Despite the fact that everything is much simpler on the second day of the wedding, it is advisable to start the celebration program according to the same rules as the scenario for the first wedding day.

Before the official start of the holiday, guests need to have something to do. For example, to greet guests at the entrance with mummers who will jokingly examine each guest, give them a hangover if necessary, and escort them to the table.
If the program of the second day of the wedding does not include a meeting of invitees, guests can be offered to watch video materials filmed the day before. If the wedding photographer comes to the rescue, you can hang photographs of yesterday’s festivities on the walls of the hall in advance. At the same time, during the work of such a photo exhibition, you can hold a competition for the best motto for the photo and award the winner a prize - the same photo.

At the end of the photo exhibition, you can hold an auction to sell the most interesting photographs, and the profits from it can be transferred to the youth fund.

When the required wedding quorum is reached, guests go to the banquet hall and are seated at the table.

Let our fun last
All day and until the morning.
And for the happiness of the newlyweds
Let's all drink together, hurray!
Yesterday we drank to the bride,
And at the same time for the groom.
Today (name of the groom) is the husband,
(Bride's name), therefore, is the wife.
Now imagine this:
Many years have passed,
We remember everything that happened
And this wedding dinner.
You already have big children:
Who is an engineer, who is an astronaut,
Who lives on another planet,
He probably became a “star” of the Moon.
We raise a sacred toast,
Let everything happen without fail,
For the happiness of the created family,
Here's to you, romantics of the earth!

The guests drink and eat for a while. Then the toastmaster asks for silence. The mother-in-law comes out into the middle of the hall. In her hands is a large tray on which there is a plate of pancakes. The mother-in-law goes around the guests and treats them to pancakes. Invitees place a symbolic payment for pancakes on the tray.
As soon as all the pancakes are sold, the mother-in-law breaks the plate and asks her daughter and son-in-law to leave the table. She gives the bride a broom.

Well: “For good luck!”, let’s say together,
But you need to add litter.
Guests, don't be important,
Throw the paper money into the trash,
Throw copper money
So that they don't be poor.
And we give you, young people, a broom,
So that from now on you don’t live without money!
Show your agility
Collect your trash quickly!
The guests throw money on the floor, the young people sweep it up. Then the feast continues for some time, then the toastmaster announces that it is time to eat fish soup.
Guests are served plates of fish soup, but no spoons are placed on the table. The toastmaster invites everyone to buy spoons, and for those who want to get a spoon for free, answer one of the “beer” questions.
Sample list of questions

1. What fish is best to drink beer with?
(With a roach.)
2. What are fish eggs called?
3. When does crayfish have the most delicious meat?
(In the spring, before the start of molting.)
4. Which barrels are preferable for beer?
5. How can you determine the quality of beer by the foam?
(You need to put a coin on the foam. If it doesn’t sink, the beer is of high quality.)
After purchasing or winning spoons, guests eat and drink for a while. Then the toastmaster invites those who wish to take part in the entertainment program. It offers guests various competitions and games.
- And now the witnesses will present gifts to the young people. I give them the floor.
Witnesses come out with a box and, taking one item out of it, say in turn:
- Here's a big mug for you,
So that you give tea to each other.
- Here's a nail for you,
So that you won't be apart.
- Here's some soap for you.
May you live a marvelous life for everyone.
- Here are your booties,
So that children don't go barefoot.
- Here's a vest for you
For daughter Alenka.
- Here are cucumbers for you,
May you have twins.
- Here's cabbage for you,
So that the refrigerator is not empty.
- Here's a radish for you,
So that the wife does not look at Fedka.
- Here are beets for you,
So that the husband does not look at Thekla.
Then the wedding feast continues, as well as entertainment. This is an approximate scenario for the second day of the wedding - it all depends on the imagination of the toastmaster...

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  • Author : M. Savinykh
  • To whom : For adults
  • Others: Ransom, Musical, With dressing up, With props, Fairytale
  • Roles: 4 and > people
  • Pages: 31 pages
  • Type : Scenario
  • Time spending: 4 hours, 5 hours

The wedding script for the toastmaster is complete and detailed with competitions and music tracks

We offer a ready-made, complete, interesting, comic wedding script for a beginner or an experienced host. Everything for carrying out modern wedding. Lots of interesting things, amazing competitions and tasks. Contains 30 music tracks, 31 pages of text.

First of all, the bride ransom is carried out at the home of the young girl’s parents.


Bride ransom test: “Baba Yaga and the Leshy”

Description: Villains (aunt and uncle or friends in disguise) - Grandma Yaga and Leshy stole and hid the bride. The groom is asked to complete comic tasks and answer questions...

Baba Yaga is a man dressed as Grandma Yozhka.
Goblin - fat woman, put on a beard, hat, caftan and belt. In your pockets and decorate your hat with twigs and grass - but not necessarily.

The bride is asked questions beforehand, and she answers them. The groom must guess these answers.


/The groom is greeted in the corridor or at the entrance by Baba Yaga and Leshy/

Baba Yaga:
- Chufir, Chufir! I smell the Russian spirit! Surely the groom came to us to pick up his bride! /here you can insert the names of the bride and groom/

“That’s not the case, we won’t just give up our loot!”

…………….full text of the ransom with jokes and jokes in full version script……………………


Dear newlyweds! We are glad to welcome you and congratulate you on your legal marriage. Today many guests came to congratulate you, but among them are the people closest to you - your parents.

(the bride and groom walk along a living corridor, guests sprinkle rose petals on them)

Bow at your parents’ feet three times for their love, warmth and care that they have given you all these years, and today they have come to bless you for a long, happy life together!

Parents, bless your children! (bless)


Taste the bread as a symbol of blessing from your parents, as a symbol of life on earth. The groom breaks off and salts the bread for the bride, the bride breaks it off and salts it for the groom, so that today you can salt each other for the first and last time, and in your life, so that it is sweet and smooth.

So that in your life together there was no hitch - break this plate for luck.

(after these words, the mother of the bride sprinkles the newlyweds)

Today you have united and become halves of one whole for each other. Here are glasses for two, drink from them quickly and you will be united!

Now eat a piece of candy and as soon as you chew it, say “Ahh”, remember how you did in childhood?

We did this so that you understand that standing here on the threshold of a new life, you are still children and as soon as your parents tie your hands and lead you to new life, You will become adults, an independent family. What God has united cannot be separated by man! Love each other, appreciate each other, respect each other! (Fathers tie the hands of the young and lead them to the table)

And now the way to the couple -
Let only happiness await you in life!
Come on in, hurry up -
The festive feast is calling you!
We invite everyone to the feast,
Wedding hospitality.

Feast. TOAST 1.

Dear newlyweds!
Today you got married,
Happy day in the world for you,
Since you lit a beacon of love

Then let it shine for you all your life.
Everything turned out the way you wanted
And now the desired hour has come -
You put on the chastity rings,

Flowers and music for you.
You're wearing beautiful outfits
We are starting this feast.
Articles, rituals,

Love, advice to you, eternal peace.
On the eve of family ties,
When hearts and souls are wide open
We bless your union,
For consistency and happiness.

Well, guests, have you stood up together?
Did you raise your glasses cheerfully?
Let's shout bitterly to them
Bitter, bitter for the young.

First kiss

Track No. 1. First kiss.


The second toast rightfully sounds for the people closest to you. For your parents!

But before we raise a glass to them
Parents, congratulations to your children.

Now we want to invite the bride’s parents: mom (NAME) dad (NAME)

Mom reads her words. Wishes from the bride's parents.

Then the groom's parents come out. Mom reads her words. Congratulations from the groom's parents.

Now, before we raise our glasses, we will say something bitter to our parents. Someone should teach young people how to kiss.


…………………………..text of the comic telegram in the full version of the script………………………….


For those who took honorable care
From now on I must for many years in a row
To follow with desire, with joy, with eagerness
So that there is peace and harmony in the sponsored family.
So that the wards walk together
Dear bright, joyful, big
Before the wedding, their silver in the beginning
Well, then before the wedding it’s golden.

(the floor is given to witnesses)

Comrade, you got a girlfriend
Kiss the boyar friend.

There is a sun and a moon in the sky, we have a bride and groom. Both are dazzling, radiate warmth and tenderness. The only difference is that the sun and moon appear in turn, one at a time, and we wish our young ones to always be together and never be separated!

On this solemn day two loving person tied the knot of love... Eye to eye, hand to hand, heart to heart, his pulse will merge with her rhythm... in the first dance of the young, which they will carry through their entire lives...


Track No. 2. First dance of the young.

And now I want to make a musical gift for our newlyweds and their guests. I ask everyone to the dance floor. (35 min)


(name of the bride), I want to give you a small gift. Today is one of the happiest days of your life, you are incredibly beautiful today. I want to give you this bouquet and ask you to dance with it and at the moment when you feel especially happy, throw one flower, then another, and let the guests make their best wishes. cherished desires and try to catch them. After all, today all wishes have the right to come true!

And now we will hold a competition with you for the most active and flexible young man.
To do this, we need to select five applicants and take 5 chairs. (chair dancing competition)

Dear guests, would you like to see how our groom celebrated his bachelor party yesterday?
We dress the groom's friends as girls, place a chair in the center of the hall and seat the groom. Friends dance in disguise.

Track No. 3. Dance of the groom's friends.

Everyone is at the table.

One day, an ancient old woman with a stick appeared in the house where the weddings of two sisters were celebrated and asked to feed her. The eldest of the sisters screamed at her and wanted to push her out, and the youngest sat her down at the table. The old woman was a fairy, and she put invisible black glasses on the older one's eyes, and pink glasses on the younger one's eyes. And to the eldest, the whole world began to seem gloomy, everything irritated her, and she made scandals over every little thing. She gave her husband a dark, joyless and poor life. The youngest saw everything in a rosy light - kind, beautiful, worthy of love. She was tolerant, did not notice small and inevitable offenses and gave her husband a bright life in an atmosphere of love and joy. The kingdom of the family is the kingdom of woman, and it is in the power of the wife to make a long golden morning out of married life. We wish the bride to create this paradise of a happy family life. For the happiness of the young! Bitterly!!!

(any poem or prose lead guests to giving gifts).

One ruler was asked:

– How do you maintain peace and tranquility in your state?
And he answered:
– When I am angry, my people are calm. When they are angry, I am calm. In other words, when I am angry, they calm me down, and when they are angry, I calm them down. The family is a state in miniature.
My toast is to preserve peace and tranquility in your family in this way.
Bitter for the young.

And now I suggest you play one very funny game.

Rules of the game "On the sheets"

………………………in full script………………………


In one country, and even in one city, two beautiful babies were born. In one family they rejoiced at the birth of a heroic son, and in another they rejoiced at the birth of a beautiful daughter. This is how they grew up and grew up and... they met as adults. Their hearts found each other and started talking. And now we will find out what they are talking about today. I want our young people to say the warmest and most tender words to each other.

Bitter for the young!

Our dears, answer me and all the guests, have you ever talked about who will do what after the wedding? But let's check this now.

Chest of Responsibilities

Husband's humorous official duties (read out at the wedding)

1. Do not assume that a marriage certificate is
This is a deed for the perpetual use of the wife.
Only everyday attention to my wife,
Increasing love for her
They are the key to great happiness.

……………all text in full version…………………………..

Joking duties of the wife (read out at the wedding)

1. Remember: it’s not enough to charm your husband;
We must always keep him enchanted.

2. Don’t consider that your main responsibility is
Read morals to your husband and give 2 for his behavior.

………………………all text in the full version of the script……………………………………………………….

(Names of the young people), we filmed all this, and if suddenly you have any doubts about who will cook and who will give birth to children, you immediately turn on the TV and watch. Although, by and large, it doesn’t matter who will do the laundry or who will clean, the main thing is that everything in your family is together. So that you always help and at least sometimes give in to each other, and most importantly, so that you trust each other.

"Gypsy Fortune Teller"

I sing the song “The Guitar Toils.” I'm guessing. I'm telling you.

Hello, hello my dears. I was told that I was a famous currency gypsy and that I only came to the most valued guests. And today I came to you for a holiday and will definitely tell you fortunes, but first I want to give you a gift. Do you want to know the thoughts of your guests?

A GYpsy's comic fortune-telling

……………………… the full version of the script……………………………

Musical pause.

Oath of the Young

Do you swear, (name), to be an exemplary husband, a protector, a friend, a faithful helper. (- I swear!)
Do you swear, groom, to love (name)? Sweep the floors and wash the dishes? (- I swear!)
Do you swear to take care of her and always kiss her when leaving for work? (- I swear!)
Do you swear to give money to your wife? (- I swear!) Swear to always be good and sweet, so that there is no room for discord, resentment... (- I swear!)
Do you swear, (name), do you feel sorry for your husband, and be friendly and affectionate with him all your life? (- I swear!)
And after lunch, if he goes to bed with the newspaper, swear that you won’t swear for it. (- I swear!)
Do you swear that at any cost you will be a good and faithful wife? (I swear!)
Do you swear not to blow your lips on your husband, not to let the wind even blow on him? (I swear!)
Do you swear that you will make cheesecakes more often, pour stronger and sweeter tea? (I swear!)
Do you swear to both family and friends And to share grief and joy in half?
After such vows, you simply must go through life hand in hand, soul to soul. Bitter for the young!


Now, dear guests, I want to tell you one very a beautiful fairy tale. But for this I will ask our newlyweds to help me. Bride and groom, please stand up and listen carefully to every word and every sound.

So, let's begin:

/DJ plays backing tracks during every break/


………………………………..text of the fairy tale with backing tracks in the paid version of the script…………………………….

And now this bright and unforgettable day has come in your life. Today, your closest people have come to share this joy with you. And they tell you with all their hearts (we wish you happiness). Bitter for the young!


Collect for boys and girls in beautiful pots:

…………………………text of the scene in a detailed version…………………………………

And now we will perform the ritual of lighting a candle and saying goodbye to girlhood. All unmarried girls, please come here.


………………………………text and music tracks in full version……………………………………..

Bride, come to your mother.

Since childhood, you have always been with me,
in moments of joy in moments of sadness,
Forgive me for all the insults
I sincerely ask for your forgiveness...
You have always been with me since childhood,
in moments of sincerity and hours of deception..
and I thank you for everything
my beloved dear Mother...

Mother and bride dancing:

Track No. 23.

Well, now it's dad's turn. Father of the bride, please come. Remember how your daughter was born very tiny, but now she takes her first steps, and now she says the first “mom” and now she goes to first grade. Suddenly she grew up. Today you are giving her away in marriage. Hold her to your heart and, as you once did in childhood, joke with her about what only a father can talk about with his little, beloved, tiny daughter.

Dad and bride dancing:

Track No. 24.

Transfer your daughter into other hands, into the hands of her beloved, the groom take care of her, as her father took care of her. This is the most beautiful flower, which my father grew in his garden. Today he picked this rose and gave it to you. But a rose will bloom only when it is taken care of.

The bride and groom are dancing:

Track No. 25.


And now it’s the turn to congratulate the bride and groom from their most faithful girlfriends and friends.

Wedding scene from the bridesmaids: “Grandmothers-Hedgehogs”

Track #28.

Description: Three lively bridesmaids congratulate the bride and groom, dressed as Hedgehog grandmothers... It’s better if the bridesmaids are unmarried. But if they are married, that’s also possible.

Girlfriend 1 – with a broom
Girlfriend 2 – with a book of spells
Girlfriend 3 – with a bouquet of dried herbs or a glass bottle

/Three girlfriends of Grandma Yozhka come out into the hall/

1: We are hedgehog grandmothers, slender legs /raises the hem and shows the leg/ we walked to your wedding, our heels were broken!
2: We ask for a refund, give us a treat!
3: We will not be greeted warmly, we will steal the groom!

Musical break for a meal.

– The groom’s friends came to our wedding. One of them is handsome and single and wants to say his word to the groom.

Comic wedding scene: “Bachelor”

Track #29.

Description: The bachelor came to congratulate the groom and tell him about himself, why he doesn’t want to get married, and talk about all the hardships of living with his wife.

Roles: 1 person, you can dress like a nerd, funny and ridiculous, for the sake of humor.

- I came to the wedding from afar,
To protect the groom from harm.
Are you planning to get married? Come to your senses brother!
After all, women are bitches, almost all of them.

…………………………………text of the scene in full version……………………………

Musical break for a meal.

– We have a feathered guest who brings happiness to the house, called a baby!

Comic scene for a wedding: “Stork”

Track #30.

Description: A courier for express delivery of children - a stork - has arrived at the wedding, accepting an order for the delivery of a child...

Stork – you can sew a stork costume from white fabric, wear a mask or apply makeup. Attach a beak made of red cardboard, wings-a cloak made of fabric. Canvas bag over the shoulder, postman style.

/A stork comes on stage with a bag and addresses the bride and groom/

– A white-tailed courier stork flew to you from afar.
– I work in express delivery, I take applications for children.
– I accept applications for girls and boys and deliver the best babies to spouses!

…………………………………text of the scene in full version……………………………

But, besides this, we offer very useful competitions, jokes, poems, telegrams, commandments, instructions and other necessary things:

Playful commandments for newlyweds

1. The husband is the head of the house, the head of everything.
2. The husband is the head, the wife is the neck; Wherever I want, I turn there!
3. Wife, cross the road where your husband indicates.
4. Wife, don’t forget that you have a separate office - the kitchen!
5. A wife must be obedient to her husband in everything and always. May the wife fear her husband!
6. Wife, always be friendly and optimistic.
7. Give your husband instructions in moderation. Remember that even a drop of water wears away a stone.
8. Get your husband used to technology. If he buys washing machine or a vacuum cleaner, then he will be more willing to control them himself!
9. The husband ordered - do it, don’t contradict, don’t object!
This order is probably good, if you have left and are a little cunning, you can turn your husband’s order in your own way.
Well, we wish those getting married to live cheerfully and happily, without scandals and fights! So be healthy, live richly!

Joking telegrams for newlyweds and wedding guests

I found out very late that you were getting married!
How could you cheat on me?
After all for a long time you were with me, swore allegiance to me.
You will probably remember me very often, our meetings, my fiery love for you... I am very upset...
Goodbye and be happy.
Your single life

My dear …
So you get on the rails of family life.
I believe that you will be a faithful husband and a kind father.
Remember how you loved me; how I loved you.
Remember these unforgettable evenings when you and I were alone.
..., I will love you as before, even more.
More than once I will appear to you in your dreams.
Remember me, my dear. Be happy.
Your single life

Expensive …
Your wife has access to your wallet, but it is convenient, safe and profitable to keep your money in a savings bank.
Savings bank.

Congratulations on your family life and we hope that we will fulfill the annual plan not without your participation.
In ... 20__ we are expecting a 2-seater stroller. Looking forward to shopping.
Shop " Child's world»
___________, accept congratulations from your unmarried friends.
We regret that there is one less of us. Our ranks are thinning... But we won’t accept them back! Pull the burden of family life until old age.
Your girlfriends

Dear guests, don’t worry, drink to the young people; we are ready to receive you

Sobering-up station.

Dear _____________
We would like to inform you that stroller driving courses have been postponed for now due to the lack of passengers. DOSAAF

Wedding decree in verse

……………………….in the full version of the script………………………….

Playful hostess ID (for a bride at a wedding)

Issued to the bride by the wedding commission that she graduated from housewives school.
By the decision of the GEK from ... she was awarded the title “Excellent Housewife”, which corresponds to the 5th category of housewives.

A housewife should know:
1. Spend your family budget economically – money! After all, they are printed on paper!
2. The room should not be intertwined with cobwebs! To avoid unnecessary residents.
3. Walk around the room slowly, so as not to get confused about abandoned things.
4. Prepare dinner often over-salted, in order to once again remind your betrothed of your existence and that you love him.

Chairman of the GESC _____________
Members of the GESC _______________

Instructions for wife

This document certifies that the husband... (FULL NAME) …. (date) of this year the wife was awarded... (full name) Wife 1 set.

……………………………all text in the full version of the script……………………………………

License to drive a baby stroller

Good parents don't have a stroller empty for long.

A license to drive a baby stroller is given to the husband...
The fact is that in a few months he will have the right to drive a children's vehicle. In this case, it is necessary to comply with traffic rules and rules of use.

1. Stop at a liquor store.
2. Stop at a pub.

1. Walk on the playground.
2. A walk in the park.
3. Stop at the grocery store

1. Stop at a children's store.
2. Stop at the “Flowers” ​​store.

Child Protection Committee.
Date of issue …

Court case accusing newlyweds of committing a particularly serious crime (for a wedding)

Case No.___ dated ____ (marriage date)
on charges (full name of the groom) and (full name of the bride)
in committing a particularly serious crime


All rise, the court is in session!

A case is being heard on charges (full names of the young people) of committing love and maliciously changing their lifestyle. It has been established that this crime was deliberately prepared over a long period of time. The perpetrators carefully hid their feelings from their parents, from themselves, from those around them, but despite this, they exposed themselves.
According to the information we have, this happened in a room code-named the registry office, which is where the crime took place. Particularly heavy guilt falls on (the acting groom), it was he who deprived him of peace and sleep and plunged the soul of a modest, quiet, gentle, kind and beautiful girl (name of the bride) into confusion. He maliciously undermined her heart and managed to gain her trust. And the crime was committed: She fell in love with him!!!

The guilt (of the bride) is that with her meek (eye color) eyes she deprived the poor man (name of the groom) of fortitude and endurance and contributed to the commission of the crime. The result is the finale: He fell in love with her!!!

I believe that the comrades’ court gathered here, the public, and relatives should approach this case with all seriousness and reveal the true motives of the crime. But no mercy, no condescension, because any example is contagious.

Questions to the point:

To the groom: You must tell the truth and only the truth and nothing but the truth!
1. What is your last name, first name, patronymic?
2. Year of birth?
3. When and where did you see her for the first time?
4. What struck you about it, what did you notice?
5. Do you think that you are to blame for what happened together or do you take the blame on yourself?

To the bride:

1. What is your last name, first name, patronymic?
2. What is your year of birth?
3. Why did you allow this feeling to flare up?
4. What methods did (name of the groom) use to lead you astray from the righteous path?
5. Do you have any circumstances that will mitigate your guilt and thanks to which your fate can be alleviated?

Questions for young people:

1. Do you plead guilty to the fact that you really love each other?
2. Are you really going to give up your bachelor life and take the criminal path of marriage?
3. And you don’t have a single drop of remorse for what you did?

Look at the poor parents! What they have experienced, what they have to endure! Therefore, I ask that the perpetrators be severely punished and sentenced!


A visiting session of the comrades' court for especially important cases, in the presence of a slightly intoxicated public and relatives, examined the case of the young people (full names of the young people) and found them guilty of committing a dangerous crime: Love for each other. But, taking into account their sincere confession, young age and insufficient life experience, the court decides: for the crime committed, from now on and forever they will be considered husband and wife and sentenced to cohabitation and raising future children.

The verdict is final and cannot be appealed!


Congratulations to the newlyweds

We wish you:

How many drops of water are there in Biya.
As much heat as
Subtropics of the Caucasus.
So much creative energy
How much do turbines produce?
All hydroelectric power stations combined.
We wish you true friends,
To have someone to feast with,
But such that in a difficult moment,
They could give a hand of friendship!
And may the fields of your love

Like virgin lands of the country!

Wedding wishes

We wish you:
So many kisses and so much happiness,
How many drops of water are there in the river ______,
So much heat -
how many in the subtropics of the Caucasus,
So much creative energy
How much energy is produced by the turbines of all hydroelectric power stations combined!
We wish you true friends,
To have someone to feast with.
But such that in a bad moment
They could give a hand of friendship!
And may the fields of your love
They will give the same rich harvest,
Like virgin lands!

Playful tasks for the bride and groom at a wedding

……………………………in the full version of the script……………………………..

This was an introduction to the script. To purchase the full version, go to cart. After payment, the material and tracks will be available for download via a link on the website, or from a letter that will be sent to you by e-mail.

Price: 299 R ub.

Our contacts: t.8-960-111-71-67 (Irina)

On our website you will find detailed information on the following topics:

Leaderwedding - LiderSvadba - Voronezh wedding agency (toastmaster, photographer, videography). Wedding salon (dresses: wedding, evening, children's, Wedding accessories: glasses, locks, jewelry). For the bride - information about the registry offices of Voronezh, photos of wedding dresses, hairstyles, wedding script, bride price, bouquet, first dance, makeup, manicure, banquet hall decorations, cafe addresses for the wedding, evening dresses to graduation party.

Wedding preparations Preparing for a wedding involves good organization of the wedding, searching for a wedding dress for the bride, searching for a salon for a wedding hairstyle for the bride, organizing a bride price. Carrying out a wedding requires the presence of wedding video filming. Wedding photo on your wedding day should be professional. For all questions regarding the organization and holding of a wedding, please contact the Leaderswedding agency. Voronezh

When to have a wedding When to have a wedding is decided by the newlyweds. In any case, wedding photography and videography of a wedding in winter, spring, autumn or summer will be gorgeous! The bride in her amazing wedding dress, with an amazing wedding hairstyle and wedding makeup will look elegant and charming in wedding photographs at any time of the year! The groom, casting loving glances at the bride, will certainly be the ideal subject of wedding video filming and wedding photography at any time of the year in Voronezh.

Wedding ring Wedding rings are a symbol of marriage. The names of the bride and groom can be engraved on the inside of the rings. The main thing is not to forget your wedding rings when going to the registry office. Jewelry stores Voronezh offers wedding rings to the bride and groom.

Wedding anniversaries The bride and groom at their green wedding can get acquainted with the wedding anniversaries of their subsequent happy married life. Wedding anniversaries by year involve the giving of symbolic gifts.

Wedding gifts Wedding gifts for the bride and groom should be useful in their future family life. Many guests invited to a celebration ask the question: “What to give for a wedding?” In any case, wedding gifts should please the newlyweds.

Wedding toasts Wedding toasts- these are parting words from all the guests who came to the wedding. Good toast for a wedding - these are just words spoken from the heart. Wedding toasts from the toastmaster will be made in honor of the bride and groom, for the parents of the newlyweds, and for the witnesses. The response toasts can be original or simply very sincere. Short toasts They really liven up the wedding evening.

Wedding signs Treat wedding signs with humor. There are many folk signs related to the registry office and weddings. A reminder to especially superstitious newlyweds: signs are created by people, therefore, dear bride and groom, you should not regard signs for the bride and signs for the groom as an unambiguous guide to action.

Wedding traditions Many newlyweds observe wedding traditions. Wedding traditions came from afar; earlier in Rus', a wedding was preceded by a “loaf” - the so-called ritual wedding bread. The traditional wedding “tree” was decorated with bread and kalach. One of the most stable traditions that has survived to this day in the city of Voronezh is that a wedding is preceded by matchmaking.

Music at a wedding Wedding music creates the mood for everyone present at the wedding party. Songs at Voronezh weddings are performed by both professional vocalists and guests invited by the bride and groom. Music for a wedding is very diverse - it includes both wedding compositions and music of the 80s and modern music. The music for the bride and groom in the first dance of the newlyweds is especially carefully chosen. And the music when the bride invites her father to a white dance is full of awe and tenderness of daughterly and paternal feelings.

Games, competitions It is necessary to dilute the wedding feast with competitions and games. Competitions at a wedding can be feasting in the first half of the wedding evening and active dancing in the second half. We do not offer games at the wedding one after another: guests need breaks. Wedding competitions must be very carefully chosen by the bride and groom during their meeting with the Voronezh toastmaster.

Bride kidnapping Bride kidnapping is one of ancient traditions, observed at a Voronezh wedding, which shows how much the groom loves the bride. Listen to advice related to bride kidnapping. The Leaderswedding agency has original version theft and bride price.

Wedding photo Voronezh Wedding photography is an art, not just a recording of events. Wedding photos are one of the most important memories of wedding day, so no wedding is complete without a wedding photographer. Amateur wedding photography is very different from professional wedding photography. A wedding photo taken by a Voronezh wedding photographer will very beautifully and vividly capture your one and only wedding day!

Wedding photographer Voronezh A wedding photographer will fill your wedding album with gorgeous photographs. Wedding photography at a wedding includes shooting a wedding portrait, staged photography, and reportage wedding photography. And “Love Story” wedding photographs will remind the bride and groom of the beginning of love all their lives. The wedding photographer at the Leaderswedding agency will very professionally reflect your joy, admiring glances and positive emotions with which you will be full on the day of the triumph of your love.

Wedding photographer The photo gallery offers you to look at beautiful wedding photos. To get truly high-quality wedding photos, contact a professional wedding photographer in Voronezh.

Wedding photo in Voronezh The wedding photo, which is in the wedding book, is a selection of portraits of the bride and groom and collages. Collage is a professional combination of the best and meaningful wedding photos of the bride and groom. decorated stylistically on one sheet. It is the Voronezh professional photographer who will arrange your wedding photo into a unique, individual wedding book design, in which the purity of love between the bride and groom will be revealed in full force!

Wedding photographer Wedding photography is an art, not just a recording of events. Wedding photographs are one of the most important memories of the wedding day, so no wedding is complete without a wedding photographer. Amateur wedding photography is very different from professional wedding photography. A wedding photo taken by a wedding photographer will very beautifully and vividly capture your one and only wedding day!

Artistic wedding photos Of course, on their wedding day, all newlyweds are beautiful and delightful. On our website we show how a wedding day photo turns into a glamorous wedding day photo. If your goal is to get beautiful artistic wedding photos... Such wedding photos that you would like to review yours again and again, then you just need to turn to a professional photographer. To ensure that the pictures turn out to be of really high quality and do not disappoint you, you should not skimp on a professional photography.

Wedding photo Voronezh The photographs presented on this page are not entirely ordinary. The brightness of the colors and the twisted shapes make them extravagant and pretentiously attractive.

The best wedding photos in Voronezh Recently in Voronezh it has become fashionable to make slide shows from photographs. We offer you three types of slideshows: still photos with transparent flow, photos in motion, photos in motion with added text.

Professional wedding photographer in Voronezh It is very important to arrange the best wedding photographs in a beautiful wedding book. All professional wedding photographers in Voronezh necessarily offer this type of service to newlyweds. This is very beautiful and super stylish!!!

Photos from weddings There are perhaps no better photographs than those taken on your wedding day. Enthusiastic euphoria, happy smiles, the inimitable sparkle of the eyes and the charm of falling in love - all this is present in wedding photos. Every happy couple after their wedding has a lot of photographs taken by a professional photographer.

Wedding. Photo. Voronezh. A wedding is the most significant, most memorable day in the life of any person. Wedding. A photo taken on your wedding day in Voronezh will warm you with its memories for many years. And a wedding photo processed by a professional photographer will fill you with warmth and a unique light joy throughout your life.

Toastmaster Voronezh The toastmaster is one of the main characters at a wedding. The wedding scenario is reviewed in detail by the bride and groom when meeting with the toastmaster. Toastmaster in Voronezh organizes weddings and creates a fabulous holiday atmosphere. Are you looking for a professional wedding host in Voronezh? - contact the agency "Leaderswedding"

Wedding scenarios Wedding scenarios are very diverse. It all depends on the tastes of the bride and groom. The toastmaster talks in great detail about what should be in the wedding script. We offer free wedding scripts.

Wedding loaf The wedding loaf is a tradition that is observed at weddings to this day in Voronezh. The groom's parents welcome the newlyweds at their home with a loaf of salt.

Beginning of the wedding banquet Wedding celebrations are celebrated in restaurants, cafes, canteens, and at home. The wedding banquet lasts 6-7 hours. The banquet most often starts at 16-17 hours. At a wedding celebration, for the first half hour or hour there are toasts in honor of the bride and groom. Next is the first waltz of the newlyweds.

Stealing a shoe at a wedding The theft of a shoe from a bride's foot at a wedding is a small episode that requires a beautiful stage embodiment from the toastmaster. The wedding photo, taken by a Voronezh wedding photographer at the moment of the theft of the shoe, amazes with the spontaneity of the images and vivid emotionality.

Bride kidnapping at a wedding Bride kidnapping at a wedding is one of the oldest traditions, which is designed to show how much the groom loves his bride. The wedding photos taken by a Voronezh wedding photographer at the time of the bride's kidnapping amaze with the spontaneity of the images and vivid emotionality. Dear newlyweds, in any case, remember that theft, kidnapping of the bride is just a “game at the wedding”

Fortune telling for a boy and a girl Boy or girl - this episode at a wedding is very important, since all the guests are very interested in who will be the first-born of such a wonderful, beautiful and chic couple. The bride and groom joyfully welcome the news of the baby at their wedding.

Wedding competitions, wedding games. Video. It is necessary to dilute the wedding feast with competitions and games. Competitions at a wedding can be feasting in the first half of the wedding evening and active dancing in the second half. We do not offer games at the wedding one after another: guests need breaks. Wedding competitions are necessarily very carefully chosen by the bride and groom during their meeting with the toastmaster.

Family hearth at a wedding The fire, which symbolizes the hearth, is lit with great warmth and tenderness by the parents at the wedding evening. And the bride and groom very tenderly hold in their hands the family hearth that their parents have just lit in Voronezh.

Reviews about toastmaster. Video. The toastmaster is one of the main characters at a wedding. The wedding scenario is reviewed in detail by the bride and groom when meeting with the toastmaster. The toastmaster organizes the wedding and creates a fabulous holiday atmosphere. Are you looking for a professional wedding host in Voronezh? - contact the agency "Leaderswedding"

Wedding video shooting Voronezh Wedding videography is an art, not just a recording of events. A wedding video will be the main memory of your wedding day, so no wedding is complete without a wedding videographer. All moments of your unique day will be reflected in the wedding video, be it the preparation of the bride and groom, the ransom, the formal registration, the dance of the newlyweds...

Voronezh wedding video A wedding videographer will turn your wedding film into a masterpiece! Wedding video at a wedding includes staged video filming and reportage wedding video filming. And the video filming of “Love Story” will remind the bride and groom of the beginning of love all their lives. A wedding videographer at the Voronezh agency "Leaderswedding" will very professionally reflect your joy, enthusiastic glances and positive emotions with which you will be full on the day of the celebration of your love.

Photo video shooting of weddings A wedding video requires a professional approach not only to filming, but also to editing wedding material, including the design of CDs and boxes, and menu design. A wedding film, filmed and edited by a professional videographer, will turn out to be fabulously beautiful, as it will combine your excitement before the registry office and the warmth of your relationship, and the sparks of fun and joy that splash from the bride and groom during the festivities! Wedding video is the work of professionals in Voronezh!

MARRIAGE REGISTRY The registry office is where the bride and groom become husband and wife. Registry offices of Voronezh - Left Bank Civil Registry Office, Leninsky Civil Registry Office, Central Civil Registry Office, Zheleznodorozhny Civil Registry Office, Soviet Civil Registry Office, Kominternovsky Civil Registry Office. All Voronezh registry offices have their pros and cons. Dear newlyweds, watch our videos and find out in advance which registry office would be best for you to submit an application for marriage wedding rings your love.

Voronezh Civil Registry Office Levoberezhny Left Bank Civil Registry Office. In Voronezh, the registry office of the Left Bank region is impeccable! Photo and video. Advantages and disadvantages.

Voronezh wedding video Wedding clips are videos that are very content-rich. The maximum beauty of contemplating these videos is achieved due to the fact that the bride and groom, even before the wedding, took a very responsible approach to choosing a wedding videographer. Professional wedding videography guarantees the newlyweds a high-quality feature film. There can be many clips in a wedding film: Clip of the bride, Clip of the groom, Clip of the wedding car, Clips of wedding festivities, Clip in which the entire wedding is “run through” in 3 minutes.

Wedding. Baptism A wedding is a divine service during which the sacrament, blessing and consecration of a Christian marriage is performed. A wedding is a personal matter for each couple. You can get married both after civil registration and before it. Weddings and baptisms are serious events, therefore, if you have a desire to capture this solemn moment in photographs or video, you should first ask permission from the priest or priest.

Newlyweds' first dance Improvising your feelings is what the bride and groom's first dance is all about. The wedding waltz is chic and truly beautiful, as it is filled with the warmth of feelings. For you - a gift bonus - a free training course for the first wedding dance of the bride and groom.

Wedding video. Voronezh The most frequently visited places in the city of Voronezh are: Admiralteyskaya Square - Kamenny Bridge - Revolution Ave. - Victory Square - Petrovsky Square - Chernavsky Bridge - Northern Bridge - Monument to Glory. Recently, a bridge for newlyweds in Aircraft Manufacturers Park was added to this list.

Wedding video shooting. Voronezh. Wedding video shooting. Voronezh. Very beautiful places for wedding video shooting are located in Voronezh. And every videographer strives to preserve them as souvenirs for the newlyweds in their wedding film.

Wedding videographer Voronezh. Love story. Recently, it has become very popular and fashionable among newlyweds to order video recording of their love story.

Videographer for a wedding. Video wedding invitation. Until recently, it was fashionable to send wedding invitations to all guests. Then the newlyweds began to simply invite guests by phone. And now the most fashionable trend among newlyweds is to send a video invitation to all guests. What it is?

Videographer for a wedding in Voronezh. Color correction for wedding video. Dear newlyweds. If you consider yourself to be one of those newlyweds who skimp on wedding photos and videos, then this article is not for you. It is intended for those newlyweds who want to admire their wedding day in the future, and do not expect to put a disc with a wedding video on a shelf to dust it off once a year.

Toastmaster for a wedding. Video. The wedding show will greatly diversify the wedding evening, making it more fun, light and varied. The bride, groom and all guests invited to the wedding will be enchanted by the free show program. Your wedding will receive a Bonus - a free chocolate fountain.

Bride The bride is the queen of the wedding evening and the beautiful and exquisite helps to make the bride the very perfection Wedding Dress. The bride's wedding hairstyle on her wedding day is simply amazing. Bridal bouquet, wedding make-up brides - everything is amazing on a fairytale wedding day. Voronezh agency "Leaderswedding" offers several options for bride price.

Tips for the bride Advice for the bride on organizing a wedding in Voronezh, choosing a wedding dress in wedding salons in Voronezh. Advice for the bride on choosing a wedding videographer, toastmaster, or photographer. A wedding photo of a bride in a stunning wedding dress will forever capture the fabulous moment of the triumph of love.

Wedding salons A wedding dress is the first thing a bride looks for immediately after the groom proposes. Wedding dresses are the most expensive outfit for a bride. Luxurious wedding dresses in Voronezh wedding salons, stylish and unique, will fill brides with confidence in their own beauty and strength before taking an important step. In Voronezh wedding salons you can order an individual, fantastically beautiful wedding dress. We offer a list of all wedding salons in the city of Voronezh.

Wedding bouquet Voronezh A wedding bouquet greatly decorates the bride. Wedding flowers, braided into brides' wedding bouquets, with their beauty, aroma and freshness will fill brides with a feeling of sublimity and give a boost of energy and a great mood for the entire wedding day. We offer photos of wedding bouquets for the bride. We offer a list of all wedding flower salons in the city of Voronezh.

Wedding hairstyles photos A wedding hairstyle should not just be beautiful, it should be correctly matched to the features of the face, the wedding dress and accessories. Many brides conduct preliminary wedding hair rehearsals in wedding salons. At a wedding party, the wedding hairstyle is the bride’s decoration, complementing her beauty and the magic of her wedding dress. We offer photos wedding hairstyles for the bride. We offer a list of all wedding salons in the city of Voronezh.

Wedding manicure photo A wedding manicure will highlight the unique style of the bride in a very elegant, aesthetic and original way. We offer photos of wedding manicure.

Wedding glasses. Wedding accessories Elegant, elegant, festively decorated wedding glasses are an indispensable attribute of any wedding. These are the ones you will keep as souvenirs of your wedding. They will be in all your wedding photos. Elegant glasses with images of doves, good wishes or with the names of the bride and groom will be a wonderful decoration festive table and will preserve the memory of this happy day for many years.

1 goods for the bride: dresses, gloves, veils, petticoats, garters, tiaras, necklaces and fur coats.

2 wedding accessories and necessary little things: wedding candles, confetti and bumfeti, glasses, photo albums, locks, towels, decorations for champagne and glasses, sliders for an exciting competition, ribbons, rings and car decorations, boutonnieres, cake figurines, champagne baskets

3 printing: invitations and Greeting Cards, posters, redemption kits, piggy banks, garlands, money (from the joke bank), money envelopes and money trees, car stickers, medals, diplomas, certificates

Wedding accessories for the bride In our Voronezh store you can not only find the wedding dress you need, but you can also order a wedding dress from the available wedding dress catalogs.

Wedding dresses Voronezh Photo Wedding dresses that exude wealth, style and grace are your choice, since the wedding day is the best day in the life of every girl, and the bride should look simply luxurious! If you are looking for dresses without frills, then the models of Voronezh wedding dresses that are in our store will suit your taste, as they will emphasize your femininity and sensuality, and exclusive fabrics and the original design of the dress will indicate the stunning taste of the bride. Wedding dresses have all the characteristics. They are sophisticated, sophisticated and exclusive. And at the same time, every wedding dress exudes luxury, wealth and unique grace!

Wedding gloves. Wedding accessories Every bride dreams of being graceful and beautiful on her wedding day. And various wedding accessories, of which there are a great many, will definitely help her with this. The main decoration of the bride, of course, is the wedding dress. But the look will not be complete without some important little things, such as a veil, elegant shoes, a bouquet of flowers and gloves. We are waiting for you in the Voronezh store of the Leaderswedding agency.

Wedding Veil. Wedding accessories. When choosing a wedding dress, you must immediately think about choosing a veil, because it is what gives completeness to the bride’s image. A veil is a symbol of modesty and purity; the tradition of complementing a bride’s outfit with this decoration dates back to ancient times. Voronezh wedding agency Leaderswedding is pleased to offer you a wide range of wedding accessories, including veils, at low wholesale prices.

Wedding garters. Wedding accessories. At a wedding, there is a tradition when the husband removes the garter from his beloved bride's leg to throw it over his shoulder to the unmarried guys. Voronezh wedding agency Leaderswedding is pleased to offer you a wide range of wedding accessories, including garters, at low wholesale prices.

Wedding Tiaras and wreaths Diadem - Women's jewelry in the shape of a small open crown perfectly emphasizes the status of the bride - the queen of the holiday. Wedding tiaras can be used as an independent decoration or together with other head decorations for the bride’s hairstyle - a veil, flowers, etc.

Wedding Necklace. Wedding accessories. A wedding dress involves a necklace or other appropriate jewelry worn around the bride's neck. Our store offers a wide selection of necklaces and earrings.

Wedding Coats. Wedding accessories. Wedding coats in late autumn, winter and early spring are the most essential item for a bride, after a dress.

Wedding petticoats. Wedding accessories. Choosing a wedding dress is only half the battle; the dress should fit the bride like a glove. So that on the most solemn day nothing distracts from the joyful event. The bride's image must be impeccable; for this purpose, various types of petticoats and crinolines are used, depending on the style of the wedding dress.

Wedding accessories Wedding agency Lidersvadba offers you the widest range of goods necessary for decorating and holding a wedding! We offer you to buy all wedding accessories wholesale in one place, which means saving time and money. With us you will always find a wide selection of various things needed for decoration. wedding celebration: from car decorations to wine glasses, glasses and candles. You will find everything you wanted to buy for your wedding day in one place and at a great price.

Wedding candles. Wedding accessories. Very often at the end of the wedding evening, parents light the family hearth of their children. The warmth of parental hearts, lit in a candle with Best wishes, conveys to the bride and groom the happiness of living together.We are waiting for you in the Voronezh store of the Leaderswedding agency. Come get your wedding candles. Light up the family hearth!

Wedding buffets There is a tradition of showering the newlyweds with cereal, money, rose petals and candy. With this, everyone present wishes the bride and groom a rich and happy life together. IN modern world Confetti and bumfeti were added to this list.

Wedding glasses. Wedding accessories. Elegant, elegant, festively decorated wedding glasses are an indispensable attribute of any wedding. They will come in handy more than once during the wedding, and there may be several sets of them. And you also need to think about elegant glasses for all guests. Inexpensive glass ones - for a trip to nature; a couple of glasses that are customary to break for good luck after the registry office; and of course the most beautiful and festive glasses for a wedding banquet. These are the ones you will keep as souvenirs of your wedding. They will be in all your wedding photos. Elegant glasses with images of doves, good wishes or with the names of the bride and groom will become a wonderful decoration of the festive table and will preserve the memory of this happy day for many years.

Wedding photo albums Photo albums made from natural or artificial leather with magnetic sheets in which you can place photographs of any size (maximum A4).

Wedding locks. Wedding accessories. In ancient Rus', there was a custom according to which, on their wedding day, newlyweds locked a new lock on the bridge and gave the keys to their fathers. The fathers went to different rivers and threw the keys to the bottom. Thus, it was said that nothing could separate a newly created family, just as it was impossible to find the keys and open the lock that was lovingly closed by the newlyweds. To this day, newlyweds symbolically hang locks, some on the fence, some on the bridge, and some on specially created decorative trees for the newlyweds. These trees are growing more and more new “leaves”. And the tree alleys of young Russian families are growing.

Towels for a wedding. Wedding accessories. A towel is a decorative rectangular cloth, most often linen. They are decorated with bright festive embroidery. And now at weddings, parents greet the newlyweds with a wedding loaf, presented on a festively embroidered towel. Wedding towels most often depict birds (doves or swans), which are considered a symbol of happiness, love and goodness.

Decorations for wedding glasses and champagne Wedding glasses are incredibly beautiful. The newlyweds can choose a couple of glasses to suit their taste. For more beauty, wedding glasses are decorated with rings, flowers or ribbons. All kinds of colors will satisfy every taste.

Two bottles of wedding champagne traditionally decorate the wedding table. And, of course, they are beautiful too. At the moment when the newlyweds leave the table to dance their first waltz, these bottles, dressed in the clothes of the bride and groom, symbolically indicate that the newlyweds' table is occupied.

Wedding rompers - wedding accessories. There is a very good custom at a wedding where guests put money in pink or blue onesies. After counting the money, it becomes clear who will be the first-born of the newlyweds - a boy or a girl. They say that this is a very accurate fortune telling.

In our store you can buy these special onesies. Sliders for money.

Wedding car decorations In our store you can find complete sets of car decorations. The set includes rings or swans with flowers for the roof of the car, a decoration for the radiator, a very beautiful ribbons with flowers, flowers with ribbons on door handles. Individual orders are possible, to suit any imagination.

A wedding is a unique and inimitable holiday for every couple, so it must be perfect down to the smallest detail. And here everything is important: from wedding images, accessories and decor to the holiday script, which should be written in advance before the celebration, having discussed all its nuances with the host.

Usually the wedding script is drawn up by the host hired for the celebration, but the newlyweds can and even should take part in writing it. Then you can be sure that the holiday will be organized exactly as you dream! How to write a wedding script correctly? And what they generally are, the portal will tell you.

When starting to write a wedding script or discuss it with the host, consider these important points:

If you decide to write a script yourself, don’t reinvent the wheel; find it on the Internet. ready script for a wedding and based on it, create something of your own, unique and inimitable, removing from it the moments you don’t need and adding new ones. For example, if you do not want to carry out the ritual of removing the veil, you can easily replace it with some interesting element of the show program. A scenario for a wedding with competitions doesn't suit you? Instead, organize a small master class at the celebration, for example, a dance one, in which almost all the guests will want to participate!

What does a wedding script consist of?

So that you understand what a wedding scenario is, we present an approximate version that you can adjust taking into account your wishes and requirements, removing unnecessary stages from it and adding some of your own cool ideas:

  • Ransom.
  • Painting and wedding walk.
  • Meeting of the newlyweds at the restaurant with “bread and salt”.
  • First toasts from parents.
  • Giving gifts.
  • Toasts from relatives.
  • Competitions at the tables.
  • Toasts from friends.
  • Dance break.
  • Toasts and congratulations.
  • Artist performances and competitions.
  • Toasts and congratulations.
  • A wedding dance.
  • Dance break.
  • Throwing a bouquet and boutonniere.
  • Toasts from those who caught the bouquet/boutonniere.
  • Removing the veil.
  • Dance break.
  • Ceremony of lighting the family hearth.
  • A wedding cake and a thank you speech from the newlyweds.

As you can see, during a wedding the main blocks of the banquet (giving gifts, dancing of the newlyweds and the main rituals, for example, removing the veil, throwing a bouquet and lighting hearth and home) should be separated from each other by short entertaining blocks: toasts, dance breaks, competitions, performances by artists, etc.

Advice for presenters and more: make a scenario plan for the wedding, consisting of two columns - time and action, so that you always have at hand a “cheat sheet” of what, when and where should happen during the festive evening.

Types of wedding celebration scenarios

Starting the search interesting scenario wedding, you should decide in advance which option is right for you, because there are a huge number of them. Depending on the style, wedding scenarios can be divided into three large groups:

For creative inspiration, we present you with several more options for themed celebrations, the scripts of which you will find on our website.

- This is not so much a feast, a family holiday, but rather a theatrical action, a kind of show. A special role is assigned to the toastmaster, who must draw up a script for this action, familiarize himself with the composition of the guests in advance, know which of them will give a toast, be able to sing a song, or play a skit. Parents and grandparents may need to help write toasts.

The toastmaster must clearly build wedding script so that all parts of the wedding ceremony - introductory, ceremonial, congratulatory, games, final - smoothly transition into one another, and guests can eat, jump, laugh in moderation. He must coordinate his work with guest performers, musicians, the kitchen and, most importantly, be able to manage time at the wedding. He can advise on how to decorate the room, arrange the tables, and give them names.

If funds allow, come up with something original: fireworks, a show at the hippodrome, performances by artists of an original genre, fortune-telling by a “gypsy woman,” karaoke, an ethnic table. Every guest must leave the wedding at good mood. Below we offer one of the wedding scenario options.

Wedding scenario

Meeting of the young.

Toastmaster, host of the wedding celebration, together
meets the newlyweds with the groom's parents and addresses them:


Dear newlyweds! By tradition, the people dearest to you - your parents - meet you here. Mom is holding a wedding loaf in her hands as a symbol of well-being and prosperity.

Newlyweds! Break off a piece of bread and salt it properly! You have the opportunity to annoy each other for the last time. Yes, add more salt... Now exchange pieces of bread. Look at each other with tenderness and feed each other. Music sounds, exclamations from the guests, the newlyweds “feed” each other.


Well, we found out who will be the breadwinner in the family. Well done, groom! And now a parting word for parents before family life. The groom's parents say parting words to the newlyweds.


And now the way to the couple -
May only happiness await you in life.
Come on in, hurry up
The wedding feast is calling you!
We invite everyone to the feast,
For wedding hospitality.

The newlyweds walk along the corridor formed by the guests and take a place at the wedding table.


Dear young people! Dear relatives of the bride and groom! Dear family, friends, acquaintances!

Let me begin our wedding evening, which will consist of three parts:

The first part: the most solemn, festive ceremonial, consisting of toasts, kisses, etc. Let's call it: "Everything has a precious beginning!"
The second part: entertaining, entitled: “And life is good, and living is good!”
The third part: the most massive, the most exciting. It will begin when the guests reach a certain condition, when they cease to distinguish their wife from the neighbor’s wife. This part is called: “Who cares!”
Today we have gathered to celebrate a wonderful event - today another family was born. So let's congratulate the newlyweds on a wonderful event - marriage.

We announce our first toast -
Let's hurry up and pour glasses -
In it we congratulate the young
All together and with all my heart!
Let happiness flow like a river,
Let grief not enter their home,
Let their bad weather pass -
Let's drink to this at the table!
It’s simply not right for us to hesitate -
The bride is waiting and the groom is waiting,
Let's quickly raise our glasses,
Friends! We drink to the young!

(We had a drink and a snack...)

And now, dear guests, listen to “Table Rules”:

1. All guests should be cheerful and resourceful, that is, find something to drink when everything has already been drunk.
2. It is forbidden to say the words: “Where are you getting into so much?”, “Don’t drink!”, “Don’t yell!”, “Let’s go home...”.
3. It is allowed to say: “Bitter!”, “I love you!”, “I respect you!”, “Pour!”, “Let’s go fight!”.
4. Do not gather under the table for more than three and follow the traffic rules.
5. After the wedding, you are allowed to leave the premises only through the doors - do not use windows, vents or other openings for this purpose.

Now that everyone has learned what is possible and what is not, let’s continue our wedding evening...

Glory, glory to the newlyweds!
Honor and glory to the young!
Have a bright and successful life
We wish them from the bottom of our hearts!

Let dreams know no barriers,
Happiness will never end
Let love inspire them,
Friendship makes hearts happy!
We wish you happiness
Nothing left you out!
Live together and in harmony
And you won’t care!
Live cheerfully and amicably,
Argue a little if necessary
But know your business carefully,
That you can’t live without each other!
That you can't be sad at all,
Friends, let's shout: "Bitter!"

(We had a drink and a snack...)

Now we offer a toast to our parents,
Although we don’t know them personally yet,
But children, as often happens,
Many people repeat themselves as parents.
Honest and kind, their children are fair -
This means that the credit goes to the parents for this.

After all, an apple falls from an apple tree nearby
And people are happy to say thank you to them.

For you and for your beautiful children
Thank you from everyone and from us, from the guests!
We wish you happiness, health, of course,
And help raise grandchildren,
We wish you all endless joy
And drink a glass of wine to the bottom!

Dear parents of the bride and groom:
__________ And _____________,
_________ And ____________
Thank you for the sleepless nights and quiet parental tears, for your love and tenderness, for your exactingness and severity, for the fact that your eyes glow with deep happiness when you see your children!
Fill all the glasses
And get up cheerfully
We'll drink to the main ones while standing,
For fathers and mothers!

(We had a drink and a snack...)

Let's have fun today
At our wedding table!
One family - large and friendly -
We will spend this evening!
Let no one be sad -
Neither the husband nor his wife,
Well, for those who are here without a husband,
Let it be doubly fun!

Our dear ______ and ______!
We sincerely wish you happiness!
To the sound of a crystal glass,
To the sound of champagne wine
We congratulate the newlyweds,
We wish you complete happiness!

(We had a drink and a snack...)

To your wedding, dear spouses,
All the relatives and friends came,
Congratulate you, present your gifts
For you and your future family!

Do not put your gifts together:
You can give flowers to the bride,
You can hand the envelopes to the groom,
Well, the gifts are for the miracle chest!

(Giving gifts...)

For the groom and the bride,
For everyone who became our guests,
For this holiday, our wonderful
Please raise a glass of wine!

(We had a drink and a snack...)

Two narrow paths converged into a wide path,
Two loving hearts have come together on the same path!

The young wife is both pretty and slender,
And the young owner is equal to his wife!
Let's admire them - the first dance of the newlyweds!

(Everybody dance!..)

In paradise from the apple tree
Having once tasted the fruit of paradise,
Eve became Adam's wife,
Since then people have been getting married!

And today is a celebration
Similar meaning.
Where are the young people? Come on, stand up -
We give you instructions!

Let's read it to the young people now
A small order.
We will guide you -
Please answer.

Live in harmony, live in friendship,
Yes, cherish each other,
Do not offend even with a word - be prepared!

Treasure your husband
To serve by faith and truth,
So that he is always clean,
And contented and eloquent,
Not even a sidelong glance at anyone - be prepared!
________! To love my wife,
Carry it in your arms,
And be ready to accept the shackles of marriage!

May your life be happy,
And if suddenly a shadow looms,
Here, friends, is our support -
Iron ruble for a rainy day.

Peace and love, dear spouses,
The last instruction for you, friends,
It’s more fun to go through life with children,
So give us one more word -
Give your homeland a child a year - be prepared!

May your life be happy,
Full of love and joy
Like a cup filled by me
Full of champagne wine!