We can create a mood for ourselves only by our own desire to have it. Happiness in the soul does not depend on anything or anyone. The desire to rejoice is inherent in us and therefore we ourselves can revive it. Make an effort on yourself, and life will answer you with a grateful smile.

Holidays are meant for people to enjoy.

This is a time-honored way to remember that life is good and living is good. But we are not always able to follow their laws. There are situations when nothing makes you happy, when problems and troubles overshadow everything, and there is no desire or incentive to have fun. The anticipation of the holiday no longer fills the soul with joy, and is perceived as a set of routine tasks and responsibilities. Meanwhile, it’s worth making a little effort, and life will improve, and the holiday world will be filled with love, happiness, a sense of unity with people and harmony with the world. Having truly touched the holiday, with all his being, thoughts, and feelings, a person comes to life. Because the weather in the soul depends only on ourselves.

Teach yourself to rejoice

The desire for joy is inherent in us and therefore, we ourselves can revive it if it is lost. There are many ways and motives for doing this, and everyone is free to choose their own path. First of all, you need to understand what exactly is stopping you from feeling positive?

Is it general fatigue, or apathy or personal and everyday troubles? All these are solvable problems that you will get rid of sooner or later anyway. What then? Try to determine to what extent your problems have affected the most important thing - the life and health of you and your family. Remember that your loved ones are next to you. And who doesn’t have problems and illnesses? Throw away all non-main problems and allow yourself to join the general flow of the pre-holiday mood.

Festive chores create a feeling of celebration

The very anticipation of the holiday is pleasant, and the pre-holiday chores will only create the necessary festive atmosphere. Creating a pre-holiday atmosphere is a job for which you need to roll up your sleeves. But don't carry everything on your shoulders. Distribute responsibilities in preparing for the holiday among all members of your family. Pre-holiday cleaning of the apartment is a mandatory attribute of preparation. In some incomprehensible way, cleanliness can have a positive effect on a person’s mood. Make a holiday program, select your favorite music, decorate your apartment in accordance with what holiday has arrived.

The best decoration for a holiday will be a harmoniously made bouquet, which will evoke a storm of positive emotions and add solemnity and chic to any event. Fresh flowers are created by nature itself to delight, give warmth and good mood.

Balloons will also convey the holiday atmosphere, awaken joyful emotions and make you smile. They are like greetings from childhood, they will fill positive emotions any celebration.

You can also create a holiday feeling with the help of themed songs, films, TV shows, books and cartoons. Choose according to your taste.

A real holiday requires serious preparation

It is absolutely unacceptable to leave all preparations until the last day. Haste will result in heavy workload, and fatigue can ruin any holiday. It is better to solve all practical issues in advance, having prepared everything as fully as possible for the upcoming delicious and carefree fun.

This will free you from unnecessary hassle on the last day and will allow you to prepare for the event in the best possible shape, since it will give you the opportunity to thoroughly deal with the most pleasant thing - issues of festive dressing and transforming yourself: into a prince or king - for men, into a queen - for women. Hairdressing, manicure, and cosmetic procedures will create the necessary special emotional holiday mood for girls and lift their spirits.

There are many holiday attributes that can create a festive mood. Especially pleasant: - a beautifully set table - delicious dishes - pleasant communication - gifts - drinking songs

You can use your favorite scents. The smell of orange, lemon, cocoa, apples with cinnamon, vanilla, rosemary and peppermint. Scented candles and oils will add a feeling of comfort, harmony to the holiday atmosphere, and awaken feelings of joy or nostalgia in you.

Music is a great mood lifter. The main thing is that she is dynamic and cheerful.

Let the holiday into your life

Run around the shops, buy groceries, gifts, holiday decorations, toilets, share your signature recipes and listen to them from others. Buy a gift for yourself. Something very desirable that you have long dreamed of.

Let the holiday into your soul. And be sure to congratulate, congratulate and congratulate! Expand your communication. Become kinder.

The general joyful pre-holiday mood unites, reconciles, sweeps away barriers and even eliminates hostility. Someone else's positive mood is sometimes capable of a miracle, which will help you find a wonderful and joyful holiday mood.

Force yourself to suddenly believe and feel that all troubles and troubles are in the past. Extend the holiday spirit. By giving positivity to the environment around us, we have the opportunity to receive in return a lot of good things that can make us happier, more successful, smarter.

A holiday is not a specific date on the calendar, it is a state of mind. Happy man shares the feeling of happiness with all the close people around him, and therefore the festive mood you created can be preserved and increased by sharing it with others. If you believe in yourself, then your efforts will certainly be rewarded, and this festive event will be remembered for a long time by both you and your guests.

Video: Morning after the holiday

A funny story of the morning after the holiday.

They give you the opportunity not only to enjoy life yourself, but, what is sometimes much more important, to please your family and friends. And you need to take advantage of every opportunity to color the picture of everyday life. So let the memories of our lives contain more pleasant moments associated with festive mood and the warmth that was given to us, and which we gave.

Celebrations of young people

From a young age we learn that there are a lot of holidays in life - birthday, Christmas, New Year, Defender of the Fatherland Day, and the red day of the calendar - March 8, Children's Day, and so on and so forth. Among them there are favorites and not so favorites, but the main thing is that they exist!

There are not just many holidays in the year, but a lot. While a person is young, this cannot but rejoice, since on holidays there is always something to do according to interests, especially with everyone possible options celebrate the holiday “properly.” Yes, so that later there will be something to remember with friends.

And there is one holiday that everyone likes - a wedding. This is where it’s good for everyone - the groom, the bride, and the guests. The people at the wedding with pleasure and meticulousness carry out all the necessary rituals of creating a new happy family.

Holidays for adults

As the years go by, among the holidays a few especially favorite ones stand out, which become personal or family ones and which, as a rule, coincide with a set of holidays from childhood.

Of course, the former excitement is no longer there, but this does not stop us from enjoying these days the opportunity to get together with friends, family, or go somewhere outdoors, to a restaurant, or even somewhere else, where they will professionally make us beautiful.

We celebrate obligatory holidays, but sometimes even sad ones - anniversaries, for example. Guests say a lot of good things (and after all the honest truth they say!), but we would be willing to wait for this occasion for a few more years.

Holidays that are always with us

Holidays brighten our lives. They stand out from everyday life as a bright event. The preparation for the holiday itself is a whole undertaking, which is not inferior in pleasure to the main event. What about the memories of him? – there is generally a reserve of emotions for many years. A wonderful opportunity to forever capture bright moments is to invite a photographer, excellent examples of the photographer’s work.

Holidays are our ticket to childhood, to the country Have a good mood, where miracles happen and await us in all their exciting joy. Getting everyone together for festive table, we find ourselves in a wonderful world where we don’t have to think about repaying loans, or rising prices, or troubles at work, or quarrels at home. All this has nothing to do with the holiday and therefore does not concern us. Spend your favorite holidays with your family, rejoice, have fun and be happy!

A peculiar title for an article, isn’t it?

One person prompted me to write this article a beautiful woman who came to individual program"new me". This beautiful, unusually tender and sensitive woman, but lifeless and almost transparent, unnoticeable, disappearing, ghostly, and she is not the only one, who are then filled with colors and begin to feel the taste of life again! They just come to this program in a very, to put it mildly, tired state))).

Are you familiar with the condition? "stranger" at the celebration of life?

Or an outcast among his own?

Or a white crow in a flock of gray ones?

Or an ugly duckling in a flock of swans who has forgotten that he is also a swan?

Are you familiar with such a wonderful word “impossible”, “you are behaving terribly”, “this is bad”?

And such phrases as “you need to share”, “you can’t take someone else’s”, “it’s a shame to ask”, “don’t impose yourself”, “stop doing this”, “it’s bad to be arrogant”, etc.

Do you know the state when life passes behind a mirror glass, when you see life, but life does not see you, because you are in the looking glass, you are not there, you exist only to satisfy the needs of others?

Funny picture. It would be fun if it weren't sad.

In consultations, I communicate with wonderful creatures, beautiful, loving, caring, unique, gentle, creative, affectionate women who are affected by this “living ghost” virus and are packed in a spacesuit “I am myself, I am independent, I am strong,” but the forces are like... then they leave, the joy fades, the desire to live on zero indicators.

If you take off your space suit (armor, protective masks) - there is a ghost there, how can a ghost live in its earthly incarnation? A spacesuit is needed, otherwise disappearance, not dissolution in bliss and pleasure, but precisely disappearance. A woman is afraid, physically, mentally, emotionally, to take off her spacesuit, because she dreams that she is nothing without this mask, she has no value except her ability to survive, this world does not need her, without her willpower, perseverance and hard work.

When a woman early childhood undermined the psyche with all sorts of prohibitions, lack of attention, reproach, reproaches, the conviction that one must deserve something, not want anything, not ask for anything, work at work, work around the house, work on raising children, work in the country, work for the good. ..I just want to say it for the benefit of “social idiocy.”

The female psyche has characteristics in comparison with the male one. A man is naturally given an Ego, and men are also subject to distortion, but the female psyche is more stable. For example, it is permissible for a man to live in unfavorable conditions, it is important for him to act, and a man may not suffer from the external environment if everything is in order with his determination and responsibility, but for a woman, if she grew up in an unfavorable environment and an unfavorable emotional climate, it is more difficult to restore her psyche, because it is more stable. That is, a woman changes more slowly inside, but if she has changed, it has changed thoroughly. It’s easier for a woman to change her goals, place of residence, type of activity - if there is a solid masculine energy. Men have a simpler attitude towards the environment, but are more reliable and thorough in their goals; it is as if they do not waste themselves on trifles. And for us women, these little things are more important than global goals. So if we don’t feel good now, we definitely won’t feel good later. A man may not feel well emotionally now, but if he takes a vector and moves in a given direction, his condition will change to good, very good and simply great.

Taking into account the evolutionary distortions in the current world, the understanding and feeling of these nuances, which make up the global state of life, the economy, the state of health and happiness, and so on, have become somewhat distorted.

How from the divine loving creation “woman” a “living ghost” or “everything destroying devil” is created, with the feeling "stranger" at the celebration of life?

1. Through comparative phrases and assessment, you are like this, but Masha... The child immediately feels his inferiority, remembers that in order for mom (dad, brother, matchmaker) to like her and receive positive attention, she needs to imitate someone who is better. In this version, everything is better, anyone is better than herself. The brain saves this program to receive attention, which is our need.

2. Through prohibitions without explanation with a clearly dissatisfied (aggressive, dismissive) facial expression: “you can’t, stop, stop doing this, don’t touch, don’t go, don’t meddle, don’t ask so many questions, go there, don’t interfere,” in general, any communication , which seems to say “disappear, become invisible, quiet, non-existent.” The child perceives and forms a neural network, which is carried into adulthood: “I must be transparent, quiet, inconspicuous, not want anything, not ask for anything, not attract attention,” and in adult life a woman wonders why she is “invisible” both to men and to money and opportunities. Or "visibility" for inappropriate men who cause pain, use; "visibility" for busy men; “visibility” for problems and financial losses, “visibility” for work where you have to work hard for the benefit of the people. For the good of the people, who simply don’t give a damn about this sweet woman who believed that she was an outcast, because the mass of the people are in approximately the same state, where no one cares about everyone, but everyone reassures themselves with the idea of ​​​​the highest good and sacrificing themselves for good.

3. Through communication, in which one way or another the girl is given the understanding and conviction that everything in the world is not hers: “taking someone else’s property is not good,” “asking to play is bad,” “going to visit strangers is not decent,” “ It’s not good to boast in front of other people’s children,” etc. The child develops the perception that “I can only get in the way,” “everything in the world is foreign and I need to earn it somehow, through meeting the expectations of other people who are the sources of what I need,” “I can’t do anything myself, I you can only follow someone so that this someone allows me to have what I want”, “my money is not in the world at all, it is at work, other people have it and I need to correspond to someone or something- then to use money”, “my man in the world, there are only those to whom I need to adapt and come to terms with the fact that life is like this”, “there is no home in the world, there is only a house where they can invite me” and etc.

All these moments are traumatic when there are no explanations. The female psyche has been receptive since childhood, a girl will easily accept everything if you calmly explain it to her, without restrictions, and by directing her attention to the fact that this is possible, but there are consequences, the female body will immediately strategically feel the scale of the tragedy and simply refuse the unfavorable choice of behavior. When we are presented with restrictions, and the nuance of the female embodiment is that we are energetically immeasurable, we are the living space itself, when this space is driven into the corridor, the female creative force is transformed into destructive. Destruction begins with an emotional internal state, if a girl or woman is already accustomed to ignoring her feelings and sensations as something useless, meaningless and inappropriate. worth a look, destruction continues into the world, affecting relationships with those closest to us, family, relatives, men, friends, colleagues, people in general, matter, money, work, God, the universe and the woman falls into loneliness, not understanding what is wrong with her and why everyone abandoned her when she loves life and people. Loving is in the nature of the female incarnation, but when the female essence is affected by the virus of guilt, refusal, exclusion from life, the essence gradually turns into the state of a devil (this is figurative, so that the scale of the tragedy can be clearly seen). At the conscious level, a woman thinks creatively and wishes everyone happiness, peace and love (because this is inherent as a mandatory state of female incarnation), and in the subconscious of a woman, completely different information and memory is stored, which controls behavior and radiates hostility into the world.

And we know that if a predator feels fear or hostility, it attacks. And now the woman does nothing but defend herself from a dangerous, hostile world, not understanding what she has done, over the years this gets worse, fear grows and, as a result, the radiation of hostility intensifies and the world attacks with a new wave of destruction. Of course, the world merely serves as a reflection of a woman’s emotional charge, and not as a self-sufficient element itself.

4. Through direct accusation or hidden dissatisfaction with appearance (ridicule, ridicule, obvious criticism), manifestation of feelings (ridicule, ridicule, ignoring, condemnation of innocence, naivety, gullibility, emotionality, joy, openness, etc.), behavior with others and in the world at large. Again, we are talking about when the child is not explained, but is simply diagnosed or accused in a harsh, rude manner with an emotional overtone. The child’s brain forms a neural network, “I’m guilty, it’s a shame to be like this, it’s shameful to show myself like that, I look terrible like that, I have to be better, I have to fit in, I have to do everything perfectly, I have to deserve to correct what I’ve done, what didn’t please someone,” etc. And with this program, a woman goes out into a world where she always corrects herself, finds fault, considers everyone better than herself, belittles herself out of the blue, sees nothing beautiful in herself, and exaggeratedly idealizes everything in others, then becomes disappointed, because the brain is adequate and with Over time, the rose-colored glasses fall off, etc. In general, it’s still a song.

5. Through condemnation of self-expression without explanation: I broke something, spilled something during my first attempts to cook something, damaged some material assets while exploring the world, broke my knee while trying out myself as a monkey in a tree, broke something , painted wallpaper, mastering my artistic skills, etc. flew into the corner, belt, refusal to communicate without explanation, dissatisfied facial expression, neglect. The child forms a neural network, and this is a behavior program that says “I can’t try something that interests me.” In adult life, such women ask questions of “losing oneself,” lack of desires, “I don’t know what I want,” “nothing makes me happy,” “I don’t want to go to work, I tried a lot, but nothing stuck,” “what is my purpose ", "what is my mission", "what should I do so that it brings pleasure" - but how can you know what you like with such a program, if the interest itself is blocked "like a dangerous state", the brain gradually becomes full of interest, curiosity, cheerfulness, inspiration it just blocks in its infancy, because it’s bad. And then the result: “there is no joy in life”, “wishes are not fulfilled”, “no energy”, “libido has dropped”, “orgasm I don’t know what it is and how to eat it”, “imagination only works to create problems” , “intuition only works as a premonition of trouble and something bad,” and so on.

But as? Interest in childhood is suppressed, activity and curiosity are prohibited, in comparison with others, “I am wretched”, you need to walk at attention, within a strictly designated 2 meters; do not touch, do not want, do not dream, do not enjoy any of the material goods; to honor other people, to share with everyone and not to ask anything from anyone; to help everyone, but not to accept help itself - this is already an imposition or humiliation; smile at everyone, and hide suffering and pain behind a steel mask of equanimity; to take out, to be persistent, to be able to do everything, but not to want anything, to wish the best for everyone, but not to accept anything for oneself.

A kind of magic box that gives and distributes everything to everyone, does not accept anything for itself, is not noticeable, is very convenient in everyday life, modestly eats what they give, drinks what I pour, sleeps where it lays you down, says thank you to everyone, altruism in its purest form. Not so. A woman is gifted by nature and the universe - this is true, the possibilities of both men and women are limitless, but it is worth considering the fact that this is when a woman has learned her worth, feels love in herself, lives in a state of peace and inspires her with her presence alone to achieve feats .

And when a woman has learned from early childhood that she is unwanted, wretched, in the way, inconspicuous, ugly, incapable, then oh how difficult it is for her to transform these distortions. And energy is in full swing, the female body is connected through the uterus and belly with the very energy of the earth, and these whirlwinds, instead of creating beauty and gardens of love, gain destructive power and destroy everything around the owner of the female body. And the woman herself suffers from this, but at the same time the woman is sensitive and emotional, and reasonable arguments are not easy for everyone. It should also be taken into account that women’s attention is first on local tasks, and then they go to a large-scale level, while men’s focus is the opposite. So, if a woman is unhappy about going out into the world, there is no talk of going out into the world, because dissatisfaction with herself grows, nagging, criticism turns into illness, etc. And if at 20-30 the energetic fuse of youth and adventurism is still active, then after that it begins to fade, dry up, and there is less and less strength, and the world becomes grayer, and money does not come, and men no longer pay attention, etc.

And there seems to be a lot of information, and everything seems to be known: “manage your attention in the direction of what you want, enjoy life and create.” Not so.

Firstly, in order to control your attention in the direction of what you want, a condition is necessary: ​​to know what you want. And there is a problem with this, because many have suppressed the waning of interest and the woman really simply cannot feel what she wants. And given that a woman reads emotions and emotional states more clearly than men, she looks around, and it begins to seem to her that she wants what a person does or has, who is happy, who is successful, who is loved, who is happy. But the mind focuses on the external vision of reality, remembering the external picture, while the need is for a state of joy, lightness, pleasure. And the Woman mistakenly begins to do what one very attractive lady is doing, mistakenly believing that she was attracted by the activity, and not by the condition of this lady.

Secondly, we can control attention in a calm, neutral state; in a negatively charged state, volitional control of attention towards what we want only generates greater resistance, due to which bad things happen faster than good things have time to hatch.

Third stone: for creation you need loyalty, devotion, commitment to yourself, your heart, soul, God, the Highest aspect, in general, something that eternally exists and does not disappear, and this is mental and emotional stability. And given the above examples, there can be no talk of a stable psyche and a stable emotional background, the woman is simply overwhelmed with doubts, anxieties, in order to somehow relax she earns some attention, or finds some options for relaxation and entertainment, after herself successfully scolds and again “I myself, I do everything myself”, the stand-up endures losses, the stand-up endures trials, convincing herself that she is strong and can handle everything, but there is less and less faith in these words, after which she convinces herself that she just has to somehow live and take care of yourself, your family, your children, your husband, homeless animals... and this is a song without beginning and end.

Valuable? Maybe. Is it possible that it’s reasonable?

I agree, perhaps it turned out somewhat harshly and bluntly, but honestly it hurts, it boils when you see the potential packed into a doomed heavy body with a dissatisfied sad lifeless look, and yet the heart still beats in her and love and intelligent life live. The scale of delusion sometimes amazes how much a woman, the most beautiful creation, can see herself in a distorted, ugly, wretched version. And she firmly believes that she is a lost person with no chance of happiness.


amazingly beautiful!

creatively magical!




charming and attractive!

sensitive and sensual!

incredibly durable and strong!

uniquely amazing!

economical and skillful!

wise and knowledgeable!

mighty and mighty!

I appeal to you, stop beating yourself up and looking for yourself in the outside world and filling your gaping holes from pain with something from the outside world, this is temporary filling.

Just stop!

Stop for a moment and feel your heart - it is still beating, feel your body - it is still breathing!

Raise your hands - they're still moving!

Jump up - you have legs!

And just realize that you are capable of miracles and it’s easy to make a holiday out of your life!

By redirecting your attention to yourself.

Yes, I’m not talking about the fact that there is a magic pill and you “oops” and wake up free and happy. Yes, there are nuances, yes, you need to first of all pay attention to yourself, and not to others out of habit, yes, you should cleanse your body and consciousness of destructive and self-destructive programs, yes, you will have to work hard and relax and allow your body to heal, recover and replenish, but you will have to rebuild and get used to the fact that enjoying life is natural, but suffering is unhealthy, and your cheekbones may hurt at first from the smile that flows from your lips and your eyes. But life is worth it, and you are worthy of all your wildest dreams, because for a woman, audacity is to be beautiful, contented, loved, to enjoy family happiness, to do what you love and to enjoy material trinkets, beautiful things, travel and other little things and in this we love the whole world. A woman does not need to correct the world, she heals it from the inside with generously radiated love, gratitude for happiness and joy and enjoyment of beauty and harmony!

After all, you don’t tell the world that you want Mars and Venus to change places?

I doubt that a plan is brewing in your head to conquer the neighboring continent and enslave the local population?

And you certainly don’t dream of coming up with some kind of crap that will control someone’s consciousness, and you will have fun with it.

A woman is simply not capable of such dreams. But with prolonged suppression of herself and her nature, a woman may well be visited by vengeful and destructive ideas - but even this should be accepted as a consequence of a cruel attitude towards herself.

A woman is created for love - allow yourself to love life and enjoy the care of the world.

A woman’s strength lies in tenderness and affection, and not in the ability to give orders or a strong-willed character.

The beauty of a woman is in her condition, and not in her appearance, appearance is given by nature, and the radiation and radiance of her eyes is a loving open heart, flowing and sparkling.

And the world does not need a housekeeper, but you as a woman, a creator, the energy of love and fertility!

Don't you miss yourself?

The one you feel like under masks and spacesuits, maybe it’s time to live it?

Scary? Hurt? Risky?

What if you don't try?

Who else will take the risk besides you?

Direct all your “I myself”, “I know”, “I can” - to that simple step of “becoming yourself”, despite the fact that when you were not understood by someone; not accepted, rejected, offended, expelled from family traditions and are devoted to family or public shame or censure, or simply someone hurt you because of their inability to open you up, to love you, is this past worth your present? opportunities to live and love now? Are the painful memories and disappointments worth the safe prison built by mistrust and detachment?

What if there is no other life?

Find time for yourself right now and write:

Why do you love yourself

What is your inner beauty, external beautiful features, parts (of the body), focus on this, every day, several times a day

What do you like to give, not what you owe, but what you like to give to this world, to people, from what you expand, from what you feel satisfaction

What makes you smile, what awakens joy in you (pictures, events, situations, films) smile and learn to create a holiday yourself

What gives you a feeling of care and peace

Remind yourself of your values, focus on your victories, successes, what you can do easily and simply

Don’t get lost in the hustle and bustle, don’t waste yourself in the flywheel of the matrix world, develop awareness

You are able to live and create without getting involved in the games of “powerful” and “owning”

Remind yourself that joy is not in possession, but in love and enjoyment.

Remind yourself that your strength is tenderness and love, leave competition and law-shaking and asserting your borders and territories, enjoy and smile, give your light, splash with your sensual colors, create forms and events with your mind, and fill with love

After all, you always have someone to love - at least you yourself and do it every day. Ne times, and every day when you wake up, accept another one as a gift from a loving world.

Hug your loved ones and just enjoy the same breath, there are no loved ones, find someone you like to hug, a friend, a neighbor, a girlfriend, a friend’s husband, a child on the street - just as a human being, to feel the warmth from your own kind, and not danger and hostility and feel how your heart relaxes and how your protective armor weakens

Go to the shore of the sea, river, lake, just into the forest, into the mountains, into the desert, feel the world, the earth, the Universe, feel yourself in the silent silence of love, enjoy this living silence

Start enjoying yourself, start enjoying your body, abilities (singing, dancing, cooking, speaking...), start enjoying the fact that you are life, you are alive, existing, feeling, loving, enjoying, caring, beautiful - and much more.

Start with yourself, and the world will catch up, people will meet, opportunities will appear, just start, take a step towards, and the Universe and God will find a way to support you, cheer you up, inspire you, please you, make you happy, gift you, the main thing is to be ready to accept))).

I love you!

To develop feminine energy, take training " Woman is a world of amazing pleasure " or " My Path to Wealth ".

To restore connection with the world of matter, goods, money, take the training " MYTH " or " Life with money ".

These trainings are designed to change both the internal state (hormonal, emotional background), and the state of thinking, to develop new, more relevant neural networks, expanding the perception of the world, and not concreting previous protective programs.

In order to clarify some details and nuances, or to structure your existing chaotic knowledge, you can simply take a Skype consultation.

To train your thinking, you can always take coaching.

And for especially severe cases, when the clearing is no longer visible at all, you can go through the “New Me” transformation program. Not everyone is eligible for this program, so I will first conduct an introductory consultation, during which we clarify your readiness: “you are very tired of suffering” or “still in the zone of acceptable suffering.”

This is the feeling "stranger" at the celebration of life, life peeked through the peephole of others, fulfilled desires from acquaintances who did not ask for anything, but received everything - this is simply the pain of guilt and distorted perception from the past, on which experience is layered, the brain records year after year, the memory of the past is strengthened and, as a result, the conviction of one’s doom is concreted and becomes the only real one, and everything else is dubious tales of those who are more fortunate, and your joy in life fades away, your heart beats humbly without a feeling of love, meaning periodically disappears, you don’t feel any desire for anything like that, but there is a need to eke out existence, to live out your life century, etc.

You have the power to change this and choose a healthy state of love, happiness and prosperity!

And if you were able to create your own hell, then you are just as capable of creating your own paradise!

One adult, wealthy man spoke about the most significant New Year in his life. “It was in the army, no money, no food. My friend and I had a hard time finding a can of stew. It became a dish, a snack, and a drink. But I have never had such an amount of joy and intimate conversations, a feeling of freedom and happiness as that night.” A holiday is about introducing people to each other, and not about the narcissism of everyone in a group of people. People share their joy, the abundance of their soul, their happiness or event. This one is given to invited guests and fills them. If there is nothing to share, as a rule, guests leave with nothing, even worse, devastated.

No everyday life - no holiday. If you eat cake every day, dress smartly, allow yourself everything you want, then how will the holiday differ from an ordinary day? A holiday is a milestone, a line that sums up the next period of life. The holiday must be earned, it must be achieved, without labor and self-restraint - this is impossible to do. These statements may not seem attractive to some. But then how can you feel it differently? The worst thing today is for children who have everything and in excess. They simply have nothing to strive for. So the parents come up with something else to do to surprise the child.

The soul of each of us is called to joy, but for some reason we increasingly choose its surrogates and strive for a holiday, after which it takes us a long time to come to our senses and physically recover. Maybe then we shouldn’t call it a holiday? Anticipating a celebration, we usually expect gifts. There used to be a proverb: “If you love gifts, love gifts.” It would be great if our guests did not leave us empty-handed. Then a piece of the holiday and our soul will come to the house of our friends. When you give gifts to others, you experience an extraordinary feeling of joy, it is greater than what arises when they give to us. And you can learn this! First we will have to force ourselves to give, and then we ourselves will want to experience this feeling again and again.

It is believed that people who do not know how to rest and disconnect from work do not know how to fully devote themselves to work and achieve good results in it. There was a long period in our family when there were so many events and affairs that we only had time to state their fact. Only later did I realize how much we had robbed ourselves of joy, of understanding what was happening, of stopping for the opportunity to replenish ourselves. It is better to celebrate the holiday with loved ones and kindred spirits. Especially if we feel empty or unsettled inside. These people will be able to warm us with their love and breathe strength into us. What can you find a reason to rejoice in? In the blue sky above your head, in the fact that you are still alive, not sick, you have arms and legs, people who care about you and those who need you... There are actually so many reasons that it becomes a shame that we stopped seeing and appreciating them.

I wish us all so much joy that it would be enough not only for us, but also for all the people around us!

Celebrating New Year life: how to celebrate your birthday in an original way with friends.

Birthday is special holiday. As children we look forward to it, and in adulthood we often think about the transience of time. But still, this holiday needs to be celebrated in order to take stock, relax, have fun and start the new year of your life with a clean slate.

Seasons: how to celebrate your birthday in an original way

Nature itself gives us ideas on how to celebrate holidays. See for yourself.

  1. If it’s snowing outside, you can go out with a cheerful group to build snowmen and make a snowy town. After this, a festive lunch or dinner is served. At the end of the holiday, you can play snowballs, go sledding and take pictures in the snow.
  2. On a fine summer day, it is best to go outdoors. If there is a body of water nearby, this is only an advantage. Fresh air, pleasant shade, the sound of water - what else do you need for relaxation? Active outdoor games will fill the holiday with joy and fun. The menu can be quite simple: guests will eat baked potatoes and sausages roasted over a fire with a huge appetite.
  3. On rainy days in early spring or late autumn, it is difficult to come up with something original. The holiday will have to be organized at home. But for this case there are many options.

As you can see, the holiday can be made memorable and original in any case.

How to celebrate a birthday in an original way: a hiking trip

If your area has beautiful nature, it would be a sin not to take advantage of this opportunity. With your closest friends you can organize a real camping trip with all the necessary equipment. The itinerary can include:

  • swimming in the lake;
  • fording the river;
  • tree climbing;
  • fishing;
  • photo hunt for local animals;
  • walks along forest paths;
  • exploration of gorges and gullies.

Such a busy day needs to end with a romantic dinner in nature with a bonfire and songs with a guitar.

How to celebrate a birthday at home in an original way?

If you want to celebrate your holiday quietly and calmly, do not invite all your acquaintances and friends. Spend this day with your parents and remember the bright times of your childhood. Your parents will be grateful to you for such a gift.