The basis of any manicure is caring for the nails and skin of the hands. Such a classic procedure as a European manicure allows you to put them in order. In this article we will talk about distinctive features such a manicure, the tools that will be required in the process, and we will also give instructions that will help you not get confused in the sequence of actions when you decide to get a manicure in the European style.

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Without preliminary preparation, in general, there is no point in painting your nails with varnish. If it is not corrected, the cuticle has grown into a “hole”, and the nail plate is surrounded by hangnails, the manicure will never look beautiful, no matter how fashionable varnish you choose. On the contrary, color will only emphasize these imperfections, and as a result your hands will take on an unkempt appearance.

  • To be able to correct this, it makes sense to master the technique of European (or unedged) manicure - this knowledge will always be relevant. But the first thing you need to do is find out what it is and what its features are.


Features of European manicure

The differences from the classic trimmed manicure, which involves removing the cuticle using nail scissors or tweezers, are significant in the European one. It is considered to be much safer and softer, “gentler”. There is no risk that the skin around the nails will be injured, or that there will be wounds that could accidentally become infected.

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  • The thing is that in European manicure they mostly use a special liquid remover, which acts on the principle of peeling: thanks to the content of fruit acids, it literally dissolves dead skin particles and helps exfoliate them. Afterwards they can be easily removed even with an ordinary orange stick. This does not cause any damage.
  • After this procedure, all that remains is to move the cuticle closer to the root of the nail. As a result, your nails look as “clean” as possible: you definitely won’t have to keep them away from prying eyes.

Types of European manicure

Depending on the condition of your nails, you may need different types European manicure. What are they like?


This is a fairly “deep” procedure, which is suitable primarily for those whose nails and surrounding skin are in a “neglected” state and require especially careful care.

  • The thing is that when performing such a manicure, the bath is filled with cream or oil (for example, olive oil - many people always have it at hand in the kitchen, so you can use it to make a bath at any time).
  • The products are heated so that they act more effectively on the skin and nails, saturating them with nutrients. Another advantage is that the effect of such a manicure is instantaneous - the skin is immediately transformed, its “after” state usually cannot be compared with what it was “before”. In the process, your nails also become stronger, so periodically arranging such a beauty ritual is very useful.


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A wet European manicure is not the same as a hot one. This is done by first taking a bath with warm water, which softens and steams the skin. This will make it easier to process in the future.

How to proceed when taking on a wet European manicure?

First, it is applied to the cuticle, and then the hands are immersed in a container of warm water (it would be nice to add either a special solution for baths or a couple of drops of nourishing oils, which will bring additional benefits to the skin).

After a few minutes, you can proceed directly to the manicure - pushing back the cuticle and side ridges of the nail plate.


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This type of European manicure is usually done by those whose nails already look good.

  • Dry manicure is an express procedure in which the shape of the nails is only slightly adjusted, and the cuticles are removed with the same remover, but without softening in the bath.
  • Sometimes they refuse this too: the cuticle can simply be pushed back with an orange stick or a pusher if there is no growth on the nail plate.

tools for unedged manicure

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In nail care, you can’t do without manicure tools and special cosmetics. Which of them are the most necessary?

The procedure begins with this - first, the nails are filed “dry” in order to shorten them and give them the required shape before they soften under the influence of water or other textures.

Container for water (or oil, cream)

Both a special mold and an ordinary deep glass bowl, which can be found in the kitchen, will do. Fill it with liquid at the desired temperature, and then dip your fingertips into it for 5-10 minutes.

This beauty product is a must-have for those who want to always have neat, well-groomed nails. It is applied along the line of contact of the skin ridges with the nail plate for a few minutes so that the formula has time to act and dissolve dead skin particles.

orange stick

Gently pushing back the softened cuticle is the main task of the orange stick. A basic product that will be useful in manicures in the future: with such sticks it is easy to correct “blurs” after applying varnish.

Metal pusher

This is a more “aggressive” tool for working with cuticles than orange sticks. If the skin has grown heavily on the nail, then the pusher is used to remove the remnants of keratinized particles along with the gel, and also to push back the cuticle.

Care product

It could be a special oil or just nutritious cream– one way or another, after removing the cuticle, it is worth treating the skin with them.

Technology for performing European manicure

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When everything is ready for the procedure, all that remains is to make sure that you know how to technically correctly do a European manicure.


First, wipe off the polish or remove its remnants, if necessary, and then give your nails length and shape. This must be done in advance, before starting to work on the cuticle. Regardless of whether you chose a hot, wet or dry manicure.

Apply the gel of your choice over the cuticle using an arc. After waiting a minute or two, roll off any remaining dead skin particles.

If you do a hot or wet European manicure, then it contains elements of a spa - it’s all about the bath, which is filled with heated cream or oil for the procedure, more often with warm water. For the most noticeable results, use olive oil. If there is no need for deep care, you can get by with water to simply steam and soften the skin.


Finish processing it - move the skin away using a pusher or an orange stick.


Remove any remaining remover and “rolled” cuticles, dry your hands - they must be dry so that you can further apply care products.

Final care

First, massage the nourishing hand cream into the skin - it should be almost completely absorbed. Then drop cuticle oil onto the root of your nails and rub it in so that it gets onto the skin in all areas around the nail plate.

More detailed instructions for manicure, look in our video below.

When your hands are in perfect condition, you can apply any varnish or design to your nails. Interesting ideas look in the photo gallery.

The difference between a European manicure and a classic one is that this procedure is untrimmed, that is, in its technique it is not trimmed, but is moved back using a special stick. This type of manicure is more common in the West, since cutting the cuticle is rare there.

European manicure is safer; in the process of performing it, it is almost impossible to cause an infection. Also, with this procedure there is the least chance of injuring the skin, since cutting objects are not used.

This is suitable for people with sensitive skin and nearby blood vessels.

Now let's look at the pros and cons of this procedure.

The advantages include:

  • painlessness;
  • you can do it yourself at home, without the risk of skin damage;
  • When carried out regularly, cuticle growth slows down.

Just like any procedure, trimmed manicure also has its disadvantages:

  • the procedure is suitable for women with thin, weak cuticles;
  • the result is noticeable only after several regular sessions;
  • sometimes unpleasant sensations are possible in the form of: burning, irritation and allergies to cuticle softeners.

There are three ways to perform an unedged or European manicure:

  1. Dry method. We treat the cuticle with a special agent to soften it and, using an orange stick, carefully move it towards the nail bed.
  2. Wet method. Steam the nail plate in water, then carefully push back the cuticle.
  3. . It is done using electric baths, in which a special cream is heated to a temperature of 50°C, and then the skin is steamed there.

European manicure lessons

If you decide to do a European manicure yourself, then the following instructions are for you.

Required tools:

  • nail scissors;
  • file;
  • orange wood stick;
  • cuticle softener and remover;
  • hand cream;
  • polishing block;
  • cuticle oil.


  1. give your nails the required shape and leave the required length;
  2. soften the cuticle with the product and move it away;
  3. polish the surface of the nail;
  4. apply cream to the skin of your hands;
  5. apply a strengthening or decorative coating;
  6. treat the cuticle and the area around it with special oil.

  • Completely safe way;
  • Nail growth is not affected;

Service process:

From 299 RUB

You always want to be confident. Ungroomed hands are immediately noticeable, so it is very important to pay attention to this Special attention. Today there are a huge number of types of manicure for every taste. European manicure is considered one of the most popular. The origins of European manicure come from France in the 20s; this type of nail treatment has only become popular with many women around the world in recent decades. In its original sense, this method involves eliminating the use of cutting tools, so this type of manicure is completely safe. Reviews for this method of nail treatment are usually positive, especially since in Moscow the cost of the procedure is low.

Which manicure to choose: edged or unedged?

Unedged (European) manicure is perfect for those who regularly check the condition of their nails and cuticles. Here the cuticle is removed using a special product and moved to the base of the nail after steaming. Now some people use European edged manicure - this is a combined method in which only burrs and other rough surfaces are removed with tweezers.

A trimmed manicure even copes with neglected nails, where the cuticle is rough and overgrown. After steaming, it is removed with tweezers.

European unedged manicure has the following advantages:

  • Completely safe way;
  • There is no risk of virus infection;
  • Nail growth is not affected;
  • This service usually includes skin care;
  • Very easily tolerated by people with sensitive skin;
  • With regular use, cuticle growth slows down, so it is carried out quickly.

Get a European manicure with a coating at the “Nogotok” beauty salon

At the “Nogotok” salon, a European coated manicure will cost you very little. So, the price varies from 299 rubles. Only professionals in their field work in our studios. The main reward for us is grateful clients, so we carefully monitor not only the quality of services, but also the complete safety of our guests. All instruments undergo multi-phase treatment, so you can completely relax and enjoy the procedure.

Service process:

  1. The master's hands are treated with an antiseptic;
  2. Gloves are put on and treated with an antiseptic;
  3. The client's hands are treated with antiseptic;
  4. The nails are given length and shape using a file;
  5. Cuticle softening agents (remover) are applied;
  6. Maceration is carried out (soaking the client’s hands in a bath);
  7. Manicure: the cuticle is pushed back using an orange stick);
  8. Manicure: side ridges are processed using a disposable file*;
  9. Oils are applied to the cuticle and nails (apply the oil to a napkin and rub into the client’s nails);
  10. Moisturizer is applied to the client's hands and a short massage is performed.

This manicure is very cheap, so you can easily visit the procedure once every 2-3 weeks. Come to any of the Nogotok studios so that your hands are always well-groomed!

A beautiful manicure can tell a lot. What is its owner’s mood, way of thinking and life in general? Women's hands can tell all this. True connoisseurs beautiful manicure know that its first and very significant point is preparatory stage. Even the most beautiful colors and patterns will look careless on neglected nails. You know that there are several ways to care for your hands. We have already talked to you about classic (edged) manicure. Today we will tell you how to do an unedged manicure at home, which is also called European.

Today this procedure is especially popular due to its specific execution technique. No cutting tools are used during the manicure session. Cuticle removal is carried out using special means, or the skin simply moves to the edge of the nail plate. Let's talk in as much detail as possible about how to do a European manicure.

Advantages and disadvantages

What significant advantages does European manicure have that makes it so popular all over the world?

  1. Euromanicure almost completely eliminates the possibility of any infection, since it is bloodless.
  2. The procedure is absolutely painless and non-traumatic; it has a gentle effect on the nails and skin of the hands.
  3. You can do a European manicure at home up to 2 times a week, even for women with sensitive skin with closely spaced blood vessels.
  4. When the untrimmed procedure is carried out systematically, the growth of the cuticle slows down, thanks to which the nails retain a well-groomed appearance longer.

Of course, European manicure also has its disadvantages.

  1. The procedure is only suitable for those who have thin skin with a weakly defined cuticle.
  2. A noticeable result will appear only after several sessions.
  3. At first, the process of performing a European manicure may be accompanied by unpleasant sensations. For some time you will have to use cutters to trim burrs on the side rollers.
  4. The procedure may be accompanied by burning and irritation in the areas treated with the cuticle remover. There is a possibility of allergies.
  5. An unedged manicure will not suit you if you have extended nails.

Types of European manicure

The technique of performing a European manicure can begin in three ways, each of which has its own characteristics.

  1. Dry European manicure speaks for itself. The cuticle is treated with a softening and removing agent without prior soaking. Therefore, dry manicure is not recommended for brittle and injured nails. The procedure does not take much time and can be performed not only at home, but also, for example, on the road. Take note: after dry treatment, nail polish lasts longer! This is due to the fact that when steamed, the nail plate becomes flat, and after drying, it returns to its original shape, which is why the coating cracks faster.
  2. The wet version of the European manicure requires mandatory softening and moisturizing of the cuticle in an aqueous environment. Special lotions and oils are added to the hand bath.
  3. Hot manicure is recommended when working with injured cuticles, brittle and dry nails. The skin is steamed in a lotion (cream) heated to a temperature of 50°C. For these purposes, we recommend that you purchase an electric bath, as in the photo.

Step-by-step instruction

Execution technique unedged manicure very simple. You will need a minimum set of tools and special cosmetical tools to do a manicure at home:

  • nail file;
  • nail scissors;
  • scissors or rounded scissors;
  • nail file or buff for polishing;
  • nourishing oil and cuticle remover (oil, gel, cream);
  • hand cream.

After studying the instructions on how to do an unedged manicure at home, you can easily do it yourself. The video at the end of the article will help you visually consolidate your knowledge.

Step 1. Preparatory phase

So, an unedged manicure begins step by step with the stage at which you have to clean your nails and steam the skin of your hands. Use nail polish remover to remove the old coating. Nails must be perfectly clean.

If you want to try an unedged wet manicure, we will give you one piece of advice. You can replace lotions and oils at home with lemon juice. Acidic water softens the cuticle very well. If your choice is a hot bath, then instead of special cosmetics, try olive oil.

Have you decided to give yourself a dry, unedged manicure? Skip this point and watch an interesting video lesson. The video clearly demonstrates the technique of performing a manicure without preliminary steaming.

Step 2. Length and shape of nails

For substantial trimming of nails, use nail scissors. Using a file, give the free edge the desired shape. To prevent your nails from peeling, follow three rules.

  1. File the ends only in one direction, which is convenient for you.
  2. During the procedure, nails must be dry. Therefore, if you decide to use a wet or hot type of manicure, adjust the shape of the free edge in advance or thoroughly dry the nail plate after the bath.
  3. How to properly file nails? Hold the file perpendicular to the free edge, i.e. at an angle of 90°, as in the photo.

Step 3. Working with the cuticle

In a European manicure, to soften the cuticle, you can use cosmetics that contain lactic and fruit acids:

  • vitamin cream;
  • gel (oil) to soften or remove cuticles.

Apply the product to the skin around, but without getting on the nail itself, and leave for 1-3 minutes. The holding time should be adjusted depending on the manufacturer's recommendations.

Next, using an orange stick or a metal spatula (if the skin is rough), you can push the cuticle to the base of the nail plate or clean it off, as shown in the photo. The second option will be possible only if you have very thin skin, or you do a European unedged manicure 5-7 times in a row. The side rollers are cleaned in the same way.

Step 4. Moisturize and nourish

An important point is to moisturize the skin around the nail plate. Cosmetic oil is applied to the cuticle and side ridges. The product not only soothes irritated areas, but also has an antibacterial effect. Don't forget about the skin of your hands, which also needs your care. Apply moisturizer and treat yourself to a relaxing massage.

Step 5. Final touch

Finally, you can polish your nails with a special nail file or buff. This will give them a healthy shine, as in the photo.

If desired, apply a base or decorative coat after degreasing your nails with nail polish remover.

Now you know how to do a European manicure. To consolidate the knowledge gained, we invite you to watch the video. After all, it is better to see once than to read 100 times. Elena will tell you in detail how to do a wet unedged manicure at home. The technique is extremely simple, you will not have any difficulties in giving your nails perfect appearance.

European (unedged) manicure- hygienic treatment of nail plates and periungual skin without the use of cutting instruments when removing keratinized cuticle skin. This procedure is easy to perform at home and in just half an hour your fingers will have a well-groomed appearance. But how can you do a manicure without trimming the overgrown cuticle with scissors or nippers? Special files for removing cuticles or a liquid with active ingredients that corrode the keratinized skin on the nails (remover) will help us do without these traumatic tools.

So, during a European manicure, the overgrown cuticle, together with a thin film of pterygium, is pushed back to the nail fold with a pusher spatula. Then the keratinized skin is treated with a remover (in the form of a gel or liquid) and after a few minutes, the remnants of the rough skin are removed with the tip of an orange stick. Instead of a liquid remover, you can use a laser file or a ceramic bar to remove the cuticle.

Who is most suitable for unedged manicure? If small blood capillaries come too close to the surface of the nail folds, then you can easily injure living tissue using tools for a classic trimmed manicure. No less traumatic for very delicate and thin skin of the fingers are tools with cutting edges. In addition, according to reviews from some women on the forum, regular cutting of the cuticle at home accelerates the growth of the keratinized layers and the skin around the nails itself becomes rougher. The technology for performing European manicure is as safe as possible for the delicate skin around the nails and the matrix will be reliably protected from infection. And you can master the technology of performing unedged manicure with the help step-by-step instructions with photo and video lessons for beginners.


▪ Dry.
Before performing a dry unedged manicure, you do not need to soften the cuticle and take a bath with warm water. But if the skin on your fingers is very delicate or the nail plates are brittle and thin, then it is best to give preference to a wet manicure. To quickly and safely remove cuticles using a dry method, you can use a file with a laser cut or a special ceramic bar;

▪ Wet.
The technology for performing a wet unedged manicure involves softening the keratinized periungual skin in a bath with the addition of essential and vegetable oils, salt, iodine, and lotions. This method of European manicure has no contraindications. After the procedure, the overgrown cuticle can be easily removed with a remover.


Tools and materials:

· Manicure files for polishing (glass or ceramic);

· Cuticle file (optional when using remover);

· Polishing buffer;

· Orange sticks;

· Bath (warm water with nail strengthening agents);

· Cotton pads or lint-free wipes;

· Pusher with a rounded spatula;

· Antiseptic;

· Olive oil.

· Cuticle oil.

Technology for performing European manicure at home:

Before you start doing a hygienic manicure, wash your hands thoroughly with soap, wipe dry with a soft towel and treat your fingers with a disinfectant. Be sure to remove any remaining old coating special liquid for removing varnish.

❶ Shape the free edge on dry nails. To do this, take a glass (or ceramic) file of medium abrasiveness, trim the nail plates, and then use a fine file to give your nails the desired shape. File your nails from the side ridges to the center of the nail, moving the file in one direction so that the plates do not delaminate;

❷ Now you can make a bath with warm water, adding all the necessary components to it. Softened dead skin is removed safer and faster. If you use dry manicure technology, you should not steam the skin on your fingers. If you want to use a nail file to remove dead skin on your nails, you will need a special cuticle file for this procedure;

❸ Take an orange stick and with the rounded end smoothly push the pterygium film and keratinized cuticle to the base of the nail. Then apply remover to the keratinized skin and after 3-5 minutes (according to the instructions) remove excess remover from the nails with a cotton pad;

❹ Now remove the remaining layers of keratinized skin with an orange stick and wipe the nails with a napkin. The side rollers can be treated with a cuticle file to get rid of rough skin around the nails;

❺ If straight stripes, wavy grooves or other irregularities appear on your nails, then polish the surface of the plates with a glass nail file. After sanding