Scenario for the Chinese Dragon holiday.

Q.1 Today we have gathered here to celebrate an unforgettable holiday - Chinese New Year. To do this, we will go to this mysterious country to get to know its culture and traditions, but on the way we will face various difficulties and obstacles, and those who are not afraid of difficulties and pass all the tests will turn our holiday into a real Chinese miracle. So what? New Year no gifts? We haven't forgotten about them. Because We hope for yours Active participation.

Presenter 2:
Will dragons and strange Chinese rituals scare you? Are you ready to celebrate?

Presenter 1:
Great! Then, let's get acquainted! My name is Baozhey. I came from the Chinese province of Yunnan.

Presenter 2:
And I'm Kingling. I came from Guangdong Province, Eastern China.

Presenter 1:
Let's shout your names out loud. So loud, as it can only be on the day of purple cherry blossoms on the Red Dragon Festival!

Presenter 2:
China is a great state with a rich culture that arouses genuine interest among people all over the world. In 2008, the Olympics took place in Beijing... What do you already know about this ancient state?

Presenter 1:
We will help you. Let's play the game “Believe it or not.” Statements will be made to you, with China, and you must agree or disagree, saying “yes” or “no.”:
Chinese students write on the board with a brush with colored ink. (Yes)
The Chinese were the first to learn how to extract silk thread. (Yes)
In China, vitamin-enriched pencils are produced for children who have a habit of chewing them. (Yes)
China is the birthplace of porcelain. (Yes)
In one of the Chinese circuses, crocodiles can dance tango. (No)
The Chinese have a tumbler doll called Daruma. (no, it's a Japanese doll)
Chinese people are taller in the morning than in the evening. (yes, but this applies not only to the Chinese, but to people of any nationality)
The Great Wall of China can be seen from space. (Yes)
Chinese schools have disposable boards. (No)
Gunpowder was invented in China. (Yes)
The first telephone was invented by a Chinese. (No)
In China they also eat dumplings. (Yes)

Presenter2. Do you know how they write in China? In Russian - in letters, but in Chinese? (hieroglyphs). Let's try to become real Chinese and try the writing of this country. (write hieroglyphs using examples)

Or an arigami competition.

Presenter 1:
According to legend, the eastern part of the sky is guarded by a blue dragon, and the western part by a white tiger. The guardian of the south is the red bird, and the guardian of the north is the turtle. Beneath the firmament lies a square land, with China at its center. Today you too will play the role of guards of the Celestial Empire.
You need to divide the children into two teams equally. The relay race is carried out traditionally: teams stand parallel to each other, at a distance from them there are two chairs that they need to run around in order to go back and pass the baton to the next member of their team.
However, in this case, participants must not just run, but move in a certain way. The first participants from each team portray slow turtles: they must walk with the heel of their front foot touching the toe of their back foot (that is, take very small steps).
The second depict birds: they wave their arms and raise their knees high, as if marching.
The third are dragons: they spread their legs as wide as possible and walk half-bent, also waving their arms.
The fourth depict a tiger and move on all fours.
If there are more than four people in a team, the fifth and other participants decide for themselves how they will move - like a turtle, tiger, dragon or bird. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Presenter 2: The dragon's fang was considered a powerful amulet in China. Do you want to have the same amulet?
The leader places a box or box with “fangs” in the center of the table at which the children are sitting: these can be beads in the shape of fangs (these are commercially available) or “fangs” made of dough with a hole for threading. The leader also gives the children a piece of silk thread, long enough so that, after tying it, the amulet can be put on the neck.
Task for children: string three fangs on a thread, then tie the thread and put it around the neck. The three fastest ones receive small prizes. However, we need to wait until everyone succeeds. If someone doesn't succeed, let other guys help.

Presenter 1:
In Ancient China, the fan was not only used for its intended purpose, but was also an important sign of distinction: the decoration and elegance of the fan spoke of the wealth and authority of its owner. There was a code that determined who should own which fan. The emperor's family was given a fan decorated with gold and jade. Mandarins (dignitaries) used a fan made of silver and ivory. And the simplest was the scientist's fan - made of wax paper.
I suggest you practice using a fan. Everyone receives a fan and a feather. You need to wield the fan in such a way that the feather stays in the air as long as possible. We divide into teams. Each has 4 people. I'm giving you fans and feathers. The music turns on; the one on the team whose feather lasts the longest brings victory to his team.

Presenter 2:

Fairy tale. In Ancient China, a very beautiful sakura tree grew (the 1st child depicts a tree). It had very beautiful branchy branches (waves hands), and its flowers delighted everyone's eyes.
The nightingale always loved to circle above this tree (the 2nd child imitates a bird), he always loved to hum his song (sings like chik-chirk-chirk), and the tree always began to move its branches (moves his arms), as if singing along with him.
Since childhood, the little Samurai loved to practice Kung Fu under the tree. He always practiced his techniques (the 3rd child shows typical techniques). And the little nightingale always carefully watched him and sang his song to him so that he would not be bored (2nd child sings).
One day, the samurai saw the princess surrounded by friends (the 4th, 5th, 6th child), they laughed and joked merrily, sang songs (the 4th – 6th sing trawl-la-la). He really liked this girl, the girl also really liked him, but they did not dare to approach each other. (3rd 4th are embarrassed). Friends seeing this (5th, 6th) persuade them to meet tomorrow at sunset.
And the next day the Samurai sat under a tree enjoying the sunset. The nightingale sang to him (2nd sings) a song, Sakura hid him from the sun under its branches (1st waves his arms).
Meanwhile, friends were getting the princess ready for a date (the 5th, 6th were dressing the 4th). They helped her choose an outfit and jewelry.
And so, having gathered herself, she went on a date with the samurai (the 4th one is coming)
A little before reaching the tree near which the samurai was waiting for her (3rd sitting) and the nightingale dog his sonorous song (2nd singing), she saw a dragon (7th child)... The dragon began to growl very loudly and grabbed the princess and took her away far, far away. The samurai saw this and rushed after them, but did not have time to catch up with them.
At this loud roar, the princess’s friends came running and began to think with the samurai how to save the princess.. They gave him a horse (8th child), which was faster than lightning and a sword sharper than any blade( long ball).
The samurai took the sword and jumped on his horse and rushed after the princess.
Sakura waved her branches, the nightingale sang her sonorous song, and the friends held back their tears.
And for many days the samurai rode after his princess. He was very tired and was barely alive, the horse also no longer ran so quickly.
And now they have finally arrived. Seeing the princess and the dragon, they regained their strength.
The samurai challenged the dragon to battle. The dragon took his sword (2nd long ball) and went out to fight. They fought for a long, long time. Both the samurai and the dragon were wounded, but the samurai managed to plunge his sword straight into the dragon's heart and defeated it.
The samurai took the princess, they jumped on their horse and galloped back. They returned to the tree where their friends were waiting for them. The nightingale sang a song to them. The tree rustled its leaves. They all hugged each other and lived happily ever after. End

Presenter 1:
After the games, the children are invited to a sweet table with a tea ceremony, and the children try to eat with chopsticks. Before dessert, the host talks about the features of the tea ceremony. Well, after dinner you can tell your fortune using the Book of Changes. In fact, it's common comic fortune telling from any book. Anyone who wants to know fate must name the page and line. The fortuneteller reads the line and then tries to interpret it. For fortune telling children's party in Chinese style you can use a Chinese book folk tales. If the children cannot interpret on their own, the facilitator should help. All predictions, of course, must be very positive.

Presenter 2: In China there is a legend about a mysterious flower of happiness. Many have tried to find him, but no one has ever succeeded. Today you have a unique opportunity to find a flower of happiness right here.
Paper flowers are scattered all over the table. Children look between the plates for a flower marked with some symbol, for example, a butterfly, because the Chinese character (butterfly) is consonant with the word.

Presenter 1: Let's raise the cups of juice for happiness. For the happiness of you and your parents. After all, we all know that, contrary to legend, happiness is not in a flower, but in those who are next to us - in our family and friends.

Details for 1st department:
1) Simple circuits origami for children (5 different pieces)
2) Colored paper, or A4 sheets of origami format (the more, the better)
3) 8 fans (not necessarily Chinese - any)
4) Delicious tea (pack)
5) Treats (fruits, pies, sweets, cookies)
6) Juices (2 packages)
7) Chinese chopsticks
8) Plates, spoons, glasses
9) Paper flowers
10) Tablecloth
11) 8 prizes for the “Believe it or not believe it” quiz
12) Chinese dragon head (where the hell can I get this?)
13) Chinese Dragon Tail (where the hell can I get this?)

See for yourself how presenters should be dressed by typing the word “Geisha” into Google.

Script for a home performance - NEW YEAR'S STORY. My daughter and I played the roles, as well as the corresponding soft toys.

The girl is alone in the room.

Girl (singing): “Soon, soon the New Year... Soon, soon the New Year...” Soon, soon, and for how long. Now it’s only morning, then it will be day, then evening, and only then will it be night, twelve o’clock, New Year. Go and wait... Listen to music or something to make the time go by faster.

He turns on the tape recorder, the song “While the clock strikes twelve” plays, the girl sings along.

Girl: Stop, stop, stop. "While the clock strikes twelve!" It means this: the clock strikes twelve, the New Year is coming, everyone congratulates each other, Santa Claus puts gifts under the tree. This is what you need to make the New Year come sooner - make the clock strike twelve times. Yes, this is a couple of trifles. We take a watch. We move the hands to twelve o'clock. And the clock strikes...

There is alarming music and a clock striking. The light goes out.

Girl: Oh-oh-oh! Why is it so dark? Who turned off the light? I'm scared.

The light comes on. In front of the girl is the Keeper of Time.

Girl: Hello... Hello... Hello!

Time Keeper: Hello, hello, stupid girl.

Girl: Why am I stupid? And who are you, anyway, to call me names? And where did I end up?

Time Keeper: Well, I'll try to answer all your questions. Sit down and listen.
My name is Time Keeper
I save and preserve time,
I cherish him carefully,
I don’t rush it, I don’t waste it, I don’t drive it.
Everything in the world has its time -
There is time to rest,
And there is - to learn a lesson,
There is a time - autumn, and summer, and spring,
There is time for the beautiful Winter.
And once a year,
At twelve, right on time,
New Year is coming to people.
But you wanted to adjust the time,
You wanted to become smarter than nature itself.
And as a result - here's a lesson for you,
The holiday will not come to us exactly on time,
And you - you came to us, into the kingdom of fairy tales,
You'll have to live here without clues,
Without mother, grandmother, without grandfather, without friends -
This is what you did out of your stupidity.

Girl: But I... I didn't want to do anything bad. I just wanted... Oh, what a horror. Are you kidding? New Year really won't come now? And will I have to live here forever, in this kingdom of fairy tales? And there is no way out. (Crying)

Time Keeper: Well, well, well. Immediately into tears. Okay, stop crying. Listen to who they are talking to! Stop crying! There is always a way out - I am telling you this, the keeper of time. You can fix everything.

Girl: How? Set the clock back?

Time Keeper: Well, no, that would be too simple a solution to the problem.
Hit the road soon
Don't forget to take with you
A kind soul, a brave heart,
And, of course, five pounds worth of money.
You will return home if...

Girl: What if?

Keeper of Time: New Year will come to us if...

Girl: What if?

Keeper of Time: Everything will work out if only
You are on your difficult road,
Do five good deeds
You will accomplish five glorious deeds.

Girl: Should I do five good deeds? But which ones? Who should I defeat? Or, on the contrary, free? What should I do?

Time Keeper: Well, you know, my dear, you want too much from me. Here in front of you is the land of fairy tales. Here is the road. Here is a bundle for your journey - there is bread in it, so you won’t die of hunger. And then rely only on yourself. And I’ve already been talking to you for too long. Time doesn't wait, it's time for me...

The Time Keeper disappears. The girl is left alone, walking to the sound of a song.

Girl: I’m kind of tired. And I really want to eat. Well, as they say in the fairy tale, I’ll sit on a tree stump and eat a pie.

Mouse (not visible): Pee-pee-pee, pee-pee-pee, feed me first.

Girl: What is this? Who's that squeaking?

Mouse (comes out):
I'm a poor little mouse
I haven't eaten all day today
I've been living without my mother since I was born,
My house is a rotten old stump.
Feed me, I ask,
Otherwise I'll die of hunger
Even a pie, even a rind of cheese
I will gratefully accept.

Girl: Wow, “poor little mouse” - almost as tall as me! Okay, don't cry, get half the pie. And take all the cheese, I know how much you mice love it.

The girl gives the mouse food. Loud music is heard, the voice of the Time Keeper says: “THE FIRST GOOD DEED!”

Girl: What is this? What was it? You heard?

Mouse: I heard, I heard. Someone said: "The first good deed!"

Mouse: But you fed me!

Girl: Do you think this is considered a good deed?
That's amazing!
I didn’t wait, I didn’t wonder,
What is so simple, without difficulty,
A good deed will come to pass
I'll just treat you!
I thought I'd have to
I have to fight and fight
A whole century to search, save,
Walk for days, don't sleep for nights.

Mouse: Here she sings, too, for me, the opera prima donna. I guess I'll go, thanks for the treat.

Girl: Thank you! Gone. If only I could say, like the Swan Princess: “Don’t worry, you won’t eat for me for three days...” Well, it’s time for me too.

The kitten's pitiful cries are heard.

Girl: What is it? Who's crying here? Oh, kitten! How did you get there, stupid? Why are you crying?

Kitten: I, I, I... I was scared of the mouse.

Girl: What a fool! Yes, it is mice who should be afraid of cats, and not vice versa. However, this mouse is so huge that you can understand. Anyway. The mouse has already left. So you can go down safely.

Kitten: I can't. I got in here, but I can’t get back down. And if I don’t get down right now, I’ll soon fall - I no longer have the strength to hold on.

Girl: That's great! What should I do with you now? We need to film you, but I... I myself am afraid to climb such a tall tree. But if I don’t climb, the kitten will break. Okay, whatever happens. For courage, I’ll remember the song about little John - he wasn’t afraid of anything.

During the song, he climbs a tree and picks up a kitten, dancing with it until the end of the song. Then a voice is heard: “SECOND GOOD DEED!”

Girl: Did you hear, did you hear? Second good deed! It's true, I saved you. But don’t think, I didn’t do it on purpose at all. That is, specifically to save you, and not specifically to do a good deed. Phew, I'm completely confused.

Kitten: Thank you, kind girl. Good luck! Goodbye!

Girl: Goodbye! Don't be afraid of mice anymore!

He walks along, singing a song about John. Almost runs into the Big Dragon.

Girl: Well, here's a dragon for you. Good afternoon.

Big Dragon: What? And do you still dare to call this day a good day?

Girl: Me? Yes, but do you have a different opinion?

Big Dragon: Of course it's different. Son, come here. (Little Dragon appears). Look at this poor child.

Girl: Why is he moaning? What's happened?

Big Dragon: How can this poor baby not moan? His tummy hurts for four days now! He can't eat anything! He didn’t even want to eat you!

Girl: Me... me... me. This is bad. That is good. And now you, this very thing, will eat me yourself.

Big Dragon: No, I won't eat you. I take care of my figure, now I only eat vegetables and fruits. But my son, poor son. At his age, he needs to eat meat! And his tummy hurts!

Girl: How did he get sick? What did he eat before this? Did he wash his hands, that is, paws, before eating? And did he eat fresh food?

Big Dragon: We dragons never wash our paws before eating. And the products were the freshest. I remember that just before his tummy started to hurt, he ate five knights, along with horses, of course. Then he had a snack with the king, queen and daughter princess passing by. True, I scolded him for this. The king was already quite old, callous, the queen was too fat, and the princess was too harmful and capricious. Generally speaking, unhealthy food. So, what else did he eat that day? Oh, I remembered - ten hares, three deer, two dozen partridges. OK it's all over Now.

Girl: Yes. Nothing at all. In general, everything is clear to me. At your dear son just indigestion. In a word, I overate.

Big Dragon: Is this dangerous? Can you cure him?

Girl: Me? Of course I can, but on one condition.

Big Dragon: I’ll do everything, I’ll do everything, just heal my dear son.

Girl: It is absolutely clear to me that plant foods are beneficial for your species of dragons and meat foods are harmful. Therefore, let your son promise never to eat knights, princesses, kings, people in general, and let him be careful with animals.

Little Dragon: I give you my word.

Girl: Well, that's good. So, I saw St. John's wort and chamomile somewhere here. Yeah, here they are, great. So, for people, these medicinal plants need to be boiled, but it would probably be healthier for the baby dragon to eat them this way. Eat!

The little dragon eats grass.

Little Dragon: It's all over!

Girl: Hurray!

Sings with the dragons.

Good is stronger than all the dragons in the world,
Just approach the dragon with kindness,
And he will become nicer than a puppy in an apartment,
And he will become beautiful - look.
Of course, I’m happy to help dragons.
But I'll tell you a secret,
This is both joy and consolation for me,
That I will also serve people.
You knights and kings and maidens,
Come calmly to this forest,
Even though dragons live here, don't be afraid
From now on, no one will eat you here!

Girl: Goodbye, dear dragons! Try not to overeat again, baby! Gone. I'm kind of tired. Now I have nothing to eat, which means I need to at least sleep for an hour or two. This is where I'll lie down.

The girl lies down and falls asleep. Monkeys appear. They argue over nuts. The girl wakes up.

Girl: What are you up to? They won't let the person sleep!

Monkeys (all speak together, interrupting each other): You want to sleep - and we want to eat. We want to eat, but we can’t share the nuts. What if I get less? What if he has more? And if...

Girl: Stop, stop, stop! Let's figure it out. How many nuts do you have here? 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15. Fifteen. And there are three of you. You see how simple it is. After all, fifteen is just divisible by three. So, get five nuts each and don’t swear anymore

Monkey: I have five. And you? And I'm five. Me too. Hooray! Everyone has the same amount! Glory to the best mathematician in the world!

Girl: The fourth good deed? But now what have I done?

Monkey: You made peace between us!

A girl and monkeys dance to the song “As friends should do.” Baba Yaga appears.

Baba Yaga: What kind of dancing is this? Who is it that is making so much noise in the forest, preventing me, Baba Yaga, from sleeping?

Girl: Sorry, Baba Yaga, I didn’t know you were sleeping here, I didn’t want to wake you up.

Baba Yaga: I didn’t want to... I didn’t want to, but I woke her up. That's why I'll eat you now.

Girl: Oh, don't eat me, please! Under no circumstances should this be done!

Baba Yaga: Why is this not possible? As much as possible!

Girl: You can’t, Baba Yaga, you can’t. Firstly, how will my mother, grandmother, and grandfather live without me? And secondly, if I do not do five good deeds, the New Year will not come to earth.

Baba Yaga: So what if he doesn’t come? It’s all the same to me whether it’s New Year or old.

Girl: How does it matter? What about the holiday? What about fun? What about gifts?

Baba Yaga: I don’t have any holidays, no fun. And no one gives me gifts. I live here alone, old, lame, with a bone leg and a hut on chicken legs. Such a life will make you howl like a wolf - even in the New Year, even in the old one.

Girl: Oh, how unhappy you are, Grandma Yaga. I feel sorry for you.

Baba Yaga: Look! She feels sorry for me! You better have pity on yourself. Now I'll eat you - that's all.

Girl: Well, if you eat me, it will make you feel more joyful. No, Baba Yaga, things won’t work that way. We need to do something with you.

Baba Yaga: How is this happening to me? Is there me?

Girl: Well, you're all about food, yes about food. Let's better think about how you can change your life. Do you have any friends here in the Fairytale Kingdom?

Baba Yaga: Friends? There were, of course. Yes, everyone floated away. About a hundred years ago I didn’t share one good fellow with Zmey Gorynych - he wanted to eat him, but I regretted it and helped him escape. We had a fight with Koscheyushka the Immortal when we were playing cards. The goblin crushed my bone leg this summer, I don’t talk to him now.

Girl: Aren’t there other, prettier heroes in your kingdom?

Baba Yaga: Why not? In bulk! And kings, and kings, and good fellows, and beautiful maidens. Just today they gathered at Tsar Saltan’s for a feast for the whole world. And I was invited.

Girl: So go! Why are you sitting at home and grumbling at the whole world?

Baba Yaga: Go! How smart! But what will I wear? I don’t even have a dress, and I don’t know how to dance.

Girl: The dress is not the main thing. Come on, take off your scarves! So... Now I'll comb your hair. Come on, let's wash ourselves. Now she already looks like a person. Now let's learn dancing.

Baba Yaga and the girl are dancing.

Baba Yaga: I want to dance, I want to dance, until the morning... Goodbye, girlfriend! I'll run to the ball! I want to dance...

Keeper of Time: Well, you did another good deed, you made Baba Yaga herself happy and kind. Well done! Now it's time to go home.
Everything is behind, anxiety and excitement,
Five good deeds have already been accomplished,
And the New Year will come, without a doubt,
And we will all see the holiday.
It's time for you to return,
Now you understand a lot
There is no need to wait for good
When you do good yourself.
May it be New Year will be happy,
For all your family, friends,
Bring goodness and happiness to people,
Be kind, strong, don't be timid!

Girl: You watched our fairy tale.
Her moral is quite simple,
To make life more fun,
Rather, become a servant of good.
Don't expect ancient feats,
Dragons, princes and princesses,
And help those who are nearby.
And our fairy tale is over!

All children love attention and special attention they want on your birthday. They want to receive more than just a gift in a box and a cake. Boring get-togethers with relatives whose age exceeds the age of the birthday boy several times – this is not interesting for children and is irrelevant today.

Children want their birthday to be extraordinary, memorable, with a lot of fun, joy and games. To do this, many parents use the services of animators and companies that professionally organize holidays. This option is ideal, because parents will be able to relax at their child’s birthday party and become direct participants, throwing all problems out of their heads. Moreover, you don’t have to think about renting a costume and persuading some friend to put on this costume and entertain the children.
But if you have a desire (creative impulse) to organize a birthday party yourself, then we hope that the competitions and riddles below will help you with this.

Children 6 or 7 years old are inquisitive, are already quite independent and want adventure. Therefore, the birthday scenario for a child 6 years old or a little older should be adventurous, stimulating to knowledge, unusual, but not too abstruse!
You can choose for a birthday, but it is better for this age to specify the theme, to take as a basis a certain plot with specific characters. For example, beloved by many cartoon "How to Train Your Dragon", on which several episodes have already been released and there is a game.
We are offering to you approximate scenario for a child's birthday based on this cartoon, but you can change it slightly to suit your home conditions by watching the cartoon in advance.

When inviting children to your child’s birthday, you need to warn them that they will definitely need to watch the cartoon “How to Train Your Dragon” at home (part 1 is enough).

Birthday Invitations
In order to make invitations, you will need to print on a color printer pictures of dragons from the cartoon “How to Train Your Dragon.”
By folding a sheet of colored cardboard in half and gluing a picture of a dragon on the outside, you can write an interesting message inside. Don't forget the date and location of the holiday.

Festive table
Here you need to show your imagination. The fact is that children do not like fancy dishes; they like pizza, sausages, French fries, and sweets. Italian salad may not be in demand.
The main rule is that the food must be decorated in a very unusual way. The Vikings sailed on ships, so it’s worth making boat sandwiches with sausage and cheese strung on a skewer (sail); you can put a dragon figurine on pizza using halves of olives.
The cake must be in the shape of a dragon.

Birthday progress
Today we will go with you on an extraordinary journey, where adventures and dangers will await us. I hope you are not afraid of dragons? Because you will have to meet different dragons.
Let's see how well you know the characters from the cartoon How to Train Your Dragon.

1. What is the name of the boy of the main character of the cartoon? (Hiccup).
2. What did the warriors among whom Hiccup lived call themselves? (Vikings).
3. What is the name of the island where the Vikings live? (Booby).
4. What was the name of the most mysterious type of dragon that Hiccup later became friends with? (Night fury).
5. What device did Hiccup use to shoot down the Night Fury? (Using a catapult trap).
6. What part of the dragon’s body was damaged as a result of the fall? (Tail).
7. Who was Hiccup's father? (Tribal leader).
8. What was Hiccup's father's name? (Stoic).
9. What name did Hiccup give to the Night Fury dragon? (Toothless).
10. Why Toothless? Is it true that the Night Fury has no teeth? (No. The teeth are hidden in the gums).
11. What is the name of the girl Hiccup is secretly in love with? (Astrid).
12. What troubles did dragons cause for the Vikings? (Dragons stole food from the Vikings).
13. Why did dragons steal food from the Vikings? (To feed the giant dragon living in the cave).
14. What color is Toothless? (Black).
15. What feature (ability) does Toothless have? (He can breathe out a beam of blue flame and is also very fast).
16. What is the name of the type of dragon that throws sharp spikes with its tail? This kind of dragon has the hottest flames that can melt steel? (Coil).
17. Who became the rider of the Serpentine? (Astrid).
18. What was the name of the dragon that Astrid flew on? (Stormfly).
19. What is the name of the chubby boy, Hiccup's friend, who read the book about dragons seven times and later became its keeper. (Fishlegs).
20. What is the name of the type of dragon that has a club at the end of its tail? In addition, he has a large head and small wings. This type of dragon spews out balls of molten lava? (Grommel).
21. What was the name of the dragon Fishlegs rode? (Sausage).
22. What is the name of the boy who loves to bully Hiccup and tries to look after Astrid. This boy is strong, muscular, tall, but stupid. (Snotlout).
23. What is the name of the type of dragon that has a red color. This dragon is very strong and fast. He spits burning sticky liquid. (Terrible Monster).
24. What dragon did Snotlout fly on? (Terrible Monster).
25. What was the name of the dragon that Snotlout flew on? (Hookfang).
26. What were the names of the children of the twins, Hiccup's friends? (Bully and Tuffnut).
27. What dragon did Ruffnut and Tuffnut fly on? (Nightmare fastener).
28. How many heads does the Nightmare Fastener have? (Two).
29. What can the heads of the Nightmare Head do? (One head exhales gas, and the other sets it on fire.)
30. What was the name of the dragon on which Ruffnut and Tuffnut flew? (Leopard and Vepr).
31. What color are the scales of the dragon Ruffnut and Tuffnut? (Green).
Note: For the correct answer you must give a token or candy. At the end of the quiz, whoever has the most answers becomes the deputy chief of the tribe. The leader of the tribe, of course, is the birthday boy.

Presenter: So, we have chosen the leader and his deputy, now we need to name our Viking tribe?
The children come up with a name.

Presenter: Each member of the tribe must have their own dragon. Do you agree?
Assignment: Each child is given a sheet of paper and pencils. You need to draw your own dragon and come up with a name for the species and then tell what abilities it has. Now each child has his own dragon, the image of which can be attached to the child’s clothes using tape.

Presenter: Now we need to see which of the dragons is the most dexterous.
Task: Small objects (for example, buttons) spill onto the floor. Each player is given a plastic cup, into which, on command, everyone begins to collect the scattered parts. The most dexterous is the one who collects the most parts.

Presenter: And now it’s time to check which of the dragons is the most insightful.
Game: To play you need a bag. You need to put various items in the bag (an even number), for example: a felt-tip pen, a ruler, a toy, a spoon, a coin, a construction piece, a flashlight, etc.
Then two players are selected and blindfolded. Without seeing anything, each player in turn must pull an object out of the bag and say what it is. The one who names the most objects wins.

Presenter: Now let's see how well a dragon can understand its owner.
Game: To play the game you need to select four children and put them in pairs. In each pair it is necessary to determine who is the rider and who is the dragon. Chairs are placed in a chaotic order in the room.
The child who plays the role of the dragon must remember the arrangement of chairs in the room, after which he is blindfolded. Blindfolded, the dragon must walk to the other side of the room without falling. In this he must be helped by his rider, who will stand and tell him what to do and where to go. Those. shout: step right, step left, left, three steps forward, etc.
At the same time, two dragons begin to walk and at the same time the riders shout to them their route. It is important to listen only to the voice of your partner. Whoever gets to the other end of the room first wins.

Presenter: Now let's check how smart our adventurers are.
Game: One child is chosen to play. His task is to tell any fairy tale, replacing the main character with a dragon, and tell it to the children, and the children must figure out what kind of fairy tale it is.
For example: Grandfather planted a dragon, the dragon grew big and big, grandfather pulled the dragon by the tail and couldn’t pull it out... (Tale about a turnip).
There lived three dragon brothers, one built himself a house of straw, the second of branches, and the third of stone... (The Tale of the Three Little Pigs).

Presenter: Everyone is probably hungry, and it’s time to go to the festive table.
The birthday script is finished.

A scenario according to which you can hold a children's birthday party for children 7-8 years old.

The main theme is stories, legends and stories about the mythical animal - the dragon. Dinosaurs are considered the ancestors of dragons, so some knowledge about relic monsters will be useful for children.

As a gift for the birthday boy, it is advisable to buy a radio-controlled dragon. If this is not possible, then soft toy. But in order for the gift to be considered deserved, the hero of the occasion will have to go through numerous tests, together with his friends.

All children’s actions should be led by an adult who will take on the role of leader.


- Hello guys! You have already met, or have known each other for a long time! We have gathered to congratulate our dear birthday boy on his birthday! Let's say loudly and unanimously to him: “Happy Birthday!”

The children congratulate their friend, and the presenter continues:

- Do you know that we have now unexpectedly found ourselves in the magical land of Dragons? You congratulated your friend so loudly that the Scandinavian god Odin brought us all here to undergo many complex and difficult tests, the reward for completing which will be a special gift from him.

Compound word

— Our first task will not be very difficult. The youngest of you must take a note from the magic box and read it to everyone.

The youngest guest takes a note from the box with the following content: “Go to the cave that is in the magical mountain and enter it. The pass will be a spell - “PIKAPUTRIUKAPAYORIKIUMORIKI”, which everyone must write.”

The children go to a cave made of chairs and a blanket, next to which hangs a piece of whatman paper with a drawn mountain.

Having received a piece of paper and a pen from the leader, everyone writes a complex word. This is given exactly one attempt.

After everyone has completed this task, everyone is placed in the cave.

- This is a wonderful place! I've heard about him! From here you can go back to the time of the very first dragons - dinosaurs who lived many thousands of years ago, even before man appeared on earth. But for this to be possible, you must remember and say what they are called.

- Brontosaurus! Tyrannosaur! Diplodocus!

- Well done! And now everyone closes their eyes and waits for my command! In the blink of an eye, we'll be transported back in time to those prehistoric forests to see the dinosaurs.

Air battle

While the children are sitting with their eyes closed, the presenter and his assistants hang cardboard images of various dinosaurs on strings. To do this, images of prehistoric animals are glued onto cardboard and then cut out so that they can be hung at the level of the child's chest.

- Now each of you will try to overcome these monsters. But you can’t look at them for long, otherwise you will be hypnotized. So I'll give each of you a pair of scissors and blindfold you while you try to cut the strings that hold the dinosaurs together. Your comrades will help with hints - straight, higher, lower, left, right.

When the children complete this task, it turns out that one of the dinosaurs has an inscription with the following content: “Under a cactus with six spines.”


— We received a new task! Let's do it! I think there is a new mystery waiting for us that we will need to solve!

Children go into another room, where cacti hang on the wall, which are drawn on separate sheets of paper and under each there is a flower pot with sand and chopsticks or ordinary drinking straws stuck into it.

The task for children is, using sticks (tubes) as digging tools, under the desired picture (a cactus with six spines), to find a note and a treasure (a bag of candies or chewing gum).


You will need images of three mythical creatures on separate sheets of paper - a ferocious wolf, a terrible dog and a fire-breathing serpent.

— Having passed through the desert in the sweltering heat, you and I will find ourselves in a gorge in which these (shows images of monsters) evil creatures await us. The terrifying wolf Fernir, who was once able to swallow the god Odin himself, the bloodthirsty dog ​​Garm, he wants to swallow the Sun itself, and the huge serpent Jormugand, he can drink the whole sea, quenching his thirst.

- In order not to fall into their clutches, you must see Fernir - jump to the left, Garm - jump to the right, Jormugand - just jump over. Anyone who confuses or does the wrong thing will be forever chained to that sofa (chair).

The game goes as follows. The children, lining up in a column in front of the leader, must take turns performing the required action when he, taking out a sheet with a monster from behind his back, throws it at the feet of the subject.

Ferocious Dragon Castle

Quiz. You will need a knight's castle drawn on a sheet of whatman paper with loophole leaves glued on, with reverse side which the questions are written.

- Look, guys! This is the castle we must storm. But for this we need weapons, and they will give us them only if answers are received to the questions that are written in every loophole on the castle walls.

  • In our history there is only one dragon who has a middle name. What's his name?
  • What fairy tale is the dragon named Toothless from?
  • Which book mentions a kind scientist who likes to breed spiders, dragons and dogs with three heads?
  • What does the dragon protect in the legend of the Argonauts?
  • The author of The Hobbit, A Journey There and Back Again mentioned a dragon. What is his name?
  • What is the name of the book that describes the hero's victory over the basilisk?
  • The coat of arms of the city of Moscow depicts a dragon. How many heads does he have?
  • Which of all the known dragons went to heaven?
  • The Orthodox saint was able to defeat the dragon. What was his name?

- Guys, you are great! We were able to answer all the questions correctly. Despite the fact that we received the promised weapons, we will not need them. The castle defenders were so frightened by your persistence that they decided to surrender without a fight. Therefore, we can freely enter it.

Knight Tournament

You will need a sheet of whatman paper with drawn knights in battle garb and a black marker or thick felt-tip pen.

“The former defenders of the castle, noble knights, invite us to take part in a festive tournament dedicated to the peaceful end of the military confrontation with us. But they consider us stronger, so you can only participate in fights blindfolded.

Anyone who wants to fight is given markers and blindfolded. The match is considered won if one of the children can cross the drawn knight with a marker in one attempt.

After the fights, the presenter finds another note (a sticker glued to the back of a piece of whatman paper with knights).

- Look! Another note! It says: “Go to Mount Wiland!”

“But since we are all somewhat tired, I suggest we take a short break by the fire and have a snack in order to rest and gain strength for the further journey.”

Children are invited to sit by the fire (around a mock-up of a burning fire or by a real fireplace) and taste a hot, delicious mince pie.

Relaxing by the fire

“I have an excellent pie with wild boar meat.” There are many of them in the surrounding forests. And while we eat this delicious pie, let's create some fairy-tale story about dragons together. One of you will start with a sentence, and the others will take turns continuing it. Thus, we should have an interesting story that you composed yourself.

- Let's start! Who will be first?

Children begin their story by composing from individual sentences a whole narrative about fairy-tale lands, wizards, dragons and great heroes who fight them.

After the invented story reaches its logical conclusion, the presenter invites the children to go to Mount Wiland, at the top of which they need to find another note.


As a mountain, you can use a wall bars or a portable ladder attached to the wall. There should be a note attached to the top bar: “Take part in the magical ritual of the great dragon tamer Adele van Helsing.”

One of the guests or the birthday boy himself, with the support of everyone present, climbs to the top of a high mountain and finds a note

Magic ritual

- Dear friends! To carry out the ritual, we will need five (or more, depending on the number of children) different dragons! They can be molded from plasticine, which I will give you now! Use all your imagination and then they will all definitely turn out different, that is, completely different from each other.

After the dragons are molded by the children, they are placed in a wide circle.

The presenter takes out the birthday boy's gift (a radio-controlled dragon or a soft toy in its form) and, imitating flight, places him in the center of the circle.

- Here's another one! Personalized! He will be a personal friend and assistant to our birthday boy!

- Hooray! We passed all the tests in the land of dragons and even got one at our disposal! Now you can celebrate this event, as well as once again congratulate our birthday boy on his birthday at the festive table!

All guests are seated at the table. They treat themselves to various delicacies, eat a birthday cake with traditionally blown-out candles and drink tea, having fun chatting with each other and discussing the adventures they have experienced, as well as the new knowledge that was gained during the game.

The main character of the film "The Mystery of the Dragon Seal"– British cartographer Jonathan Green(Jason Flemyng) - by order of the emperor Peter the Great goes to the Russian Far East to draw up a map of the area. On the way to Green you will encounter many incredible adventures, meet Chinese princesses, martial arts masters and yourself King of the Dragons.

Interesting facts about the movie The Secret of the Dragon Seal

"The Mystery of the Dragon Seal" became the first Russian-Chinese film in the history of cinema.

Filming took place in Russia, China, Tunisia and the Czech Republic.

The film's budget was over $48 million, making it one of the most expensive Russian-produced films.

Even before the film was released, the producers announced that they were planning to make a sequel called “Travel to India. On the threshold of immortality".

The plot of the film is based on three famous legends: “ The mystery of man Iron mask », « The emergence of the Great Tea Route" And " An ancient legend of Little Russia about a dead Cossack and the Cossacks-characterniks».

At the Comic Con Russia 2017 festival the film “ The Mystery of the Dragon Seal“, as well as materials about the filming of the previous film “Viy”. Viewers, in addition, had the opportunity to see with their own eyes a short video depicting a fight between the heroes Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jackie Chan. According to the plot of the film, the hero Jackie Chan tries to escape from Tower Prison, and the warden is executed Schwarzenegger trying to stop him from escaping.

The teaser posters feature new heroes - powerful magicians whom the English traveler Jonathan Green (Jason Flemyng) will meet on his journey through China.

Jade Mage -A magician of gigantic stature, dressed in an impenetrable jade suit.

Sound Mage -A giant magician with the supernatural ability to create sound waves of incredible destructive power.

Lightning Mage -Magically controls and uses lightning bolts as weapons. Electrical bursts instantly turn opponents into ashes.

Smoke Mage - ABOUT has the supernatural ability to dissolve in a puff of smoke, and, having disappeared in one place, appear in another. Elusive and therefore invincible in battle.

In the first part of the film “Viy” an American sound mixing specialist worked on the sound Bob Beamer– winner of four awards “ Oscar"in the nomination "Best Sound" for work on films " Dream girl", "Ray", "Gladiator" and "Speed". According to Beamer, working in the film “Viy” became a professional challenge for him.

In the second part of the film “The Mystery of the Dragon Seal,” the producers decided to invite Beamer’s close friend, a sound engineer. Gary S. Bourgeois, who is famous not only for his work in big cinema and television, but also for his collaboration with such legendary musicians as Janis Joplin and Bob Dylan. Bourgeois took part in the re-recording (the final connection of all sound tracks) of the film.

A Hollywood specialist is working on the sound design of the film “The Secret of the Dragon Seal” Harry Cohen, who will have to compose not only the voices of the monsters, but also many other sounds that will make the film more realistic.

“We are wildly delighted with Harry Cohen and his work. He records all sound creation processes on camera, thereby confirming his work. All his sounds are original and bring incredible delight. Harry himself says that this is his first work in which he had to compose so many different sounds, from dragons to Ho Chai,” said the film’s producer Alexey Petrukhin.