Each of us wants to have some kind of magical tool that will easily make everything we want into reality. Genies, goldfish, magic wands... They have to be somewhere! How to make your wish come true?

Don't worry about it. All these tools for fulfilling desires have existed for a long time. Moreover, they are available to everyone! And all the doors of the Universe are open to those who use them.

Magic according to science

Remember fairy tales with the main characters, who just happen to get a gift from fate: gold fish, a genie from a bottle or a ring with three prospectors falls into your hands. What do all these lucky people have in common? Ever wondered?

But everything is simple. They were all “pure in soul”, like Aladdin, and rejoiced simple things: to the stars in the sky, to the clear sun, to the edge of bread. That is, they observed the abundance of the Universe around them and sincerely rejoiced in their lives. Truly, “there is a lie in a fairy tale, but there is a hint in it.”

What does it mean to be “pure in soul”? There is an explanation in the New Testament from Jesus: “Be like children.” That is, live today and rejoice like children in every bright day. And believe in miracles. It is not common for young children to be offended for a long time, to delve into the past, or to do something out of spite. They always justify themselves and do not live with guilt. They play what they like and love everyone around them.

But how to return yourself to a state of eternal play and lightness? This is especially difficult to do when you have nothing to feed your children, nothing to pay rent and no way to replace your holey shoes with new ones. The good news is: if you are reading this article, it means you are already on the path to a new life.

And very soon the lamp with the genie will fall into your hands. Or rather, you already have it (and always have), you just need to change your perspective and you will immediately discover it. You will “remember” how, with a snap of your fingers, you can force the Universe to do what you want, and not your boss, husband (wife), mother-in-law, etc.

There are a few effective techniques how to become a master (wizard, child) again:

It’s clear that you need to make your dreams playful, so that your inner child (so charming and mega-talented) will help you with this. But first things first. Before you begin virtual-real magic, you need to decide: what do you want?

How to choose the right dream

A person becomes a person only thanks to other people. It is a fact. There are many experiments and evidence on this topic. A person brought up without the participation of other people will never be able to speak, walk correctly and be in society.

But in addition to skills, a way of thinking, habits (they become alcoholics only in society), self-belief or disbelief, aspirations and, of course, desires are imposed on the little person.

Most people who want to fulfill “their” dream, after it comes true, come to the conclusion that a lot of precious time has been wasted. And they don’t need what they got at all. Have you ever thought, perhaps the Universe does not give you the desired car, apartment, dacha, beloved Vasya Pupkin from the next door just because you don’t really need all this? Therefore, you should not wonder how to make your wish come true right now.

To determine the truth of the desired goal, there are two ways to check:

As you can see, separating a true desire from a false one will not be difficult. And it will save a lot of time. If you look at it, all people are chasing “chimeras”. What we want today is yesterday. Yesterday we wanted a home and holiday in Cyprus. It often happens that when an object falls into your hands, it does not evoke the delight that once excited the imagination.

Buddhist monks claim that for happy life we need to look not for specific things (handbags, trinkets, cars, houses), but for the state of flight. It is the trembling of the soul that will indicate the real values ​​that are worth striving for.

How to revive your goal

If you have already decided on your desires, have a decent list of 30-100 orders to the Universe, get ready to create. Perhaps it will be unusual. At first. Understand, the inner master slept for a long time, they always brushed him aside and did not believe him. And as unnecessary, he settled in a distant dark corner of your consciousness next to dust and cobwebs.

So, initiation...

Once you have decided, you need to correctly write down what you want. It is important. Materialization is like the birth of a baby. Everything must be in place, otherwise the fruit will not take root.

The basic rules for writing a goal can be summarized as follows:

Awakening of the “Master” or Simoron

All Simoron rituals are aimed at removing the boundaries that a person sets for himself. Our brain is so designed that it is difficult for it to get out of its comfort zone, even if it makes you rich and successful person. The mind takes a long time to settle into new conditions, but when it gets used to it, you can’t pry it out of its home with tongs.

These restrictions can be easily removed if the usual routines are slightly changed. The pattern will break. At this moment you need to push new idea to the head. It will take root there, and the brain will begin to implement it.

There are many Simoron techniques, all of them are creative and invented by people in the “master” state. All techniques work and give amazing results. When you understand the meaning of rituals, you can easily invent them and even share them with others.

Simoron technique “rewriting the biography”

Since simoron is a playful magic, it allows you to mock the most serious things. Over your destiny for example . You will need:

  1. Paper, pen and 10-15 minutes of free time.
  2. Get ready to create. We will create our own destiny in real time. Let your imagination run wild! You can take as a basis a single episode from life, your entire life from the very beginning, or imagine something new.
  3. You need to write in real time - now. It's like you're describing what you see.

Start by writing down your loved one as incredibly lucky. If you are looking for a job, describe the day you were accepted into the most advanced international company. For example, like this:

“Today is one of my many happiest days in life. Today I found a better job that I could never have dreamed of. In the morning I received a call from OJSC “Super-Happiness-Megaprom” and was offered a position as a salary corrector for directors of banks all over the world. The work is difficult, but interesting - dividing the salary and transferring most of it to my fund “For a dress and a handbag.” The whole team greeted me very cordially - they were waiting for me, dreaming about me. I have a large office overlooking the Eiffel Tower."

There are no limits to imagination. Walk your brain through the expanses of your Universe, beautiful and endless. Changes will begin almost immediately - from your well-being and further along the chain into reality. Everyone who used this trick noted real positive changes in their lives: some found a job, others found a soul mate.

It’s better to write successful, rich and beautiful life. And the realities will catch up. Thus, you can get married or win at a casino, and then give this money to charity. Whatever your soul asks for, give it to it.

By the way, to interesting fact Scientists have come to study brain waves: our minds do not differentiate between what actually happened and what we imagined. The neural signals are the same in both cases.

Alpha visualization

An excellent technique that not only helps to implement your plans, but also trains the imagination, develops the power of thought and extrasensory abilities.

The whole trick of the technique is the ability to relax as much as possible. This state is achieved through training. Alpha - the name comes from the relaxed state of the body in which the brain emits alpha waves. Scientists say that alpha relaxation has a direct impact on events.

The meaning of practice is complex and simple at the same time. Those who find it easy to consciously relax find it easier to visualize the desired object. Those who do not know how to calmly stay in one position will have to practice. So, what needs to be done to make your wish come true:

After practice, you will feel a surge of strength and confidence that the goal is in your hands. It will become completely clear to you how to fulfill your desire in 1 day.

A collage on whatman paper works well for work. Various bright pictures with wishes are glued onto a large sheet of paper, which can be cut out from old magazines or printed. The collage needs to be periodically adjusted: add new pictures, sign and color. Approach the topic creatively, and the result will not keep you waiting.

Practice “Glass of water” by V. Zeland

Its simplicity is reminiscent of Simoron rituals. This is probably why our people liked the method and quickly spread online. Many people write that water helps make a wish come true in just one day. V. Zeland (the author) took the informational properties of water as his assistant. It's simple:

  1. Take a glass of regular drinking water.
  2. Yours is written briefly on the sheet cherished wish, a glass is placed on top.
  3. You need to hug a glass of water with your hands without touching the walls. Mentally fill the water with energy. You can imagine how the water begins to glow. 1-2 minutes will be enough.
  4. Once you feel you have had enough, drink water. Rest assured - your wish will come true.
  5. To enhance the effect, you can leave the water by your bed overnight and drink it in the morning.

Try it different methods, look for what needs to be done to make your wish come true instantly. Remember, a thought is material; you just need to help it become reality faster. After all, anyone thinking man endowed with power, you just need to practice a little magic.

We are used to making a wish on New Year and on your birthday. It is believed that these days your most cherished dream can come true. Each of us wishes ourselves all the best, drinking champagne during the chimes or blowing out the candles on the cake. But there are techniques that allow you to resort to the help of Higher Powers at any time. Experts in the field of esotericism assure that anyone can make their dreams come true.

Proven techniques for making wishes come true

It is naive to believe that by performing one magical ritual, you can immediately get what you want. This process can take a long time and require a lot of effort from a person. But with the right approach, the result is always the same: the wish comes true exactly.

Where to begin?

  1. For all techniques and rituals there is one general rule: the desire must be formulated competently and unambiguously. There is no need to make the message too specific, but there should be no ambiguity.
  2. Learn to visualize the end result. In this case, you can be as detailed as possible about what you want. It would be useful to learn to simulate situations in which a dream could come true.
  3. The desire must be positive. Formulations containing wishes of harm to another person or infringing on his interests are prohibited.

Wish Card or Wish Book

The first way of fulfilling desires is associated with the belief that all thoughts have the ability to materialize. The essence of the technique is to write down a desire in the present tense or select suitable pictures for a collage. By making each entry, a person gives to his subconscious powerful installation. As a result, he unconsciously begins to act in such a way that his intention is realized.

Strong technique "Glass of water"

This technique was described in detail by V. Zeland in one of his books on transurfing. The method is based on the unique ability of water molecules to “remember” information. It is this property that is associated with the widespread use of liquid in magical rituals.

This method is very simple but effective. To begin, take a regular glass (transparent, without a pattern) and fill it with water. Formulate your desire and write it down on a small piece of paper. Then place the piece of paper on the table and place a glass on top. Now comes the most difficult part of the technique: form an energy ball between your palms that symbolizes your intention. Once you have done this, place your palms on the sides of the glass, a few centimeters apart. Transfer your energy to the water and drink it. Repeat the exercise morning and evening.

Ritual with a magic candle

Fire accumulates energy and directs it in the right direction. Candle rituals are considered very powerful and effective. To implement cherished dream Esotericists recommend performing the ritual on the new moon.

For the ritual, take a candle that will burn out completely in 30-40 minutes. Around midnight, write your wish on a strip of paper. Wrap the piece around the candle, and then secure the structure with a light thread. At midnight, light a candle and wait until it burns out. All this time, visualize your desire in every detail. After the ritual, scatter the ashes from the burnt paper on the street with the words: “So be it!” Thank the Higher Powers in your own words and go to bed.

It was good for the old man from A.S.’s fairy tale. Pushkin! Without any mental flows or affirmations, I received what I wanted from the goldfish practically without delay. True, he was not pursuing his own desires, which is what let him down in the end. We are interested in how to make our wish come true, but at the same time the goldfish does not leave us in the end with nothing.

There are many techniques that promise to achieve the unattainable. Most of them are aimed at achieving fulfillment desired by force thoughts. The main mistakes on the path of novice wizards:

  • There is no belief that you can simply and without any conditions get what you want;
  • A person does not believe that his thought has power;
  • The connection with the Divine principle, the Absolute, the Universe (call it what you want) is not felt.

To work with the subconscious, which serves as a guide to the world of abundance, you need to learn to give it commands, and for this you must go through several stages.

Learning to focus on what you want

The main condition that you need to fulfill before realizing your dreams and desires is to learn to direct your attention to the positive and good things that you would like to receive, and not think about what you fear and do not want. Creative thinking is activated with the help of the subconscious. It knows how to fulfill a desire, but the trouble is that it takes all thoughts at face value, without distinguishing whether they are good or harmful to you.

We can grasp these differences with the help of our inner wisdom, which we know as god or guardian angel. You need to ask God or an angel to stand guard over your thoughts and desires and not let negativity in. Yes, there is nowhere to escape the negativity in our lives! - you say. Nobody encourages us to look at our surroundings through rose-colored glasses. But everyone can not let everything into their mind by the power of thought.

A beautiful landscape, a house, a monument, a charming child, a tastefully dressed woman, animals and plants - carefully consider what pleases the eye, think about what positive thoughts appeared at the same time, try to remember them. Such training will gradually accustom the subconscious to positivity, it will carry out only positive commands.

Mastering visualization

The visualization technique is not as complicated as many people think. We must always remember that the language of images is the language in which the subconscious mind easily and pleasantly communicates with you. It is the picture that it perceives first and tries to materialize, while relegating words and thoughts to the background. Repeat at least a hundred times: “I am healthy,” if in your imagination you see a picture of how illness overcomes you - this is the instruction that the subconscious mind will accept for execution.

If you asked God or an angel for something every day, and your prayers were not fulfilled, it means that in your imagination you were scrolling through completely different pictures. How to realize your dreams and desires with the help of visualization? The technique is simple - you need to imagine that your dream has already come true and create in your imagination what you really want to receive. These images will become to the subconscious what a house drawing is to an architect, or a production modernization project to an engineer.

Techniques on how to correctly formulate your desire for the Universe:

  • You need to place yourself in the center of the picture that appears in your dreams in order to perceive everything from the inside.
  • Complete the picture with imaginary sounds, smells, tastes and motor sensations, make it brighter and more specific.
  • The feeling of pleasure that arises while using this technique is an indicator that you are on the right path, and your subconscious is ready to fulfill what you want.

By practicing visualization, you can eventually learn to enter a state of meditation, and this will further speed up the process of achieving what you want.

Affirmation formula

The affirmation technique is another step towards how to correctly formulate a desire. An affirmation is the essence of your dreams, enclosed in words. This is a symbiosis of imagination and thought, here they enhance each other’s influence. It is advisable not to use other people’s affirmations, but to compose your own phrases that touch the soul.

They can be written on paper, they can be memorized, the main thing is to comply with the following requirements:

  • Do not use the particle “not”, the words “nobody”, “nowhere”, “nobody”, etc.;
  • Avoid negative words and words that cause unpleasant associations;
  • Use more positive words: love, happiness, health, etc.;
  • Feel what is being said, clearly imagining what is behind each word;
  • Try to say them out loud or at least in a whisper - this way they are filled with more energy. Although mentally pronounced affirmations also work.

The technique is used several times every day. Positive statements should be said for 5-7 minutes. Regularly following these simple rules will help you quickly materialize your desire.

Taking advantage of the moment of falling asleep

How to correctly formulate your desire for the Universe? You need to use the moment of falling asleep. The border between sleep and wakefulness, the moment of light drowsiness when falling asleep and during awakening from sleep is the most convenient option for solving the problem of how to make a wish. The fact is that it is at these moments that the conscious mind is not active, somewhat inhibited, and will not interfere with the work of the subconscious with its arguments.

How to formulate your desire so that it comes true? Any technique used:

  • Affirmations
  • Arbitrarily formulated desires
  • Prayers for god or angel
  • Visualization technique

It is impossible to work productively on a desire that has arisen right now while half asleep. You need to prepare in advance, decide which desire you have chosen to fulfill. You can write a phrase that describes what you want on paper, put it under your pillow and refresh your memory before falling asleep.

Just before you fall asleep, imagine a picture of your dream coming true and slowly say the prepared phrase. You can even sing it to yourself instead of a lullaby until you fall asleep. In the morning, do not immediately jump out of bed, imagine again that what you want has materialized, and again say the phrase that describes this picture.

Magic Scroll of Wishes

The “Scroll of Desires” technique, designed to help those who are thinking about how to realize their dreams and desires with the power of thought, is named by analogy with an ancient ritual. Previously, wishes intended to be fulfilled had to be written down on parchment, rolled up to form a scroll, and tied with something. History is silent about where this scroll was taken. We can’t get parchment, we’ll have to make do with a notepad, let’s call it “Scroll of Wishes.”

This notebook cannot be shown to anyone; only you will write in it. It is written down in the Scroll of Wishes as if it had already come true. “With joy I met love for my well-being,” “With gratitude I accept from God (or the Universe, or an angel) recovery from illness.” At the same time, it is quite possible that you have not yet recovered, and love is not even looming on the horizon.

How to formulate a wish to make it come true? You are allowed to write down only what relates to your life in the “Scroll of Wishes”. If you really want to wish something good to your loved one or to a loved one, you need to write as follows: “With great pleasure I received joy from God (angel, Universe) about the well-being of my husband!” All dreams recorded in the scroll cannot be written with the particle “not”. For wishes to come true, you need to write them as if they had already come true right now.

When you have achieved what you want, be sure to thank the Universe (God, your guardian angel), you should write the following words in the scroll: “I thank the angel (God, the Universe) for making my dream come true with your help.” Then the wish that has already been fulfilled must be crossed out and the next two written.

If new dreams appeared before the previous ones came true, they still need to be written in the “Scroll of Desires”. This list can be replenished whenever you see fit. In order for the “Scroll of Wishes” to work, the notebook playing its role must be “activated”, that is, it must be made clear to higher powers that this is where dreams are located to be fulfilled. To do this, you need to write in it something easy to do, something that you yourself can do right now. “With a feeling of gratitude I accept from the Universe (God, angel) a new dress for my well-being.”

Then you need to purchase what you put in the “Scroll of Wishes,” quickly put it on, and write your gratitude. Then you need to make two new dreams to fulfill and write them down. That's it, the scroll is already working for you. It is better if this activation occurs on the waxing Moon.

Calculating the golden minute of the day

There is another technology on how to realize your dreams and desires. In order for them to come true, there is a golden minute of the day. Every day, for only one minute, the channel that exists between us and the Universe opens. During this direct communication session, you can ask for anything, make any wish, and it will definitely come true. If at this moment higher powers hear you listing a list of claims to life, then, supported by the power of thought, these claims will remain with you, or even double.

After all, the Universe always fulfills your message, and it’s not its fault that it often hears only negativity. The golden minute of the day is calculated using a certain technology. On any day you need to pay attention to the date, its designation on the letter and there will be this magical minute when you can ask the universe (God, angel) for anything. For example, 23.02, which means that on this day the golden minute of the day will be at 23 hours 2 minutes.

It is at this moment that you need to make a wish. It should be clear and specific, not vague, and contain clarifying details. The amount you need, the location of the desired housing, its area, the gender of the unborn child, hair color, height, age of the one who will bring you new love– this list can be compiled in advance to make a wish quickly, in one minute.

From the 25th to the 31st of each month, the day and month numbers are reversed. That is, on 10/25 you need to make your wish at 10:25 am, and on 1/31 – at 1:31 am. You can make a list that you write on each day when the time comes to release your thoughts into the Universe.

Make a wish come true with a glass of water

There is another opportunity to make wishes come true with the power of thought. This is the “Glass of Water” method, proposed and tested by the famous esotericist Vadim Zeland. To complete this you will need a piece of paper and a glass of water. You need to pour spring or at least melt water into the glass. You need a sheet to write on it what you are going to ask or wish for. This does not have to be a whole list; the desire is expressed as an affirmative and positive thought form.

The leaf should be placed under a glass of water, after holding it between closed palms and concentrating on the contents. Then we rub our palms until a feeling of warmth appears and then move them away, then bring them closer to each other. You need to get the feeling that there is something between them balloon. You can try to squeeze it forcefully and release it, twist it, feel the heat or cold coming from the ball. This energy ball must be quickly released into a glass of water. Then voice what you want out loud and drink a glass of water charged with your power.

This ritual should be performed in the morning and before bed. A glass of charged water has a special power, under the influence strong feelings, emotions, it changes its structure, in this case it serves as a conductor of your energy.

If the wish list is large enough, it doesn’t matter whether you use the power of thought, the “Glass of Water” technique, the golden minute, write and make wishes in a magic scroll in order to release them into the Universe. The main thing is to use these methods regularly and choose the one that suits you best.

The world around a person is saturated with energy that is capable of creating any miracle - the main thing is to learn how to correctly ask the Universe for this. Each of us wants his wishes to come true, however, it is not enough to just say your dream or just think about it. If you want the subtle world shrouded in mystery to help you, tune in so that it hears you. And how to make your wish come true, we will tell you right now in this article.

As we noted just above, it is not enough to simply say your desire into the void and look forward to the result. But don't despair. Below we will look at several simple and effective methods, which will allow you to get what you want with 100% probability.

Half the way has been passed - now not only you know what you want, but also the almighty Universe. Now what? Don't get hung up on your desire, let it go. And the best way for this is take action to achieve your dreams, you now know exactly what needs to be done to make your wish come true. Very soon you will see from your own experience that opportunities to realize your own desires turn up around every corner. The Universe will help you, it will confront you with new and new chances. Your task is not to miss them, and your cherished wish will definitely come true.

Rituals for realizing your plans

You already understand what you want and even know how to act correctly. You can also use simple rituals and practices that will help you achieve what you want in a very short time. The advantage of such rituals is that all actions can be performed at home, without resorting to complex machinations.

Magic notepad

One of the most common methods that can ensure the fulfillment of a desire in 1 day. The notebook is not suitable for fulfilling a huge, global dream. But to attract such a heap of pleasures into your life easy way will definitely help.

So, we need a small, pleasant appearance notepad It is important not to give it to anyone, as this is an item for purely personal use. You need to use the notepad on the new moon - the first lunar day. However, many people do not choose good days, but simply start using a small notebook for its intended purpose. It's worth repeating that you should really like your notebook, it should be pleasant to the touch, beautiful and most magical. If you are already charged with positive energy and emotions, it’s worth starting!

Open the first page and write a wish, following a certain form - “I gratefully accept a large ripe peach from the Universe.” The subject can be any little thing that you are capable of realizing it yourself(apple, hand cream, powder, orange and so on). After you have identified your little dream, go to the store and make it come true! Did your wish come true? Certainly! This means the notepad works!

The next step is gratitude. Under the first entry, write something like: “It came true! Thank you very much!". Now, instead of the old wish fulfilled, write down two new ones. That's the whole principle - as soon as one small goal is achieved, write down two new ones. It is important to leave one wish for your own fulfillment (for example, you made a wish to go to a cafe - go there today and after achieving it, do not forget about gratitude).

Thus, a certain cycle of desires results, and instead of one achieved goal, two new ones appear. Take part of the execution yourself, and entrust the second part to the magic notebook. Don't forget about gratitude and also periodically review your pages with fulfilled desires - this will not only energize you positive emotions, but will also give you a huge pile of motivation. You will feel like you can do absolutely anything! Isn't this a reason for true happiness?

Magic from under the bed

Another simple way that will ensure quick and effective fulfillment of desires. The secret lies in what exactly is under your bed. If there is only dust, old torn things and dirt, there is nothing good to expect. Urgently get rid of anything that may symbolize something bad and negative. Wipe the floor and throw away old trash - get rid of what is unnecessary and interferes with your success. And instead of dirty and negative things, put notes with desires and things that evoke positive and pleasant emotions under your bed.

For example, a beautiful bright card with roses under the bed will lead to the fact that you will definitely receive flowers as a gift, or make some pleasant purchase related to flowers. In any case, the Universe will respond to the sign given to it and will pleasantly surprise you.

Looking for a job? Place your work record book and a note under your bed that explains what exactly you want to get out of your new position. Now, don’t despair and continue your search. You'll see, the long-awaited vacancy will appear soon and will definitely surprise you.

Do you dream of a date with a man from the most beautiful fairy tale? Put down your tie and socks. Do you urgently need to improve your financial situation? Place a piggy bank or a regular jar of coins under the bed. And if you put the feather down, it will lead to amazing luck.

The main thing is to experiment and come up with your own associations. Sincerely believe in your success and do not refuse opportunities. After all, who knows, maybe the Universe gave this sign to you?

Desirable gum

This method is not only incredibly effective, but also delicious. All you need is to buy chewing gum at any store (“Orbit”, “Dirol”, “Huba-buba” and so on). And that's it, the magic begins!

Once you correct one letter, “chewing” quickly turns into “desirable.” Now just chew gum. Take your time. This pack can even last for a whole week.

It all depends on the taste of your gum. For monetary and financial desires - mint is suitable, for love - strawberry, for travel - with exotic fruits, and so on. Use your rich imagination and experiment. It is important to chew gum thoughtfully, imagining your dream in detail. Sincerely believe in your own success and the response of the Universe will not keep you waiting long!

Little secrets of making a big dream come true

We will tell you a few more special tricks that will answer the question - how to fulfill your desire right now. You have already come up with, formulated a goal, drawn up an action plan, and felt a charge of motivation. What else is needed for magic and miracle? Let's reveal all the secrets!

How to make a wish come true in 1 day

Anyone can become a wizard, however, it is not that easy. Modern world is not a fairy tale, so there are no wands that instantly grant wishes. But if you are reading this article, it means that you are not afraid of anything, you like to experiment and manage your own life. Let's consider the main qualities of a successful person who achieves heights:

As it turned out, every person can make their dream come true. Often, people do not believe in their own strengths and capabilities, are afraid of change, afraid to leave their comfort zone, think about the opinions of others and simply do not accept their own desires, considering them stupid. Believe in yourself, give kindness, smile, set new goals for yourself. And finally, make your dream come true now! You will succeed!

Attention, TODAY only!

When you want something, the whole Universe will help make your wish come true.” Paulo Coelho "The Alchemist"

How to make wishes correctly.
Why do some wishes come true and others not? Is there some secret way to make wishes come true?
In fact, all our desires come true if we think about them correctly. The whole secret lies in the correct formulation of the dream.
While some thought is spinning in your head, it is something fuzzy and non-specific. But as soon as you put it on paper, the thought acquires completeness and clarity. Do you agree?
It's the same with desires. How, pray tell, can the Universe understand what you want if completely different thoughts instantly change in your head: “My son brought a deuce again - the car is exactly the color I just drove and I want - I need to replace the heels on my boots tomorrow - don’t forget to pop into the store for sour cream - how great it will be to travel by car, and not in crowded trolleybuses - and Sidorova came to work again in a new blouse...” It follows from this

Rule 1. The wish must be written.
Well, okay, you say, if it’s better to write, then we’ll write. Big deal, it's a problem.
As strange as it may sound, writing your own desire correctly is really a problem. Let's look at examples.
"I want to have my own home." Is it written correctly? Fundamentally wrong! The problem is that such a desire is always fulfilled for everyone, even if the rituals and techniques are not performed as expected. Only the effect will be slightly different from what was expected. Imagine that years from now... a person opens a treasured record. Hooray! Everything has come true! After all, he still wants to have his own home. That is, desires without exact deadlines are meaningless. It follows from this

Rule 2. The desire must have an end date (period) for fulfillment.
For example, “I’m buying myself a large LCD TV in June.”
"I'll buy myself a car." Also a mistake. And what is written will definitely come true. After many years, a person will still hope that he will buy a car sometime in the future. It follows from this

Rule 3. Desire is always written in the present tense.
Those. instead of “I’m going on vacation to the Canary Islands,” we write, for example, “I’m going on vacation to the Canary Islands.”
"I don't want to be poor." Is it written correctly? Fundamentally wrong!
Firstly, the Universe does not pay attention to the particles “not”, “no” or any other negative words. Probably, by saying “I don’t want to be poor,” you want to be rich, but the Universe ignores the “not” particle and perceives all this as “I want to be poor.”
Secondly, you always attract to yourself what you think about. When you say “I don’t want to be poor,” you automatically think about poverty, and when you say “I want to be rich,” you automatically think about wealth. As they say, feel the difference. This implies

Rule 4. Using the particle “not” and other negations is prohibited.
Rule 5. Write what you want, not what you don’t want.
Let's practice replacing negative language with positive ones.
Instead of “I don’t want to get sick,” we write, for example, “I’m healthy.”
Replace “I don’t want to be poor” with “I’m rich”
Replace “I don’t want to be fat” with “My figure is great”
Replace “I don’t want to be lonely” with “I am loved and love”...
Case from practice: One very good friend of mine prescribed herself the purchase of a car. Everything was formulated clearly and clearly, especially the phrase “just let it NOT be red.” Everything has come true! Now I often see how confidently Deo drives his cute little red car...

Go ahead. The boy writes “I want to become a great musician.” In fact, he likes auto racing more, but he really wants to please his mother, who has long dreamed of Stravinsky fame for her son. This is a fundamental mistake! It is impossible to deceive the Universe with a “fake” desire. It follows from this
Rule 6. The desire must be sincere and important to you.

"I want to rob a bank and become rich." “I want my rich American uncle to die as soon as possible.” “I want my boss to get hit by a car and be appointed in his place.” Our World will not fulfill such wishes, because the World is ruled by love, not evil. It follows from this
Rule 7. The desire must be ethical.

“I want dad to win the Jackpot lottery.” The right desire? No! As a human being, caring for loved ones is understandable, but the Universe has its own Laws. Desire should be directed towards yourself, your loved one. On your actions, desires, acquisitions, events.
So, Rule 8. Desire must be directed towards oneself.

Advice: It is useless to write “I want my son to graduate from school with a gold medal,” but you can formulate it like this: “I do my best to help my son graduate from school with a gold medal.” Do you feel the difference in the meaning of what is written?
By the way, do not try to deceive the Universe by violating the above Rules. It’s only in the movies that people succeed, for example, in trying to combine two wishes when you can only make one. Remember the famous “I want everything to be good for dad, but for me to be like dad”? It will not work.

It will be very correct if you use as many details as possible of what you dream about when writing your desire. If this is a trip to Haiti, describe at least in general terms the hotel and the beach. If this is a new car, describe its main characteristics.
And be sure to describe the feelings that will take over you when your wish comes true.
Rule 9. More details and emotions.

Case from practice: a girl really wants a digital camera. She doesn’t really understand them, so she buys an appropriate magazine with pictures, chooses the prettiest of the many models and writes her characteristics into her desire, pasting in her photograph. Pretty soon the girl is performing a serious favor for another person. As a token of gratitude, he gives the girl a digital camera of the SAME MODEL that was described in the wish.
Can you imagine how many camera models there are now?! Do you really think this is just a coincidence?

It is very important that the fulfillment of your desire does not harm other people. For example, a person dreams of having his own apartment. It is unlikely that he will be happy to become the owner of an apartment if its previous owners, his parents, die in a car accident. It follows from this
Rule 10. The wish you write must end with a talismanic phrase like: “May this or something more harmoniously enter my life, bring joy and happiness to me and to everyone whom this wish concerns.”
I draw your attention to the phrase “or something more.” There is no need to limit the Universe in its efforts to help you. The universe knows best. It is quite possible that our World considers you worthy of a holiday not in Crimea, but on the Cote d'Azur. I hope you won’t object too much to this change of holiday destination?

So, the desire is clearly formulated and written down. All 10 rules are strictly followed. What's next? Maybe you need to constantly think about desire, vigilantly monitor the slightest changes in the situation, and constantly wait for the result with tension?
In no case! The desire must be calmly released into the Universe and even almost forgotten about it. Persistent thoughts and experiences will only create a negative energy background and interfere with the fulfillment of your desires.

That's why there is Rule 11.
Don't get hung up on desire. Let him go.
Of course, this does not mean that after “hard and exhausting work” on correctly formulating your desire, you will lie down on your favorite sofa and wait for the weather by the sea.
The Universe has no other hands but yours! A rolling stone gathers no moss! The Universe may provide you with amazing opportunities, but without your actions they will not be able to translate into the desired result.

Therefore there is
Rule 12, the most important thing. Take action!