The bright red-haired girl became popular after a series of book stories by a Swedish writer was filmed. And it is not surprising that many children choose this particular image for a carnival costume.

Brightness and simplicity

The main feature and advantage of this image is that Pippi's costume Long Stocking Even a child can do it with his own hands. After all, you won’t have to invent anything new or complicated, but everything necessary details to create an image can be found in almost every home where there are small children.

Pippi's image does not have strict canons, and you can experiment and combine different styles and forms of clothing. Now let's look at every detail that you should know about if you decide to make a Pippi Longstocking costume with your own hands. The photo below can serve as an example for creating a costume.


Main outerwear for this costume - a dress or sundress. Great fit or dress of blue color, which will bring the image closer to the original.

If you were able to choose it, then in addition to it you need to sew an apron. You can see what this Pippi Longstocking costume looks like below.

Under a sundress or dress you need to wear a jacket with long sleeve definitely striped. The color does not matter, the main thing is the presence of horizontal stripes. If active movements are expected, you can use a T-shirt, but also with stripes.

The finished dress for the look is decorated with patches, which can vary significantly in color. They need to be sewn on in a chaotic manner using bright threads. Use the shapes of hearts, stars, circles and other geometric shapes.

If you couldn't find a dress or sundress, wear a blue or denim skirt. Just secure it with suspenders and you’ll get the same Pippi Longstocking costume. The photo that can be seen below depicts just such an option.


Pippi is a red-haired girl who most often braids two pigtails. Therefore, try to get as close as possible to the literary character. This can be done by using a hair wig or temporarily coloring your hair with crayons. But don’t despair if this is not possible. Now we'll tell you why.

The main feature of Pippi's hairstyle is her braids, which stick out in an unnatural way. Therefore, you can braid two braids from your hair and insert a wire into the middle of each of them. This is necessary to be able to change the position of the braids. This move will significantly improve the Pippi Longstocking costume. The photos you see in this article confirm the amazing and unusual effect of this technique.

And if you decide to use a wig, then when choosing it, give preference to the thread version. These wigs are made from dense yarn that is easily braided and secured with wire.


The image of Pippi implies a cheerful and active girl who never sits still. Therefore, shoes for her are suitable for low speed and sports, the best option there will be sneakers.

But the Pippi Longstocking costume is incomplete if stockings are not worn. These socks are most often chosen in striped colors and knee-length. But the most amazing thing is that you can use two different golf courses. These can be completely different colors. Plain or striped - the choice is yours.

These stockings do not have to be worn neatly along the entire length of the leg. It is allowed to lower one of the socks to emphasize the explosive nature of the heroine of our image.

The Pippi Longstocking costume can be created using tights. When choosing them, preference is given to bright ones with patterns.

If you don't have any of the items listed above in your home, don't despair. Try to create an image from existing clothes and shoes and don’t be afraid to experiment.

Additional accessories

There are two in the story about Pippi best friend- monkey and horse. So if you can get your hands on one of these soft toys, then you can complement the image.

We also advise you to pay some attention appearance future Pippi. From stories we know that this girl has a lot of hemp on her face. So we advise you to paint yellow or orange dots on the girl’s face.

It would be useful to put a slight blush on Pippi’s face. After all, this active girl never sits still and is constantly busy with something.

Beads, bracelets and rings are suitable as jewelry. Such jewelry will add femininity to our Pippi and remind us that no matter how mischievous she may be, there is something economical about her, as evidenced by the presence of an apron on her dress.

In general, as you understand from the article, the Pippi Longstocking costume is full of scope for imagination and a combination of unexpected clothes and paraphernalia.

We were itching to go to Ikea Belaya Dacha's birthday this Saturday (by the way, it will actually take place next Saturday - the invitation was sent with the wrong date))).

There was supposed to be a holiday for children, they had to come dressed as Carlson or Pippi Longstocking. We learned that Lyalya would be taken there half an hour before leaving).

You should have seen how we rushed around the apartment with her, rushing in 15 minutes not only to come up with, but also to do carnival costume)). What happened - they photographed it for history, you can see it under the cut - what if someday you also find yourself in such a situation - that it’s time to leave the house, and New Year's costume No). Since there was little time, we decided to follow the opposite.
What is the main thing in the image of Pippi Longstocking?
Braids sticking out in different directions, freckles, red hair, different stockings and an apron with a pocket.

In any case, this is exactly how Astrid herself describes her in the books - I literally read them as a child. There's nothing you can do about red hair, but we painted on the freckles with cosmetics:

Having “torn apart” the hanger, we got a bent wire sticking up - a hook with non-sharp ends (we then “threaded” it into the finished braid, securing it with rubber bands - so that one of the braids “looked up”):

Now tights. If you had time to prepare, you could buy special tights with bright stripes for this purpose. We didn’t have any at all - we used the first ones we came across. Lyalya has almost grown out of them, but even if not, then the halves could still be sewn back on an overlocker and worn as before. We first cut the tights (2 different pairs) in the middle:

And then they sewed together parts from different ones:

This is how it happened:

And a braid with a hook from a hanger looks like this:

The “apron” was quickly cut out of an Ikea blanket (it costs 120 rubles, it’s fleece - and ours, moreover, during the renovation was hopelessly stained by a spilled acrylic paint- and never washed off):

A fuller and shorter dress was used as the “base” - it was simply outlined taking into account the “strings” and the hole for the head:

This is how it turned out + a pocket was sewn on and a piece of fringe was added as finishing

In the end it turned out like this:

Not a fountain, of course, but really in 10 minutes. If I had at home tights with bright stripes + a brighter plaid and a dress that was more in keeping with the theme, it would have turned out much more decorative)).

Since we tell you everything about stockings and tights, starting from their production technology, evolution fashion trends and funny stories, we couldn’t ignore such a famous character as Pippi Longstocking.

This character was created by Karin, the daughter of Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren. As a matter of fact, it was with stories about Pippi that Astrid’s career began.

For the Russian audience, it will probably be a revelation that the author of her favorite childhood books, which sold in huge quantities in the USSR and were filmed, was a notorious Russophobe in the 1940s. Astrid Lindgren kept a personal diary in which, as usual, she wrote down her own thoughts on one thing or another. On February 6, 1944, an entry appeared in her diary: “Anything is better than falling into the hands of the Russians.” Subsequently, however, the internationally recognized children's writer, who preached the ideals of humanism, did not show such an attitude towards our country - either having revised her views, or not wanting to harm her own reputation.

One day Karin became very ill, and, probably because she was bored of spending a lot of time in bed, she began to invent all sorts of tall tales. One day, Karin asked her mother Lindgren to tell her a story about a girl named Pippi Longstocking. Over time, Astrid discovered that her evening stories about Pippi were enough for a whole book, and began to take notes.

Pippi's peculiarity lies in her outfit: the girl is always wearing different stockings. And this is not surprising, because the heroine of the book is an orphan, she lives completely alone, there is no one to take care of her, no one to help put herself in order. Remember for yourself - after all, we usually laugh at people who wear multi-colored socks, we consider them absent-minded eccentrics. True, now marketers are using this image as another stylish find.

The following photos, using the example of the Marcoliani Milano Dandy Spring-Summer 2016 collection of men's socks, demonstrate how they create a “zest” of style using products from different sets.

During the war, Astrid Lindgren began working on her first and one of the most famous books. She was born from evening fairy tales, which in 1941 Astrid invented for her daughter Karin, who was ill with pneumonia. One day, my daughter asked her mother to tell her about the girl Pippi Longstocking - Karin came up with the name herself. Fulfilling her daughter's request, Astrid eventually discovered that her evening stories were enough for a whole book, which she began working on in 1944.

Pippi's image has become popular for private photo shoots. It’s easy to choose clothes in Pippi’s style, and the photos will turn out bright and funny.

Until now, performances about the girl Pippi Longstocking attract many spectators.

Back in the Soviet years, you could buy a Pippi Longstocking doll, and in our time there are even more such dolls.

The author of this article had a Pippi doll in her distant, distant childhood. Despite the fact that the author was just beginning to master children's literature in those years and had not yet gotten his hands on a book about Pippi Longstocking, the very appearance of the doll was so mischievous that it prompted the author himself to take action. A completely quiet child, not prone to adventurism, thought of sending Pippi on a trip in a hot air balloon. An ordinary aircraft was used as a flight vehicle. balloon with ordinary air inside, since balloons inflated with helium did not exist at that time and in that place, and the author had little idea about volatile gases, the density of matter and other physical concepts. The doll was tied to balloon with the usual harsh threads, and the start took place from the window of the 4th floor. By coincidence, a thunderstorm struck, and Ragdoll soaked to the skin. The story ended happily: the doll was saved, washed, and, although it faded a little, it remained one of my favorite toys for many years and is still intact.

This was a lyrical digression, and now let's return to the main topic.

For adults, they make play costumes in the style of Pippi, and fans of the image never tire of inventing and bringing to life more and more new drawn looks.

Pippi Longstocking Style

The unconventional lifestyle of the girl Pippi actually represented a challenge to society. She could walk not on her feet, but on her hands, explaining this by the fact that her legs were hot, she could walk backwards, sleep with her feet on the pillow, and, of course, express her attitude in clothes. Pippi Longstocking dressed brightly and avant-garde. The main attribute of her style were stockings different lengths, and multi-colored.

The Swedish name Pippi sounds like Pippi. Translator Lilianna Lungina, who translated the book, decided to change the name Pippi to Pippi due to possible unpleasant associations.

The image of a freckled, red-haired tomboy girl was loved by many. And, although not everyone dared to wear stockings of different lengths or just different ones, imitation of their favorite heroine degenerated into a kind of street style, Pippi style. And the now popular golf shoes are just another variation of this style. By the way, if you remember, a few months ago we talked about another variation - about one lowered stocking.

But let's see what's in real life represents the Pippi Longstocking style.

Modernity has given rise to a whole galaxy of Pippi imitators. This style borders on sloppiness, and therefore not everyone manages to maintain a fine line and stay within the limits.

Still, girls prefer to dress in the style of Pippi Longstocking. Therefore, let’s leave aside for now the study of the issue from the perspective of men’s fashion.

Variations on the theme of Pippi's style are also found in modern fashionable youth styles. For example, Pippi's image may have an emo bias:

Do you want to do a Pippi Longstocking style photo shoot in a professional photo studio? Here you will find the best professional photographers in Moscow photographing Pippi Longstocking!

What is Pippi Longstocking style?

Pippi Longstocking is main character series of books by Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren. Pippi is a little girl with freckles and red hair, she lives in the Chicken Villa with her dad and animals: a horse and a monkey. From her father, the baby inherited fantastic strength and a suitcase with gold, which allowed her to deny herself nothing. Pippi does whatever she wants: she walks upside down, explaining that her feet are hot, walks backwards, sleeps with her feet on a pillow and covers her head with a blanket, holds a horse on the veranda and rolls out dough on the floor. She doesn’t go to school and doesn’t listen to anyone, she comes up with various fables, she’s illiterate, but at the same time she has a kind heart and a sense of humor. Despite the fact that she is only nine, she is very strong, carries a horse in her arms, and defeats circus strongmen, thieves and hooligans. Little Pippi Longstocking is a child's dream of strength, generosity, freedom and nobility. She does not want to grow up and considers adults boring and gloomy, so the image of Pippi is very sunny and smiling. This photo session is suitable for both adults and small children.


The most important attribute of Pippi's clothing is a stocking; one should be longer than the other, and they can also be of different colors. She wore everything, so clothes could include a bright-colored sweater, scarf, bright dress and overalls. You can also wear it together, like a tank top over a T-shirt. The main thing in the image is bright colors, stripes or polka dots.


The suitcase that Pippi never parted with in the fairy tale is large and brown. Lollipops, she loved to treat the whole city to them and she ate them with pleasure. A small hat is also one of the attributes of her image. Pippi had animals: a horse and a monkey, so to create an image you can do a photo shoot with them. Make large sewn bright pockets on the dress. Don't use jewelry.

Makeup and hairstyle

Pippi Longstocking has red hair, eyebrows and eyelashes. There is no need to do full makeup, just draw on her eyebrows with a red pencil and draw her big sunny freckles on her nose and cheeks. If you don't have red hair, then use a wig. Pippi always wore the same hairstyle. Braid two braids, first inserting a wire fastener into them so that they are at different levels and distances from each other.

Poses for a photo shoot

The cheerful and mischievous girl left no one indifferent and became famous throughout the world. A bright inner world was reflected in her image and behavior. Smile, lie in the grass and run around the benches. Feel like a child who does whatever he wants. Don't use staged poses.

Images, examples of photos in the Pippi longstocking style

Cost of a Pippi Longstocking photo shoot

How we do themed photo shoots



Rent a Photo Studio without our photographer

  • You can come with your photographer or take photos yourself
  • Minimum order 30 minutes/300 rub.


Photo session with our photographer in the studio

  • The price includes studio rental (floor-length background, interior, props, etc.)
  • Minimum order 30 minutes/1500 rub.
  • General color correction is most good photos. (this is NOT detailed retouching)
  • Designed for shooting no more than 2 people

RUR 2,900/hour

Photo session with our photographer on location

  • Minimum order from 2 hours (only with prepayment!)
  • Shooting with professional Canon photographic equipment
  • Recording all footage to disk or your flash drive
  • Designed for any number of people
  • General color correction of the most successful photos. (this is NOT a detailed retouch)


Subject photography

  • The cost is indicated for one item (the cost may increase to 300 rubles for particularly complex tasks)
  • Minimum order of 20 items


Stylist/makeup artist services

  • The cost is indicated for one image (the cost may increase for particularly complex tasks). Hairstyle + 1000 RUR

RUB 2,900

Professional photo retouching

  • Teeth whitening
  • Skin rejuvenation/smoothing
  • Elimination of skin defects (wrinkles, moles,
  • Changing eye color
  • A tan
  • Removing glare from skin
  • Body shaping (weight loss/gain)


Photo slideshow

  • You can use any photos/videos/music
  • Video duration no more than 12 minutes