Cold, inhospitable weather encourages warming up. And what will warm you better than something made with your own hands? This small instruction will teach you how to do it yourself knit a scarf without using knitting needles.

Our article contains a detailed video, thanks to which even a beginner can knit such a magical scarf!

How to knit a scarf without knitting needles


  • 4 skeins very bulk yarn(1 skein - 100g/40m or 150g/100m)


An alternative to knitting is weaving. All you have to do is choose threads of your favorite color and pleasant structure, find half an hour of time and get inspired. Anyone will be delighted with such a gift! Watch and learn how it's done.

Surprisingly simple, right? When I watched this video, I immediately wanted to make something similar knitted item. Nowadays, such scarves are very appropriate; they look great with many outfits. Beautiful shawl It will not only warm you up, but also add aesthetics to any look. And most importantly, the creation process is not at all complicated, shown in detail.

I admit, I have a fierce passion for voluminous scarves. Because I hate wearing hats!

Various color solutions they beckon... I hope our article will help you meet the cold season in full readiness.

This helpful video will help you learn how to wear a snood scarf like a pro. It can also be styled and tied in different ways!

A small gift for everyone who is partial to snoods. You can even make such a beauty out of a sweater!

And even a thin scarf can be tied as a snood! Fold the scarf in half lengthwise and tie the tassels together. Turn the scarf over so that the tassels are inside, wrap it around your neck several times.

If the video instructions made you want to urgently run for threads, there is nothing surprising. Show your friends a simple way to weave a warm scarf by telling them about this article. Comfort and warmth to you on these chilly days!

Here is a very interesting selection of how to knit a scarf without knitting needles, using your hands. You've probably heard about what's trending today hand knitting, without tools - knitting needles or hooks.

The yubiami technique, which has long been used in Japan, recently appeared in Europe and was called Arm-knitting. What it is and what it is eaten with, you will learn from this collection, in which we have posted a master class for beginners: how to knit a scarf with your hands, without using a hook and knitting needles step by step guide. In the photo you can see what you will get if you buy yarn and spend half an hour of your time weaving the accessory:

Scarf knitted on hands: what you need

To knit a scarf without knitting needles, you can use any yarn. If you want to get a thin openwork scarf, take a thin thread. For a voluminous winter accessory, you will need a thicker thread. For example, merino or wool with the addition of acrylic.

The photo shows a scarf knitted without knitting needles

On average, you need 3-4 skeins of large volume yarn. That is, one skein yields 100 grams. This means that about 300-400 grams will be used for a scarf. From this volume of yarn you will end up with a scarf 150-155 cm long. The width is about 35-40 cm.

Large knit scarf without knitting needles: MK for beginners

Before you start, remember how you knit. Only in this case will you use your hands instead. But the process is the same. Let's start knitting with a set of loops.

  1. Make the first loop and thread it around the wrist.
  2. Make as many loops as you need to achieve the required width. As a rule, 12-13 loops are enough.
  3. Having cast on the loops, we begin knitting the first row. The first loop is the edge loop. We remove it from our hand and transfer it to the other hand. Now we put our hand in the second loop and pull the thread through it. We do the same with the remaining loops.
  4. The main rule when knitting a scarf by hand is to maintain the same size of loops. Then the product will be complete.
  5. The third row can be knitted either knit or purl.
  6. After knitting the scarf to the desired length, you can close the loops. It's easy to do. The principle is the same as when knitting with regular knitting needles. The first loop is not knitted, but removed. The second one is knitted. A new loop is threaded through it and through the first one, and so on until we are finished.

Now you can go directly to viewing. This master class will teach you how to knit a scarf without using knitting needles. In it, the craftswoman shows with her fingers how easy and simple it is to knit a scarf without knitting needles.

Video: scarf with your hands in 30 minutes

Hand knitting a voluminous scarf or snood

We offer another MK. Following step by step photos, you can easily knit an accessory in just half an hour.

Step one.

  1. Take the end of the thread.
  2. We make an air loop out of it, as in the photo.
  3. We pass the thread through the loop.
  4. We put it on our hand. The first loop is ready.

Step two.

  1. We make the second working loop. To do this, spread the threads in different directions and pinch their ends with your free fingers.
  2. Pull the thread from thumb forward and pull the thread through it, which you must remove from the index finger. That is, the opposite.
  3. Remove the resulting loop from your finger and put it on your hand.

Step three.

  1. Unlike knitting, we knit a scarf from the right hand to the left, and then vice versa, without turning the product over. To knit the second row, take the thread from the skein and place it over thumb. We hold our yarn with the fingers of our right hand.
  2. Holding the thread, remove the loop from the right hand with your left hand and thread it through your fist. We lower it.
  3. In our right hand we again clamp the loop, which we need to put on the left hand.

As you can see in the photo, you need to knit from right to left and left to right. The knitting technique on the right hand is similar to the left. To straighten the loops, you need to pull the product from below.

Step four.

The last row we do this. We cast on 2 new loops on our hand and, as in knitting, close them with a third one. Make sure that the edge is not pulled. It should be free and match the canvas. Thus, we close the row to last loop and pull it through the last free end of the thread. We make a knot on it and leave it.

What can we do with what we have? There are several options.

  1. Sew the edges of the scarf hand tied together and we will make a snood.
  2. Leave everything as is and use it as a traditional scarf.
  3. Decorate the ends with pompoms.

Elegant snood without knitting needles

To make our selection as detailed as possible, we offer another master class

We will need 3 skeins of yarn. To make the first loop, unwind 1.5 meters of thread from a skein and make a loop by putting it on your hand, as in the photo.

We cast on the remaining loops as follows: throw a loop on left hand from bottom to top, and make a new loop from the working thread. Make 10 loops.

To knit the first row, place the knitting thread on the thumb of your right hand. Clench the remaining fingers into a fist. Remove the outermost loop by pulling it from the fist of your right hand. Now you have a loop in your hand. Transfer it to your left hand. Do the same with the remaining loops.

We perform the next row in the same way, but in a mirror image. Continue knitting until you have 3-4 meters of knitting thread left.

Well, that’s all, you didn’t even notice how you knitted a beautiful scarf with your own hands. Now we need to finish it and close the loops. To do this, knit the first two stitches of the row and return the resulting loop to the row. Take 2 loops again and knit, passing one loop through them, and so on until you reach the last loop. Close it by threading the thread through it and tightening it.

Now that the canvas is ready, we can make a snood out of it. To do this, you need to tie the edges of the accessory together.

A useful selection of videos on how to knit a scarf with your hands without knitting needles

Lately, ringed scarves called snoods have become increasingly popular. Life becomes fast-paced, and sometimes there is no time to tie the long ends of an ordinary scarf in a certain way; a collar is easy to throw around the neck, and besides, it can simultaneously become a replacement for a hat or hood. Snood takes up less space in the wardrobe. Considering all the advantages of snoods, knitters come up with many patterns for knitting and crocheting “closed” scarves. Let's get acquainted with the concept of "snood" and crochet patterns for this product.

What is a snood (collar)

If we consider the snood solely as a ring-shaped scarf, then it is difficult to draw an analogy with the original name. It suggests itself when the snood is presented as a headdress. English word snood meant “hair braid”, later “hair net”. A large knitted or openwork product has a mesh texture, and when worn on the head, it covers the hair. This is where the modern interpretation of the word “snood” comes from.

Many had a good idea of ​​“loop” scarves, but had no idea that they were snoods. Often such a thing was associated with a funnel hat, which came into fashion in the late 80s of the last century. This headdress could hardly be called elegant, and the knitter would have to make considerable efforts to ensure that the funnel hat did not resemble a bilge ventilation or a submarine periscope. For example, make a smooth extension to the shoulders, but even here there was a danger of falling into a technogenic theme, making the hat-scarf look like a cooling tower. The style could only be saved openwork knitting knitting or crocheting, or making color patterns with tight knitting.

Thanks to the versatility of wearing, the snood is devoid of many of the disadvantages inherent in a funnel hat. It can be placed over your head as a headband or as a hood. Depending on the tension, the snood can appear either as a tight-fitting monk’s scarf in order to create a strict and unapproachable image, or as a very loose cape that can easily be thrown off when entering a room or salon public transport. Also, the snood can be used exclusively as a scarf - to be worn around the neck.

You can combine snood with any outerwear:

  • Fur coat or sheepskin coat;
  • Down jacket;
  • Winter and demi-season coats;
  • Casual jacket;
  • Sports overalls or suit.

A light openwork snood made with crochet is a good idea to throw on together with a raincoat, summer coat, or lambada jacket. Small narrow ring scarves are best worn with voluminous clothing, especially for men. Snoods that completely cover the shoulders are more of a female or girlish option. A wide openwork snood can replace a bolero in summer.

How to crochet a snood - step by step instructions

Scarves are often knitted with knitting needles: this makes it quick and easy. But as soon as we are talking about openwork knitting, the necessary density of the edges of the product can be obtained by crocheting a snood. You don’t need to learn a lot of complicated techniques in order to complete your first product. The main thing is to choose tools and materials with which it will be easy to work on the snood. Much depends on how thick and dense you want to crochet the snood. Specific pattern circular scarf will be the starting point for selecting tools and threads.

Preparing tools and yarn

For beginners, it is advisable to find a pattern for crocheting a snood that uses the same yarn for the entire thing and a tool of the same diameter. When determining by eye, the thread should not be thicker or significantly thinner than the hook. Since snood is a warm thing, you should choose wool yarn, and if synthetic, then from bulk fiber. For children's snood, it is better to take natural threads.

Now let's talk about yarn that is convenient for work. It seems that it is much easier to pick up a thread with a hook than with a knitting needle, but this is a misconception. When catching a delaminating thread with a hook, there is a much greater chance of catching only part of the fibers, leaving the rest in the form of a “cockerel”. Knitting turns out untidy. For beginners, such threads are a real punishment. It is better to choose a well-twisted thread that does not fall apart into individual fibers. Then the work will move faster, and the snood will be more wear-resistant.

Scheme selection

When choosing a scheme for snood, you need to proceed from your own capabilities. If openwork patterns are not difficult for you, then you can start making them. For beginners, it is better to choose a method of crocheting a snood with the least number of elements. To work quickly, you should take on a narrow circular scarf, reminiscent of a turtleneck collar. Crocheting it is very simple: you need to start by measuring the volume of your head. To ensure that putting on a snood does not cause problems - your hair does not spoil, makeup does not rub off, etc. - it is worth adding 5-10 cm to the measured value. It does not matter if the girth turns out to be too big: the scarf around your neck can always be pinned with a beautiful brooch or pressed with the hem of your clothes so that it fits more tightly. The height of the product is selected individually. If it seems that the snood made according to the chosen pattern is narrow (not high enough), then knit a few more rows with the same thread and the same hook.


Snood can be crocheted both vertically and horizontally. In the first case, a chain of loops is first cast on, equal to the volume of the circular scarf, and rows are knitted from it. It is impossible to expand such a snood during knitting, but it will be possible to vary its height. In the second option, a chain equal to the height of the product is cast, turning rows are knitted, and the width of the snood will depend on their number.

A simple pattern - a 1 x 1 mesh. We make sure that there is an odd number of loops in the cast-on chain. If the knitting goes vertical, the chain needs to be closed. From the point of closure we knit one lifting loop and a second one, which will become horizontal. On the chain we also skip one loop, and in the next loop we knit a single crochet. We continue knitting until the end of the row. The first row should be closed by knitting a stitch if we knit the snood vertically. If the knitting is directed horizontally, then simply turn the work and make the same row. Vertical knitting should also be turned over, but you must not forget to close the rows each time so that the joint does not appear clearly. Crocheting does not require special operations to close the loops at the end of knitting. When knitting horizontally, you need to carefully sew the ends of the snood with a knitted seam or knit with connecting posts through one loop, imitating the same mesh.

Crochet snood scarf in 30 minutes – video tutorial for beginners

Snood is a simple product, so many craftswomen offer their own options on how to handle its production for shortest time. Using simultaneously two technologies of knitting and crocheting, while using only the second of the tools, it is easy to get a finished snood in half an hour. Best choice The equipment for knitting this scarf is a Tunisian crochet hook: long with a knob at the end. You can cast on several dozen loops on such a tool, like on a knitting needle, without fear that they will come off. The knitter shows how to pick up stitches from a chain and then knit them without turning the work. Those who knit with knitting needles will notice the similarity between crocheting the second row of snood and closing the loops. However, on these “closed” loops, the casting on of a new row of crochet continues again. The loops are knitted from horizontal loops, which are most convenient to pick up with a tool.

Not many people are familiar with Tunisian knitting, so the video sequence explains in detail the process of working on a snood. The finished product has an expressive relief on both sides, so it can be worn inside out, turned over, crossed in a figure eight, etc. appearance This will not affect the snood.

Knitting patterns for snood scarves with descriptions and photos

No less quickly can a snood be crocheted with size 10, consisting of lush stitches. For the base openwork scarf We collect in the chain the number of loops that are a multiple of three, plus one loop. Next, we crochet half double crochets into each loop. It is important to knit three formed loops at once. This will be the bottom edge of the snood. We knit the main snood pattern with lush stitches. To do this, we make a long yarn over (the thread can be wrapped around your finger so as not to make further mistakes with the length of the lush columns), pull the working thread with a hook through the base loop and pull it out to the length of the first yarn over, make another yarn over, pull the loop through the base again and knit everything together, then we fix the column. We knit the second column in the same way from the same loop and fasten it. After this, you need to skip two loops on the base, and knit the stitches into the third. In subsequent rows there is no longer any need to count, because the lush columns should be knitted into the arches of the previous row. To close the knitting, the author suggests using a hook of a smaller diameter. The last row is knitted with half double crochets, as was done at the beginning of the work. The work is completed with a “crawfish step”, that is, by crocheting the loops backwards.

An elegant multi-colored snood is knitted with granny squares, which are connected into a continuous ribbon. To crochet one square, a chain of four loops is made, closed and three lifting loops are made. Next, three double crochets are knitted from each loop. They are separated from each other by two air loops. It is from them that the next row will be crocheted with a thread of a different color. There are two air loops in the corners between the posts, and one on the sides. The number of rows in a square is at the discretion of the knitter. The height of the snood depends on their size. However, ready-made squares can be placed in two rows by connecting them and crocheting them. If the work is not connected into a ring, you will end up with an ordinary scarf.

You can choose different textures for crocheting a snood: dense and openwork. The main thing is to make a sample with a certain pattern, measure it and understand how long the chain should be for the future snood scarf.

Crochet snood master class - the latest ideas

New videos constantly appear on the World Wide Web on how to crochet a snood. Some of them are repetitions of the past, well-known snood patterns, sometimes with introduced changes. There are also original models: snood with stars, snood scarf on a ruler, imitation of crocheted “ropes” characteristic of knitting needles. You can knit several patterns for snoods with a ruler; each of them is good in its own way. More airiness can be achieved by taking as a basis the fan pattern crocheted on a discount card. This pattern is usually used when knitting shawls, but can be used for stoles. What is a big snood if not a stole closed in a ring?

Instead of a ruler for crocheting a snood, you can use a medical spatula to examine the throat. It is advisable to choose a metal or plastic model, as the threads glide along it better. It is more convenient to remove large loops with a crochet hook when the additional tool has smooth curves at the edges. In this regard, a spatula is more convenient than a ruler. In one of the rows of such a snood, a spatula, ruler or discount card is crocheted over the edge. In the next row, using the same crochet hook, these long loops are removed. In the shawl snood pattern, attention is paid to each elongated loop, it is knitted with a single crochet, an air loop is made, then again you need to knit an elongated loop and continue in the same spirit. It turns out to be a beautiful “fan”. The snood canvas consists of alternating “fans”. They are usually arranged in checkerboard patterns.

A “reverse fan” for a snood can be obtained by knitting several long loops with one and tying them with several single crochets, crocheting them off the spatula. Then you will get an expressive “eye” - a real decoration openwork pattern for snood crochet. An open scarf is also made in this way.

Using a spatula, you can knit a “snake” the length of the snood’s circumference. To get started, you need to tie two of these “snakes”. Next, we begin to make crochet snoods out of them, intertwining twelve long loops. They need to be grabbed with a working hook on one “snake” and pulled through 10 loops of the second “snake”. The result of this weaving should be a braid. Long loops are crocheted from the side surface of the braid again on a spatula, and the counter part is crocheted like the original “snake”.

This is how a regular scarf is crocheted, only long tassels are made at the ends of the product. If the idea is used to crochet a snood, the tassels can be placed along the side edge. It’s a good idea to use small pom-poms instead of tassels, which can perfectly decorate the edge of a crocheted snood.

Decorations for the snood can be knitted separately in order to sew them on at the end of the work. Flowers and leaves, multi-colored geometric figures - all this is crocheted in an elementary way. Such appliques can be secured with a regular sewing needle and thin thread, or you can use the same crochet, attaching the part to the finished product.

The first crocheted snood will make you come back to create new models. Be sure to try it different variants snoods and scarves, crochet patterns to feel the strength and skill in knitting.

Hand knitting is the trend of the season today, especially for women who have never been able to use knitting needles and crochet. This simple technique of weaving threads allows you to create entire works of art: hats, scarves, rugs and blankets. Do you want to get a scarf using the hand knitting technique in 30 minutes? Our article will help you with this.

Features of free technology

Hand weaving and traditional knitting techniques can be compared to finger painting and true fine art. There is no doubt that both options are capable of creating unique masterpieces, especially if a true lover of his craft takes on the work.

Both knitting options use the same principles - creating loops and stitches. But the technique of working with one hand is inherently more free and unpretentious in adhering to any principles and schemes. It simply cannot be as accurate as the traditional method, because the “tool” of work is different for each person depending on individual characteristics. However, all the loops are so flexible that you can adjust your work already in its finished form.

Additionally, the whole process of hand knitting is more like moving stitches from side to side than winding yarn in specific patterns to create perfect stitches. Once you try to create any wardrobe item without knitting needles, you will sincerely and wholeheartedly love this method.

How to quickly knit an original and warm snood scarf? Wash your hands, stock up on a skein of thread and go ahead - master our photo tutorial.

Necessary materials:

  • a skein of thick wool threads;
  • scissors.

Process description:

  1. For the scarf middle length You only need half a skein. And if you want the snood to be wrapped around your neck twice, take 2 balls of yarn.
  2. We start with a set of loops in a simple way as shown in the picture.
  3. We put the resulting loop on the wrist of the right hand. The tighter the knot is tightened, the tighter the scarf will be, but knitting it is much more difficult.
  4. Then grab the thread from the skein and wrap it in a ring around your thumb. Turn your hand so that the remainder of the yarn from the first loop is under index finger, and fix the ends of the threads.
  5. Now start it right hand up through the loop wrapped around the thumb.
  6. And pick up the tail of the thread that is under your index finger to form a second stitch.
  7. Move the resulting new loop to the wrist where the first stitch is located.
  8. Repeat these steps until you have 10 stitches on your right arm, or more if you want a wide scarf.
  9. When the required number of stitches has been collected, it’s time to move on to knitting the second row. Now you should hold the working thread in the same hand as the first row.
  10. We pass a long piece of working thread through the loop, which we remove from the left hand.
  11. As a result, we get a new stitch that needs to be transferred to the left hand.
  12. Throw the working thread over to your right hand again and repeat all the steps from the beginning until the entire row of loops is completed.
  13. A little tip: when you pass the loop over to your free hand, it is best to pull the working thread a little, this way the stitch will be narrower.
  14. With some skill, in less than 10 minutes you will achieve the desired length of the scarf.
  15. Now it's time to start closing the loops. Work two stitches in the same way as you did for the length of the scarf on each row.
  16. Then pull the first knitted loop from your hand over the second stitch, bring the thread down and pull it not too tight.
  17. Repeat this step with the remaining loops, and secure the thread with a knot at the end.
  18. We move on to connecting the two edges of the product. To do this, fold the scarf in half.
  19. Insert the working thread into the large hole, forming a loop.
  20. Then move the working thread to the next hole and pull it through the loop you made earlier. In this way, connect the edge to the end.
  21. When you reach the end of the row, carefully cut the working thread and secure it on the wrong side with a knot or sew it with threads to match the color of the yarn.
  22. The hand-knitted snood scarf is ready.

Knitting a triangular scarf without knitting needles

Summer loincloth, cocked hat and stylish cape. Do you think these are three different things? Not at all. This master class will tell you how to make an unusual and stylish thing in just a few simple steps.

For the hardworking - a bright light burns through life, for the lazy - a dim candle

Hand knitting without knitting needles. For those who don't know how to knit

During the cold season, knitted items are more relevant than ever. Not to mention, they are always in fashion. Scarves, sweaters, mittens, hats - everyone loves these and everyone enjoys feeling the softness and warmth of knitted clothes.

Nowadays it is very popular large knit, this is usually true for scarves when it comes to clothing, or for blankets - large, voluminous, but surprisingly light. Usually such things in stores are quite expensive, but there is always a way to do it yourself.

“Yes, this is all good, of course. - You say. “But I don’t know how to knit.” And you don’t need to be able to :) Yes, even so. There is a very interesting technique for hand knitting without using knitting needles or crochet.

It is very easy to learn and you only need hand knitting threads or yarn and, of course, your own hands. Due to the fact that the knitting is large, the process goes very quickly and you won’t even notice how you can knit a snood scarf in 30 minutes or a stunning blanket in an hour or two!

The only difficulty in the hand knitting technique is the choice of material. Here you need to focus only on your taste, and we all know how difficult it is sometimes to settle on just one thing. From large yarn you will get volumetric products, and from thin ones - openwork.

To knit a snood scarf you will need 300 grams of yarn with a thickness of 100 mm. Whether you take wool, acrylic, a mixture or another material depends only on your taste preferences. From this amount of yarn you will get a scarf measuring 150 cm in length and 30 cm in width.

To knit a blanket you will need a much larger amount of wool - 3 kg. But the product will also come out much larger in size! About 150 by 180 cm! You can also use any material, not necessarily merino wool.

The easiest way to explain the technique of hand knitting without knitting needles or a crochet hook is not in a photo, but in a video. Therefore, we have put together several video tutorials for you that will help you knit a scarf and blanket.
The master classes are designed for beginners, they are very simple and very clear, and most importantly – as visual as possible!

Hand knitting: scarf in 30 minutes

Hand knitting: plaid

Be sure to try the hand knitting technique! We are sure you will like both the process and the result. Just look at what beautiful scarves and you get blankets! Believe me, you will do no worse. Believe in yourself, your strengths and don’t be lazy.