Applique is a type of creativity that allows you to create patterns or paintings from pieces of paper, fabric, plant and other materials, glued or sewn onto a certain base. And for children, such activities are also a great opportunity to develop intellectual and creative abilities and train fine motor skills.

That is why applications are so widely used in developmental activities for children in the senior and middle groups of kindergarten. In general, of course, such applications are already made in the second younger group, however, from pre-prepared parts of the mushroom. But already in preparatory group Quite complex work is already being done. This article will provide master classes on making mushroom appliqués for beginners.

For cutting, you can prepare a stencil specially downloaded from the Internet, and the prepared parts cut out from the stencil can be pasted onto the outline, which again can be downloaded on the Internet or drawn by hand. A basket of mushrooms made by kids looks very nice - while working, it will be useful to further study the names of edible mushrooms that may be in the basket.

The advantage of this type of creativity is opportunity create real works of art from scrap materials, and sometimes even from unnecessary things.

To develop the baby and replenish it horizon and volume knowledge about the world around him - it is very important to teach him to create something with his own hands. A suitable option in this case the application will become “ Mushrooms“- it is not difficult to implement and does not require a lot of time and materials.

This application "Mushrooms" in middle group can be a fun activity that develops your horizons well and perfectly trains fine motor skills. To make this craft we will need:

This list materials can be supplemented at your discretion. You can use corrugated paper, cereals, plasticine, paints.

Mushroom template You can download it from the Internet and print it, or you can draw it yourself. This can be an outline image or a multi-colored picture.

Here are step-by-step instructions for performing the “mushrooms” appliqué in the middle group. To begin with, it is recommended to choose the simplest mushrooms in shape.

Using the obtained fungi you can make spots by drawing them with felt-tip pens or paints. You can glue small paper circles.

Gallery: application on the theme “Mushrooms” (25 photos)

Application "Mushrooms" made from natural materials

Application "Mushrooms" in senior group from natural materials - a somewhat more complex process, but very interesting and exciting. It is very easy to make an applique from dry leaves.

Collected leaves need to be leveled and dried with a warm iron. You can dry the leaves between the pages of the book. Such an application can turn out to be very original and bright. The sequence of actions in this case will be as follows:

  1. To begin with, blanks for legs and caps are cut out of thin paper according to a template.
  2. Each paper piece is covered with dry leaves, selected by color.
  3. All parts are glued to a cardboard base.

The lower part of the picture is decorated using dry blades of grass, twigs, and small leaves.

Making applications from cereals

A very natural and original application on the theme “Mushrooms” can be made using cereals or grains. To make such a craft you will need a template. mushroom on white paper. However, it is absolutely not necessary to print out the finished template; you can simply draw it for your child. Such sample will allow you to preserve the natural colors of the materials you will use.

If necessary, you can use paints and give the applique any desired color.

However, it is better to postpone such coloring until the end of the work, because coloring bulk material is not the easiest task.

The sequence of making an applique from cereals can be as follows:

You can make an applique from pumpkin or watermelon sunflower seeds. To do this, the template is made on a cardboard base, the cap and leg are covered with a thin layer of plasticine. The seeds are carefully placed on the surface of the plasticine.

Crumpled paper applications

You can make an application using mint paper. To do this, print out the templates on white paper and distribute them to children. Next you need to do the following:

At the end of the work, the lower part of the composition is supplemented weed. To do this, take a strip of paper Green colour and cut it on one side with a fringe. The strip is glued to the mushrooms.

Application "Amanita"

An applique in the form can turn out to be very elegant and attractive and also gives scope for children’s imagination - after all, this beautiful mushroom can be created and decorated with the most in incredible ways. To work, you can use the proposed template.

Below is step-by-step instruction one of the options for creating the “Fly Agaric” application:

Now all that remains is to lubricate the lower part of the space under the fungi with glue and “grow” weed from tea or dry blades of grass.

In the same way, you can design the background of the application using decoys or other small cereals. All that remains is to let the application dry thoroughly and shake off the excess grain.

Our craft is ready!

Lyudmila Kharchenko


1. Improve gross and fine motor skills. Introduce new manufacturing techniques cereal applications.

2. Develop the child’s memory, teach to distinguish edible mushrooms from poisonous in appearance.

3. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other and interest in visual arts.

4. Foster a love for nature, a desire to preserve and protect it

Materials: templates mushrooms for each child(cut out outline mushrooms, PVA glue, cereals and buckwheat, millet, tassels, napkin for each child.

Progress of the lesson:

When I went to work I found something.

Do you want to know what it is? (Yes)

Well then, guess the riddle.

Who stands on a strong leg

In the brown leaves by the path?

A hat made of grass stood up,

There is no head under the hat.


-There are different types of mushrooms. Edible and inedible (poisonous).

What edibles do you know? mushrooms(milk mushrooms, honey mushrooms, boletus, boletus, saffron milk caps, champignons, russula)

Well done.

In a forest clearing,

Under the mighty pine

Old old man

It has a brown cap on it

Cap on the barrel

Who is in the forest?

He knows him. (Borovik.)

What is this mushroom, edible or inedible?

Well done, you guessed it's edible mushroom.

What do you have mushroom? (hat and leg). Right.

Which ones do you know that are inedible? mushrooms? (white toadstool, false honey fungus, inedible russula)

Here's another mystery.

How beautiful mushroom!

It is entwined with lace.

In a nice, bright red hat,

In white satin specks. (Amanita)

Yes, that's right guys, fly agaric! (I show the fly agaric, it is very beautiful, but also very poisonous mushroom. The leg of the fly agaric is white, in a white fluffy skirt. The cap is bright red, with white spots and scales. If you see a fly agaric in the forest, do not trample or destroy it! Some birds and animals, such as moose, are treated with fly agarics in the forest.)

Don't tear it up, friends.

Don't put them in the basket.

Even though he looks handsome,

Very that mushroom is poisonous.

And it stands like a traffic light,

Inedible fly agaric.

Well done guys, you guessed everything mushrooms and we found out what is edible boletus mushroom, and fly agaric is poisonous mushroom, but remember guys.

Basic Rules:

Behind come with mushrooms, but be quiet in the forest.

On don't step on mushrooms, don’t just rip them off.

Carefully cut off the stem and place them in a basket.

You remember the mushrooms, only pick the useful ones.

Guys, do you want to make something unusual? mushrooms(Yes)

Today we will do boletus mushroom.

We have difficult work ahead of us. But before we get started, let's warm up a little.

Physical education minute "Behind mushrooms»

All the little animals at the edge are walking in a circle, holding hands.

They are looking for milk mushrooms and trumpet mushrooms.

The squirrels were jumping, jumping in a squat position,

The saffron milk caps were plucked. Rip off « mushrooms» .

The fox ran, They run, they collect « mushrooms» .

I collected chanterelles.

Bunnies galloped, galloped, plucked « mushrooms»

They were looking for honey mushrooms.

The bear passed by, They waddled,

The fly agaric crushed. stomp their right foot.

Guys, look at your tables mushrooms, only they are all white.

And mine fungus went through the ground and found a brown hat (showing a sample).

And yours white mushroom caps.

Today we will work with cereals.

What kind of cereal is this? (buckwheat grain).

What color is the hat? fungus? (brown)

What kind of cereal will we use for the cap? (buckwheat)

What kind of cereal is this? (millet cereal)

What color is the leg? fungus? (light)

What grain will we use for the leg? (millet cereal)

Well done.

Let's stretch our fingers a little.

Finger gymnastics.

One two three four five! "Walking" fingers on the table.

We are going look for mushrooms.

This finger went into the forest, They bend one finger at a time,

This finger found a mushroom, starting with the little finger.

I began to clean this finger,

This finger began to fry,

This finger ate everything

That's why I got fat.

The children already have templates on the table mushrooms.

Stages of work:

1. Apply glue to the cap (spread liberally with glue using a brush).

2. Sprinkle the entire cap with buckwheat.

3. Apply glue to the leg, then sprinkle with millet.

4. We give mushrooms dry out - here are ours mushrooms are ready.

Let's get to work guys (Demonstration and explanation, individual assistance.)

(Children's independent work)

Now ours the mushrooms will dry out, and we'll play with you.

A game "By the Bear in the Forest"

Bottom line:

Let's remember how to behave in the forest?

Let's look at it again mushrooms and remember what edible foods we know mushrooms.

What did you like most about the lesson?

Well done.

Publications on the topic:

As always, in the fall, all kindergartens hold holidays dedicated to this beautiful and slightly sad time of year. Here are ours.

"Mushroom Borovik visiting the children." Summary of GCD in the first junior group Objectives: consolidate children’s knowledge about seasonal changes in nature, establish simple connections; repeat the rules of behavior in the forest, strengthen.

Abstract of GCD (application) for children of middle preschool age. Topic: “Meeting a hare with a kolobok.” Abstract directly educational activities. In the educational field "Artistic and Aesthetic Development" the world of art and.

Abstract of the NOD OO "Artistic and Aesthetic Development" in the middle group. Topic: Application “Builders. We are building a house." Teacher Kushigina.

Synopsis of NOD ooher “Passenger car” using health-saving technologies in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard Integration of educational areas: “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “ Speech development», « Cognitive development", "Socially.

What are there mushrooms? Edible and inedible, large and small, bright and barely noticeable. And we have grown up fabulous mushrooms - funny and mischievous.

As part of the theme week « Mushrooms and berries» The guys and I watched a wonderful cartoon "How mushrooms and peas fought» . The children liked the story, they were especially surprised that mushrooms in the fairy tale they were like little men - each had their own character: funny, boastful, important, etc. I wanted to extend the fairy tale a little and make it a little non-standard applique. Let our mushrooms will be with fun"faces"- we decided.

For work we needed: white cardboard, brown, yellow and green colored paper, printouts cheerful"persons" For mushrooms, printouts of autumn leaves (you can also take real, dry ones - they were not the right size for us, they turned out to be too big), scissors, glue and a good mood.

To begin, cut out the blank for mushroom stem. The children wanted the fungus was definitely there, so the workpiece looks like this

The workpiece must be bent. Like this

Glue the top together. It turns out a leg for mushroom

Then we cut out the grass from green paper and glue it to the bottom of the leg.

Now let's move on to the hat. It consists of two parts

Cut it out cheerful"face" autumn leaf and collect mushroom

The application is not complicated, but very well develops fine motor skills and the ability to cut along a contour.

Children are very tried!

Like this fun mushroom We have a family!

Thank you for your attention and good luck!

Publications on the topic:

Application with design elements in the junior group “Apple for little hedgehogs” Application with design elements for the junior group “Apple for little hedgehogs.” Purpose of the lesson: to play out the fairy tale situation - division.

During the applique class, the children and I made a centipede. “Guys, not an ordinary guest came to visit us, guess the riddle,” - “Who has.

Competitive game program for children of the senior group “Merry Calendar” Decor. A large calendar consisting of four multi-colored pages, each of which is an illustration of one of the seasons. As.

Abstract of GCD in the junior group application with design elements “Butterflies”. Objectives: To clarify children’s knowledge about insects - butterflies;

Lesson notes for preparatory group children. Application with drawing elements “Space flight” Abstract joint activities teacher with children in the educational direction “Artistic and Aesthetic Development” (preparatory.

Summary of a modeling lesson “Cheerful Clown” for older children Main educational area: Artistic and aesthetic development. Integration of educational areas: Cognitive development, social.

Summary of a lesson on speech development with design elements in the senior group “Dispute between houses about who is most important” Tonight, I couldn't sleep. Outside the window, on the street, someone was loudly arguing and shouting. I decided to listen and find out what happened and with whom.

Svetlana Shklyarova
Abstract of the GCD for the application “Mushroom clearing” for the middle group (4–5 years old)

Program content:


Learn to identify parts mushroom according to geometric shapes (leg - oval, cap - semicircle);

Learning to transform shapes, cutting a circle into semicircles; preschool education, applique,

To develop compositional skills in arranging images on the entire plane of the sheet;

Reinforce techniques for careful use of paper and glue.


Develop a sense of form and composition;


Continue to formulate rules of safe behavior when working with scissors;

Continue to teach children to watch their posture.


Continue to be careful when working with glue and paper.

Material and equipment:

visual: artificial wood, dummies mushrooms, path, autumn leaves from cardboard;

dispensing: tinted paper the size of a landscape sheet, three circles of colored paper, a silhouette of a hand cut out by the teacher, a green felt-tip pen, scissors, jars of PVA glue, brushes for glue, a napkin for each child;

TSO: audio recording "Sounds of nature".

Progress of the lesson:

Children approach the teacher and repeat the movement together with him to the words of the poem.

So autumn has come to us,

She called us on the road.

Let's go for a walk in the forest, (children marching)

Let's walk happily. (walk in a circle)

Let's go along the path (walking like a snake)

One after another in single file.

Stand on tiptoes

And they ran to the forest. (running on toes)

We ran to the forest

Everyone sat down in a circle. (sit down)

Children sit near the tree under which they grow mushrooms(dummies).

Guys, look, we're in the forest! clearing! AND how many mushrooms, yes, everyone is different! Only some can be collected, others cannot. Look carefully, does anyone know which of them cannot be collected and why? (Children's answers)

That's right, guys. This is a fly agaric, it cannot be collected because it is inedible mushroom, it is poisonous and dangerous to human life. But in nature it does not grow easily; some animals are treated with it. Fly agaric is a medicine for animals.

Who can tell me what else is different? mushrooms. (They have different colored hats)

This one has brown mushroom cap, they call it boletus, but this one is red-brown - boletus.

How are these similar? mushrooms? (Everyone has mushrooms have a cap and a stem)

The teacher includes a presentation (slide with an image geometric shapes- oval, semicircle, square and triangle).

Attention to the screen. There are several figures in front of you, tell me which figures are needed to get the image mushroom. (Oval, semicircle)

Well done, the mushroom consists of an oval, this is the leg, and the semicircle is the cap.

I suggest you depict mushroom meadow in applique. On everyone’s table there is a silhouette of your hand, circles and a green felt-tip pen in a plate. legs mushrooms there will be fingers. Glue the silhouette of the palm onto the base, the legs mushrooms are ready.

What shape is the hat? mushroom? (Children's answers)

That's right, a semicircle. We have a circle. How to turn it into the shape of a hat? (The circle needs to be cut in half to make a semicircle)

Great, cut all three circles in half, into two equal parts. Every hat (semicircle) stick it on the leg and get a whole one mushroom clearing. Please note that we glue the hat onto the leg slightly, slightly touching it.

In order for the composition to look complete, we will make grass at the bottom of the leaf. Let's take a felt-tip pen and draw grass. Mushroom clearing is ready. Now let’s go to the tables, stretch our fingers and start appliqués.

Finger gymnastics « Mushrooms»

One two three four five! "Walking" fingers on the table.

We are going look for mushrooms.

This finger went into the forest, They bend one finger at a time,

This finger found a mushroom, starting with the little finger.

I began to clean this finger,

This finger began to fry,

This finger ate everything

That's why I got fat.

Children start appliqués to soft music. During the task, the teacher helps children if necessary and monitors safe behavior when working with scissors. When finished, children hang their work on the board.

Guys, look, we really got to mushroom meadow and there is so much on it mushrooms.

Let's remember what geometric shape the leg and cap have mushroom, and how did you get the semicircle shape? (Children's answers)

There are two emoticons in front of you. If you liked our lesson today and are in a great mood, take a cheerful emoticon and stick it on your mushroom. If you found the activity difficult and the task was difficult for you to complete, then add a second emoticon that is a little upset.

The teacher hangs the base in the form mushroom, for sticking emoticons and the children come up and stick them.

I'm glad that everyone liked the lesson and you're in a great mood

Publications on the topic:

Collective application "Summer meadow with a mushroom" Lesson summary Purpose: To expand ideas about the time of year - summer; improve.

Lesson summary on appliqué for the second junior group “Flower Meadow” 1 Stage of educational activities. Introductory part (organizational and motivational stage) Organization of the workspace. The group is prepared.

Summary of an integrated lesson in the second junior group in mathematics and the application “Glade for butterflies” Program content. To consolidate knowledge of the concepts of many-few, wide-narrow, long-short. Improve the ability to distinguish and name.

Purpose: making an applique from paper fringe. Objectives: -teach children to cut even strips; -develop the ability to create a flower arrangement;

GCD form: visual activity- application. Educational area: artistic and aesthetic. Form of organization: subgroup.

summary of GCD on application for the middle group " Healthy image life" Goal: to form a sense of form, proportions, composition, to develop.

In every kindergarten Thematic classes are held dedicated to the study of various subjects and phenomena. So why not provide a lesson on mushrooms and berries interesting applications, for better consolidation of acquired knowledge? Making appliqués “Mushrooms” is not only creative, but also educational lesson who will introduce the child to various types mushrooms Can be carried out thematic lesson"Mushrooms of my area."

For Timoshka the hedgehog

With the guys in the preparatory group (for example, 2nd junior group) you can make the simplest application: “Mushrooms from colored paper in a clearing.”

The mushroom blanks pre-cut by the teacher are glued onto the album sheet: the cap separately and the stem separately.

With the guys in the middle group you can make a mushroom applique for Timoshka the hedgehog. Invite the children to help the hedgehog collect a basket of mushrooms.

For this job you will need:

  • A sheet of paper with a picture of a stump;
  • Glue;
  • Glue brushes;
  • Napkins;
  • Scissors;
  • Templates (hedgehog, basket, mushroom template).

The children sit down at the table. Each person is given a set of items necessary for the application. First, the mushroom stems are cut out from rectangles, after which their edges are rounded.

Then the caps are cut out and glued to the legs. A semicircular basket is cut out of one rectangle, and a handle for it is cut out of the other.

Since the hedgehog’s basket is in a clearing with fallen leaves, we don’t forget about cutting out objects.

Now that all the materials are ready, you can start building the composition. Fill your basket with lots of mushrooms.

Using origami technique

For older children (in the older group), you can offer to perform an application of mushrooms using the origami technique.

For this you will need:

  • Colored paper;
  • Glue;
  • Cardboard;
  • Scissors.

Let's take it square sheet colored paper. Fold it diagonally.

Turn it inside out towards you and bend three corners inward, towards the middle. Leave the fourth one untouched.

Fold the piece in half so that the bottom corner remains open.

Turn the craft over to the other side facing you.

Fold the corners inward so that they come together in the middle.

Fold the side edges into the pockets of the mushroom cap.

Turn the product over. The mushroom is ready!

Decorate the resulting mushroom.

Make some mushrooms.

From cereals

Children will also really like the application of mushrooms from cereals.

For this you will need:

  • Sheets of cardboard;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Colored paper;
  • Cereals (semolina and buckwheat);
  • Grass and mushrooms patterns.


  1. The grass is cut out according to the template.

  1. We outline the mushrooms.

  1. Apply glue to the cap.