With the onset of pregnancy, jumps hormonal levels and rapid weight gain correct the figure of a young mother in their own way. Sometimes the skin simply cannot keep up with the growing tummy and mammary glands - stretch marks appear on it, which, if large in size, become a real source of embarrassment after childbirth. In order not to overshadow the happy moments of motherhood, you should take care of the health of your skin in advance, and oil for stretch marks during pregnancy and website recommendations for mothers can help you with this.

Stretch marks or stretch marks are a skin defect that occurs due to excessive stretching of the subcutaneous tissue. Such microtraumas most often occur during pregnancy and are localized on the abdomen, chest and hips. Fresh stretch marks have a pink or purple tint, while old ones look like white stripes with a pearlescent tint. It is worth understanding that stretch marks are analogues of scars and it is no longer possible to completely get rid of them. Therefore, the best remedy is their appearance during pregnancy, and natural oils They do an excellent job of this task if used systematically.

Which oil should you choose?

You need to choose very carefully against stretch marks on the skin during pregnancy: not everyone is suitable for this delicate period and can cause harm to the baby’s health.

In pharmacies or on store shelves you can find ready-made mixtures adapted for pregnant skin: oil from the Weleda, Bubchen, Benars or Hipp Mamasanf brands. Many pregnant women use Johnson's Baby oil, which was originally developed for children's skin. Read the label carefully and be sure to look at the expiration date. If it is already running out, refuse to purchase. And if pharmaceutical product belongs to the cheap category, then most likely it contains components such as surfactants and sodium lauryl sulfate, which destroy the natural lipid barrier on the skin. Over time, the skin may become dry and irritated.

Natural oils for stretch marks during pregnancy will bring much more benefits than factory-made cosmetics. Following the recipe and given proportions, you can use them to prepare safe caring mixtures at home. In this case, you will be confident in the naturalness of the composition and the freshness of the prepared product.

You need to start moisturizing your skin as early as possible and not wait until the first scars appear. So, which oils are preferable to use, depending on the stage of pregnancy:

  1. In the first trimester, it is better to give preference to olive, coconut, jojoba and wheat germ oils.
  2. For the second period, sesame and olive oils are suitable, as well as esters of neroli, lavender, orange, fir and tea tree.
  3. In the third trimester, take care of your skin with almond, olive, flaxseed, sesame, and cocoa butter.

To prevent the formation of unsightly scars, you can combine natural oils in a variety of variations depending on their properties.

The site warns: vegetable oil for stretch marks for pregnant women can be used in its pure form, but essential oil only diluted, otherwise there is a high risk of getting a chemical burn. The best option- This is a supplement of basic vegetable oils with essential extracts allowed during pregnancy. Such aromatic mixtures, when properly selected, can significantly increase skin elasticity by activating cell regeneration processes. With regular use in the form of compresses, for baths or massages, the skin will be provided with the necessary nutrition and hydration, dryness and flaking will go away, and along with it, itching.

Natural oils

A proven option for preventing stretch marks are the following options vegetable oils:

  1. Olive. Valuable extract from olive fruits is rich in all kinds of minerals, vitamins A, E, D, K, and fatty acids. Olive oil successfully helps against stretch marks during pregnancy: it nourishes and intensely moisturizes the surface layers of the epidermis, helping them cope with stretching during intensive tissue growth. Taking it internally can also have a positive effect on the overall health of the skin.
  2. Almond. One of the best means for skin care during pregnancy - safe and effective. Enriched with a complex of vitamins A, E, F and group B, as well as minerals, it activates protein synthesis in cells to maintain skin firmness and elasticity, restores water and fat balance in epidermal cells. Bioactive substances fight skin looseness, minimize the formation of stretch marks, and relieve irritation. It is actively used as an independent skin care product and does not lose its effectiveness when combined with other organic components. For example, almond oil with lavender for stretch marks during pregnancy is an excellent oil mixture that moisturizes and soothes the skin.
  3. Sea buckthorn. A real storehouse of nutrients: carotenoids, vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids. It is a valuable wound-healing component, under the influence of which even old stretch marks can be reduced. Has an antimicrobial effect and intensively moisturizes the skin.
  4. Coconut. It is an effective prevention of stretch marks at any stage of pregnancy. Coconut oil is actively used for stretch marks during pregnancy due to its ability to cope with fresh small tears. A large amount of Vitamin E in its composition perfectly softens the skin, protecting its structure from atrophy.
  5. Cocoa beans. A powerful antioxidant that helps fight degenerative changes in skin tissue, incl. related to age. Can be used independently without addition of other oils and essential oils. Regulates the water-lipid balance in skin cells, saturates them with vitamins and valuable biologically active substances.
  6. Wheat germ. The composition of the product can enhance cell regeneration processes and improve general condition. Lightens already formed scars and smoothes their surface.

This is the review of the most healthy oils for skin care of pregnant women. But the list can be safely supplemented with other names: apricot, peach, jojoba, grape seed, shea, sesame and flaxseed. They all contain valuable fatty acids and vitamins, so necessary for the skin during the period of intensive tissue growth, and are safe cosmetics allowed during pregnancy.

Essential oils

Organic oils with the addition of esters can greatly enhance their effect: after all, the most valuable property of essential extracts is the ability to deliver valuable substances without changes deep under the skin. But the pursuit of smooth, firm, stretch-free skin must be done with caution. Two or three drops of ether added to 1 tbsp. a spoonful of base oil or your favorite cream will be enough to increase the healing effect of the prepared mixture and give it a unique aroma. The base can also be yogurt, kefir, sour cream, honey or cosmetic clay.

Can provide active preventive assistance against the appearance of stretch marks the following types etherol:

  1. Immortelle promotes the renewal of epidermal cells.
  2. Squeezing carrot seeds helps quickly heal scars and microcracks, makes the skin strong, and gives it tone.
  3. Myrrh heals in a short time.
  4. Frankincense refreshes, accelerates regeneration and reduces stretch marks.
  5. Tangerine and orange improve blood microcirculation.
  6. Geranium squeeze prevents dryness, helps reduce fresh stretch marks, and intensively nourishes the skin.

We also list those essential oils that are strictly prohibited in this period: mint, chamomile, rose, ginger. Squeezes from parsley and basil, nutmeg and wormwood, juniper and fennel, cinnamon and rosemary, thyme and cedar, oregano and sage are also dangerous.

Do not use them under any circumstances while you are pregnant: their action can cause bleeding and spontaneous contractions of the uterus.

Recipes for oil mixtures for stretch marks

If you have decided in favor of naturalness, then we advise you to take into service several bottles of aromatic substances and a couple of time-tested recipes:

  1. 3 tbsp. l. olive oil mix with 1 tbsp. l. grape seed oil and 5 drops of geranium oil.
  2. To 5 tbsp. l almond oil add 1 capsule of liquid vitamin E and 3 drops of orange ether.
  3. Jojoba in the amount of 4 tbsp. l. mix with 1 tbsp. l. wheat germ oil and add 4 drops of neroli.

These mixtures are excellent for massaging the abdomen, thighs and delicate breast skin.

If you want to soak in the bath, you should use a slightly different recipe. Take 5 tbsp. l. sesame oil, add 3 drops of tangerine essential oil, 1 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt and 1 tsp. honey Without salt and honey, the mixture will simply float to the surface. You should not lie in such a bath for more than 15 minutes, and it is recommended not to use a towel when leaving.

Pregnancy is the most beautiful and at the same time very difficult stage in a woman’s life. Global changes are taking place in her body, and often, as a “memory” of the wonderful period, the expectant mother is left with unpleasant scars that arise due to excessive stress on the skin - stretch marks, or as they are popularly called stretch marks. One of the best ways to prevent this from happening is cosmetic defect For pregnant women, the use of natural oils is considered.

What are the benefits of cosmetic oils for expectant mothers?

Many expectant mothers, having learned about the likelihood of stretch marks appearing on their body, first of all go to a pharmacy or store to purchase a special cream against stretch marks. Indeed, the choice of cosmetics designed to prevent the appearance of stretch marks in pregnant women is very wide today. Such cosmetics are convenient and easy to use, and among the variety of creams and serums, every woman will find exactly what suits her in terms of price and quality.

However, we must not forget that any store-bought product is manufactured in a factory, which means that it will necessarily contain artificial chemical additives, which unscrupulous manufacturers may not even mention on the packaging. In addition, truly high-quality products, as a rule, are highly expensive, and not all expectant mothers can afford to use such cosmetics, and using cheap analogues from unknown factories is simply dangerous for the health of the woman herself and the baby she is carrying.

Natural oil for stretch marks can be a worthy alternative to store-bought products. Experts say that natural extracts from plants help prevent the occurrence of stretch marks even better than many advertised expensive creams. Unlike industrial cosmetics, vegetable oils do not contain any foreign impurities and are absolutely safe for a pregnant woman if used correctly. This is a natural cosmetics containing a lot of beneficial substances. female skin substances. By using oil for stretch marks during pregnancy, you can achieve the following results:

  • enrich the skin cells with vitamins A and E, which are known to directly affect the elasticity and firmness of the skin;
  • moisturize, soften and strengthen the fibers of the epidermis;
  • start skin cell regeneration processes;
  • stop the destruction upper layers dermis.

You can use natural cosmetic oils both to prevent stretch marks and to get rid of existing scars. The sooner the expectant mother begins to use such products, the higher the likelihood that even during advanced pregnancy her skin will not develop stretch marks.

How to choose oil

Very often, women are interested in which oils are best to use to prevent stretch marks. Indeed, the list of natural cosmetics that can be used during pregnancy is quite wide. All of them are divided into fatty, also known as carrier oils, and essential oils.

Fatty oils are obtained by squeezing plant raw materials, and only certain parts of the plant are used for this - seeds or seeds. Once upon a time, expectant mothers used only olive or sunflower oil to prevent stretch marks, but today the range of natural cosmetics has expanded significantly. The most affordable and effective oils for stretch marks during pregnancy include the following products:

  1. Coconut – contains vitamin B, which moisturizes, evens out the skin, makes it smooth and even.
  2. Flaxseed – increases the elasticity of the epidermis due to the large amount of fatty acids in the composition.
  3. Almond – perfectly nourishes the skin and saturates it with vitamins, helps fight existing stretch marks and prevents the appearance of new ones.
  4. Apricot – stimulates the protective function of the epidermis, increasing the skin’s resistance to stretching and damage.
  5. Peach – tones and moisturizes skin cells, nourishes and saturates the upper and deep layers of the skin with vitamins.
  6. Wheat germ – actively stimulates muscle functions and prevents damage to collagen fibers. Has good healing properties.
  7. Grape seeds – promotes intensive hydration, strengthening and regeneration of the dermis.
  8. Cocoa beans - has an excellent antioxidant effect, helps to cope even with deep stretch marks.

It is difficult to give an exact answer to the question of which of these remedies copes best with stretch marks. Cosmetologists agree that each oil from this list is effective in its own way in the prevention and treatment of stretch marks during pregnancy, if used regularly and according to all the rules.

Essential oils are a concentrated plant extract, and therefore they contain several times more active biological substances. But you need to be very careful with such cosmetics: essential oils are concentrated products and certain conditions may cause harm to the expectant mother. They can only be used in combination with base oils or another base, otherwise the use of an essential product risks skin burns and some other troubles.

Among other things, some essential oils can provoke the threat of miscarriage and premature birth. These include mint, sage, wormwood, basil, thyme, ginger, fennel. It is best to use essential oils against stretch marks during pregnancy, such as sandalwood, orange, ylang-ylang, rose, geranium. These products wonderfully moisturize the skin, stimulate blood circulation, and make the skin firm and elastic. If you are going to use essential oils for stretch marks, consult your gynecologist about the possibility of using one or another type of essential oil during pregnancy.

How to apply oils to prevent and treat stretch marks

A growing uterus can stretch the skin on the abdomen already in the first trimester of pregnancy, and along with weight gain and when the mammary glands are preparing for lactation, the area of ​​the buttocks, hips and breasts is at risk of developing unsightly stripes on the surface of the skin. Ideally, preventing the appearance of stretch marks should begin before pregnancy, in order to have time to prepare the skin for the upcoming stress. But in reality, this is not always possible, so experts recommend that women start using cosmetic oils at least immediately after they find out about their situation, or at least at the end of the 1st trimester, when the changes in body shape are not yet too great.

Once you start using oil for stretch marks during pregnancy, you need to moisturize your skin daily, preferably 2 times a day, until the very birth. Essential oils can be added to cosmetic mixtures no more than 1-2 times a week. Natural cosmetics are most effective when applied to damp skin, so it is best to rub oily liquids into the abdomen, hips and chest immediately after a bath or shower. Apply the nourishing moisturizer with light massage movements.

Before using any oil for the first time, a sensitivity test should be performed to avoid allergic reactions, and this must be done even if you had already used this remedy before pregnancy: during the period of bearing a child, a woman becomes especially susceptible to various allergens. To understand whether a particular type of oil is right for you, apply a little cosmetic liquid to your wrist and after a few minutes evaluate the condition of the skin. If no adverse reactions occur, the product can be used on any other area of ​​the body.

Nutritious oily liquids can not only be rubbed into the skin, but also used to make compresses and wraps, as well as take baths with the addition of essential oils. For example, 2-3 times a week, apricot oil for stretch marks is recommended to be applied to a cloth and applied for half an hour to those places where stretch marks have already begun to appear. Wheat germ oil will help against stretch marks during pregnancy if 1 tbsp. l. mix this product with 1 drop essential oil lavender and add to a warm bath. You can take such water procedures for no more than 15 minutes.

A mixture of oils for stretch marks is recommended for massage of problem areas. To prepare it, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. any base oil and add 1 drop each of orange and geranium essential oil. The stomach should be massaged with this soft mixture in a circular motion, and the area of ​​the chest, buttocks, and thighs - with light patting and pinching.

Application of natural cosmetic oils – good way protect the skin from stretch marks during pregnancy, which any expectant mother can use without fear of harming herself and the baby. By regularly applying such moisturizing cosmetics, you can significantly reduce the risk of new scars and get rid of existing ones.

Many women during pregnancy face the problem of stretch marks appearing in the abdomen, chest and hips. If you don't want to be one of them, you need to choose effective remedy, which will help prevent the occurrence of stretch marks. The most popular and in an effective way is the use of special oils. Which oil to use for stretch marks during pregnancy?

Oils suitable for an expectant mother

It turns out that our grandmothers tried to prevent the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy. To do this, they used natural vegetable oils, among which are:

  1. sunflower;
  2. linen; olive;
  3. corn

Today, the pharmaceutical industry has met young mothers halfway and offered them a wide selection of different skin care products.

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes significant changes. An increase in the volume of the abdomen, breasts, a powerful hormonal surge - all this does not have the best effect on the condition of the skin. As a result of this, if you do not take proper care of it, unattractive stripes may appear - stretch marks.

The problem is that not every remedy can be used during this period. In order not to harm either the mother or the baby, it must not only be effective, but also safe.

Use of natural oils

Various natural oils have been used to prevent stretch marks on the skin for many centuries. Most often, expectant mothers choose:

  • Olive oil for stretch marks during pregnancy. Thanks to its high oleic acid content, it is recognized as an ideal product that penetrates deep into the skin and nourishes cells with vitamins and minerals. In addition to rubbing the oil into the skin of those places where stretch marks most often appear, it is recommended to take it orally;

Olive oil is an excellent salad dressing. And the vitamin E it contains makes the skin smooth, elastic and elastic.

  • Sea buckthorn oil is a record holder for the content of carotene, linoleic and linolenic fatty acids, vitamins, amino acids and vegetable fats, which give the skin elasticity and help avoid stretch marks;
  • Almond oil for stretch marks during pregnancy. The vitamins A, E, F and group B included in its composition promote the production of collagen and elastane, which makes the skin smooth and elastic. Its regular use will not only strengthen the skin, but also restore the water-lipid balance, which is often disturbed due to the action of pregnancy hormones;
  • Coconut oil for stretch marks during pregnancy not only helps prevent stretch marks from occurring, but also fights existing skin defects. Vitamin E contained in it protects cells from damage, due to which the skin texture becomes smooth;
  • Apricot oil has tonic and regenerating properties. It is absolutely safe and can be used for newborns and pregnant women, regardless of their skin type.

The product stimulates the skin's natural hydration, maintaining its elasticity. For its production, apricot kernels are used, which contain vitamins A, C and F, so this oil is often used in cosmetology, as a base for balms and creams.

Use of cosmetic oils

The cosmetics industry today has learned to extract beneficial substances from plant materials that effectively and safely care for the skin. In pharmacies today you can find a huge amount of all kinds of cosmetics (creams, lotions, oils) that promise maximum effect in the fight against stretch marks. We recommend choosing oils, since their composition is as close to natural as possible.

"Weleda" oil for stretch marks during pregnancy

  1. It effectively nourishes the skin, toning it and preparing it for the stress associated with natural changes in the body during pregnancy;
  2. The product is based on plant components obtained from wheat germ, almonds and arnica flowers;
  3. Its substances quickly penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and restore natural metabolism in cells. The drug fights various skin defects and can be used at any stage of pregnancy.

Johnson's Baby oil for stretch marks during pregnancy

  • The product has a powerful stimulating and tonic effect;
  • With regular use, the skin becomes smooth and elastic;
  • It can be combined with other natural vegetable fats, for which they are mixed in equal proportions.

Essential oils

You cannot use essential oils in their pure form, as they can cause burns, and some of them are completely contraindicated during pregnancy. But a few drops of this product mixed with a cream or body lotion increase the effectiveness of the latter. To do this, 2-5 drops of the essential oil of your choice will be enough for 1 tablespoon of base.

You can also use kefir, natural yogurt or honey as a basis, if you are not allergic to it. By adding it to seaweed or clay, you can get an excellent mask.

To prevent the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy, it is recommended to use the following essential oils:

  1. Orange – vitamins A, B and C included in its composition stimulate cell restoration;
  2. Ylang-ylang – promotes cell regeneration;
  3. Anise – restores normal skin balance;
  4. Pink – has a moisturizing effect and reduces the appearance of stretch marks;
  5. Sandalwood – eliminates sagging skin, increasing its elasticity;
  6. Juniper – stimulates blood circulation, tones skin cells and reduces the appearance of stretch marks.

What to avoid for expectant mothers

In addition to chemical burns at the site of application, some types of essential oils can have negative effects on a woman and her unborn child. For example, they can lead to contraction of the muscles of the uterus and contribute to premature birth or miscarriage (article on the topic: Uterine tone >>>). To prevent this from happening, avoid using the following oils:

  • nutmeg;
  • basil;
  • sagebrush;
  • ginger;
  • sage;
  • fennel;
  • mint;
  • parsley;
  • duschitsa;
  • rosemary;
  • cedar.

The most effective oils for stretch marks during pregnancy

There are a lot of natural remedies to combat stretch marks, but we still recommend that you pay attention to the following:

  1. Almond. It not only prevents the appearance of new ones, but effectively combats existing defects. Suitable for use alone or for making mixtures (ideally combined with lavender);
  2. Calendula. Perfect for use as a base product. It has a softening and regenerating effect on skin cells. To prevent the appearance of stretch marks, it is recommended to use it from the very beginning of pregnancy. Goes well with almond;
  3. Cocoa beans. Due to the fact that it contains a large amount of amino acids and triglycerides, it perfectly restores damaged skin. And fatty and essential acids maintain it in normal condition. This remedy is so effective for stretch marks that it does not require the use of additional components.
  4. Melissa. Evens out skin tone, prevents the appearance of stretch marks and relieves itching, which can occur as a result of damage to skin fibers (Article

Pregnancy is a huge test for every woman’s body. In addition to serious changes and surges in hormonal levels, strong and sudden weight gain and other accompanying “charms” of the gestation period, the skin of the expectant mother is subject to very noticeable stretching, which leads to the appearance of stretch marks - unsightly white stripes on the chest, hips, abdomen and buttocks.

Since doctors emphasize that it is almost impossible to get rid of existing or old stretch marks non-surgically, it is worth taking measures to prevent them in advance. Anti-stretch mark oil can be one of your assistants in complex therapy during and after pregnancy.

Pregnancy is one of the main risk factors for stretch marks, because this condition becomes the starting point for many other associated causes:

  • In order for the skin to be elastic and stretch well, your body must have enough hormones called elastin and collagen.

During the period of bearing a baby, their production decreases, and hormonal instability also largely affects the sensitivity of the skin.

  • (relative to their previous parameters).

As a result, the skin reacts to strong tension by tearing the connective tissue.

  • You may have a genetic predisposition to stretch marks.

Or your skin by its nature is not elastic, unfortunately, this also happens - in this case, even the most intensive prevention may be in vain.

It can also cause stretch marks, as can expecting twins or triplets - a multiple pregnancy in any case involves even greater stress.

As a rule, the skin stretches most on the abdomen, but since the volume of the body can also increase in the chest or hips, stretch marks very often appear there too.

The tears immediately begin to heal and scar, but at first they may be pink, red or violet-purple in color (due to the capillaries), and then gradually turn white. When this happens, the stretch marks will no longer be manageable.

Doctors advise taking the most responsible approach to the issue of preventing stretch marks and taking all possible measures in combination:

  • Monitor your weight gain.

So that there are no jumps and sharp increases.

  • Eat properly and nutritiously.

The diet should contain foods rich in vitamins, minerals, useful substances, which will stimulate the production of necessary hormones in your body and help increase skin elasticity);

  • For healthy and beautiful skin, you need to drink enough fluids, rest well, get enough sleep, and avoid stress and nervous shock.
  • Don't forget about bad habits.

Not only pregnancy, but also your appearance caffeine, smoking, alcohol are harmful;

  • Help your body.

Consult your doctor about a set of suitable physical exercises (swimming, yoga or Pilates are ideal for pregnant women) - an active lifestyle will help you maintain the tone and elasticity of your skin and muscles, will help you feel better, and will also make it easier for you to get in shape after childbirth.

  • Ask your doctor to recommend or, which will reduce the strain on the skin of the abdomen and chest.

In addition to all this, choose cosmetics for yourself - oil that will prevent the appearance of stretch marks or fight them.

How do natural oils work against stretch marks?

It should be immediately noted that oil itself is not an absolute panacea that will suddenly help you get rid of scars and stretch marks.

It can only have a positive effect if:

  • stretch marks were not caused by endocrine diseases or serious hormonal imbalances;
  • you do not have a hereditary genetic predisposition to stretch marks;
  • You don’t expect instant results for already advanced skin defects.

So, if you are ready for systematic care and constant preventive procedures, they will definitely bring results.

Doctors say that preparing your body skin for pregnancy in advance will help you avoid almost forty percent of stretch marks.

If for some reason you were unable to do this, then already during the period of bearing a child, with regular use of oils, you can significantly reduce the number of stretch marks or even prevent their appearance - depending on when you start prevention.

The principle of action is that the oil at the local level, by increasing blood circulation, promotes the regeneration of skin tissue. In addition, oils can give the skin elasticity and tone, moisturize it, relieve swelling, and restore elasticity.

Each of them has its own special properties:

  • Olive oil.

Contains a higher amount of tocopherol (vitamin E) and retinol (vitamin A) which will speed up the process of restoration of damaged areas.

  • Jojoba oil or “liquid gold”, as it is not called for nothing.

Not only will it help prevent the appearance of stretch marks by nourishing, saturating and moisturizing the skin, but it will even cope with existing stretch marks, making them, if not disappear completely, then fade to an unnoticeable state;

  • Almond oil.

Returns elasticity to the skin.

  • Citrus oils (tangerine and neroli).

They will improve blood flow and circulation, eliminate ruptures of skin capillaries and help with inflammation.

  • Lavender oil and myrrh.

They will relieve you from various wounds, cuts and abrasions, and cope with skin diseases;

  • Jasmine and geranium oil.

They will help you if your skin is very sensitive, dry and dehydrated.

  • Frankincense, sandalwood and rosewood oils.

It will smooth out wrinkles, remove sagging and even cure scars.

  • Carrot seed oil will give good tone to the skin;
  • Grape seed and peach oils will soften and help tissues recover faster.

This is not a complete list, but even such useful products must still be used with caution, following certain rules.

Safe prevention - how not to harm yourself?

Any expectant mother tries to do everything to protect her baby as much as possible from the aggressive influence of the external environment. This is why you will refrain from using any artificial cosmetics or chemicals (at least during the first trimester). Natural oils are the optimal solution for preventing stretch marks.

But emphasis should be placed on this point: oils can be cosmetic or basic and essential. The first type of oils can be used in their pure form, that is, each oil separately on its own. They are also used to make mixtures and use them as a basis for diluting essential oils. But these cannot be used if they are not diluted, but are in concentrated form.

During pregnancy, you need to be very careful, because even the most favorite smell before can now cause you disgust or allergies.

Consult your doctor before the procedures, and you can do a small hypersensitivity test yourself: apply a small amount of the oil mixture or a couple of drops of oil to the skin of the wrist and observe the reaction.

In addition to individual intolerance, some oils are simply contraindicated for pregnant women, as their action can have a negative effect on your body and cause bleeding, uterine contractions, or.

Read the instructions carefully, because these oils are prohibited from being used not only individually, but also as part of mixtures:

  • parsley and wormwood oils;
  • fennel and ginger;
  • mint and chamomile;
  • nutmeg and thyme;
  • sage and basil;
  • cinnamon and oregano;
  • cedar and juniper.

Even if the oil is allowed for you, suits you and you like it, don’t overdo it. In addition, essential oils cannot be used as often as vegetable oils. Two or three procedures per week using them will be enough (ordinary basic ones may also be suitable for daily care behind the skin).

Experts say that if you carry out regular procedures for about six months, you can make dark blue and bright red stretch marks fade, and to make white stretch marks invisible, you will need at least a year.

We fight different types of stretch marks

As already mentioned, stretch marks, just appearing, can have a shade from pink to purple and are considered young or fresh until the capillaries die. Then the stretch marks turn white and become rough.

As they age more and more, they become practically immune to any kind of mild influence, such as cosmetics, massage or other similar procedures, and require more drastic and expensive measures (laser resurfacing, abdominoplasty, chemical peeling, microdermabrasion, etc.).

To combat new stretch marks that have just appeared, you will need the following products.

Weleda oil

A safe and certified product designed specifically for pregnant women and even nursing mothers.

Besides the fact that it is cosmetic product, made entirely from natural and organic ingredients, it also does not contain any ingredients of animal origin, that is, it is a vegan cosmetics.

The composition contains the following oils and substances: jojoba (nourishes and moisturizes the skin), wheat germ (responsible for regeneration, retains moisture in tissues), almond (relieves irritation and restores elasticity), rose, orange blossom, frankincense, myrrh (soothes the skin, nourish and restore), arnica flower extract (stimulates blood circulation, helps speed up metabolism).

Also included as natural flavors are lavender, orange and sandalwood oils.

The product can prevent the appearance of stretch marks or minimize the likelihood of their occurrence. In addition, it is considered effective in combating fresh stretch marks.

JOHNSON'S Baby oil.

Intensively moisturizes and nourishes the skin, gently affecting it without clogging pores or interfering with skin breathing. You can use the product with complete confidence, as it is safe even for newborns and is suitable for women during and after pregnancy.

The oil is hypoallergenic, has an unobtrusive odor and can be used as a base for oil mixtures or masks. After its use, the skin becomes velvety and silky, restoring its elasticity. Reviews indicate that the oil is really good for stretch marks.

Cacao butter

It is considered one of the best base cosmetic oils, since it does not contain any foreign impurities and is very convenient to use (even with high temperature air, the oil does not melt, but only breaks into pieces, and begins to melt only from direct contact with the skin).

Since the composition of the oil is rich in unsaturated and saturated fatty acids, it is simply an indispensable product for the skin, capable of nourishing, moisturizing, softening, rejuvenating, restoring, smoothing out wrinkles and scars, healing wounds, strengthening, caring for and much more useful things.

Use the oil in its pure form or mix it with other oils for greater effect.

Grape seed oil

It is popularly called the hormone of beauty and youth. Besides large quantity, it also contains procyanin - a real natural antioxidant that can support the cells of your body, help them function fully and correctly, and renew them regularly. The substance can smooth out small stretch marks and scars, and lighten deep stretch marks and make them almost invisible.

To combat old stretch marks, doctors advise using wheat germ (or germ) oil, a unique herbal product distinguished by its healing properties and composition.

Unlike other vegetable oils, this substance boasts the most balanced content of amino acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The oil is also extremely rich in vitamins and microelements necessary for the skin (E, D, group B, etc.).

Thanks to its action, which promotes good blood circulation in the skin and regeneration of damaged tissues, your skin will be soft, elastic, and stretch marks (even old ones) will fade and smooth out.

Since the oil has a slightly strong wheat scent, it is usually used only as a base for masks or mixtures.

How to use?

For the oil to be as effective as possible, it is best to combine rubbing it with a slight massage.

The procedure can be carried out after a shower: apply a small amount of oil to the skin, distribute evenly over the thighs or abdomen and begin massaging, rubbing the mixture in a circular and light pinching motion. You can also massage the chest area, just be gentle and careful.

Try rubbing in the following mixtures:

  • fifty milliliters of melted cocoa butter, combined with two tablespoons of olive and ten drops of orange;
  • dilute eight drops of rosemary and two drops of rose in forty milliliters of grape seed oil;
  • combine wheat germ oil with almond/peach or apricot oil in a 1:2 ratio;
  • For forty milliliters of sesame or almond oil, add one drop of neroli, one of orange and two of lavender;
  • Dissolve four drops of jojoba and ten almonds (essential) in one tablespoon of grape seed oil.

If you have no contraindications, you can leave the oil mixture on your body as a compress (apply the mixture on a gauze pad and apply only to stretch marks) or do a wrap. By the way, for these purposes it is recommended to use not only oils, but also medicinal mud or clay, algae, honey and even chocolate (if you do not have allergies).

Simply dilute cosmetic pharmaceutical clay and add the necessary oils to it, or enrich ready-made micronized algae with them. After applying the mixture to the body, wrap yourself in cling film and lie down, covered with a blanket, for about 20-30 minutes. Then wash off the mask with warm water.

Essential oils can also be added to a bath, but as a rule, you should be careful with baths during pregnancy and consult your doctor about the advisability of such procedures.

However, if possible, then give yourself a relaxing and healthy bath with the following composition: for thirty to sixty grams of honey, add one drop each of neroli and lavender oil, as well as a tablespoon of wheat germ oil. You can also dilute some sea salt or make a milk-based mixture.

Remember not to take a bath whose water temperature is more than 38ºC. Do not overdo it - one or two procedures per week will be enough for you.


Of course, dealing with stretch marks is very difficult. But if you regularly use natural oils in combination with other preventive measures, then sooner or later they will definitely bring positive results, helping not only to prevent the formation of new stretch marks, but also getting rid of existing ones.

The skin of pregnant women is subject to severe stretching, and therefore the likelihood of stretch marks in pregnant women is very high.

But general recipes for dealing with stretch marks are not suitable for pregnant women and women who have recently given birth. Women's skin requires especially careful care during this period. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the right remedies for stretch marks.

Natural fatty and essential oils- an excellent product for moisturizing the skin, increasing its firmness, elasticity and preventing stretch marks. For pregnant The main advantage of using fatty and essential oils is that they are 100% natural.

However, pregnant women should still use oils very carefully, following a number of important recommendations.

Oil for stretch marks during pregnancy

For the skin of the chest, abdomen, and thighs during pregnancy, additional hydration is required.

During the first trimester, when it is especially important to protect the developing baby from the influence of chemicals, natural oils are almost the only remedy that can be used to combat stretch marks. The best options are wheat germ oil and jojoba oil. It is also possible to use olive oil.

Stretch marks in pregnant women Most often they form in the second trimester. From now on, you can start using a special cream or gel for stretch marks. But even during this period, the oil can serve as an excellent protection against stretch marks or as an addition to the cream.

What oils should pregnant women use against stretch marks?

To combat stretch marks, pregnant women can use pure fatty oils (wheat germ and jojoba oils are best) or add essential oils to them.

Essential oils of lavender, neroli, and orange are especially popular during pregnancy.

Oil recipes for stretch marks during pregnancy:

  • 4 table. spoons of olive oil
  • 2 drops of lavender;
  • 2 drops of geranium;
  • 2 drops of orange.
  • 40 ml vegetable oil (olive, sesame, almond or peach);
  • 2 drops of lavender;
  • 1 drop of neroli;
  • a drop of orange.

To treat and prevent stretch marks during pregnancy, the prepared mixture must be applied daily to the skin of problem areas.

If the prepared mixture is enough for more than one use, you can pour it into a dark glass bottle and store it in the refrigerator for one to three months. If the smell of the oils becomes unpleasant, it is better to discard the mixture.

Massage for stretch marks during pregnancy

Starting around the second trimester of pregnancy, start performing daily massages to prevent stretch marks. After applying the prepared oil for stretch marks, the recipes for which are given above, lightly massage your thighs and chest with light pinching movements.

A special massage mixture for stretch marks on the chest during pregnancy:

  • 1 tablespoon of fatty jojoba oil;
  • 2 drops of geranium essential oil;
  • 1 drop of orange essential oil;

As soon as your breasts begin to enlarge, use this mixture to gently massage them.

Baths with essential oils

You can add a mixture of oils to a warm bath. A bath will help a lot to the expectant mother relax, relieve stress and provide contact with deep penetration of oils into the heated skin of the entire body. When oils are added directly to water, they will settle on the surface. In order for the oil particles to be evenly distributed throughout the entire thickness of the water, it is necessary to mix them with 30-60 g of foam or bath salts, honey, milk).

Add 1 drop of essential oil per 20 liters of water to the bath.

Recipe for anti-stretch mark bath oil during pregnancy:

  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fatty wheat germ oil;
  • 1 drop of lavender essential oil;
  • 1 drop of neroli essential oil.

Let your skin dry naturally after your bath, without using a towel.

It is important to remember that you can take a bath during pregnancy strictly at a water temperature of no more than 38? C. The duration of the procedure is no more than 15 minutes 1-2 times a week.


Compresses are especially good for treating local areas of skin prone to stretch marks. It is especially convenient to use them to combat stretch marks on the chest during pregnancy.

Anti-stretch mark oil recipe for compresses during pregnancy

  • 2 drops of lavender oil;
  • 1 drop of geranium oil;
  • 1 drop of petite grain oil;

Dilute the prepared mixture in 200 ml of water at room temperature. Soak a gauze napkin in water and apply a compress to the problem area. Soak the gauze napkin in this mixture and apply a compress to the problem area for 15 minutes. Carry out this procedure 3-4 times a week.

Precautions during pregnancy

Essential oils should be used especially carefully during pregnancy. The amount of essential oil in the finished mixture for pregnant women should not exceed 1% (for 2 tablespoons of base - 4 drops of essential oil).

Absolutely unacceptable for pregnant women essential oils that may stimulate menstruation or cause uterine contractions:

  • basil;
  • oregano;
  • ginger;
  • cedar;
  • cinnamon;
  • chamomile;
  • nutmeg;
  • mint;
  • juniper;
  • parsley;
  • sagebrush;
  • rose;
  • rosemary;
  • thyme;
  • fennel;
  • sage.

Some oils photo-toxic. They can damage your skin when exposed to the sun. This is especially true for citrus essential oils. Before going out into the bright sun, you should not use oils of bergamot, fennel, lemon and lime, orange, tangerine, and grapefruit.

Oil for postpartum stretch marks

After childbirth, a number of prohibitions on the use of oils for stretch marks are lifted. You can use a mixture of oils of 2% concentration (5-8 drops of essential oil per 2 tablespoons of base). In addition, the ban on the use of royal oil - roses - is lifted. This is very important, because it is rose oil that perfectly removes scars, evens out the texture and color of the skin, rejuvenates and tones it.

Essential oils of lavender, geranium, orange, patchouli, mint and clove, diluted in a base oil, are actively used for stretch marks after pregnancy. They actively fight stretch marks, improve the texture and color of the skin, and increase its elasticity.

Oil recipes against stretch marks after childbirth:

  • 9 table. spoons of olive oil;
  • 1 table. spoon of wheat germ oil;
  • 10-15 drops rose or patchouli essential oil
  • 30 ml fatty oil macadamia;
  • 4 drops rosemary essential oil;
  • 2 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • 2 drops of peppermint essential oil;
  • 2 drops of clove essential oil.

Treatments with oils against stretch marks after childbirth

Continue to massage problem areas to prevent stretch marks (including the stomach), using special oils after childbirth, the recipes for which are described above.