In 2018, in the last month of summer, the whole country will celebrate the holiday of the air force. What date will this happen? August 2. It was then that congratulations on Airborne Forces Day in verse and prose, along with warm wishes for joy, optimism, prosperity and peaceful skies, will be received by all the men who served in the legendary landing force.

If there is a glorious representative of the “blue berets” in your circle - a husband, a loved one, a brother or just an acquaintance - do not forget about him on this significant day and be sure to make him happy nice words on the occasion of a professional holiday. Even a short SMS sent to a phone will bring great joy to a paratrooper (former or current) and show how highly his relatives and friends value him.

What date is Airborne Forces Day and how did this holiday originate?

Today, a very small number of people do not know what date Airborne Forces Day occurs in Russia and how it is celebrated. But for those who are still not in the know, we remind you that significant date falls on August 2. The holiday received official status on May 31, 2006, when the Russian President signed the decree “On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces.” Russian Federation" Thus, the merits were recognized at the highest level airborne troops in ensuring the defense capability and security of the state.

The date - August 2 - was not chosen by chance. It was on this day back in 1930, during a planned exercise of soldiers of the Moscow Military District at one of the training grounds near Voronezh, that a unit of 12 people parachuted for the first time to carry out a tactical mission.

Happy Airborne Forces Day to my husband - beautiful congratulations and wishes

The husband must be congratulated respectfully, beautifully and tenderly on Airborne Forces Day. Let your beloved man know how proud his family is of him and how much they admire his strength, courage and bravery. And it doesn’t matter at all whether the spouse served in the legendary troops just recently or more than 20 years ago. In any case, he will be very pleased and flattered by such sincere attention from his wife and other relatives. A wife can congratulate her husband right early in the morning, accompanied by kind, touching and tender words a small present, writes Therussiantimes. A little later, children and other family members who came to visit should join in the celebration.

On Airborne Forces Day, congratulations for my husband
I probably cooked it for a whole year!
Now I wish you happiness and good luck,
May the best things in life await you!

I wish you, as a paratrooper,
May you always be on top in everything!
I congratulate you on a wonderful holiday,
Wishing you much valor in your work!

And let only the best come
To you every day and every year!
May a miracle always happen
And the best in life awaits you!

Beloved husband, you are my hero!
I am always proud that you are like this:
Beautiful, sincere and real,
Brave and strong, warm at heart.

On Airborne Forces Day I wish you well,
So that our native country prospers,
So that people live in peace and justice,
And you and I have always loved each other!

There are a lot of poems about the Airborne Forces
And on this holiday of her husband
Congratulate me, as it should be every year,
To wish you only the best!

My beloved, I want to wish you good luck,
May there be happiness in life forever!
You are a dear Airborne Forcesman, that means
That you are not afraid of trouble in everything!

May your labor and work be glorious,
Let your military feat be glorified!
Let all the worries in life be a joy!
I wish you to be proud of yourself!

Congratulations on Airborne Forces Day to your loved one - prose and poetry

For your beloved man on Airborne Forces Day, you need to choose touching and inspirational lines in poetry or prose. They must contain kind and very nice words, reflecting love, devotion and the most sincere female affection. Tell me how confident you feel next to someone like him strong man and how you appreciate his reverent and tender attitude towards yourself. Even the most stern and strict “big boy” will be extremely pleased to know how highly his beloved woman appreciates him and how proud she is of his military achievements.

My beloved, your strong hands
Always on my shoulder
I remember those years of separation
When you served in the Airborne Forces.

I congratulate you on the holiday
And I say without shame,
I have love for you
With you, I'm not afraid of anything.

I'm sure it's calm
He would protect me from harm,
After all, sincerely and worthy
You served for your fatherland.

When you love, it’s so difficult to sort out why and why this feeling came? I love you for your courage and bravery, for your courage and honesty... and you are also so kind and caring! My paratrooper guy, you are the best in the whole wide world! Celebrate Airborne Forces Day today, and I really hope that with my congratulations the holiday will be even more beautiful for you!

On Airborne Forces Day, I hasten to congratulate
Beloved with all my heart.
I so want to praise from the heart
Male breadth of soul!

I wish you, my dear
From a life of titles and awards!
So that you find endless happiness,
Without encountering any obstacles on the way!

Congratulations on Airborne Forces Day to your brother - funny and playful

To congratulate your brother on Airborne Forces Day, you can use short, humorous poems telling about paratroopers and the brave exploits that these fearless men perform. In a light, unobtrusive and humorous way, you need to show your brother how proud you are of his belonging to the army of “blue berets” and how reliably you feel behind his “stone back”. AND young man, and a mature man will be very pleased to know that his military merits have not been forgotten, and those closest to him highly value his reliability, strength and courage.

Today is Airborne Forces Day!
This is no joke brother!
I drink a hundred grams for you,
For the native “booth”!

It's good for you to take a walk,
My brother is nice
You're a paratrooper, that means you're cool,
And my main example!

Airborne troops,
Airborne Alliance,
Honor and dignity are held in high esteem here
And I'm proud of my brother,

I will congratulate my brother today,
After all, August, the 2nd,
I praise the landing force,
My brother and I are lucky!

I congratulate you on Airborne Forces Day.
I wish you love and happiness, brother.
And I so want that there, in the sky,
In an open and endless area

A heavenly angel guarded you
He protected you with his wings.
So that all bad things go away
On a bottomless and gloomy night.

And only dawn will knock on your house
He will give you a lucky ticket.
And your life will sparkle with lights,
And everything that the soul desires will come!

Congratulations on Airborne Forces Day are short and funny

Knowing what date they celebrate their professional holiday In 2016, brave paratroopers, you can prepare well for the celebration and find short, optimistic and bright congratulations for your friends, loved ones, husbands, brothers, relatives and friends on Airborne Forces Day. Optimistic, joyful poems or gentle, touching and lyrical prose are suitable for this occasion. The main thing is that every word sounds sincere, open, kind and spoken from the heart. It is appropriate to read such congratulations in person, write them on a beautiful themed card, post them on a social network page, or send them as an SMS message to the “hero of the occasion.” Such a sign of attention will not leave anyone indifferent and will remain in the memory of even the most stern, serious and strict man for a long time.

Day and night you are on duty,
Confidently perform your service,
Protect air borders
You don’t let the enemy come within half a step.
WITH Airborne Forces during the day Russia, beloved, congratulations,
I sincerely wish you peaceful deeds,
May luck always accompany you,
May a good angel protect you from troubles.

Paratroopers are glorious warriors and fighters,
Real heroes are great,
You are a reliable shield of Russia and a threat to the enemy,
You do your duty in full.
Today is Airborne Forces Day, congratulations,
Let life give you only inspiration,
May you be lucky in everything, my love,
May your fate be the happiest.

Honor and praise to all paratroopers,
Thanks to you, the country lives peacefully,
You guard the air cordons with honor,
You are doing your duty well.
Today is the Russian Airborne Forces holiday, congratulations,
I wish you, my love, joy and happiness,
May the sky above your head be peaceful,
I'm proud of you, paratrooper, my dear.

You are the guard of a great power,
You are worthy of respect and glory,
You are a paratrooper, strong and brave,
You serve conscientiously and skillfully.
Accept, beloved, congratulations,
In honor of the Airborne Forces holiday,
I wish you happiness and inspiration,
May you be lucky in everything, everywhere.

The country celebrates Airborne Forces Day
To all paratroopers - hurray, hurray, hurray,
The outpost always requires attention and diligence,
Today is a holiday, we wish you to celebrate it to the fullest.
Darling, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
I wish you happiness, joy, health,
Let your life be like spring water,
Let my love be your talisman.

Everyone knows that the Airborne Forces are airborne troops,
What girl would be indifferent to them?
You, my love, are immediately visible from your figure,
As can be seen from everyone who serves in the landing force.
Today is your holiday, Airborne Forces Day,
There are plenty of guys in blue berets everywhere,
But I'm only waiting for you,
I congratulate you, my paratrooper, with love.

My beloved is a paratrooper, and it’s so cool,
I congratulate you on this wonderful holiday,
You are there, in the blue sky, watching me,
Wherever I go, you notice everything at once.
I'm waiting for you right, don't think bad,
After all, you are the best, I’m proud of you,
Serve calmly, my brave paratrooper,
Be proud of the Airborne Forces and celebrate this holiday.

He will celebrate his favorite holiday, Airborne Forces Day,
Everyone knows that there are no cooler guys in the world,
Other guys are afraid to come near me
Everyone knows that my paratrooper serves in the army.
And, without fear, I walk everywhere alone, proudly,
You will be able to protect me, I know for sure,
The landing party will be in time everywhere, no matter where it is,
Our great land is protected from heaven.

I congratulate you on Airborne Forces Day, you will be glad,
My beloved, the devil himself is not your brother,
I'm so proud of you, I feel so calm
With someone like you, I feel like I'm behind a stone wall.
My dear boy, I wish you
Let everyone tremble before the airborne landing,
As soon as the enemy sees a parachute in the sky, he runs,
There are Airborne Forces - the country sleeps peacefully.

Today you will wear a blue beret again,
The Airborne Forces have a holiday today - their birthday,
Today the world is in your power, paratroopers,
You too, my dear, are from Uncle Vasya’s army.
With all my heart I want to congratulate you on Landing Day,
Here is your ceremonial jacket with aiguillette,
Walk on your holiday with a noisy crowd,
I'll wait another day, don't worry.

Airborne Forces Day, my dear, today you celebrate,
You are happy with your friends, and you just don’t notice me,
I'll go aside quietly, I won't show it,
But still, now I’m feeling resentful.
The landing party has a proud spirit of freedom,
But I missed you, I waited for you for two years!
Do you remember that the landing party knows how to cherish love,
Everyone is proud faithful girl yours.

Again you're flying down from the sky on a parachute,
You know all your air routes,
Let the earth greet you as gently as possible,
And I’m worried, because you’re the only one I have in the world.
I'll send you my kiss to the sky,
And he will reach his goal, no matter where you are,
Let him congratulate you on Airborne Forces Day,
Let him leave a memory of me.

is a holiday celebrated blue berets second of August. It must be said that celebrating it is only permissible for those people who served in these elite units, but this does not mean at all that you cannot congratulate your loved one on such a familiar day for him. It must be said that congratulations on Airborne Forces Day to a loved one in verse can be quite specific. Still, you are making wishes not just to your loved one, but to a real man who is ready at any moment to defend you and his homeland.

If you don’t know what to wish for a paratrooper, then don’t try to come up with something yourself. There is a high risk of making a mistake and blurting out something inappropriate. Instead, it’s better to just take ready-made congratulations from us and protect yourself from any risks. We guarantee that any of the works published will bring you success, and the hero of the occasion - unforgettable emotions and real pride, both for yourself and for your beloved.

Don't miss the opportunity to thank your man for having him. Even though today he will probably go to celebrate this event with friends, he still expects congratulations from you first of all.

My beloved, you are a paratrooper,
You are an example to everyone in the military.
Your holiday has come in August,
Airborne officer - officer.

I hasten to congratulate you
Happy your most important day,
Leave a hundred kisses
In your loving heart.

Congratulations on mobile

Paratroopers are glorious warriors and fighters,
Real heroes are great,
You are a reliable shield of Russia and a threat to the enemy,
You do your duty in full.

Today is Airborne Forces Day, congratulations,
Let life give you only inspiration,
May you be lucky in everything, my love,
May your fate be the happiest.

Paratrooper, my dear hero,
One in the soul, unique.
On Airborne Forces Day, your cherished
I send wishes, my love,

And I promise to wait faithfully
From your difficult, long service.
Sometimes I just want to hug you,
To say that your heart has begun to need you.

I pray that God protects you
In flight towards goals and victory.
My white-winged pilgrim,
Let the sun of happiness shine brighter!

My favorite guy, congratulations!
How I would live without you - I don’t know.
You are brave, you are smart and I understand
Why am I losing my head with you?

Be healthy always, my dear,
In all matters - irreplaceable.
And strive for your top
My defender in a blue beret!

You are the guard of a great power,
You are worthy of respect and glory,
You are a paratrooper, strong and brave,
You serve conscientiously and skillfully.

Accept, beloved, congratulations,
In honor of the Airborne Forces holiday,
I wish you happiness and inspiration,
May you be lucky in everything, everywhere.

I'm letting you go today to celebrate
Your holiday of airborne warriors,
After all, you are men, truly children
And without entertainment, without vodka!

But you deserve this day, no doubt
I praise you and love you madly.
You are strong, strong, your loyalty is priceless.
I say these words from the heart!

Everyone knows that the Airborne Forces are airborne troops,
What girl would be indifferent to them?
You, my love, are immediately visible from your figure,
As can be seen from everyone who serves in the landing force.

Today is your holiday, Airborne Forces Day,
There are plenty of guys in blue berets everywhere,
But I'm only waiting for you,
I congratulate you, my paratrooper, with love.

Airborne Forces Day, my dear, today you celebrate,
You are happy with your friends, and you just don’t notice me,
I'll go aside quietly, I won't show it,
But still, now I’m feeling resentful.

The landing party has a proud spirit of freedom,
But I missed you, I waited for you for two years!
Do you remember that the landing party knows how to cherish love,
Everyone is proud of his faithful girlfriend.

My best husband in the world,
Today is your holiday, beloved!
I’m proud of you, my paratrooper,
I can't bear to be without you!

I congratulate you on Airborne Forces Day,
With you it’s always cozy and warm,
I wish you today
May you always be lucky in everything!

Airborne Forces Day August 2, 2017: SMS congratulations to husband, brother, son, dad, beloved man. Airborne Forces Day, celebrated annually on August 2, is a national holiday. The whole country walks and has fun on this day. However, it is of particular importance for those who are directly involved or were previously involved in the airborne troops.

It is in honor of these men that fireworks will go off today. It is to them that words of gratitude and congratulations will be addressed today. If there is such a man in your circle, be sure to congratulate him.

"To my beloved husband"

My best husband in the world,
Today is your holiday, beloved!
I’m proud of you, my paratrooper,
I can't bear to be without you!

I congratulate you on Airborne Forces Day,
With you it’s always cozy and warm,
I wish you today
May you always be lucky in everything!


"Dear brother"

Today is the Airborne Forces holiday,
Solemn and decorous.
Brother from the heart
There are reasons to congratulate!

Brother, I wish you
Find great happiness in fate!
May everything you dream of happen
Always in your only power!

"To my beloved man"

On Airborne Forces Day, I hasten to congratulate
Beloved with all my heart.
I so want to praise from the heart
Male breadth of soul!

I wish you, my dear
From a life of titles and awards!
So that you find endless happiness,
Without encountering any obstacles on the way!


"To the son of a paratrooper"

Eagle, what a beauty to become!
It’s not for nothing that we raised you son!
On Airborne Forces Day, both my mother and I
We poured a glass for you!

And although you are cheerful and healthy,
And yet, in difficult times,
Come visit me and mom more often!
At least even with a parachute!

"To Dad the Paratrooper"

Hello, dear folder!
Our landing party!!!
Our pride, our honor,
Our brain and figure!

May we all be healthy!
He was always an example!
We love and honor you,
Our paratrooper is brave!


"To my paratrooper husband"

Today is the day of the Airborne Forces,
My eagle is walking!
All attention to friends
Doesn't notice me!

He hits the dishes on his forehead in anger,
Looking for a vest
And although I love him,
I'll prepare a plaque!!!


"To my beloved paratrooper"

Honey, it's your holiday,
Landing holiday!
You won't be reflected in your uniform!
You are so glamorous!!!

In the evening, don’t forget me
A song with a guitar,
It could be three, or it could be seven,
How long will the heat last?

"To my beloved dad"

Father, I congratulate you
From the landing in the afternoon, there is honor and rank in it!
And I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Be an example for all men!

Everyone is fascinated by inspiration,
When the soul seethes, lives,
As the main aspiration of life,
The motto “Airborne Forces, forward!”


"Dear Uncle"

Today, congratulations to my uncle,
And honor and glory are only for you!
There is a toast to courage, away from doubts,
After all, the day of the Airborne Forces has arrived!

And this holiday is a great occasion
Gather friends which year,
For everyone who is brave and young at heart,
Who our landing force is rightfully proud of!


"Uncle Paratrooper"

Uncle, I know, I haven’t forgotten,
You're talking about a glorious holiday!
Among other landings
For me you are the main one!

Congratulations, be healthy
And we wish the ladies!
So that I can set an example
I always love you to everyone!

You receive my congratulations.
I think you're very happy about him.
Son, you, of course, have known for a long time -
You are my favorite soldier in the world!
It’s hard for you far from your homeland,
And I really want to hug my mother again.
But what they require from you is not charisma,
And clean weapons, dig holes.
Well, this is a necessary thing in the army.
Without difficulties, porridge will not be tasty.
And I will wait so that my soul does not hurt,
If only there was no war in the world.
Beloved, protector, congratulations.
Be an honest and brave soldier, son.
And I only beg you for one thing -
Write to me more often, at least a couple of lines.

Soon you will become big and strong,
A big, strong man.
Soon you will serve Russia,
So let's pour some for that!
Get on the train and go fast
You go where there is a shortage of women.
And when you come back, you'll be muscular
You will become like a magnet for girls!
Show everyone there your character,
Be cheerful, brave and cheerful!
And serve with the passion of battle!
The army will be kinder to you!

This Conscript Day
A military man could only create
Like a call, I don’t understand
You can celebrate together.
Everyone is running away from that service
Where you can kill it right away
All health and all life
Not in a year, but only in an hour.
But you're a brave boy
So I decided not to mow
And you are one year old friend
I'll have to serve.
And today I love you
Congratulations, stay strong
You're a real man
Be encouraged and hold on.

Conscript service has its own motives:
Hardening, experience to make life easier...
Since you are subject to conscription,
You must decide this for yourself;
So defend your homeland vigorously
And serve her honestly, but for now
I sincerely congratulate you, guys,
Happy All-Russian Conscript Day!

Goodbye darling, for the whole year
Your homeland is calling you...
I will wait for you, dear
Write to you and wait for an answer
And remember every night
Farewell day is like a ray of light.

Paratroopers - blue berets,
You can handle any difficulty,
We are grateful and doubly grateful to you,
You are as vigilant in peacetime as in war.
Son, we congratulate you on Airborne Forces Day,
We wish you endurance, patience, willpower,
Let in the rain, blizzard and bad weather,
Your path is illuminated by the star of captivating happiness.

We are celebrating a wonderful holiday today,
Without losing either shape or shine,
You go to the parade, and everyone understands
The Russian Airborne Forces are the most important branch of the military.
Son, accept congratulations with all my heart,
May all your dreams come true,
Let every day bring inspiration,
Good luck, happiness and super mood.

Dear son, on Airborne Forces Day, I want to wish
Strive for your goals with dignity,
Avoid all crooked paths,
Just hurry forward on the flat.
May luck walk with you,
Let all bad weather avoid you,
May beautiful love come to you,
May the Lord always protect you.

The world is under control in your hands,
We sing glory to the paratroopers,
Day and night you are on duty,
Severely guard the state.
Today is the day Airborne Forces Russia notes
Congratulations to all fearless heroes,
Please accept congratulations from us, son,
May your dreams certainly come true.

Your service is dangerous, but so important,
You deserve respect, airborne troops,
Sometimes you pay with your life for silence,
You protect your homeland with honor.
Son, we sincerely wish you peace at the border,
New stars on the buttonhole,
Respect, awards and orders,
So that you can proudly say:
“I am always ready to serve Russia!”

Without you I flutter with a single wing,
When you fall down, I am like a stone behind you.
I'm looking for a calendar with that cherished date
On that date, when we can break into love.
But I know it's hard for you
Your service is not easy at all.
Congratulations on the triumph of the Airborne Forces.
Let the clouds open before you!

I'm letting you go today to celebrate
Your holiday of airborne warriors,
After all, you are men, truly children
And without entertainment, without vodka!
But you deserve this day, no doubt
I praise you and love you madly.
You are strong, strong, your loyalty is priceless.
I say these words from the heart!

Happy Airborne Forces Day to you, happy holiday of glory,
Courage, honor, stronghold of power,
Military valor, devoted friendship,
We wish you a peaceful and successful service,
Personal happiness, health, luck,
Well, have a great mood!

You proudly carry the banner of the airborne troops,
We are always ready to repel danger
In the name of a decision that is firmly accepted:
"Nobody except us!" Well, landing party, keep it up!

And heaven and earth have already submitted to you.
May all your dreams also be captured by you.
We wish that they fall into your hands
Luck and happiness from heaven above.

On your holiday, I wish you, brave paratrooper, great success, great health and soft landings! May all your plans come true, because I know that you can conquer any heights! Let your enemies fear you, let your friends be loyal, and let your wife be faithful and loving!

On Airborne Forces Day, I heartily congratulate you!
May your life be easy and carefree,
Let the sun sparkle from heaven with good light,
And you be lucky, happy and cheerful!
He takes the blue one for heroism,
Wear it with pride and optimism!

You inspire respect in people
And pride in the landing troops,
Let all your decisions be firm,
And the service is as easy as possible!

After all, the Airborne Forces are a special calling,
Few are given such an honor,
Let the trials be strong,
A soldier's life is full of them!

Happy Airborne Forces Day to you, valiant warriors, fighters, real men! May your courage, courage, and military skill leave no chance for enemies and problems, destroy barriers, help you win victories and conquer peaks. Happiness, peace and love to you!

I wish you strength and courage,
Be true to your word and oath,
Build muscle
Heartily root for the landing force,
Carry out any order
And to know: “No one but us.”

Happy Airborne Forces Day to you, warriors,
Mothers and fathers are proud of you,
Let it be bright, starry every hour,
A Heavenly Angel is protecting you.

We wish you health and victories,
Beautiful and blooming for many years,
Let the medals shine on your chest,
And the peaceful country sleeps peacefully!

Happy Airborne Forces Day! Wear with pride the blue beret you deserve for your courage and heroism, be calm in your soul and energetic in appearance, be friends with optimism and greet every sunrise with a smile, and every sunset with a feeling of happiness!

On Airborne Forces Day I wish you strength,
So that the angel in the sky protects
Achieve promotion in service
To be faithful to the oath and to friendship.

Guys, you are a brave team.
Fearless conquerors of the skies,
And in summer holiday glorious landing
We wish you delight and miracles!

In addition - energetic enthusiasm,
Success, brilliant victories
And peaceful heavenly space -
The same color as your beret!

I sincerely congratulate you on Airborne Forces Day! I wish that the dark stripes in your life are only on your uniform vest, and that the huge canopy of the parachute of love and care for your loved ones protects you from all problems and troubles.

I wish you to stand firmly on your feet,
And soaring in the clouds, but not twisted,
Charm a beautiful girl
Which will melt from your words!

Paratroopers, glory and honor to you,
On Airborne Forces Day, our congratulations to you,
May good luck always await you in life,
Great success and new aspirations.

We wish you victories on all fronts,
Wise, correct, error-free decisions,
Blooming, long and happy years,
Mutual feelings and joyful smiles!

Let your look be incredibly happy and courageous, your mood exceptionally positive and cheerful, your service surprisingly easy and successful, everyday life leading to achievements, holidays and weekends giving joy! Happy Airborne Forces Day!

Alina Ogonyok