Colorful week: “GREEN MONDAY”
Summary of GCD in the second younger group(integration: cognitive development + speech development + reading fiction “The Green Fairy Tale” by N.V. Nishchev + collective application from handprints “HER FIRING TREE”)
Goal: To consolidate ideas about the color green.
- develop: visual and auditory attention, memory, articulatory apparatus, fine motor skills, coordination of words with movement;
- enter adjectives into the active dictionary: green, green, green;
- teach to coordinate these adjectives with nouns in gender, number and case;
- consolidate techniques for working with glue;
- develop imagination;
- develop a caring attitude towards nature.
Materials: green box; toy frog and baby frogs; book by N.V. Beggar “Colorful Tales”; jump rope
GCD move:
Surprise moment:
Q: Guys, is there someone hiding in a green box? Let's see who it is? (It's a frog).
Frog: Hello guys, my name is Zelenka. Why do you think? (you are green). Tell me, what is your name? (children say hello, say their names). Guys, I didn’t come to you alone. Guess with whom:
The dog has puppies
The cow has calves,
The goat has kids,
And the frog... (little frogs).
Well done, you guessed it. My kids love most green color. Help them find green objects in the group above and put them in mine green box(children walk around the group, looking for green objects).
Speech development:
V.: So we found everything green for the frogs. Now sit down on the mat, we’ll look at it and name what you found.
Finger gymnastics “Into the woods”:
V.: Sit cross-legged directly on the mat. Let's play with our fingers now.
One, two, three, four, five, (compress and unclench
Let's count the frogs, fists)
This one was jumping along the path, (Bend your fingers, starting with the thumb.)
This one was jumping along the path,
This one was jumping for mushrooms,
This one was jumping for a raspberry,
This one is completely lost
Came back very late.
V.: Now lie down on the rug and listen to the frogs’ favorite song (children lie down on the rug and listen to the “Green Song”).
In the green, green, green forest,
I carry a green leaf in my palms,
There is a green cone under the tree,
Green music sounds somewhere,
Green grasshopper in green grass
Plays a green song for me.
Game exercise “Jumping Frogs”:
V.: I will now turn you into little frogs.
(on one side of the group there is a jump rope - this is the “swamp” - children - jumping frogs stand in a line on the other side of the hall and, at the teacher’s command, burp on two legs until they reach the “swamp”)
V.: With legs stretched out
Frogs jump along the path.
One, two, three - legs stretched out,
One, two, three - they jump along the path.
V.: Well, while you were playing, it started to rain.
Physical education minute:
Drop times (jump)
Drop two, (jump)
Very slowly at first (four jumps)
And then, then, then -
Everybody run, run, run. (six jumps)
We opened our umbrellas (stretch on our toes, raise and spread our arms to the sides)
Sheltered herself from the rain. (they lower themselves onto their entire foot and clasp their hands above their head)
V.: and now I’ll turn you back into kids. Sit on the chairs and listen to the story:
Reading: N.V. Nishchev "Green Fairy Tale"
One day, one girl put on a green sundress with a GREEN pocket and went into the forest. And in the forest everything was GREEN. And the trees were GREEN, and the bushes were GREEN, and the grass was GREEN, even the water in the small puddle was GREEN.
The girl really wanted to catch the GREEN frog and see how many toes he had on his paws. So she decided: “If the little frog sees my GREEN sundress with a GREEN pocket, he won’t be at all afraid of me.”
And so it was. The GREEN frog crawled out of the GREEN puddle, in which GREEN tree leaves and GREEN blades of grass were reflected, and was not at all afraid of the girl in the GREEN sundress.
-Kwa! - he was surprised. - What a funny GREEN tree
grew near my puddle!
Here the girl should take the frog in her hands and see how many fingers he has on his paws. But she felt very funny: just think - the frog mistook her for a tree! She laughed and said:
-I'm not a tree at all!
Of course, the frog was very scared. After all, he had never heard trees laugh, or even talk. And - I fell back into the puddle.
Speech development: agreement of adjectives with nouns in gender, number, case
Q: Did you like the fairy tale?
Children: (Yes, I liked it).
Q: What is it called?
Children: (“Green Tale”).
Q: Where did the girl go?
Children: (Into the forest).
Q: What did she wear?
Children: (Green sundress with a green pocket).
Q: What was green in the forest?
Children: (Green trees, green bushes, green grass, green water in a puddle, green frog).
Q: Who did the girl want to touch?
Children: (Green frog).
V.: It’s good that he ran away. Is it true? He's so small. The girl could have hurt him. It is better not to touch or offend those who are smaller and weaker than you.

Joint activities of the teacher and children -
collective applique of handprints “HER-BELLE”

Attached files

Theme: “Autumn Gifts”

Integration of educational areas : “Speech development”, “Cognitive development”, “Social- communication development», « Artistic and aesthetic development", "Physical development".


Social and communicative development:

  • Ø Encourage children to actively and kindly interact with the teacher and parents in solving gaming and cognitive tasks.
  • Ø Continue to gain experience in treating each other with kindness.
  • Ø Develop logic while solving riddles.

Speech development:

  • Ø Encourage children to notice changes in nature, name the signs of autumn and its gifts.
  • Ø To develop the ability to name vegetables by their distinctive features(shape, color, taste

Cognitive development:

  • Ø Reinforce the signs of autumn.
  • Ø Introduce vegetables.
  • Ø Give the concept of “vegetables”.
  • Ø Encourage children to play the game “Wonderful Bag” (name the properties of vegetables)

Artistic and aesthetic development:

  • Ø Encourage children to express positive emotions(interest, joy, admiration) while listening to the musical work “September” (music by I. Tchaikovsky).
  • Ø To develop the ability to work with plasticine.

Give the desired shape.

  • Ø Encourage students to achieve their goals and develop fine motor skills of their fingers.

Physical development:

  • Ø Develop dexterity and attention.
  • Ø Encourage to combine words and actions in the game.

1. Introducing children to the concept of “autumn.”
Teacher's story about the signs of autumn.
Children, together with a speech therapist, look at the plot pictures and name the signs of autumn:

Leaves turn yellow and fall;

It rains often

Birds fly away to warmer climes

People wear warm clothes

The gardens and orchards are being harvested.
2.Picture “Vegetable garden”

What grows in the garden? (tomatoes, cucumbers, beets, radishes, carrots, cabbage, potatoes)

- That's right, in a word, these are vegetables. Vegetables grow in garden beds, but in order for them to grow tasty and fresh, they need to be looked after. How?

Let's get to know vegetables. But before we continue our work, let's do a little physical education. Guys, go to the middle of the group.

3. Physical education session “Vegetable Garden”.

Our garden is in order

We dug up the beds in the spring (imitation of working with a shovel)

We weeded the garden (bend over, reach the floor with your hands)

Watered the garden (show how it was watered)

There is not a lot in the small holes

We planted cabbage (squat down, clasp your knees with your hands)

All summer she got fatter,

Grew in breadth and height (rise slowly)

And now she's cramped and poor

He says: “Move aside!” (stomp your foot at the end of the phrase)

4. Introducing vegetables.

Guys, I suggest you guess riddles about vegetables, listen carefully and guess.

Guess the riddle:

  • What's that squeak? What's that crunch?

What kind of bush is this?

How can there be no crunch?

If I...(cabbage)

  • The grandfather sits, dressed in a hundred fur coats, whoever undresses him sheds tears.
  • The girl is sitting in prison, and her scythe is on the street. (carrot)
  • They hang in clusters
    And they look at the sun,
    Color like a traffic light
    Red Yellow... ( tomato)
  • · I am both fresh and salty.
    All pimply and green.
    Don't forget me, my friend,
    Stock up on your health for future use.

5. Modeling "Vegetables on our table."

The teacher invites the children to mold vegetables from plasticine.

The silhouette of a basket is drawn on the cardboard. Children roll out plasticine with a sausage and place the sausage on the side of the basket. Various vegetables are placed in the “basket” according to the children’s wishes. Children make “Tomatoes” from red plasticine balls, “cucumbers” from green oval plasticine, etc.

During productive activities, we performed finger gymnastics “Fingers are spread out; We alternately “walk” along the table or knees with each of our fingers.

“Lariska has two radishes”

At Lariska's -

Two radishes.

At Alyoshka's -

Two potatoes.

Seryozhka, the tomboy, has

Two green cucumbers.

And Vovka -

Two carrots.

Yes, even at Petka’s

Two tailed radishes

Children fashion vegetables to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky

6. Summing up.

7. Exhibition of children's works.

", plasticine, boards, stacks, napkins, a disk with the song "Autumn".

  1. Examination of slides depicting autumn signs (slide No. 1,2,3)

Invite the children to name the signs of autumn.

  • Autumn leaf fall.
  • Rainy weather.
  • Harvesting
  • Birds fly away to warmer regions.
  • People wear warm clothes

2. Learning the poem: “Rain - rain, no rain...”

Rain - rain, no rain...

Rain - rain, wait

Let the gray-haired grandfather reach home...

3. Offer a game: “Wonderful bag”. (With doll Masha).

Children take vegetables out of the bag, pronounce their shape and size, as well as their intended color (examining vegetables).

4. Offer to remember where vegetables grow, how to care for them.

5. Guessing riddles about vegetables.

Who loves cabbage soup very much, find Me in them. (Cabbage)

Was green and small, became big and red. (Tomato)

They dug me out of the ground, baked me, fried me, boiled me, and then they ate everything and always praised me. (Potato)

Green piglets grew up in our garden bed, sideways towards the sun, their tails are crocheted. Our piglets play hide and seek with us. (Cucumbers)

By the curly tuft I dragged the fox out of the mink. You touch it – it’s smooth, You eat it – it’s sweet. (Carrot)

6. Physical minute: “Vegetables”

7. Entering the “Gifts of Autumn” basket

Children sculpt the vegetable they like from plasticine into the “Autumn Gift Basket” (attributes in s/r role-playing game"Vegetable Fair").

8. Summing up.

In the middle, according to the program “From birth to school” in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, we continue to introduce children to, and pay great attention to getting to know fruits. The hero of the week could be Nyusha from Smeshariki, who will tell children about the benefits of fruit dishes and vitamins. Descriptions of didactic games on the topic, poems about fruits, outdoor games and observations can be found in the appendix to the plan “Thematic week “What has autumn brought us?” Fruits".

Social and communicative development

In the field of social and communicative development, activities are planned such as viewing and discussing the cartoon “The ABCs of Road Safety” in order to expand children’s ideas about, looking at pictures from the series “So and Not So” in order to form in children an idea of ​​good and bad deeds, Observing the work of adults.

Cognitive development

The formation of CGN and self-service skills continues. The plan includes an excursion to the exhibition “Gifts of Autumn”, didactic games and educational exercises on the topic, and viewing of presentations. All this contributes cognitive development preschooler.

Speech development

For speech development The teacher organizes exercises with children that develop fine motor skills, games aimed at expanding the vocabulary and developing the grammatical structure of speech (“What did mom buy?”, “Fruit juice”, etc.), and also plans reading fiction and learning poems about fruits.

Artistic and aesthetic development

During the 3rd week of September, the teacher’s activities are also aimed at the artistic and aesthetic development of children. Planned to construct a “Bridge” and draw “Apples on a Plate” with pencils. The teacher introduces children to wax crayons and the technique of tinting a sheet. The result creative work will be the design Autumn tree wonders, on which children can place all their works.

Physical development

Ongoing physical development preschoolers and the teacher continues to introduce children to exercises that improve health, organizes outdoor games and physical exercises with children, and creates the problematic situation “Which juice will help the bunny?”

Check out a fragment of the theme week


OOCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Working with the album “My Family”. Goal: to continue to develop the ability to correctly name adults.Examination of the poster "Fruit". Goal: start getting acquainted with fruits.Exercise “What autumn brought us.” Goal: to enrich children's vocabulary with the names of fruits.Adding wax crayons. Goal: show children how to draw with crayons, teach them to handle equipment carefully.Physical exercise “Hedgehog and Drum”. Goal: to satisfy the motor activity of children.
Exercise "Even formation". Goal: to develop the ability to line up and walk in pairs.Monitoring the weather conditions. Goal: to learn to determine the time of year based on its characteristic features.Exercise “What did mom buy?” Goal: to help children compose sentences with homogeneous members.Structural and model activity "Gorka". Goal: continue to teach children how to build a slide, consolidate the names of the main parts.P.i. "Round dance". Goal: to develop children’s ability to dance in a circle and remember words. P.i. "Horses." Goal: to teach children to move one after another, not to push.
2 p.d.Game situation “I want.” Goal: to develop children’s ability to manage their behavior and promote the development of strong-willed qualities.Game "Heavy - easy". Goal: to continue familiarization with the concepts of “Opposite, vice versa.”Reading by V. Volin “Good autumn has come.” Goal: to develop the ability to listen to poetry.Drawing with a subgroup of children “Fruits” (tinting double stencils of fruits). Goal: to develop children’s ability to hold a brush correctly.A teacher's story about the benefits of fruits for children's development. Goal: to form the foundations healthy image life.


OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Viewing and discussion of the cartoon “The ABCs of Road Safety, Episode 1, Lessons from Aunt Owl.” Goal: to expand children’s understanding of the rules of safe behavior on the roadDi. “Arrange by color” (any options) Goal: develop the ability to group objects by colorExercise “What’s in the lump” (fruit). Goal: stimulate speech development through motor skills.Dance moves to familiar music. Goal: to develop the ability to move in accordance with the music.Exercise “Autumn leaves”. Goal: to introduce exercises that strengthen the respiratory system and develop proper breathing skills.
Collection of fallen leaves and other debris on the site. Goal: to teach children to maintain order in the kindergarten area.Cloud watching. Goal: to introduce children to natural phenomenon- clouds.Exercise “Fruit juice”. Goal: to develop the ability to form adjectives from nouns and answer in detailed sentences.Board game “Find an object of the same color.” Goal: to promote the development of color perception.P.i. "One, two, three - run." Goal: to teach children to act on a signal. P.i. "Sun and Rain." Goal: to teach children to walk and run in all directions without bumping into each other.

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the second junior group of kindergarten,"Gifts of Autumn"

Speech development,

Logical thinking

Consolidating knowledge about vegetables and fruits.

Continue to develop the ability to holistically depict objects cut into four parts

Group objects according to their characteristics

Enrich children's knowledge about the gifts of autumn

Materials; Pictures with signs of autumn, cut into four parts, dummies of vegetables and fruits, autumn leaves, a bucket and two baskets (large and small)

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizing time.

Hello guys. They sat down nicely. Hands on knees. The backs are straight. Legs together. Ready? Let's begin our journey.

2. Introductory part

Tell me about what time year goes by speech.

The leaves turn yellow and fly off the trees,
Animals are hiding in the forest.
The cold wind blows through everyone,
The clouds are bringing us rain.
The sun, although it is shining, is still not warm,
The grass doesn't turn green
The birds all gathered in flocks quickly,
What time has it come to us?

Children's answers

Today we will see what gifts Autumn has prepared for us. Let's harvest and play. What are the signs of autumn?

Children's answers

Well done for noticing how the weather has changed. It became gloomy outside the window, our beloved sun hid behind the clouds. And when the clouds begin to rain, large puddles appear on the paths.

3. Main part

But autumn brought us not only bad weather, in the fall, vegetables and fruits ripen, people harvest.

Physical education minute:

Let's go to the garden

We'll reap the harvest.

(March in place.)

We'll drag carrots

(“Drag.” Depict how they pull carrots out of the ground.)

And we'll dig up some potatoes.

(“They’re digging.” Depict how they’re digging.)

We'll cut a head of cabbage,

(“Cutting.” Depict how a head of cabbage is being cut off from the ground.)

Round, juicy, very tasty,

(Show a circle with your hands - 3 times.)

Let's pick a little sorrel

(“Tearing.” Depict how they tear sorrel.)

And let's go back along the path.

(March in place.)

Well done, you harvested a large basket. Let's see what's there. The teacher shows and the children say the names of vegetables and fruits.

These are vegetables and fruits. Right!

What color are they?

Children's answers.

Now guys, let's play.

Didactic game"Differences by Characteristics"

Objectives: improve the ability to distinguish between vegetables and fruits, learn to use generalizing words in speech, develop oral speech, memory, attention.

Progress of the game : Children take turns taking dummies of vegetables and fruits, name them, determine which group they belong to and put the vegetables in a basket, and the fruits in a bucket.

Note : the game can be individual.

Outdoor game "Zucchini"

Task: developing the ability to dance in a circle and act according to the teacher’s word
Progress of the game: Using a counting rhyme, choose one child, he will play the role of a zucchini. The rest of the guys join hands and form a circle. The zucchini squats in the center of the circle. The children begin to dance around the zucchini, loudly saying:

Zucchini, zucchini,
Thin legs
Red boots
We fed you
We gave you something to drink
They put him on his feet (players come up to the zucchini and help him get to his feet)
They forced me to dance.
Dance as much as you want
Choose whoever you want! (the zucchini dances and chooses from the circle who will be the zucchini at the next con)

After this, the game starts over again, with a new “Zucchini”.

Well done boys. And in the fall, beautiful multi-colored leaves fall from the trees, but the trouble is, the wind tore them, let's collect them.

Didactic game “Collect a picture”

Objectives: consolidate knowledge about the signs of autumn, develop oral speech, observation skills,

attention, memory.

Progress of the game: Cut-out images are laid out in front of the child. He must, comparing with the sample, collect them correctly. The child who completes the task first wins.

Well done for collecting all the pictures, tell me what time of year is shown in the pictures?

Children's answer.

Right, why do you think so?

Children's answers

Well done guys, we had a great time playing!

4.Final part

Dear guys, today we learned what gifts Autumn has prepared for us: various vegetables and fruits, and also that it can decorate leaves in different colors. Guys, when you go home, try to collect leaves from the trees and make a bouquet, tomorrow you will bring them to kindergarten and we will arrange an exhibition “Autumn Bouquet”. Now we will relax, listen to classical music written by P.I. Chaikovsky. "Autumn". You will sit on the chairs and close your eyes. And let's imagine autumn bouquet, which we will collect tomorrow, and today, after listening to music, we will color the leaves that Autumn sent us.

Compiled by: teacher

Mikhailova M. V.

Target: summarize children’s knowledge about autumn.


  • Develop knowledge about the signs of autumn, changes in nature;
  • To clarify knowledge about the life of birds and animals in autumn;
  • Develop emotionality and responsiveness;
  • Enrich and activate children's vocabulary;
  • Develop the ability to listen to the teacher’s instructions;

Dictionary: autumn, autumnal, gloomy, cloudy, rainy, gray sky, low, cold, drizzling, harvest, hibernation, flock, den.

Equipment: Subject pictures on the theme “Autumn”, an old forest man, dummies of vegetables and fruits, leaves of paper (oak, maple, birch), a basket, cards with tasks, a simple pencil.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, an old forest man came to us today. Let's say hello to him. He wants to invite us to visit his forest. But to go to this forest, you need to solve a riddle. Listen:

Who comes with yellow paint,

The leaves paint everything.

Without a needle and without a thread,

She sews them a festive outfit. (autumn)

Who guessed what it was? (answers) That's right, it's autumn. Today we will talk about autumn, and the old forest man will help us and play with us.

Didactic game "Falling Leaves"

Look, what is this? (on the table there are leaves cut out of paper: birch, maple, oak). (answers)

Where did these leaves come from? (fell from the trees in the fall) What happens to the trees in the fall?

What is this phenomenon called? (answers). Of course, leaf fall.

Let's help the old forest man collect the leaves in a basket. Take them. What leaf do you have, from what tree? (birch, maple, oak)

Well done.

Also an interesting autumn activity for the 2nd junior group:

Didactic game “Autumn Walk”

Well, now we have a walk into the autumn forest, into a clearing. Let's get together. What should we wear? Maybe a Panama hat and sandals? No? Why?

Of course, it's cold outside in the fall. What else can you say about the weather in autumn? (cold, cloudy, rainy, windy, gloomy)

What other signs of autumn do you know? (it’s raining, it’s cold, the grass has withered and withered, the leaves have turned yellow, the wind is blowing...)

And in such weather you need to dress warmly, like autumn.

Let's choose the clothes you need for a walk in the fall. (children choose cards with clothes)

Well, here we are. Let `s have some rest.

Physical education:

We stomp our feet, we clap our hands.

We raise our hands, we lower our hands.

And then we spin around.

Sit down on the chairs, guys.

Shh, let's listen to what's happening in the autumn forest. But guys, I can’t hear the birds, where are they all, what do you think? (They gather in flocks and fly south).

Why do they fly away? (answers)

That's right, because in winter it's cold, insects disappear and birds have nothing to eat.

Oh, who is that redhead among the trees:

Red little animal

Jump and jump through the trees.

He doesn't live on earth

And in a hollow tree. (squirrel)

That's right, squirrel.

Guys, what do animals do in the forest in the fall? How do you prepare for winter? (answers)

Well done.

Guys, do you know poems about autumn? Let's please the old forest man and tell him a poem. (children read poetry)

Well, does anyone know any proverbs about autumn? Which? (answers)

Didactic game "Harvest"

Guys, what else does autumn bring? What do people do in the fall? (harvest)

What kind of crops do people harvest? (vegetables, fruits, mushrooms)

Let us also collect the harvest in a basket and give it to the old forest man.

(Children collect vegetables and fruits in a basket)

Here you go, old forest man, this is a gift from me and the guys. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten.


The bus goes to kindergarten.

The guys are sitting in a row.

They are sitting next to each other.

And they look out the window.

Didactic game “Connect with a line”

We're back at kindergarten, guys. And we have one last task left.

Take chairs and sit at the tables.

Take a pencil and draw lines from those items that are needed in the fall. And then I’ll see who did everything right.

(See appendix – task card)

Well done, we managed everything today, we visited and saw a lot of interesting things. Thanks for the work.

Title: Summary of the autumn lesson for the 2nd junior group “AUTUMN”
Nomination: Kindergarten / Lesson notes, ECD / development of ideas about the world around us and about ourselves

Position: teacher
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten No. 15 “Joy”
Location: Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod region