High temperature in children is a cause of panic and even hysteria in parents. Komarovsky is sure that parents often dramatize the situation and in every possible way interfere with the natural recovery of the child, using antipyretics with or without reason. A child’s temperature of 39 should cause alarm: how to bring it down (Komarovsky advises to be careful with folk remedies), we will find out further.

Parents face a dilemma: a high temperature can be life-threatening for the baby, but if you bring it down, you can significantly prolong the illness and delay recovery. Of course, the decision to use antipyretics should be made by the pediatrician, based on the diagnosis and individual characteristics of the child.

A high temperature is difficult for a child to tolerate: the baby rolls his eyes, groans, and breathes heavily. Loving parents cannot calmly look at the torment of their child and grab antipyretic drugs. Komarovsky, in response to the question of how to bring down a child’s temperature, be it 39 or higher, says that it is impossible to prescribe the correct treatment in absentia. Some children endure high temperature, others almost faint from 37.5.

It is necessary to assess the child’s condition and do this, if possible, soberly. If the high temperature lasts for more than an hour, and the child’s condition causes concern among the parents, then an antipyretic drug should be taken immediately.

How to reduce a child's temperature

There are specific indications for which it is necessary to reduce the temperature. These include:

  • diseases of the nervous system,
  • temperature exceeding 39 degrees,
  • heat intolerance,
  • addition of other symptoms (shortness of breath, convulsions, etc.)
  • How to bring down a child’s temperature if the thermometer shows 39 or higher, Dr. Komarovsky will answer. The pediatrician suggests trying non-drug forms of treatment before giving your baby antipyretics.

    Few parents are ready to create the necessary conditions for a child, which will help normalize the temperature naturally. The pediatrician suggests reducing the room temperature to 16-18°C. This number is scary for some parents. In everyday life, it is believed that the sick person needs to create warm and comfortable conditions: wrap him in a blanket, close all the windows to avoid drafts, and avoid being in the fresh air. It is these steps, according to Komarovsky, that are fundamentally wrong. The pediatrician emphasizes that it is possible to reduce body temperature only by creating the necessary conditions so that the body has the ability to forcefully lose heat. But many parents believe that placing a sick child in a room where the temperature is only 18 °C is a real crime.

    If the fear of overcooling the child is too strong, then you can at least reduce the room temperature to 20-22 ° C and increase the humidity. To do this, you should wash the floors in the room more often, use automatic humidifiers or indoor fountains. Without drinking plenty of fluids, it will not be possible to reduce a child’s temperature. If the baby is too small to persuade him to drink more, you will have to force the liquid into his mouth. This must be done carefully, making sure that the baby does not choke.

    What to offer your baby as a drink? A raisin decoction is suitable for babies in their first year of life. For children preschool age You can offer warm milk, tea, dried fruit compote. Raspberry tea is widely used among people. It really promotes profuse sweating. But if the baby is already dehydrated, then raspberry tea will only worsen the situation. Therefore, first the little patient is offered compote, fruit drink or plain water, and only then raspberry tea.

    What not to do

    It is believed that you can reduce the temperature by offering your child a hot drink. This is a fundamentally wrong opinion, since hot liquid is not absorbed by the stomach, and the same can be said about cold drinks. The best solution is a liquid whose temperature is as close as possible to body temperature.

    You cannot cool your baby outside. This leads to the fact that the blood vessels narrow, the skin cools, and the internal organs heat up. Heat transfer decreases, and the little patient’s condition becomes worse. Using ice and cold water is extremely dangerous for the health and life of a child.

    The greatest harm to a baby's health comes from rubbing with vodka and acetic acid. Harmful substances enter the baby’s blood through the skin, further aggravating his condition. According to Komarovsky, poisoning with alcohol or vinegar due to illness can even lead to death. You should also not do cold enemas, ice compresses, and the like. Such measures can only be taken if the child has been given medications that eliminate vasospasm.

    Elevated temperature is typical sign infectious diseases. At the same time, parents have different opinions about whether it is necessary to lower the temperature, when and how to do it. What does E. Komarovsky think about fever and how does he advise to act when it appears in young children?

    Why is the temperature rising?

    By increasing the temperature, according to Komarovsky, the body activates the production of substances that resist pathogens. One of the main such compounds is a special protein called interferon, which has the properties of neutralizing viruses. The amount of synthesized interferon is directly related to fever - the higher the numbers on the thermometer, the greater the amount of interferon produced. Its maximum level in the blood is observed on the second or third day of elevated temperature. Komarovsky emphasizes that it is during this time that most viral infections end.

    In cases where the baby’s body is so weakened that fever during ARVI is not observed, or the parents lowered the temperature at the very beginning and did not stimulate the formation of interferon, the disease lasts much longer. In such situations, the virus is destroyed by antibodies produced in the child’s body, and recovery occurs around the seventh day.

    When should you lower your temperature?

    The famous doctor emphasizes that all children are individual, and therefore tolerate fever differently. There are kids who don’t mind playing at 39 degrees, and there are kids who feel very bad even at 37.5. That is why Komarovsky emphasizes that there is no universal recommendation at what levels of fever an antipyretic should be given.

    How to act if a child has a fever?

    According to Komarovsky, the main goal of parents should be to provide the baby with conditions in which his body can lose heat. Heat loss occurs in two ways - when the air that he inhaled warms up in the baby’s lungs, and also when sweat evaporates from the baby’s skin. Taking into account these ways, a popular pediatrician definitely recommends that all children with fever:

    1. Provide cool air in the room. Komarovsky calls the most optimal temperature for a nursery +16+18 degrees. In this case, the clothes on the child should be quite warm so that the skin vessels do not spasm.
    2. Give a lot to drink. This will allow the child to sweat more and eliminate blood clotting. Komarovsky advises feeding babies under one year old with raisin decoction, and older children with dried fruit compote. The doctor does not recommend giving tea with the addition of raspberries, which is popular among the people, to babies of the first year of life at all, and for children older than one year of age to use it only as an additional drink, since raspberries strongly stimulate sweating.

    If the child refuses any drink, Komarovsky recommends giving any drink that the baby agrees to. The temperature of the liquid to drink should be approximately equal to body temperature, then it will be absorbed faster in the digestive tract.

    What not to do?

    A popular pediatrician does not recommend using by physical methods to cool the baby's body, for example, using heating pads with ice, cold wet sheets and the like. All of them cause spasm of blood vessels in the skin, which leads to slower blood flow, reduced sweating and reduced heat loss. In this case, you will only reduce the temperature of the baby’s skin, but the temperature inside the body will still remain high, which poses a significant danger.

    Komarovsky also strongly opposes rubbing with vinegar or alcohol. A sweating child already loses enough heat, which leads to a decrease in temperature. Rubbing with alcohol-containing solutions, according to the pediatrician, additionally causes alcohol poisoning for the baby, and rubbing with vinegar increases the risk of acid poisoning.

    Komarovsky also does not advise trying to increase the evaporation of sweat using a fan. This also causes vasospasm. According to the doctor, when a child is sweating, you just need to change him into warm, dry clothes and calm down.

    Antipyretic drugs

    Komarovsky names situations where:

    1. The child has a severe fever.
    2. The baby has concomitant pathologies of the nervous system, which increases the risk of seizures.
    3. The reading on the thermometer is above +39. Such a high temperature, according to a popular pediatrician, has more negative effects than advantages.

    Komarovsky notes that failure to comply with conditions that help the child’s body waste excess heat reduces the effectiveness of any medications and increases the risk of adverse reactions.

    The most optimal antipyretic for childhood The pediatrician calls it paracetamol. Komarovsky considers its main advantages to be safety of action and ease of use, since the drug is available in many forms.

    Moreover, regarding paracetamol, a renowned doctor says that:

    • This drug is especially effective for viral infections.
    • Its effectiveness is not affected by the manufacturer and the form of release, but only by the dosage.
    • This is not a cure for the infection, but only a way to eliminate one of the symptoms - high fever.
    • It does not need to be used hourly, but should be given only when the temperature rises.
    • Paracetamol should not be used more than four times a day or for more than three days in a row.
    • Using it independently is a temporary measure to improve the child’s condition until a doctor arrives.
    • Any other antipyretics should be taken only after a doctor's prescription.

    Most often, those parents who are closely faced with the problem of severe hyperthermia in their children call a doctor to their home. Infectious and inflammatory diseases are often accompanied by high fever, sometimes developing up to thirty-nine degrees.

    In general, babies tolerate this difficult condition well, but if a serious illness occurs, there will also be accompanying symptoms that complicate it. The most common symptoms include migraine, chills, or respiratory symptoms. Only a doctor can decide on the treatment of the baby, but parents should clearly know how to bring down the temperature of 39 in the child before his arrival.

    Most often, significant hyperthermia in a child develops due to:

    • Bacterial infection;
    • introduction of viruses into the body;
    • respiratory infections;
    • food poisoning;
    • allergic reaction;
    • teething;
    • overheating;
    • nervous overstrain;
    • oncological diseases;
    • immune response to vaccination, etc.

    These factors cause a strong fever in the baby, which reflects a sharp activation of the body’s defenses.

    The vast majority of domestic and Western pediatricians are of the opinion that when hyperthermia reaches an alarming level of 38.5 degrees, then there is no point in waiting for further developments.

    It needs to be lowered. Otherwise, various serious complications can occur, the most common of which is a seizure.

    In the case of a serious infectious or inflammatory disease, the question of prescribing antipyretic drugs should be decided only by the attending physician. If there is no particular danger or, on the contrary, the pediatrician has not arrived yet, and the thermometer readings increase more than 39 degrees, then they need to be reduced.

    To do this, it is necessary to clearly understand that a significant increase in temperature is a direct reflection of the body’s resistance. It is the heat that helps him actively fight the infection.

    However, its manifestations that are too strong can have a negative impact on the baby, completely robbing him of his strength and leading to dehydration. How to bring down a child’s temperature of 39 and help him survive this serious condition? First of all, you need to provide him with a large amount of liquid.

    To prevent dehydration, you should constantly give your baby water. Various fruit compotes, berry fruit drinks or decoctions of medicinal plants are well suited for this. The drink must be tasty, otherwise a sick child may refuse it due to poor health.

    It is better to give him liquid from a spoon or a convenient bottle. When parents are confused because their child has a temperature of 39, Komarovsky believes that this is the only way to bring it down.

    Famous pediatrician Komarovsky also recommends, if hyperthermia develops, to replenish the lost balance of electrolytes in the body. To do this, it is necessary to eliminate the lack of microelements. In such a case, raisins, figs, dried apricots and other dried fruits will help.

    According to Komarovsky’s advice, it is strongly recommended to give the child a drink that has cooled down, but still retains heat. Therefore, before you start treating it with diaphoretics, you first need to provide the child’s body with a sufficient amount of fluid.

    If only the baby’s forehead is hot, but his legs and arms are cold, this indicates the development of a negative vascular reaction. In this case, you should know that it is permissible to give a child at a temperature of 39 degrees antispasmodics (Drotaverine or Papaverine) in a pediatric dose, clearly indicated in the instructions for the drug.

    It is imperative to open the window completely and achieve significant cooling of the room where the patient is lying. Dr. Komarovsky believes that the thermometer in it should show no more than twenty, or at most twenty-two, degrees.

    This helps to balance the body's thermoregulation with the help of the air inhaled by the baby's lungs and the air released by them. In addition, it is worth making the air stream wet. It is advisable to wet the curtains, place a large basin of water in the room, or place a damp cloth everywhere.

    All this puts him at significant risk. The heat, which has reached 39.9 degrees, no longer brings any benefit to the body, but causes coagulation of proteins, of which the human body largely consists.

    In addition, it creates a significant burden on the cardiovascular and nervous system.

    If the fever develops significantly, you should know that you can quickly bring down the temperature of 39 in a child by wiping with water at room temperature. It is not advisable to add any substances to it.

    You need to remove everything unnecessary from the baby to avoid overheating. You should leave him in cotton pajamas or a nightgown made from natural fabrics. It is better to cover it with a light sheet.

    You should not allow your child to run or scream if he is in an excited state, but it is also undesirable to force him to bed.

    Any nervous and physical stress will only increase hyperthermia. It is necessary to sit him in a comfortable place, read to him or distract him with something interesting.

    It is possible to reduce the manifestations of fever with the help of appropriate medications only if the child’s temperature of 39-39.5 is not brought down by rubbing and drinking. There are special medicines, which include syrups, suspensions or tablets. They contain the appropriate doses:

    1. Ibuprofen,

      It should be remembered that for children under 5 years of age, suppositories, syrups and suspensions are preferable to tablets.

    2. syrup or suppositories with Nurofen,
    3. Candles with Viferon,
    4. Paracetamol,
    5. Kalpolom,
    6. Panadolom,
    7. Efferalgan or Cefekon in the required dosage.

    They should be taken strictly according to the instructions that come with the medicine. These are effective drugs that can reduce fever for a fairly long period. In addition, they produce an operational effect.

    The safest choice in this case is Paracetamol. It quickly helps bring down the temperature, has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, has a minimum of contraindications and adverse reactions, and also does not have a noticeable effect on the hematopoietic system and the central nervous system.

    The dosage in tablets for fever in children from 3 to 6 years is 800 mg / day.

    From 6 summer age, the permissible dose is multiplied by 1.5-2. The minimum interval between medication doses is 4 hours. If the temperature does not decrease, the tablet can be given again. If the child’s temperature remains at 39 even after repeated doses, then other medications or home remedies are used.

    Ibuprofen-based medications also help quickly relieve fever, but they are less effective in providing other benefits to the body. However, their advantage is that the antipyretic effect lasts for a very long period. The child should also take them no more often than every six hours.

    For patients aged 3 months to 2 years, suppositories, syrup and suspension are used in accordance with the instructions. And for children over 3 years old - tablets. The dosage is 10 mg/kg body weight at a temperature of 38.5 - 39.2, and if the temperature is below this indicator, then 5 mg/kg. The daily dose of the drug should not exceed 30 mg/kg body weight.

    Many parents are horrified when they see numbers on a thermometer that stop at thirty-nine degrees. Therefore, they lose their heads and begin to do things that only worsen the child’s situation.
    It should be noted that in medicine, elevated temperature is divided into:

    1. White, when there is a hot forehead, and the palms and feet are cold, while the face is pale;
    2. red when the heat covers the whole body.

    Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the temperature in different ways.

    • In the first case, it is not recommended to massage the child’s limbs, completely undress him, or apply wet and cool lotions to his body. The baby’s condition is due to vascular insufficiency and these measures will only strengthen it.
    • When red hyperthermia is observed, these actions can help, since in this case vascular spasm is not observed; on the contrary, they are dilated.

    If a child’s temperature is persistent at 39 and does not react to anything, then you should not rub the baby with an alcohol or vinegar solution, as it contributes to dehydration of the body and negatively affects the condition of the skin.

    If there is a large amount of the substance, or if there is damage to the body, it can enter the bloodstream and cause even more damage.

    Also, you should not give your child hot drinks with raspberries, linden or honey, and then wrap them tightly. In this way, parents cause a diaphoretic effect and at the same time clog the air exchange, preventing the thermoregulation system from working at full strength. In addition, plant substances contribute to the creation of a diuretic effect, which, together with the diaphoretic effect, creates all the conditions for blood dehydration.

    Many parents panic when they see that their child’s temperature is 39.4; they don’t know how to bring it down. Therefore, it is necessary to remember that one should not strive to eliminate the heat by any means.

    Under no circumstances should you give your baby drugs such as Amidopyrine, Analgin, Antipyrine or Phenacetin. They are contraindicated for a child’s body, otherwise intoxication is quite possible, which will make the patient’s condition critical.

    1. Since babies often have a fever, parents should be prepared for this and know the basic measures that should be taken to help them.
    2. Even if the child is still an infant, the mother needs to prepare in advance for what she can and should do if he develops hyperthermia, since she will often have to deal with such a problem.
    3. And, of course, self-medication when a young patient develops a fever is simply unacceptable. All necessary therapy is carried out only by a doctor.

    There are also cases when everything has been tried, but hyperthermia does not disappear. Therefore, if a child’s temperature does not drop to 39 degrees, then this is a signal that specialist help is needed.
    An urgent call to the Ambulance is necessary when:

    • The heat increases;
    • the child does not eat anything;
    • he refuses to drink;
    • he is getting worse;
    • his limbs twitch;
    • the child constantly vomits;
    • he has severe diarrhea.

    If you do not call an ambulance in time, a seizure, cardiac or vascular failure, or organic brain damage may occur.

    These symptoms indicate serious metabolic problems, rapidly approaching dehydration, and the presence of dysfunction internal organs, and most likely the doctor will prescribe an antibiotic.

    While the medical team has not yet arrived, it is advisable to wrap the child in a wet sheet for about five minutes. Then he should be dried and dressed in a dry nightgown. In addition, the baby at this time needs to drink plenty of water at room temperature. The window must be open.

    The need for a child to reduce his temperature, which has reached thirty-nine degrees, is very urgent for parents. But this must be done extremely competently and carefully so as not to aggravate his condition.

    Intense fever indicates that the immune system cannot cope with a significant amount of pathogenic flora and the infectious process is gaining strength. All this provokes the development of severe inflammation, and often also allergies, which, in turn, contributes to the preservation and intensification of hyperthermia.

    You also need to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms, because they are the ones that indicate the presence of a certain disease. High temperature is only one of them and in itself cannot give a specialist a complete answer to the question of what the child is sick with.

    Jun 1, 2017Yulia Astafieva

    Fever in a child can be a sign of many diseases. Not necessarily viral or bacterial. The baby’s immune system responds to any irritants that enter the body. The main manifestation of the child’s body’s struggle with unfavorable factors– hyperthermia, rising to high values: 39 degrees and above. For parents, this is a serious indicator of the baby’s health, which is worth paying close attention to. What should a mother do if her child’s temperature of 39°C has not subsided for three days?

    First of all, it is necessary to take into account the difference in temperature standards for children of different ages. In newborns, the thermoregulation system is not yet sufficiently developed, so temperature fluctuations are typical for infants. They are associated with the adaptation period of the body to new conditions. The temperature at which the baby was in the womb was about 38 degrees. After birth, his body has to quickly adapt to new conditions.

    Unstable temperature is the norm for newborns and infants. However, if the fever reaches such values ​​for three days, the first thing parents need to do is consult a doctor.

    Older children react with the appearance of hyperthermia to viruses and bacteria entering the body. Inflammation begins, causing a sharp increase in thermometer readings to 39°C and above.

    The readings of mercury thermometers are considered the most accurate. It is convenient for a baby to use a pacifier thermometer. Doctors recommend following the basic rules:
    Temperature is measured in the armpits, inguinal folds, mouth or rectum. In the intestines it is 1 degree higher. If its values ​​have reached 39 degrees for several days, measure every 2 hours. This way you won’t miss the moment when the fever needs to be reduced;
    Measurements should be carried out in a calm state. Screaming, crying, whims, activity can significantly affect the final result;
    If you are using a pacifier thermometer or an electronic oral thermometer, measure one hour before or one hour after meals. Warm foods and drinks increase the values ​​by about 1 degree.

    Advice. If your baby has a fever of up to 39°C for several days, you should not take measurements with a rectal thermometer. Choose more gentle methods. There is absolutely no need for a child in this state to worry too much.

    A temperature of 39 degrees is called hyperpyrexic; it requires quick determination of the reasons for its occurrence and mandatory consultation with a pediatrician.

    1. Infectious diseases. These include influenza, ARVI, sore throat, chicken pox, rubella. The increase in the first three days is associated with the body’s production of a protective substance – interferon. It helps the child cope with the disease. According to medical research, greatest number interferon is produced on the third day of illness. The higher the heat during this period, the higher the body's defenses become. It is difficult for a child to tolerate hyperthermia, therefore, if a viral or bacterial infection is suspected, it is necessary to call a doctor and reduce the thermometer readings in accordance with his instructions;
    2. Teething. The appearance of new teeth, especially the first ones, is often accompanied by fever. It can last three days, reaching 39 degrees. Teething can be distinguished from infectious diseases by the following signs: swelling of the gums, strong salivation, and the baby’s refusal to breastfeed or solid food. If hyperthermia is associated with teeth, it must be reduced using medication or physiological methods;
    3. Heat stroke. Children in their first year of life are more likely to overheat. It appears as a result of prolonged exposure to the sun or excessive wrapping. Overheating occurs suddenly, in the late afternoon. The temperature does not last long, decreasing on the second day. Indirect signs by which heatstroke can be determined: difficulty breathing, rapid heartbeat. If the child overheats, he should be placed in a cool room, given water, and be sure to consult a doctor.

    Pediatricians agree: if you don’t interfere with the body, it can defeat the infection on its own in three days. Therefore, hyperthermia, which continues for the third day, is not yet a reason to run to the pharmacy for antipyretics.

    Exceptions are babies under one year old and children suffering from disorders of the nervous system or heart. Their fever can cause febrile seizures. They arise not as a consequence of hyperthermia, but because of its sudden onset. If there is no such reaction, do not rush to give medications. After all, temperature has not only a negative effect on the child’s body.

    Heat is a protective reaction inherent in nature. Against this background, phagocytosis increases - the ability of immune cells to neutralize everything harmful substances. Interferon is also actively produced, fighting bacteria and viruses. Intense heat reduces appetite and motor activity, directing all body systems to fight the disease.

    The main disadvantage of hyperthermia is the rapid loss of fluid. It causes blood thickening, reduces the absorption of medications, and can significantly worsen the condition. Therefore, the first rule for parents when their child has a prolonged fever is to give him water. You need to drink frequently, at least five times a day, in small portions. Preferably warm water. It is recommended to apply infants more often during the day, children artificial feeding You can drink from a syringe without a needle.

    When parents reduce the fever, they interfere with the body's natural process, which is aimed at fighting the disease. This does not mean that a child’s high temperature for the third day is not a cause for concern and nothing can be done. Pediatricians recommend reducing fever if the following indications exist:
    Temperature 39 lasts for three days or more;
    Difficulty breathing, retraction of the fontanelle in newborns;
    Diseases of the nervous system, heart, or previous seizures.

    You can fight the fever yourself. This must be done correctly, since incorrect manipulations can further harm your health.

    There are two ways to reduce temperature: with medications and physiological methods.

    Pediatricians recommend using drugs based on paracetamol or ibuprofen. They help get rid of fever on the first day and quickly normalize the condition. These medications are equally effective, but have different contraindications for use. Before starting use, you should consult your doctor. He will tell you the exact dosage depending on the medicine, age, weight of the child, and characteristics of the disease.

    Drugs are produced in different forms: suppositories, tablets, syrups. Medicines in the form of suppositories are recommended for children from 1 month. up to six months. Their effect occurs within 30-40 minutes. and lasts longer than after taking tablets or syrup.

    Older children are allowed antipyretic syrup. Please note: almost all syrups contain dyes, flavors, and flavoring additives. They may cause an allergic reaction. If your baby has a tendency to allergies, it is better to use rectal suppositories or a tablet form of the medicine.

    Tablets can be given to children from 3 years of age. By this age, the child is able to swallow them whole without choking. Syrups and tablets act quickly, within 15-20 minutes. after reception.

    Advice. If fever occurs due to viral infections, use paracetamol-based medications. Medical studies have shown its high effectiveness in treating such diseases. Paracetamol relieves fever for 2-4 hours, allowing the child to more easily cope with the disease.

    You cannot use one drug constantly. If you need to take it frequently in one day, try to alternate medications in different forms and with different active ingredients. Remember: analgin and aspirin are contraindicated for children to reduce fever. They can cause serious complications.

    One of them is rubbing. Place the baby on the bed, undress and dry with a soft towel moistened with warm water. You need to treat the entire body, starting from the neck area and moving down. Do not wrap the child after wiping, the temperature will quickly rise again.

    Another way is to drink plenty of warm drinks. It calls increased sweating. Moisture evaporating from the surface of the skin reduces heat. Drinking small amounts of fluid throughout the day also helps prevent dehydration.

    Some doctors advise applying ice to armpits or the baby's groin folds. This method is only valid for a short time in older children. A baby's delicate skin can quickly get frostbite.

    1. If a child has a fever or chills, he needs to be warmed up. Wear socks, a sweater, and cover with a warm blanket. It is a myth. On the contrary, wrapping it up leads to overheating of the internal organs and can cause a deterioration in the condition. To reduce fever, leave your baby wearing lightweight, loose clothing;
    2. It is necessary to close all the windows to prevent it from blowing. Another common but erroneous belief. To improve your well-being, be sure to ventilate the room and provide access to fresh air. Doctors recommend reducing the temperature in the room where the child is located to 18-20 degrees;
    3. The best rubdown is using vodka or vinegar. Indeed, alcohol-containing liquids help to sharply lower the thermometer readings. But only adults can do rubdowns with their help. Vodka and vinegar can penetrate the child’s body through the pores on the skin. As a result, the baby will receive severe intoxication;
    4. Swimming helps relieve fever. The opinion is partially correct. If the child is active, the fever appears due to teething - a shower will really help. Don't get carried away with long splashes in the bathroom. A warm shower lasting a few minutes is enough. Afterwards, dry your baby thoroughly to prevent colds. If the cause of the high temperature is influenza, sore throat, or ARVI, you should not bathe the child.

    Another common mistake is self-administration of antibiotics. Many parents, frightened by high thermometer readings, rush to begin what they believe is effective treatment. It is strictly prohibited to do this without consulting a doctor. Improper treatment can greatly harm your health.

    Urgent medical intervention is necessary if:
    Fever above 39 degrees does not subside for three days;
    The thermometer readings are off the charts in a newborn or infant;
    The presence or exacerbation of chronic diseases against the background of fever;
    The appearance of febrile convulsions, fainting, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath.

    Prolonged high fever in a child is not a reason for self-medication. The cause of fever above 39 degrees can be various diseases. Try to lower your temperature accessible ways and be sure to consult a doctor for a correct diagnosis.

    A high temperature in a child, especially in the cold season, is a fairly common occurrence. As a rule, the temperature rises as a result of the virus entering the body and becomes a harbinger that your baby is sick. The first reaction of parents is bed rest and antipyretic medications for the child. Some parents prefer traditional recipes, for example, rubbing the body with diluted vinegar or vodka. But, according to Dr. Komarovsky, it is possible to bring down the temperature only after the thermometer begins to exceed 38.5°C. Let's find out what parents should do if their child has a temperature of 40°C. and when drug treatment can be used.

    Causes of fever

    Fever in a child is most often caused by viral or infectious diseases. But besides this, the temperature often rises as a result of stress or nervous shock, allergies, after prolonged exposure to the sun, as well as during teething.

    The famous doctor Komarovsky talks a lot in his programs about how a mother should behave when her child’s body temperature rises. And the first thing he focuses the attention of parents on is medications. In his opinion, many parents consider medications to be the only panacea for treating fever. But it should be understood that a child’s fever indicates that his body is functioning normally, because fever is the strongest defender of the mechanisms in the body.

    The first thing parents should do is provide their baby with plenty of fluids. At the same time, all drinks that the baby will drink should be warm, but in no case hot or cold. Raisin decoctions, compotes, fruit drinks, etc. are ideal. The body must first be saturated with fluid and only then can sweating be stimulated with hotter drinks.

    Drinking a hot drink provokes sweating, that is, the body turns on the heat transfer function.

    The temperature in the room where the sick child is located should not exceed 22 degrees. This statement by Komarovsky is due to the fact that the heat transfer function will occur due to inhaled and exhaled air, that is, the child’s temperature will decrease naturally.

    The baby should be dressed in light home pajamas. Under no circumstances should you wrap your baby in a warm blanket or put flannelette pajamas on him.
    The healing process is also well influenced by rinsing the patient’s body with water at a temperature of 34-35 degrees Celsius. You can simply wipe the baby with a cloth soaked in warm water.

    Komarovsky highlights the widespread method of wiping the body with a solution of vinegar or vodka as a separate issue. The doctor categorically disagrees with this point, especially if the temperature rises suddenly in children. He also does not agree with such procedures as wrapping the body in wet sheets or towels. In his writings, Komarovsky describes these procedures as “relics of bygone years.” In modern civilization, in no developed country are such methods used to reduce temperature! Let's try to figure out why.

    The use of materials soaked in cold water can cause vasospasm - all doctors in the world, including Dr. Komarovsky, talk about this more than once. As a result, the pores on the skin close and a decrease in temperature is observed. BUT! The temperature decreases exclusively on the skin, while the internal temperature begins to rise. The fact is that sweat does not secrete through closed pores, and accordingly the internal temperature rises.

    Vinegar and alcohol are also contraindicated for reducing fever, especially in children. When rubbing the skin with such drugs, they penetrate into the blood through the open pores of the skin. As a result, there is a high risk of poisoning the child’s body with alcohol or acetic acid. It should be noted that Komarovsky is categorically against this method of reducing temperature, even for adults.

    Symptoms of fever in a child

    If children's body temperature rises above 38, then the children's behavior can be very different. Some children react normally to this temperature and remain active and energetic. Others, on the contrary, become lethargic, weak, show apathy and drowsiness.
    If you look from the outside, parents are pleased that even a high temperature is not able to reduce the child’s activity and most often they hear: “He is active and cheerful, so there is nothing to worry about - everything will go away on its own.” But from a medical point of view, at elevated temperatures the child needs rest and sleep. Accordingly, lethargy, apathy and drowsiness are exactly what doctors recommend to the patient. In this case, the body, without a doctor’s recommendation, independently decides that it needs to sleep.
    If the child is active, then the mother should give him a lot to drink, but exclude watching cartoons, movies or any other activities that require eye strain. Eye strain causes headaches.

    During an illness, especially when a child’s temperature rises to 40 degrees, the skin becomes pinkish, the cheeks and ears especially redden. If the child is pale, the skin acquires a grayish tint, a cough appears, and his limbs are cold, then the mother must immediately call an ambulance.

    Relatively medicines. As mentioned above, Dr. Komarovsky does not recommend lowering the temperature with medications unless absolutely necessary. First of all, you need to follow all the recommendations described above. If the temperature still rises and approaches 40 degrees, then you can give the baby antipyretic drugs or call a doctor.

    The most effective and safest drugs are those based on Paracetamol. After taking the drug, it is worth repeating the temperature measurement 40 minutes later. If the thermometer reading has not changed, then doctors recommend giving the required dose of Ibuprofen.

    At elevated temperatures, which are accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea, medications should be given when the reading reaches 38 degrees. Also, for diseases of the nervous system and respiratory system, antipyretic drugs are given to children when the thermometer reading is 38.5°C.

    And in conclusion, Dr. Komarovsky addresses parents who should always remain calm, especially when the baby begins to develop a fever. Remember that your child is no exception, because everyone gets sick. But in order for recovery to be more successful, parents must learn to behave correctly.

    Never panic! Always keep a cool head! Remember that stressful situations can cause an increase in temperature. Mom is the person the baby trusts most. And seeing the mother’s worried face, the baby begins to get nervous and worried. Put the child to bed, dress him in cotton clothes, give him something to drink and sit next to him by the bed. Talk to your child, try to divert his attention from the illness, and then the recovery process will go quickly. remember, that good mood- This is a healer for all diseases.

    Most often, those parents who are closely faced with the problem of severe hyperthermia in their children call a doctor to their home.

    Infectious and inflammatory diseases are often accompanied by high fever, sometimes developing up to thirty-nine degrees.

    In general, babies tolerate this difficult condition well, but if a serious illness occurs, there will also be accompanying symptoms that complicate it.

    The most common symptoms include migraine, chills, or respiratory symptoms. Only a doctor can decide on the treatment of the baby, but parents should clearly know how to bring down the temperature of 39 in the child before his arrival.

    Most often, significant hyperthermia in a child develops due to:

    • Bacterial infection;
    • introduction of viruses into the body;
    • respiratory infections;
    • food poisoning;
    • allergic reaction;
    • teething;
    • overheating;
    • nervous overstrain;
    • oncological diseases;
    • immune response to vaccination, etc.

    These factors cause a strong fever in the baby, which reflects a sharp activation of the body’s defenses.

    Should the temperature be brought down to 39?

    The vast majority of domestic and Western pediatricians are of the opinion that when hyperthermia reaches an alarming level of 38.5 degrees, then there is no point in waiting for further developments.

    It needs to be lowered. Otherwise, various serious complications can occur, the most common of which is a seizure.

    In the case of a serious infectious or inflammatory disease, the question of prescribing antipyretic drugs should be decided only by the attending physician.

    If there is no particular danger or, on the contrary, the pediatrician has not arrived yet, and the thermometer readings increase more than 39 degrees, then they need to be reduced.

    To do this, it is necessary to clearly understand that a significant increase in temperature is a direct reflection of the body’s resistance. It is the heat that helps him actively fight the infection.

    However, its manifestations that are too strong can have a negative impact on the baby, completely robbing him of his strength and leading to dehydration.

    How to bring down a child’s temperature of 39 and help him survive this serious condition? First of all, you need to provide him with a large amount of liquid.

    To prevent dehydration, you should constantly give your baby water.

    Various fruit compotes, berry fruit drinks or decoctions of medicinal plants are well suited for this. The drink must be tasty, otherwise a sick child may refuse it due to poor health.

    It is better to give him liquid from a spoon or a convenient bottle. When parents are confused because their child has a temperature of 39, Komarovsky believes that this is the only way to bring it down.

    The famous children's doctor Komarovsky also recommends, if hyperthermia develops, to replenish the lost balance of electrolytes in the body. To do this, it is necessary to eliminate the lack of microelements. In such a case, raisins, figs, dried apricots and other dried fruits will help.

    According to Komarovsky’s advice, it is strongly recommended to give the child a drink that has cooled down, but still retains heat. Therefore, before you start treating it with diaphoretics, you first need to provide the child’s body with a sufficient amount of fluid.

    If only the baby’s forehead is hot, but his legs and arms are cold, this indicates the development of a negative vascular reaction.

    In this case, you should know that it is permissible to give a child at a temperature of 39 degrees antispasmodics (Drotaverine or Papaverine) in a pediatric dose, clearly indicated in the instructions for the drug.

    It is imperative to open the window completely and achieve significant cooling of the room where the patient is lying. Dr. Komarovsky believes that the thermometer in it should show no more than twenty, or at most twenty-two, degrees.

    This helps to balance the body's thermoregulation with the help of the air inhaled by the baby's lungs and the air released by them. In addition, it is worth making the air stream wet.

    It is advisable to wet the curtains, place a large basin of water in the room, or place a damp cloth everywhere.

    Increased body temperature in a child - Emergency care "Doctor Komarovsky School"

    • There is intense heat, which has already exceeded thirty-nine Celsius and is approaching forty degrees;
    • diagnosed with heart disease;
    • there is vascular pathology;
    • there is a tendency to seizures, etc.

    All this puts him at significant risk. The heat, which has reached 39.9 degrees, no longer brings any benefit to the body, but causes coagulation of proteins, of which the human body largely consists.

    In addition, it creates a significant burden on the cardiovascular and nervous system.

    If the fever develops significantly, you should know that you can quickly bring down the temperature of 39 in a child by wiping with water at room temperature. It is not advisable to add any substances to it.

    You need to remove everything unnecessary from the baby to avoid overheating. You should leave him in cotton pajamas or a nightgown made from natural fabrics. It is better to cover it with a light sheet.

    You should not allow your child to run or scream if he is in an excited state, but it is also undesirable to force him to bed.

    Any nervous and physical stress will only increase hyperthermia. It is necessary to sit him in a comfortable place, read to him or distract him with something interesting.

    How to bring down a temperature of 39 in a child?

    It is possible to reduce the manifestations of fever with the help of appropriate medications only if the child’s temperature of 39-39.5 is not brought down by rubbing and drinking.

    It should be remembered that for children under 5 years of age, suppositories, syrups and suspensions are preferable to tablets.

    There are special medications, which include syrups, suspensions or tablets. They contain the appropriate doses:

    • Ibuprofen;
    • Syrup or suppositories with Nurofen;
    • Candle with Viferon;
    • Paracetamol;
    • Calpole;
    • Panadol;
    • Efferalgan or Cefekon in the required dosage.

    They should be taken strictly according to the instructions that come with the medicine. These are effective drugs that can reduce fever for a fairly long period. In addition, they produce an operational effect.

    The safest choice in this case is Paracetamol.

    It quickly helps bring down the temperature, has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, has a minimum of contraindications and adverse reactions, and also does not have a noticeable effect on the hematopoietic system and the central nervous system.

    The dosage in tablets for fever in children from 3 to 6 years is 800 mg / day.

    From the age of 6, the permissible dose is multiplied by 1.5-2. The minimum interval between medication doses is 4 hours.

    If the temperature does not decrease, the tablet can be given again. If the child’s temperature remains at 39 even after repeated doses, then other medications or home remedies are used.

    Ibuprofen-based medications also help quickly relieve fever, but they are less effective in providing other benefits to the body.

    However, their advantage is that the antipyretic effect lasts for a very long period. The child should also take them no more often than every six hours.

    For patients aged 3 months to 2 years, suppositories, syrup and suspension are used in accordance with the instructions. And for children over 3 years old - tablets.

    The dosage is 10 mg/kg body weight at a temperature of 38.5 - 39.2, and if the temperature is below this indicator, then 5 mg/kg. The daily dose of the drug should not exceed 30 mg/kg body weight.

    How not to lower the temperature

    Many parents are horrified when they see numbers on a thermometer that stop at thirty-nine degrees. Therefore, they lose their heads and begin to do things that only worsen the child’s situation.

    It should be noted that in medicine, elevated temperature is divided into:

    • White, when there is a hot forehead, and the palms and feet are cold, while the face is pale;
    • red, when the heat covers the whole body.

    Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the temperature in different ways.

    • In the first case, it is not recommended to massage the child’s limbs, completely undress him, or apply wet and cool lotions to his body. The baby’s condition is due to vascular insufficiency and these measures will only strengthen it.
    • When red hyperthermia is observed, these actions can help, since in this case vascular spasm is not observed; on the contrary, they are dilated.

    If a child’s temperature is persistent at 39 and does not react to anything, then you should not rub the baby with an alcohol or vinegar solution, as it contributes to dehydration of the body and negatively affects the condition of the skin.

    If there is a large amount of the substance, or if there is damage to the body, it can enter the bloodstream and cause even more damage.

    Also, you should not give your child hot drinks with raspberries, linden or honey, and then wrap them tightly.

    In this way, parents cause a diaphoretic effect and at the same time clog the air exchange, preventing the thermoregulation system from working at full strength.

    In addition, plant substances contribute to the creation of a diuretic effect, which, together with the diaphoretic effect, creates all the conditions for blood dehydration.

    Many parents panic when they see that their child’s temperature is 39.4; they don’t know how to bring it down. Therefore, it is necessary to remember that one should not strive to eliminate the heat by any means.

    Medicines prohibited for use by children

    Under no circumstances should you give your baby drugs such as Amidopyrine, Analgin, Antipyrin or Phenacetin.

    They are contraindicated for a child’s body, otherwise intoxication is quite possible, which will make the patient’s condition critical.

    • Since babies often have a fever, parents should be prepared for this and know the basic measures that should be taken to help them.
    • Even if the child is still an infant, the mother needs to prepare in advance for what she can and should do if he develops hyperthermia, since she will often have to deal with such a problem.
    • And, of course, self-medication when a young patient develops a fever is simply unacceptable. All necessary therapy is carried out only by a doctor.

    What to do if the temperature does not go down to 39

    There are also cases when everything has been tried, but hyperthermia does not disappear. Therefore, if a child’s temperature does not drop to 39 degrees, then this is a signal that specialist help is needed.

    An urgent call to the Ambulance is necessary when:

    • The heat increases;
    • the child does not eat anything;
    • he refuses to drink;
    • he is getting worse;
    • his limbs twitch;
    • the child constantly vomits;
    • he has severe diarrhea.

    If you do not call an ambulance in time, a seizure, cardiac or vascular failure, or organic brain damage may occur.

    These symptoms indicate serious metabolic problems, rapid approach of dehydration, as well as the presence of dysfunction of internal organs, and most likely the doctor will prescribe an antibiotic.

    While the medical team has not yet arrived, it is advisable to wrap the child in a wet sheet for about five minutes. Then he should be dried and dressed in a dry nightgown.

    You also need to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms, because they are the ones that indicate the presence of a certain disease. High temperature is only one of them and in itself cannot give a specialist a complete answer to the question of what the child is sick with.

    What to do if the temperature does not decrease after taking an antipyretic? — Dr. Komarovsky

    In contact with

    If a child often has a fever, this is not a reason to panic. Effective antipyretics will help quickly reduce your baby's fever. Any parent sooner or later encounters an increase in body temperature in their child. What to do, how to properly lower the temperature without causing harm to the fragile body and without interfering immune system the baby can fight the infection on his own. What temperature should be reduced with antipyretics, and in what case should you let the body fight on its own - details below.

    The effectiveness of antipyretics for children

    An increase in a child's body temperature occurs due to an increase in the number of pathogens or infection. The immune system begins to fight the inflammatory process, and as evidence of this is an increase in body temperature.

    Fever occurs:

    1. Low-grade fever. The thermometer readings do not exceed 37-38 ᵒС, it should not be knocked down.
    2. Moderately elevated. The thermometer readings reach 39 ᵒC. You should try to reduce this temperature.
    3. High. The thermometer readings exceed 39 ᵒC. The high temperature must be brought down immediately by wiping the child with a damp towel and given an antipyretic.

    The reasons for fever in children are different. Overheating occurs as a result of the baby's prolonged exposure to the sun in the summer, in a stuffy room, when the child is dressed too warmly outside. In this case, you should choose looser and lighter clothing; you do not need to give an antipyretic.

    This condition should be avoided in the future, as it can lead to dehydration.

    When allergic reaction to food or other factors, the baby is teething, the body reacts with an increase in temperature. Viral infection(ARVI) is usually accompanied by a runny nose, cough, and weakness of the body. The temperature may not rise if the immune system is weakened and does not fight the inflammatory process. Bacterial infection is common in newborns and older children. E. coli or staphylococcus enters the body, pain occurs, the temperature rises, and there is also stress or severe fear.

    Popular temperature candles for children

    When it is necessary to bring down a fever, but there is no opportunity to give syrup or tablets (due to age or more is needed quick effect), resort to the help of rectal suppositories. Antipyretic suppositories in the rectum gradually dissolve, quickly being absorbed into the blood.

    Benefits of candles:

    • Fast absorption;
    • Increased efficiency;
    • There is no negative effect on the baby’s liver;
    • Protect intestinal microflora from dysbacteriosis;
    • Suitable for infants, in serious condition, with a gag reflex to tablets.

    Which suppositories are considered the most effective in combating fever in a child? Mothers give positive reviews to the following suppositories Nurofen, Genferon, Kipferon, Panadol, Viferon, Vibrukol, Tsefekon, Ibuflex. Rectal suppositories have contraindications that should be taken into account when using them.

    Contraindications for suppositories are diseases of the rectum or kidneys, allergies to the components of the drug.

    At high temperatures, doctors recommend the use of antipyretics. Usually the active ingredients are the same, but before taking, you should consult your doctor. The instructions for the drug will tell you the correct dosage and time of taking the medicine, depending on age. Most effective means relieve fever - Viburkol (homeopathic), Ibuflex (drug in tablets and suppositories), Nurofen, Paracetamol (Efferalgan, Panadol), Ibufen, Ibuprofen.

    How to bring down a temperature of 39 in a child: Komarovsky will tell you

    You need to let your body small child lose heat.

    You should drink plenty of fluids to help you sweat. For infants, it is best to prepare a raisin decoction; for older children, a compote (can be made from dried fruits). It is not recommended to give raspberries and raspberry tea to avoid dehydration. Cool the room to 16–18 ᵒС, so heat will be lost when the inhaled air is warmed.

    • Enemas with cold solution;
    • Wet sheets;
    • Hot water bottles with ice.

    Contact with cold causes a spasm of skin vessels and a slowdown in blood flow and, as a result, a decrease in sweating. In this case, the temperature of the internal organs increases, despite the decrease in skin temperature. If the above measures do not help, and the temperature has reached a critical level, Komarovsky advises using Ibuprofen rectal suppositories. Situations when it is necessary to use an antipyretic - the thermometer reaches 39 ᵒC and above, the child’s general intolerance to high temperature, existing diseases of the nervous system. In this case, a significant increase in temperature can lead to the development of seizures.

    Doctors recommend always monitoring the child’s condition when a fever appears and, after applying the recommended measures, the temperature should be measured every 0.5 hours. If it continues to rise, you should call ambulance, because it is a symptom of an existing disease.

    1. Frequently ventilate the room and maintain optimal humidity levels. The air temperature in the room should not exceed 20 ᵒС.
    2. It is better to humidify using special humidifiers, but if this is not possible, it is recommended to hang wet sheets and towels in the room.
    3. Be sure to give plenty of fluids (sweetened tea, fruit drinks, water, diluted juices). Heat dehydrates the baby's body, so if the child categorically refuses to drink, he should be persuaded.

    In combination with an antipyretic, you can use cool rubbing, but in no case use anything other than water. Alcohol and vinegar solutions are strictly prohibited. Also, the wiping method is not suitable for children who have a history of seizures due to elevated temperature.

    The baby's clothes should be light and loose, even when chilly.

    To reduce fever, children should be given Paracetamol or Ibuprofen in syrup form. For infants, rectal suppositories are suitable, they have a quick effect and do not irritate the gastric mucosa.

    Recommendations on how to quickly reduce a child’s temperature: folk remedies

    There are a number folk ways reduce fever in children. They should be used before the doctor arrives. Most effective method fighting the heat at home - saline solution(2 tsp salt per 250 ml hot water) helps reduce intoxication and reduce fever. For children up to six months, the daily dose is approximately 30-40 ml, for children from 0.5 g - 200 ml.

    Echinacea infusion (especially effective for infections):

    • Pour 1 tbsp. l dry echinacea glass of boiling water;
    • Let it brew for 30 minutes;
    • Give your child the infusion to drink throughout the day.

    Chamomile enemas – pour 1 tbsp. l chamomile flowers with 1 glass of boiling water, heat in a water bath, remove, strain, cool and add a few drops of sunflower oil to the broth before use. There are a number folk recipes, strictly contraindicated for use.

    Despite the fact that these remedies are considered time-tested, they can make things worse for the child.

    Such means include rubbing. Regardless of whether the solution is alcohol or vinegar, it causes additional intoxication by penetrating the child’s blood. There is also a risk of burning the baby's delicate skin.

    How to reduce the temperature of a 3 year old child

    Pediatricians urge trying to lower the temperature if it has reached 38.5–39 ᵒC. This is very important for children under 3 years of age, as the heat of this age can lead to seizures. For babies up to the age of 2 months, it is correct to begin lowering the temperature, which has reached 37.7 ᵒC, because in newborns the development of the inflammatory process is very rapid!

    The most effective and safe baby products for children under 3 years of age:

    • Ibuprofen;
    • Paracetamol;
    • Nurofen.

    Tea with raspberries can be served with this drink, provided that the child consumes a lot of water. Otherwise, there is a risk of dehydration; raspberries have diuretic properties and reduce sweating. Doctors recommend refraining from taking medications that are considered toxic (Analgin, Phenacetin, Amidopyrine, Antipyrine). So, after taking analgin, a baby may experience severe allergies, a decrease in body temperature down to 35 ᵒC, and loss of consciousness.

    Viburkol: candles for children, reviews, Komarovsky (video)

    A high body temperature in a child always indicates the presence of an infection in the body. Temperature reduction should be carried out with the help of antipyretic medications in combination with maintaining the optimal temperature in the room and drinking plenty of fluids.