
And again you are silent... Tell me, do you know
When it sounds in the fog
Beautiful voice... slipping away

To dissolve in silence,
Empty roads... forget the worries
And fly up like a bird, touch God,
And disappear into the depths
Transparent waters...your road

Leads you somewhere far away
Where in the grape bunches,
The dreams are ripe... it's not too late
Hear the songs of bird flocks
And fly away, rise to the stars...
And forget your sadness...

Goodbye. I won't forget you

And everything that remains behind.

And I wanted to love you alone...

I want to tell you I'm sorry
I just want to leave
Let me go, forgive me
I don't want to live like this anymore.
I fell in love with you again
But you cut the thread of love,
Now live without loving
And never remember.
Forget my number completely
And of course I will forget yours,
And let my dreams die
With a stupid word: I WILL NOT FORGET!
Those stars that shone for us
They will definitely all go out,
And you, my dear, remember,
About our happiness.
Why did you betray me like that?
You hurt, you hurt my heart,
But I will forgive you too,
Find your happiness again!

What to do?
How to be?
I can not believe it,
I can't forgive.
Remember how we spent our nights,
I can't live without love anymore.
I can't understand
These stupid words
I cannot love someone other than my own.
I just don't know
How can I continue to live?
Help me people forget him.

Goodbye. I won't forget you
Although I don’t know what lies ahead.
I loved you - I will remember this,
And everything that remains behind.
I'm sorry, I did a disgusting thing,
I just can't live like this anymore.
But in this world you must be daring,
And I wanted to love you alone...
I didn't dare confess
And tell me how I feel about you.
I'm tired of being so afraid of everything,
It was so hard on my soul.
Don't bring me back, please.
How I loved - I will remember this.
Perhaps I won't say anything about it,
Goodbye, I won't forget you...

To you, who left me alone,
You, who caused me so much pain,
Now I express gratitude
For worthy of this share.
Thank you for the birth of love,
Big as the world and as beautiful as the dawn.
Thank you, my dear, for those days
When love seemed not in vain.
When dreams are like children's eyes
The skies hovered between ours.
When we knew for sure - never,
There will be no estrangement between us.
And let the whole world rear up between us
Will rise. We were sure -
We will never become strangers
That you and I are already inseparable...
But our dawn turned to sunset,
Fate dealt the cards differently,
And there is no way back for us
And there is no common pier to the shore.
And only love is immortal, like the soul
And the look will soften, and everything will take away the resentment.
And this miracle is in the heart forever,
Thank you for once warming up,
Left the fire burning inside me.
For teaching me to love, in love
You didn't make me disappointed.
Thank you for the open new world,
Thank you for the gift of weakness,
For the woman that you discovered in me
And for the joy experienced in tears.
For all. For the memory of wonderful days.
They are now inseparable from me,
Because I know how I can love,
Because I know how loved I was...

Farewell letter
My love,
Sorry for not meeting you
And now I’m not talking about feelings to your face,
Alone with you I won't have enough strength to speak
And the courage to say that I'm leaving.

Oh no you don't need to apologize
I should rather ask for forgiveness
Because I can't stay with you,
For having forgotten how to love.

Yes, I lived with you as if in a fairy tale,
I saw love in your eyes
I remember sunsets, nights and caresses,
A tangle of bodies in satin sheets.

A leaf in tears, I'm sorry, the words are blurred,
I endlessly remove them from my eyelashes,
Believe me, it’s hard for me, my soul is broken,
At least put your hand under the hellish syringe.

You are the best thing in my life
You taught my heart to fly in a dream,
You believed that we had love until the funeral service,
But I can’t give the same.

Fate does not want simple happiness,
Love always gives with separation,
How difficult it is to say goodbye to your loved one,
In whom the real feeling lives.

E. Asadov.
Letter to my beloved

We are far apart. Now between us
Patterns of constellations and whistling winds,
Roads with trains running into the distance
Yes, a boring chain of telegraph poles.

As if feeling our separation,
The spreading poplar sighed warmly,
Reaching out to the window, a green hand
He put it on my shoulder in a friendly way.

The soul asks for at least some news,
We are waiting, lighting up every line.
But news is not only brought in envelopes,
They sometimes come through our walls.

Imagine that you will hear news about
That I was deceived on the way by a scoundrel,
That he extended his hand, as to a friend, to an enemy,
And he pushed me in the back from the slope...

My whole body is bruised, my lip is broken...
What to do? Fate is sometimes twisted!
And may you feel hurt, anxious,
But you can believe. Is it possible!

And if suddenly the news is like a snowstorm,
He'll burst in and say, in hollow words,
That death interrupted the unsung song
And she outlined my name with a black border.

Cheerful lips closed forever...
Loss, it cannot be understood, it cannot be measured!
Ridiculous! And yet you can believe:
Only rocks are immortal, and I am a man!

But if you hear that sometimes in the spring
In pursuit of a new, illusory happiness
My heart is not for you, but for someone else
Excitedly suddenly stretched out into his palms,

Let the tears not splash, let the eyelashes not tremble,
Trouble will not be squeezed by the prickly cold!
Do not believe! This can't happen!
Can you hear? This will never happen!

Poems about separation from a loved one
I am sending you a farewell love letter -
Catch my farewell message -
It sums up all my former loves,
Like a full sigh, like a full breath!
I tell you these lines of love - goodbye!

When I look at couples in love, my heart aches and there is such sadness in my soul that it seems like I will never survive this...after all, we were once also happy...
it hurts me so much... it hurts to understand that this will never come back... my happiness, my love... forgive me, and I forgive you... thank you for everything that happened, for what is, for what you live somewhere and you smile at someone, you kiss someone, and you think about someone... forgive me My love and I forgive you... I wish you happiness... Goodbye...

Everything that happened between us, what we lived and breathed,
Everything melted away like a dream, and a heartfelt groan was heard...
My heart is empty, my head is filled with thoughts only about you...
You have become as dear to me as I need air!
I can’t imagine how to live without you now, as if
Before, there was no life without you...
Do you remember our walks on dark evenings?
We didn’t understand that this was real happiness...
Do you remember touches, kisses, hugs,
Phrases about love and tenderness in the gaze?...
And from these memories the soul cries in pain,
A tear runs down my cheek again,
The heartbeat breaks the walls,
And at the speed of light the blood runs through the veins...
And washing myself with tears and choking in pain,
I understand that I only want to be with you!
But this will no longer be, we failed to preserve
Love that gave us strength to live...
We destroyed everything with our own hands,
What happiness and joy brought us,
We played with love... and finished the game -
You and I are left with broken hearts...
All that was difficult to forget,
Maybe even impossible...
But it would still be better to forget.
Let's try to be strong!
Let's forget the love that was between us,
The one who completely captured the hearts,
Let's try to continue to live as before
And maybe even fall in love...
Let's try to throw off the mask of love from the past,
Come on with everything that happened between us
We will keep it in our hearts as a memory...
Like a fairy tale............!

I am writing a farewell letter,
I write not in prose but in poetry.
Words merge into one
And they burst into tears...
Forgot about me? Didn't write to me...
You must have found another...
Well, I won't be jealous,
Apparently it was fate.
Now I don't sleep at night
I whisper a name in the dark...
And tears fall on the bed
I can't forget you...
Sometimes I just want to scream
I love you, I won't forget you
I capture moments of life
How I read your letters...
And the separation will not end,
And your wishes won't come true
And happiness passed us by,
I still have memories...

Let go!
Let go! Open your fingers on my fingers,
You squeeze them until they turn white.
Let go! I love you, but you must understand me
Suddenly I’m already in flight, and not in a fall.
Move away! Despite the last minutes,
How love prepares for self-immolation.
Move away! If your eyes look without love
Let go! Don't prolong the torment.
Does not burn! And she, you know, is a bastard, she doesn’t burn,
She dug into her heart, only her sobs could be heard.
To hell with her, let her fly across the sky with me
An eternal sentence for edification...

It's all gone, I've forgotten the pain
Everything is gone, but I haven’t forgiven
Those words, that love, promises
But I told you goodbye.
Goodbye to warmth and hope
I'll look at goodbye as before
I will stretch out my palm to you with pain,
And I’ll pull back, saying goodbye to love!

You promised me happiness forever,
That you are my closest person,
That nothing will separate us from you anymore,
No one will stand in the way of you and me.
What's in the finale? Everything is generally the same as always,
Love has dissipated, you left me,
Breaking my heart into many pieces,
Leaving your mark on a wounded soul.
Now I'm left alone with myself,
But why do I just keep breathing you,
And I can't get you out of my head
Still somewhere in the past I live with you...

Your love, treasure and happiness,
What I have never seen before in my life,
Unexpected and heartbreaking
I lost it forever for myself.
She was clean, bright and so beautiful,
Like an angel descended from heaven
Loving her turned out to be so dangerous for me,
It was as if a demon had possessed me.
I lost my peace and clarity of thoughts,
I forgot when was the last time I slept,
It became harder to breathe when thinking,
That I never knew the happiness of life.
Love, I will never forgive you in my life
The pain that I gave to my heart,
I won't let you near me now,
I want you to forget the way to me.

That's it, the Rubicon has been crossed
And there is no way back for us.
Out of sight and out of mind...
Love only leaves a mark on the heart

In the form of a painful and deep wound,
Nothing, it will heal and pass.
Believe me, I won’t be left alone -
And my happiness will find me!

I don’t regret that it happened this way -
I am a fatalist and believe in fate.
Nothing, nothing happened...
Our past is taboo.

Don't blame and don't shout
Don't throw a tantrum
And don't trample me again -
That's enough, all the feelings are gone.

We part ways and call it a day.
Your insults, tears, grievances
Nobody needs them anymore.

If you can, forgive me
If not, take revenge.

And, please, let me go!
Don't watch me anymore and don't call me!!!

Poems goodbye to your beloved girl, woman, beloved boyfriend, man, farewell letter
Did you say: "Let's say goodbye?"
And I said: “Go away!
There's nothing for us to meet anymore
Others will be on the way."
You said: “For what? For what?”
I remained silent, barely breathing.
And you asked: “Will it be easier?”
And I simply said: "Yes"
You begged: "Let's forget?
What happened before was just nonsense!”
And I said "We won't
Meet you again. No! "
You came up and hugged me by the shoulders,
Said the last thing: "I'm sorry"
And suddenly I somehow felt better,
But I said: "Go away!"
And he left, slamming the door.
I quickly rushed to the window.
He disappeared behind a tall spruce tree,
I whispered: “I can’t!”
And quickly rushed after
I wanted to fall at his feet,
But I didn't win that race
I let my dreams go.
And I came home crying
And knowing that he won't come.
I thought: “I’m really sick!
Now it depresses me."
I loved so much, I dreamed so much
Just spend your life with him.
And repeated endlessly
Last words: "Sorry"

My heart is so light and calm now,
I already remember you without tears,
And when I met you, I didn’t feel any pain
I don’t feel sorry for my dreams that you shattered

With you we had both bitter and sweet
Fate has deceived me, it means it’s destined to be so,
Now I will live without looking back
For what we are not given the opportunity to live

Now I'm ready, forgetting the pain of separation,
Start all over again, look for your happiness
And when I meet you, I hold out my hands to you,
How to shake them tightly like a true friend

Well, I wish you goodbye
Be happy, go through life with luck
Intelligence and patience, rewards for deeds
Find the love you wanted to find.

To him from Her
This is my last letter to you, Sunshine! My last words... Let them be full of our Love, which burned everything around with its fire, including ourselves.
We were left to live, each on the edge of our own world: lonely, yearning for sunny emotions, for our cozy seaside hotel and sleepy palm trees.
We will never forget these short and sweet moments. And Glory to the Lord for giving us memory and giving us a couple of flashes of a Miracle called Love.
I will always love only You, my dear.

On various topics (from temporary separation to separation forever).

We stand side by side at the crossroads of parting,
Now let’s take a step and stop everything.
Goodbye. You were the bridge in life of happy moments.
Goodbye. We will no longer hear our hearts beating...

I say quietly, goodbye... I close my eyes...
In my thoughts I send a kiss.
Receive the SMS and then delete it.
Goodbye, we opened our bridges long ago.

Farewell notes sounded in fate,
These chords are the last time they speak about you.
They complete the journey of our hearts.
Bye dear. Goodbye. This is the end.

There is a farewell taste in a glass of water,
The look on his face is a little sad.
Goodbye dear, if you can, forgive me.
I don't see any point in us going together.

We had different moments
But the time to part has come for us.
Goodbye darling, this time will soon pass,
And again we will be carried on the waves of happiness.

The time of separation will pass unnoticed,
Although this move is sad for us.
Goodbye dear, the main thing is to wait.
The rains will not last long.

The train of separation has arrived at us,
But this is not a reason to give up.
Raise them higher, be patient, wait faithfully...
Farewell is not forever, the cold and rain will pass.

Goodbye dear, it's all over...
There will be more lights and flowers in life.
There will be happiness, there will be passion.
Look at your feet more often so as not to fall.

Everything was beautiful with us, tell me...
But flowers await us ahead, parting.
They smell of sadness
The train of separation arrived and sounded its whistle...

Darling, the word “goodbye” is like an angry bee,
It stings painfully, places swell...
But time will pass, it will heal everything.
And the crack of separation between us will heal.

Farewell SMS to your girlfriend
We will survive this separation, my sunshine.
And we will cross the river of separation...
Goodbye darling, goodbye and forgive me,
Soon our flowers of happiness will bloom.

(Gentle name) there are moments in life,
When moments of separation come to visit.
You just need to survive them, you just have to wait it out,
And again receive a sweet slice with the happiness of an orange...

My sun, forgive and endure,
After all, whoever knows how to endure has brighter lights.
He is strong in his will, he is simply cool,
Remember, true love takes centuries to come.

The sun has set and there is no light.
This means that separation in the relationship is taking its course.
She will close our paths to each other, but the main thing is to wait,
Wait and remember, the farewell lights will soon go out...

Let a warm ray of sunshine into your life...

Relationships are a long and difficult period, during which two different personalities come together. Sometimes it is difficult to find a common language with ourselves, let alone the people around us. It is not surprising that there are not as many happy couples, just like family unions, as we would like.

Differences in opinions, fading feelings and loss of interest are the unpleasant side of relationships. In this case, breaking them up is simply the only correct way out, which we are forced to resort to due to unfortunate circumstances.

How to break up with a girl?

An excellent video about breaking up from an experienced person in relationships and meeting girls. We recommend watching:

Read also:

There is a thin, invisible line in breaking a relationship. A convincing statement of facts that allows you to stop communication once and for all, making it as smooth as possible and without unnecessary scandals. The other side, the exact opposite phenomenon, is uncertainty and cowardice, fear of offending the girl and admitting that there is no more love between you and there cannot be.

Be able to choose the right words, and knowing your chosen one, this is not difficult to do, the main thing is to calm down your ardent temper, without saying unnecessary and inappropriate remarks. You break up, and there is no longer any need to delve into each other. The honesty and openness of your explanations should finally put everything in its place, leaving no questions.

In the case of timidity and inarticulateness, it is very easy to think that your decision is a stupid mistake. Your girlfriend will try to calm you down, trying to reason with you and make you give up your intentions.

In breaking up relationships, just as in creating them, you cannot hesitate and mumble. If at the beginning, you may simply miss the chance to meet the lady you like, then at the stage of ending the relationship, you will torment yourself, wasting time and your own courage on something that no longer brings pleasure.

How to break up via SMS?

Modern society is saturated with electronic social networks, mobile phones, and communication at any distance is not a problem. Time savings, accessibility and convenience of online correspondence sometimes surpass real, live communication. Contactless exchange of information facilitates many tasks that previously required personal presence, but now only the Internet.

The easiest, but not always effective method, since conversations of such significance are usually decided directly. If you have only recently known each other and have not yet had time to get used to each other, then there will be no problems, but in the eyes of the girl you will seem like a coward.

Write one, large, comprehensive and competent message. Free from grammatical errors, verbal inaccuracies and omissions. After reading this, the girl should not have any questions, everything will become crystal clear.

It will not be possible to change the sent message, it will not be possible to restore the old feelings, therefore, carefully select your words and calculate possible questions, answering them in advance. Brevity is the sister of talent - it doesn’t work here, accuracy and clarity are what you need.

Selection interesting options breakups via SMS (we do not recommend writing such things):

How to stay friends after a breakup

Ending a relationship is always a difficult and difficult process for both parties. There are several ways to properly break up with a girl who loves you, as painlessly and peacefully as possible, and at the same time try to remain good friends.

Honesty, calmness and straightforwardness

Choose the most optimal place with the minimum of your common memories. Speak, looking into your eyes, everything as it lies in your heart. The most important thing is not to speak insensitively, as if the past means nothing to you. Pay your respects to the time well spent together, but let him know that you don't need more.

No revenge

At the end of your conversation and after a certain time, do not try to say that now that you are free from each other, you love or are dating someone from your mutual acquaintances. Don't try to make people angry or jealous in such a stupid and children's activity there is nothing beautiful.

Leaving a girl is not difficult, the real art is to remain friends after a breakup, and envy and anger are not the best helpers in this.

Don't lie about your ex

In the circle of friends and acquaintances, you should not blatantly exaggerate the shortcomings of your ex and your strengths, her weaknesses and inclinations that led to your leaving her. Sooner or later, the words spoken will reach the ears of your ex, and you will definitely never be able to be friends. Besides, a real man will not report how bad or weak-spirited the woman he came across, and even more so, would not make her an object of ridicule. Do not forget that when you judge your ex, you equally condemn yourself, since no one has forgotten your closeness.


As already mentioned, firmness of intentions indicates their seriousness and steadfastness towards you. This is a well-thought-out decision that does not require additions or clarifications. Just do it the way you planned it. In the best case, you will give the impression of a determined and confident guy, after which the girl herself will not want to leave your life and will offer friendship.

No cheating

False hopes and promises for a possible meeting, that this is a temporary separation and you need to think everything over carefully - everything is not what you wanted. If you give such false hope, everything will only get worse, if not for you, then for the girl who is constantly waiting for your call to change her mind, it will definitely do harm.

To all the guys who cannot honestly admit to their beloved, even in the past, that nothing binds you anymore, I can advise you to put yourself in her place. Understand that the bitter truth will be a thousand times more pleasant than the sweet lie that gives drenching hope for the impossible.

What should you not do?

No matter what offends a girl, you can’t just disappear from her life. This is precisely what brings maximum mental suffering. Don't be rude, insensitive and selfish. Still, it was you who stopped loving her, and she, perhaps, also has feelings for you. Words should be firm and clear, but not cold. The coldness you feel towards her is no less offensive than rudeness.

If you want to remain friends, you should not plan friendly meetings at first, as they will not allow the remnants of feelings to fade away, especially girls find it difficult to experience such events - they need to reconcile themselves, it’s better not to see each other for one week and not talk at all.

Ignoring a girl so that she leaves you is also not the best solution. This is not only humiliating, but will also take some time. Provoking a scandal in order to break up here and now, on a rude note, while you hate each other is too cruel a way. A deeply loving lady can tolerate this, but you will find yourself in an extremely stupid position. Besides, I am silent about how much suffering this could bring her.

Undisguised disrespect, insult and reproaches are a mean and low way. To hurt someone else's self-esteem is the last thing an adult, intelligent person would do.

In a relationship, love alone is not enough. If you want to leave a girl, you need to do it as soon as possible. Do not try to wait for an opportunity and a comfortable date; such a separation drags on for a long time, causing discomfort.

How to break up with a girl beautifully?

The gentlemanly thing to do is to prepare the girl for the upcoming important conversation. Approximately a few days in advance, warn her about the need for your conversation. An unexpected and abrupt cessation of communication will always cause more pain and inconvenience. On certain dates of the year that are of great importance, it is better to wait and not rush things. Dump a girl on her birthday or New Year- not a funny joke, but a gross insult to her as a person. Whatever the holiday, it is still a holiday, and if it is of interest to her, then this also applies to you.

It is better to choose a crowded and bright place to maintain your mood after the news. It is advisable that the meeting take place in a neutral establishment and does not arouse feelings towards your person. The people around will not allow the girl to lose her face, fall into tears or rage; they act as a deterrent to her not only from you, but also from herself. Very often, girls regret that they show guys their weakness, vulnerability and dependence on them.

Breakup scene from the movie “ Social network

Let her think that you are the problem and not her, even if it is not. The main thing for you is to soften the blow, and not try to change and rebuild her character. Give her compliments, speak beautifully and pleasantly, stay on top at any time. Explain your departure to her by saying that you are tired of the relationship, you want a break and a calm, single life. Or, as an option, convince her that you are absolutely not what she needs. That your love, attention, care - all this is only temporary, and you are not ready for permanent feelings and relationships.

Leaving a girl is much more difficult than starting a date. The pain of separation is easier than the joy of meeting.

When is it worth breaking up a relationship?

If your feelings begin to weaken and your passion disappears somewhere, it’s time to think about continuing such a relationship. In the reasons for separation lies a pointer to all those flaws and shortcomings that lead to unhappiness in life. life together. Every mistake should make you stronger and smarter, and if such life lessons remain ununderstood by you, then there is a risk that long-term and good relations you will never experience.

It’s better to say that you were wrong about her, or overestimated your own passions, than to endure and drag along a relationship that is no longer worth anything. Admitting your mistakes in time and accepting them is a trait strong people. The weak will always try to justify their failures or, out of stupidity, mistake them for success. In your decision to leave, you need to be more than decisive and adamant.

When constant misunderstandings, quarrels and basic fatigue from each other already cross all boundaries, this is the time to break something old in order to create something new. Such moments may happen rarely and be quickly forgotten, but their appearance at all is already a guide to the weakness and fragility of such communication. The situation is only getting worse over time, giving no hope, and no one is asking for hope anymore. Such a couple needs only one thing - to find replacements for each other.

No matter how trite it may sound, youth is not eternal, and with age, finding a soul mate will be much more difficult. Relationships in youth allow you to develop the necessary skills and inclinations that will allow you to more easily cope with the difficulties of real family life in the future.

First love and first date - after such passed stages of life, it is not difficult to replace changes in a person’s character. Such necessary and powerful phenomena create in you that part of the personality responsible for the care and well-being of your loved one. Happiness does not exist without unhappiness, this is the only way it is truly valued.

What to tell a girl when breaking up?

Start the conversation with a thank you for a good time and end it with a reason for leaving. Warm memories and moments of happiness remain in the memory, not going anywhere, but depreciating and becoming aligned with ordinary, routine considerations. Such past events deserve, at a minimum, to be remembered, and the girl who gave them to you deserves to be remembered when she was your source of happiness.

Ending a relationship doesn't have to be a scary, hard, sad day. This is just the time when some old cycle that has not been bearing fruit for a long time ends. If you clearly see and understand all the resulting diversity, disinterest and indifference, the need to stop this becomes noticeable. Couples who separate over trifles and frivolous, completely forgivable reasons, were simply not ready for their partner, not knowing what he was like inside himself. It is completely different when love in the heart holds on to the last, forgiving and ignoring things that require consideration.

If a girl still loves you, is trying to somehow stay close, you should be as restrained as possible, not allowing the real reason for leaving to be exaggerated, and grateful - reminding her of all the charm of feelings that once arose, but have already died. Sometimes separation can do more than failed love.

Video about how to break off a relationship with a girl like a man without offending her:

Don't make mistakes after a breakup! To avoid falling flat on your face, avoid trivial things:

A beautiful farewell letter to a girl from a guy. Samples in prose

We decided to write a farewell letter to our beloved, you know, but not the girl, where to start? Our site offers you universal samples that will help you write a beautiful farewell message on behalf of a guy (Possibly). men, the piercing lines of these letters will inspire you to create your own masterpiece, the words of which will forever remain in the heart of your beloved woman.

My sunshine, I know we will never see each other again, but please read this letter for you. I regret that your hopes were disappointed, and I would do everything to take away your pain. I feel it every morning and every night. I dream of your tears, and the feeling of guilt does not leave me. You are the best of girls, and I will never forget your gentle voice, your touching tenderness and your ardent love. Honey, I want you to know that I was sincere with you and firmly believed that we would always be together. Fate decreed otherwise, forgive me...

My girl, I know you love me selflessly, but I can’t change anything. For this reason, I feel pathetic, insignificant and helpless. I can’t imagine what will happen to us now, and how we can come to terms with the pain of Life. parting without you is devoid of any meaning - everything around reminds us of us: meeting, first dance, first date, first kiss...

my sweet woman.

we will

We are very grateful if you leave comments on the published texts. You can leave your suggestions and wishes for new creations and topics you need on the forum. We promise to treat all comments and special requests with attention, because our site was created for people!

Dedicating these to you I hope
And the lines that you will understand me,
I wrote this verse just for you,
you must have cursed me
But I'm used to paying for everything.
And yet it was the right decision.
Leave - .so that you To..
love to know the price of separation
Not being yourself out of excitement..
When I see yours I hear.
And your voice in your hands in a dream.
So that you have something to wake up for
To have something to breathe.
So that we remember you
And smile with you the world will run away
Now I live without hope
Ordinary life - without life...
And everything will be as before for you...
You were my dream...
No. you weren't..
given not Let me be with you..
But I know you have me.
And let my bad share
But I know that too
My love for you remains!
And no one will take it.

A beautiful farewell letter to a girl from a guy
A beautiful farewell letter to a girl from a guy. Samples in prose Have you decided to write a farewell letter to your beloved, you know, but not the girl, where to start? Our website offers you universal samples that

Farewell letter to your beloved

Where is it all now? An ordinary SMS without a drop of suffering - “We need to break up!” That's all romance. But even in our time, there are still romantic men who, even at the last meeting before parting, can talk beautiful words. Or write farewell letters... And let this letter arrive today by email, but his words... will surely make the heart of any girl beat faster, and tears will involuntarily well up in her eyes. So, what should it be like, a farewell letter to your beloved woman or girl?

Farewell letter to your beloved, what is needed to write it?

The main feature of a farewell letter to a beloved woman is its openness and beauty. Writing such a creation is often difficult and difficult, but sometimes trying your hand at romantic writing is simply necessary.

Farewell letter to your beloved
There is so little romance left in love these days. The Internet and telephone have completely replaced face-to-face communication, when there are rose petals and glasses of red wine or champagne all around. Now all this is displayed only on the monitor screen in the form of emoticons instead of a live smile or an electronic drawn bouquet instead of fresh flowers. Do you remember how many times in old novels, stories, films the bitterness of parting with a loved one, farewell letters are shown.

Farewell letter to a loved one upon separation

Farewell letter to a loved one upon separation

It doesn’t matter in what form you decide to put your letter of separation, the main thing is the content. So where to start.

The betrayal of a loved one can extinguish faith in feelings and people for a long time.

  1. Describe your feelings. Resentment, disappointment, pain. Everything you experience should be in this message. He betrayed you and he needs to know how you feel. Otherwise, he will not learn a lesson from his action and will be sure that you calmly accepted his action.
  2. There is no need to appeal to his conscience. Your letter is simply a way to convey to a person information about the consequences of his action. Let him deal with his conscience himself, you only provide him with food for thought, and at the same time get rid of your own resentment: if you don’t tell the person directly, without concealment or hints, that he hurt you, this situation will torment you with incompleteness.
  3. Make a point. In all senses. Let your relationship end here, you cross him out of your life and go your own way alone. A farewell letter does not imply a lengthy showdown.

Admit it: You don’t want to part with him at all, do you? You simply do not have enough attention, and you decided to attract it in this way. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain the desire to say goodbye to the chosen one in verse. Or you are simply looking for a strong source of emotions for inspiration.

In general, if you feel the urge to rhyme, no rules other than the rules of versification apply here. If you want to say goodbye beautifully, there are hundreds of ready-made masterpieces at your service that are easy to find on the Internet. Alternatively, you can contact a professional poet who can help you compose a touching farewell poem.

It’s much easier to express your thoughts in prose, especially if you write a letter in your own words, rather than copying it from somewhere.

In this form, you can focus on the essence of the message, and not on the original rhyme with the word “love.” The main thing that is required of you is clarity of presentation and the ability to logically finish a sentence.

Let's be honest: Making a guy cry with a goodbye letter is problematic. In general, remember, have you seen your man cry? Therefore, only other girls who are in a similar situation can be moved by your message. But you can stir up a man’s feelings by observing three simple conditions.

  • Be sincere. You can find an example of a letter on the Internet, but if it does not correspond to your situation, then it will not evoke emotions. Forget about templates and beautiful proofread phrases, just write what you feel.
  • Write simply. Ornate comparisons, complex sentences, abstruse words look unnatural and insincere. Unless, of course, you explain yourself this way all the time. Your man (even an ex) will definitely feel whether you are writing on your own or using someone else’s hint.
  • Don't blame. Any reproach will make a man bristle and close himself off from your further words. In your farewell letter, admit that you have not found a common language and a way to save the relationship, but there is no need to find out who is to blame for its collapse. It is better to part with a pure soul and thoughts.

The essence of the letter changes radically depending on whose initiative the separation occurred. If you are leaving, then explain to your man the reasons, do not make him suffer from the unknown. If he left you, express everything you think about this, especially if he did not bother to explain his action.

  1. No need for regrets. All kinds of “if only” only poison the soul and show that you, knowing how to act, did not fight for your feelings. Better use this knowledge with another man to build a stronger relationship.
  2. If you're leaving, leave. You understand the meaning of the word “farewell” correctly, don’t you? After this message, you no longer hope for the rebirth of love and continuation of the relationship. Therefore, do not send a letter if you are not confident in your firmness: a woman’s word should be as significant as a man’s. At least for yourself.

What do you want to say ex-boyfriend, who unexpectedly (or expectedly, which in principle is not very important) abandoned you. You are upset, offended, angry, you want him to know about your emotions and understand how hard it is for you.

But in any case, you need to speak out so that you can let go of your emotions and gradually regain stability, and then start a new relationship.

A girl who didn’t get a boyfriend from the army is a sore subject for many military personnel. Unfortunately, this happens: while the couple is close, feelings seem indestructible, but separation proves the opposite. How can you write to your ex-beloved that you are not expecting him to leave the army?

  • Write honestly. There is nothing worse than being sure that the person you love is faithful to you, and then finding out that he deceived you. Don’t think that by hiding the disappearance of feelings from a guy, you will do a good deed. Especially if you have already found a replacement for him, and your mutual friends and acquaintances know about it.
  • Don't expect forgiveness right away. You're hurting your boyfriend very badly. In the army, separations are especially painful, so be prepared that the reaction will be far from friendly. Accept that you have actually become a traitor.

If you are one of the girls who are unable to simply break off all relationships, despite the betrayal on the part of the guy, a farewell letter will help you understand yourself.

  1. Don't ask for an explanation. You yourself know that you cannot command your heart to love. If it so happened that your lover chose someone else over you, accept this fact without listening and demanding excuses from him. They won't make you feel any better. In the letter, wish him happiness and forget.
  2. Don't ask or give a second chance. This is at least inappropriate in a farewell letter. If you are ready to forgive the betrayal, you should not pretend that you are leaving and wait for him to return you. You either make a point or you don’t.

Why are you saying goodbye to your beloved guy? Did he leave you or do you just love him unrequitedly from a distance? However, this is not so important. In a farewell message to your loved one, you can write whatever you feel.

Perhaps this message will not be the end of your relationship, but the beginning?

The situation is standard, known to many girls: you are loved, but your heart does not respond to this feeling. And I really don’t want to offend a good person, but deceiving him or ignoring him is even worse. In this case, a letter will be the most gentle option: the unhappy lover will be able to read it alone and comprehend every line.

  1. Don't deceive him. The famous phrase “Let's remain friends” will not work if you do not want to be friends with this person. It’s better to write directly that his love puts you in an awkward position and makes you feel guilty for not reciprocating.
  2. Explain why you don't reciprocate. Perhaps it will be easier for the guy to cope with rejection if you tell him that you love skinny brunette auto mechanics, and he is a plump blond photographer.

If your chosen one is married, and you know that he will not leave his family for you, it is better to leave them and take care of your personal life. And as a symbol of a new stage in life, let a farewell letter to your married chosen one appear.

The main condition: the letter should not catch the eye of your ex-lover’s wife. Therefore, think about how to convey a message to him, and then boldly burn bridges.

Please keep in mind right away that this letter is not for him, but for you. The offense caused will burn and hurt, so it is better to get rid of it immediately. Of course, it’s better to talk in person, but sometimes it’s incredibly difficult to tell the person you have feelings for about your offense. And paper, as you know, will endure anything. And it’s much easier to say goodbye this way.

Write as you would like to say it - without hiding a single emotion, talking about how painfully his words or actions hurt you. This is not a letter of complaint, but simply an opportunity to get rid of negativity, as well as explain to the offender that he is wrong.

You don't have to write long letters to say goodbye to a person. You can use the modern method and send an SMS to your ex-loved one. We won’t go into the details of your separation, just be glad that you don’t have to see the person with whom fate separated you.

After all, these are your feelings, won’t you put them in a couple of sentences? Moreover, borrowed thoughts are very easy to recognize: as a rule, they are stereotyped and stilted.

Remember that SMS is a short message, so try to be concise. If they abandoned you, say that you forgive and let go. If you are the initiator of the breakup, ask for forgiveness and wish happiness with another girl. Believe me, this is the very essence, and when breaking up you don’t need more, otherwise it can turn into a low-grade soap opera.

This, of course, is not about grammatical errors, although their absence speaks in your favor. But even a farewell letter can become not a point in a relationship, but a meaningless ellipsis. To prevent this from happening, keep a few points in mind.

  • Don't write a letter if you'd rather talk. Still, it is difficult to convey all the intonations and nuances in writing. It may happen that a man will see in your message a completely different meaning than you intended. If you want to sort things out once and for all, do it in person.
  • Don't wait for an answer to your farewell letter. The point is for them to end the relationship. If you want to use it to attract a man’s attention, to interest him, to show that you are offended, do not hope for results. Men think straightforwardly, but not even every woman will understand such a veiled hint.
  • Don't threaten or blackmail. There is no need to turn the letter literally into a farewell message. Sending a guy notes in which you threaten to do something to yourself because of him is mean and pathetic on your part.

Writing a farewell letter is akin to keeping a diary: it allows you to speak out, ask the right questions and get answers, and make it easier to cope with the breakup.

You need to work through your problem.

  • In the letter, address the guy. Imagine that you are talking to him, ask questions, answer on his behalf. Perhaps in the process of writing a message you will not only calm down, but also understand the reasons for what happened.
  • Try writing yourself a letter on his behalf. This technique also allows you to forgive the person who offended you. And the ability to let go of grievances makes life much easier and more joyful.
  • It is not necessary to send a letter. If you feel better when you put your thoughts on paper, stop there. Burn the paper or save it until the moment when you want to re-read the letter and laugh at your naivety.

A farewell letter to your beloved husband is one thing, but a letter to someone else’s beloved husband is completely different. If you happen to find yourself in mistresses, but you decide to break off this relationship and finally write a letter, be careful. Compose the message so that he doesn’t think that you are trying to blackmail him with your feelings.

  1. Explain why you decided to say goodbye. Very few women can be completely satisfied with the position of a mistress. Yes, you may be happy together, but he leaves for his wife, and you are left alone. He lives life to the fullest, even a little more than necessary, and you are deprived of constancy and a sense of stability. And in order not to put him before a choice, you decided to go your own way.
  2. Don't blame him. If he did not leave his wife before the letter, then he is unlikely to do so after it. So just say goodbye, but don’t try to make him feel like the last scoundrel.

As a rule, relationships collapse due to misunderstandings and the inability to find a compromise in a couple. Who knows, perhaps your farewell letter to your loved one will give you another chance, of course, provided that there are still feelings between you. If you count on this, writing a letter will require maximum effort from you.

Remember that thoughts put into words take on a different meaning and can either improve life or poison it. So handle them carefully.

A terrible knife cuts the heart,
Pain pierces my soul again.
Why is love only a lie?
Where is true love?

I loved you, I suffered,
I wrote poems about you.
But you and I parted,
And now love is dead.

Looking into your brown eyes,
I thought that you would be with me forever.
There was a glow of tenderness in them,
Loyalty, love and also peace.

But life is sometimes so changeable,
You started playing hide and seek with me.
Yesterday I was gentle, shy,
Today I left without looking back.

We'll have to say goodbye. To my regret.
I won't be here for a long time. But somehow I don't understand
Will you miss me or remember
And would you like to see me again?

Yes, we loved each other... But I don’t know
How will you bear the separation... You, my love.
You know, I would still like to be with you again.
The choice is yours. Tell me, love or forget.

What a pity to part with you,
What a shame to forget all this.
Why did happiness disappear?
And I don't want to fly?
You don't remember me anymore
And I breathe only you.
I needed it like air
Now you are no longer with me.

Please understand and forgive me
We are parting with you forever.
Let me go with a light heart,
And then it will become easier for you.

We are two banks of the same river,
That's why it won't happen to be together.
I won’t be able to be a groom with you,
And you will not become my bride.

To make you happy
We need to break up with you.
Let go of hearts and hands,
Don't be offended by love.

What happened between us
It remains in the past forever.
I don't want our feelings
They just turned into pity.

I will miss you,
Even though all this is temporary, I know
But I, my baby, miss you
I'm already starting for you!

A song of sadness sounds in my soul,
There are few rays from the sun...
Let time fly quickly
May we meet soon!

Forgive me, my love,
That I'm parting with you forever.
Believe me, I'm very sorry too
That we won’t see you again, goodbye!

Understand, I still love you,
But I can’t take it with me into the distance.
We can't be together anymore
But how can I forget you?

And no matter what happens ahead,
You keep our strong feelings.
Maybe I'll change something again,
And I’ll take it with me, my love!

I'll say goodbye to you for a while,
I will call you every day,
Parting is like a test
You just need to survive it!

We just need to be without each other,
I'll go crazy without you
You are my darling girl
I love you very much!

I will wait for you every day,
And I will remain faithful to you,
We will definitely be together with you,
I will always love you!

I love you, but we need to part...
It's difficult, it's pain, believe me.
Sometimes you have to say goodbye
There is no life without losses.

But this separation is not forever,
You just need to wait it out.
And after parting there will be a meeting,
The main thing is to be able to love and wait.

Our fire of love has gone out,
Only coals remained.
You glance at me
It is full of pain and melancholy.

Let's break up now
No need to hurt your heart.
Everything will be for the better for us,
When we can relieve the pain.

And finally, you decided to write your last farewell letter, you may have a thousand reasons. Perhaps you don’t want to say goodbye or part with this person at all, but circumstances have developed in such a way that you have no other choice.

You can be with a person for a bunch of years and think that this is your destiny, and when you realize that it was all your imagination and you are in love with someone else, you will have to say goodbye. It is very difficult to say farewell words even to a stranger.

Absolutely callous people and selfish people can simply say everything to a person’s face and not experience remorse or anxiety or worry. The only method to talk about your feelings and explain to the person you might hurt is to write a letter, in our case, it will be a beautiful farewell letter to the girl.

To write such a letter, you need inspiration, so you can read these letters and create your own masterpieces.

Farewell letter to beloved girl

My dear, how many days we spent together, how best friends and like the best lovers. I know very well what a good and sensual person you are, you are the sun, when you look at it it is warm and good. All the time we were together, I loved you and thought only about you, I ask you to believe me, I was honest with you and faithful to you.

It’s very hard for me to hurt you, I want to change everything, but I can’t. I know you always believed me and understood me, understand this time too. I cannot deceive you, you are not a stranger to me and you will never become one again. Believe me, I struggled with myself for a long time, I thought for a long time and tried to change something, but lying to a person even with thoughts is the most unfair thing you can do to a person like you.

I know that my love was not enough for you and someone like you should love a much better person than me. More than anything in the world, I want you to be happy and loved, I want you to forget me and not suffer for a second. Yes, I dared to part with you, but understand, I can’t see you, I won’t endure this test, I won’t be able to see your eyes filled with tears, my heart will break.

My dear, please try to understand and forgive me someday. I'm sorry, I'm leaving and leaving a piece of my heart next to you.

A beautiful farewell letter to a girl can only be written by a strong and good person. So that you have something to choose from, I will write another version of a sad farewell.

Farewell letter to your girlfriend when breaking up

My gentle, beloved girl, how much love you gave me, how much hope and smiles you brought into my life. I am grateful to you for every minute you gave. You are the brightest and reliable person and there on the other side I will remember you.

Everything in life is natural, if we have to part, it will be the best for both you and me. I ask you, be happy, be the most beautiful bride and wife, I will always remember, I promise to remember. Wish me happiness too, I will try and learn to live without you. Goodbye.