Every woman needs a soul mate to create a family and have children. Previously, the responsibility for choosing a husband for their daughter fell entirely on the shoulders of the parents, but such an important factor as the presence of feelings was not taken into account. Now a woman is free to choose her life partner. We all know that love is irrational, and at the peak of emotions you can make not entirely the right choices. Love is wonderful, but marriage is long-term and serious.

How to choose the right husband so that he suits you as a spouse and at the same time becomes good father- the women's website will talk about this today.

How to choose a husband: 10 things to pay attention to

Suppose there is already a potential candidate for your hand and heart. In general, you feel warm feelings and interest in him.

However, if you want a strong and happy family, you will have to pay attention and analyze how suitable it is for you. You won’t get far on your own; there must be mutual understanding, respect and similar interests in the family.

So, what you need to pay attention to in order to choose the right husband:

1. Take a closer look at his family

We adopt a lot from the lifestyle of our parents, because children from an early age imitate their elders and learn from them. If you want to better know and understand the man you are interested in, get to know his family.

Looking at the relationship between his relatives, you can understand what model of family behavior is embedded in it. Values ​​such as respect for elders, mutual assistance, respect for women, and the habit of sharing are most often instilled by parents. If in his family they are considered the norm, then there is high probability transferring these values ​​to your future family.

2. Compare your social statuses

Modern history knows episodes in which a woman simultaneously received a prince, a horse, and half a kingdom in addition! 😉 But still unequal status is one of the reasons for divorce, psychologists say.

Social misalliance can lead to one partner being ashamed of the other if he “falls short.” Moreover, we are talking not only about financial situation, but also about the level of culture, belonging to different nations and religions.

Any misalliance can cause difficulties in relationships. Try to choose a person close to you in social status.

3. Attitude towards children

Interesting fact: a female mouse chooses her spouse based on the degree of his caring towards the offspring! And that’s right, you also need a man who will take responsibility for raising children equally with you!

But how to choose a husband who is ready for fatherhood? Not all men dare to talk about this directly. However warm relationships with little nephews and godchildren will speak for themselves. And if they are not there, have your friend invite you both to a noisy children's party. That's where you will see his real attitude towards children!

4. Genetic approach

Unfortunately, we cannot do without a pragmatic approach, if you want to give birth to healthy offspring. When your relationship becomes more trusting, ask if your chosen one or his relatives have chronic diseases, does he often get sick (is his immunity strong), does he play sports?

Few people can boast of a complete absence of diseases, but the habit of taking care of one’s health is already a good sign of a responsible and adult person!

5. Similarity of interests, hobbies and everyday behavior

They say that opposites attract, but they may soon push away because they can't find things to do together. If his ultimate dream is to sit in front of the TV, and you need to climb mountains with a backpack on your shoulders, then you will inevitably spend time separately.

There is no need to strive for absolute similarity of interests when choosing the right husband. It's good if you have a couple of common hobbies, and just as many different ones. This way you can have fun together, but at the same time not lose your social circle and share different impressions.

It is very important to see how a man behaves in everyday life, because this is where people often stumble married couples. Are you neat and accustomed to household responsibilities? The best way to find out - come to visit without an invitation :)

6. Sexual temperament

Tested only experimentally! The main requirement is that there is mutual inexhaustible pleasure!

7. Attitude towards money

The site knows for sure: a man’s attitude towards money can tell a lot about his character. It’s very flattering if he’s willing to spend his entire salary on you in an expensive restaurant, but The head of the family should have a responsible and careful attitude towards money.


  • does it save receipts after purchase?
  • does he compare prices when choosing a product?
  • does he plan?
  • Does it have a cash airbag?
  • is he involved in investing?

8. Attitude to life

Silent question: how to choose a husband if he does not want to be a husband?

Before making your final decision, make sure your a man clearly knows what he wants in this life. Find out his plans for the future, what he is striving for, does he want to develop as a person? Does he need a family?

If your life attitudes intersect, then you can move on together. If not - let go and leave the person his right to live the way he wants. Don't expect that you can rehabilitate him.

9. Social circle

“Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are!” Did he introduce you to his friends? Look at them as closely as you would at your family.

Who are they? Restless bachelors or married people? Do they just require attention or help? Are they treating you with respect? Draw your conclusions!

10. You yourself

You can’t do without reflections! It is impossible to choose the right husband without understanding what you yourself imagine next to him. If he makes you happy, inspires you, if next to him you become better and develop, which means he has every chance of becoming your life partner! This item alone is worth the nine described above!

Alas, suitable husbands do not lie along the road - this is a fact! However, you don’t need to live by psychological portraits created in your head, because we all have shortcomings and there are no ideal people (and especially husbands :)

Strive to meet these points, work on yourself, and for every good wife there will certainly be a good husband! The women's site wishes you this from the bottom of my heart!

Julia Caesar - specially for the site www.site - Beautiful and Successful

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Hi all!

Having learned that in the 21st century they can still choose a partner for life, we, of course, give an indignant tirade. At the same time, making an independent decision also does not guarantee a successful marriage. Well, how to choose a husband? Let's try to figure it out!

I suggest looking at your partner with a sober, appraising glance. To avoid making a mistake in choosing your future, read the description of the types of men least suitable for the role of a spouse.


He will tell you little and nothing specific about himself, but he is interested in everything about you. Because the information you receive will help you make an impression. The conversation usually follows the principle of “adjustment”: he, like you, loves tea with bergamot and also reads Fet’s poems. Lovelace masterfully reduces the distance between bodies, creating the feeling that he is always nearby, although in fact, it will be difficult to catch him if only you need it. He is unlikely to get to the point of casting for the role of a husband: most likely, you will understand sooner that you are not the only one who brightens up his loneliness.


This man will not spare any expense on you: if you want to go to a club, please, if you want to go to a concert of a mega-popular group, tickets for which cost an exorbitant amount, no problem. In such a relationship there are only two problems - a huge number of his “girlfriends” who behave very defiantly with him, and daddy, who, in fact, paid for yesterday’s luxurious romantic date. So, most likely, the head of the family will choose a wife for his son, and it is unlikely to be you.


This one is just about to marry you. However, there will be too much of it. His negative answer determines whether you and your friends will go shopping today. What can he do? Yes, everything, of course! What should you do? Cook dinners and wash your beloved shirts! By the way, be careful when hanging out your laundry - what if some handsome guy passes under your balcony and you won’t be able to prove that you didn’t even notice him.


Are you ready for the role of the second woman? Then boldly follow your mother’s son through life. Only if you have complaints against him, it is better to immediately express them to his mother in order to avoid the effect of a damaged phone. After all, he will still go to her for advice before giving you a worthy answer! But he is always cleanly dressed, there is not a single wrinkle on his shirts, and he is also very educated. Just be prepared that your every action will be accompanied by words or a silent reproach: “You don’t do things like your mother!”

Sole of company

You won't get bored with this man. Yesterday the skate park, today horse riding, tomorrow dinner on the roof, the day after tomorrow you go to his friends for a party. It's never boring with him. No one. It’s just that many people besides you need his attention, and he’s such a person - he can’t refuse anyone!

What to look for when choosing a husband

Of course, in addition to the above, there are other types, these are described only to help you escape from an unworthy partner in time. But even if your man does not fit any of these descriptions, you should not relax: there are things that you definitely need to pay attention to.

What is his family and social circle like?

It is worth taking a closer look at your relatives, since from childhood we absorb the behavior model from our parents. If respect and mutual assistance reign in the family, with a high degree of probability, the same will happen in your union.

Friends are another screen that broadcasts the inner world of a lover. Are you comfortable in their company? Do you feel respected? Could they theoretically become your friends too?

Age and social status

Happy marriages between people with big difference aged and from different social classes, of course, happen. And yet, most of them are in danger of collapse.

  1. A large age difference between partners often leads to misunderstandings due to differing interests.
  2. Social misalliance, that is, the difference not only in financial status, but also in culture, nationality, religion, can cause divorce due to different traditions and habits.

Attitude to money

It's great if on payday he takes you to a luxury restaurant and gives you the opportunity to feel like a queen. But what happens in the rest of the month before you receive the next portion of your salary? Note:

  • Does he save receipts after major purchases?
  • Does he think in advance what to do in case of financial stagnation?
  • Does he plan a budget?
  • Does he compare prices of goods (not every tin can and loaf of bread)?
  • Does he invest money in anything?

Life position

It is important to understand initially whether your life attitudes lie on the same plane. Does he, like you, strive to continue personal development? Does he want to start a family? Who should make money? Accept the man and his answers as you receive them, do not think that you can re-educate him.


If you are a crystal-honest person raised in the Orthodox tradition, and he knows how to deceive your neighbors to get money in 12 minutes, you are unlikely to be comfortable together. In addition, the dishonesty of one of the couple in life will certainly affect the attitude towards the partner.

Maturity and responsibility

“It’s your fault” is a phrase that infantile men often repeat. Others make decisions for them; in marriage, this honor will fall to you too. All responsibility for the family will also rest with you. Maybe we should look for someone more courageous?


A person must respect himself, otherwise he will not be able to respect his partner. True, it happens that lack of self-esteem has a temporary reason. Then everything is in your hands. By helping him raise his level of self-respect, you help establish yourself in his mind as an irreplaceable, reliable woman.


In rare cases, a man is even allowed to cry. And even sobbing. But still, emotionality is more of a feminine trait. Therefore, if he shows weakness or aggression quite emotionally, you have reason to wonder if the man next to you is a real man?

Attitude towards children

Perhaps you feel that he is not ready for fatherhood? Or maybe he says so himself? Look at how he treats his nephews and friends' children. If this is not possible, invite a friend with an active son to visit you to understand how he really relates to children and what kind of father he will become.

Sexual temperament

Special attention should be paid to intimate relationships. Bed is not the main, but important part of the relationship. At the same time, along with good sex, you don’t need to endure bad attitude towards yourself. If something doesn’t suit you in sex and it can be fixed, then it’s better to discuss it with your partner. If you simply don’t like the kind of lover he is, and let’s face it, he doesn’t excite you, you can’t turn a blind eye to it: sooner or later you will start looking for a replacement. Or you will simply be unhappy, even if according to your zodiac sign it simply cannot but suit you.

Do you have similar hobbies?

They say opposites attract. Personally, it seems to me that the opposite is true: not finding common ground, they soon begin to push away from each other. Judge for yourself: if a girl spends her time climbing rocks and jumping with a parachute, and he often has panic attacks and the best medicine for him is his mother’s jam, which he will gobble up in front of the TV while watching the “Let’s Get Married” program, this union is unlikely to be possible prophesy a bright, and most importantly, distant future.

But this does not mean that ideal partners should be an absolute reflection of each other. For balance, it is enough for a couple to have 2-3 similar hobbies. And in those hobbies that they do not share, it is enough just to be interested in them to be at least a little in the know.

A couple more tips from psychologists:

  • Don’t be ashamed to make a separate point about a man’s ability to earn money. You already live together, and he has been jumping like a flea from job to job for the fourth month in search of something more wonderful? Great, but you don’t want to drag your family along all your life, waiting for him to realize himself?
  • Try to choose a person who is free from selfishness and who is able to compromise.
  • Let past aggressors, alcoholics, gambling addicts, drug addicts, vulgarities and dramatic men.

Which life partner to choose is a responsible question, so I suggest you relieve tension and watch a video - a parable about how to dream correctly, and how far you can go in this matter.

It is important to pay attention to what a man says, how he sees his future. And especially - for what he doesn’t want, what he will never do, most likely it will be so. Very often, before the wedding, we close our eyes to some fundamental moments for ourselves, and after the wedding, having received authority, we try to change and improve the man.

Of course, a man should be physically pleasing to you. You should be pleased to be near him, look into his eyes, listen to him. We are very sensitive and our body should react positively to the man we choose. If a man is unpleasant to you, then no knowledge of psychology and relationship building will help. You can deceive yourself as much as you like, but your body will never deceive you.

When choosing a man, you should also remember that every person has advantages and disadvantages. And there is no such person who has no shortcomings.

You must be aware that if you are not ready to put up with his shortcomings for the rest of your life, then give up hope that you can completely eliminate them, in which case it may be better for you to simply break up with this man.

What you can't put up with in a long-term relationship:

  • If a man walks, if today he has one, tomorrow another, he meets with one, lives with another.
  • If a man drinks.
  • He leads an immoral lifestyle, is mentally unstable, and may raise his hand against you.

It’s better not to have any illusions and immediately break up with such a man and not flatter yourself with the hope of fixing him.

All other shortcomings are your choice, provided that you are ready to live with it all your life and be happy.

Pay attention not to his charm or his words, but to his actions, first of all towards you. How decent and honest he is, how much he keeps his word.

If he said he would come, and then disappeared for a week. Will you be ready to endure such optionality and inadequacy in marriage?

A man should be interested in you, and this is manifested in the fact that he is ready to help you in certain situations, solves some everyday problems, is attentive to you, caring, sympathetic, keeps his word, often calls you first, responds to your requests, spends his time and money on you. When we are needed, we women immediately feel it.

What to pay attention to that can become an insurmountable obstacle.

How attached is he to his mother? How often does he call her? How often do you consult with her? How often does he neglect you for the sake of his mother?

If young man 20-25 is not a problem yet. Today, both men and women grow up late, but if he is 30 years old and still has strong connection with mom, then most likely she will never weaken again. And if you are ready to live together and feel good about it, then make this choice consciously. It will not be very easy to build a relationship with such a man. During difficult periods, he is more likely to disappear to his mother.

Jealousy can also become an obstacle to a harmonious relationship. If a person is jealous, this is dislike, this is pathology. Read more A jealous person needs energy and will take it from you. Yes, it’s difficult, but you can also live.

Greed, or rather pettiness, when it results in a painful parting with money. A man is usually generous with the woman he loves, so if he is stingy with you, you should think about it. It is very difficult for any woman to tolerate male greed.

As for material wealth. Should a man have wealth and material goods at the time of meeting?

"Do I understand correctly that a real man successful? What if, for example, a man does not have much material wealth? Don't have your own home? Should such people be avoided as unsuccessful? On the other hand, if he is not yet settled, if he has not achieved anything in his life, and he is already 40-45 years old, then what can he achieve now, at that age?”

I have a friend who was divorced with two children. She met a man. He didn’t have an apartment, he lived with his parents and he was 40 years old. But at the same time he had a good position in a large company. He had a car and he was a business man. When he appeared in her house, good food and beautiful clothes for the children immediately appeared. I don't think he was successful, but he was a real man, capable of solving men's problems. Over time, he bought a 3-room apartment, with the help of his parents. I don't think there is anything clear cut in life. Success or not success. He was not married until he was 40. And he did not have his own home. But he knew how to earn money and make decisions. And with his appearance, life immediately became simpler, more stable and satisfying. Although at first everyone lived in my friend’s apartment.

It doesn’t matter what a man has now, you should feel protected and comfortable next to him, your life should become easier with the appearance of a man. And you will immediately feel whether you can count on him. And today you can buy apartments and cars at 50 and 60 years old - no problem, there would be mutual understanding and love. A man can do a lot for the woman he loves.

What you can and should put up with:

- with everyday habits, with the notorious scattered socks. It seems that all men throw them around, and all women are irritated by it. Why do you think they throw them around? Maybe because they just don’t know where to put them?

- with external features, a man should not be beautiful;

- with sloppy clothing, with unshaven stubble;

- with toughness, stubbornness, a desire to prove, to remain right. - this question is directly related to the question: - “Do you need strong man"?

- with specific humor and lack of manners. You shouldn’t make this a universal tragedy and lecture him.

- with musical preferences and a desire to listen to music loudly.

- with eternal busyness and with the fact that the man devotes a lot of time to work, and not to you. There are men who cannot be forced to work; it’s better to let them work.

It's better to have 10 percent of a 100 percent man than 100 percent of a 10 percent man. Helen Andelin.

- with a lack of romance. Not all men are capable of sensual confessions and extravagant acts.

- with some hobbies - for example, cars, hunting, fishing, football, computers, garages, etc.

- with emotional characteristics - some grumble, some are silent.

Now you know more about

Everyone has enough shortcomings and characteristics - both women and men. And in order to build a long-term relationship, you need undoubted advantages that you will admire, which will help you come to terms with his shortcomings and accept a man for who he is, without the hope of changing him.

But if you are categorical and principled, then you will be left alone. There are no ideal people. Think about it! Every woman should remember a simple rule when choosing a man: if he doesn’t hit, doesn’t drink, and doesn’t go out for walks, he’s ideal man. Everything else depends on the woman!

Write in the comments what features and disadvantages are you willing to put up with?

Tatiana Dzutseva.

In contact with

Olga Fursova

It only seems that a man-hunter chooses a woman, wooes her, marries her, and she obediently agrees to all his conditions and follows him through life. During the courtship period clever woman carefully evaluates the actions of her man, weighing negative and positive traits, and by this criterion begins to understand whether he will be a reliable partner in the future, whether it is possible to give him “hand and heart”.

It’s even a shame that in the question of how to choose the right husband, love fades into the background. Marriages concluded only for love break up very often. As soon as feelings dull, people look at each other with a “sober” look, and understand that you will not be satisfied with love alone.

And based on other criteria, they begin to look for reliable partners “once and for all.” What are these criteria?

Marry “by the rules”

How to choose a husband, realistically assessing your future life? What are the requirements for selection?

  • Even loving couples have disagreements. How does your partner behave, how is he used to solving problems? If he allows you to raise your voice, or even raise your hand, explaining this with an explosive temperament, then should you believe him? To understand how he will behave in the future, you need to take a closer look at how he behaves in different situations his dad, older brother, uncle? Is there respect for the mother in the family?
  • You need to get to know your relatives if you plan to have offspring in the future. Perhaps this approach seems somewhat cynical, but if there are hereditary diseases in the family, then this should alert you. This does not mean at all that if there is unfavorable factors you urgently need to leave your loved one. But you just need to know in advance what to be prepared for. Some diseases at this stage of development of modern medicine can be prevented;
  • If you already have thoughts about the future, about children, then you should think not only about how to choose good husband, but will he be a good father to his children? Attitudes towards the younger generation can be seen by how a man treats his younger brothers or sisters, if there are any, do his wife’s younger relatives bother him? If there are no kids nearby, you can invite your sweetheart to visit families where there are annoying and curious children.
  • His social circle says a lot about a man. Is he sociable, do he have many friends, and who? Do you like his friends? In the future you will have to communicate with them.
  • Modern liberated young people consider the coincidence of sexual temperaments very important for creating a family. This criterion is verified empirically. But a good lover" from time to time“In the future, he may calm down and no longer satisfy in the role of a husband. And vice versa, when a couple lives together for a long time, they adapt to each other, and in the future, sexually, harmony comes. So the criterion is questionable;
  • It’s better to think about whether the future husband shares household interests, is there anything to talk about? Opposites attract, but there is a limit to everything! If the husband loves fishing and active recreation in nature, and the wife leaves the apartment only to go to the shops and to work, then soon they will constantly spend time separately. And the marriage will crack;
  • When modern woman chooses her husband, for some reason she rarely thinks about social status. Smart and liberated people still believe in the fairy tale: The Prince married poor Cinderella, the Princess married the Swineherd... they lived happily ever after... In real life This happens quite rarely. And if it does happen, then modern Princes put Cinderellas in a subordinate position, and Princesses are ashamed of the Swineherds. Social misalliance now plays the same important role in everyday life as it did many years ago;
  • Life and money. The cornerstone that has led to the demise of many marriages. If she is a neat person, and household chores are unimportant for him, she is stingy and prudent, and he is used to wasting money, the family is unlikely to last long.

If several men are courting a woman, and the one you seem to love the least fits the above criteria more? Who should you choose then, a husband for later life or a loved one? How to solve this dilemma?

Responsible decision

The psychology of a woman’s choice of a husband is as follows: a woman evaluates her partner according to her own criteria, from her own point of view. Mistakes occur precisely because worldviews depend on gender.

All questions that arise during the couple's grinding must be resolved with each other, directly asking the partner what he wanted to say with this or that action. No need to consult with your friends! Men have no idea what conclusions women can draw because of their carelessly defensive phrase or insignificant action.

You need to try not to manipulate a man, trying to change him, but to model the situation, and together find the right solution. Life problems are a kind of test that shows whether you can rely on your partner in the future, is he capable of making a decision?

Possible error

Sometimes a woman faces the problem of choice after Mendelssohn’s march has finished. I was disappointed in my partner and a new candidate appeared. I would like to correct a mistake; it is not clear who is more valuable: an already familiar husband or an ardent lover? How to choose in this situation?

If there are children, then their interests must be taken into account first. How does a lover treat them, can he become good dad? But you shouldn’t give up on your feelings and live with a person who no longer bears the “title” of a loved one.

It is advisable to approach such a choice with a cool head, and not rush from one marriage to another. If you live separately for a while, explaining your cooling off to your husband with some objective reasons: work, for example, you will be able to look at both men from the outside.

Maybe then everything will fall into place. The lover will fade into the background, and the husband will remain the husband. But everyone must decide for themselves whether it is worth telling her husband about the real reasons for the cooling.

How to choose a reliable person from a religious point of view

To the question of how to choose the right husband, Orthodoxy gives the first answer: you need to choose a responsible man.

It is not without reason that they ask the groom before the altar whether he agrees to be responsible for his wife’s actions. The Lord, as Orthodoxy believes, will ask the man for everything that happens in his family.

But this does not mean that the husband is allowed to be a tyrant, no. The husband must help his family and make decisions for their benefit.

It is from the concept of responsibility that the rest proceed:

  • loyalty;
  • mutual assistance;
  • devotion.

The Church reminds us that people are loved not for their virtues, but for their shortcomings. There are no perfect people. If the shortcomings do not seem significant, if, without breaking the person, you can get along with him, the advantages outweigh - the choice will be right.

We are glad to welcome readers of the blog site! Agree, if a woman puts as much attention when choosing a husband as she does when choosing a dress, her chances of choosing a good marriage partner will increase significantly. How to choose the right husband? Find out tips on what to look for so as not to make a mistake when choosing a partner. Why is it important and necessary to make the right choice? You will learn about this in 10 minutes of reading this article.

Unfortunately, when choosing a worthy partner, the beautiful half of humanity is often guided by a loving heart, and not the voice of reason. Therefore, it is difficult for them to distinguish the qualities that they really want to see in a candidate for her heart and hand. Choosing a good spouse is probably the most difficult and responsible task of her life, since any careless mistake will lead to an unhappy married life.

How to choose a husband

Choose a man who respects your personality.
The guy may have little interest in your hobbies, work, or interests. He may also get tired of women's conversations, but he appreciates all this because they are part of you and are part of your world. He respects your opinion and beliefs, even if they differ from his own opinion.

Remember: if a man does not meet this criterion, then after a while he will become a woman, since she will become an empty place for him.

Knowing how to express your love.
Not every male is able to write poetry, sing praises or speak openly about his feelings. But manifestations of love can be shown different ways. For example, when a lady has a hard time, he is nearby, learning to be an attentive listener. Even his simple, sincere words about pride and honor to be in a relationship with you can indicate attention and love. (Do you want to understand whether a man loves you or not? Then).

Such a person tries to be gentle and attentive to his chosen one. Even with a glance, a wink, or actions, he shows his love. For example, he brings home your favorite ice cream and favorite flowers. Such little things often show men's feelings without words.

Remember: From a person who is unable to show his love, you are unlikely to receive words of understanding and support.

Financially stable.
They say “money and heart are incompatible concepts.” When it comes to relationships, a woman should definitely add a man's financial stability to her list.

If the candidate for her heart is interrupted by temporary or low-paid jobs and is completely satisfied with his position, then this is hardly a good match. Or he jumps from job to job every few months. This one didn’t fit, I stopped liking that one, the third one starts too early, the fourth one is generally difficult. Therefore, unemployment is a frequent visitor. Life with such a person means continuous difficulties, women's sighs, tears in the near future.

After all, a woman wants to live with someone who wants to achieve something more. Who is able to have and hold a permanent job. So it's always important to ask the question: “What will my future be like after 10, 20, 30 years of living with this guy? Will he have a permanent job, will he be able to support his family?”

The ability to earn money while maintaining a family income and standard of living is vital to a successful marriage. After all, according to statistics, 88% of failed marriages are due to money problems.

Remember: There is no shame in choosing based on a man's financial security when thinking about how to choose a good husband. Unless that's the only reason for your choice. You shouldn’t develop feelings for a guy whose only virtues are beauty and a cheerful disposition, but who doesn’t have a penny in his pocket. Believe me, you will start soon."

Able to work hard.
Men who work hard, are not afraid of hard work, have an inner core that helps them work beyond their strength. This is a big plus, since marriage and family are not for weak men. Such a spouse is a guarantee of support and help when, for example, you are exhausted by a sick baby who wakes up in the middle of the night. Then, you see, the wife especially needs a husband who is ready to replace her, giving her the opportunity to rest and sleep.

A husband who is able to “work” beyond his desire will also devote time to growing or adult children. He avoids referring to fatigue, busyness, shifting to women's shoulders.

Avoid being a "mama's boy."
When choosing a husband, refrain from choosing such an object. Perhaps the idea of ​​taking care of, “babysitting” an adult man looks a little tempting. This may seem like an excellent opportunity. But soon this will turn into an unbearable burden, the disappointment of the wrong choice of a spouse.

For example, that you married a man who is not able to take care of himself, do simple laundry when you are in the hospital, wash the dishes, or cook breakfast for yourself. You will be driven out by your hubby constantly whispering to his mother about your shortcomings. Being married to a mama's boy means becoming a maid, a nanny and a teacher for a grown man.

Remember: for a mother-in-law (mama's boy's mother), you will never be a good enough daughter-in-law. In addition to your husband, you acquire a nagging elderly woman who makes your life unbearable. The goal is to constantly “peck” you as if you are unworthy of her “treasure”, that you are not looking after your husband well. She will always stick her nose into everything you do. At the same time, your hubby will not be able or will not want to defend you in front of his mother, forbidding her from terrorizing her wife.

How do you like this prospect - to be on the margins? family life, when it comes to a husband's relationship with his mother?

  • Choose as your husband a man who is free from selfishness and who is capable of compromising in order to maintain peace.
  • Dramatic men are ten times worse than dramatic women.
  • Avoid vulgar or aggressive representatives of the stronger sex.
  • may be flattering for a woman in the beginning; but living with a person who considers you property, literally jealous of a pillar, is unsafe.
  • Must be a realist, and not build castles in the air in fantasies.
  • Must be intelligent and witty, but not arrogant in mind because of intelligence or wit.
  • Womanizer, drug addict, criminal, drunkard - definitely not.

Why is it important to choose the right husband?

The quality of her future family life depends on the right choice, whether from a Christian point of view or not. That is, will the future husband, years later, truly appreciate the work and efforts of his wife. To do this, you should choose a life partner who considers a girl, going beyond: 1) simply beautiful; 2) sexy; 3) it’s great to have fun with her; 4) financially secure.

A good example

Suppose a woman responds to a man’s offer to work for him as a teacher, family doctor, teacher, housekeeper, accountant, or housekeeper. At the same time, it does the job excellently. Question: how will the employer treat her? He will appreciate such a worker, being always satisfied with her.

With age, even becoming older, changing in appearance or aging, the worker will only be considered more mature, experienced, and a better professional for him. He doesn't care about her appearance. It turns out that if the employer's choice is based on correct criteria, then the employee can be sure that his aging for the employer is evidence of maturity, experience, professionalism and quality of the employee.

Another situation: The same lady responds to the offer of another employer offering her a job. Job description: 1) look sexy, 2) always be beautiful and young; 3) “hang out” in nightclubs, 4) have material wealth.

Now the problems will begin. A lady ages with age, which means it is difficult for her to meet the described criteria. What happens to such workers? Their place is taken by young women who can match men's tastes. (Read, )

Notice what the problem is? Not the woman’s age, but her wrong choice of employer with its conditions of sexuality, beauty and materialism.

That's why important to remember: a man whose choice of the lady of his heart comes down to the criteria: she is simply beautiful, sexy, with whom it is great to have fun and is financially secure - is hardly a good candidate for marriage with him. If the choice falls on a guy who is able to appreciate the qualities of a girl, her inner world, and not her figure, sex, money, then marriage with such a person will never bring disappointment.

Final words

Sometimes the fairer sex is subject to false expectations due to films, plays, songs and fiction, based on the idea “if you fall in love, you fall in love, or you don’t choose your loved ones.” This insidious lie poisons their brain. They “jump out” to get married or marry a man, hoping that everything will work out in the future. Then they repent for the rest of their lives. (Find out, )

Conclusion: women need detoxification, in other words, elimination of these insidious lies, in order to learn to be selective in choosing a suitable marriage partner. Especially when they give advice to their daughter on how to choose the right husband if she wants to be happy. It is important to remember that a man’s qualities must exceed women’s expectations. If they do not exceed, then this is a reason to think: “Is this a suitable option?” (Read, )

Best regards, Andronik Oleg/Anna.

Watch the video about making the right choice husband