To be truly happy, you must find your one and only love. But what to do when she’s still not there, and after an unsuccessful relationship the mental wound does not heal, provoking the emergence of uncertainty about one’s own attractiveness? Your desire to create a happy and strong union must be strong, and your faith in luck unshakable! And affirmations for love will help strengthen your inner self.

How to make affirmations to attract love

In order for positive attitudes to attract love into your life, you can use ready-made positive statements, the main thing is not just to read them, but to pass them through your heart. But you can create affirmations yourself. The main thing is to adhere to several rules.

First of all, make up expressions that will evoke only positive feelings in you. At the slightest appearance of internal resistance, cross out the phrase, because your formulas of love and happiness should attract you, motivate you to pleasant changes, and not make you sad. Those who have encountered resistance, but do not want to change the formula, need to do this gradually. Sometimes, if a person is really desperate to meet his love, it is difficult for him to immediately believe in the formula “I am happy.” So you can change it a little to “I am getting happier every day.”

Be sure to use the pronouns “I”, “Me”, “Me” in your affirmations. This is incredibly important because they cement your presence in such cherished formulas. But you cannot speak for another person! Never include the name of your desired or current partner in your affirmations. This will not only not lead you to harmony and happiness, but will also harm your energy and push away love. You can only speak in generalities, for example - “The people around me love me. I reciprocate their feelings."

Another secret to the effectiveness of attitudes is to create new thoughts about love in the present time. Never use the future. If you break this rule, the affirmations will either not work or will take a long time to work. After all, when you say “I will,” the universe does not understand when you want to meet your soulmate - today, in a month or when you are 65.

Always make short affirmations. Firstly, they are more convenient to repeat, and secondly, they are more easily remembered by your subconscious and quickly gain strength. But over time, when your wishes begin to come true and your life changes, you can apply longer positive attitudes and even entire attitudes.

Ready-made installations for love

There are many ready-made affirmations for love. They are universal and will suit almost anyone. They are best used by newbies in the world positive thinking who do not fully understand how such formulas work.

You can repeat ready-made installations by reading them out loud or to yourself, but it is best to memorize these statements and repeat them periodically throughout the day. The method when your favorite phrase is printed on a regular piece of paper and attached in a visible place (it is advisable to attach it in your bedroom) also gives good results. Thus, your subconscious mind better absorbs the vibrations of love, which create positive attitudes.

Affirmations can be short:

  • I opened my heart to love.
  • I am a magnet that attracts love.
  • I radiate love, and it returns to me threefold.
  • Every day I open my life to happy relationship filled with love.
  • In my relationship with my loved one, I always feel harmony and closeness.
  • I am worthy of all-consuming love.
  • Every second I enjoy closeness with my loved one.
  • I easily and simply find the person I need. Every day there is passion and love between us.
  • I feel incredibly happy in my relationship.
  • The passion between us is long lasting.
  • I feel tenderness and warmth when communicating with my loved one.
  • I love myself so much!
  • I let men into my life.
  • I treat myself as the most valuable thing in my life.
  • I express my feelings freely.
  • I have happy and long-lasting relationships in my life.
  • I give and receive love effortlessly.
  • I feel always loved.
  • I allow myself to love, I know that it is safe.
  • My heart is wide open to kind and tender feelings.
  • I love and I am loved! It's great!

You can also use longer positive attitudes, for example:

  • I am the center of attraction of happiness and love! I give myself credit every second, realizing that I occupy a dominant role in my life! I know how to enjoy the abundance and completeness of a happy world!
  • I live with pleasure. I have a happy life ahead of me with my loved one! I enjoy the harmony that fills my inner world.
  • I thank the universe for this wonderful world filled with happiness and love! Every day I discover in myself best qualities– tenderness, openness, gratitude.
  • I open up to love and am ready to live in a new wonderful world with my beloved!
  • I fill my daily life with love. I thank the universe for every moment in my precious life. I blossom quickly under the rays of love.
  • Love is the norm in life. I enjoy it. Beauty and kindness live inside me.
  • My desire can work wonders! I live in harmony with the people around me and the world. I firmly and consciously allow love into my daily life.
  • I am the creator of my happy world. I love myself and deserve joy.
  • I love my body incredibly much. I enjoy sexuality and am ready to give it to my beloved.

Using these affirmations, even more happiness, abundance, luck and love will definitely come into your life. Choose as many affirmations as you want and use them throughout the day. Say them with faith and feeling and then success is guaranteed.

So, 27 positive affirmations:

I am a magnet for money, health and success. Every new day makes me even wiser and happier.

I open myself to the flow of Divine riches. Abundance finds me. I send love to everyone around me.

My life is a real holiday. I always move towards success and prosperity easily and without extra effort. I am always lucky in everything.

In my life, everything always happens in the best possible way. Divine riches flow to me like a river. Health and success constantly surround me. I am filled with joy and endless love.

I solve any problems that fate puts before me. Faith in success is always with me. Strength and the will to win constantly lead me to success and prosperity.

I am surrounded by Divine light. He protects me from all adversity, so everything always happens in the best and highest way.

Everything is just great. Joy and harmony come to me and I meet them with love in my heart.

All the events in my life are turning out the way I want. The world loves me and takes care of me every day.

The energy of money is constantly available to me. She comes down to me non-stop and I am grateful for that.

Love found me. I feel her presence every second. I give joy to those around me and they always reciprocate.

Every moment of my life is prosperity, love, wisdom and security. I feel connected to higher powers. Everything makes sense. I know where to go. From now on, the road to abundance and happiness is open to me.

I thank the Universe for the endless stream of joy that pours into my life every second like a bright river.

The vector of my thoughts is aimed at health. Every cell of my body breathes love. Every atom of my being is charged with Divine energy. Youth and wellness is an integral part of my life.

Luck always accompanies me in everything. I firmly believe that I will achieve anything I want. The power of love guides me. The power of love is always with me.

All my desires are fulfilled quickly, easily and in accordance with Divine order.

The light of my heart illuminates my path. I thank the Universe that all roads to joy and wealth are open to me. I open myself to the flow of luck and fortune.

Every moment of my life is a gift. Any situation will certainly lead me to success. Happiness is always nearby. It's simply inevitable.

I consciously choose success, luxury and well-being. I feel the fullness of life. The world loves me and I love it.

The universe is protecting me. Joyful moments fill my every day. I am a glowing person. People like me.

I receive the blessings of life from everywhere. Miracles constantly happen in my life and I am grateful for them.

Divine light envelops and protects me. I radiate vibrations of well-being and perfection into the world. My soul is open to all the best.

I enjoy how I feel. My thoughts are on health, love, abundance and happiness.

I'm free from the past. I live in the here and now. Rays of sincerity, kindness and tenderness emanate from my soul.

Every day, every hour, every minute I become more beautiful and more attractive to others. I bloom and smell like the most beautiful flower in the world.

My every day is filled with vibrations of love. I express myself with ease and all my dreams come true in the most favorable way for me.

I know and believe that great success awaits me. The whole Universe helps me on my path.

I thank the Universe for every breath of air. My life is filled with happiness and every day it becomes more and more.

We hope these affirmations will help you achieve success, luck, happiness and love. We sincerely wish you happiness and all the best!

An affirmation for love is a psychological attitude that is formulated in the form of a specific phrase and programs the human subconscious to achieve the desired result. In order to know true love and get married as soon as possible, you should repeat effective words every day several dozen times until a person believes in what she says, and first of all loves himself, changes his attitude to the world around him and to representatives of the opposite sex.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

    How to say positive affirmations?

    Affirmations should only be said when good mood, there should be a smile on the face, and the words should sound calm and confident. To enhance the effect of the phrase, you should add a visualization method and clearly imagine that all your dreams have already come true.

      To set yourself up for a positive wave, you need to watch only good and educational films, read relevant literature and listen to relaxing musical compositions while reading affirmations for love.

      It is enough to devote 10-15 minutes a day to this activity, but while pronouncing affirmations you need to concentrate as much as possible on the process and believe in the miraculous effect. You can come up with ideas for speedy marriage and love on your own, forming positive affirming phrases that do not contain the particle “not” and the word “want”. You can use audio files or related videos and repeat the words that people say in these media sources.

      Affirmations invented in poetic form are remembered faster and involuntarily scroll through a person’s thoughts, sending a signal to the Universe and attracting the desired happy events. To make it easier to formulate your goals, you can make a list of all your aspirations and goals, and then put together the affirmations from what you have written as briefly and succinctly as possible.

      The most effective positive attitudes are those that a person says immediately after waking up and before going to bed. You can do this in front of the mirror and smile at your own reflection, feeling how happiness and bliss spread throughout your body. The word patterns can be printed out and placed in prominent places around the house, attached with a magnet to the refrigerator, and hung on your bedroom wall to remind you of them and practice them daily.

      You can add photographs or images of happy people to your affirmations. married couples, beautiful places, big and cozy home, as well as other nice pictures that match the person’s desires, and make a collage. Such visual images contribute to the speedy fulfillment of dreams.

      Affirmations for speedy marriage and love

      Strong affirmations for true love:

      • My heart is open every day to new love.
      • Love lives in me, I radiate it and attract wonderful mutual feelings into my life.
      • I am worthy of true and mutual love.
      • I respect and love myself, I am tolerant of all my shortcomings and proud of my virtues, that’s why I am loved the best man on the ground!
      • I experience sincere and mutual love and feel all the charm of a harmonious and happy relationship.
      • I love with all my heart and this feeling is limitless.
      • I am happy and endlessly loved!
      • My heart is filled with loving feelings and kindness, I am in harmony with myself, therefore I am attractive to men and desirable.
      • I am grateful to God and the Universe for a romantic relationship and for a man who is endowed with all the necessary qualities (list them) and loves unselfishly and tenderly, with all his heart and all his soul.

      To attract a loved one and quickly marry a specific man, you need to use effective affirmations:

      • I give my heart to a man (say the first and last name of my loved one, name his best qualities) and receive it in return. Our hearts beat forever in unison.
      • I found my soulmate and am madly in love with my betrothed.
      • I enjoy spiritual and intimate intimacy with my only man, we have an idyll and complete mutual understanding.
      • I know that today is the day when fateful words will be spoken and my lover will propose to marry him.
      • I am ready and worthy of a happy marriage and a long life family life with your chosen one.
      • Our passion will last for many years, and our love will last a lifetime.
      • I am incredibly happy that I met a man dear to my heart and will carefully carry our mutual feelings through the years.

Every person dreams of meeting mutual love on their life's path, but not everyone is lucky in making this dream come true. Everything can work out if you learn to use love affirmations (Love affirmations).

How does this technique work? Now we will tell you about it. First, start dreaming about meeting your loved one. Imagine your life together (long and happy) with him. Believe that your dreams of love will definitely come true, and begin to “radiate” love yourself. Give it to your relatives, nature, animals, friends and girlfriends. Why start with such love? The fact is that many people are looking for love, but do not even suspect that they are not quite ready for serious relationship. After all real love- this is one hundred percent willingness to compromise and sacrifice oneself for the sake of one’s beloved “half.”

It is necessary to take great responsibility in choosing positive statements. There are people who choose a phrase that is completely inappropriate for a given situation. The whole danger is that an incorrectly selected affirmation can “lead” a person into terrible trouble.

Make a list on a completely blank sheet of paper. Evaluate each of them for the level of sincerity. The most successful affirmation will be the one that “sits” somewhere in the depths of your heart.

Try to make positive affirmations while on a pleasant trip or while enjoying your favorite food. At such moments, your brain is focused on one thing, and it will not lead you into a state of confusion.

Affirmations “work” according to the principle of substitution. At any given moment, the human mind is capable of holding “within itself” only one thought. It follows that the essence is to fill and retain thoughts in consciousness that are fully supported by your desire.

Imagine that there is a large glass of very cloudy water right in front of your eyes. Imagine that you place this glass under the tap and pour very clean water into it. In a glass, cloudy water flows over the edges and disappears, while clean water remains in the glass.

Have you read everything carefully? It is important! The fact is that something similar happens in the human head! The brain (glass) is filled to the very brim with beliefs and thoughts. When you start working on a new affirmation, it begins to replace the old one. Please note that replacement does not occur instantly, but over time. The stronger the affirmation you choose, the more time it will take to “process” it.

Affirmations should always sound affirmative

It's like you've already achieved everything...


  1. I fell in love with this man and he loved me.
  2. My favorite person is crazy about me.
  3. My Love is mutual.
  4. I am loved and desired.

Do not use the following words (phrases, particles) in affirmations: “not”, “stopped”, “no”, “never”.

Specific affirmations. “Concreteness” evokes strong emotions. And here are the words that are very suitable for the “role” of affirmations: “with admiration”, “with pleasure”, “easy”, “comfortable”, “stunning”, “stunning”, “charming”.

Which affirmation is better to choose (the one that was read in someone else’s text or the one that you can compose yourself)? Pay attention to the second option! Yes! It is better to compose affirmations yourself, rather than look for them in other people’s lines.

How to check if the affirmation is chosen correctly?

Very simple! Read the phrase or say it. If you experience a state of “flight” while pronouncing (reading) a phrase, then you are doing everything as it should.

There are stones that enhance the work of affirmations. Now we will list the names of these wonderful stones: ruby, amethyst (in a gold frame), carnelian, turquoise, carbuncle. They are considered stones that are completely “charged” with love.


We have great advice for you! Make a wish map or make a vision board. Spend time contemplating beautiful images that are associated with love, with a loved one, with feelings.

Take your time! Give God the opportunity to do everything for you specifically at the time in which he has already “written everything in” while you were living a completely different life. Stay home less and less! Live as if you have already succeeded! Live, as they say, to the fullest.

Many people, unfortunately, are confident that affirmations will not be enough for luck to “stick” to a person. Affirmations quickly “turn away” from such people.

Unmarried girls and women dream of attracting tender feelings into their lives. They naturally wait for an offer from a man they might like. The most effective affirmations for such a situation: “I am happy in marriage”, “my beloved husband loves me”, “my family is the most best family in the world".

Some women need affirmations to help them love their bodies...

  1. My legs dance great.
  2. I love my body!
  3. I have always been able to take care of myself.
  4. I admire my body!
  5. I feel a feeling of love for literally every cell of my body!
  6. I'm great at taking care of myself.

You must love yourself! Then it will be easier to attract love into your difficult life! “Transfer” affirmations into words. Say them right in front of the mirror (to your adored reflection).

Such affirmations must be said sincerely and with smiles! Another condition is a good mood. You have a “task” that needs to be solved every day. Make sure that no one “instills” even a small portion of negativity into your destiny. How to do it? Just don’t let such people get very close to you!

Love Affirmations are a wonderful thing!

Be sure to put in the effort to learn how to use them. Practice. Training will help you perceive affirmations differently. It will be very easy for you to deal with them. Words and phrases (of the nature of affirmations) will act on you as effective hypnosis.

Problems in your personal life cannot and should always be corrected magically. IN modern world The power of words is known not only to sorcerers, but also to psychologists.

Many studies and scientific tests have shown that affirmations for love and speedy marriage can cope with female and male loneliness.

The power of a word

It is not for nothing that our ancestors endowed the word with special power, and there is even a saying: “the word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it.” Such a message means that you should not waste words without any need to send words to the Universe, which is very sensitive to everything that a person says and thinks.

Magicians and sorcerers are especially careful about the power of words, because spells and conspiracies are a message to the Universe with a specific task, wish or petition. They also value the power of what is said in world religions, because prayer is the same petition sent to the information field of our planet.

What does the fashionable and frequently used word “affirmation” mean in the modern world? Experts say that this positive thought or affirmation, formed by a person, which is aimed at fulfilling his desire.

From Latin the word affirmatio is translated as “confirmation” and is a short positive attitude.

Thanks to such a positive phrase, a person can get everything he wants and radically change his life. A woman is able to get married with dignity and success, and a man is able to meet the only understanding and caring woman he has long dreamed of.

Installation power

Modern literature is represented by many books by eminent psychologists on the topic of positive attitudes and “pumping up” your life. Entire series were released at one time by Louise Hay and Natalya Pravdina. Printed and online publications massively offer ready-made formulations of necessary desires that can help in a particular issue.

However, this has its own nuance; the authors of works on psychology have come to the conclusion that the best affirmation for attracting love and marriage or obtaining other benefits is the formulation compiled by the person himself. Using the positive attitude method you can achieve the following:

  • meet a loved one;
  • marry;
  • start a family;
  • plan for children;
  • find your dream job;
  • become successful and wealthy;
  • To buy a house;
  • lose weight and transform.

And this is only a small fraction of what the human subconscious is capable of when it changes its “settings”. But the statements laid down by parents in early childhood, in more than 95% of cases, continue to work in the subconscious of a person throughout his life. And they were not always positive and optimistic..

In this, psychologists find the root of all the troubles of an adult. For example, they told little Natasha in preschool age that boys are bad and you shouldn’t communicate with them, and now, an adult businesswoman Natalya cannot find her one and only, although she has long wanted to start a family and have children.

Another negative attitude is very often common among parents, which prepares their daughter in advance for unhappiness in family life and early pregnancy. Such a statement warns the girl that she will not get married until she is 25 and will remain useless and lonely. And so, Oksana, who has subconsciously recorded moral teachings from her parents, quickly marries Vasily at the age of 20 and immediately has children. But the husband, as it turns out, likes to drink and doesn’t want to work, and even beats his wife when she points out his shortcomings.

However, there are also correct confirmations that wise mothers sometimes provide their daughters with. When a girl is told that she is beautiful, smart and that everything works out for her, then such a child will definitely grow into a person who is confident in her strengths and skills.

Positive attitude

The good thing about the human subconscious is that, despite all the negative programs that constantly sound in their heads, both Natasha and Oksana can change their lives for the better. To do this, you just need to put in a little effort and “rewrite” a negative statement with a positive one.

There are several rules for creating your own positive phrases that will change the future in the chosen direction. These include:

  • no denial;
  • absence of the particle “not”;
  • no more than 5 words;
  • positive affirmation in everything;
  • currently in a sentence.

An affirmation that contains a negation of something or a particle “not” will no longer work correctly. It is known that the Universe does not perceive negation in a positive sentence. By telling yourself “I’m not sick” or “I’m not alone in this life”, you get “under-affirmation”, and your desire will certainly not come true. Correctly working affirmation for health or love will sound like this: “I am healthy” and “I am happily married.”

Psychologists do not recommend making long positive statements, because the shorter and clearer the sentence, the easier it is to remember and the easier it will be “recorded” in the subconscious. The exception is positive formulations composed in poetic form, since they can include a whole set of qualities necessary for a person and are also simply remembered.

The created verbal formula must be understandable to the compiler and evoke in him positive emotions or even a smile. If, when pronouncing an affirmation, your mood rises and you want to move in the right direction, then the positive phrase is composed correctly.

It is important to compose affirmation sentences in the present tense, as if what you wanted has already been received and the person is living now with this feeling. The so-called rule here and now will allow you to catch the necessary emotions and fill your desire with the necessary composition of positivity.

Problems with men

If a woman has problems in relationships with the opposite sex, then first of all it is worth working on her perception of herself. It’s not for nothing that in psychology there is the so-called mirror effect, which says that a person receives what he emits or reflects. If men don’t see her, then she simply doesn’t notice herself or treats herself carelessly.

In this case, you should look carefully at yourself in the mirror and examine your reflection. Study your mirror double in detail and smile at him. Now listen to what the subconscious gave out, and it probably said “what big shoulders I have” or “men don’t notice me because of my height.” So that negative belief surfaced that scared away fans from you. Now it should be replaced with one that will teach you to love yourself and become a magnet for the opposite sex. For example, you could say:

  • "I am beautiful";
  • "I love me";
  • “I am attractive”;
  • "I'm an interesting person."

When such formulations become firmly entrenched in your subconscious, changes will begin to occur in the space around you. By learning to love yourself and paying attention to yourself, you will emerge from the cocoon of invisibility and become visible.

Working further on relationships with the opposite sex it is necessary to work out affirmations for a man’s love. If there is no specific chosen one yet, then it is recommended to say to yourself “Men like me” or “A worthy man is interested in me.”

It often happens that the man with whom you want to fall asleep and wake up already exists, but he does not pay attention to the woman who is interested in him. In this case, it is recommended to work on a positive statement, where the chosen one is already next to the lady in love with him.

So, the most effective affirmations for the love of a particular man may look like this:

  • “I am happy next to (say the man’s name)”;
  • “Alexander dotes on me”;
  • “My chosen one loves me with all his heart”;
  • “I am the only beloved woman for Mikhail”;
  • “Benjamin sees only me.”

If a girl really wants to get married and is ready to start a family, then it is recommended to work on a positive message for the Universe, in which she already has it all. She can tell herself that “I am married and I have a strong family”, or you can also “My husband and I live in abundance.” There are many options and it all depends on the nuances you want to get.

Secrets of proper technique

There are several tricks that will help you launch the affirmation to attract a loved one and other desires. There are several of them:

  • repetition;
  • faith;
  • visualization;
  • movement in the chosen direction.

By repeating a positive phrase or several composed daily, a person intensively remembers the information, and subsequently the attitude will sound in the head itself, displacing the negative statements of the past. By devoting 5-10 minutes a day to speaking out a desire in front of a mirror out loud or to yourself, a person tunes into the necessary wave. After 14 days, the positive phrase will finally “settle” in the subconscious and begin to turn on itself when necessary.

Faith is very strong feeling, which nourishes the affirmation and animates it. When a person truly believes in something, it eventually happens. By pronouncing a successful installation with feeling, warmth and in a good mood, he fills it with meaning.

Will help in fast execution desires and a visual representation of what you really want. For example, you could write a positive message about love in front of a happy couple holding hands and hang it in a visible place. Subsequently in real life Seeing lovers, a person’s subconscious will be triggered, and a positive attitude will sound by itself.

Moving in the chosen direction towards your dream is also an integral part of working with the subconscious. For example, a girl really wants to meet her man, but does nothing for this except talking in front of the mirror. This is wrong, because you have a better chance of meeting someone interesting by attending various social events. Perhaps at tomorrow's exhibition of retro cars, exactly that same acquaintance awaits her.

Knowing the power of words, you can safely implement the most cherished dreams. If you go towards your goal, then it will begin to move towards you.