How can a woman maintain the image of a feminine, attractive, confident and self-sufficient woman? In this article we will talk about masculine and feminine energy!

Explore your masculine and feminine energy

It turns out that it is easier to survive from male energy: it is easier to find a job, earn money, achieve goals, somehow protect yourself, make your way in this world, fight.

This is the energy that allows you to survive. And, of course, the fact that our civilization is now more focused on the male type of existence also produces results. There is a certain attitude that men are something more valuable and more important in society than women’s, male strength is valuable, it’s great, but female softness and flexibility is something not very good.

Because of this, from childhood we begin to give greater priority and greater value to our masculine qualities. This really helps to protect yourself and survive, but it does not allow you to fully feel relaxed, calm, and confident.

What energy do you live from?

Just start thinking about what has to do with masculine energy and what has to do with feminine energy. And the most important thing is to start separating this within yourself. If you walk down the street using your masculine energy, what kind of gait will you have? And if you consciously move with feminine energy, what will your gait be like? What will be the internal sensations?

Explore it. More often than not, in my experience, women begin to discover that they are living with masculine energy. Once they decided that it was easier, simpler, more effective, and they continue to use only this energy, even saying: “I don’t understand, in a feminine way - how is that?”

Of course, we need to harmoniously develop all qualities - both masculine and feminine, but, nevertheless, if we are women, then our priority is to choose feminine energy. We can turn on the men's room at any time if we have already received it good development and we know how to use it. It is more important for us to realize our feminine energy.

What are the criteria for feminine and masculine energy?

There is a traditional understanding of how it should be, but in general, each person’s male and female energy is still different in essence, in quality, in content. Let's say there is a lot of softness, flexibility, tenderness, and smoothness in feminine energy.

When a woman connects with her feminine nature, feels her belly, lives from the depths, then a certain chaoticity, spontaneity, intuitiveness, calmness, and relaxation are more manifested in her. All qualities of feminine energy appear when a woman feels protected. By the way, this does not depend on the presence of a man, it depends on her attitude to the world.

If she feels that the world is benevolent and protective, then the qualities of her feminine energy will begin to manifest. There is a lot of creativity and creation in feminine energy, feminine energy always nourishes, wants to take care of someone, give, fill, do something for another, feed, create space, create an atmosphere.

Why is it important to distinguish between masculine and feminine energy?

Feminine energy creates intangible things, it creates a space filled with light, joy, warmth. A woman is at home, where a man comes and feels that he is entering a certain space created by the energy of a woman. In this space he relaxes, rests, because the atmosphere itself is soft, soothing, inspiring and filling!

Male energy is more focused on creating material objects, values, protection, achieving goals, and overcoming some obstacles. Both feminine and masculine energies are both strong, it’s just that this strength is different. It happens that a person’s male energy is calmer, but progressive, thanks to which he still achieves his goal, while female energy can be very powerful, enveloping, creative.

This division is important for us in order to be more aware, to show more of our feminine qualities.

You can start by consciously deciding to reveal your feminine energy, feel it, manifest it, find out what it is like. And when the decision is made in consciousness, information begins to flow in, some hints, signs, ideas begin to hover around you, and you begin to understand what it is.

I remember that it was a big question for me - what is she like, my inner woman, how does she want to express herself, what is it like to be feminine? At first I played it, pretending to be soft, smooth, flexible, calm, and then I really felt my nature.

How to get feminine energy from the depths

One of simple ways- this is to start breathing with your stomach. There are many trainings related to the revelation of femininity, and one of the elements that is used there is working with the energy of the uterus, with breathing into the belly.

You can use any of the ideas: someone starts to do everything more slowly, someone wears skirts, someone tries to speak more slowly and less and deliberately chooses a soft intonation. Someone chooses Eastern dance to catch the movement of your feminine energy.

The methods may be different, the main thing is to have this goal. Look for yours, the main thing is to understand that you have your completely unique feminine energy, rich, interesting, and that beautiful beautiful woman who grows from this feminine energy - she is truly wonderful.

If a woman begins to boldly show her feminine energy, feel and express it creatively, ideas come into her head on how to dress, how to speak, how to look – some kind of push comes from within, feminine energy is very intuitive.

Why are we afraid to express our femininity?

Many women have been scared since childhood, they closed themselves off, hid their femininity because it was dangerous. Some events happened in childhood, or in adolescence, or in young adulthood, when men showed aggression, reacted to femininity, to sexuality, and some painful situations occurred.

Many women think that if they show femininity, they will either be weak or become a victim of violence, that everyone will attack them and want to use them. These are all mistakes, and when you understand that you have enough strength, the ability to defend yourself, cope - developed masculine qualities, then you can definitely allow yourself to be feminine, soft, vulnerable.

For me personally this is what it was feminine quality, which I began to reveal - to be sensitive and vulnerable, not to pretend that everything is fine with me, that I am iron, that I can handle it, but to allow my feelings to flow with this tenderness, subtlety, to be vulnerable. For me, a step into femininity is allowing yourself to be afraid of something, to be sad about something, to spontaneously rejoice, to be touching, sensitive, very sensitive.

To be continued...

Irina Petrova

Lead trainer of GRC-Relationship Centers.

For over 15 years she has been conducting trainings on creating personal relationships and leadership.

A woman (yin) is essentially a mirror. Just like a mirror, it has the ability to reflect. When interacting with a man, a woman tends to sense his sexual desire, know his fantasies, and even understand his secret (repressed) feelings. Suppressed - this means that he himself sometimes does not understand and does not know about them. However, women often think that it is they themselves who experience all these feelings, have all these desires, and they are completely unable to distinguish between what is theirs and what is not theirs.

The more yin energy a woman has, the more her ability to reflect is reproduced. One of the properties of yin is the purification of yang, and in Russian, a woman can help a man cleanse himself and become better, achieve his masculine destiny and complete self-realization. Many treatises have been written about this secret of the work of female energy, but it remains unclear at what point does an ordinary earthly woman begin to possess these mystical abilities?

The answer is very simple: the more initially feminine energies a woman has, given to her from birth or found through understanding and feminine practices, the more she can cope with the two functions described above, regardless of whether she understands it or not. Feminine purity plays an important role in helping your man cleanse himself.

Feminine purity is purity of the heart, truly open anahata and clean energy channels. The energy channels that are attached to the central spinal column are sushumna, ida and pingala. In our world, little is known about the ability for female hypersensitivity, and few people were taught in childhood that what is experienced and felt is not always her own sensation and experience, that a woman can find these sensations and experiences just out of the blue. And, moreover, they didn’t teach us how to get rid of it and cleanse ourselves from it.

One of good ways called female breathing - this is an inhalation through the uterus, carrying out (lifting) through the internal channels to anahata - and exhaling any experience that has already been transformed into love, into the universe. By practicing this type of breathing, the female system very quickly clears itself of everything that has accumulated in passing or on purpose.

It is through this kind of breathing that a woman cleanses a man.

And the second important condition for a woman’s purity is the purity of her understanding of what is happening. It is not enough to just have knowledge; it is important to be able to apply it in time.

Example: a beloved man comes home, and a woman feels dissatisfied with him for... (and then she herself comes up with why. The woman will think that she is dissatisfied with her husband or man, and will be afraid to express anything to him, closing the emotion in herself.

This behavior is very dangerous for a woman, because, in the end, so much garbage will accumulate in her that she will explode into a scandal, and, having done this repeatedly, will lead her couple to break up. But then, realizing that silence is also not the best option, a woman, having discovered such dissatisfaction, tries to immediately express it to her beloved man, thereby leading him to a feeling of guilt or simply running into a scandal. Many men, when you simply express your emotions to them, feel very strong feeling guilt, feelings of worthlessness or helplessness, and they cannot withstand such experiences. AND, worse than that, they rarely understand this, so in order to stop a woman’s outburst of emotions and stop feeling, they scream, which again leads to a gap in communication and the inability for a woman to share her experiences. It turns out to be a rather vicious circle: you should not remain silent - this leads to diseases, and sometimes quite severe ones; it is impossible to speak because there is no one to listen, and this causes deep painful experiences in the partner. What to do?

Knowing the nature of a woman, it is important to learn to understand what feels different. When a woman feels dissatisfied with a man or something else, most likely the man himself is already dissatisfied with himself, his day is not going well - this is what he is hiding from you. His emotion is not yours. A woman, having felt this emotion inside, can breathe it through her feminine channel, and give the man acceptance and love in this difficult experience.
The man himself will not notice how this emotion will disappear inside, and he will recover more easily, he will have enough strength to find a solution or cope with the situation. When his unpleasant experience goes away and disappears, you, the woman, will also stop feeling dissatisfied with your man.

This is precisely a woman’s way of giving support to her loved one, and not looking for a solution for him or giving him advice, showing that he is not capable of anything on his own. This is how a man usually perceives the help that a woman directly tries to give him. Even if a woman’s advice is good, a man can rarely use it, due to the triggering mechanism of his powerlessness and the idea that he himself is not capable of anything. And instead of gratitude, the woman will again receive a man who rejects all her efforts. When a woman gives acceptance and love in a difficult situation, it adds strength to a man, and he finds a way out of the situation. His masculine status and the feeling of being able to solve any issue increase, which leads to an increase in male solar energy and an increase in self-confidence. The woman is at the same time responsible and strong man next gets.

Therefore, knowing that a woman is a mirror, first of all, helps to correctly decipher and understand your feelings and experiences. Feminine purity is the purity of knowing about oneself and oneself without interaction. Knowing the flow of your thoughts, your impulses, your feelings. Therefore, it is important for a woman to be alone with herself in nature, walking alone. All this allows you to disconnect from all “not Your” feelings, emotions and experiences. For a woman, this is a way to get clean. Then, knowing yourself, you can begin to distinguish what is reflected and learn to understand it correctly.

There is one more important point: cleansing and mirroring are the abilities and functions of feminine energy. A man cannot do this for a woman. Yang energy does not have such abilities. A man can direct a woman to cleanse herself, since a man is her support for a woman. It is easy for a woman to carry out the will of her beloved, especially if it is directed for her good. And so the man helps her understand herself, but she can only do this herself. It is not easy for a woman to switch from caring for everyone to caring for herself, to devote time to herself, but this is the most important part of recovery in a feminine way (cleansing, returning to a sense of self. Part of a woman’s purpose is love, peace and acceptance, calmness in any situation.

So, the purity of a woman is the ability to understand herself, the ability not to stick together with all the feelings and emotions that she experiences, but to clean them out, knowing her feminine nature; it is also the purity of love and the work of women's energy channels. This is what leads to the launch of transformation processes in a couple. A woman may not know this, and if she has enough feminine energy, then everything will work in an automatic, intuitive mode.

When a man tries to purge a woman instead of her or for her, he only accumulates negative emotions that he is unable to work through because they are no longer his personal, and thus he destroys his masculine nature. Male and female energies are opposite to each other in nature, and this causes many contradictions between the sexes. Without knowledge about the other, there is no way to understand him. The opposition of functions and tasks determines different functioning of the psyche and worldview.

Male and female energies - features and functions.

Yang (conventionally masculine:

  • - Action.
  • - Choice.
  • - Solution.
  • - Determination.
  • - Activity.
  • - Management.
  • - Planning.
  • - Composure.
  • - Give protection, a feeling of security.
  • - Reliability.
  • - Correspondence to the given word.
  • - Focus on the goal.

Yin (conventionally feminine:

  • - Inaction.
  • - The ability to wish unselfishly.
  • - Intention.
  • - Creation.
  • - Peace.
  • - Adoption.
  • - Focus on the process.
  • - Faith.
  • - Unconditionality.
  • - Confidence.
  • - Kindness.
  • - Care.
  • - Purity.

These are the original functions of male (solar) and female (lunar) energies. Accordingly, in male and feminine energies absolutely various ways recruitment and recovery.

Of course, we are all very different. But, having been born in one body or another (male or female), part of one's destiny is to simply be oneself.

A woman's energy is directly opposite to a man's. This is lunar energy. Unlike solar energy, which heats and burns, lunar energy cools and calms. The woman's gaze is oriented inward. The only source of happiness for a woman is successful relationships - with her husband, with children, with friends, with parents. And although in our time women themselves sometimes shoulder men’s responsibilities for making money and career self-realization on their fragile shoulders, deep inside a woman cannot become happy, having conquered even the steepest peak of business, if at the same time she is unhappy in the family.

Lunar energy gives a woman the necessary strength to fulfill her feminine responsibilities of preserving the family, caring for loved ones, and raising children. She gives her calmness and rationality, which a woman passes on to her husband in difficult situations in the form of mental support and the necessary confidence that everything will be fine. With the help of lunar energy, a woman creates an energy resource to survive even the greatest difficulties.

I think you understand that the strength of a woman is different from the concept of strength that we are all familiar with. It does not consist at all in entering burning huts. The strength of a woman makes it possible to hold a family together. A woman’s strength creates a protective cap on a subtle level that protects household members from adversity, accidents, and other people’s negative emotions and messages. A woman’s inner strength inspires a man to achieve heights and succeed financially. The power of a woman, through her intuition, suggests the right decisions and warns of danger.

A woman’s strength is like a powerful anchor on which the ship of her family’s well-being rests. But this concept is energetic, subtle, intangible, not visible to the ordinary eye. It is the strong feminine energy that magnetically attracts a man and keeps him close. And it doesn't matter here external factors, to which we often assign the main role. That is why it is very important for a woman to be emotionally and energetically filled.

Unfortunately, the times we live in are not conducive to a calm and measured lifestyle. Constant stress, a frantic pace of life, the pursuit of material well-being and success make a woman exhausted and exhausted. We harden and become stronger, but this is a male force that only harms a woman and gradually takes over the natural feminine principle. Therefore, if you want to stop and take a step towards your original femininity, you need, first of all, to realize which direction you should move, to figure out whether your actions correspond to the goal that you would actually like to achieve. In fact, it may turn out that the right road leads directly in the opposite direction.

To understand the essence of the difference between male and female nature, I suggest you look at the list of factors that help overcome stress, energize and create a full resource state in men and women. You will see how different they are. This list will also help you understand whether you are looking for a resource for yourself in the right place or are mistakenly trying to conquer someone else's peak.

Male chakra. A man gives energy.

A man provides his woman and her children with protection and security. What does a man protect his woman from? First of all, from any external danger: adverse weather conditions, wild animals, hooligans, oppressive society, hard work, etc. The building of external family ties should occur primarily through a man; a man resolves all conflicts with the outside world. For example, if a son breaks someone else’s window, then his father goes to sort it out. Even front door the owner should open it, not the hostess (especially when it is not known who came), because this is a connection with a potentially dangerous outside world.

This same chakra is responsible for sexual potency. A man wants and can, and a woman responds to this in return. The male seed gives life to offspring.

In case of chakra dysfunction:

In men. In the case when a woman cannot accept security from him, he becomes aggressive, hot-tempered, and jealous. All this leads to a general loss of strength, sexual potency leaves much to be desired. Therefore, it is important that a man takes responsibility for the survival of his family.

In the case when the chakra stops giving off energy, a man may cease to be a man in every sense of the word.

If the muladhara chakra works in a woman according to the masculine type (that is, it gives energy rather than receiving it), then such a woman develops masculine character traits and a masculine appearance. "Me and the horse, me and the bull..."

A man and a woman exchange energy even when their relationship is platonic and there is no physical intimacy between them. Feminine energy nourishes a man, inspires him, inspires him and makes him courageous, strong, and courageous. And male energy relaxes, calms, and pacifies a woman. How does such an exchange of energy between a man and a woman happen in life?

A woman transfers her energy to a man when she takes care of him, when she thinks about him, believes in him. Of course, if a man and a woman make love, then a channel is created between them through which energy flows from the woman to the man. This is the strongest and most reliable way to dissolve in it, to surrender not only with your body, but also with your soul. But even without physical intimacy, a woman nourishes a man. She prepared dinner for him and gave him some of her power. I gave him a massage and nourished him. I stroked the clothes and put my energy through them.

How does a man return the favor to a woman? Through your help, protection, love. When he admires her beauty, he feeds her with energy. When he says he loves her, she feels elated. When he devotes time, attention, and signs of attention to her, the woman becomes happy. This is how a man and a woman mutually support each other, giving a part of themselves.

But it happens that a woman gives her strength to a man, and the man gives her nothing in return. And, unfortunately, this happens all the time. Then the woman very soon feels unhappy, tired, and exhausted. She may begin to experience blues, apathy, and depression. In what cases does a woman receive nothing from a man in return?

  • If she gives herself to a man when he does not yet have strong feelings. Then he loses interest in their relationship, disappears, shows indifference, and ignores them. Accordingly, the woman, through the channel that was formed during their intimacy, continues to feed the man with her energy, but does not receive any return from him. Therefore, there is no need to rush into intimacy, delay this moment as far as possible, especially since it depends on the woman’s behavior;
  • When a woman lives with a man in a civil marriage (cohabiting), and he does not want to take on any responsibility. She gives him her energy along with cooked food, cleaned apartment, washed clothes, and he, in turn, continues to live a carefree life. For women, this situation is very exhausting and makes them unhappy;
  • When a woman works and earns money on the same basis as a man, but he does not want to help her around the house. In this case, there is a clear imbalance in the energy balance;
  • When a woman continues to live with a man if she finds out that he is cheating on her. It’s one thing if she finds the reason in herself and changes herself, thereby changing the situation, and another thing if she simply suffers, tormented by resentment and a feeling of revenge. Very often in such situations, women begin to get sick because they do not have enough energy to heal both soul and body.

It should also be said that the exchange of energy between a man and a woman occurs even when they are just friends and despite the fact that there is no sex between them, the Swadhisthana chakra, which is responsible for sexual pleasure and procreation, is still involved. That is, they may not even think about flirting, but on a subtle level sex is already happening between them. Which, by the way, once again proves that it does not exist.

So think about who you give your valuable feminine energy to? Does he give this energy back to you? Not only your happiness, but also your health depends on it!

With love, Yulia Kravchenko

I feel the energy of a man. Energy connection between a man and a woman.

The energetic connection between a man and a woman is simply amazing. On the one hand, it is capable of creating a huge, powerful biofield that emits not only various kinds of emotions and vibrations, but also large-scale events that affect not only the couple in the center, but also the people and things around them. On the other hand, even after a breakup, due to short physical contact, the connection left behind can remain in your body, destroying it. Therefore, from the very first minute of its formation, an energetic connection can affect many events in your life and beyond.
In fact, any relationship between a man and a woman begins with an energetic connection, and close ones begin with a karmic one. If in this life we ​​come across someone, get acquainted, start a relationship (of any kind) - this already indicates that in past lives something connected us with this person. And now your meeting is not accidental: perhaps you need to work on something, correct or continue.
Any physical or emotional connection, even short-term, leaves its mark on the energy level in a person’s life, which can exist for many years. You cannot assume that the energy of one and random sexual contact will dissipate immediately as the person disappears from your life.

To know more about our lovely men))) A man has three sources of energy.
The first and most familiar is the energy of the social, associated with duty, rules, structure, obligations, traditions. It can also be called “right” energy.
The second source is the energy of love - the energy of emotions associated with feelings, it can be called the energy of “good”.
And the third source is the energy of pleasure and pleasure, sexual energy, the energy of “pleasant”.

The energy of love is the most powerful, but for a man the most inaccessible, the most intangible. It’s common to do duty, it’s easy to get pleasure by taking any woman, but sometimes it’s impossible to achieve love, because no one can make a woman fall in love. Only a woman who loves can fill a man with the energy of love. Most men are locked in a prison of energy “the right way” because that’s how they are raised by society.
But this energy is dry and dead, like the walls of a house are dead when there is nothing inside. The energy of love fills the walls of the house with happiness and joy. It is a woman who gives a man a feeling of happiness. Without a woman’s love, a man begins to vegetate and waste away, fall into melancholy and depression, not understanding what is happening and why, despite his position in society, his merits and wealth, he does not feel happy.

Samantabhadra and Samantabhadri - the Primordial Buddha in the Union. Express the state of truth, the purity of the nature of the mind. Their union expresses complete enlightenment

Male and female, Yin and Yang, Anima and Animus are types of consciousness or energy. Each of us, both men and women, possesses both types of energy. Each of these energies complement each other. Neither is more or less important than the other, they are both very necessary in our human existence.

We all, both men and women, manifest these two energies, only the strength, degree, quantity and relationship of these energies to each other are different. Masculine energy is primarily expressed in how we operate in the outside world. It manifests itself in action, strength, movement and firmness. And feminine energy manifests itself in how we live our inner world and is primarily expressed through fluidity, creativity, sensitivity, introspection and care.

The properties of the energy that we express (at one time or another) give us masculine or feminine characteristics. Our family, culture and society in which we are raised greatly influence which, when and how energies we express more.

Masculine energy in a man

Traditionally, boys, who are naturally physically stronger, often express more masculine energy. This is strongly encouraged and serves to strengthen the sense of masculinity. We see this abundance of male energy already in playground kids. The boys kick things and push each other, challenging and expanding their outer world. Battles over who is stronger and more physically fit contribute to their sense of masculinity.

A man whose sense of masculinity is not fully developed or weak is unable to lead, direct, believe in himself, take risks and act with confidence in the world around him. Such a person has many fears and doubts about himself and his abilities. But the worst part is that he is afraid to express himself because he thinks his lack of “manliness” will be obvious to others. In some cases, such people try to appear “macho” in order to hide their fears and doubts.

Feminine energy in a woman

Most families, cultures and societies encourage girls to express more feminine energy, which serves to strengthen their sense of femininity. We see this abundance of feminine energy in little girls, who usually stick together and take care of each other.

A woman whose sense of femininity is not fully developed or weak is selfish and self-serving. Instead of creating a safe and supportive space, she controls and interferes in the lives of other people (especially the men in her life). It is difficult for her to allow others (spouse, children, close circle) to make their own choices and go their own way in life. She manipulates and creates obstacles for others. She is more concerned about her own well-being than the well-being of others.

Balance of energies in a person

A man should have not only masculine, but also feminine energy, although masculine energy is more pronounced in him. And in a woman, although feminine energy dominates, masculine energy must also be manifested. Imbalance and disharmony of energies in a person have a detrimental effect on many areas of his life. When our masculine and feminine energies do not complement each other, but, on the contrary, interfere with each other, we feel confusion and anxiety, incompleteness and conflict with ourselves and the outside world, other people. But when the energies are well regulated and harmoniously balanced, we feel more fulfilled, in harmony, at peace with ourselves and our environment.

If a person has excessively developed masculine energy, it makes a person cold, insensitive and emotionally closed, reckless, wasteful, overly critical, and aggressive (and even prone to physical violence).

Most men and women who have too much masculine energy are overly outward-oriented and have little understanding of their deep feelings and the feelings of others because they lack that feminine energy that brings fluidity, creativity, sensitivity, introspection, support and nurturing. .

An overabundance of feminine energy makes a person too timid, too passive, superficial, clingy and needy. Such a person is unable to make decisions, is overly dependent, and vulnerable to exploitation and manipulation. He goes deep into his inner world and becomes unable to move forward in life because he lacks that masculine energy that controls action, strength, movement and firmness.

If you think about it and recognize both of these energies in yourself, you can become twice as rich. As a man, you can allow yourself to express your feminine energy without feeling a threat to your masculinity, because masculinity is already strong and developed. And as a woman, you can express your masculine energy without feeling threatened by your femininity, because that femininity has already blossomed.

Both men and women need to express both of these energies in order to live productive and fulfilling lives. Regular exercise helps regulate and balance these energies in a person.


A woman (yin) is essentially a mirror. Just like a mirror, it has the ability to reflect. When interacting with a man, a woman tends to sense his sexual desire, know his fantasies, and even understand his secret (repressed) feelings. Suppressed means that he himself sometimes does not understand and does not know about them. However, women often think that it is they themselves who experience all these feelings, have all these desires, and they are completely unable to distinguish between what is theirs and what is not theirs. The more yin energy a woman has, the more her ability to reflect is reproduced. One of the properties of yin is the purification of yang, and in Russian, a woman can help a man cleanse himself and become better, achieve his masculine destiny and complete self-realization. Many treatises have been written about this secret of the work of female energy, but it remains unclear at what point does an ordinary earthly woman begin to possess these mystical abilities?

The answer is very simple: the more initially feminine energies a woman has, given to her from birth or found through understanding and feminine practices, the more she can cope with the two functions described above, regardless of whether she understands it or not. Feminine purity plays an important role in helping your man cleanse himself.

FEMALE PURITY is purity of the heart, truly open anahata and clean energy channels. The energy channels that are attached to the central spinal column are sushumna, ida and pingala. In our world, little is known about the ability for female hypersensitivity, and few people were taught in childhood that what is experienced and felt is not always her own sensation and experience, that a woman can find these sensations and experiences just out of the blue. And, moreover, they didn’t teach us how to get rid of it and cleanse ourselves from it.

One of the good ways is called Feminine Breathing - inhaling through the uterus, carrying (lifting) through the internal channels to anahata - and exhaling any experience that has already been transformed into love, into the universe. By practicing this type of breathing, the female system very quickly clears itself of everything that has accumulated in passing or on purpose.

It is through this kind of breathing that a woman cleanses a man.

And the second important condition for a woman’s purity is the purity of her understanding of what is happening. It is not enough to just have knowledge; it is important to be able to apply it in time.

Example: A beloved man comes home, and a woman feels dissatisfied with him for... (and then she herself comes up with why). A woman will think that she is dissatisfied with her husband or man, and will become afraid to express anything to him, closing the emotion within herself.

This behavior is very dangerous for a woman, because, in the end, so much garbage will accumulate in her that she will explode into a scandal, and, having done this repeatedly, will lead her couple to break up. But then, realizing that silence is also not the best option, a woman, having discovered such dissatisfaction, tries to immediately express it to her beloved man, thereby leading him to feel guilty or simply running into a scandal. Many men, when you simply express your emotions to them, experience a very strong feeling of guilt, a feeling of worthlessness or helplessness, and they cannot withstand such experiences. And, worse, they rarely understand this, so in order to stop a woman’s outburst of emotions and stop feeling, they scream, which again leads to a gap in communication and the inability for a woman to share her experiences. It turns out to be a rather vicious circle: you should not remain silent - this leads to diseases, and sometimes quite severe ones; it is impossible to speak because there is no one to listen, and this causes deep painful experiences in the partner. What to do?

Knowing the nature of a woman, it is important to learn to understand what feels different. When a woman feels dissatisfied with a man or something else, most likely the man himself is already dissatisfied with himself, his day is not going well - this is what he is hiding from you. His emotion is not yours. A woman, having felt this emotion inside, can breathe it through her feminine channel, and give the man acceptance and love in this difficult experience.
The man himself will not notice how this emotion will disappear inside, and he will recover more easily, he will have enough strength to find a solution or cope with the situation. When the unpleasant experience goes away and disappears, you, the woman, will also stop feeling dissatisfied with your man.

This is precisely a woman’s way of giving support to her loved one, and not looking for a solution for him or giving him advice, showing that he is not capable of anything on his own. This is how a man usually perceives the help that a woman directly tries to give him. Even if a woman’s advice is good, a man can rarely use it, due to the triggering mechanism of his powerlessness and the idea that he himself is not capable of anything. And instead of gratitude, the woman will again receive a man who rejects all her efforts. When a woman gives acceptance and love in a difficult situation, it adds strength to a man, and he finds a way out of the situation. His masculine status and the feeling of being able to solve any issue increase, which leads to an increase in male solar energy and an increase in self-confidence. At the same time, the woman gets a responsible and strong man next to her.

Therefore, knowing that a woman is a mirror, first of all, helps to correctly decipher and understand your feelings and experiences. FEMALE PURITY is the purity of knowledge about oneself and oneself without interaction. Knowing the flow of your thoughts, your impulses, your feelings. Therefore, it is important for a woman to be alone with herself in nature, walking alone. All this allows you to disconnect from all “not your own” feelings, emotions and experiences. For a woman, this is a way to get clean. Then, knowing yourself, you can begin to distinguish what is reflected and learn to understand it correctly.

There is another important point: CLEANSING AND MIRRORING are the abilities and functions of feminine energy. A man cannot do this for a woman. Yang energy does not have such abilities. A man can direct a woman to cleanse herself, since a man is her support for a woman. It is easy for a woman to carry out the will of her beloved, especially if it is directed for her good. And so the man helps her understand herself, but she can only do this herself. It is not easy for a woman to switch from caring for everyone to caring for herself, to devote time to herself, but this is the most important part of recovery as a woman (cleansing, returning to feeling herself). Part of a woman's destiny is LOVE, PEACE and ACCEPTANCE, CALM IN ANY SITUATION.

So, the PURITY OF A WOMAN is the ability to understand herself, the ability not to stick together with all the feelings and emotions that she experiences, but to clean them out, knowing her feminine nature; it is also the purity of love and the work of women's energy channels. This is what leads to the launch of transformation processes in a male-female couple. A woman may not know this, and if she has enough feminine energy, then everything will work in an automatic, intuitive mode.

When a man tries to purge a woman instead of her or for her, he only accumulates negative emotions that he is unable to work through because they are no longer his personal, and thus he destroys his masculine nature. Male and female energies are opposite to each other by nature, and this causes many male-female contradictions. Without knowledge about the other, there is no way to understand him. The opposition of functions and tasks determines different functioning of the psyche and worldview.

Male and female energies - features and functions.

Yang (conventionally masculine):

- Action
- Choice
- Solution
– Determination
– Activity
– Management
– Planning
– Composure
– Give protection, a sense of security
– Reliability
– Correspondence to the given word
– Focus on the goal

Yin (conventionally feminine):

– Inaction
– The ability to wish unselfishly
– Intention
- Creation
– Pacification
- Adoption
– Focus on process
- Faith
– Unconditionality
- Confidence
- Kindness
- Care
- Purity

These are the original functions of male (solar) and female (lunar) energies. Accordingly, male and female energies have completely different ways of gaining and restoring.

Of course, we are all very different. But, having been born in one body or another (male or female), part of one's destiny is to simply be oneself.