Nadezhda Shaposhnik
Lesson notes on designing from building material in the senior group “Building a new street”

Target: development of children’s abilities for visual modeling, in the process of practical knowledge of the properties of geometric bodies and spatial relationships.


1. Build skills constructive activities for the development of the cognitive sphere of a preschooler (speech, sensory development, thinking, imagination, mathematical representations);

2. Develop children’s ability to analyze a diagram buildings, highlighting its parts, plan the stages of creation buildings, independently selecting the necessary building material

3. Cultivate accuracy, independence, and a culture of verbal communication with peers. Cultivate friendly relationships.

Equipment: computer, presentations "The House and Its Parts", pictures, cards with schematic representations of floors (panels) on the panel. Material and equipment: for each table - a box construction kit, small toys (matryoshka dolls, cars); sample buildings on a separate table with the teacher.

Methods and techniques: conversation, explanation, examination, examination of a sample of diagrams, analysis of a sample, game, modeling, problematic issue, formulation of a system of perspectives, motivation of activity.

Preliminary work. Examination of illustrations of houses and buildings with the architecture of our city; slides with illustrations kindergarten, school, store, hairdresser, hospital, cafe, police, post office. Exhibition of drawings on the theme "The House Where I Live". Conversations with children about their hometown and the professions of their parents. Reading children's fiction, Gianni Rodari “What crafts smell like”, learning poetry, guessing riddles.

Equipment and materials

Demonstration: photos; layout streets(houses, road, trees, cars, pedestrian crossing, traffic light); presentation "The House and Its Parts", mobile interactive whiteboard.

Handouts: sets building material, constructor ready-made forms , schemes buildings, small toys.

Venue: group.

Progress of the lesson.

Part 1. Organizational and motivational

The teacher invites the children to stand in a circle to greet.

Hello sky (hands raised up)

Hello earth (sit down, lower your arms down)

Hello my friends! (we stretch our arms forward)

Let's hold hands together

And let's smile at each other!

Conversation with children. - Guys, what city do we live in?

What do you like about our city?

What houses and institutions are there in the city?

Which ones are there? streets? (The street and its features: wide - narrow, long - short, straight, quiet, noisy, central).

Blitz game. "Say the opposite". (Assimilation of antonyms).

The teacher begins the sentence, and the children finish.

My new street,. and mine old street.

My the street is long,. and mine the street is short.

My bright street,. and mine the street is dark.

My the street is dirty,. and mine the street is clean.

My quiet street,. and mine the street is noisy.

My big street,. and mine small street.

What's your name? street?

Which ones are on yours? trees grow on the street?

Is it on yours? street flower beds?

What institutions are there on your street?

What's next to your house?

(Go to the interactive whiteboard)

View the presentation. "The House and Its Parts" "House. With what? (Mastering the category of the instrumental case with the prepositions s and so).

The teacher shows parts of the house, and the children comment: “A house with a roof. House with a ceiling. House with walls. House with floor. House with doors. House with rooms. House with floors. House with stairs.

The teacher shows the geometric shape and asks the children. What kind of roof? (Triangular). What window? (Square). What wall? (Rectangular). What is the ceiling? (Square). What kind of roof? (Round).

Say three words. (changing adjectives by gender and number)

If the roof is made of tiles, then what is it? tiled, made of iron - iron, made of slate - slate.

Window (which) (large, wide, rectangular). Then the teacher demonstrates geometric bodies (it is necessary to direct the children’s perception to highlight characteristic features and properties structural materials).

Fingers- builders(finger gymnastics, strengthening construction professions)

Fingers boys, you - builders!

On construction site would you like to work?

This finger is filled with cement and sand.

This one adds water there.

This one includes concrete mixer,

So that the solution looks like sour cream.

For this mortar, bricks along a ruler

The mason will lay it. You will get a wall.

The roofer will cover the roof with iron.

It's high up there, we can't climb there.

Here's a plasterer. He leveled the walls.

Painter I tried - I painted the panels.

The electrician has already turned on the light,

The plumber turned on the water.

All that remains is to turn on the gas -

Our house will be wonderful.

We will celebrate our housewarming this Saturday.

Thank you, builders, get to work!

Didactic game « We are building a house» (formation of complex words).

Educator. - A house in which one floor is one-story, two (two-story, three floors - three-story... many floors - multi-story.

Purely speaking. "Floors" (choral).

Zhi-zhi-zhi, zhi-zhi-zhi, there are floors in our house.

Zha-zha-zha, zha-zha-zha, there are two floors below me.

Zha-zha-zha, zha-zha-zha, there are two floors above me.

Same, same, same, same, what floor am I on?

Same, same, same, same, I'm on the third floor.

Zhey-zhey-zhey, zhey-zhey-zhey, how many floors are there in the house?

Zhey-zhey-zhey, zhey-zhey-zhey, the house has five floors.

Physical education minute. "We're walking around the city".

(Children pronounce words and perform actions as the game progresses).

We're walking around the city,

We see a lot, we call:

Traffic lights and cars,

Fairs and shops,

Squares, streets, bridges,

And trees and bushes.

2. part. Modeling and resolving a problem situation

Educator. - You guys know everything about houses! Think and answer. How do you understand this proverb about construction“They did it in haste, to make the chickens laugh!”

What does it mean to do hastily, in a hurry?

How builders must build houses? (Good, solid, beautiful.)

How they work builders? (Coordinatedly, amicably.)

How are the windows closed in the house? (Tightly.)

Let's let's build a new street for our city according to the schemes. But look at all the tables, not according to the same pattern - according to what build? Children analyze diagrams and buildings, choose the one you need. The teacher activates mental activity with questions.

Why did you choose this scheme? (these parts fit). Are you sure that must be built according to this scheme? Show me where it is on the diagram. Etc.

Part 3. Independent creative activity

Children discuss what parts and their quantity need to be taken in order build your house according to the plan. Children display cards with schematic representations of floors (panels) And think: one floor, two, three, four, five... floors, etc.

Independent activity of children, the teacher monitors accuracy execution: selection of parts, correct installation. He also makes sure that children do not take too many parts and place them rationally on the playground - « street» , activating children. Comments.

Rustam laid the foundation of his house very successfully; there will be light in it.

Diana placed the house in the corner of the site, freeing up space for parking, etc.


Educator. Tell me what buildings you built? (Children's answers)

What did you like most about today? class? (Ask each child, calling by name).

Educator. What do people who get new apartments call?

Come up with wishes for the new residents. Well done guys, you did a great job. And now what do you want most? (play)

Children take toys and unwrap the game "Housewarming".

Summary of a design lesson Topic: “The guys rush to the aid of Smeshariki.”

Topic: “The guys rush to help Smeshariki.”

Program content:
1. Learn to sequentially analyze a contour diagram:
1) recognize the depicted object;
2) determine the locations of its main parts;
3) “try on” (i.e. correlate with the space of the diagram and with each other) the building details proposed to reproduce the building;
4) Dissect the contour diagram in accordance with the idea of ​​​​the possible design of the object.
2. Learn how to build using a ready-made graphic model.
3. Continue to teach how to independently complete the object, using familiar construction techniques.
4. Continue to teach children to analyze an object, highlighting the details of the building material and their spatial arrangement.
5. Reinforce the correct use in speech of words such as front, back, front, side, etc.
6. Develop attention, memory, imagination.
7. Cultivate friendly relationships and a desire to help comrades.

Methods and techniques:
Game, examination, questions, comparison, encouragement, musical accompaniment.

Contour diagrams of objects on a larger scale than children’s diagrams, dissected diagrams of the same objects;
Construction set for each child, contour diagrams, small toys, 2 pencils (simple and colored).

Differentiated approach:
1 subgroup – an undivided diagram of the object is given.
Subgroup 2 - a partially dissected diagram of the object is given.

Individual work:
Help Nikita Sh., Alena S., Tanya P. with the construction of the building; help Ksyusha, Katya, Vadim in analyzing the scheme.

Preliminary work:
Reading “Builders” by S.Ya. Marshak, looking at photographs of various houses, excursions along the streets of the microdistrict to look at buildings, building houses from building materials, getting acquainted with unfinished schemes.

Connection with other activities:
Speech development: introduction to the active vocabulary of the names of building parts, game activity: role-playing game “Construction”.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, today we have a design lesson.
There is a knock on the door.
- Oh, guys, someone is coming towards us. Yes, it was the Postman who brought us a letter. Something must have happened.
I'm reading the letter.
- Guys, this letter came from Smesharikov. Nyusha and Barash write that they wanted to build new houses, but it rained and some lines on the drawings were blurred. Smeshariki really ask you to help them understand the drawings and build new houses. Shall we help you guys?
- Guys, look carefully at the diagrams and think about what it is?
- Which part of the house is shown in the diagram?
I'm inspecting the circuit.
- This is a house (I circle the entire diagram with my hand).
- What parts might the house depicted consist of? (Pointing to the lower part).
- Right. Well done! What goes behind the foundation?
- What is on the walls?
- Fine. What else does the house have?
- Guys, our diagrams, as you already said, show only the facades of houses, i.e. front view, what else does the house have that we don’t see in this diagram?
- Could there be windows on the side walls?
- What could be on the back wall?

That's right, guys.
- Guys, let's remember what parts of the construction set we used to build houses with you in class.
- Think about what parts the house shown in the diagram might consist of:
What parts can be used to build a foundation?
- What parts can you use to build the walls of a house?
- Fine. What can the ceiling be made of?
- Well done! What part is needed to build a roof?
- Guys, now I suggest you complete the drawings on your diagrams with a simple pencil the parts that make up the house.
I check and help children who find it difficult to complete a task. Clarifications are made to the diagram with a colored pencil.
I invite one child to come out and tell what the house shown in the diagram consists of and complete the diagram (child of the 2nd subgroup).

Nikita, tell us what the house shown in your diagram consists of?

Well done, you explained everything in detail, completed the diagram, and all the guys checked whether they completed the task correctly.

Physical education minute.
We planed, we planed
The boards became smooth.
We sawed, we sawed,
So that everyone is equal.
We put them in a row
They nailed it with a hammer,
It turned out to be a new home.
- Well, now we have completed plans and construction can begin. Just don’t forget that our diagrams show only the facades of houses, and we will build entire houses.

Let's start building houses.
- Guys, if all your houses are the same, then Smeshariki will be bored living here. Design decorations for your home.
During construction, I help with questions and advice. I draw attention to the quality of the construction.
- What wonderful houses we have turned out to be. Everyone is different.
So we built, we built
Finally, they built it.
Look what a house
Everyone will feel comfortable in it.
Come, come,
Stay in our house.
- Well done, guys, you tried very hard and helped Smeshariki. Look how happy they are (showing toys). Now let’s resettle the city residents into their homes and have a housewarming party. Smeshariki will also give you colorful circles. Whoever succeeded will place a red circle near his house, a yellow circle - the construction was not entirely successful, a blue circle - they did not cope with the task at all.
The teacher picks up Smesharik.
- I’ll go see what kind of house Nikita built. Nikita, how many floors are there in your house? How can you get to the second floor? Who will you place in your home? Why did you put a red circle near your house?
-Which of you guys has the longest house? What parts did you use to build the longhouse? Why did you make such a long house? What kind of circle did you put near your house? Why?
- And I also want to go visit Lera. What do you think is interesting in Lera’s house?
With the help of Smeshariki, the teacher helps the children play with the buildings.
- Yes, we will help. We need to help everyone. Especially those who have had a misfortune.
- These are house plans.
- The diagram shows the facade.
- The lower part of the house is the foundation.
- These are walls.
- There are windows on the walls.
- The house has a roof on top.
- The house still has side walls and a back wall.
- Yes.
- There may be a door on the back wall.
- From cubes, plates, bricks, triangular prisms, bars, half-cubes.
- The foundation can be built from plates.
- The walls of the house can be built from cubes or bricks.
- The ceiling can be made of plates.
- To build a roof you need a triangular prism.
Children complete the details on their diagrams.
- This diagram shows a house. The foundation of this house consists of a plate. The walls stand on the foundation. They are also made from plates. There is a plate ceiling on the walls. A roof is placed on the ceiling - a rectangular prism.
- This diagram shows a house. The foundation of this house consists of bricks. There is a wall on the foundation. The wall is made of two bricks and a cube. There is a brick ceiling on the wall. The roof is a rectangular prism. There is a path leading from the house to the mailbox. It is also made of bricks. There is a mailbox near the house. It is made of bricks and cubes.

Jerks your arms up.
Jerks your arms to the sides.
Bend forward, hands on the belt.
Walking in place.
Walking in place.
Jumping in place.

Children complete the task.

Children sort out the circles of the desired color.
- Two floors. The second floor can be reached by elevator. There is an elevator in my house.
- Because everything worked out for me.
- I extended my house using bricks and cubes. My house can accommodate many guests.
- This house is interestingly decorated.

Let's repeat together where we will start construction.
- Where do we start building ours - Let's start building from the foundation.
- We will build the foundation from a long
- What will we build the foundation from?
- How are we going to install the plates?
- What will we build next?
- What is located on the ceiling?
- Guys, what can you use to build the side and back walls of a house?
- Okay, now let's rest a little.
plates. I'll put it on the wide, long side. Then we will build walls from plates.
- We will place two plates at the edges on the short narrow sides and we will place one plate in the middle also on the short narrow side.

Next we will build the ceiling from a long plate. Let's put it on the walls - plates with a wide long side.
- We will put a roof on the ceiling. Let's make it from a triangular prism.
- From cubes, from plates.

Developed by: Lyubov Sergeevna Fedotova, teacher at MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 399 combined type" g.o. Samara

Goals: expand children's understanding of bridges, their purpose, structure; practice building bridges, the ability to independently select necessary details by size, shape, combine them. Learn to negotiate and do things together.


Educational: Developing the ability in children to analyze a building diagram, highlighting its parts, plan the stages of creating a building, independently selecting the necessary building material. Expanding ideas about the world of adults.

Developmental: Development of constructive skills in the construction of beautiful, durable, sustainable buildings. Development fine motor skills hands, attention, observation.

Educational: Cultivating accuracy, independence, and a culture of verbal communication with peers. Encourage the ability to plan your activities. Fostering friendly relationships between children.

Preliminary work: Didactic games "Wonderful bag" , “Build according to the scheme” , individual work on design, memorization of a poem.

Program content: expand children's understanding of bridges, their structure, purpose; practice bridge design, improve design skills; learn to select parts using diagrams.

Material: building material, trees, figurines, fabric, cars, Pinocchio toy, Malvina porcelain doll

Integration: cognition, safety, design.

Dictionary: bridge builders, bridge, walkway, supports, slopes, canvas.

Techniques: immersion in game situation, surprise moment - the appearance of the Pinocchio doll, riddle, questions, examination, practical activity, research activity, search and play activity.

The course of direct educational activities.

Connect the tables and lay them out "river" (blue ribbon strip)

Progress of the lesson:

Part 1. Organizational and motivational

The teacher invites the children to solve the riddle:

If the river is wide,
And steep banks
To reach your goal,
And stay dry, too,

You don't need a plane
Helicopter and lunar rover.
After all, the answer to the riddle is simple:
They are building across the river...

Children: Bridge.

Teacher - That's right. Guys, today we have a design lesson.

Part 2. Modeling and resolving a problem situation

Surprise moment. Pinocchio appears, there is a knock on the door.

Educator - Look who came to visit us! Hello, Pinocchio, come in.

Pinocchio: Hello, guys!

Children: Hello!

Pinocchio - I didn’t come to visit, I came to you for help.

Educator - What happened?

Pinocchio - In our town there was a very strong wind, even a hurricane. And he broke everything as he went. And now we are suffering greatly from this: how can we cross from one bank of the river to the other, how can cars cross the railway, how can we cross the ravine? And most importantly, how can these bridges be restored? After all, on the other side, Malvina was left all alone. We need to bring her back to our city.

Educator - Guys, how do you think Pinocchio can help Malvina return home? Who remembers how Pinocchio appeared in a fairy tale?

(children's answers)

Teacher - that's right, Pinocchio in the fairy tale is made of wood, and you and I know the property of wood - it does not sink in water. Pinocchio could swim across the river and help Malvina return, but our Pinocchio is not made of wood at all, but of fabric.

Pinocchio - Yes, even if I were made of wood, I wouldn’t be able to do without your help, because the river is so wide and deep that, I’m afraid, I wouldn’t have enough strength to get there.

Educator - Guys, what? Shall we help Pinocchio?

Educator - Yes, Pinocchio, children can really help you, we have already learned to build bridges with them. They will teach you too. Just be very careful.

Pinocchio - Okay, I will be very attentive, thank you!

I give the children a riddle: “I lie above the river, I hold both banks” (bridge) I propose to answer the question: Are the same bridges being built? (different: high-low, wide-narrow, long-short).

Today you are all builders, but not just builders, but bridge builders who will build different bridges.

Pinocchio: Then guess my riddle first:

To overcome the obstacle,
To be on time,
To deceive the river,
Step over it.

The master solved the question this way:
He made it across the river...
Children's answers: bridge.
V-l: Correct. So, what is a bridge and what is it for?

Children's answers.

V-l: You all answered correctly - a bridge is a structure erected over some obstacle (river, cliff). By the way, the bridge is one of the oldest inventions of mankind.

Let's see what types of bridges there are - draws the children's attention to the board - showing pictures about various bridges (drawbridge, railway bridge, etc.)

V-l: And today each of you will build a bridge. But first we'll play a game "Which? Which? Which?"

Bridge for cars - what kind of bridge? – Car bridge
Bridge for transport – Bridge for transport transport
Bridge for railway– Bridge for railway railway - road
Pedestrian bridge – Pedestrian bridge

Concrete bridge – Concrete bridge
Metal bridge – Metal metal bridge
Wooden bridge – Wooden bridge made of wood
Bridge made of ice – Bridge made of ice ice

Brick bridge – Brick bridge
Stone bridge - Stone bridge

V-l: Well done. You will build a pedestrian wooden bridge from building parts. And before construction, you need to remember what construction parts are and what they look like.

The game is being played "Find out the details" (by type "wonderful bag" ) .

V-l: Well done, you named all the details. What do you think are the parts of a pedestrian bridge?

Children's answers.

Question: That's right, a pedestrian bridge must have supports, a ceiling, steps, and railings. Now you can start building the bridge.

Fizminutka "Pinocchio"

Part 3. Independent creative activity

You and I learned what types of bridges there are, and now I propose to become builders.

I suggest you break into groups and agree among yourself which bridge you will build. It is necessary to build bridges across the river to save Malvina (porcelain doll).

V-l: To build a bridge, builders need a diagram or plan, I offer you the diagrams. Consider and tell us about your construction, how many parts and what kind?

Children look at the diagrams, name what material they will need, in what sequence they will carry out the construction, and discuss in the group who will build what.

V-el: Now select building materials for this diagram and begin construction.

During construction, the teacher provides assistance, advises, and monitors the children’s activities. (their interaction in joint construction, as agreed, distributes functions).

V-l - Before you start building a bridge, Pinocchio, listen to what you need to know. The guys will tell you now. Shall we tell Pinocchio?

Children - Yes!

Educator - What types of bridges are there according to their purpose?

Children - There are pedestrian bridges, automobile bridges, bridges on which cars drive and pedestrians walk.

Educator - Name the parts of the bridge.

Children - Supports, ceilings, slopes.

Educator - What is the most important part?

Children - The most important part of the bridge is the supports.

Educator - Why?

Children - The supports determine what kind of bridge the bridge will be: high or low, wide or narrow.

Educator - And the supports must be very strong, because they must support the entire structure of the bridge, people and vehicles that move along it. Therefore, from what parts is it better to build supports?

Children - It is better to build supports from bars or large cylinders.

Educator - That's right, these should be stable parts. What kind of descents can pedestrian bridges have?

Children - Steps.

Educator - Well done, guys. And also, Pinocchio, bridges always have railings, and if it is a pedestrian and automobile bridge, there are curbs that separate the roadway and the pedestrian one. Yes, guys?

Pinocchio - Oh, guys, I think I'm confused!

Educator - Don’t worry, we’ll now make you a model of the bridge so that you understand and remember better.

Children - Yes!

Two children are modeling a pedestrian bridge with steps and a road bridge.

Educator - Show the supports... ceilings... slopes. Where do we start building the bridge? Do you remember?

Pinocchio - I remember. Thank you! Now I definitely won’t forget!

Educator - We, guys, have been staying too long with you. Stand in a circle and let’s do some exercises.

Physical education minute

We close our eyes, these are the miracles. (Close both eyes)

Our body is resting and doing the exercise. (We continue to stand with our eyes closed)

Now let’s open our eyes and build a bridge across the rivers. (Open your eyes, draw a bridge with your hands)

We will draw a large letter U on the bridge. (Index finger draw the letter U)

Let's raise our hands high and lower them down easily. (We raise our hands up, lower them down)

Let's turn right, left. (Turns the body to the right and left, hands on the belt)

We will begin to build the bridge again.
Children build bridges.
-Violetta, read the poem
"This is my doll

walks across the bridge,
To all passersby she
Helps you find your way"
- Denis, read the poem:

“The red car is rushing along the road,
She needs to appear at the place as soon as possible.
There is fire to extinguish the avalanche,
Everyone calls the red fire truck."

And now we need to show Pinocchio how to use the bridges. For this, we have a separate table where there are cars for road bridges and new residents who will walk along the pedestrian bridge. And you show them.

Children place figures of island residents and cars.

Well done, you completed the task. Pinocchio and the Islanders are grateful to you.

Educator - Pinocchio, do you remember how to build bridges?

Pinocchio - Yes, thank you guys, now I definitely remember everything, but I’ll take the drawings with me! And now I have to run, Malvina has been waiting for me! Goodbye!

Educator - I’ll accompany you, Pinocchio, and you guys follow us, take the cars, the inhabitants of the Island and let’s go play. Well done guys, you worked hard today and helped Pinocchio.

So you became bridge builders. Did you like building different bridges?

Now let's all play together.

Part 4 The result of joint activities


Educator: The bridge has supports to stand on (shows),
There are spans to hold (shows),
There are grates to get into the water
Don't let a pedestrian fall (shows).

Free activities for children.

Arrangement finished products for the game.

Educator: Tell me what you built?

Children's answers

Educator: What did you like most today?

Educator: Did you like being builders?

Educator: Well done, guys, you did a good job. And now what do you want most?

Children: play.

Children take small toys and cars and open the game. To go to the story role-playing game You can propose to build houses, businesses, etc. near the bridge, that is, to develop the area around or near the bridge.


  1. Raising children in middle group kindergarten: A manual for kindergarten teachers. garden/Antsiferova A.A., Vladimirova T.A., Gerbova V.V.; comp. G.M. Lyamina. - M.: Education, 1982.
  2. Construction: A manual for kindergarten teachers. garden – M.: Education, 1981.
  3. Kutsakova L. Classes on designing from building materials in the senior group of kindergarten. Lesson notes. -M.: Mosaic-synthesis, 2010.