The hat is askew
A deer walked across his face.
And diesel fuel on the camisole,
The beard is somewhere in the hem.
Cloudy eyes and red nose
Where he was is another question.
No gifts, no bag...
Santa Claus is a little cheerful.
Don't be afraid - look through the peephole,
He brought you congratulations!
Happy New Year!
I wish you songs and dances!

Tangerines, Olivier
And champagne on the table!
What are people celebrating?
Yes, sure, New Year!
May he give us all
Life without troubles and without problems!
Let your career grow upward
Well, along with it comes income!
May your health be good,
And life is as sweet as candy!
Let happiness come to you
IN bright holiday, in the New Year!

May this New Year be with you
It will only bring good luck!
And so that the house becomes green
Money, not just spruce branches!
To Santa Claus
Every day I brought gifts!
And let your work
It will always be a holiday!
In your personal life let it be a concern
They will surround you like never before!

I wish for the New Year
Six-figure sums to the account,
So that after paying taxes,
We didn't stretch our legs.
To laugh and love,
We were happy all year.

It's time for fairy tales
New Year is coming!
Let him dispel worries
Will increase your income.
May all your wishes come true
Let him bestow love.
Both success and health
It will attract you like a magnet.

Don't get drunk on New Year's Day
And don’t lie under the tree!
Don't put your face in the salad.
Pretend that you are very happy!
Wait for the chimes to strike,
Stagger the banner...
Tire your relatives:
Many more days off -
You'll catch up in passing!
Well, good luck! Happy New Year!

Heartfelt words, sober thoughts,
Bright days like a garland!
Strong nerves, iron strength,
Feelings as intoxicating as port wine.
Easy money, successful meetings,
Dreams as sweet as candy.
May it come more often throughout the year
Generous, kind Santa Claus!

I wish you a New Year
Don't forget who lives where.
Remember your own name
And remain unharmed.
Do not lose honor and pride,
Don't dance without pants
Don't fall asleep under a lush fir tree,
And get to the pastels!

Santa Claus with a cool gift
Let him knock on your house.
After all, his bag is magical,
And he has something in it for you
Very good health
A stunning success
The happiness is simply unearthly
And a cheerful ringing laugh.

Santa Claus is already hooked,
So, the New Year has come!
We are very glad to meet him,
A table was set in his honor!
I wish you on this holiday
Lots of happiness and goodness
So that the soul is warmed,
A sea of ​​light and warmth!
And great health to everyone,
Don't take pills!
And gold reserves,
To make your dreams come true!

Cool New Year's greetings

Cool New Year's greetings in verse

Cool New Year's greetings
How much Christmas trees
Dressed up all over the country!
Let a battalion of gorgeous chicks
Will come to you for the New Year!
Let him fulfill all his wishes,
Let him give you love,
And all sexual fantasies
Let your dreams come true! Happy New Year greetings in humorous verses
I wish to leave in the old year
Sorrows, adversity, bad weather.
And in the New Year - forget about the trouble,
Let there be only happiness!
But what is happiness without love?
I wish to be shot by Cupid,
And to find such a girl:
Smart, beautiful, not stupid! New Year's greetings in verse are cool and funny
In the New Year's bustle
You can miss the holiday
After all, there are many who want
Give your friend a hearty treat.
So, congratulations
you at the beginning of December,
So that you don’t accidentally forget...
Happy New Year to you, friends.
Don't be angry, don't swear,
Just smile more. Playful Happy New Year greetings
Happy New Year! With new happiness!
May all your dreams come true,
And the rest is all in your power,
After all, the main creator of fate is you!
Oh, yes! I forgot to wish you good health,
Now it is more expensive than gold!
And finally I want to say:
Quit smoking! You are strong, you can do it! Playful New Year's greetings
Another New Year has arrived!
I wish you a life that is not easy!..
And full of interesting surprises
And the most personal and useful connections!
I also don’t wish you hardships, sorrows, or...
Don't know, forget how horrible dream!
And sparkle like a giant diamond,
Breathing with happiness and success in unison! Playful New Year's poems
The tables are bursting again
From various snacks,
And the glasses are not small...
What holiday is it?
This holiday is New Year!
Here he is! Hallelujah!
Let happiness suck you in
A big kiss! Joking poems for Happy New Year
My favorite, old year
We honor according to honor.
It doesn't matter if he leaves!
You and I stayed together!
Happy New Year! I am now
I promise to be wiser!
I'll close the door tighter
And I’ll snuggle closer to you! Cool voice congratulations and Happy New Year giveaways
What can I wish for you?
New Year - to celebrate,
Friends - don't forget!
There will be joy!
Sorrows - forget!
Salary - to grow,
Love - bloom!
Dreams come true
And don’t relax yourself!

Funny and short New Year's greetings

Let the champagne sparkle
Let the tinsel sparkle.
Happy New Year.
Happiness, joy, goodness!

Happy New Year to you.
I wish you health and love,
Wealth and strength, patience,
Have a good mood.

Happy New Year
And I wish that fate
Brought a bag of good luck
And she was kind to you.

May everything be the way you want in the New Year,
And all your secret dreams will come true!

May all your wishes come true,
And let life quickly turn into a fairy tale,
So that you find happiness under the Christmas tree in the morning.
Prosperity, health, good luck, love!

Admiration, happiness, miracle,
Deliverance from adversity
Light, love and joy will be -
The New Year will bring them!

Happy New Year, a wonderful holiday.
Let it be interesting for you.
With new hopes and plans,
With unprecedented achievements!

On New Year's Day, may Santa Claus
The cart will give you happiness.
May you have good luck all year long
It goes hand in hand with you.

Happy New Year,
Happiness and have fun days,
I wish you good health,
Forget about problems!

Happy New Year, bright happiness
Congratulations now.
And we want it to happen
You have everything you want!

Let the aroma of juicy pine needles
Everything is filled around,
The year will be generous and rich,
And happiness will knock on the house!

New year, new year,
The people celebrate together.
We wish everyone happiness,
We raise all our glasses.
Health and goodness to everyone,
Happy New Year everyone, hooray!

May everything be wonderful in the New Year,
And the clear sun shines and warms you,
Your smiles bloom with happiness,
And you will have everything that is missing now!
May the New Year bring you good luck and fun,
To give you a reason to have a housewarming party,
So that your family grows and children appear,
And every day in the new year we smiled with happiness!

Happiness, joy, health,
May the New Year bring
And good luck in your wallet,
It will bloom wildly!

I wish you a New Year
A bright round dance of emotions,
Warmth, comfort, kindness,
With success, always be on first name terms.

Happy New Year funny greetings (Happy New Year)

Let Santa Claus have a crimson nose
He will make a contribution to your savings book,
Snow Maiden secretly all year
Gives him good cognac,
And Santa Claus is out of the bag
The currency snowball will shake!

New Year 2016! New Year 2016!
The President and all the people
They raise their glasses together,
And the cheerful Snow Maidens
Under the Chimes there is a ringing chime
They call us to go for a walk in a crowd!
Let's spin, let's go on a spree
And we wish each other
Light, joy and peace -
From Azov to Taimyr!
In the New Fabulous Year
I dream of being
In the fiery hell itself.
As long as you don’t meet your mother-in-law!
Give me, Santa Claus,
Strength and hellish patience,
So that the mother-in-law has diarrhea,
Allergies, indigestion!
The rest is nonsense.
You have money, you don't need intelligence.
Always ready for yourself
I laugh until I drop.
Someone with a white beard
In a red fur hat,
With a long staff in his hand
And with gifts in a bag,
With a loud laugh,
With a kind look -
Happy New Year
We wish you happiness and joy,
So that on the New Year's tree
Instead of holiday animals
Showed off exactly 30
Half-liter bubbles.
To Santa Claus, like in a fairy tale
Half drunk, squinting his eyes
The most delicious, the sweetest
I treated you to champagne!!!
The vodka is getting cold on the table, -
Food of inspiration!
And the Olivier salad
Waiting to be used!
We wish you a Happy New Year
Have a snack and a drink!
Let your appetite people
Finally, it will fill you up!
The old year is leaving
Let him take it with him
All the troubles and sorrows
Laughter that didn't end
And creaky beds
No headache!
That love that is unanswered
Snow that falls in summer.
Dyatlov, why are they screwing us over?
Let him take it with him!
After all, the old year is leaving!?
Well, to hell with it
LET HIM GO! And the New Year is like a long-awaited holiday...
He came, but didn’t change anything...
And you waited, hoped and dreamed...
And I seemed to have forgotten everything about this holiday...
I forgot that miracles must happen...
That people are waiting for another happiness in an instant..
And you came, but nothing has changed...
Now I'm waiting for spring... and then... we'll see...
What do they hope for, what to expect... what a miracle?
To be an optimist is simple - believe in yourself...
And every holiday, regardless of the miracle...
It will manifest itself and give itself to you.. Happy New Year 2016!
We wish you happiness and joy.
Not getting old, but getting younger,
Warm your soul with a glass.
One for the New Year,
For the second time for all the people,
For myself and for my friends,
And for all other people!
The sound of boots can be heard in the hallway.
Someone in civilian clothes. Father Frost!
Even though he is drunk and has a red face,
But he brought gifts to us.
I drank a glass with my dad,
Children's listening to a rhyme
And stroking my mother's ass,
Grandfather reached into the big bag.
He took out his gifts:
Mom - a new peignoir,
For dad - a glass with monograms,
Grandfather - a new samovar,
Grandma - golden candles,
Children - who wanted what.
He threw his beard over his shoulders,
Apparently he was sweating a lot.
Shouting: “And now - mazurka!” —
Spun around the table.
Then his Snow Maiden came
And Frost took her away.
All the fun died down smoothly,
The dog whined in the hallway...
Yes, how nice he is,
This same Santa Claus!
The New Year has begun,
Someone is already sleeping “in the firewood”
Someone is giving a speech to the guests
Or fireworks!
And it doesn't matter what you do,
Let others know for sure -
You will be the happiest of all
Friendships are like “super glue”
Strength - like a big elephant,
Those who need it need children.
For those who don't, take precautions.
Have Frost don't be shy
Ask for a car
Or from an arctic fox manto.
If a miracle doesn't happen -
Let the sponsor help!
Take it with you to hell
All problems, Old Year!
I want free traffic
Wine and vodka factory,
A hundred cell phones around my neck,
To seem cooler than everyone else,
Parabellum in a sword belt,
Hat - natural mex,
Two cars of crumpled bucks,
There are three lemons of our money,
Vacation for ten years
(Have a little fun over the hill),
Lighter from Versace,
Towel from Dior,
Three-story country house
And the yard is full of models,
Yacht, Lexus of a new brand,
Presidential plane,
It's a pity that all my gifts
Santa Claus won't tell...
Tired old year!
You've been with us too long!
We will remember you now
And we take you to the gate.
Take the trouble with you
And sadness and loss,
So that we don't have them
In the coming year!
And they had a generous table,
Circle of friends, family and loved ones,
Beauty, health, strength
And good luck one hundred percent!
Was the old year not bad?
Or was it one of the worst -
The new one will definitely be better
God has already thought of it that way.
It's midnight to five,
A flock of snowflakes froze...
The old year has almost melted away...
Well, have a nice trip!
New Year! Congratulations to everyone!
Peace of happiness and love!
And in addition we wish,
Bring joy to your heart!
We wish you money in the bank,
May the percentage be high!
And so that uncle from across the sea,
He rewarded you with an inheritance!
So that children are genius!
And Bill Gates is no match for them.
So that parents are loved!
Happy New Year, gentlemen!
I wish you a new year
So that everything would disappear
What's stopping you from living?
And your wallet is fat
It must come from money!
I wish you a beautiful house,
Nice car
A big basin of health to you,
So that your back doesn't ache!
And the main thing is that you
The toilet was made of gold!!!
Happy New Year,
We wish you happiness and joy!
Everyone who is single should get married,
To everyone who is in a quarrel, make peace,
Forget about grievances
Everyone who is sick - become healthy
Bloom, rejuvenate.
Everyone who is skinny should become fatter
Too fat - lose weight.
Too smart - become simpler,
Narrow-minded people need to wise up.
To all gray hairs - to darken,
So that bald people have hair
thickened on the top of the head,
like Siberian forests!
For songs, for dancing
They never stopped talking.
Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
May trouble pass us by!
So that luck perks up
And she turned her face to us,
So that the number of landings
Coincided with the number of takeoffs
To keep the house in order
To the players - good luck in the game,
Sellers – “heal” the change,
For businessmen - profits,
And for gourmets – sushi’
(Or is sushi better?
Fuck you will understand the Japanese soul,
Here it would be more accurate to say – souls’...,
But it doesn’t fit with sushi’ :) The clock has already struck twelve
And they grabbed a bag of fun
And I, in turn, congratulate you on the new year
And I announce that a cool party awaits
I would like to wish you
And never be bored
May the words of our president
They will acquire at least some accent
May Santa make all your wishes come true
And organizes new tasks
Let your friends all laugh with mad laughter
And all your deeds always work out!!!
What a holiday - New Year!
There is a noisy round dance at the Christmas tree,
Champagne, gifts,
A cozy snowdrift in the park...
They say on New Year's Eve
Whatever you want...
Let not one snowdrift
Your holiday doesn't end.
Happy New Year, gentlemen!
I wish you a new year
So that everything would disappear
What's stopping you from living?
And your wallet is fat
It must come from money!
I wish you a beautiful house,
Nice car
So that everything would disappear,
And your wallet is fat
The toilet was made of gold!!!
There are the following reasons for drinking:
Funerals, holidays, meetings, farewells,
Christenings, weddings and divorce,
Frost, hunting, New Year,
Recovery, housewarming,
Sadness, repentance, joy,
Success at work, new rank
And just drunkenness for no reason.
Happy New Year!
I wish you happiness and joy!
Don't drink wine - cognac,
For a snack - pike perch,
To Santa Claus
Thicker New Year's cake
There are more friends at the table,
Have fun from the heart
But you can't fall under the tree,
He wasn’t taken to the sobering-up station.
I wish for the New Year
Wine and vodka factory.
Two wagons of crumpled bucks,
Our money is three lemons.
Vacation for ten years,
Have fun over the hill,
A yacht, a new brand Lexus,
A whole cartload of diamonds.
So that all these gifts
Santa Claus brought it to you!
Happy New Year! Friends, I wish this year,
You don't have to worry,
To prevent sweat from dripping from your forehead,
So that your mouth is always full,
And you have a lot of money,
You wouldn't have a mole among your friends,
Always held hope raft
And there was a shallow ford
There's a new twist in life
This year has made you happy.
The calendar is carried away
Everyday boredom.
We'll dive in like the old days,
On a multi-day drinking binge!
The bearded year is passing,
Let's get serious!
The already screwed guy is knocking on the door
Cheerful Santa Claus!
Snowman in the cold
And stocked up on booze for future use,
He dragged in verse and prose
A soiled bag.
Freezing with excitement,
We're taking it out of the bag
Beads of dreams and inspiration,
Bright joy of fur.
Gingerbread cookies of yesterday's sadness,
Slightly stale
And more cabbage for everyone,
Just so that it’s not too much...
A sonnet to all poets,
All the girls deserve earrings, Babam - sweet candies,
Well, great, Beard!
Are you getting ready?
I am writing a request, as always,
Don't let me down.
Otherwise, there is only one Santa Claus here,
What happened last year
He promised gifts, damn it,
I forgot to bring it.
I'm not asking for much
Don't be afraid, Red Nose,
Now I will write a list:
Computer, vacuum cleaner, iron,
Sheepskin coat, grill stove,
Mobile phone (preferably three),
Service, perfume, car,
What for the husband - see for yourself,
Champagne, of course,
And a couple of cognacs,
Well, there, some snacks,
And it’s completely sad.
Pack everything, put it in a bag,
So that it makes sense.
If it doesn’t fit, well!
I'll take it in euros.
After all, you, Japanese mother, must
(Because the sorcerer)
Financially support
Decent people.
You understand, there is a crisis, Grandfather,
All to one thing:
No money, no drink,
In short, life is shit.
Son is a blockhead, husband is a drunk,
The boss is an idiot.
So, grandfather, respect
At least on New Year's Day!
Happy New Year
And we wish from the bottom of our hearts,
May the ships be happy
We have reached your harbors,
They creaked, they buzzed,
We puffed and arrived.
So that you can unload them
At the New Year's ringing hour,
To get to the basket
Happiness to each of you,
Even a small basket
Only to each of you,
And there is such a desire:
Just make up
Tried to cast shadows
For your ruddy appearance,
To the vast and serene
To your healthy appearance.
So that by sea and land,
In reality, not in dreams,
LUCKY came to see you
In high heels,
On creaking, on melodious
On funny heels... I'm sick of everything in the world!
The holiday is coming soon - New Year!
Well, to hell with all the diets!
I'm almost Miss World! Here!
And I'm not a cow at all!
I'm even slimmer than others!
And I’ll give the scales to my mother-in-law,
She, the snake, needs them more!
I have such a figure
And you can’t count all the advantages!
What the hell is it like in literature?
If you take it in your hand, you’re waving the thing!
There is no hard place on me,
I can't handle diets
And with me while laughing Men don't slip!
How the New Year is celebrated
The Christmas tree is shining, the table is set.
The owner is sober and shaved.
Another housewife at the stove
Removes cakes from baking sheet
And in between, curlers
With curls he drops assorted.
More champagne in foil,
The filling in the pie is intact.
And, without knowing wine, a glass
It was still empty.
And here the guests are ringing the doorbell,
They sit down at the table and make noise.
The clock strikes 12 times.
— Is everyone filled?
Off we go...
They dropped the Christmas tree on the floor,
The carpet is covered in sauce,
Wine is spilled on the table,
Three wine glasses are shattered,
There are cigarette butts stuck in the cake,
The Olivier contains fish skins.
The hostess, having pushed out the guests,
Crying quietly at the door,
And the owner is sleeping under the table:
Dead drunk and with a black eye.
Tomorrow he will hardly remember everything...
Putting on a sheepskin coat and taking a staff,
Brought gifts to the children,
On a cold night in December.
He walked for a long time and was so tired,
That he could no longer walk.
And then he saw
There is a night stall on the street.
I drank a bottle of beer there
And I took two with me in my bag.
One hundred and twenty grams of champagne,
And some vodka for the road
I warmed up and my soul perked up,
And even though the path seemed far away,
He walked briskly through it
And here he is knocking on the threshold.
There are children to meet him.
In animal masks of all breeds,
And everyone stood around the yard
In one huge round dance.
Everything was very good,
Heartily and sincerely,
What he realized only in the morning
That the New Year has come to celebrate
Not in kindergarten and to the zoo.
Hello Dedushka Moroz,
Why weren't you in a hurry?
Today is the first day
I'm already hungover.
I see you feel bad, grandfather,
Beard to the floor.
You don't eat your candy
Drink some pickle juice.
Don't peel the tangerine
And don't eat banana
You better drink it now
Half a glass of vodka!
And when everything is in the stomach
It will resolve
Can you believe me, grandfather?
The holiday will return to us!
Dudes! dudes! To you
I'll spell the verse now
Only a true boy
It will eat up what the bazaar will eat.
Happy New Year, guys!
Happy New Year, chicks!
Congratulations. Listen, like,
To the New Year tree:
So that everything is concrete,
No market, strictly.
So that the fraers forget
You pay taxes.
In a clearing generous to you
So as not to stick the fins together,
And don’t look askance at the chicks:
There are wives - and that’s it
So that from different booze
The roof didn't blow off
So that your wife is with you all year
The bagel didn't crumble.
So that the shovelman does not become skinny,
Let grandma give birth
So that the crimson jacket
The moth didn't eat it.
So that there are suckers in business
We divorced amicably
To bring money
As much as needed!
To wear breeches
And in Versace there is a woman,
Competitors for everyone
The toad strangled him.
So that your brains don't float
All sorts of cormorants
And they didn’t cheat here
Rotten markets.
So that the goats don't run
Along the cabbage patch
So that they are always present in the house
Crazy grandmas!
Everything, in kind! I'm wandering around
Congratulations on this. And may you have a New Year He will be responsible for the market!
Good holiday
New Year!
Champagne - trunks!
The round dance makes noise and circles He will be responsible for the market!
Uneven steps...
Fun party
Fountains of sparks from the eyes!
From all misfortunes, all adversities -
Strike - twelve times!
Happy New Year!
Flashes over the snow!
We are not afraid of the Revolution -
We're all upside down here!
The bag of gifts is already ready under the tree,
But don’t look there ahead of time. Let a funny old man with a beard come,
Will give you all of them, just wait.
And I will congratulate you
kind words
Everything sparkles with crystal silver.
Let there be unrest in the house like this
They will hide under happiness and goodness.
If there is not enough snow in the house,
Bring it in a big bag.
He will powder himself skillfully
Everything that bothers you so much here.
Happy New Year happiness will burst into the house
And will make us laugh again.
Well, if the door doesn’t break through,
We will open windows and hearts.
I wish you to get drunk on New Year's Day,
Then get hungover again!
Get lost among the noisy firs,
Fall into a snowdrift for a bit!
I wish you to freeze a little,
The gift was tightly wrapped!
And in a quick dance you will fall,
But get up immediately and don’t fall into ruin!
I wish you boring neighbors,
And brown bears will meet you!
Let this year begin like this
And then, everything is the other way around!
Good luck to the house arm in arm with happiness,
Runs and drives away bad weather!
Success, wealth and love,
Suddenly someone broke into your doorstep!
Open the door wider
And let the New Year come home!
If you are cheerful and cheerful
And already a little drunk,
And hung it on my head
Multi-colored garland;
If in a red sheepskin coat,
With a red cap on the back of his head
Someone is dashingly telling jokes,
Gherkin twirling on a fork;
If the cat crawled under the chair,
If your feet dance on their own,
If your childhood friend
Sleeping, curled up on the threshold;
If someone's on guitar
Sizzling, singing songs,
So the New Year is in full swing,
Congratulations to you!
Happy New Year to you,
What will definitely come on time,
And he will not “delay” with the arrival -
A good lesson for some.
How many times have we made appointments?
How many times did he promise: “I will come…”
Maybe precise and flawless,
Finally, will you be in the new year?!
Find your Snow Maiden on New Year's Day,
Have fun from the heart!
Get a salary increase
Rise high in your career!
Fly to Thailand or Maldives
And drink some beer there!
Happy to squeeze your luck, Drink champagne to your heart's content, Then get hungover again!

Find more friends

Cool AND

all year round
live like this!
Cool New Year's poems
New Year's poems
Cool New Year's poems
I wish that in the coming year
Don't let a brick fall on your head!
Ride so that you are in sweet honey,
Victories – on the personal front! So that the soul sings, the body eats,
Pilo is not just soda!
So that your business prospers,
And Petrovka didn’t touch you!
Cool New Year's poem
I am separate to all men -
New Year - so that with a new rank!
Or simply - with a long ruble,
To pamper women! Be softer, be simpler
Let the son-in-law not be afraid of his mother-in-law!
Guys - a new car!
After all, it’s not right to meet him
Having bolted the doors:
Set the table more appetizingly,
Gather your best friends
So that the gifts are more impressive,
The party is more fun.
I know - you will celebrate better than anyone!
And you will dance and you will sing.
After all, how will you celebrate the New Year,
That's how you'll get through it. Funny and humorous New Year greetings for the New Year
May the New Year be good,
And on the table - balyk, caviar!
So that you continue to love,
But don't forget to eat and drink!
Always remember your home
Hangover so as not to knock down the syndrome,
And even if you get drunk today,
Wake up in the morning with a clear head! Happy New Year greetings in funny verses
I want to congratulate you, dad
Happy New Year!
Let the Sheep drive everything away
Stupid thoughts and adversity.
Have a refrigerator full of beer
Good Santa Claus will bring
Let the alarm clock ring on time,
Happy New Year! Cool poem Happy New Year
On New Year's Day - a mink hat,
The fur coat also matches her!
Black caviar, cognac for you -
Scoop from the dish by the handful!
And so that luck does not fade,
The mess in fate is over!
So that the President can see you from the screen
Congratulations by name! Funny and comic New Year's poems for the New Year
We are offensive New Year's Day
By several signs we know
When there are so many colors and people,
Everyone is hurrying in his search.
Corporate parties, masked round dance,
Candies, confetti and tinsel...
Everything we didn’t manage to do in the old year,
It's time for us to do something urgently today!
We need to do everything in a day,
Otherwise, Santa Claus will punish us,
The Snow Maiden will melt from the warmth,
And the snowman will get a snowball on his nose! Cool voice greetings for the New Year
We wish you happiness in the New Year,
Only endless happiness!!!
Let bad weather pass you by,
The years are running merrily!
Let them gather at the table
All beloved relatives!
So that without joy and song
Not even a day has passed!

Funny and short New Year's greetings in prose

I wish that in the New Year everything you think about New Year's Eve- it came true!

Happy New Year, a new dawn of happiness and beauty.
I wish you happy New Year's adventures, full of desires and bright
entertainment for the whole year.

Happy New Year, with new miracles and goodness. I wish you a happy New Year
adventures, moments of happiness and sincere moments for the soul.

Happy New Year and I wish you to spend it in the rays of happiness and
inspiration, sparks of love and luck, on a wave of optimism and success.

Happy New Year and I sincerely wish you to always be at the peak
happiness and success, on the crest of a wave of joy and fun, at the height
luck and good luck.

Happy New Year! I wish all girls to be bright
chickens at the celebration of life, and men stylish, strong, courageous
masters of fate.

Happy New Year, I congratulate you and wish you bright sparks of happiness,
unquenchable flame of love, rich colors of life and cheerful
fireworks of emotions in life.

Happy New Year and wish that in a moment of magic and battle
chimes turned cherished wish so that together with this year on
Happiness and luck have crossed the threshold.

I wish you as little frustration and troubles as possible in the new year. May the new year bring happiness!

Year-round fun, unbridled motivation, genuine interest and bright prospects.

On New Year's Day, let only the chime of the clock remind you of the passing time, your dreams will come true, your failures will be forgotten, your enemies will evaporate.

Happy New Year and new happiness, new blessings and new
dream, with new success and with new joy, with new hopes and with
new luck star.

I wish you in the New Year: comfort in your home, good friends at the table, a sea of ​​delicious champagne, prosperity and abundance.

Happy New Year! Have a great day and good relations.

Let financial blizzards bypass you, and let the rays of good luck and happiness lead you by the hand.

Funny children's New Year poems

Beautiful birch
All covered in frost and snow.
I am Santa Claus
Today I'm waiting for a visit,
I'm getting ready and worried
I'm learning a simple rhyme
I show off in a suit,
I am a Bunny, not a Wolf!
Happy New Year everyone
I want to wish you well.
I hope there are many different ones
I will receive gifts!

Masquerade costumes are ready,
The poems have been remembered for a long time -
Let the New Year begin
And he will knock on our window.
Let him bring joy with him,
Smiles, joy, laughter!
We don't care about frost, blizzards,
After all, the mood is the best!

Masquerade costume
Fluffy, cuddly,
After all, he is furry
And so warm!
And in it I am the Bunny,
But I'm not a coward
Keep in mind,
Nose to the Wolf in the morning!

I'm sitting by the window,
All the paths are covered in snow,
But the main question is
Will Santa Claus come?
How will he get there?
Will he go astray?
I know it will come
He'll bring some candy!

The bells are ringing loudly,
The whole city is decorated with lights,
And the Christmas tree is already decorated,
New Year, come soon!
Bring me gifts, sweets,
And make your dreams come true soon,
Give me a little magic
New Year, please hurry up!

Winter has fallen asleep
Trees and houses
But we weren't afraid
They gathered at the Christmas tree.
We are celebrating the New Year,
We don't notice the clock
And Grandfather Frost
He brought us gifts.

Fun and bright
Tinsel sparkles
Gifts under the Christmas tree
Let them lie there in the morning.
Let Frost draw
Patterns on the window
Let them drown in the snow
Trees are white.
Let your heart skip a beat
Hoping for a miracle
And your wish will come true
In the precious moment!

Sleighs, slides, joy, kids.
The snow sparkles like crystal everywhere.
At home the table is set, the Christmas tree is... beautiful.
Let a miracle happen to everyone soon.
Under the frosty night sky
May your dreams come true.
Happy New Year!
Peace, happiness, laughter, beauty!

There are snowflakes dancing outside the window,
And the windows have a wonderful shine.
A wonderful miracle has come true -
The frost has decorated them!
I'm watching the blizzard
I dream about gifts.
Santa Claus will bring them
Happy New Year to me, of course!
After all, I listened to my mother all year.
I ate porridge, borscht, and cutlets.
And now I want sweets
In the morning, at dinner and at lunch!

New Year is coming home,
He invites everyone to a round dance.
This is a glorious time
Very happy kids
After all, we are on vacation,
And there is still a reserve of strength,
To walk on the street
And jump in the big snow!

Congratulate you with Holliday! I wish that the coming year will give you the opportunity to consolidate all your achievements and set new, higher goals for yourself! May this holiday give you only pleasant surprises and fill your heart with happiness, joy, tenderness and faith in the best!

I want to wish you a Happy New Year! You are incredibly dear to me and I wish you all the best that there is in the world! May you be lucky, all your work and efforts will be justified, and may your heart be warmed by my love!

Happy New Year to the most dear, reliable and beloved, the strongest and most adored man in the world! You are my world, my light and my life. I share all your desires and dreams! On my own behalf I give you a sea of ​​kisses and the most tender hugs. Happy holiday to you, my love!

Beloved, my good one, Happy New Year,
May he be happy for you.
After all, I always have a reason,
To admire you, and to know that I am yours.

In the New Year I wish only health,
Good luck at work and in business.
So that you never know grief in your life,
Let only happiness shine in your eyes!

Happy New Year to you, my beloved man! I wish that everything goes well for you in the coming year, that success accompanies you throughout your life, that your dreams come true no matter what! May this year be a year of sky-high victories and happy shocks for you!

My most beloved, my best and dearest man! Let your life become more successful, joyful, richer and happier with every chime. May you be able to realize all your dreams this year. I wish you constant inspiration for new ideas, special zeal to achieve them and logical jubilation from the result obtained. Happy New Year!

My beloved man,
Have a good New Year
Love will give you
And it will bring joy.

Mistakes and grievances
We will leave in the past
In the new only happiness
Let him go with us.

Let there be a New Year
For us a year of love,
And let him fulfill
Your wishes.

Happy New Year, my beloved. I wish you a happy year surrounded by my love, faithful friends, understanding colleagues, pleasant acquaintances, unique opportunities, creative ideas and enchanting successes. My dear, may this year give you good luck, prosperity and a tireless interest in life.

And I believe, and I love, and I respect,
I'm going crazy from your proximity.
I warmly congratulate you on the New Year
You, the man of my joy!

I wish you to sail on the ocean of passion
Swim confidently and reliably.
Moor to the island called “happiness”,
And stay there and always live there!

My beloved, my dear,
The most tender, dear!
Happy New Year.
Let everything around shine and bloom.

May your health be strong,
And I will warm you with affection and love.
May everything be fine everywhere
Let everything in life succeed.

Happy New Year!
And I wish you
Happiness, good health.
May you be lucky everywhere.

Always be a strong man.
Let all troubles go away.
I wish you all the best.
Let adversity all die.

On this bright New Year
We wish you to sail forward!
Icebreaker in Antarctica,
Starship in orbit.
To be a great ship
In big, manly swimming!
Well, to be loved at home,
Gentle and irreplaceable.
Santa Claus, dad, husband.
Everyone needs such a man!
Here are the ideal men,
Above all praise!
Happy New Year, happy new snow,
To new future victories!

I wish you a good, prestigious job,
Family happiness, love and care.
May the holiday be magical, have a cool new year,
It will bring you a lot of money in the bag.
Always remain clear, brutal,
Brave and strong, a real man!

Happy New Year! Be bold in your wishes -
Let the old grandfather fulfill them,
Let the weaker sex pamper you with attention,
The budget is growing and strengthening.

Always be positive
May you have great luck in life,
I wish you New Year's stories
And definitely hit the jackpot!

Congratulations and I wish
This New Year,
May love, luck, happiness,
Right into your hands.

So that money, without effort,
They float into the wallet,
And goodness and joy of life,
This year let them wait!

Happy New Year to you,
I hasten to congratulate you.
Let everything come true
What will I write to you?

More health
Love and warmth.
Of course no money
And life is not sweet.

Car, apartment,
Good smartphone.
Family and children
And happiness to your home.

Happy New Year!
And I wish you riches,
May there be peace in your family,
And goodies are on the table.

Let all sadness be in the past,
And there will be no worries.
Let everything in life be simple,
And don't be alone!

Leave your problems behind
And walk boldly into the New Year.
Open your heart of joy
And make all your dreams come true.

Let there be next year
One of the best for you.
Live without grief and worries,
Let the family be okay.

For the New Year I wish you:
Live beautifully and richly,
On earth, but like in heaven,
And buy a hut by the sea!

Let a happy life begin
This very New Year!
And the Snow Maiden is beautiful
It will bring you joy!

Everything is bad, rubbish and rubbish
Let the old year take it.
I wish you to live with taste,
Have wealth and honor.

Be strong and muscular
And on a smooth path
One hundred percent optimist
And go lucky.

Avoid any adversity.
A lot of faith and kindness.
Happy New Year with a new happiness,
With new joy. Hooray!

New Year's feasts are never complete without wishes and praises to friends and family. Sometimes even guests organize secret competitions in eloquence! Do you want to amaze your hosts with your witty jokes? Those present will definitely appreciate the words, chosen from the heart, but with meaning, kindness and a dose of humor. In order not to re-read wishes in cards and not waste time searching on the Internet, we have made for you a selection of original and funny congratulations Happy New Year - we welcome 2019 the Year of the Pig with humor and a smile.

I would like to wish Santa Claus good health for those I love in the New Year. And riches are for those who love me!

The New Year holiday has arrived! Now everyone is happy, everyone is full, a little drunk and overly pleased... But no one can sleep: look more cheerful and cheerful! We welcome the coming year and close the old one. I wish you everything in the new year. As long as it's within the law!

In the year of the Pig I wish you
Withstand any attack.
Let everything be within your grasp,
And the troubles will pass.

Let the family be healthy
Luck accompanies business.
Let the burden of anxiety disappear,
Finances never cry!

I wish you to get wet in the dollar rain next year, and may the falling leaves of good fortune fall into your hands all next year. Let happiness fall on our (your) home in any season of the year, as if it were New Year’s snowfall. I wish you to enjoy every minute of the coming year.

I wish everyone to stumble, fall and cry in 2019....
But they tripped over money, fell into arms, cried with happiness!

Our festive New Year's table bursting with all sorts of treats. I want all the guests at such a table in the New Year not to have a single reason for sour smiles and bitter disappointment. And there were tons of sweet moments and thrills! Live with style in the New Year and every day after that!

Every time on New Year's Eve we wish each other new happiness. But many have heard the expression: “ Happy life no, there are only happy days.” So, I wish you all 365 happy days in the coming 2019.

Cool Happy New Year greetings to a friend

The Year of the Pig has come, my friend,
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.
May success find you
Happiness will rush to your home.

Let everything be smooth in the family,
Your dreams will come to life.
And problems without looking back
Let them run away from you!

In the coming New Year, I want to wish you to be happy. Delicious life, dear: bread and salt and caviar, gold reserves, pleasant weekends, and everyday life such that the bosses can only carry it in their arms! I wish you to fall in love, but at the same time maintain independence and smile endlessly!

Friend! So we made it to the fateful and best New Year! In the coming year, eat sweetly, sleep on feathers, count your profits and wear silk! Remember who runs the show in your life and graciously accept all the good things! Do what you have long dreamed of, and don’t forget to love until you lose your head and smile!

You and I have no worries new year holidays a lot of. You need to try all the treats, have time to drag the cat away, don’t forget to make a wish and freeze for a long time on the street while everyone sets off fireworks! In a word, the holiday is taking its course, so the time has come to wish you endurance! May your happiness be magnificent and very personal.

Let's hug, friends, and greet the elderly red-nosed man, his relative and a crowd of deer with dignity - the New Year is coming to us!

Comic Happy New Year greetings for a friend

Always be loved
I wish you vigor and strength,
And so that in the new year
The Lord gave me luck!

Girlfriend! Happy New Year! May the New Year bring you new adventures... no, not just in one place! New meetings for you, promising acquaintances, pure victories, bright impressions, sincere achievements! Oh, I almost forgot - new huge stores with huge sales! And so that you don’t rack your brains about how to buy everything you want and how to transport it all!

Cheerful congratulations to colleagues

Colleagues, on the eve of the New Year I would like to wish you fabulous salaries, magical working conditions and bosses who will always be in a wonderful mood! Let your experience and knowledge become more valuable than any wealth. But if someone decides to buy them, bargain until the last minute!

Colleagues! I don’t know how old the Snow Maiden is, but Santa Claus is definitely a little old! But, nevertheless, he is cheerful, cheerful and still able to give gifts!

Let the old man present you with modern surprises and entertainment that will make you so wildly delighted that you will forget to go to work! This will encourage you to quit and find a new job! Give me a new job in the new year! With new happiness!

Colleagues! Well, another year has passed when we all worked hard together!
I wish that in the New Year we not only work well, but also receive money well! Let there be exactly as many of them as each of us wants! Then we'll see which of us is the greediest. Happy New Year!

For the coming New Year
It's time to wish your colleagues
Less hard work
More nice salaries!

Let clients become smarter
The staff will be nice
Let the authorities praise, cherish,
And work will become easier than play!

Not only work success
Let Santa Claus carry it in his sack,
And humor, joy, laughter
And only the salary in earnest!

Congratulations on wonderful holiday Happy New Year to those with whom I share the joys and sorrows of the entire working week - our close-knit work team! Let there be many times more joys, I also wish that in the New Year the salary becomes much higher, and less labor is spent on it.

Happy New Year, beautiful man!
Have a wonderful life, away from worries!
May everyone fly past the bad weather!
So that the dream is “green” and progress!!

May you “crack nuts” with health!
So that money flows into the house like a river!
So that there are only gentle shoulders nearby,
Well, in the heart there is love and peace!!©

Happy New Year!
You are bright and a wonderful gentleman!
I wish you an easy, rich life
And not to know all the sorrows and betrayals!!

Let fortune “inhale” inspiration!
Let luck laugh in your face!
And love like delicious cookies!
Certainly in fate to be lucky!!©

Put all your pockets in!
May the New Year bring
Have a wonderful life without hassle!

Positive and good luck!
Happiness, miracle, inspiration!
The most joyful friends!
The most fashionable news!

Christmas trees, laughter and fun!
They contain luck and salvation!
They contain a pledge to victory, to light!
Take it all, I give it!!!©

Man, how much is in this word!
Let maturity and humor carry you into the distance!
All songs, all poems of poets!
Friends who love, remember, wait for!

And may fortune embrace you!
Good luck sewing buttons!
Love, the locks open everything!
And a miracle will bring happiness!!

I wish you a Happy New Year!
Let inspiration amaze!
And ahead is the road to paradise!
Heaven on earth, it's like a magnet!!©

Happy New Year, wonderful man!
Let fortune “build” you!
Don't chase your dreams terribly,
Here she is catching up herself!!

And love, blue-winged bird,
He will kiss you forever and give you wings!
You will be proud of your life!
Here is the heart - it beats with luck!

And let friends always surround you!
With them - friendship, hope, comfort!
Let the beautiful only happen!
And away with bad weather! Full speed ahead!!©

Happy New Year! With new happiness!
Happy New World and Destiny!
Let them burn: hope, happiness -
Over yours, over your fate!

Let fun, humor, jokes
They give joy and comfort!
Painted jokes -
They will provide complete luck!!

You are a very wonderful man!
May you always be lucky!
Let there be no difficult moments,
Just good luck – a whole port!!©