You can save colorful leaves collected in summer or autumn, and then make various crafts from leaves with your own hands. They can be used as a gift souvenir or interior decoration. Crafts are often prepared for exhibition autumn holidays to school or kindergarten.

How to dry leaves for crafts

In order for dried leaves to retain color and strength, you need to follow certain requirements for their collection:

  • the weather should be dry
  • It is better to collect yellow and green foliage
  • the collected leaves must be smooth, beautiful, clean, without any defects

There are several ways to dry collected foliage.

Leaves can be dried both under a press and without it: in the first case, the blanks are used to create collages, in the second - garlands.

1. The most famous method is drying leaves under pressure in books or magazines, having previously placed them on both sides with pieces of paper. The paper is changed daily to remove absorbed moisture. The foliage is dried in this way for about a week. If the leaves seem fragile, then they need to be dipped in a solution consisting of 4 parts water and 1 part PVA glue, then dry.

2. In the case when the leaves are dried not to create a collage, they can be dried using another method - without abs. Before drying, the leaves are laid out on paper and carefully straightened. Gradually, as they dry, the leaves curl interestingly, representing a unique preparation for creating a variety of garlands.

3. You can dry the leaves with minimal color changes iron. To do this, the leaves are covered with paper on both sides and ironed until the moisture completely evaporates. It is important to know that this procedure makes the leaves fragile. The color of yellow-orange foliage becomes brighter, and green foliage becomes darker. This product does not last long.

How to Store Leaves for Crafts

To create a beautiful composition from dried leaves, you need to properly store created blanks.

Proper storage involves following the following rules:

  • choose a dry and dark place for storage, and it can be either warm or cold - temperature does not matter
  • overdried, brittle leaves can be rehabilitated: to do this, you need to sprinkle a little water on them and leave for several hours for optimal drying
  • When storing dried raw materials in a pantry, there is a possibility of damage by pests, so it is necessary to periodically inspect the preparations
  • to protect the herbarium from sunlight, you can use them wrap in newspaper sheets.

DIY leaf crafts

A large number of shapes and shades of dried leaves allows you to create any composition, herbarium, applications and crafts.

To begin with, you can simply draw with leaf prints. Both adults and children will enjoy this activity.

Compositions of dried leaves and flowers

You can make more than just a simple applique from dried natural materials. Having a lot of imagination will help you come up with more and more diverse compositions.

More popular subjects of compositions are birds and animals, zodiac constellations, fairy-tale motifs, animals and decorative elements. Creating masterpieces together with a child contributes to the development of his fantasy and imagination, and the revelation of his creative abilities.
Of course, you shouldn’t immediately start making complex crafts from leaves with your own hands. The type and complexity of the product made from leaves must be selected depending on the age of the child and his abilities; the wishes of the children also play an important role in this.

Leaf craft “Butterfly on a flower”

Carrying out autumn event assumes the presence of appropriate decor. Original decoration Butterflies made from dry leaves and a mini-panel “Flower” will serve for such a holiday. Both products can be combined into one composition

To make a flower and a butterfly, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • dry leaves
  • plasticine
  • unnecessary disk
  • double sided tape
  • scissors
  • a small piece of wire.

Flower making technology:

  • n make two holes in the disk, pull the wire through them, forming a loop
  • glue pieces of tape over the entire area of ​​the disk and lay out the first row of leaves in a circle

  • n stick a little more tape in the middle and lay out the second row with leaves
  • place a plasticine circle in the center, along the edge of which lay out small leaves that differ in color from the rest
  • cover with a second plasticine circle; you can make small dimples on top, thus simulating peeking stamens.

The flower is ready, you can hang it on the wall using a loop as a decoration.

Butterfly manufacturing technology:

  • roll a ball from plasticine - a head and a body, consisting of two ovals
  • cut the middle oval in a stack in the middle

The butterfly is ready to fly. For the butterfly, of course, it is better to choose leaves of a contrasting color, then it will stand out as a bright spot against the background of the flower.

Application from leaves “Owl”

Volumetric applique made of dry material has become quite popular recently. Most of all, they try to fill animal templates with foliage. To make it, you need to perform the following steps:

  • cut a large circle of dark color, two yellow circles with the diameter of a cup, two white circles with a diameter of a small cup
  • cut out the orange triangle
  • glue dry leaves as in the photo
  • glue eyes or draw

The application is ready. It’s better to think in advance about how to hang it on the wall. It is possible to glue a loop to the back of the craft.

DIY intricate leaf crafts

The master class shows how to create a vase from autumn yellow leaves, create flowers from leaves and make a bird with your own hands.

Decorations and vases made of leaves using skeleton technique

Examples of crafts can be seen in the video

1. Recently, creating jewelry from leaves using the skeleton technique has become popular. You can learn how to skeletonize leaves from this video.

2. And the following video will help you create jewelry using the skeleton technique.

Herbarium in jewelry filled with resin

Here we are not talking about children's applications. We will do ADULT masterpieces – for interior decoration. Although there will be children's work here too, you'll see.

So, how to make paintings with your own hands from dry or succulent leaves, flowers and herbs.

Here you go DIFFERENT ways… And DIFFERENT techniques crafts made from leaves in the form of paintings.

And every craft-picture is possible even for a beginner to the master craftsman.

Hey, let's dive into the creative impulse.

Three-dimensional painting of DRY LEAVES AND ACORNs

(the essence of the work is with your own hands)

Let's start with a bright artistic “canvas” - autumn composition from leaves and acorns...

The essence of the work- We take a sheet of plywood - and the leaves are glued overlapping each other... We leave the edges of the plywood sheet clean - we will stuff our frame there.

A picture made from dry leaves turns out to be three-dimensional, so we won’t place it under glass. And the frame comes separately without glass (just a frame made of wooden slats... and just a piece of plywood (or fiberboard) in the size of this frame.) And then we choose a method to your taste - with acrylic varnish, or with paraffin from candles. Even small children can participate in such a picture. This idea can be implemented in creativity circles.

Method with acrylic varnish. We buy in the store acrylic varnish for crafts. We pasted the leaves onto the canvases...applied a layer of varnish, let it dry...applied another layer...dried it again...and another layer...etc. until it shines the way you want.

Paraffin method. Melt the candles in a saucepan. They dipped each sheet and placed it on the canvas. They themselves will stick to each other with paraffin. A very quick and easy way to make a brilliant autumn leaf painting. Leaves sealed in paraffin may not lose their richness of shape and color for years.

You can lay out such pictures by arranging leaves in a chaotic manner. Or you can come up with a specific pattern. Harmony of smooth color transitions.

You can also try and make circular symmetrical patterns from leaves of different sizes and colors. They are called mandalas. Some other ancient peoples came up with such centric patterns, and it is believed that they have the magic of harmony and beauty. Mandalas are nice to look at. In our case, the magic of our mandalas will be made of a light and pure material: natural foliage - therefore such centric paintings will only heal and soothe, like nature itself.

Of course, painstaking work has been done here - it is necessary so that the size of the leaves were the same in each circle. And so that each circular row differed from each other in the size and shape of its repeating element.

Such paintings can be made from leaves and dry herbs TO COLOR YOUR INTERIOR. So that the painting fits perfectly into the room.

In bright orange tones - for an orange-yellow interior.

Or to the interior in dark chocolate-muted tones... another composition from autumn leaves will do.

Well, now another great idea...

Paintings from FLOATING leaves.

Look at the photo below. Like? Me too)). Do you want to do it yourself - exactly like this? Then read on.

If you dry the leaves - without pinching them between the pages of a book - but simply put them in a flat box (for example, a candy box) and cover with semolina ... then this is what happens...

The cereal will press the leaf just enough to keep him from curling up when drying - and then the leaf will dry, retaining its smooth, elegant shape.

Such leaves can be mounted behind glass in a frame... and they will be beautiful and even inside the picture.

You say...“Yeah... but here in the photo you can see that the leaves are not clamped by the frame... but seem to be floating inside the frame. How to do this?

Very simple. We need a frame - with emptiness inside(search for sale or make it yourself...

In order to make such a deep airy frame-box, we need... take a regular frame with glass (slats and glazing)... a thin sheet of plywood (or fiberboard)... and four pieces of lumber (thick slats... the thicker the slatted beam, the larger the space will be inside the frame)…

And now, having collected everything we need, we create the design of such a frame-box...

We stuff bars onto a sheet of plywood - i.e. we create the sides... and on these sides we attach our upper covered frame on top. And in the end we get a frame with air inside - a frame-box.

How to make a sheet “float” inside a frame-box...

First, create the background– our plywood frame bottom...or we PAINT it in white... or COVER it with white paper.

We place the leaves in the center... and look at where this leaf has the most central place. Mark this place with a pencil at the bottom of the frame.

We will glue our leaf to this stump (foam or wood). And it turns out that he seemed to be hanging in the air and does not touch the wall of its frame.

And you can make it even cooler...

You can create the illusion of a leaf with a frame, lying on the sand...Here's how to do it...

Before we can glue our sheet to the “stump” SAND BACKGROUND at the bottom of the frame. To do this, take a glue gun... and apply uneven layer of glue on the bottom of the frame... somewhere thicker, somewhere less... And until the glue dries pour fine river sand on it. Let it dry and after drying, shake out the excess sand from the frame. We look, and if there are any unsanded places left... Lubricate these bald places with glue again and sprinkle with sand again.

If you don't have a glue gun (by the way, you can buy it at any hardware store for $7) ... then you can use regular PVA glue - also apply a thicker layer and sand it with sand ... but it will take longer to dry ... and it’s better to take fine sand, PVA glue will not hold coarse gravel.

In the end you will succeed beautiful paintingsas if the leaves are lying on the sand...

And also in such a framework and you can place not just CLEAR autumn leaves - but painted ones, with a picture drawn on them.


leaf painting technique.

You can lay out pictures with leaves, or you can draw pictures on the leaves themselves. Paint - oil or gouache.

If you work with gouache, then after completing the drawing you need to spray the picture with hairspray (to fix the paint and give it a richer brightness, as in the photo below).

Such original paintings on leaves can be given as gifts to family and friends; they can even be timed to coincide with the New Year.

And so that the painting, a gift from an autumn leaf, can be preserved for a long time
- has not dried out, has not shrunk, has not curled up, it needs to be seal in paraffin(or wax). To do this, melt the candles in a bowl and dip the leaves into paraffin by the tail. We take it out and dry it, hanging it by the tail on threads.

And if you are not an artist, then you can draw simple graphic patterns - the usual symmetry of geometric repeating shapes.

Simple master class

according to the patterns on the leaves.

And you know what, I’ll probably make you fall in love with the idea of ​​paintings on autumn leaves. I'll give you instructions, along with whom he will come understanding, and interest, desire and love will come along with the company.

Let's start with the simplest crafts - paintings on leaves. For example, such silhouette drawings... They have only a BACKGROUND and only a DARK SILHOUETTE. The background is simple. And the silhouette is simple. That’s why we’ll start with such simple artistic tasks so as not to scare you away, but to lure you.

We find a beautiful picture on the Internet. For example, this one. We print it out at a photo printing kiosk (I don’t think you have a color printer at home).

On a blank sheet of paper trace a maple leaf with a pencil, cut out the outlined silhouette - we get a stencil with a hole in the shape of a maple leaf. And with this maple hole we apply a paper stencil to our picture in the place we like. For example like this.

And now you can redraw the picture from this paper sample onto a maple leaf. First the background is the sky and water, then the black silhouette of a dolphin. You can also make a holey stencil out of paper for the dolphin - put it on the background and paint it with black paint.

Using this principle you can do any episodes from any paintings. At least from Mono Lisa. Elements with eyes look impressive - the predatory gaze of a bird, or the mysterious gaze of a woman.

BIT DRAWINGS look very nice, drawn cotton swab. Here, too, we first make the background. Let's dry it. And then we draw a drawing with dots. The easiest one to start with. For example, the silhouette of the Eiffel Tower.

Pictures on leaves with a SMOOTH COLOR TRANSITION look very interesting. Gradient play of paint shades (as in the picture below). Here's how to create such a delicate background for your painting at home...

To make a background on a leaf with a SMOOTH OVERFLOW effect From one shade to another you need to use not a brush, but a foam sponge with small pores.

  • Apply wide stripes of paint to the sponge - yellow, yellow-orange mixed, orange.
  • We print the sponge onto the sheet.
  • The first print will be faded, so we reapply stripes of ink and repeat this process several times until the background is the desired saturation.

Then, with a thin brush, we apply black contours of the silhouette (for example, a bird), and paint over the contours. You can cut out the silhouette of a bird from paper and trace it. Or cut out a stencil of a bird's hole - put it on a sheet and paint it over.

You can draw any thing on maple leaves, the simplest and the most complex. Citrus slices or an illustration from the fairy tale The Little Prince.

Paintings PRINTS

from painted leaves.

Children often make prints of autumn leaves during classes at school or kindergarten. Chalk or paints.

Using the chalk print technique, we put white paper on top of an autumn leaf - and shade it all with chalk - from the shading, all the roughness of the leaf appears on the paper.

And in the technique with paint - we apply paint to an autumn leaf with a sponge (better than just a brush) and, before it dries, quickly press the leaf with the painted side to the paper.

And it turns out very interesting when we do not make an orange sheet on white paper, but vice versa, first we paint the paper orange with gouache, and then we cover the sheet with white paint and create a white imprint of the sheet on an orange background. It turns out much more interesting and richer in color. Do you agree?

Such leaf prints can be collaged into an interesting picture.

Like in the photo below - the picture was initially divided into zones... for each zone a different background of splashes was chosen (I will tell you how to make a background of splashes in the same article below)...

And then a separate stamp sheet is applied to each zone. It turns out to be an original work of art

And you can make it even more beautiful... if you apply the imprint of an autumn leaf not on a clean white sheet, but on a prepared one. We apply typos of colored soap bubbles to the sheet in advance.... and then when the prints are dry... apply leaf prints to this bubble background. It’s quite simple - pour ordinary soap solution into jars, add colored gouache - and use a cocktail straw to inflate a bubble and, when it is already large, tilt it towards the paper so that it bursts on it.

And it will feel AS IF these leaves float in puddles when it rains... have you ever seen how rain raises bubbles in puddles and leaves float in this bubbly puddle... Like this a picture of leaves and splashes of rain... will become a real decoration of your room...

Leaf paintings


“Reverse prints” is the name I came up with for a technique that produces this is the result- stencil technology. (photo below).

The stencil technique is simple - very simple. Look...

  1. Take a white sheet of paper... put a leaf, a stem of grass, or a twig on it.
  2. Place this sheet inside big box(the more the better) now you will understand why...
  3. We take a can of colored paint in our hand and spray it on top of the paper with the leaf/stem/flower lying on it. (Since all our work is carried out inside the box, splashes do not scatter around the room and do not stain the furniture).

As a result, the entire sheet is painted in a rich color... and the place where the twig was remains painted over.

And as the spray flies out of the can at different angles– we do not have clear contours of the plant... but a sort of blurred shadow of the leaf... which only adds artistic expressiveness to our picture of leaves.

Or you can use a simpler spray bottle, made from a toothbrush.

Use regular watercolor or gouache, and use a regular toothbrush as a spray.

Paintings stamps - from succulent leaves.

Or you can leave it on paper sheet imprint- at all in a clumsy way. Or rather, “hammer”

We take paper - put a leaf (juicy green, yellow, red) - cover it with a paper napkin - and on top of the napkin we knock and hit the leaf with a hammer. As a result, the juice and pigment from the sheet are reprinted onto paper.

You can print each sheet separately... placing leaf after leaf... gradually coming up with the plot of the composition.

Or you can immediately unfold it all sheet and flower arrangement- in our future picture - cover with a napkin and thresh selflessly - until the plants are completely torn to pieces.

So that their bright souls remain captured forever - on your imperishable canvas.

FLAT picture

from dry herbs, leaves and flowers.

And of course – a standard version of the painting made from natural materials. When herbs, leaves and flowers dry out in flat between the pages of books. And in such a pressed form they are laid out on paintings.

You will find even more such FLAT flower paintings in my article .


(so as not to spoil the books).

We wrap the sheet on both sides with a paper napkin, then with thick paper, then with a cotton diaper and iron it.

The iron should not be very hot (otherwise the sheet will turn black). We ironed it a little, and it warmed up a little, as if in the summer sun. Left some moisture in the napkin. Then we changed the napkin to a dry one and repeated.

And after that you can also put it in a paper napkin between heavy books.

Marker paintings with leaves

(simple graphics).

You can simply draw any picture with a black marker - and the leaves will only play the role of individual elements included in your graphics.

Leaf paintings

In mosaic technique.

Mosaic technique is the most beautiful, in my opinion. Very soft, airy, real lace made from natural materials. And it’s so nice to lay out piece by piece - gently, precisely, achieving the right similarity.

First, put everything on dry paper - then photograph the final version. Remove everything from the sheet - carefully placing each element in a box. And then, with glue in hand, lay out the mosaic picture, checking the photo sample.

As a basis, you need to take a sheet of paper with the silhouette of the animal transferred to it. Place a piece of paper on the computer screen with a picture and draw the outline of the animal with a faint pencil line. And then slowly fill all this space with pieces of leaves.

Deer and owl are quite complex jobs. Your very first job should be simple so as not to discourage you. The simplest thing is a symmetrical animal. Same left and right. So you will simply start from the center - and at the same time lay out identical pieces of plants to the right and left of it.

As a material, you can use dry leaves, or leaves sealed in paraffin (dipped in melted candle wax).

Leaf paintings

In multilayer technique.

Or you can make an applique from leaves - in volumetric technology- When the texture of the leaf conveys the texture of the animal... like here in the picture of leaves with owls - when the texture and shape of the leaves conveys the texture and shape of the feathers.

And you can also sell your work - so I found a very interesting site where the author sells - not the crafts themselves - but postcards depicting these works. And not cheap - but at a good price. A great example of a beautiful hobby and business in one.

Paintings from leaves with birds

master class

(based on children's coloring books).

You can create a picture that you paint with leaves - like an artist with brush strokes. Each leaf is a broad stroke of an artist's brush. For such a picture, you need to print out an ordinary children's coloring book with a bird on a printer - in large size.

And then decorate this picture, but not with pencils, but with leaves. Lay out each decoration element with leaves of a certain color. And you will receive an exclusive painting of leaves.

There are a lot of coloring pages with birds on Google - print them out and try using dry autumn leaves to turn this ordinary children's coloring book into a real masterpiece. You can be proud of your work.

You can make spring paintings from leaves by drying whole branches of cherry blossoms. Flowers are pressed between paper napkins. If you want the flowers to be voluminous, then you can promise them by covering them with dry semolina, or sifted with very dry river sand.

These are quite simple applications from leaves - for 1st grade of school... For such simple applications I will write a separate article... and then there will be a link to it here.

You will find even more options for applications from autumn leaves in my article

Landscape paintings - from dry leaves and flowers.

Here are the paintings he makes from leaves, flower petals and herbs one French artist... Below you will see her contacts... if you like such works... you can contact the author to order a similar masterpiece for yourself.

It's a pity that you can't enlarge them to see everything in great detail.

You can also make small landscape works from leaves. Which do not require so much effort and such costs natural material.

Paintings PORTRAITS - from dry leaves.

And here are the compositions of autumn leaves that are folded in the outline of a woman's head.

You can make a whole gallery of paintings from leaves in the theme “Very Woman”. And display it in your living room for all the guests to gasp.

Leaf painting


And we will end our article with love. It all starts with her. Let everything continue with her.

Two lovers. A picture that is pleasing to the eye in any era and in any civilization.

As you can see, there are a lot of ideas...

Create. Don't be lazy to be happy. Life is given - not for plans for the future.

And I will definitely look new ideas for you...

I found it right now...

Yes, yes, and it’s all made from leaves - take a closer look... Read more at the link above.


I have other articles on autumn bouquets and crafts made from natural autumn materials...

Autumn leaves are so bright, beautiful, fragrant - you want to pick up more of them and definitely bring them home. They can be placed in a vase or dried. And these leaves are also an excellent material for creativity. In this article you will find a selection of ideas that will inspire you.

What crafts can you make from autumn leaves with your own hands? The first thing that comes to mind is a herbarium. Yes, this technique is very popular, and we have already introduced you to it. What else? Of course, head wreaths made of beautiful wide leaves, which are so popular in autumn photo shoots. However, there are many more ideas for a variety of crafts - we’ll talk about them today.

Some of this will be useful to parents of schoolchildren and preschoolers, since children really like master classes on working with leaves. And some ideas can slightly transform your interior - add comfort, beauty, and autumn mood. So get inspired, then head to the park, pick up some beautiful fall leaves, and get creative!


This is one of the most obvious crafts made from autumn leaves, but we tried to select ideas that are not hackneyed. If you have children, they will love these funny pictures. Look, remember, and then collect the appropriate leaves.


Well, or chicken - whatever. The main thing is to collect a beautiful colored tail from leaves. Place a round, dark-colored piece of paper in the center and add blanks for the eyes. We fix everything with glue. Or use a stapler, and hide the paper clip under a piece of paper that imitates a beak.

Young woman

For this application you will need a ready-made template or drawing. You can use a children's coloring book with princesses. From small neat leaves you can make a hairstyle, a blouse, or lay out the hem of a dress. Add a few more leaves to the craft to simulate leaf fall. By the way, such a picture can be laid out on whatman paper and hung in the room, inserted into a frame. Or decorate a notebook in a similar way.


And this leaf craft is for the little ones. Even a preschooler can handle it if you help him. Paper, PVA glue, suitable leaves and a little creativity - that’s the whole secret of this application. Take a look at the drawing - it will not be difficult to repeat it.


Crafts made from leaves in the shape of cute birds are a very popular option. We invite you to take a look at the not quite standard, but at the same time very simple ideas that even children can repeat with their own hands.

Lay out a few yellow leaves to create a family of chickens.

Just three bright autumn leaves- and you will get a funny, outlandish bird.

Of course, you also need to make a parrot from bright leaves - how can you do without it? Combine the most colorful specimens, add a button instead of an eye, glue everything onto paper - you’ll get a cheerful character.


Making an applique in the shape of a hedgehog is very simple.

Even those who do not have artistic talents can draw a face, and the needles are assembled simply by laying some leaves on top of others. The option looks very nice when all the leaves in the craft are dense and approximately the same size.


You can use autumn leaves to make unusual photo frames. You can easily decorate a finished one or create it from scratch. Whatever you choose will turn out great.

Take regular cardboard and glue a photo to it. Trim off any excess edges and then begin laying out the leaves, securing them with glue. Add any decor. This frame can be hung on the wall using double-sided tape.

If you have a child, you can also make this craft from autumn leaves with him. Just take an undecorated wooden or cardboard frame and glue colored leaves onto PVA glue. If any streaks remain, apply a layer of dry glitter on top.

In addition to leaves, you can add other natural materials to the frame. Dried apples, berries, blades of grass, flowers or anything else. Fix all this with superglue.

It is very convenient to make frames on thick cardboard. If you don't have one, glue several sheets together. True, most often the photographs in such crafts end up stained with glue along the edges, so when eliminating the frame you will have to trim it.

Children's crown

This leaf decoration is suitable for children's matinee or can be used simply for entertainment. The crown is very easy to assemble.

The most popular option is a crown made of maple leaves. Cut a strip of cardboard and glue it to the size of the head. Glue the leaves vertically. To avoid gaps, add a layer of intertwined leaves linked by the petioles. Wreaths are woven using the same principle.

You can leave the leaves as is, and simply trim off any excess. If you complement such a wreath with paints with sparkles or any other decor, it will look very beautiful.

Crowns made of leaves, diluted with flowers, berries or blades of grass, look especially cool. They can be attached with superglue. If the leaf layer is thick enough, you can also use a stapler to secure the craft.

Homemade crowns look very elegant. They can be further decorated satin ribbons. If you wish, you can assemble the accessory not on cardboard, but on an elastic band.

Lamps and candlesticks

Autumn leaves look very impressive if there is a bright light source nearby. Such crafts turn out to be the most beautiful. One problem is that this creative material is flammable. Therefore, it is better to keep it away from fire.

The best way out is to cover the finished container.

There are no tricks here. Take an unnecessary cup or bowl and apply a thick layer of PVA glue on it. Glue the leaves so that their edges almost do not protrude upward at all. Let the structure dry. Then apply another layer of glue directly to the leaves. Add another layer. Place a small flat-bottomed candle inside.

Another amazing option is decorating jars. Take standard glass jars, remove their labels, wash and dry. Then take a small piece of sponge and dab it with PVA glue. Apply it directly to the leaf.

Glue the sheet onto the jar. If smudges appear, remove them immediately with a sponge or cloth. Make three or four of these decorative leaves on each jar. Tie a straw bow under the neck. Add any decor.

Place a small candle inside. When you light it, you will realize how great yours looks. autumn craft.

Make several lamps - together they look even better. We recommend using different leaves to make it even more interesting.


You can make a beautiful decorative vase with your own hands from autumn leaves. It can serve as decoration or as a saucer-stand.

You will need a regular one balloon IR, PVA glue and many different leaves. Inflate the balloon to the size you want the vase to be. Tie it and cover it with glue until about the middle. Then attach the leaves.

Then leave the structure to dry a little. After some time, cover the layer of leaves with glue. Glue another one. The structure can be removed after 5-6 hours. Simply pierce or gently release the ball from the future vase. To avoid white traces of glue inside, cover the entire surface with a fresh layer of PVA and place leaves on it.

When the accessory is completely dry, it can be filled with dried flowers or cones. And if you want to turn the vase into a stand, coat it with non-toxic craft varnish. This way you can store something heavier in it.

Saucers and decorative stands

Are you interested in modeling with polymer clay? Here's an idea: make an imprint of a leaf. This decor is suitable for decorating a saucer, a hot stand, or just a picture pendant.

Roll out the mixture into a thin layer. Place the sheet on it and press firmly. Choose the most embossed ones so that the imprint is stronger. If necessary, use a thin needle and add veins.

If you plan to make some decorations from polymer clay using leaves (blanks for necklaces, earrings, brooches, etc.), roll out the layer very thinly and remove excess edges with a cutter.

Bake polymer clay according to the instructions on the package. When the craft has cooled, paint the autumn leaf acrylic paints. Ready craft cover with varnish.


How do you imagine a bouquet of autumn leaves? Well, leaves gathered together and tied with a beautiful ribbon are the most popular option. What if you make it from rose leaves? Watch this short video tutorial to learn how to curl leaves correctly.

Wrap more of these roses and collect them in a bouquet. If you are lucky enough to find colorful leaves, it will turn out quite unusual.

Add some leaves around the edges, decorate with berries or something else.

This bouquet of maple roses can be given to someone for their birthday or to your teacher on Teacher's Day. Any teacher will appreciate such a non-standard approach.

If you add ribbon or craft paper, you get an amazing composition.

We hope you are inspired by this collection of ideas. As you can see, you can make really many beautiful things for the home, decorations, and children's crafts from autumn leaves. Your imagination can be limitless here. So stock up on leaves, dry them a little at room temperature before starting work (2-3 hours will be enough), and then get down to crafts!

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Good afternoon. Today we will see with you New Cool Crafts from Leaves. You definitely haven't seen anything like this before. Let's expand our vision of this natural material for crafts. Leaves can be a tool for real beauty. Creativity from autumn leaves fascinates with its beauty. You'll be inspired by these leaf crafts and want to make them yourself with your kids. All crafts have detailed instructions. You can make them at home. Selected leaf crafts are suitable for kindergarten, if you need to bring work to a competition or autumn exhibition. Schoolchildren can make simple crafts during creativity or art classes.

Craft package No. 1

SKELETONS made of leaves.

As we see here, the autumn leaves of the trees were turned into transparent skeletons of their veins and painted with paint. Let's see how to easily and very quickly make many leaf skeletons at home. To do it yourself later beautiful crafts from such leaves (not only peacock, the photo below will also show you the beauty of a lacy autumn leaf in crafts on any theme).

Transparent leaf skeletons can be done in 4 ways. Let's look at them in order.

Method No. 1 - lazy WATER method). Any biological material rots in water. If you put the leaves in a jar of water for 2-4 weeks and close the lid, they will fade and begin to rot. They will rot faster soft fabrics, but the veins will remain unaffected by rot. We take out these slimy leaves, put them in a bowl with clean water and use three hands, wiping off the rotten mucus, but carefully so as not to tear the veins (the skeletal tissue of the leaf). If the leaf has unrotten areas of pulp remaining, they can be removed with a toothbrush. We place the leaf on the board and tap the flesh with the bristles of a brush, the bristles pierce holes in the flesh of the leaf and gradually the pulp is separated from the skeleton of the veins.

Method No. 2 – method with SODA. In a bowl of water (500 ml) dilute 150 g. washing soda. Cook together with the leaves for 90 minutes over low heat. Then pour out this soda water, fill the leaves with just clean water - and cook for another half an hour. We check the leaves with a fork; if the flesh of the leaf has already begun to separate from its veins, it means it’s ready. We take out the foliage and wipe the leaf with a toothbrush, freeing it from the softened tissue. If there are still uncooked areas, boil these leaves in water again. . Important: remove the skeletons from the water with a spatula so that they do not break. Dry flat and then iron. Then the dry skeletons can be painted with any paint (gouache, food coloring, watercolor),

Method No. 4 – a method with aggressive chemicals (beware of dangerous poisonous ones). We put the leaves in a plastic container and take a toilet bowl cleaner, any other with a strong alkali (Mole powder is suitable). We always wear gloves when working, the room is ventilated, we close the container tightly so that it does not evaporate, we hide it from children (for example, under the bathtub in the darkest corner).

Method No. 3 – method for dry leaves. If the autumn leaf is already dry (like from a herbarium), then there is another method. We need a clothes brush with soft bristles made of natural bristles (a household brush with hard plastic bristles will not work). With this horse bristle brush we need to beat the sheet like a chop. It turns out that all the dry dust flies out of the sheet, and a mesh of skeleton veins remains on the table.

The resulting skeletons can be bleached or dyed.

We bleach - in liquid bleach with chlorine (such as "Whiteness" products)

Skeletons are usually painted in food coloring, like eggs for Easter. Or you can try a water solution of gouache, soak the skeleton for an hour and remove it with a spatula.

You can paint the leaves paint from cans– including metallic effect.

You get very beautiful skeletons from the fruits of physalis. This is a plant with dome-shaped orange boxes. You can also boil them in soda and get transparent boxes for autumn crafts made from leaves.

If you take glass vase and PVA glue, then wet skeletons can be laid in vases coated with PVA glue. The wet skeleton of the leaf, which has not yet dried, will easily lie on any shape. And after drying, the fragile shell easily peels off from the smooth glass of the vase. A charming delicate craft made from leaves.

You can draw well on skletons with felt-tip pens. It is better to bleach only the base of the sheet in a chlorine-containing liquid bleach. And then it is better to laminate such a sheet of drawing (at printing points, there is a lamination service for any flat objects).

Beautiful pictures of night and day landscapes can be made from leaves=skeletons. Very delicate and beautiful paintings are obtained from leaves.

The delicate lace structure of the sheet skeleton itself suggests what kind of applique crafts can be made from this transparent material. Below is a beautiful craft made from bleached skeleton leaves.

Craft package No. 2


The simplest job is to make a landscape out of leaves. It's simple here. We take a strong, rigid cardboard (you can glue school cardboard in several layers - only with dry glue (preferably double-sided). And on such a “wooden” cardboard we apply a drawing of future fields and rivers. And then fill these contours of a pencil sketch with dry material from autumn leaves .

I described how to quickly dry leaves (with an iron) in the article Pictures of leaves and flowers.

You can buy broken flowers or roses that have begun to fade at a flower shop on the cheap. And pull them onto the petals.

Corn cob leaves work very well for landscape fields. They are like corrugated paper, flat, dry, painted with gouache, and stick well.

It is also good to cut field lines from large burdock.

You can create an alley like this with the effect of PERSPECTIVE - that is, looking into the distance. Large trees nearby, small ones in the distance. This effect is created only when you use larger leaves and twigs for nearby trees, and use the tiniest leaves and blades of grass for distant trees.

Winter pictures can be drawn from white velvet leaves.

The leaves of SILVER POPULAR, SILVER WILLOW, white grass panicles, velvet bushes from a white flower bed are suitable.

White small flowers of Yarrow look like snow pellets. We cut out a star from a maple leaf. It is good to cut out the outline of the house from a leaf from an ear of corn (since it is a striped, even structure, the effect of a house made from boards is obtained). A beautiful and relatively simple craft. The main thing is to MAKE A SOLID BACKGROUND FROM CARDBOARD (pizza lid) and figure out which glue works best (thermal glue is excellent, double-sided tape is also excellent) - PVA does not always work.

IT IS POSSIBLE (and it is very beautiful) to paint the BACKGROUND of a painting in gouache... as if it were the background in a photograph. And in the foreground place a TRANSH made of natural material, leaves and berries, pressed with an iron.

Pack of leaf crafts No. 3

A simple applique for children and parents.

Competitions for schools or kindergartens often require autumn crafts made from leaves or other natural materials. Well, let's see what simple crafts You can make one from autumn leaves with your children in one evening.

The easiest way To make an ART applique craft from leaves is to USE A REGULAR CHILDREN'S COLORING BOOK.
That is, we find a large coloring book for children on the Internet. For example, a coloring book with a fox's face. Translate on a piece of paper with a pencil thin lines this coloring book (placing it on the glass of the window).

And now we must COLOR the silhouette of the fox, but not with pencils but with leafy material. These could be conifer branches (the fir trees are green, and here and there dry brown paws hang, collect some of these paws). If there are no fir trees nearby, we take dry leaves and grind them into dust, and fill the applique with this dry sprinkle from a torn leaf (water it with PVA and sprinkle dry filler from leaves on top of the glue). A beautiful craft and simple for parents and children.

In the same way, based on a children’s coloring book with a silhouette of a bird, this bird craft is made.
We find a coloring page with a bird on Google. Print it out. And fill the glue with leaves (we cut the leaves with scissors to the desired size of the feathers).

IMPORTANT - For such work we take black cardboard, a silhouette of a basket made of white paper, and a bag of pumpkin seeds. And tiny sprigs of dried autumn leaves and herbs (I described how to quickly dry craft material with an iron in the article Flower paintings – all the technology and common mistakes of beginners are described in detail there.)

If you have planted on your plot or flower bed velvet white leaves(I don’t remember the name of this plant, someone who knows can tell me). Then you can make appliqués with furry animals (for example, a cat).
We also find a beautiful coloring book on the Internet with a cat and fill the areas of this coloring book with natural material from pieces of leaves.

You can make portraits from leaves- where you can draw a face on paper, or lay out facial features with thin blades of grass (but this is jewelry work) and there is a risk that when transporting the craft, some of the facial features will come off and it will be ugly. Then you can first draw with a pencil clearly and boldly, and then lay blades of grass on top of the twig; if anything falls off, a pencil line will remain below and the portrait will not be visually damaged.

Come up with your own works. Attach large seeds or seeds to hot glue using a hot gun. Basis for applique choose stiff, solid cardboard(pizza lids) or plywood. The main thing is that the base does not bend, so the natural material will not peel off

Pack of leaf crafts No. 4


For school activities.

During lessons, children make their own crafts from leaves. The teacher can post examples of applications on the school board. Print photos from this article. So that children do not look for ideas in an empty head, but are inspired by ideas, understand that the principle is simple (like puzzles) and dare to implement THEIR OWN PUZZLE from leaves.

The teacher must give the child clarity, and not, as we do in schools, “come up with something yourself.” Everything follows the laws of development. First, the child must repeat someone else's idea, try to copy it, and only then will he be able to generate ideas himself. Just like in math or Russian classes (there are always already solved examples of problems). In art classes, the same laws of dialectics and pedagogy apply.

Let's see what kind of clarity a teacher can give to children. Here is a beautiful selection of leaf crafts for children at school or kindergarten.

Leaf Crafts

Package of ideas No. 5

Children's crafts made from leaves can be combined with an applique on a cardboard silhouette. Here is an owl craft made from leaves and colored paper.

If the leaves are strung on a needle and thread (like beads) or glued onto a drop of glue. Then you can assemble a long caterpillar craft. A simple children's craft made from leaves.

Wreaths are made using the same principle.

And here is a craft where the leaves are glued with an EDGE to the base (they are sunk with their edges into hot glue). This craft is quick to make if you glue the leaves in STICKS at once. We collected the leaves into a pile, took them with our fingers, and trimmed the bottom edge (which we will glue in). We poured glue into a puddle and placed a stack of leaves in this hot glue, held it and waited until it set. And so on.

Then we trimmed the edges of the leaf covering with scissors (as in the photo below)

Leaves can be glued OVERLAPPED on top of each other LIKE TILES. To create an imitation of owl feathers.

To make the leaves neat, you can cut them with scissors from any other leaves (even maple ones).

Here's how to make such a craft from leaves - an owl:

  1. WE MAKE AN OWL BLANK. We crumple up a lump of newspaper and coat it with plasticine. We coat the plasticine with PVA glue and place a paper napkin on it (we make several such layers of napkin on the glue). This will be a BLANK BLANK for an owl craft.
  2. Next, we take double-sided tape (thin tape), stick it on the bottom of the owl blank and lay the leaves on this tape.
  3. Then we wrap tape over the cuttings of this first layer of leaves. And on this adhesive tape we lay the next row of leaves,
  4. Again, we wrap double-sided adhesive tape around the cuttings of this second row of leaves and also place the third row of leaves on it. You get a simple and clear craft.

If you have slats on your farm (or you bought them at a hardware store), then you can make a craft like this with a bird. A beautiful autumn craft for a kindergarten competition.

You can make fences not from wooden planks, but from pieces of packaging cardboard. Paint it or wallpaper it.

You can also make a composition like this with a fence and decor from autumn leaves.

You can build a piglet's house from branches and leaves. We take a pack of juice and branches. We cover all sides of the pack with twigs. We make a door separately. We cover the roof with branches and then with leaves. Beautiful children's craft.

Craft package No. 6

Crafts made from leaves.

If you wrap a wide leaf into a roll, we get a rosebud. If we wrap the next leaf around this bud, then wrap the next leaf... then we get a ROSE. A beautiful rose from autumn leaves.

These maple roses can be used to make craft installations. The base is hemp, jars, with other dry leaves and twigs in the overall composition.

In class at school you can make simple snail crafts from twisted leaves. All children really like it.

Craft package No. 7

Crafts from leaves on a FRAME.

You can make a frame from natural material (this could be branches). And tie autumn leaves to this frame.

Even the frame itself can be designed in the form of a leaf of wood.

You can come up with your own silhouette of the frame - for example, the FACE OF A LION, and the leaves will be its mane. Or the frame of a squirrel, and the leaves will be a bushy tail. Fantasize, think about what your soul desires. And make your own unique handicraft. Don't copy these - they are just a starting point for your own idea.

The frame can be made of wire and willow twigs and designed as an UMBRELLA SILHOUETTE. And then, on threads, attach autumn foliage, pieces of moss, pine cones, dried flowers from a bouquet, spikelets, and blades of grass to this frame.

ANY natural material, including pumpkins, can serve as a frame for crafts made from autumn leaves. What can you come up with?

The base for crafts made from leaves can be a REGULAR CUTTING OF A LOG.

If you have two saw cuts (one wider, the other smaller), then you can put them on top of each other. Connect with a pin so that they do not move and arrange in the form of a cake of leaves and flowers.

Fastening with hot glue or double-sided tape.

Here's more nice idea for crafts using leaves. Beautiful dense leaves can be found under the aspen - they are dense and bright and retain their color for a very long time, even when they begin to dry out.

Package of ideas No. 8

Leaf Crafts

Decorative Autumn Wreaths

You can also make beautiful crafts in the form of wreaths from autumn leaves. You can cut out a RING BASE from cardboard. And attach the autumn leaves to the glue in an order convenient for you.

If the wreath is thick (as in the photo below), then you can attach the leaves at once in bunches - wrapping them with threads behind the cuttings.

The base of the wreath can be made of branches, and then onto the individual bends of this branch frame we wrap leaves with cuttings, sprigs of dry rowan, dried flower stems and other natural material (cones, stars cut from birch bark) with threads.

I told you more about the PROCESS of making wreaths with my own hands in a special article

You can make these crafts from leaves yourself at home for an exhibition at school or kindergarten. Beautiful bright original crafts will delight both you and your children.

Do it, create it, imagine it.

Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site

It’s very sad to watch how autumn comes after a sunny summer: the leaves on the trees turn yellow, it almost always rains, it becomes cold outside, you have to take warm things out of the closets.

Despite this, autumn can also become beautiful and full of colors during the onset of sunny days. Cheerful children run through city parks, play, and collect colorful bouquets from fallen leaves.

At home I start collecting various crafts for school and kindergarten, and sometimes just for myself. There is a huge variety exciting ideas, our article will be about them.

Leaf crafts for kindergarten

The child loves to take part in creating various crafts. Show him what can be made from the colorful leaves that filled all the streets of your yard, and he will be incredibly happy to take part in it.

Creating crafts is not only fun; thanks to such activities, children can get wonderful, exciting lessons in getting to know the world around them, develop thinking and creativity. The presented options for working in kindergarten will help you with this.

What is needed for crafts from autumn leaves:

  • The leaves themselves, of different colors, sizes and types;
  • Stationery (Glue, pencil, scissors, paper, white and colored cardboard);
  • Threads;
  • Wish.

Possible options for crafts made from leaves

Applique of autumn leaves

Considered the most simple view crafts made from leaves. You and your child can easily make an applique in the form of animals or birds.

You can create a lot with dry leaves, PVA glue and paper. To make your work more vibrant, use leaves of different colors.

Crafts from leaves and cardboard

Making a craft from cardboard and leaves is not difficult. You just need to cut out the base from cardboard and glue dry leaves to it.


One of the most exciting and common types of crafts for children is an amateur herbarium. You can collect many types of natural material, which will help your child to study with interest the variety of plants growing in your area. Include as many plant species as possible to create a beautiful herbarium.

Garland of autumn leaves

Dry the leaves, then dip each of them in yellow paint to give the leaves a brighter color. Then we hang the leaves to dry in the form of an elegant garland.

You need to take maple leaves of different sizes and colors, then cover them with transparent varnish. After the leaves have dried well, you need to hang them on strings, decorate them with beads or beads and hang them. The resulting pendant will be an excellent decoration both outdoors and indoors.

Bouquet of flowers from autumn leaves

Flowers created from maple leaves look very impressive.

Vase of leaves

You can use any leaves you like. For one vase you can use several types of leaves, different in color and shape, or you can make them from the same ones.

Instructions on how to make crafts from leaves Applique First you need to prepare everything necessary materials, and shoot the table with oilcloth.

To create an overlay applique, you should draw the picture itself on cardboard, then apply leaves to the drawing; there is no need to cut the leaves, they are used entirely. Anything that is not enough can be painted on with paints or made from other materials.

Silhouette applique is created from cut leaves. The leaves are cut to realize the intended design with their help.

The most difficult way is to create a modular application. It is made from leaves of the same size. Fish scales or bird feathers are made in this way.

To obtain a symmetrical application, it is necessary to select paired leaves that are identical in all respects.

Pay attention!

Tape - with its help, many details are created in one drawing.


It is better to collect leaves for the herbarium in dry weather, since wet leaves require additional processing. Each part of the herbarium must be straightened with a cold iron; before this, all creases in the sheet must be carefully removed.

If there is constant dampness outside and there is no time to wait for dry weather, then they should be given the opportunity to dry on their own. After the leaves have dried, they are ironed with a warm iron, placing them between two sheets of paper. There is no need to press the leaves with an iron, just press a little so as not to flatten them.

The prepared elements are placed on a sheet of paper, which will serve as a background and at the same time a frame. Fix the leaves with threads or glue.

Bouquet of flowers/rose

In order to get neat and beautiful flowers, the leaves must be even and clean. Place the piece of paper directly in front of you and fold it in half. Then you need to twist half the leaf into a tube, but do not twist it very tightly, the flower should be voluminous.

The result is the core of the flower; we make the petals from the remaining leaves. The core is placed in the second maple leaf. Take turns folding the edges of the sheet to form petals. The sheet can be secured with thread so that it does not fall apart later.

Pay attention!

To make the flower voluminous, you should twist at least six or seven maple leaves in this way, each of which is secured with a thread. To create a bouquet you need several of these flowers.


To make this craft you will need:

  • PVA glue;
  • Leaves of different colors;
  • An ordinary balloon.

You need to inflate the balloon to the desired size of the vase. Take glue diluted half and half with water. Lubricate one half of the ball with adhesive solution.

Each sheet must be properly glued and lubricated with another layer of solution on top so that the upper layers of the sheets adhere just as well. When you're stuck top layer, then it should also be lubricated with glue.

After this, remove the ball for several days until it hardens completely. When our fake is completely dry, you will need to burst the balloon. A vase of leaves is suitable for use. Making such work is not difficult, but it is very interesting, so it is good to do it with children.

Photos of crafts made from leaves

Pay attention!