Teachers pay great attention to organizing a subject-developmental environment in the group early age. The age of the children, their desires, and the nature of their independent play activities are taken into account. To help children feel comfortable kindergarten more comfortable, we decided to involve parents in decorating the reception area.

From an early age, children are introduced to oral folk art (fairy tales, nursery rhymes, jokes). The principle of visibility helps to increase the interest of children and show parents their importance in this process.



State budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 52, Kolpinsky district of St. Petersburg

Project passport


Project Information Card

Project "Kolobok"

Project type: family short-term (three weeks).

District, city: Kolpinsky district.

Organization address:Kolpino, st. Raumskaya, 3, GBDOU d/s No. 52, tel. 481-70-56

Project participants:teacher 1 junior group"A", children of 1st junior group "A" and their parents.

Children's age: 2-3 years.

Project location:Kindergarten group, walking area on the territory of the kindergarten.

The problem the project aims to solve:involving parents in active participation in the life of the group.

Relevance of the project:Teachers pay great attention to the organization of a subject-development environment in an early age group. The age of the children, their desires, and the nature of their independent play activities are taken into account. To help children feel more comfortable in kindergarten, we decided to involve parents in decorating the reception area.

From an early age, children are introduced to oral folk art (fairy tales, nursery rhymes, jokes). The principle of visibility helps to increase the interest of children and show parents their importance in this process.

Objective of the project: Organization of a subject-developmental environment with the participation of parents. With their own hands they create visual aids and didactic games for the Russian folk tale “Kolobok”. An exhibition of works in the reception area will not only enrich the subject-development environment and delight the kids, but will also help parents understand their role in the development of the child’s cognitive interests.

Project objectives:

For children:

  • Help children feel more comfortable in kindergarten.
  • Maintain interest in Russian folk tales with the help of visual aids and didactic games.
  • Develop children's speech and enrich their vocabulary.
  • Expand your understanding of the world around you.

For teachers:

  • Promote the use of the project method in working with parents.

For parents:

  • Involving parents to actively participate in the life of the group.
  • Educational work on the topic “The role of the family in raising a child.”
  • Exhibition creative works parents.

Final event of the project:integrated lesson on modeling from plasticine “Kolobok”

Preparatory stage.

  • Selection of fiction for reading and memorization;
  • selection of age-appropriate games;
  • enrichment of the subject-development environment;
  • long-term work planning;
  • preparation of recommendations for parents (pay attention to the role of Russian folk tales in the development of young children; give recommendations on productive activities: make a painting, pano, didactic game or a visual aid (parents’ choice) based on the Russian folk tale “Kolobok”);
  • selection of demonstration material.

Main stage.

  • Work of the teacher with parents:

Practical assistance in productive activities, advice;

Consultation “The role of the family in raising children”

  • Work of a teacher with children:

Cognitive development:

  • A teacher's story about animals from a fairy tale.
  • Integrated lesson “What is this shape?”
  • D/i “Who lives where?”
  • Watching the cartoon: “Kolobok”.

Speech development:

  • Reading the Russian folk tale “Kolobok” to children
  • D/i “Who is missing?”
  • Examination of plot paintings based on a fairy tale.

Social and communicative development:

  • Theatricalization of the Russian folk tale "Kolobok".
  • Staging of the nursery rhyme “Bear-toed Bear”
  • S/r game “Feed the Fox with porridge”

Artistic aesthetic development:

  • Modeling "Kolobok"
  • Drawing: “Decorate a mitten for grandma”

The final stage:

  • Exhibition of works by parents in the reception group.
  • Exhibition of children's works.
  • Summarizing.

Project results:

Children developed an interest in Russian folklore, the prerequisites for telling the fairy tale “Kolobok”. Children are happy to show their parents' work.

Parents accepted Active participation in organizing the subject-developmental environment of the group: we made manuals with our own hands. These works can serve as illustrative material in classes on speech development.

Annex 1

Summary of an integrated lesson on modeling from plasticine “Kolobok”

Goal: To teach children how to make a kolobok based on round shape.


Developmental: develop fine motor skills, children’s ability to distinguish and name colors: yellow.

Educational: form an idea of ​​the shape: round, develop the skills of rolling lumps of plasticine between the palms with circular movements of both hands, practice rolling lumps of plasticine between the palms with direct movements of both hands.

Educational: To support in children the desire to complete the work they have begun, following the playful motivation of the lesson, to cultivate interest in the fairy-tale hero.

Preliminary work: Reading the Russian folk tale “Kolobok”, conversation on its content.

Materials: Pieces of yellow plasticine, beads for the eyes, nose and mouth, boards, napkins. Pictures from the fairy tale “Kolobok”.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: asks a riddle

It is shaped like a ball.

He was once hot.

Jumped off the table onto the floor

And he left his grandmother.

He has a ruddy side...

Who is this? (BALL) .

Educator: invites children to make a funny bun.

But before that, guys, we will do exercises for our fingers.

Finger gymnastics:

One two three four five!

Fingers clenched into fists, extend each finger, starting with the thumb

Let your fingers go for a walk!

We clench and unclench our fists.

One two three four five!

Bend each finger, starting with the thumb

They hid in the house again.

Hitting fist on fist

The teacher shows the method of modeling and explains his actions. Guys, take a lump of yellow plasticine and roll it out in your palms like a ball ( circular movements palms).

Look what a ball we got, a real bun. Let's attach eyes, a nose and a mouth from beads to our little bun.

Teacher guys, what beautiful little buns you made. What a great fellow you are.

At the end of the lesson, the koloboks are put on display.

Appendix 2.

Staging a nursery rhyme"Teddy Bear...":

A clubfooted bear is walking through the forest.
He collects cones and sings a song.
Suddenly a cone fell, right on the bear’s forehead!
The bear got angry and kicked - stomp!

Didactic game “Who is missing?”(the teacher invites the children to look at the heroes of the fairy tale; the adult removes one detail, and the children, opening their eyes, must say what is missing)

Didactic game “What kind of shape?”

Goal: to teach children to distinguish and name geometric shapes familiar to them: ball, cube, brick in a variety of settings: upon presentation (what is this?), among several others, different in name and color, according to the teacher’s word (find the cube).

Progress of the lesson

Children sit in a semicircle. The teacher shows and asks everyone to take turns naming a ball, cube, brick. Explains how a cube differs from a brick: “The brick is longer, you can put two cubes on it (show). And the cube is tall, like a small house. The cube is a house, and the brick is the path to the house.”

Next, the teacher lays out bricks, balls, and cubes on his table. Invites each child to take one item. The children return to their seats and show what they have taken to each other. The teacher asks who chose which figure. Checks whether children correctly match the object with its name. Prompts the correct answers.
Then the teacher invites everyone who has cubes to lift them up. If the child makes a mistake, he tells him: “I asked you to pick up the cube. It looks like a house. And you have a brick - a path to the house.”
Next, the task is given to lift the bricks. While completing the task, the teacher invites the children to check whether the neighbors on the left and right have made a mistake.

Then the teacher places balls, cubes and bricks on the mat. Invites the children to take one brick from the mat. Checks how they completed the task. Offers to show the bricks to each other. Children exchange impressions: “I have a red brick. And mine is red. And Oleg has a cube...” The teacher praises those who notice the mistake and gives the child the opportunity to correct it. He collects the bricks and places them again on the carpet. The children are invited to take one cube each. The task is checked in the same way as the previous one. Then, the teacher shows the children Kolobok. What shape is Kolobok? What does he look like?

Finger gymnastics “Knead the dough quickly”

Kneaded the dough quickly
(Open and close your palms).
Divided into pieces
(Imitate pinching).
Rolled out all the pieces
(Rub your palms together).
And they made little bells.
(We show two cams).

Project activities in kindergarten are very interesting; a certain topic or material is revealed more widely. I present to your attention a poem based on Russian folk tales. I hope it is useful to someone!



Project in the second junior group “Fairy tales are always with us!”

Project type: artistic and aesthetic

By nature of contacts: within the group

By number of participants: collective

Duration: short-term (2 weeks)

Relevance of the project:

Folk tales are the oldest common form of oral folk art, present to all peoples, such a fairy tale reflects beliefs, views, the dominant features of national character, exposes class relations, while simultaneously exposing ancient life, which is often reflected in individual works - everyday tales, tales about animals, fairy tales.

Formulation of the problem:

Children know few Russians folk tales.


Create a positive emotional mood. To form children's ideas about Russian folk tales through different kinds activities.


  • consolidate knowledge of the content of fairy tales
  • create a desire to be like good heroes
  • develop the ability to convey the image of a fairy-tale hero through speech, movements, gestures, and facial expressions.
  • develop interest in fairy tales
  • instill in children the rules of safe behavior using the example of fairy tales.

Expected result:

Children will get acquainted with many Russian folk tales and will know their content.

They will learn to convey their character in games - dramatizations, puppet theaters, table theaters.

Involving parents in further participation in group activities (drawing competitions, crafts, replenishment of the development environment, etc.)

Game motivation:

While introducing children to fiction, through the arrival of Grandmother - a storyteller, to introduce children to Russian folk tales (who writes the R.N.S., who passes them on from generation to generation) - names, content, discussion of the heroes of fairy tales, highlighting positive and negative features.

Project implementation:

Educational area




Conversation “Who writes fairy tales?”


Play activity

Game "Puppet theater".

Game - dramatization

Tabletop theaters

Physical Culture

Motor activity

P./Game “Hares and the Wolf”.

P./Game "Geese".

P./Game “Sparrows and the Cat”.

P./Game “At the Bear in the Forest”.

Round dance "Burn, burn clearly."

P./Game “Fox on the hunt”.


Motor activity

  • Logorhythmic exercise “Kitten is naughty.”
  • Walk like the heroes of fairy tales (ride like a frog, walk like a bear, etc.)


Communication activities

  • "The wolf and the seven Young goats". Conversation “Who came to our house.”
  • "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"

Conversation “Should you listen to adults”


Speech activity

Play activity

  • Storytelling by R.N.S. “A fox with a rolling pin.”
  • "Let's call a fairy tale."
  • D./Game “Find out a fairy tale by subject.”
  • Game "Guess the fairy tale hero."
  • Game “Find out the fairy tale from the illustration.”

Reading fiction

Reading activity

  • Fairy tales “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”, “Zhikharka”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Geese and Swans”, “Little Fox-Sister and the Gray Wolf”, “Crane and Heron”.

Artistic creativity




  • "Color the fairy tale hero"
  • "Carrots for Zayushka"
  • "Fairytale Fish"
  • "Bowl for the Three Bears"
  • Preliminary work applique “Teremok” (roof and window)


Motor activity


  • Scene “How the animals collected mushrooms”
  • Singing the words of the fairy tale “Teremok”
  • Dramatization of the fairy tale "Teremok"


Constructive activity

  • "A bed for Mishutka."
  • “Let’s build a little house for toys.” Exhibition of drawings “My favorite fairy tale”. (Together with parents).

Final event:

Game - dramatizationbased on the fairy tale “Teremok” and artistic creativity plasticineography - molding of the walls “Teremok”, decoration with peas and buckwheat. (Preliminary work - applique roof and window of the mansion)

Target : To develop children's memory, the ability to guess the names of Russian folk tales, based on the riddle and visual picture of the fairy tale. To develop children’s ability to convey their character in the fairy tale “Teremok” through speech, facial expressions, gestures and actions. Develop skills in working with plasticine to create a tower: pinch off a small piece from the whole and, by smearing it with your finger, fill in the outline of the object without going beyond the outline. Develop finger motor skills by using peas and buckwheat to decorate the house. Cultivate interest in fairy tales and accuracy in working with plasticine.

Move : The arrival of the Grandmother - storyteller: “Hello children, do you recognize me? And I didn’t come alone, I brought you friends! Meet them! Children dressed as characters from the fairy tale “Teremok” enter. (Sit down with other children). “And with me I brought a chest of surprises. Here's the first surprise: I told you a lot of fairy tales, I showed you a lot. They ask for fairy tales, and now, you, friends, get to know us!” (I take out pictures - fragments of fairy tales and read the riddle, the children guess:

  1. Mesh with sour cream, stuzhon on the window,

A round side, a ruddy side, a bun rolled...

  1. Oh you Petya - simplicity,

I messed up a little:

I didn't listen to the cat

Looked out the window (“The cat, the rooster and the fox”)

  1. And the road is far,

And the basket is not light,

I would like to sit on a tree stump,

I would like to eat a pie (“Masha and the Bear”)

  1. In the fairy tale the sky is blue,

In the fairy tale, the birds are scary,

Rechenka, save me,

Save me and my brother (“Geese and Swans”)

  1. Near the forest at the edge,

Three of them live in a hut,

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows,

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? ("Three Bears")

  1. Everyone knows in Rus',

We were waiting for mother with milk,

And they let the wolf into the house,

Who are these... little children (“The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”)

Grandmother is a storyteller:Well done, you guessed all my riddles, everyone learned the fairy tales.

Let's relax and build a house for the gnome:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, (turns right, left, hands on the belt),

We will build and play (squats),

We are building a big, tall house (hands up, on tiptoes),

we install windows, cut the roof (we show the window with our hands, hands above our heads - imitation of the roof),

this is such a beautiful house (hands in front of you, pointing to the house),

an old gnome will live in it (claps hands)

Grandmother is a storyteller: And now, dear viewers,

Would you like to see a fairy tale?

Every fairy tale has its uses

A lesson for girls and boys.

The game is a dramatization of the fairy tale “Teremok”.

Part 2:

Grandmother is a storyteller:Give as a gift"Teremki" for my fairy-tale heroes.You've already started work, I know, let's continue. Here are your little houses (I’m handing out the children’s work). I offer a sample of the work that should turn out. What are the walls of the tower painted with? Correctly with plasticine, pinch off a small piece and smear it on the walls, without going beyond the contour. When you paint the entire wall with plasticine, you can decorate it with peas or buckwheat, which are in your plates.

Independent activity of children. Grandmother, a storyteller, provides assistance as needed, a reminder, uses a sample display, etc.

Rating from Grandmother - a storyteller: Well done, they tried very hard. For this, here is my surprise from the chest - new books with fairy tales and treats (sweets).

Farewell and departure Grandmothers are storytellers.

Project activities in the second junior group

Type of project: educational and research, health-saving. Includes creative, educational and practical activities.

Duration: mid-term (September, October, November.)

Participants: teacher, children, parents.

Relevance of the project: the project is intended for children of the second youngest preschool educational institutions groups in order to expand children's knowledge about vegetables and their importance for human health; consolidation of knowledge about where the vegetables on our table come from.

The project brings together educators, parents and children in common creative work.

Project goals:

    creating conditions that stimulate interest in; expanding and generalizing children's knowledge about vegetables through various; parents in joint creative and research activities.

Problem: in urban environments, where everything is bought ready-made, children have no idea where vegetables come from and what conditions are necessary for their growth and development.

    expand children's understanding of vegetables, their beneficial properties; develop children’s cognitive activity, creative imagination and thinking, communication skills; teach children to depict vegetables, fruits and berries in drawing and modeling classes, using various ways and image media; clarify ideas about the work of adults, cultivate hard work and caring attitude towards plants.

Project idea: create a vegetable garden in the window in the group.

Expected results:

    Children will get acquainted with cultivated plants. Through experimental work, children will gain knowledge that vegetables are grown from seeds, which are planted in the ground and create the necessary conditions for their growth. Activation of speech activity on the topic “Vegetables”. Encourage children to want to eat vegetables. Involve parents in the implementation of the project.

Forms of implementation

    Classes in . Conversations with children and parents. Game activity. Carrying out work on visual arts. Exhibition of children's creativity. Providing entertainment.

This project promotes the development of children's cognitive, research and creative abilities.

Experimental activities and observations teach children to make the first conclusions: “You can grow a plant from a seed.”

Involvement in feasible work of caring for plants develops in children responsibility for the assigned task, commitment. Encourages children to want to participate in labor activity, makes it possible to understand that behind each vegetable there is a certain benefit.

Project implementation stages

Preparatory stage

    Select illustrated material on this topic and conduct a conversation educational nature. Together with the children, collect drawings and prepare photographic material. Consultation for parents on the topic. To generate interest among parents in creating conditions for the implementation of the “Miracle Garden” project. Offer to parents homework: writing stories about vegetables with children, crafts made from salt dough, etc.

Main stage. Cognition

Experience: examining and planting onion, dill, and carrot seeds in a group.

Observations: “Are our plants growing?”

Psycho-gymnastics “I am a plant”

Children sit with their eyes closed.

Educator: “Guys, imagine that you are seeds. You were planted in warm earth. Seeds sprout in the ground. You are still very small, weak. Someone's kind hands water you and loosen the earth. They look after and care. You start to grow. Your petals have grown. The stem becomes strong. You are drawn to the light, the sun. How good do you feel? Open your eyes. It will be good and pleasant for the plants if we take care of them.”

Educational conversation “What is a vegetable garden and what grows in it?” gives a basic understanding of where and how vegetables and crops grow.


Acquaintance with works of art related to the garden, vegetables: poems by A. Maksakov “Planted in the Garden”, K. Chukovsky “Vegetable Garden”, Y. Tuvim “Vegetables”, fairy tales “tops and roots”, etc.

Speech development. Communication

Compiling stories “How I help plants”, “My favorite vegetable”, “Cooking”.

Word games “Render a guess, we will guess”, “I’ll name it, you describe it.”

Learning proverbs, sayings, guessing riddles on the topic “Vegetables”.

Daily excursions to the experimental garden of group No. 4, observation of seedlings in the group encourages children to turn to adults with questions, judgments, and verbal communication with each other.

Artistic and aesthetic development

    Coloring pictures. Modeling “Carrot for the Bunny”, “My Favorite Vegetables” for the game “Vegetable Shop”. Application “Vegetables on a plate”. Dramatization of the fairy tale “Turnip” (develops acting skills in children).

Didactic games

The games “Find what I will describe”, “Guess by taste”, “Fold the picture”, “Loto - vegetables”, “Wonderful bag”, “Tips for a little housewife” contribute to the development of attention, fine motor skills, tactile sensations, memory, speech.

Acquaintance with works related to the theme of the project (round dance games, songs) that develop emotional responsiveness.

Zucchini, zucchini,
Thin legs
Red boots.
We fed you
We gave you something to drink
They put me on my feet,
They forced me to dance.
Dance as much as you want
Choose whoever you want!

Round dance game “We have a vegetable garden...”

We'll go to the city
We'll start a round dance.
Let's sing and dance
Collect the harvest.
We have a vegetable garden
Green onions grow there.
Such a height
This is the width.

Labor activity

Caring for plants in a corner of nature. Preparation of vinaigrette (by the teacher) according to the algorithm. Making dummies of vegetables.

Physical development

Outdoor game “Our garden is in order.”

We dug up the beds in the spring.
(we imitate working with a shovel)
We weeded the garden
(bend over and reach the floor with our hands)
Watered the garden.
(pour water from a watering can)
There is not a lot in small holes
(show palms)
We planted cabbage.
(squatted down, grabbed your knees with your hands)
All summer she got fatter,
(we rise slowly)
Grew in breadth and height
(we rise slowly)
And now she is cramped and poor.
He says: “Move aside!”
(stand up and stamp your foot).

Finger gymnastics “Cabbage”

We chop and chop the cabbage.
We three, three carrots.
We salt the cabbage, salt it.
We press and press cabbage.
Let's try it, it's very tasty!

Socialization: teach to take care of nature.

The principle of taking into account age characteristics allows us to consider various problems at an accessible level, and then return to the studied materials at a new, higher level.

The final stage

    Exhibition of children's works. Parents showed their homework. Leisure "Our cheerful garden."

A story about a turnip

Grandfather planted a turnip. The turnip grew very, very big. It's time to reap the harvest. Grandfather pulls the turnip, pulls, pulls, but cannot pull it out. Grandfather is old and has no strength.

Grandfather Ignat called. Ignat came running, grabbed the turnip by its big ears and pulled it out.

“Well done, Ignat!” the grandfather praises.

“Well done, grandson!” the woman praises.

Ignatushka is happy: “I did it alone!”

Nemtinov Ignat

Pasha in the garden

Pasha went to the garden and wheeled the wheelbarrow with him: the vegetables needed to be collected. Yes, the car is really good!

“Shouldn’t I just get in the car and take it for a ride?” Pasha thinks. Well, that's right. Vegetables will not run away from the garden, they will wait!

Bashmakov Pavel

Big like an elephant
She's a champion in the garden
What kind of vegetable is this, kids?

And how could I not know! She held it in her hands. I will prove it not in words, but in deeds.

Shevchenko Olya

We are gardeners

It was one hot summer day. Nastenka wanted to drink some water. Then Ilyusha wanted it too. They went to the teacher and asked for some water. They drank and thought: “And the flowers probably want to drink too. It’s hot.” And the teacher approved, even praised: “Oh, you are my gardeners!”

Lokteva Nastya

My favorite vegetable

Our Zhenechka knows everything about bell pepper. He might also tell you what dishes are prepared from it.

“Peppers come in green, yellow and red. It’s sweet, juicy, and I love it,” shares Zhenya.

Senina Zhenya

If you want to be healthy, eat garlic!

Mom prepares dinner, and Maxim helps. Mom began to grate the garlic on a fine grater, and the smell began to spread in the kitchen. Maxim doesn’t like garlic and asks his mother not to put it in the sauce.

Mom teaches: “Eat garlic, Maxim, it’s very healthy, it kills all the bad germs, you won’t get sick.”

Maxim agreed, and the sauce turned out very tasty.

Mom and Maxim Pavlov

Used Books

    Samorukova introducing children to nature in kindergarten. - M.: Education, 1991. Shorygina. What are they? - M.: Education, 1992. Internet resources.

Objective of the project: inclusion of children preschool age to the basics of research; broadening one's horizons through educational and research activities; creation of collections

Educational area: cognitive development.

Object of study: buttons.

Project participants: a group of children of the second younger group (3-4 years old), parents, group teacher.


  • enrich children's ideas about the role of buttons in human life, about their diversity;
  • to form in children a desire for search and cognitive activity;
  • organize joint search and cognitive activities of preschoolers, teachers, and parents;
  • develop mental activity and creativity;
  • promote the development of communication skills;
  • enrich children's sensory experience;
  • develop fine motor skills and tactile sensations.

Integration educational areas: “Speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Physical development”, “Social and communicative development”.

Products project activities: collection “Buttons”, advisory material for parents “Games with Buttons”, exhibition of family creativity “Give Buttons a Second Life”.

Expected result:

Children. During implementation this project to create children's interest and passion for the idea of ​​collecting. Children’s cognitive activity and interests in objects of the surrounding world will increase; The vocabulary will be enriched with the help of words (plastic, wood, glass; smooth, rough), the idea that a button is a fastener on clothing intended to connect its parts will be expanded, they will learn to perform simple experimental operations, and practical skills in productive activities will be improved.

Children will learn to independently solve cognitive problems and find solutions in difficult situations.

Parents. To improve work on interaction with parents, to activate the position of parents as participants in the educational process of the kindergarten. The level of cognitive and research activities and parents’ awareness of the problem will increase environmental education, with the help of the “Games with Buttons” consultation. As a result of joint creative activity, parent-child relationships will be strengthened.

Educators. Approbation new technology. The level of pedagogical competence on this issue will increase. The subject-developmental environment in the group will be replenished.

Preparatory stage

  • selection and analysis of information on this topic;
  • involving parents in the creation of RPPS: buttons; boxes, game “Button Up”;
  • creation and design of the basis for the “Buttons” collection;
  • a selection of poems about buttons;
  • advisory material for parents “Games with Buttons”;
  • planning upcoming activities aimed at implementing the project.

Main stage

  • reading poems, riddles, fairy tales and proverbs about the button;
  • GCD “Safety at home”;
  • production of didactic games;
  • collecting materials for button collection and play activities;
  • looking at buttons;
  • research and classification of buttons for the collection;
  • experimenting with buttons;
  • joint activity: sewing on buttons (children present a button according to a certain characteristic);
  • performing creative work using buttons;
  • applique “Beautiful button”;
  • drawing "Button".

The final stage

  • consultation for parents: “Games with buttons.”
  • design of the “Button Collection”.
  • exhibition of family creative works “Give a second life to a button.”
  • implementation of GCD on safety at home in the second junior group.
  • entertainment “Button Festival”.
  • rewarding active parents

Didactic game "Lacing"

Tasks: promote the development of fine motor skills of the hands and eye.

Game option:
1. The teacher invites the children to thread a needle and cord through the holes.

Didactic game "One - many"

Tasks: Promote the development of concentration; reinforce the concept of one and many.

Game options:
1. The teacher invites the children to lay out one large and many small buttons.
2. One small - many big ones.
3. One round button, many square ones.
4. Many buttons with two holes, one with one hole.

Didactic game “Fasten the button”

Tasks: get children interested in the idea of ​​collecting; to form children’s ideas about the variety of types of buttons; develop sensory standards (color, shape, size), tactile sensation, MMR. Develop perception, thinking, speech in the process of descriptive statements.

Game options:
1. The teacher invites the children to lay out a pattern of buttons.
2. Children lay out the pattern as they wish
3. Lay out the pattern only from small (large) buttons

Didactic game "Form"

Tasks: promote the development of mental activity; consolidate knowledge geometric shapes: circle, square.

Game options:
1. The teacher invites the children to lay out only round buttons.
2. Lay out square-shaped buttons only.
3. Lay out buttons alternating square and round shapes.

Download full version material you can follow the link below

Fedorova Inessa Petrovna, teacher of MBDOU DS No. 10, Ozyorsk, Chelyabinsk region

To download material or!

Project activities in kindergarten. Second junior group

Project activity in kindergarten in the second junior group on the topic “My happy family”

Project activity in the second junior group on the topic “My happy family”

"When raising children, today's parents
educate the future history of our country,
and therefore the history of the world"

A.S. Makarenko

Explanatory note
Every child is interested in finding out where he comes from, what his parents do, the pedigree of his family and the history of his country and the city in which he was born.
But the most important thing is that a child’s life begins with a family. In a family, a child grows and develops, his parents become an example for him. After all, as the great teacher V.A. said. Sukhomlinsky “The way his childhood passed, who led the child by the hand during his childhood years, what entered his mind and heart from the world around him - this decisively determines what kind of person today’s child will become.” Family is love, respect, warmth, affection, family is all that a person cannot live without.

Relevance of the project
Modern times and the rhythm of life in which we live dictate its own rules, which sometimes negatively affect children and the family in the first place. Parents increasingly do not have enough time to spend as much time as possible with their children, however, despite this, they still try to devote every free minute to their child.
This project is an excellent opportunity to think about the role of the family in a child’s life, about the role of the family in raising a child. Work on the project is of great importance for the formation and development child-parent relationships; cultivate respect for elders and family members; instill a sense of attachment to your family and home.

Project type: creative-social-educational
Project duration: long-term
Objective of the project: Raising in children respect and love for elders, relatives and friends, their family; optimization of parent-child relationships.
To form children's idea of ​​family
Tell children about the professions of adults;
Introduce children to family ties;
To instill in children respect for elders;
Through interaction with parents, introduce children to family holidays and traditions;
Optimization of parent-child relationships (including through joint creativity of children and parents).
Project participants: teachers, preschool specialists, families of pupils, children.
Work planning:
1) Interaction with families of pupils: consultations and conversations; survey; role-playing games; joint creativity of parents with children “exhibition of drawings “My Happy Family”; compiling albums by parents together with children on the theme “Happy summer with my family.”
2) Work with children: conducting GCD; conversations; x/l reading; viewing artists' reproductions; introducing children to the professions of adults; carrying out role-playing games: “Family”, “Kindergarten”, “Gala dinner”, “Hairdresser”, etc.; introducing children to the professions of parents and adults; family holidays and traditions - through interaction with the family.
3) Interaction with preschool specialists: holding leisure and holidays; conversations; consultations with a psychologist, etc.
Expected result: Instill in children respect and love for elders and their family.

Project stages:

Stage I – preparatory:
1. Survey and conversation with children “What is a family?”, “My family”
2. Questioning parents “What style of parenting do you adhere to in the family?”
3. Setting goals and objectives for project implementation

Stage II – basic (practical):
1. Introduction into the educational process of the necessary methods and techniques to expand the knowledge of preschool children about the family and its origin.
2. Consultations for parents: “The role of the family in raising children”, “Play with children!”, “ Age characteristics children or the crisis of 3 years!”, “Is it necessary to punish children?”, “The influence of the psychological microclimate of the family on the health of the child”, “Child’s health and the computer”
3. Exhibition of children's drawings: “Mom’s holiday”, “Boat for dad”, “Spring in my hometown”.
4. Joint performance of role-playing games with parents and children: “Family”, “Gala Dinner”, “Hairdresser”.
5. Development and accumulation teaching materials, development of recommendations on the problem.
6. Exhibition of drawings made by children together with their parents “My Happy Family”

Stage III - final:
1. Results and results of the project.
2. Presentation of albums with drawings made by children together with their parents “Happy summer with my family.”