Girls love all the most beautiful things!

One of the most win-win birthday themes for a little girl is the fairy-tale world of flowers.

Such a holiday gives the little birthday girl and her guests the opportunity to not only celebrate the holiday cheerfully, but also get real aesthetic pleasure from everything that happens.

Holiday decoration

First you need to make and send invitations to all guests.

To do this, the birthday girl and her mother will have to do a little work with scissors and felt-tip pens, cutting out and painting a flower-shaped card for each of their friends.

The next stage is site preparation. The place where all the action will take place (in our case, this is the area under open air), it is necessary to decorate according to the theme.

These can be very different decorative elements, either purchased in specialized stores or rented from event agencies.

L We offer a scenario for celebration children's day birth in the summer. Therefore, we take into account that it will take place in a garden or park, at a summer cottage or in the forest. Accordingly, you can use a variety of thematic decorations.

  • Floristics.
    Fresh flowers are the most natural type of decoration. Flowers can grow in flower beds, show off in pots and boxes, or be collected in bouquets in vases.
  • Arches.
    For a birthday party, you can use an arch braided with both artificial flowers and daisies made from balloons.
  • Fairy lights.
    Flower garlands hanging from the ceiling of the gazebo in the form of tails will create the necessary atmosphere. You can also stretch them between trees or vine posts.
  • Water lilies.
    If there is a pool or pond on the holiday site, then it can be decorated with life-size artificial water lilies.
  • Glowing trees.
    Such decorations are presented in the form of artificial trees with LED leaves and flowers. You can make similar lamps yourself by cutting out plastic bottles rosettes of flowers and installing diodes in them from one common garland that wraps around a living tree.
  • Blooming inflatable flowers.
    This is a pleasant surprise for both the birthday girl and her friends, because such flower arrangements"bloom" right before the children's eyes.
  • Hand made products.
    The choice here is unusually wide, from posters with cornflowers cut out of colored paper to monuments made from homemade roses. These can be bouquets, garlands, figures, signs, piñatas, lampshades, balls, etc.

Geography of the holiday - flower map

Cut out one center for the flowers and seven rainbow-colored petals from large sheets of colored cardboard; the birthday girl can also take part in this process. On back side For each petal of the seven-flowered flower, write the name of one of the points:

  1. "Hocus Pocus"
  2. "Limbo"
  3. "Bees and Flowers"
  4. "Puzzles"
  5. "Flower figurines"
  6. "Fashion show"
  7. "Flower bouquet"

We attach the resulting flower card in a visible and convenient place.

Approximately at the same distance from this flower in seven different directions, we install inscriptions with the same points, and lay out the necessary props nearby.

The princess greets the guests

The birthday girl must definitely meet the guests with one of the adults.

The hero of the occasion can be dressed up as a princess, if desired, harmoniously complementing her outfit with flowers.

The person traveling can be either an animator invited to the holiday, or a very active relative. If this is a mother or sister, then it would be nice for her to host the entire program, and not just like that, but in the image of Tinker Bell, Flora or any other flower fairy.

At the entrance, the host gives all new arrivals a kind of pass - one of the bracelets. Such decorations should be divided into two types: those decorated with a rose and those with a daisy on them.

Later, the guys will need to split into two teams several times, and these bracelets will greatly simplify the process. Here you can arrange first mini-competition. A bracelet pass to the flower world is given to the child after he names so many different types flowers, how old he himself was.

Script idea

All the guests arrived in the unusual kingdom of fairy-tale flowers in order to crown the birthday girl, who, on the occasion of her birthday and thanks to good behavior, is supposed to become a princess.

But every princess needs a retinue, and these are the most noble, intelligent, cultured children who can become guests of the hostess of the holiday. So that they all (both the princess and the retinue) could be honored with their titles and receive royal gifts, the guys need to guess the secret of the unusual flower V flower kingdom- seven-flowered flower.

Following the petals - step-by-step progress of the holiday

At each point, young participants will enjoy various competitions and games.

The birthday girl must tear off one petal from the seven-flowered flower and run with the guys to look for the item with the appropriate name.

The petals should be taken in order, according to the colors of the rainbow, starting with red.

1. Point "Hocus Pocus"

Here the children will learn magic.

In advance, cut out of paper symmetrical flowers of five petals the size of a 5-kopeck coin. Fold all the petals inward.
Another one necessary thing- a bowl of water.

Place the children in a circle and give them a flower. Now let everyone make a wish and quietly whisper it to their flower. Children should put flowers into the water all at the same time, placing them on the surface of the water with the outside of the flower.

Now watch: whose flower blooms first, his wish will be fulfilled first, and his wish will not come true at all.

In fact, all the flowers will bloom, but the kids don’t need to talk about it, let the intrigue hold on!

The secret of this point is the ability to believe in miracles.

2. Point “Limbo”

Two adults hold out a flower garland. The guys must dance in single file under this flower barrier without ever catching it.

The garland falls lower and lower with each circle.

At the end, when the flower thread is already very low, the children must take turns jumping over it.

The secret of the point is flexibility and plasticity.

3. Point “Bees and flowers”

Cut out large flowers from cardboard or colored tarpaulin and place them on the ground.

As soon as the song about the bee starts, all the children must transform into these little insects, fly across the clearing and circle between the flowers with a characteristic buzz.

As soon as the music stops playing, each bee must quickly jump onto an empty flower. Then the song plays again...

Each time the leader removes one flower, and the children have to run into their improvised area in twos, threes, or even eight, and support each other so that not a single bee falls from the flower.

The secret of the point is strong friendship.

4. Item “Riddles”

Everything is simple here - you just need to solve the riddles.

  • In the field I grow - a beauty,
    Green leg, white dress,
    The middle is golden.
    Everyone knows my name!
    Neither Svetlana nor Natasha,
    I am beautiful... (daisy)
  • As soon as the snow in the forest melts,
    It grows out of the ground.
    White, small and delicate
    A flower grows in the forest... (snowdrop)
  • You met me in the buns,
    Sometimes we saw in the field,
    I am red, but not a Buryak,
    I am a flower with a name... (poppy)
  • The blue flower shines
    It never rings
    Although the name is very similar.
    Who is this?... (bell)
  • There is a arrogant flower in the flower beds,
    The stem and bud are beautiful,
    But once you grab it, tears flow,
    After all, all ours are in thorns... (rose)
  • Here are the things:
    Thumbelina grew up in it!
    If suddenly spring comes,
    It will immediately bloom wildly
    Slender, like a noble gentleman,
    In the front garden... (tulip)

The secret of the point is knowledge and intelligence, ingenuity.

5. Item “Flower figurines”

Here you will need to split into two teams: roses and daisies. They will compete with each other. We wrote above that participants in each receive different bracelets.

Give each team one long flower garland and let them use it to create different shapes: a heart, a tree, a month, etc.

Be warned that both speed and quality of execution are important here.

To summarize, say that both teams emerged victorious, since one was faster, and the second was distinguished by the beauty of its pictures.

The secret of the point is art.

6. Item “Fashion show”

Place elements of different costumes and accessories into a bag: hats, wigs, scarves, sunglasses, etc., assembled in sets of 2-3 elements.

Tie a green rope to each set, and attach a large paper flower to the other end. Pull the resulting stems with flowers out of the bag.

We turn on the music and pass the bag.

As soon as the music stops playing, the one who has the costumes in his hands takes one by the rope and moves aside with it to dress up.

The rest of the guys continue to pass the bag on.

When all the kids are dressed up, you need to call your parents to look at the festive fashion show and take photographs.

The secret of the item is style and beauty.

7. Item “Flower bouquet”

Here the children will have a master class on making flowers from balloons.

Watch the lessons and teach the birthday girl and her guests this art.

The secret point is talent and skills.

Now the guys know all the secrets of Tsvetik-Seven-Tsvetik. Each secret can be written at the point after completing the task on a petal with the point and at the end collected together and listed again.

Having completed all the competition tasks, they were able to prove that they possess all the advantages of a flower, which is an example of the most noble qualities. This means it’s time to crown the princess and reward the participants - the retinue.

The coronation takes place to solemn music.


For the birthday girl - a beautiful crown. All children receive the same flowers that they made.

You can also use the following branded floral accessories and souvenirs as prizes:

  • hoops and hair clips with flowers,
  • handbags with voluminous daisies and carnations,
  • Candy stand,
  • glycerin suppositories with flowers inside,
  • earrings in the form of roses or cornflowers and much more.

This scenario is designed for an outdoor birthday celebration.

However, it can be adapted for holidays and at home. To do this, you won’t need to run point by point, but rather hold all competitions near Tsvetik. It would be nice to decorate the apartment with artificial flowers and balls of corrugated roses.

Children will especially appreciate decorating an apartment using aerodesign.

Total 28 products

  • Mini-scenario for a girl’s 10th birthday at home

  • Mini-scenario for a 7th birthday girl

  • A skit for a boy’s birthday – “Robbie the Robot”

  • Children's birthday: “Visiting the Snow Queen”

  • Universal skit from postman Pechkin for a children's party

  • Scenario for children's birthday - “Carlson”

  • Scenario-quest “Journey to Treasure Island”

  • Sketch for a child’s birthday “Masha and the Bear”

  • Scene at a girl’s birthday: “Three fairies”

  • Scenario for a girl’s birthday “Fey’s Ball”

  • Scenario of an exciting journey in search of pirate treasure

  • Scenario for a teenager's birthday with The Simpsons

  • Scenario with competitions for a boy's 12th birthday

  • Scenario for a child’s birthday: “Secrets of Grandma’s Chest”

  • Sketch for a children's party: “The circus has come to us!”

  • Scenario for a birthday with Malvina and Buratino

  • Birthday with a fairy fairy (5-6 years old)

  • Mini-scenario for a birthday of 5-9 years old with Fixies – 1 option

  • Mini-scenario for a 16th birthday girl

  • Clowns Kesha and Ksyusha at a children's birthday party for 6-10 years old

  • Scenario for a 1 year old birthday Scenario for a teenager's birthday

Successful funny scenarios for a child's birthday are very necessary for children's and entertainment centers for holding children's parties in honor of little birthday people. The website offers a unique collection of birthday scenarios for children and teenagers from 1 to 16 years old. Our collection of scenarios with competitions, games and prizes for children is constantly updated with new items!

In this section we collect scenarios for children's birthdays. Young birthday boys and girls will be happy to receive a gift from friends with the performance of a skit or fairy tale. Dressing up in funny costumes, the ability to read rhymes, and not being afraid to participate in active games and competitions are encouraged. The skit can be performed by both children of the same age and children of any age - older or younger brothers and sisters, friends and girlfriends, classmates or classmates. If there are no other children, then parents and grandparents themselves can take part in the congratulations.

Useful tips for holding a party for children:

1. Choose a scenario taking into account the age of the participants. It is better if the children are about the same age, the age difference is 2-3 years. At bigger difference When you are older, choose universal scenarios for children’s birthdays, with games and competitions that will be understandable to the little ones and not boring to the big kids.

2. Choosing children's script, be sure to take into account compliance with safety precautions, do not hold games and competitions that have a risk of injuring children. Playing with fire, flammable liquids, sharp objects, running in rooms not equipped with a special anti-slip floor covering, rooms with furniture with sharp corners, etc. are dangerous.

3. So that the adults present are not bored children's party, you, as the organizer, need to take care of involving adults in the game, or helping children in competitions.

4. When choosing a scenario for very young children, try not to overload the scenario with too many and complex games, and also do not use scary characters when dressing up, so as not to scare the kids.

5. Be good psychologist, try to find an approach to all the kids, immediately seeing their character. Don't try to force your child to play or participate in a competition if he doesn't want to. Modest children can stay away for a while, watch the game process, and later, perhaps they themselves will want to join the game. The holiday should bring joy to everyone!

6. When the children's birthday party comes to an end, make sure that all participants are given small souvenirs in memory of your club. These could be refrigerator magnets, children's mugs with your symbols, T-shirts, books, coloring books, paints, other drawing materials, or just small toys. Children love surprises and gifts, and parents will also be pleased.

Have fabulous children's events!

We will be happy to publish your unique photos from children's parties according to our scenarios!

Your website!

Competitions and games for children will also be useful to you.

If the sample scripts do not suit you, we will be happy to create a new one for you. original script to order! To order, write us an email: zakaz@site.

AND So, on May 28, our son Vanya turned 4 years old. We wanted to give him a real holiday and invite his friends to visit. We began to think through everything in advance. At first they wanted to rent a hall with animators, but since it was not clear until the end how many people would be able to come, they abandoned this idea and decided to celebrate at home. Then I wanted to invite a clown home, but it took me a long time to decide when and who, and in the end it was too late to order. So we decided to do everything ourselves.

This year's birthday fell on Monday, and since some guests go to kindergarten, it was decided to hold children's party on Saturday and celebrate with relatives on Monday. The evening before, when Vanya fell asleep, we decorated the room with balloons, hung a newspaper and placed a gift by the crib. We had a “time train” as a newspaper. In the first carriage there was one-year-old Vanya, in the second – two-year-old Vanya and…. A pregnant mother is ahead of the locomotive. My grandparents especially liked the newspaper.

In the morning we took a boat ride on the Neva, and then celebrated with our grandparents. Vanya was covered in gifts, the biggest of which was an inflatable trampoline. The birthday party was fun, now the parents had to get ready for the Saturday matinee.

Since it was already the beginning of summer, some of the expected guests, unfortunately, left. And in the end, there were 4 children at the holiday: 3 boys (together with Vanya) and 1 girl (all were 4 years old or a little younger). Vanya gave each guest a cap and a reed pipe. We bought a large set of Fun Ideas for the holiday, there was a lot of things: a tablecloth, plates, cups, napkins, caps, pipes, invitations, small bags (the guests then put their prizes in them).

We let the children calmly look at the gifts, get comfortable, and play with toys. When we felt that the games had become too noisy and the children did not know what to do with themselves (we celebrated at grandma’s and there weren’t many toys), the doorbell rang... Dad went to open it and brought a letter. The letter was opened, there was a postcard from Dunno, he congratulated Vanya on his birthday and wrote that he had prepared a gift for him and his guests and left it in a certain place. The children happily ran to look for a gift, but found only a black card. It was a note from the pirates, they wrote that they took the gift for themselves. We invited the guys to go in search of pirates.
But where should we go? And then everyone saw Petrushka (Vanina soft toy). The children began to ask Petrushka if he had seen where the pirates had gone (I had some doubts whether the children would accept this game, but everything turned out well, they enthusiastically asked questions to the toys, without paying attention special attention what kind of toys the adults said). Parsley said that he saw where the pirates went, but he would not say. It turned out that Petrushka also had a birthday, but no one congratulated him or gave him a gift. I suggested that the guys make cards for Petrushka. I had a lot of multi-colored petals cut out of self-adhesive paper, and with their help the children easily made cards with flowers. When the cards were presented, Petrushka showed where to go next.

Then we met animals: Monkey, Donkey and Bunny, they also saw pirates, but before showing us the way, they wanted us to feed them. While the children were busy making cards, I placed bananas, apples and carrots cut out of cardboard around the room. The boys happily began looking for food for the animals. When the animals were fed, they told us that the pirates had gone into the corridor.

There was an obstacle waiting in the corridor; enemies lined up on our way and did not allow us to go further. The enemies were pins, which everyone began to happily knock down. Enemies fell and came to life again until everyone had played enough.

Further through the bath, where we fought with insidious microbes, we found ourselves in Baba Yaga's hut. Baba Yaga prepared a complex treat: there were fly agarics, crocodiles, pigs and boats on the table (the children ate very little, which I was already prepared for).

When almost everyone had already eaten, they began to guess the riddles of Baba Yaga. The riddles were quite simple, I downloaded them from the Internet on the last day. The main purpose of the riddles was to ensure that children who had already eaten did not leave the kitchen ahead of time, but waited for the others.

The riddles have been solved, you can move on. Baba Yaga again sent everyone into the corridor. And there is another obstacle: this is no longer a corridor, but a river infested with crocodiles. To cross the river, the children used two small rafts (made of thick cardboard). I made the river from two sheets of whatman paper. She painted the sheets with blue paint and drew crocodiles on the sides.

When everyone got across the river. We met a monkey who asked if children could see with their hands. Everyone laughed and said no. But it turned out that everything is possible. Closing their eyes tightly, the children searched in the bag by touch for the item they were asked for. And here we have a duck. Where did the pirates run? – they asked her too. But the duck has a problem, her ducklings have gone for a swim, and the cat is hunting for them, we urgently need to save the ducklings. The ducklings were cut out of cardboard and tied to ropes, with pencils tied to the other ends of the rope. The children wound ropes around pencils, and the ducklings ran away from the cat.

When the ducklings were rescued, the duck said that she saw that the pirates had buried some kind of chest in the corridor. After searching in the hallway, the children found a chest in a shoe box.

The chest contained gifts for everyone: chocolate eggs, bubble and “dancing” cat toys.

Everyone was happy. We again gave time for free games. Moreover, the children themselves hid the treasure several times (in the same place) and invited us to look for it. At the same time, we had to knock down the pins and cross the river, a couple of times they even tried to tell us riddles.

Then we also showed a trick with a volcano. The volcano is made of plasticine. Inside the volcano there is soda and dishwashing detergent; vinegar was poured into it during the show.

In general, we planned several tricks, but were poorly prepared; in the end, we practically only showed the volcano. They also wanted, for example, to pierce balls with a knitting needle.

Then there was cake. It’s difficult to please Vanya in terms of cake, he basically doesn’t eat them, and most importantly, he doesn’t eat chocolate in any form (he doesn’t eat it himself, because he doesn’t like it). I decided to make him a Truck cake. In principle, it turned out well, and most importantly quickly (the cakes were purchased). The birthday boy ate the side, but did not eat the cake itself. I took the cake for granted. Like, it's not unusual for a cake to be shaped like a truck. The next year I ordered a taxi.

In conclusion, I made figures for the children from long balls. We bought a set of balls, it was a fun idea, it contained balls, a pump and instructions for several figures.

This is how our holiday went. Everyone liked it. A few days later, Vanya said that the pirates would come again for his next birthday, but he couldn’t be fooled, he already knew where they would hide the gift. Don't forget to tell your friends about this article!

Dress and bows -
Miracle - and only
The rustling of candy wrappers is heard
In the fingers of a girl.

She is four years old -
Her birthday -
That is why
Let's say congratulations:

Happy holiday, girl,
Happy holiday, baby,
Be as bright as a star
Cute as a bunny.

Be cheerful, joyful,
Smile, laugh,
Let it be magical, sweet
It will be your childhood!

Today for the little princess
Four years already!
May her life be wonderful
Let positivity live in your soul,
There are many gifts and surprises,
Smiles, joy, kindness
And let everything come true today,
Let your head spin with happiness!

Happy 4th birthday to the most beautiful girl. I wish the little princess a fairytale life with a magic wand, glass slippers, a beautiful carriage, fun dancing, good friends and a handsome prince. May your every day be happy and joyful, may you have many good friends and interesting hobbies. Be healthy and the most beloved girl.

You are four years old
And you are already big.
And lots and lots of sunshine
I wish you!

And many good fairy tales,
Miracles and magic
May you always be cheerful
And she was joyful!

4 years old to your wonderful girl,
She is like a joyful ray of sunshine for you,
And her voice rings with a cheerful song,
And she fills you with happiness every hour.

We present our congratulations, we rejoice with you,
Let your princess grow up smart,
Let the girl blossom wonderfully over the years,
May your daughter only bring you joy!

I am a baby, a miracle fairy,
Happy Birthday,
And I wish, without a doubt,
All wishes come true!

You grow up to the delight of your mother,
Be the most beautiful
Be happy and cheerful
Strong, kind and healthy!

Happy fourth birthday to our wonderful, wonderful baby girl! We wish you always high spirits and bright sunshine. May wizards always fulfill your wishes, and may tiny fairies bring you fabulous, good dreams. May you always have plenty different toys, many cheerful friends and equally charming girlfriends. Never cry, listen to your parents and be a real smart girl.

The baby is already four,
How quickly time flies,
We wish our beloved baby
Be the happiest person in the world!

Her heart is filled with happiness, light,
May it always be illuminated
Let the soul know no tears, no adversity,
Will be loved forever!

The eyes shine brightly,
Beams with a groovy laugh,
Let him have whatever he wants
May all your days be bright!

Today you are four years old, dear princess! May your life be fabulously beautiful, and may all your dreams easily come true! I wish you to grow up to be a real beauty and the happiest girl! Let every day bring only joy and positivity!

How have you grown, princess?
After all, you are four years old!
Be beautiful and wonderful
You at any time of the year!

You always grow up healthy,
Smart, make mom and dad happy!
Every year is a new gift
Get it from your grandparents!

Aug. 27th, 2010 | 12:36 pm

I want to be a child! I want to go crazy on my birthdays and crawl on the floor playing tag;)
Apparently I'm not the only one ;). Over the last week, my friends have been asking me only one thing - how to spend a children's birthday?

It just so happened that Yaroslava herself invites guests to her birthday; her circle of acquaintances has expanded greatly this year and she wanted to invite literally everyone. Alas, the possibilities of our living space and financial condition do not yet allow us to organize a city holiday, so it was decided to limit ourselves to the fingers of one hand. Yaroslava chose five friends, and she and I repeated their names for two weeks.

Since Yara is a year old child, her friend always finds himself in the hottest weather, we traditionally spend an hour and a half playing games and eating sweets, and then we go for a walk in the yard. So, to our joy, all the guests arrived on time. For their arrival, I prepared 5 multi-colored cardboard cards with a script on them, and placed a huge bowl of candy on the table. Of course, candy rules the world! Therefore, the basin had to soon go to the kitchen, where it was scattered into bags and given to the children at the end of the party.

The birthday began with a banal poem taken from mom’s forums:

One two three four five!
Who will we congratulate?
Whose dreams will come true?
Who is this verse for?
Who's ahead today?
Birthday boy, come out!
(comes forward)
How old are you now?

We'll stomp 4 times! Have fun!
We will clap 4 times! Make friends!
Come on, Igor, turn around!
Come on, Igor, bow!
And let's stomp again!
And let's clap our hands again!

All children love to draw, so on a prepared tablet and A3 sheet, they were asked to draw portrait of the birthday girl. Of course, we carefully examined whether Yasi had everything on her face; it turned out that she had eyes, a mouth, a nose and ears, after which we started drawing. I drew an oval face, someone drew eyes, someone a nose, etc... in no particular order

After drawing there were riddles kindly suggested by the resource:
For a correctly guessed riddle, the child received an animal medal.

Just in case, I copy the riddles here:
A green frog gallops through the swamp. Little green legs, her name is... (frog).

Who sucks their paw in winter? He also loves honey. Can roar loudly, What is his name? ... (bear).

Pi, pi, pi - she said, She immediately ran into the hole. What kind of baby is this? This is a small... (mouse).

This baby has a hard shirt. I know from a book, This is ... (turtle).

He makes friends with a fox, For others he is terribly evil. All teeth click and click, Very scary gray... (wolf).

This part of the riddle is more difficult;)

Cleverly jumps from the palm tree down to the palm tree again... (expected to be a cow, actually a monkey).

In the thicket, with its head raised, a giraffe howls from hunger. (Wolf).

Who knows a lot about raspberries? Clubfoot, brown... wolf. (Bear).

Daughters and sons are taught to grunt... by an ant. (Pig).

In his warm puddle, Barmaley croaked loudly. (Little Frog).

Who is not friends with bright light, Underground in winter and summer? He dug up the entire slope with his nose. It's just a gray... elephant. (Mole).

He’s lying on the sofa, only saying “meow.” He drinks milk in a bowl, I know it’s ... (pussy).

it all ended with a riddle about a cat for a reason, then all that remained was to ask: “What do pussies like to eat?” After listening to the answers: “Milk, Feed, meat...”, and waiting for the answer: “ fish", I offered to feed the pussies by putting together a fish puzzle. There were two fish, so the children were divided into teams. The puzzle was made by me in advance from foam boards for the ceiling.

After the riddles we baked pancakes. You need to take a lot of flat plates or plastic lids for jars, two boxes and two long spoons. The children took turns running from one end of the room to the other, carrying “pancakes” into the frying pan.

We prepared apple jam for the pancakes. An absurd competition familiar from school - catch an apple out of the water without hands. Well, it’s hot, you need to cool down! The only thing I missed was the age of the participants, no one caught a single apple, but some felt the strength to become whales or dolphins, and took water into their mouths and began to splash;).... meh...

BUT the cake will bring you together, right?

For Yasya’s birthday she wanted a cake with cats and fish, but all I had to do was bake it ;). The candle was blown out and the cake was cut to the song “Happy Birthday to you!!!...”. Apart from cake, cookies, sweets, ice cream and drinks, there was nothing on the table, well, I don’t believe in the child’s desire to eat meat on his birthday, or generally eat healthy on this day.... And everything is easier for mom...

so that the guests don’t get confused with the dishes, I used “personalized glasses”, where I drew “portraits” of our friends with a marker and pencils

After the cake there was a loaf of bread and folk festivities in the yard.
Each guest received a bag of sweets, stickers, some small gifts as a souvenir....

Meanwhile, the young lady is already 4, and that means something;)