Explanatory note

The “Fun Etiquette” club program for 4th grade was developed by:

In accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standard for primary general education;

With the characteristics of the educational institution, educational needs and requests of students.

The “Etiquette” program implements the spiritual and moral direction in extracurricular activities in the 4th grade within the framework of the federal state educational standard of general education of the second generation. Morality is a personality trait that regulates behavior. The most favorable age for absorption moral principles is junior school age. It is in childhood that the foundation of a cultural and ethical attitude towards the vast world that surrounds us is laid. And the sooner a person thinks about his communication skills, the faster he will learn proper communication, the easier it will be for him to solve complex life problems. Purposeful, systematic work on developing skills and habits of cultural behavior begins with the arrival of children at school. It is in the elementary grades that the foundations of neatness and neatness, politeness, accuracy are laid, good manners and the ability to behave culturally at school, at home, on the street, and in public places are instilled. If elementary norms of cultural behavior are not instilled in children from an early age, then later this gap has to be filled and often more difficult work has to be done: re-educating schoolchildren whose negative habits have taken root.

Life shows that many schoolchildren do not know how to behave decently: they are rude and cheeky with adults, impolite with each other and often disrupt public order. Nowadays, in the age of computer technology, children practically do not read books. But it is through the examples of literary heroes that positive qualities are cultivated. The younger generation is interested in action films, horror films, and computer games that carry negative information.

The need to overcome all these shortcomings poses a task for the school: to give children the knowledge and skills of cultural behavior in a certain system. And for the work to be systematic, it must be carried out both in class and outside of class time.

Target This course is the formation of spiritual, moral, aesthetic and ethical personality traits in children, introducing them to the conditions of public life.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

    developing communication and cooperation skills;

    developing the skills of speech etiquette and culture of behavior among younger schoolchildren;

    development of communication skills in the communication process;

    introduction to the world of human relations, moral values, personality formation.

Main methods The implementation of the program is the study of behavioral etiquette, speech etiquette, teaching schoolchildren to comply with the rules of cultural behavior and explaining to them the relevant moral standards based on gaming activities, solving problem situations, and research activities.

1 hour per week is allocated for the implementation of the program, a total of 34 hours per year.

Planned results


    development of students’ cognitive skills, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, navigate the information space, develop critical and creative thinking.

    orientation towards fulfilling moral norms - commandments in the process of communication;

    formation of ethical feelings, primarily goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness,

Meta-subject results


    the ability to use speech to regulate one’s actions;

    the ability to choose actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation

    the ability to concentrate the will to overcome intellectual difficulties and physical obstacles;


    formation of the ability to learn: skills of searching, analyzing and interpreting information.

    obtain the necessary knowledge and, with its help, do specific work.

Search for the necessary information to complete educational tasks using educational literature;

    the basics of semantic reading of literary and educational texts, highlighting essential information from texts different types;


    ability to perform various roles in a group (leader, performer, critic).

    the ability to coordinate one’s efforts with the efforts of others, formulate one’s own opinion and position;

    ability to ask questions;

    allow for the possibility of people having different points of view, including those that do not coincide with his own, and focus on the partner’s position in communication and interaction;

    take into account different opinions and strive to coordinate different positions in cooperation

By the end of the school year, students will learn:

    Use different forms of addressing a person, depending on the situation;

    Pay attention to non-verbal means of contact: posture, gaze, facial expressions, touch;

    Behave among people in such a way that they feel good, pleasant, and comfortable;

    Communicate correctly on the phone;

    Correctly evaluate yourself and others;

    Get your appearance in order; be careful;

    Greet guests, give and receive gifts;

    Give funny gifts or good jokes;

    Take beautiful poses while sitting and walking;

Criteria for assessing planned results

education and development of junior schoolchildren

The planned results of education are determined by the objectives and are focused on the following


    Changes in the student’s behavior model:

Manifestation of communicative activity when acquiring knowledge in dialogue (express your reasoning, analyze the statements of participants in the conversation, add, provide evidence); in a monologue statement (story, description, creative work);

Compliance with a culture of behavior and communication, correct relationships; manifestation of goodwill, mutual assistance, sympathy, empathy;

Active participation in altruistic activities, manifestation of independence, initiative, leadership qualities;

Creating conditions for real socially valuable activities and ensuring the formation of truly effective motives.

2. Changing the volume of knowledge, expanding horizons in the field of morality and etiquette:

Using the information received in extracurricular and extracurricular activities;

Brief description (expression of judgments) of universal human values ​​and conscious understanding

the need to follow them;

Objective assessment of the behavior of real persons, heroes of works of art and folklore from the point of view

compliance with moral values.

    Changes in the motivational and reflexive sphere of personality:

The ability to objectively evaluate the behavior of other people and one’s own;

Formation of self-control and self-esteem: actions to control situational behavior, motivation to change it in time;

The ability to “see” your shortcomings and the desire to correct them.

Calendar and thematic planning

P/ P


Lesson topic

Number of hours

A culture of speech.

« A real man»

"Business Man"

About politeness.

So many beautiful words - magical kind words.

What is etiquette?

Ability to listen politely.

Rules of conversation.

Tongue Twisters

Don't quarrel or offend each other.

"Let me tell you"

We write poetry.


Behavior in the dining room

At a break.

Telephone etiquette.

We're going to visit.

We accept guests.

Table manners.

At home after school.

Congratulations and wishes.

In a public place.

In the bus.

In the theatre.

At the hairdresser's.

In the children's library.

In the clinic.

Involvement with the person.

At the patient's bedside.

Holiday "Hurray, holidays"

Logistics support.

    Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education. – Enlightenment, Moscow, 2010.

    Federal State Educational Standards Planned results of primary general education. – Enlightenment, Moscow. 2009.

    Sample programs for extracurricular activities. - Enlightenment, - M.: 2010.

    Boguslavskaya N.E. “Fun Etiquette”, M.: Flinta, 2010

    Vasilyeva-Gangus L. “The ABC of Politeness”, M., 1984;

    Kamychek Y. “Politeness for every day”, M., 1975;

    Smolka K., “Rules good manners", M., 1980;

    Maksimovsky M., “Etiquette of a business person”, M., 1994;

    Dorokhov A. “On the culture of behavior”, M., 1986;

    Carnegie D. “How to Win Friends”;

    Lavrentieva L.I. “School and moral education of the individual”, w. “Head teacher of primary school”, No. 5, 2004.

    Demonstration material;

    Magnetic board;


    Sports ground (assembly hall).



(for children of average before school age)

Teacher of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 2" Smile "

Michurinsk, Tambov region

Kashirina E.A.

Explanatory note

Target: to form the etiquette of boys and girls in a certain system that promotes a favorable process. Tasks:- consolidate knowledge about the basic rules by which people live;

Every parent wants the best for their child. He wants the child to grow up healthy, smart, cheerful and well-mannered. “Good manners are the only thing that can endear you to people at first sight, because to recognize great abilities in you, it takes more time,” wrote the English writer and statesman F. Chesterfield. Knowing the rules of behavior and communication between people allows not only a child, but also an adult to feel confident and free. The rules of etiquette are simple and reasonable. The main rule is to make others feel good.

The main content of classes on the basics of modern etiquette are behavioral rules, supported by ethical and aesthetic standards. They include conversations, games, theatrical performances, festive evenings - all this creates conditions for the best assimilation of the socially accepted order of behavior. Practical exercises used during classes help to technically practice one or another behavioral skill, for example, giving up a seat in transport, thanking for a gift, getting up from the table, giving a compliment, etc. Games during classes provide an opportunity to teach children in an interesting and demonstrative way; they liberate, relieve the state of awkwardness and self-doubt.

A long-term plan for senior preschool age has been developed, which represents a logical sequence of forms, methods and techniques for working with children. It is coordinated in such a way that the training and education of preschool children, the instillation of etiquette skills occurs not only in the classroom, but also during the entire stay of the child in kindergarten, in the process of various types of activities - play, work, visual arts, etc.




Program content


2 week

“Let’s remember how to eat properly, set the table”

3 week

“Politeness of the city takes away”

Continue to enrich children’s vocabulary with expressions of verbal politeness, teach them to say hello, say goodbye, thank them, ask for an apology, and use affectionate expressions when dealing with loved ones.

4 week

"Boys and Girls"

To instill in boys an attentive attitude towards girls, teach them to give them a chair, provide assistance at the right time, invite them to dance


1 Week

"My clothes: Every thing has its place"

Teach children to keep their room clean and tidy and to take care of their clothes.

2 week

"The Secret of Magic Words"

Continue to teach children to use kind and “magic” words in speech. To instill in children an attentive, friendly attitude towards others.

3 week

Me and my parents"

Contribute to the formation of self-control, calmness, and a friendly attitude. Cultivate respect for parents.

4 week

“Allow me to address you”

Strengthen the ability to be polite when communicating with adults, during a conversation speak affably, clearly, look at the interlocutor, do not interrupt the conversation, do not interrupt elders


1 Week

"Culture of behavior while eating"

To consolidate and deepen ideas about food culture, to promote the formation of sustainable cultural and hygienic skills.

2 week

"Boys and Girls"

To instill modesty in girls, teach them to show concern for others, to be grateful for help and attention from boys

3 week

"What is good"

Continue to form elementary ideas about what is good and what is bad, learn to evaluate good and bad deeds

4 week

"Rules of conduct in public places"

Teach children to follow the rules of behavior in public places


1 Week

"We'll walk down the street"

Give an idea of ​​what

2 week

What kinds of habits are there?”

Teach children to distinguish between bad and good habits.

3 week

Bring joy to people with good deeds.”

Develop the ability to enjoy acts of kindness

4 week

“How to behave when visiting”

Introduction to some rules of table etiquette


3 week

"Visiting a friend"

Give children an idea of ​​the rules of behavior when visiting and the culture of gift-giving.

4 week

What is friendship?"

to form the concepts of “Friend, friendship”, to teach to understand and evaluate the feelings and actions of others.


1 Week

"Phone conversation"

Teach children to observe speech etiquette when talking on the phone. To develop children's skills in using polite words and expressions.

Teach children to briefly express their thoughts over the phone. Learn to use certain genres of telephone conversations in speech.

2 week


Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

3 week

"Help the Weak"

To arouse in children sympathy for the “victims” of unseemly acts, indignation at the offenders and approval of those who restore justice.

4 week

"Boys do men's work"

To form children's understanding of male behavior. Foster a desire to help girls do difficult work


1 Week

What can you do to please your mother?”

Develop a caring attitude towards family and friends. Foster a desire to create a joyful mood for them.

2 week

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”

Learn to identify emotional states by facial expressions, gestures, actions, and voice intonation; consolidate the ability to take into account the mood of others when communicating with them; learn to react correctly to the mood of others.

3 week

"How to take care of your clothes."

To instill in children neatness, the habit of taking care of their appearance; strengthen the skills of caring for things

4 week

"Polite buyer"

Teach children to follow the rules of behavior in the store, replenish the children's vocabulary with the necessary expressions.


1 Week

"Table behavior"

Improve the skills of careful eating, reinforce the rules of behavior at the table

2 week

Attentive, indifferent”

Discussion of these character qualities and their importance in communication

3 week

"In the museum and at the exhibition"

Teach children the rules of behavior at an exhibition, in a theater, in a museum and at the same time introduce etiquette expressions necessary in the situation into the child’s active speech reserve.

4 week

“There are no uninteresting people in the world”

Teach children the culture of communication with adults and peers.


1 Week

"Bad habits"

Continue to teach children to distinguish between bad and good habits, to instill in them a negative attitude towards everyone bad habits

2 week

“My house, I’ll put it in order”

To instill in children the need for accuracy and the desire to help adults.

3 week

"We'll walk down the street"

Improve your understanding of whatcompliance with traffic rules is also a manifestation of culture and politeness. Continue to develop children's street behavior skills.

Resources used

    Alyabyeva E.A. “Moral and ethical conversations and games with preschoolers” M.: TC, Sfera, 2003

    Esina L.D. Fostering a culture of behavior in older preschoolers. – M.: Publishing house “Scriptorium 2003”, 2008.

    Kurochkina I.N. Modern etiquette and education of a culture of behavior - M.: VLADOS, 2003.

    Mulko I.F. Social and moral education of children 5–7 years old: Methodological manual. – M.: TC Sfera, 2006.

    Falkovich T.A. Scenarios for classes on cultural and moral education of preschoolers: Senior and preparatory groups. – M.: VAKO, 2008.

    Shorygina T.A. Polite fairy tales: Etiquette for kids. – M.: Prometheus, Book lover, 2001.

    Shchipitsina L.M. The ABCs of Communication: Development of a child’s personality, communication skills with adults and peers.

    – “Childhood Press”, 2002. . www . lseptember 9. – “Childhood Press”, 2002.. ru. lseptember


Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Zarevskaya basic secondary school"


Director of MBOU "Zarevskaya OSH"

"___" _________ 2014

Work program of the circle

"World of Etiquette"

Program Compiler:


Dolnikova Natalya Vladimirovna

1 qualification category


Explanatory note

The work program is based on:

    Federal state educational standard of basic general education of the second generation

    OOP NOO and OOO LLC MBOU "Zarevskaya OOSH"

    Etiquette programs V.N. Suslova Etiquette. I'm learning the rules of behavior

    Federal list of textbooks

Goals and objectives of the course

Purpose of the course - formation and development of students’ skills and abilities in using speech etiquette formulas in different situations communication.

Main goals :

1) introduce students to the rules of speech behavior in various communication situations;

2) develop the ability to feel confident in various communication situations;

3) form an adaptive type of interaction with peers and adults;

4) form a respectful and tactful attitude towards the personality of another person;

5) develop a sustainable interest in observing one’s own speech;

6) to form a stable positive self-esteem of schoolchildren.

General characteristics of the subject

One of the urgent tasks of a modern school is the formation of a moral and ethical culture of students. As is known, the skills and habits of moral behavior are most stable when they are developed at primary school age.

At school, during lessons and during extracurricular activities, children receive certain knowledge and ideas about etiquette. Situations of speech etiquette, behavior in which it is reasonable to begin teaching from primary school age, include: addressing and attracting attention, greeting, farewell, apology, gratitude, congratulations, invitation, request, etc. These topics are provided for in programs on the surrounding world, the Russian language , the foundations of secular ethics, and are also discussed at classroom hours and other extracurricular activities.

Etiquette - These are the norms of behavior accepted in modern society. They are not invented, but developed over centuries. Standards of behavior help us interact with people and feel confident in any situation.

An experiment we conducted at the Zarevskaya Secondary School, the purpose of which was to identify the level of skills in speech etiquette among students, showed that only 10 out of 20 students have a high level of development of skills in speech etiquette. Based on this we developedsample course program on speech etiquettefor grades 1-5.

Basic criteria the need to implement the program:

    The novelty of the program content for students (gaining new knowledge).

    Motivating potential (information that arouses cognitive interest).

    Developmental potential (content promotes creativity, emotional development children).

    Practical focus of the program content (the outcome of the topic is a project or other type of practical activity).

    Availability of health-saving characteristics (the volume of content corresponds to the time and age of the students declared for its implementation).

Teaching methods most often used in combination.

    methods of oral presentation of knowledge by a teacher (story, explanation, conversation, game, debate; methods of illustration and demonstration);

    methods independent work students to comprehend and master new material (work with additional materials, dictionaries, video materials);

    educational methods for applying knowledge in practice (exercises, creative works);

    methods of testing and assessing students' knowledge, skills and abilities (oral questioning, checking homework students, exhibitions, competitions, quizzes, projects, testing and others).

Forms of conducting classes:


    role-playing game;


    outdoor game;

    educational game;



Means of organizing training:

When conducting classes, they useworks of art, visual aids (painting reproductions), audio-video materials, didactic materials, methodological developments on the subject, primary source books.

Subject content

Communication culture (7 hours)

Phone conversation. Greetings. Rules of circulation. Introduction when meeting. Rules of conversation and culture of speech. Facial expressions and gestures. Introduction to the subject of study: etiquette.

Culture of behavior (14 h)

Behavior on the street. Behavior in public transport. Behavior at school. Behavior in nature. In the theatre. Dance etiquette. Visiting of museum. Cossack etiquette. Behavior in the mosque. Etiquette of the peoples of the North Caucasus. Behavior in an Orthodox church.

Everyday Etiquette (7 hours)

Reception of guests. Appearance. How to behave at the table. How to eat properly. Rules for table setting.

Repetition and generalization (4 hours)

Description of the place of the training course in the curriculum

It is traditionally believed that the first two weeks of September are “orientation” and club classes begin to be held in the middle of the month. Due to thisTraining at the “School of Etiquette” involves holding one lesson once a week during the academic year for 45 minutes (1 academic hour). The program lasts 32 hours.

Planned results of student achievements

Requirements for the level of student preparation .

Studentwill learn :

    apply the rules of etiquette and social life: polite words, how to behave in school, class, canteen;

    how to help a friend study and how to accept this help;

    understand the essence of the concepts: good and evil, respect, a kind person, honesty, love for parents and loved ones, interest, love for one’s neighbor, politeness, pride, selfishness, rudeness, gossip, meanness, deception, callousness of the soul, generosity of the soul.

    apply the “golden rule of morality” in everyday life when communicating with people;

    master the basics of polite treatment and meeting people;

    greet and say goodbye to people according to the rules of etiquette;

    master the culture of behavior at school, family, on the street, public transport, in the theater;

    master the culture of conversation, the art of argument;

    use polite intonations in speech and avoid the use of rude words.

Studentwill have the opportunity to learn :

    maintain health through personal hygiene;

    take care of educational and personal belongings, put them in order;

    follow traffic rules.

    behave with dignity in a cinema, theater, club, museum, library.

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to form their own view of the society around them, independently search for solutions, and work with information: accumulate, systematize, generalize. The activities should also have an impact on the atmosphere in the classroom.

Key competencies being developed:

Competence of value-semantic orientation in the world: values ​​of being, life;

Citizenship competence: knowledge and respect for the rights of a citizen; freedom and responsibility, self-confidence;

Competence of social interaction: with society, team, cooperation;

Competence of cognitive activity: setting and solving cognitive problems; non-standard solutions, problem situations - their creation and solution;

Competence of information technologies: receiving, processing, issuing information; multimedia technologies, computer literacy;

Planned results

Personal results

    show respect for your family, value mutual assistance and mutual support of family members and friends;

    accept the new status “student”,the student’s internal position at the level of a positive attitude towards school, accepting the image of a “good student”;

    be attentive to your own experiences and the experiences of other people; the moral content of actions;

    follow the rules of personal hygiene, safe behavior at school, at home, on the street, in public places;

    be attentive to the beauty of the surrounding world, works of art;

    adequately perceive the teacher's assessment.

Meta-subject results

Cognitive UUD:

1. aboutnavigate textbooks (notation system, text structure, headings, vocabulary, content);

2. search for the necessary information to complete educational tasks using reference materials from the textbook (under the guidance of the teacher);

3. understand information presented in the form of text, pictures, diagrams;

4. compare objects, objects: find commonalities and differences;

5. group, classify objects based on essential features, according to specified criteria.

Regulatory UUD:

1. organize your workplace under the guidance of a teacher;

2. carry out control in the form of comparing your work with a given standard;

3. make the necessary additions and corrections to your work if it diverges from the standard (sample);

4. in collaboration with the teacher, determine the sequence of studying the material, based on the illustrative series of the “route sheet”;

5. the ability to express thoughts in a clear logical sequence, to defend one’spoint of view, analyze the situation and independently find answers to questions through logical reasoning.

Communication UUD:

1. observe the simplest norms of speech etiquette: say hello, say goodbye, thank you;

2. engage in dialogue (answer questions, ask questions, clarify what is unclear);

3. cooperate with comrades when performing tasks in pairs: establish and follow the order of actions, correctly inform a comrade about errors;

4. participate in a collective discussion of an educational problem;

5. collaborate with peers and adults to implement project activities

Subject results:

    enrichment personal experience children's communication;

    orientation towards fulfilling moral norms - commandments in the process of communication;

    mastering the norms of speech etiquette and culture of behavior.

Expected results :

    1. Introduction of a sufficient number of etiquette formulas into the active vocabulary of children.

      The ability to choose the right etiquette formula, taking into account the communication situation (with whom, where, when, why you are speaking).

      Mastering the general rules of culture of speech and behavior.

Forms and types of monitoring student achievements

The material presented in the sample program is divided into three parts: culture of communication, culture of behavior and everyday etiquette. To assess students' achievements, groups of test tasks on various topics have been developed. Each short test has 12 questions. This model allows the teacher to test students’ knowledge at the end of each lesson and conduct a final test after studying all the proposed topics.

The presented etiquette tests were developed taking into account the characteristics of the activities provided for by the new Federal State Educational Standards. It includes the following elements: the child’s modeling and assessment of various behavior situations at school and other public places, the ability to distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable, as well as optimal forms of behavior in relationships with classmates, friends, and adults.

In the course of such work, skills related to information culture are formed: reading, working effectively with text, using an explanatory dictionary. In order to correctly answer some questions, the child will need to find the corresponding text in additional information (search activity).

For some classes, students may prepare group or individual projects. It is recommended to divide work with projects into stages (assemble - show - tell) and distribute roles among children in preparing a group project, taking into account the skills and abilities of each child.

System for assessing student achievements

When conducting classes, a grade-free system for assessing students' achievements is assumed, which is based on verbal assessment of activities. In case of participation in various competitions, quizzes, etc., achievements are assessed in accordance with the regulations for this event.

Material and technical support of the educational process

Technical equipment and visual aids:




    artistic drawings and illustrations;

    Board games;

    books with fairy tales.

For the teacher:

    World of communication. Etiquette for children. "Karo." St. Petersburg 2003

    Smirnova E.A. Educational work in 2nd grade. "Extremum". Volgograd 2005.

    Shemshurina A.I. Fundamentals of ethical culture: a book for teachers. M: Vlados, 2008

    Shemshurina A.I. Ethical dialogues with children in grades 1–4: to help the teacher. Moscow 2006

    Kalandarova N.N. Speech creativity lessons. Moscow "Waco" 2009-175s.

    Big book on etiquette. - M: AST, 2000.-711 pp., ill.

    Busheleva B.V. Let's talk about education: a book for students.-ed. 2-ed.-M: Education, 1988.-144 pp., ill.

    Zenkovsky V. Psychology of childhood. - M: 1996.

    How to set the table beautifully. - M: AST-PRESS, 2001.-156 p., ill.

    Kobzeva V.V. Etiquette in questions and answers.-M: Fair Press, 2002.-208p.

    Kruglinitso T.F. and others. Ethics T.F. Round face. L.E. Garkushina, N.A. Seliverstova. M: Spectrum, 1994 Rules of etiquette.- M: Russian word, 1996.-126p.

    Smirnov N.A. Ethics and etiquette of junior schoolchildren: A manual for teachers and parents of primary school students. - M.: School press, 2002.-112p.

    Chinenny A.I., Stoyan T.A. Etiquette for all occasions. - M: Akalis, 1996.-152 pp., ill.

    Encyclopedia of etiquette: rules of behavior in society and at home. M: Russia is young. 1996.-192 pp., ill.

    Federal State Educational Standards Sample programs of primary education. – “Enlightenment”, Moscow, 2009

    Federal State Educational Standards Planned results of primary general education. – “Enlightenment”, Moscow. 2009.

    DVD“Lessons from Aunt Owl” - TO “Masks”, Moscow, 2009.

    DVD“The ABCs of road safety” - TO “Masks”, Moscow, 2009.

    "Educational work in primary school" - S.V. Kulnevich, T.P. Lakotsenina, shopping center "Teacher", Voronezh. 2006.

    “How to behave” - V. Volina. "Didactics Plus", St. Petersburg 2004.

For students:

    Thematic literature.


    Fairy tales.

    Video films.

    Educational films.

    Folder for work.

    Albums for drawing.

    Toys for indoor and outdoor play.




Lesson topic

Training content






Culture of communication (7 hours)

Introductory lesson. Introduction to the subject of study: etiquette.

What is etiquette? How the course of work is structured. Starting diagnostics.


The importance of etiquette in human life. Mastering the norms of speech etiquette in situations of educational and everyday communication. The use of greetings since ancient times. Forms of greeting. Rules for handshakes and greetings for men and women. Greetings in everyday life.

Observe over the use of greeting norms in everyday life.

Analyze success of using greetings.

Prepare a message about world holiday, which is celebrated annually on November 27th.

Test No. 1

Rules of circulation.

Addresses using “you” and “you”. Addressing the elder to the younger and the younger to the elder. Addressing a stranger. How to talk about a person in the third person. Bad handling habits.

Justify the appropriateness of certain appeals in a specific situation.

Analyze success of using appeals.

Prepare a performance according to the rules of circulation.

Test No. 2

Introduction when meeting.

The importance of introductions in a person’s life when meeting someone. Submission rules by age and gender. Introduction of guests, officials, parents and children.

Evaluate correct choice of situations when presenting.

Prepare a dialogue on introducing (introducing) your friends to your parents.

Test No. 3

Rules of conversation and culture of speech.

Evaluate the ability to listen to your interlocutor.

Analyze and correct oral speech, find speech errors.

Test No. 4

Facial expressions and gestures.

Facial expressions and gestures are concepts. Expressing emotions with positive or negative gestures. Using gestures in different countries. The best facial expression is a smile.

Evaluate correct choice of linguistic and non-linguistic means of communication.

Draw a sad, cheerful, surprised, frightened face (painted face competition “Cheerful (sad) mime clown).

Test No. 5

Phone conversation.

Rules for communicating on a wired telephone. The meaning of friendliness in a telephone conversation. Ability to use a cell phone. Business conversation. Respectful attitude towards elders and others.

Simulate rules for participating in telephone dialogue (listening skills, accurately responding to cues, maintaining a conversation on the phone).

Prepare for the workshop “Telephone dialogue”

Test No. 6

Culture of behavior (14 hours)


Behavior on the street.

The street is a public place. Showing courtesy on the street. Attitude towards older people and women. Rules for moving on sidewalks. Conversation on the street, basic requirements for behavior.

Evaluate correct choice of situations when behaving on the street.

Justify the appropriateness of actions in a specific situation.

Depict the path from school to home using symbols.

Prepare for the workshop “I’m walking down the street.”

Test No. 7


Behavior in public transport.

Rules established in public transport: politeness, helpfulness, courtesy, forethought. Greetings, conversation in transport.

Simulate in practical situations, the application of rules of conduct.

Discuss and explain the rules of human behavior in various situations in transport.

Prepare for the workshop “On public transport”.

Test No. 8


Behavior at school.

Behavior at school before classes start, during lessons, during breaks. Respect for teachers, care for younger ones. Responsibility of the student and the school. Prohibitive behavior of a schoolchild.

Distinguish positive and negative actions at school.

Compare the same actions at school, on the street and at home.

Prepare instructions (optional) “Responsibilities of the class attendant”, “Forgotten items for the owner!”

Test No. 9


Behavior in nature.

Ecology as the science of nature conservation. The benefits of hiking in nature. Owners in the house and outdoors. Respect for nature during hikes and excursions. Organization of life safety in nature.

Compare rules of behavior in different situations (at school, on the street, in nature).

Drive examples of positive and negative human behavior in nature, its consequences.

Take part in an ecological expedition.

Test No. 10


In the theatre.

History of the theater, farce. Respect for the viewer. Rules of behavior in the theater before the start of the performance, during the performance, during intermission and after the end of the performance. Theater terms: stalls, proscenium, boxes.

Simulate during practical situations, the application of rules of behavior in the theater.

Manifest the ability to find your seat in the hall using a ticket without errors.

Make a plan of the theater hall and mark on it: amphitheater, stalls, balconies, boxes, orchestra pit, stage, proscenium.

Test No. 11


Visit to the virtual theater.


Dance etiquette.

History of dance. Dance etiquette: behavior of men and women. Modern dance evenings. Dancing and development of musical senses and body.

Discuss Andexplain rules of human behavior on the dance floor, at a ball, at a school party.

Take part in the school dance celebration and learn dance etiquette.

Test No. 12


Visiting of museum.

Museum - what is it? Museums of the world. Respectful attitude towards museum visitors. Rules for moving around the halls. Attitude to exposures. Receiving aesthetic pleasure and valuable information in the museum.

Drive examples of positive and negative human behavior in the museum.

Evaluate the correct choice of situation when visiting a museum.

Review the rules of conduct when visiting a museum.

Test No. 13


Excursion to the museum.


Behavior in an Orthodox church.

Culture and religion. Holy Bible. Believers. Orthodox church, its meaning for believers. What you can and cannot do in an Orthodox church.

Discuss Andexplain rules of human behavior in an Orthodox church.

Review the rules of conduct when visiting an Orthodox church.

Test No. 14


Excursion to an Orthodox church


Behavior in the mosque.

Islam. Holy Quran. Why was the mosque built and how is it structured. Islamic holidays. behavior in the mosque.

Discuss Andexplain rules of human behavior in the mosque.

Talk about Muslim holidays.

Test No. 15


Etiquette of the peoples of the North Caucasus.

Different peoples of the Caucasus - common etiquette. Peculiarities of behavior in the everyday life of mountain peoples. Attitude towards elders, towards women. Honor and dignity of the mountaineer. hospitality and generosity of the mountain people.

Find on the map of Russia the republics of the North Caucasus.

Compare Caucasian etiquette with rules of behavior for people in their native village and city.

Prepare a short oral report about the nature (sights) of the North Caucasus.

Test No. 16


Cossack etiquette.

Cossacks of Russia. Education in a Cossack family. Respect for elders and women. Head of the family, family foundations.

Compare Cossack etiquette with the rules of behavior of people in their native village, city.

Prepare an oral story about Ataman Ermak Timofeevich.

Test No. 17

Everyday Etiquette (7 hours)


Reception of guests.

Special etiquette for inviting guests in ancient times and in our time. Respect for the owner and mistress of the house. Behavior in the living room. Responsibilities of hosts and guests. invitation to a return visit.

Simulate in practical situations, application of the rules of behavior at a party.

Prepare a re-enactment for receiving guests.

Test No. 18


Rules for table setting.

Setting a peasant table in the old days. The importance of a tablecloth when setting a table. Crockery and cutlery. Features of serving the tea table. How the food is served.

Observe at table setting and evaluate the correct arrangement of items on the table.

Think about how to set the table for tea.

Test No. 19


Practical work "Table Setting"


How to behave at the table.

Seating rules. Table manners. Purpose of cutlery. Food rules.

Simulate during practical situations, application of table manners.

Test No. 20


How to eat properly.

History of food culture. purpose of napkins. How to eat at the table and use cutlery during and after meals.

Observe watching how people eat at the table and assessing food culture.

Prepare a report on the history of a spoon (another object).

Test No. 21



The concept of appearance. Neat appearance, body and hair care. The ability to take care of clothes, shoes and take care of us. Rationality in choosing clothes. Appearance of a business man. School uniform.

Discuss Andexplain rules for using and wearing clothing.

Evaluate correct use of clothing and footwear depending on the situation and time of year.

Prepare for the discussion “School uniforms - pros and cons.”

Test No. 22


Practical work-game "Appearance of a Business Man"

Repetition and generalization (4 hours)


Do you know etiquette?

Repetition and generalization of knowledge acquired over the year in the form of the game “Wheel of Fortune”.


Final testing in a year.

Repetition and generalization of knowledge acquired over the year in the form of a final test for the year.

Test No. 23


Demonstration and defense of projects.


Final lesson.

Elmira Ismagilova
Work plan for the circle senior group"Fun Etiquette"

Explanatory note.

Fostering a culture of behavior is one of the most pressing and complex problems that must be solved today by everyone involved with children. What we put into the child’s soul now will manifest itself later and become his and our life. Today we are talking about the need to revive a culture of behavior in society, which is directly related to the development and upbringing of a child before school.

It is known that everything starts from childhood. Education of morality begins from the cradle. When a mother smiles at a child and rejoices at him, this is already the education of the deepest morality, his friendly attitude towards the world. Forming behavioral skills in children, cultivating a consciously active attitude towards the assigned task, camaraderie, must begin from preschool age.

In the process of everyday communication with peers, children learn to live in a team, master in practice moral standards of behavior that help regulate relationships with those around. How younger child, the more influence you can have on his feelings and behavior.

The age of 5 - 6 years is crucial for the moral development of children. He is particularly sensitive. At the same time, it is very favorable for the formation of a moral character, the features of which often manifest themselves throughout the child’s entire subsequent life.

How it will go moral development during this period, largely determines the subsequent moral development of a person.

Etiquette- a very close and very important part of universal human culture, morality, developed over many centuries of life by all peoples in accordance with their ideas about goodness, justice, humanity - in the field of moral culture and about beauty, order, improvement, everyday expediency - in the field of material culture.

The whole life of a child, like any adult, is connected with rules. etiquette, and how correctly he behaves depends on his personal well-being, communication with peers and adults, and the success of his activities.

Moral education is considered as one of the most important aspects general development preschool child. In progress moral education The child develops humane feelings, ethical ideas, cultural behavior skills, social and social qualities, respect for adults, the ability to play and work together, and fairly evaluate his own actions and the actions of other children.

Senior preschool age is the age when children develop a flexible attitude towards following rules etiquette, striving to understand them. A child, through his own labor of mind, heart, and spirit, satisfies his desires and develops his abilities.

A teacher for a preschooler is the first person after his parents to teach him the rules of life in society, broaden his horizons, and shape his interaction in human society. He bears a huge responsibility for the present and future life of the student, which requires enormous mental strength from the teacher.

The common goal of the kindergarten and the family is to raise a well-mannered, cultured and educated person, whom we form together, being collaborators in this most important matter.

The circle« Fun etiquette» is a consistent system for familiarizing children 5-6 years old with the basic moral indicators, established, accepted behavior, forms of treatment ( etiquette, accepted in modern society, the formation of moral education of preschool children.

Basic form work with preschool children within mug is a game.

Target mug:

Introduce children 5-6 years old to the basics etiquette(concept, history, norms and rules in the field of speech culture, rules of communication with adults and peers, behavior in public places, transport, at the table); increasing the level of communicative competence of children.


Strengthen children's knowledge of speech etiquette in certain everyday situations;

Develop mental processes such as will, memory, attention, thinking, moral and volitional qualities of the individual such as responsibility, determination, the ability to achieve goals, goodwill, compassion, etc.

Develop skills of ethical behavior;

Develop friendly relationships, empathy, and respect for the feelings of other people;

To give an idea of ​​the ethical, moral side of human relations, based on the actions of children, images fiction and other types of art.

To promote the accumulation and generalization of an emotionally positive attitude towards the images of good heroes and their actions.

Develop the ability to reasonably evaluate your own actions and the actions of other people ( "Can" - "it is forbidden", "Fine" - "Badly").

Teach children to see the ethical, moral side of perceived actions and events, to understand their essence.

Expected Result mug« Fun etiquette» .

Children's mastery of the program mug- mastery of such integrative qualities, How:

Emotionally responsive.

Responds to the emotions of loved ones and friends. Empathizes with the characters of fairy tales, stories, stories. Reacts emotionally to works of fine art, music and art, and the natural world;

Mastered the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers.

The child adequately uses verbal and nonverbal means of communication, has dialogical speech and constructive ways of interacting with children and adults (negotiates, exchanges objects, distributes actions in cooperation). Able to change the style of communication with an adult or peer, depending on the situation;

Able to manage one's own behavior and to plan their actions on the basis of primary value concepts, observing elementary generally accepted norms and rules of behavior.

A child’s behavior is primarily determined not by immediate desires and needs, but by demands from adults and primary value ideas about what "What is good and what is bad". The child is capable plan your actions aimed at achieving a specific goal. Complies with the rules of behavior on the street (road rules, in public places (transport, store, clinic, theater, etc.).

September "My friends"

Consultation for parents

« Etiquette» . Introduction to the rules etiquette, consolidation and expansion of existing knowledge.

1 hour. Why do they say "Hello".

Reading an excerpt from a work

S. Kozlova “Shake! Hello!"). Enter in worker everyday polite forms of greeting. The ability to greet each other using polite words ( "Hello", "Good afternoon", « Good morning» and so on.); be the first to welcome seniors;

be able to conduct a conversation on the phone (start with a greeting, introduce yourself, state the purpose of your call; if you are calling yourself, end the conversation first).

Continue to teach children to use words of greeting and farewell in speech.

1 hour. The fairy teaches politeness.

Reading V. Mayakovsky "What is good and what is bad" To form in children ideas about moral standards relations with those around:

kindness, honesty, truthfulness. Teach children to evaluate their actions and those of their peers.

1 hour. “There’s no better place at home!”

Role-playing game "Family" To form an idea of ​​a family as people who live together; cultivate a desire to care for loved ones, develop a sense of pride in your family.

Continue to form an idea of ​​collective farming and the family budget; cultivate a caring attitude towards family members and interest in their activities.

October. Reading fiction literature: "Telephone" N. Nosov.

Consultation for parents “Teaching a child to communicate”. Teach children to understand the emotional and figurative content of the poem; develop children's figurative speech. 1 hour. D/ And:

"Who knows more polite words".

Guessing riddles about politeness. Develop ecological thinking and creative imagination, coherent, intonation expressive speech.

Develop attention and memory; the ability to listen carefully to the teacher; activate the dictionary.

1 hour. Conversation “Culture of behavior in public places”.

Reading fiction "Toropyzhka". Teach culture of behavior in public places; Foster a culture of communication and expand children’s vocabulary. Know the rules of conduct in class kindergarten; follow the rules of behavior in public transport; at an exhibition, in a museum, do not speak loudly, do not touch exhibits with your hands, do not disturb others, come in a neat manner; in the store be able to clearly state your request; in the supermarket use special baskets.

Teach children to understand the emotional and figurative content of the poem; develop children's figurative speech.

1 hour. Examination of road signs.

Role-playing game

"On the roads of the city". Develop children's speech, memory, attention, consolidate knowledge of traffic rules.

To consolidate children's knowledge of the rules of the road, to introduce them to the new role of a traffic controller, to cultivate self-control, patience, and attention on the road.

November. Conversation "We welcome guests".

Role-playing game "Stepashka's Birthday". To form in children ideas about the moral standards of relationships with those around. Ability to behave at a party and receive guests.

Expand children's knowledge about the methods and sequence of table setting for a festive dinner, consolidate knowledge about tableware, cultivate attentiveness, caring, and expand vocabulary.