A wedding celebration is rich in beautiful, very touching and memorable moments. Often, not only professionals contribute to their organization, but also the guests themselves, who come up with unusual congratulations for the newlyweds dear to their hearts.

We offer several options - original congratulations - wedding gifts, which will be a wonderful addition to useful and monetary gifts for the heroes of the occasion

Original congratulations to the newlyweds "Capsule of Love" .

This is a touching and beautiful moment at a wedding, in order to emphasize its significance and solemnity, you need to prepare for it in advance: select lyrical background music, prepare the “capsule” itself (it can be a chest with a lock, a cute piggy bank or a hermetically sealed vase), paper, pens and the text with which this ritual will be accompanied.

The creation of a “love capsule” by newlyweds can become a separate issue entertainment program, or can become a beautiful reason for a toast and be organized not by the host, but by one of your close friends or relatives, as an original congratulation on the presentation of a gift. It is better to spend it in the second feast, when the traditional toasts and rituals are over.

The lead to this congratulation can be short story that every year of married life should be celebrated as a kind of personal anniversary: ​​the first anniversary is called “ chintz wedding", the fifth is wooden. But the tenth anniversary of married life is... How do the young husband and wife today imagine their life together in ten years? What will they become and how will they feel towards each other? Let both answer this question in writing, and what they write down will be kept in a “time capsule” for the next ten years. It is better, so that the newlyweds do not interfere or embarrass each other, organize the writing of their forecast-wishes by the bride and groom in turn, and at this time occupy their other half with any wedding entertainment.

For example, while the groom is writing, the bride can be invited, since it is the woman who creates the atmosphere in the house, to learn one of the “recipes for family happiness”, and even cook it (you will need salt or sand of different colors, coffee beans, a glass of red wine, rose petals and beautiful dishes)

- Recipe for family happiness

“We take three heaping tablespoons of optimism, add to them a large handful of faith and five teaspoons of patience, and a pinch of respect and trust. We throw the seeds of fidelity onto this fertile soil. We generously fill all this with love and decorate it with petals of kind attention. Serve the finished mixture at any time of the day with a side dish of smiles and compliments.”

- Important dates

Then, taking the bride's word that she would follow this recipe in her family life- we send her to write a letter and entertain the groom. Here you can talk about the most important wedding dates, because men risk forgetting about it and thus offending their beloved wife. You can give him a reminder about wedding anniversaries and gifts that are recommended to be given to everyone, some can be voiced. For example, on the fifth anniversary life together- “wooden wedding” - they will be good exquisite accessories, trimmed with birch bark, for the night table of his beloved wife. But on " pink wedding“, that is, after 10 years of marriage, the husband traditionally gives his wife a bouquet of eleven roses, ten of which are red (they symbolize love), and one is white. This is the color of hope for an equally happy married life in the future.

Then the newlyweds, to the applause of the guests, pack both messages and seal them in a “love capsule”, which can be opened exactly 10 years later. And, of course, happy birthday to the family and a toast to love!!

Congratulations-game "Talisman with magic beads for the newlywed."

This general thing is appropriate for small celebrations, otherwise it will be too long.

For this game of congratulations you will need large and beautiful beads according to the number of guests and fishing line. When making a toast, each speaker strings one bead onto a fishing line. And so on until you get a real necklace. These beads, charged with the goodwill and heartfelt wishes of all the guests, are then given to the groom, who places them around the bride's neck.

You can come up with this gift nice wish about the beads protecting the young from all troubles, and helping the young wife gain strength and wisdom in difficult moments.

General congratulations at the wedding "From heart to heart."

For this surprise - congratulations - gift, you need to prepare a large cardboard heart, which is decorated with the inscription of the names of young people (Maria + Victor), their portraits and a beautiful wedding background (cupids, doves, flowers). Such a heart can be specially ordered at any salon that provides printing services. In the “set” for the big heart, miniature hearts are prepared, on which several can fit kind words to lovers. You'll have to stock up on double-sided tape.

Secretly from the newlyweds, the host or one of the friends hands out small hearts, and the guests write their wishes on them. The hearts are picturesquely attached to the large heart using tape so that the main surface is closed. A large heart acquires a convexity, volume, and in itself becomes an interesting decoration wedding hall. At the end of the celebration, this heart is given to the newlyweds, with the most Best wishes and recommendations to peel off all the hearts and read all the warm words at the same time, because only after peeling off all the miniature notes will the newlyweds discover that they are hiding one heart for two.

Original gift "Calendar sheet".

By organizing this, any presenter can decorate his program with a memorable, beautiful moment, but it will be even more touching if one of the young people’s loved ones starts it, especially since organizing it is very simple - you will need a tear-off calendar and a beautiful frame (a calendar sheet with wedding date).

When presenting this gift, you can emphasize that from this moment on, an ordinary calendar sheet becomes their family heirloom. It’s worth reading out the times of sunrise and sunset, the length of the day, decorating this essentially banal information with a romantic flair: “Years will pass. You look at this yellowed piece of paper and remember that the first day of your life together lasted... hours... minutes. And only for you the sun rose at ... o'clock and set - to your pleasure! - at... o'clock. And this piece of paper will remind you of all of us, your relatives and guests!” At this moment, a toast about future happy years of married life would be very appropriate.

It would be great to add to this family gift a beautiful folder or album, prepared specifically for everyone present to write down their wishes to the newlyweds. This can be done throughout the evening - the host officially invites guests to this action and shows a place where they can safely make their recording.

"A gift that lasts a lifetime"

At the end of the event, the presenter takes out a box. This box contains beautiful shots. On each frame, the guest must write his most sincere wish to the newlyweds. When everyone has written, the bridesmaids fasten the frames together with satin ribbon (the holes will be prepared in advance). The ribbon of wishes is wound onto a reel and ceremonially presented to the newlyweds. Spouses throughout their lives, if the wish comes true, untie the frame; if not, then they have something to strive for. For example: the mother of the bride wished to give birth to a beautiful daughter. When the spouses have a girl, they untie the frame or put a tick on the ribbon with the note: “done”

A wedding is one of the most significant events in everyone's life. There is nothing better than when two loving hearts are forever united in eternal marriage. Family and friends of lovers on this day, when presenting gifts, of course, cannot do without.

A small original and cool gift can be an addition to the main gift. For example, two hammers. The first is for chops for the bride and the second is for the groom. We recommend adding the following words to the gift:

Dear ones, (names of the bride and groom), it has been known since ancient times that “every person is the architect of his own happiness.” But from this day forward, you will never be alone again. You will always walk hand in hand, sharing joy with each other, enduring any difficulties. From now on, together you will forge the happiness of the wonderful family created today. To make your work easy and bring only pleasure, we give you the main tool of a blacksmith. (the bride and groom are given gavels tied with a ribbon). May love and happiness never leave your home!

Cheerful congratulations on the wedding with the presentation of gifts.

Preferably several congratulations. You need to prepare gifts in advance - a chest or a beautifully decorated box, a family home, a horseshoe, a money tree.

Keep your hearth, may you be warm,

Let the house be clean, comfortable,

We will give the housewife a house,

They will save the family from troubles.

For you from a magical land,

We brought a horseshoe as a present.

She will give you good luck, luck,

There will be a lot of fun in the house with her.

We give you a chest,

He is a symbol of your prosperity,

Prosperity, family order.

May it always be full

And let the law of love reign in the house.

The man is the main person in the house.

His work is not easy

Both day and night tirelessly,

Family fill the chest.

Gold coins and painted dollars.

To make his task easier,

From the money we will give a tree as a gift in addition to everything.

Wedding congratulations in verse

I want to wish you prosperity

To the family born now.

May everything go smoothly for you,

And joy comes to the house every hour.

I wish you endless warmth,

Comfort and peace in the house.

Whatever the weather outside the window,

Let the sun be in the family sky!

May this day be the beginning

Have a wonderful and long journey!

And everything that was said in your honor today,

It will fulfill you and give you strength to go!

Congratulations on the wedding with the presentation of cool gifts

Gifts: chocolate, rolling pin, Kama Sutra, compass, envelope with money.

We were in such a hurry for the holiday,

But we didn’t forget the gifts!

For an established family

In maintaining love,

Bring your gifts!

— 2 —

Our first present for the groom.

Its idea is very simple.

But he does an important job,

Doesn't allow you to go astray.

The husband is like the captain in the family

And it’s important to keep the course straight,

That's why we give him a compass,

May he lead his family to happiness.

— 3 —

A rolling pin is always useful around the house,

In the kitchen the bride is a craftswoman with her.

And if the husband decides to go astray,

He will rage or where he sins.

Then his wife can quickly guide him,

Instruct on the true path with a rolling pin.

— 4 —

The most important thing since ancient times,

Keep the fire burning in your marriage.

This will only make the love stronger,

Family life is more fun and easier.

May your honeymoon go with a bang!

We have the Kama Sutra as a gift for you.

— 5 —

To make life seem sweet

And everything about it was smooth

We give you chocolate!

— 6 —

And our last present,

The president would appreciate it.

It's good for the budget

And crunches inside the envelope.

Touching congratulations to “New Story” on the presentation of the photo album.

Hundreds of happy eyes

Many kind and warm phrases,

Two lovers here and now,

A new story will begin about happiness.

Millions of discoveries await you ahead.

Hundreds of happy and bright events.

We would like to give you a photo album.

Let on every page of it,

Loyalty and love live -

Two beautiful birds.

Congratulations on the wedding with the delivery of bed linen

There are so many people you can go to bed with, and so few people you want to wake up with. (names of the bride and groom), you happy people– you have found your soul mates, those with whom you want to meet sunrises, spend days and nights. So that comfort reigns in your new home, so that you only have wonderful dreams, and every morning is good, we give you the main attribute of a happy home. (giving a gift).

Original wedding congratulations with gifts

Dear newlyweds, for your marriage to be strong, your happiness to last, and your love to be endless, you need only 6 things. The first and most important thing you already have is yourself. The second is a cozy, warm house. The third, but one of the most important, is children who will be an extension of you and your love. I will be happy to tell you the other three things today. The fourth is starting capital, because it’s not easy to start a family budget from scratch. The fifth, oddly enough, is a coffee machine and a pair of slippers. Why only one pair? So that you take turns getting up in the morning to cook breakfast for each other and brew delicious coffee. After all, without mutual care in a family, there is nowhere. The sixth is a tricycle, which for me is the main symbol of marriage. After all, in order for him to go, everything needs to be done harmoniously, together. So it is in family life. Be happy, dears!

Comic congratulations for the wedding in verse

Newlyweds can be given 3 original gift: heroic helmet and sword, broom, piggy bank, fan. You can play with gifts using the following words.

We will give the groom a sword and a heroic helmet,

So that he would protect his family from all sorts of problems.

We present the bride with an ancient amulet,

He will drive away grievances and quarrels from home forever.

So that there is a lot of happiness in the house,

Add money little by little to your piggy bank.

To live richly start from the doorstep,

With a piggy bank, we will give you a lot of money.

And finally, we will give you a fan,

On his honeymoon he will be -

Temperature regulator.

Passion will not let you burn,

So that we can warm each other for many years!

Congratulations in royal style

A wedding gift can be presented by playing with the congratulations in an original way. On beautiful pillows you can bring out two fake crowns for the newlyweds, you can also prepare a scepter and orb for the groom, and a royal robe for the bride. One of the guests dressed as a messenger can unroll the scroll and read out a congratulatory text, at the end of which a ball can be announced in honor of the new royal couple.

An example of congratulations.

— Dear ladies and gentlemen, today you have witnessed the greatest event, on this amazing day two loving hearts. We gave them all these attributes for a reason. A family is a real state, in which peace and order are maintained by two people - a kind, caring, beautiful queen, a wise, fair and strong king. Princes and princesses will appear in the kingdom, but the main ones will always be only these two people, who today opened a new page in the history of their still small, but already so happy and prosperous country. Let us wish them to carry their love through the centuries, becoming happier every day! In honor of this celebration a ball is announced!

Wedding congratulations are quite a responsible matter. How to put all the good and nice words in a few minutes? Wish you happiness, health, love and remain original? Talk about serious and important things in a funny way in a comic form? After all, a wedding is a fun and joyful holiday.
That's what cool congratulations are for. They allow you to stand out from dozens of template phrases and give wedding celebration special flavor, invariably causing smiles and laughter.

Comic congratulations

The peculiarity of comic congratulations lies in more thorough preparation. You need to think not only about the text, but also take care of the costumes and props.
The task is feasible for creative people, but what to do if creative ideas don’t come to mind? In this case, you can please the newlyweds and their guests ready-made cool congratulations. To do this, just read the article to the end, choose the idea you like and start implementing it.

"Basket from Friends"

Friends can present a basket of vegetables, which can be easily collected at any time of the year.

When sometimes the feasts of young people give the floor for congratulations,
Everyone will give their own vegetable, accompanying the presentation with comic poetic lines:

We brought it from friends
A basket of vegetables for you.
It contains cabbage and beetroot,
And garlic - for a reason!
Everything is meaningful, everything is to the point.
Strengthens the spirit and body.

Here, for example, is a juicy radish,
May the family be super strong!

For the bride - a head of cabbage,
So that the house is not empty!

And also these carrots,
So that my mother-in-law calls me daughter!

We give the groom red pepper,
If only the gaze were sober and clear!

And we give this hot garlic,
To be drawn to your wife's side!

Love will be stronger
If you taste a turnip at night!

Now the bottom has appeared in the basket,
We know for sure that from now on
Our cheerful garden

In chorus:
Only happiness
Of good
He will bring it!

You can put vegetables in the basket for your father-in-law, mother-in-law and other new relatives. Such couplets rhyme very easily.

For example:
« And for my father-in-law - a jar of honey mushrooms,
To give me some money!”

Original congratulations, which, without a doubt, will bring liveliness to the wedding feast, is ready! All that remains is to drop by the agricultural market...

Family Happiness Pie from Parents

This option is perfect for parents of newlyweds. The essence of the congratulation is to convey a symbolic recipe for family happiness to the young couple.

It’s better if the pie is home-baked, rosy and aromatic. The parents of the bride and groom will carry it out on an embroidered towel, say their most heartfelt words to the newlyweds and reveal the “secret” of making the “Family Happiness” cake.

By the way, it is worth adding to it that young people should not only preserve the recipe, but also pass it on to their children and grandchildren.


To prepare the pie, you need to pour into half a kilo of love a handful of trust and a pinch of jealousy, 3 tablespoons of patience, extinguished by condescension, one teaspoon each of vigor and sensitivity. To add piquancy to the dough, you can add 10 grams of passion. But it is not recommended to add salt and pepper to the dish, so as not to spoil its wonderful taste. Mix everything thoroughly and place in a hot oven. Fill the finished cake with aromatic glaze of optimism and joy, sprinkle with tenderness and affection. The pie turns out especially tasty and healthy when prepared in a warm home environment!

Thus, in a light humorous form, the older generation will give the younger generation valuable and completely serious advice.

Congratulations from the older generation or Back to the USSR

Representatives of the older generation can present

newlyweds original surprise in the form of a comic excursion into the days of his youth.

Resolution of the Council of Ministers dated... (wedding date)

  1. Recognize the marital union... (the newlyweds' surnames) as valid.
  2. To hold a Komsomol non-alcoholic wedding in the best Soviet traditions according to an ideologically consistent scenario.
  3. At the first family plenary meeting, consider and approve the plan for socio-economic development and the family budget for... In terms of basic indicators, catch up and overtake the West. Show by example that the family is a fundamental and viable unit of society.
  4. Conduct elections for the head of the family on democratic principles.
  5. For solutions critical issues family life to hold home referendums appointed by the head of the family, as well as at the proposal of the House of Relatives or the Council of Parents.
  6. A married couple... to ensure a demographic explosion in the country as soon as possible, that is, increase the birth rate by 5%. Challenge other young families to socialist competition.
  7. Remain faithful as a guarantor of family unity and cohesion. Do not allow a split in your ranks.
  8. Strictly observe not only your marital, but also constitutional duties.
  9. (Date, month) declare the Red Day of the calendar. Celebrate it annually with your family according to a specific plan:
    • Rally
    • Ceremony
    • Festive procession
    • Fireworks from a bottle of champagne
  10. Accept the most sincere congratulations from the Merry Congress and smile! Hurray, comrades!

During the performance, guests will unfurl posters with the inscriptions:

  • Glory to the new cell of society!
  • Long live the family (surname of the married couple)!
  • You give five children in four years!
  • Everyone is ready to storm the maternity hospital!

Any march from the 1960s and 70s is perfect for musical accompaniment.

The congratulation ceremony in the spirit of the Soviet clock will be of interest to everyone gathered at the wedding table. Especially young people who read about the construction of communism only in history textbooks.

Cool little things for family life

An interesting solution for wedding congratulations are small gifts with a comic symbolic meaning.

By the way, with the wish for the couple to “do not spill the water,” you can present waterproof glue “Moment” for gluing marital relationships. Just add a couple of lines to the instructions for use and you can safely go to the address indicated in the wedding invitation.

Instructions for use
Particularly strong adhesive Moment is designed to reliably connect two halves. The product is great for bonding marital relationships.
Mode of application: Clean the bonded bonds with sandpaper and degrease them with a solvent. Apply a thin layer of glue to both surfaces, leave for half an hour and press tightly against each other. The decisive factor is feelings, not the strength and duration of pressure. In the event of a frozen relationship, the glue restores stickiness in a warm, trusting environment.

Here are a few more options for cool gifts for your spouse:

  • Tape measure or ruler (to measure career growth);
  • A set of candles and rose petals (for organizing a romantic evening);
  • Brick (for building a house);
  • Keychain (for keys to a future car).

For the spouse:

  • Soap (so that you have something to soap your husband’s neck);
  • Stocking (for storing family heirlooms);
  • Electric lighter (to maintain fire in the family hearth).

To the script weddings in folk style Fairy-tale attributes will fit perfectly:

  • Walking boots (so that the husband always has time for a hot lunch);
  • Rejuvenating apple (so that the wife always remains young and beautiful);
  • Magic carpet (to quickly get to work).
  • And also a self-assembled tablecloth, an invisible hat, living water...

Russians folk tales- a truly inexhaustible source of inspiration.

There are modern couples whose couples will be amused by such ultra-original gifts as aphrodisiacs or family ties in the form of toy handcuffs.

However, you can present meaningful gifts only in full confidence that their meaning will be correctly interpreted and their humor will be appreciated.

Cool calendar

Wonderful creative idea for wedding congratulations is a calendar prepared with your own hands. It can have very different design and content. For example, information about wedding anniversaries, as well as events that await married couple in future:

  • birth of triplets;
  • winnings in sports lotto 1 million rubles;
  • cruise around the world;
  • buying a yacht;
  • 100th anniversary, etc.

There is no doubt that this gift will take pride of place in the home archive.

Song-remake from mother-in-law

If the future mother-in-law is not deprived of a sense of humor and also has good vocal abilities, she can prepare an unusual musical gift - the romance of Tortilla Turtle. The image of the heroine of “The Golden Key” will be ideally complemented by a cap and an umbrella.

For the number you will also need a backing track of the song to the music of A. Rybnikov for the film “The Adventures of Pinocchio”.

Time flew by like a bird,
I didn't notice when
My son has become an adult and a man
How his spring came.

I remember little feet
Took your first step
How long ago was it,
Twenty years ago.

He grew up stately and broad-shouldered,
I recognize my father's gaze
I fell in love with him like that
Twenty years ago.

He also once brought
To my house with your wife,
She entered the threshold timidly
Our life is not easy.

Don't be afraid, dear ones,
If something is out of place,
We made mistakes ourselves
Twenty years ago.

This day is magnificent
Everyone is happy to congratulate you,
And I'm as happy as before
Twenty years ago...

The floor is given...

Toast -
This is an indispensable element of any festive feast. But wedding toast- something more than a short formula: “For the health of the bride and groom!” Exist rules and customs of wedding toasts.

  • For example, a hierarchy that determines the order in which congratulatory words are pronounced. As a rule, the father of the bride is the first to raise a glass to the newlyweds. Subsequent persons may be the groom's father, groom, witness, godfather, etc.
  • All the attention of those sitting at the table should be directed to the person toasting.
  • Congratulations should not be delayed in time, or give it a boring, moralizing tone of a sermon. And the words should be pronounced solemnly, loudly and clearly, so that they can be clearly heard at the other end of the table.
  • And, most importantly, during the feast, do not forget about the heroes of the occasion. All words of congratulations and toasts on this day are dedicated only to the young.

In this section you will find interesting information about: in Rus', in Ukraine, among the Kazakhs, etc.

What is the perfect wedding toast?

Most likely it's laconic good wishes, charged with sparkling humor. Perhaps with an admixture of nostalgia, romance, euphoria... anything that will give the toast an original sound.

You can start with an anecdote, a small parable. Or tell some interesting noteworthy fact about the bride and groom, about their hobbies, remember how they met (and thanks to whom), etc. And, in the end, wish the newly made spouses:

  • Strong-willed decisions, like the Russian president!
  • Amazing discoveries, like Nobel laureates!
  • Health like Olympic champions!
  • Fame like Hollywood “stars”!
  • Money like Gazprom shareholders!
  • And have a great mood, just like us!

Thus, we can conclude that you can’t ruin a wedding with a joke. Cool congratulations decorate the celebration, making it even more fun and joyful. But the most important thing is that the optimism with which young people enter new life remained in their soul for many, many years...

» Original wedding congratulations with the presentation of money

Congratulations on the wedding (funny) with the presentation of money

Our gift is suitable -
Three rustling bills
Congratulations in an envelope.
Get it and check it out!
We thought it was
Plus for the family budget.
To tell you the truth, he
It's not easy to start from scratch!
But there is already a start, which means
We wish you good luck.
And spend this money
To Marinka or Petya -
For a beloved child:
Nipples, diapers, diapers...
However, here the wife and husband
There is hardly any need for guidance.
Now all we have left is
The newlyweds should shout “Bitter”! Funny congratulations
Take it, young people!
Congratulations in words:
Unusual, in verse!
This issue has been resolved for a long time!
We could give
My husband needs a blender to chop the fruit,
And for my wife - a screwdriver...
Or vice versa?..
But honestly, it's a gift
Should be of interest to everyone
Extremely important for both
And even necessary!
We are newlyweds, which means
We give money - no other way!
But regarding their spending
Not rich in advice.
Think for yourself, decide
Whatever you need - buy it! We were going to your wedding
We were incredibly worried.
All the gifts have been sorted out,
We thought and wondered for a long time
And then we hedged our bets
We contacted the fabulous genie
They asked him for help
And then we received the parcel
How beautiful is the carpet made of money?
He will warm your soul
And if you take a camera,
You won't find a better nature
Against the background of this carpet
You can shoot until the morning
Guests will come to you:
“Can’t we lie on it?”
What can I say: beautiful
We give you this exclusive
He will help you go on a cruise
Where you like
Just pray that I don’t eat,
Let's spray it on quickly!
Young, glasses in hand -
For a gift on this day!
Although your happiness is not in money,
But you can't live without them.
We decided to start
Give you a passbook
Texts on envelopes:
For you, (name of the bride), for outfits,
For candies, for lipsticks.
Spend your money wisely
Only my husband doesn't say anything
For you to dance, to the cinema,
On button accordion and on car
We also provided
They didn't spare you any money
When you buy a car,
We think you'll be lucky
So that they don't ruin her,
We put it forward on the garage
For Hawaiian cigars
For decent wine...
At least they put it in an envelope,
It's a pity for the money anyway.
(Groom's name), for love cupids
And on the women's side
Don't expect a bill from us,
Instead of money - screw you! We thought and wondered for a long time,
What should I give you, newlyweds?
And as a result they decided
Give several presents.
1st gift: “Kama Sutra”.
Let's start, perhaps, with a wise book
About pleasure and love.
So that the husband does not have affairs on the side,
Look at her more often, little wife.
2nd gift: rolling pin.
This is a useful thing
It will certainly come in handy on the farm.
You can roll out the dough for pies
And give him a good beating.
3rd gift: naked doll.
We are looking forward to
There's a new addition to your family.
Let this doll become glorious
A visual training layout for you.
4th gift: a bottle of cognac.
When all the guests have had enough fun and get drunk
And after the banquet they will go home,
Take a sip of the intoxicating drink in private
And have a wonderful night of love.-
5th gift: piggy bank.
So that the family can live with dignity,
We need to save up money.
Please accept this pig as a gift
And feed her banknotes on time.
6th gift: a deck of cards (preferably with unusual drawings or portraits of the newlyweds).
How to pass a languid evening?
Of course, play cards.
To undress, spread out the dress -
We decided to throw you a deck of cards.
7th gift: umbrella.
The most important thing is the weather in the house,
And the rest, as we know, is vanity.
Everything is already on your farm, except
This wonderful umbrella.
Well, that's all, the gifts have been handed over,
Let's go back to the table, perhaps.
But, in the end, let’s shout “bitterly”:
We want to see the kiss of love.
The newlyweds kiss, and those congratulating them begin to move to their places. Suddenly they stop, remembering the main gift. After all, even comic congratulations on a wedding are not complete without presenting a valuable present - a traditional envelope with money. It is removed from a trouser pocket or handbag during the reading of the poem.
Oh yes! We forgot one moment!
We will still have a present.
It's in my pocket somewhere...
But look, he has been found!
We give you this envelope
To replenish the family budget. The simplest option is to ask the newlyweds to open an umbrella with the words “The most important thing is the weather in the house.” If you have a voice and a desire to perform, then you can sing a couple of verses from the famous song by Larisa Dolina yourself:
What is our forecast today dear
What did you wake up with again out of tune?
Just tell me
Lord have mercy
What the hell do you mean?
The most important thing is the weather in the house
And everything else is vanity
There is me and you and everything except
Easy to handle with an umbrella
...and at that moment open the umbrella with money over the newlyweds. So original cash gift will not only please the young, but also give good mood to everyone present. Who will get a pack of money?
That lucky man!
You can hide them in your stash
So that you have supplies forever!
Maybe you can put it into action right away
And spend it wisely!
In general, act boldly with them.
And don't think about anything!
We give an envelope for good luck
And we have no doubts:
Our humble participation
Will save your budget! Of course, money doesn't buy happiness!
And no one knows what it is...
But if you have money in your hands,
This ‘tone’ raises! Let it not be too late and not too early,
You will have magical luck!
Let your pockets bulge,
The wallet is bursting at the seams!
Let the income come in large cash
Pour in bulk:
To the mountains or to the pyramids,
All the way to Antarctica! So that happiness is nearby
And everything in my hands burned,
Let luck help
Be with money all the time!
Success, joy, good luck
And a dream come true!
And in addition to wishes
Accept a cash gift! I'm a little confused
What to give you
I'm a little confused
How to make you laugh.

These magic bills
They will give you a couture life. Why bother here?
What is the best gift for a holiday?
I will congratulate you
Money along with poetry!
Let them be forever
In your pot-bellied wallet.
Buy yourself a gift
May you remember me for a long time! Absolutely everyone knows -
There is never too much money!
That's why I'm giving you an envelope
With a sum of money for you!
I know what a gift it is
It will give you pleasure.
Feel free to spend on anything!
Money is a profitable business! Banknotes in an envelope, no matter how trivial,
Sometimes they are quite criminal.
I'll be very brief:
This is a gift, not a bribe! This cash gift
Take it from me now!
There is not much and not little here,
And literally just right!
They say money doesn't buy happiness,
But it’s sad to live without them.
Enjoy spending them
Buy everything you want! Oh, how smart you are, brother!
Would you like a chandelier as a gift?
Choose it yourself
I'll just give you money. Let the money, huddled in a flock of birds,
They're flying towards you like a hurricane!
Let them surround and attack
And they reach into your pocket with impudence! I'm giving you money today
Such a gift is always valuable.
Let this amount be small -
She won't bother you!
And very soon, no doubt
You will find a use for it!
I would like to wish you in verse:
“Be always on the money!” If we cannot choose a gift, -
We'll quietly put the money in the envelope,
And then decide for yourself what you want,
What to do now with your money. To celebrate a happy occasion
By the way, a surprise to live without vicissitudes!
I wish you well,
Pleasure, health and joy!
Keep some big money as a gift,
Buy yourself any beauty with them,
Looking from the depths of the windows, golden,
Their sorrows drove away the darkness. The postcard is folded into an envelope,
What's inside? Check it out!
Yes, there are “bucks”, that’s mine,
May you have a happy life! Money, as usual, can be saved,
Or you can buy something nice!
Let them not melt in vain,
Let the family's capital grow!
To live in peace and joy,
So that your nerves are always in order,
May you add more to your family
Gold reserves!
Now the newlyweds have become smarter,
They stopped looking for children in the cabbage.
We collected some cabbage for you,
And take care of the kids yourself! There is never too much money
But they are not superfluous.
Let them always rustle
Euros, dollars, rubles.
Let them help you
To solve a number of your problems,
After all, with money you can
What you need to buy.
Poems for a wedding for a gift of money
Everything in life can be useful,

We will give you this first payment for the apartment! Young spouses are difficult to please,
We want to give money on our wedding day!
Choose whatever you want
What is necessary, liked and fashionable! Everything in life matters:
Shopping, budget, fun!
On your wedding day, we will give you money,
And the choice of gift is yours! There is a marriage certificate,
It bears the stamp of the native registry office.
We give you, newlyweds,
Congratulations and bucks! We wish you rivers of milk,
Around the jelly banks,
Have pleasant and happy years,
Wallets tight with money! To the kind white stork
I quickly brought you a child,
We give what is in the envelope,
For pacifiers and diapers! For such a beautiful couple
Let's raise a glass now!
To start family life
We give starting capital! We wish you a honeymoon
And sweet married life!
Bathe in love and harmony,
Rejoice in great optimism! We came to the celebration
Look at the soul kinship,
Happy long journey
Newlyweds, unfasten! We wish to become a family
Happy and rich
Row big money
Not with a handful, but with a shovel! We give money to young people!
Here's some copper money for you,
So that you are not poor!
Here's some silver for you
So be it, good luck to you!
Here's paper money for you,
So that you are important! Gifts come in different forms
Everyone dreams about this
For a life that turned out like a puzzle
It’s important to learn to give!
Push the boundaries of your dreams
And the choice is now yours!
Here's a full page list
What did you dream about yourself?
When looking into the envelope,
This is a nice thing...
Decide, buy, try on?
Know how to spend boldly! Poems for the gift of money
My gift is simple -
I’m giving you money as a gift!
Anything you want
You can buy them for yourself!
In general, you'll figure it out for yourself.
What should you do with the money? Look so amazing
You can do it without difficulty!
Give a gift, give a warm hug -
All that remains now!
May your life be success, luck,
Love and friendship decorate...
I also wish you a lot of money -
They don't interfere either! We wish you to become happier and richer
At least a hundred times!
May good luck accompany you in life,
The process will begin immediately, now!
May there be happiness and success,
Walks with confidence!
Let it bear fruit all year round
Money tree for you!

Original congratulations on the wedding with the presentation of gifts

Necessary items for congratulations: a clay pot (or cast iron) for porridge, a hammer, a children's pot, a rolling pin, a brick, a frying pan, a toy car. Items that will be gifts must be decorated and tied with ribbons to make them look like gifts.
A wedding is a wonderful occasion to drink, party and dance.
There is an even more important reason to wish you happiness in your marriage!
After quarrels, quickly make up and turn everything into a joke,
And when the baby is born - make a fortune!
We'll have a lot of fun and won't leave until the end.
Let your ardent hearts burn in mutual love!
Well, besides congratulations,
So to your surprise,
We give you gifts,
And our heartfelt congratulations:
For the BRIDE, beloved,
I'll give you a pot,
To cook porridge for my husband,
With the words “I love you!”
And for the groom (NAME),
I also have my own idea
We give you a hammer,

And there is also a general surprise,
We give it to you for an encore,
Potty for future children,
For girls and boys!
Well, for the mother-in-law, we give you a rolling pin,

And we give Auntie a brick,
To build a big house!
Mother-in-law, here's a frying pan,
May there always be pancakes!
A gift for my father-in-law.

So that the whim of the young comes true:
And even if it’s a trinket,
But still, a necessary toy,
I give you a mini-car,
Everyone would look for her
Your task is simple,
So that it could be in reality! Magic shovel
Dear... (name of the bride) and... (name of the groom)!
You are at the beginning of the road, on the threshold,
And your dream comes true.
May the road be easy and smooth,
Let only hearts beat nearby.
We wish you children strong and
good salary
Health to build a new home.
And here is our gift: a magic shovel.
Own it together! (They bring out a shovel covered with banknotes.)
It's not difficult to use:
Swinging carefully,
You can earn money... (Hereinafter he shows the actions.)
If you need "tens" -
Tap her heel.
If you need a “half-shock” -
Tell her a poem.
Do you need a thousand rubles?
You, (name of the groom), don’t be shy -
Take the magic shovel
And hurry to the ATM! (Raises a shovel.)
And if you have five zeros,
Then... you better call your mom.
We wish you guys
Rake money with a shovel,
We wish you to swim in money,
Enjoy your happiness!
And in your life young
Now there is only a little left:
To prevent the shovel from rusting
And it never broke!
Giving gifts
The bridesmaids and friends of the bride are dressed in gypsy costumes. The bride's friends sing a song to the tune of "Fashion Changes Every Day."
Fashion changes daily
The fashion has come to get married.
You're already forgetting about your friends
You visit them only occasionally.
All attention (name, surname of the groom),
You create peace and comfort.
So let all our wishes
They will only bring happiness to your home!

People are structured like this:

We will be together with the guests!

People are structured like this:
Today I wish you happiness,
Of course we won't forget!
Happiness in life for many years
And good luck in everything and always,
So that you grow younger day by day,
No matter how the years go by.
And you take care of your love,
Always help each other
Let your home be a full cup,
And may your friends not forget you!
Chorus: What can I say, what can I say,
People are structured like this:
Today "Bitter!" you scream
We will be together with the guests!
Well, what can I say, what can I say,
People are structured like this:
Gifts for our newlyweds
We will give now!
Gypsies (singing). You are a gypsy, I am a gypsy,
We are both gypsies!
You're in my pocket and I'm in my pocket,
Both are after money!
Gypsy 1. And you, dear guests,
Open your wallets
And get the gifts,
What did they bring to the wedding?
The gypsies disperse around the banquet hall, begin their fortune telling, and take gifts and envelopes with money to the young people. The gypsies bring a glass of alcohol to everyone who gives gifts.
Gypsy 2. Don't spare money, people.
You won't lose much.
And to the young - a grain at a time -
Let's recruit for the nest!
Gypsy 3. I see, dear, in the eyes -
You brought us a gift.
Get it quickly
To the young for the celebration!
Gypsy 4. Let me tell your fortune,
I can guess everything that happened.
And what will happen, you tell yourself,
What do you give to your friends?
Gypsy 5. Oh, what a blue-eyed guy!
I fell in love with you right away.
Come out and show yourself!
Where is the gift from you?
Gypsy 1. Oh, chavela, don’t be stingy!
Share with the young people!
Gypsy 2. Brown-eyed, get up
And give me your gift!
Gypsy 3. Oh, what a beauty!
My heart melts!
Tell me, who did you come with?
What did you bring to the young people?
Gypsy 1. Ay, nane, curly!
Don't be embarrassed like a little one!
Shake your money
The couple is young for life!
Gypsy 2. You are my diamond,
Come out and dance with me
Perky "Gypsy"
And give some gifts to the young couple!
Gypsy 3. Gild my pen
Yes, put more money
I'll tell you the whole truth,
And money for young people - for a wedding!
Gypsy 4. I’ll tell you the whole truth now
I’ll tell you, my killer whale:
A long road awaits you
Go home lightly
Because money is everything
You'll leave it here.
Don't be stingy for the young,
Come out for a circle!
Gypsy 5. The government house is waiting for you,
It's called an office.
Good luck awaits you there,
Income is expected.
But only if you are stingy,
You won't get a penny!
Gypsy 1. Everything that the guests gave,
We give to the young!
Gypsy 1. Pour everything into a glass,
We drink to your happiness! Hot for love?
Presentation of a gift - a fan.
Dear newlyweds! Frankly, in the morning we wanted to give you a million US dollars, but at the last moment we decided to distinguish ourselves and give you just a good gift.
A welcome meeting, like a fairy tale
Love, we see, is hot, passionate,
Hot, stormy, like a volcano!
May your romance be endless!
So that there are burning feelings
can't cope!
And so that you are completely in the heat
don't melt,
Let the gift help you cool down,
And your kiss will be long and hot!
Bitterly!!! Pretty girls
A comic gift for young people - a box of paints.
We will give you magical colors,
So that you, young people, live like in a fairy tale!
There is no need to buy anything now,
And draw everything you need!
First, draw a two-story house:
You will live happily from that moment in it!
Draw a pool and a blooming garden:
Each of us will be happy to relax with you!
For travel, draw a plane,
Don't forget to take us on your first flight!
Take out the box of paints more often,
Draw, enjoy, relax!
You can decorate it as a box of paints, a cash gift - banknotes of different denominations. Blacksmiths of happiness
Dear friends! Folk wisdom says: “Everyone is the architect of his own happiness.” Until now, you have done this alone. But today we celebrate the birth new family, and you, dear newlyweds, will now have to work together to forge your common family happiness. What is the main tool of a blacksmith? Of course, a hammer. I hand you a hammer.
A carpenter's hammer is given to the groom and a chop hammer to the bride. The hammers are tied with one ribbon, each with a bow.
Work tirelessly on your happiness. Advice and love to you! New story
Presentation of an album at a wedding.
A new home is being created
The house is big from small.
Built brick by brick,
Yes, stronger, isn't it enough?
How will the construction go?
Never seen.
Everything depends very much on
Builder skills.
Here you go, friends,
An unbeaten path.
Hello new family!
New story!
Here's a brand new album for you,
You will imprint on it
And look later
Whatever you can do.
We wish you on your way
Happiness and patience,
So that you can go through life
Friendly and faithful,
It's fun to walk together
Bright spaces.
Start creating
New story! Pillow for young people
Young people in bed under the ear
We give a lush pillow.
So that you can live more friendly,
There is no more important gift!
You will be closer to each other
Lying on one pillow.
On the fluffy one on her
The night is sweeter and sweeter.
(Bride's name), no secrets for the girlfriend
Trust only the pillow,
So that problems and sorrows
Only the husband and the pillow knew.
(Groom's name), you're from any party
Crawl to your pillow.
There is nowhere softer, you know,
Don't fall asleep on strangers!
The pillow is also good
Put the baby down
Lie on both sides of him,
Watch with affection.
There is a pillow - life is organized!
And our wine is bitter!

GIFT TO THE GROOM - a parcel with tight gloves.

They will be useful to you forever,


Caress it more often with a prickly hand -
Happiness will flow to you like a river.

Then put the mittens on the goods,

If you store them you will approximately! Cabbage - so that the house is not empty.
Tomato - so that discord is avoided in your home.
Onion - so that there will never be separation.
Radish - so as not to swear and fight.
Egg (to Kirill) - so that he doesn’t go to another person’s porch.
Radish (Tanechka) - so that she doesn’t know another Fedka.
Carrot - so that Tanya lives amicably with her father-in-law and mother-in-law.
Beetroot - so that Tanya respects her mother-in-law and father-in-law.
Bagel - so that there is always a ruble in the house.
Broom - so that they don’t ask their parents for money.
Garlic - how many cloves are there in it so that you have so many daughters and sons.
Cucumber - so that Kirill is a good father.
Dummy - so that a son is born first.
A vest - so that there is also a girl.
And one more carrot - so that there is always MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING and LOVE in your home!!!


Cool congratulations on the wedding

Don't look for joy, groom!
Hey, daughter-in-law, don’t whine:
You were two people -
You have become one family!
As there? Is it too late to drink Borjomi?
Oh, don’t you drink in your family?
Well then let it be in your house
Happiness and love live on!

Cool wedding day greetings

To become happy in life
You need to smile
Everyday and always
Passion to give, to fall in love.

Don't swear, don't be sad,
Share your worries
And try to add
Work for the storks!

Cool congratulations on your wedding

We eat beer with doggy style,
Vodka - spicy cucumber,
So that your marriage is not a “marriage”,
To be the crown of life:
The bride is now down the aisle,
And at her feet is the groom...
Let's have a drink so we have room
Make babies with them!
So that the children can sleep
Where. And - their sleep was deep!
The nights are sweet for spouses,
Only love could hear the groan!

Cool wedding wish

If there is a sudden quarrel,
You, wife, take the iron!
If the husband took up vodka,
Take the frying pan!

On your wedding day I wish you peace,
So that the apartment is big,
And there is a noisy swarm of children
Would disturb your peace!

I wish you patience
Immense fun.
Let the spiritual light
He will bring you my poem!

Cool congratulations on a wedding with money

I'm a little confused
What to give you
I'm a little confused
How to make you laugh.
And I decided to give you money,
So that you can buy yourself happiness,
These magic bills
They will give you a couture life.

Cool congratulations on a wedding with the presentation of money

Everything in life can be useful,
And the plot on the Moon could be good for something,
True, in order to achieve something,
It takes a lot of hard work!
To make a great start
We give you a little and a lot,
To “where to live?” no question arose
We will give you this first payment for the apartment!

Comic congratulations on the wedding

Happy wedding day, guys!
And husband and wife,
As far as we remember,
One Satan!
We wish you a long life
And live joyfully:
Wife to be cheerful
And make your husband laugh!
And in family life
The soul does not grow old:
For my wife to be beautiful
And my husband wants it!
And, of course, it is necessary
Give birth, raise:
For my wife, to become a mother,
And for the husband to plow!
And, in general, we wish
Well what can I say,
For a wife to be loved
And my husband - to love!

Short funny congratulations on the wedding

The wedding is in full swing,
Guests in a wedding frenzy,
This is where the story ends...
You will remember the order:
Wife - respect husband
And don’t scold idlely!
Well, what about the husband - to be with his wife
And don’t run after someone else!
To live life like this,
We need to wet the letter!
And to finish drinking,
We need to sweeten it up somehow!

Cool wedding congratulations

I'll have a lot of fun
I won't leave until the end.
After all, they were going to get married
Your ardent hearts!

A wedding is a wonderful occasion
Drink, walk and dance.
There is an even more important argument:
Wishing you happiness in your marriage!

After quarrels, quickly make peace,
It's better to turn it into a joke.
And when the baby is born
Make a fortune!

Good congratulations for a wedding

We want the music to sound
So that the two of you don't get bored.
Let there be twins to begin with -
We'll bring you a stroller.
We can wish you a lot,
But we repeat again and again:
And this is what we most importantly wish -
Advice to you, happiness and love.

Sincere congratulations on a cool wedding

Be healthy, live richly,
How much will your salary allow you?
But know that the salary is always not enough -
Shake all your ancestors - they will give you more.
You have twice as many parents,
Love them more, stay longer.
Don't be afraid of pipettes, don't be afraid of diapers.
Give birth to boys, give birth to girls.
But parents get bored with children.
Give them to the grandmothers, they will raise them.
But most of all I wish, however:
So that there is no marriage from your marriage.

Cool funny congratulations on the wedding

Not just to continue the family line,
People are getting married in Russia.
Not to give birth, I’ll give a lot,
They got married in our homeland!..
But if you don't want it, marriage
To turn into a chain of fights,
Love each other at night -
Give birth to your own baby!
Let the child be yours
From porridges yogurt is strong,
Cement in a weak solution like,
When you get married, dear ones, take heart:
Now multiply “in captivity”!

Cool congratulations to the newlyweds on their wedding day

Wedding, doves, priest,
Vows, rings and veils,
The dress's price tag is round
And my pockets are empty.

You are no longer someone nearby,
And the bride and groom.
There's no need to hide now,
There is an apartment for two.

Sharpen it sharper
You are a chisel and a chisel.
Relatives are waiting and you will soon
Finally, multiply.

Comic congratulations on the wedding with the presentation of cool gifts

And so that your union is strong,
The golden one lived to see the wedding,
We brought you for a jerk
Half a bag of wise advice.

And there is also a belief
What children find in her.
So that you have it,
Here are the seeds for you!

Your festivities ended until dawn.

(the groom is given a compass)

Don't get on your husband's nerves
Don't shout for no reason.
Better knock on the tambourine!
(the bride is given a tambourine)
Well, of course, let's get to work,
If my dear is at fault,
You can soap your neck once,
So that it would be discouraging.

A good sign for the family
So that the family hearth burns.
But in life anything can happen -
It burns and then goes out.
So that it doesn’t go out at all,
We give matches in reserve.

And this thing is necessary
To maintain intimacy.
So that your nights are hot,
And so to the very cinder!

For your material benefits

We are giving away a chocolate bar.

And only today will be only

The congratulation ends with exclamations of “Bitter!” There's a wedding these days - anywhere!
And, although I’m not a toastmaster,
I will allow myself to speak.

That's okay. Young,
I don't have easy advice
I want to give it to you today.
Your job is to execute!
So that my husband always loves,
You, bride, never
They didn’t drink it like the mother-in-law.
Do you agree, guests? - Yes!
So that your wife always loves
And I couldn’t stand my brains,
You, groom, don't be a fool,
Do this all the time:
Speak at least sometimes
That she is your star!
And give flowers more often.
Do you agree, guests - Yes!
So that my husband loves me more,
You, bride, be wiser
And take me to bed more often,
So that he can sleep better.
Stay young longer
Always look after yourself!
Men love with their eyes.
Do you agree, guests? - Yes!
You, groom, forget about the women!
If you want to go for a walk -
Go fishing -
And home, to your “mermaid”!
Loyalty is forever!
Don't waste your years
To dubious meetings!
Do you agree, guests? - Yes!
And your last piece of advice:
Be together for a hundred years!
May God give children,
And financial surplus!
Be happy always!
There is no water in our glasses...

Do you agree, guests? - Yes!
BITTERLY! A gift for the bride - a parcel with a saw.
We give you a precious item,
Hello husband with this item!
The saw is not for firewood - for marital purposes,
They drank until the roosters crowed.
And in the morning he gets up - you drank again,
Then they started making money.
If he doesn't like your dinner,
Take a saw instead of a tasty seasoning.
The husband will eat, but only praise!
And you constantly try to saw!
And once you show your item -
The husband will affectionately say: “Dove, hello!”
A gift for the groom - a parcel with tight gloves.
We give you not chain mail, not a saber:
You are not in a military battle, but at a wedding.
They will be useful to you forever,
So that your wife can bow before you.
Wear them, never take them off!
Otherwise, dear, you will be in trouble!
And you'll dream about devils all night,
If you take off your mittens.
Make your wife cook delicious food
Yes, always adjust with a mitten.
Caress it more often with a prickly hand -
Happiness will flow to you like a river.
If you take your wife to buy manufactured goods,
Then put the mittens on the goods,
The mittens will serve you well,
If you store them you will approximately! You can present vegetables and fruits as a gift with the following words:

So that there is skill in work.

Here's some peas for you so you don't go deaf from your mother-in-law's scream. You can give products with the following words:

Knife - cutting and sawing. You can give money as a gift:

You can give household items with the words:

Scarves for my daughter.

"Basket from Friends"
Friends can present a basket of vegetables, which can be easily collected at any time of the year. When sometimes the young people at their feasts give the floor for congratulations, everyone will present their vegetable, accompanying the presentation with comic poetic lines:
1. We brought you a basket of vegetables from your friends.
It contains cabbage and beetroot,
And garlic - for a reason!
Everything is meaningful, everything is to the point.
Strengthens the spirit and body.
2. Here, for example, a juicy radish,
May the family be super strong!
3. A head of cabbage for the bride, so that the house is not empty!
4 And also these carrots,
So that my mother-in-law calls me daughter!
5 We give the groom red pepper,
If only the gaze were sober and clear!
6 And we give this hot garlic,
To be drawn to your wife's side!
7 Love will be stronger
If you taste a turnip at night!
8 Now the bottom has appeared in the basket,
We know for sure that from now on
Our cheerful garden-garden Choir:
Only happiness, goodness to the young
He will bring it!
You can put vegetables in the basket for your father-in-law, mother-in-law and other new relatives. Such couplets rhyme very easily.
For example: “And for my father-in-law - a jar of honey mushrooms, so that he can throw in some money!” An original congratulation, which, without a doubt, will enliven the wedding feast, is ready! All that remains is to drop by the agricultural market... Resolution of the Council of Ministers dated... (wedding date)
Recognize the marital union... (the newlyweds' surnames) as valid.
To hold a Komsomol non-alcoholic wedding in the best Soviet traditions according to an ideologically consistent scenario.
At the first family plenary meeting, consider and approve the plan for socio-economic development and the family budget for...
In terms of basic indicators, catch up and overtake the West.
Show by example that the family is a fundamental and viable unit of society.
Conduct elections for the head of the family on democratic principles.
To resolve the most important issues of family life, hold home referendums appointed by the head of the family, as well as at the suggestion of
Chamber of relatives or Parents' Council.
A married couple... to ensure a demographic explosion in the country as soon as possible, that is, increase the birth rate by 5%.
Challenge other young families to socialist competition.
Remain faithful as a guarantor of family unity and cohesion.
Do not allow a split in your ranks.
Strictly observe not only your marital, but also constitutional duties.
(Date, month) declare the Red Day of the calendar.
Celebrate it annually in the family circle according to a specific plan: Rally Solemn ceremony Festive procession
Fireworks from a bottle of champagne
Accept the most sincere congratulations from the Merry Congress and smile!
Hurray, comrades!
During the performance, guests will unfurl posters with the inscriptions:
Glory to the new cell of society!
Long live the family (surname of the married couple)!
You give five children in four years!
Everyone is ready to storm the maternity hospital!
Any march from the 1960s and 70s is perfect for musical accompaniment.
The congratulation ceremony in the spirit of the Soviet clock will be of interest to everyone gathered at the wedding table.
Especially young people who read about the construction of communism only in history textbooks. Cool little things for family life
An interesting solution for wedding congratulations are small gifts with a comic symbolic meaning.
By the way, with the wish for the couple to “do not spill the water,” you can present waterproof glue “Moment” for gluing marital relationships.
Just add a couple of lines to the instructions for use and you can safely go to the address indicated in the wedding invitation. Instructions for use Particularly strong adhesive Moment is designed for reliable connection of two halves. The product is great for bonding marital relationships. Method of application: clean the bonded bonds with sandpaper and degrease with a solvent. Apply a thin layer of glue to both surfaces, leave for half an hour and press tightly against each other. The decisive factor is feelings, not the strength and duration of pressure. In the event of a frozen relationship, the glue restores stickiness in a warm, trusting environment. Here are a few more options for cool gifts for your spouse:
Tape measure or ruler (to measure career growth);
A set of candles and rose petals (for organizing a romantic evening);
Brick (for building a house);
Keychain (for keys to a future car).
For the spouse:
Soap (so that you have something to soap your husband’s neck);
Stocking (for storing family heirlooms);
Electric lighter (to maintain fire in the family hearth). Fairy-tale attributes will fit perfectly into a wedding scenario in a folk style:
Walking boots (so that the husband always has time for a hot lunch);
Rejuvenating apple (so that the wife always remains young and beautiful);
Magic carpet (to quickly get to work).
And also a self-assembled tablecloth, an invisible hat, living water... Russian folk tales are truly an inexhaustible source of inspiration. Cool calendar
A wonderful creative idea for wedding congratulations is a homemade calendar. It can have very different design and content. For example, information about wedding anniversaries, as well as events that await the couple in the future: the birth of triplets; winnings in sports lotto 1 million rubles; cruise around the world; buying a yacht; 100th anniversary, etc. There is no doubt that this gift will take pride of place in the home archive. If the future mother-in-law is not deprived of a sense of humor and also has good vocal abilities, she can prepare an unusual musical gift - the romance of Tortilla Turtle. The image of the heroine of “The Golden Key” will be ideally complemented by a cap and an umbrella. For the number you will also need a backing track of the song to the music of A. Rybnikov for the film “The Adventures of Pinocchio”.
Time flew by like a bird,
I didn't notice when
My son has become an adult and a man
How his spring came.
I remember little feet
Took your first step
How long ago was it,
Twenty years ago.
He grew up stately and broad-shouldered,
I recognize my father's gaze
I fell in love with him like that
Twenty years ago.
He also once brought
To my house with your wife,
She entered the threshold timidly
Our life is not easy.
Don't be afraid, dear ones,
If something is out of place,
We made mistakes ourselves
Twenty years ago.
This day is magnificent
Everyone is happy to congratulate you,
And I'm as happy as before
Twenty years ago...
Souvenir – rolling pin “Cure for Mistresses” (large and massive) and “Super fine” (equipped with impressive spikes). They are given to the wife and can become a piquant interior detail.
Intimacy - joke “Underpants for two”. Due to the design of these briefs, two people can wear them at the same time. The couple wearing them ends up very close to each other.
The transparent piggy bank “Family Budget” is divided by a partition into 2 halves with the inscriptions: “for the husband” and “for the wife.” But no matter which half the money is invested in, it ultimately still ends up in the wife’s piggy bank.
A plate “For two”, in the middle of which there is...a state border with a barrier. If one of the spouses dares to take something from his half of the plate, penalties are imposed.
Plate “For good luck”, which comes with detailed instructions, how exactly you should break dishes in case of family quarrels.
The Kama Sutra sheet with piquant images of intimate positions will give young people many fun moments.
Souvenir saw. It is given to the wife with the appropriate words: “the saw was not for firewood, for marital purposes: they drank to her until the roosters crowed!”
Certificate confirming that married couple receives as a gift... a plot on the Moon.
A bag with the inscription “a pound of salt” (some originals present exactly 16 kg of salt as a gift) as a symbol that the husband and wife should eat exactly this amount of salt together in order to get to know each other well.
“Hedgehog mittens” can be made from an ordinary kitchen oven mitt, lined with pushpins. They are presented to the bride with instructions to keep her husband in them. The groom is given a collar, symbolizing the fact that he is now harnessed to the family harness.
Boxing gloves (two pairs). You can play up the gift by saying that it will be useful for resolving family conflicts peacefully.
Each of the spouses is given a head of cabbage (which was previously disassembled into separate leaves and then reassembled into a head of cabbage). It is proposed to conduct a test: who will appear first for the couple: a boy or a girl? There is (allegedly) a thread hidden inside the forks. If the wife finds this thread first, then the first will be a girl, if the husband finds it, it will be a boy.
Of course, the young ones won’t find anything in the cabbages. It is necessary to comment on their fiasco with the words: “You’re adults already, but don’t you know that cabbage doesn’t make children.” A portrait of the newlyweds in some interesting image, ordered in advance from a professional caricature artist (for example, the husband is an oligarch, and the wife is a stunning fashion model). If the artist manages to convey the portrait likeness, your gift will decorate the interior of their home for many years.
Presentation of all kinds of medals and certificates (for example, driver's license for driving a wheelchair), certificates for the right to use each other.
Watch “Who cares!” The dial of this watch has no numbers, only the inscription “Who cares!” After all, happy people do not keep track of time.
Roll necklace toilet paper with instructions: “for purity in relationships.”
Glass jar with banknotes. The lid (to protect the donated amount) can be rolled up.
Set of hammers: for beating meat and carpentry. They are awarded with the words: “Every person is the architect of his own happiness.” If loud laughter is heard, your present was a success!
Bricks, sliders and wood made from banknotes (you can use not only rubles, but also foreign currency). They are presented with the words: “every man must plant a tree, build a house and give birth to a son.” In this case, the brick is regarded as the first stone laid in the foundation of the future house. You can bandage it beautiful ribbon or provide the inscription: “for the construction of a family nest.”
A large box filled with small banknotes rolled into tubes can be an excellent funny wedding gift for newlyweds.
An umbrella with banknotes attached inside. Presented to young people with the words: “The most important thing is the weather in the house.”
A large number of coins packed in a beautiful bag with the inscription “money bag”.
Soap and a large light bulb, wrapped in large banknotes. It is imperative to accompany them with the words: “we give as a sign of bright and pure love.”
A vacuum cleaner, which comes with a large colorful package with the inscription: “warranty”. The package contains an ordinary broom tied with a satin ribbon. Explain to those present that cleanliness in the house is guaranteed, even if the power is turned off.
"Book of Desires" Take a simple diary. On the first pages there are inscriptions: “car”, “apartment”, “daughter”, “son”, etc. Banknotes are attached to the inscriptions using paper clips. You can make a “stash” section, accompanied by humorous instructions on what it can be used for.
Coffee maker and a pair of slippers. Useful for newlyweds to prepare their morning cup of coffee. One pair of slippers suggests that one of the spouses will take turns preparing this coffee.

Handing funny gifts newlyweds, first make the following speech: “We would love to give you everything you can dream of, but the size of our salaries allows us to give only what will take the first step towards this dream. And they give:
hangers (for a future fur coat);
mouse pad (for a future computer);
life jacket (useful when the yacht appears);
antenna (there will be a TV someday);
self-adhesive number (for the door of a new apartment).

Poems for a gift of money for a wedding

As a gift for a wedding
Accept the envelope.
Envelope without stamps
But look inside!
What lies inside
It will definitely be useful.
It won't run away
And good for a lot!
To the family budget
Please accept this contribution.
There are a lot of coins here
For pleasant expenses!

On the wedding day - a very important holiday -
We decided to give you
A simple set of paper bills,
So that you can implement
Your hopes and ideas.
Let this small capital
Will fill the money bag,
So that your family boat can take
Start into a serious, big life,
Where happiness and success await you,
So that it will sound in the apartment soon
You have a cheerful childish laugh!

I'm giving money for the wedding
I know they will come in handy
So that you study on a budget
Manage your own.
There is no such thing as too much money
Everyone knows this
And so the gift
My necessary and important.
I wish that in the family
The wallet was shared
So that he has money in himself
I collected more.
May you not buy happiness with them,
But I want to wish you
So that they know how to spend money
And they were able to increase it.

Today is your magical day
Even the shadow sparkles with happiness.
The bride is as tender as a fairy,
The groom immediately becomes transfixed when he looks at him.
Let us congratulate you,
Let me tell you - everything will be great!
Give you a cash envelope,
And make a contribution to your budget.
To live happily, beautifully,
The soul sparkled with positivity.
And every day was full of happiness
And the bad weather did not touch you.

Happiness and harmony to our young ones.
We want to wish you a lot for your wedding:
So that the family grows stronger, every new day
And I didn’t see a shadow in the sky.
So that the family budget multiplies and grows,
So that there are no reasons for tears.
We are giving you an envelope as a gift of money
Well, let’s shout “Bitter!”, raising the wine glass.

A wedding is an important path in life,
And you can’t live here without money!
Accept the treasured envelope,
Buy everything you wanted.
Let them not play the main role,
But in life they very often help.
We wish you to live in abundance,
Respect and love each other.
Be rich in money, soul,
Happy love to you, great luck,
Cherished desires come true
And life is always satisfying!

Today is a solemn day
And our heartfelt congratulations to you!
You are so brilliantly beautiful
And we wish you happiness from the bottom of our hearts!
I know you have a dream
Save it for dessert.
Be happy, friends,
Please accept a small envelope!

May all your dreams come true,
All wishes come true.
Health, happiness - you can’t give it away,
You can't order love forever.
And monetary units are
There are always tits in your hands,
Your wishes may not be fulfilled,
But they will definitely help.

Like a star in the sky
The new family was lit.
To make her light brighter,
I have prepared a gift for you.
So that opportunities with desire
Could exactly match
I'm in an envelope for you money
I want to give it now.

Comic congratulations on the wedding with the presentation of cool gifts

Necessary items for congratulations: clay pot (or cast iron) for porridge, hammer, children's pot, rolling pin, brick, frying pan, toy car.
Items that will be gifts must be decorated and tied with ribbons to make them look like gifts.
Well, besides congratulations,
So to your surprise,
We give you gifts,
And our heartfelt congratulations:
For BRIDES, beloved,
I pot I'll give it as a gift
To cook porridge for my husband,
With the words “I love you!”
And for groom (NAME),
I also have my own idea
We give it to you hammer,
So that you know a lot about repairs!
And there is also a general surprise,
We give it to you for an encore,
Pot for future children,
For girls and boys!
Well, for mother-in-law, we give rolling pin,
So that she knows the hardness in pies!
A father-in-law We brick we give,
To build a big house!
Mother-in-law Here pan,
May there always be pancakes!
(Present father-in-law.)
There is also a surprise for you,
So that the whim of the young comes true:
And even if it’s a trinket,
But still, a necessary toy,
I give it to you mini car,
Everyone would look for her
Your task is simple,
So that it could be in reality! The queen of the evening is, of course, the bride, because this is her most big celebration in life. You should carefully consider the choice of a gift for your future wife, not missing the opportunity to joke or have a fun parting word. You can offer the following examples of comic wedding gifts for the bride:
-A rolling pin or frying pan, but not for cooking, but for “regulating family relationships.”
-A cookbook so that the bride can please the groom with different dishes every day.
-A broom, so that the wife remembers that home depends on her.
-Certificate for the right to kiss your husband, cook his food, say goodbye to football on weekends and iron his shirts.
-Hedgehog gloves. Take ordinary mittens and push pins, with their help you can make an attribute that can hold your spouse.
-A bouquet of sweets or fruits. Can you imagine how many flowers the bride will be given? Why not stand out and give an edible bouquet!
The husband is the support of the family, the very rock that protects from all adversity. A cool wedding gift will be remembered by the groom for a long time if it is presented colorfully and cheerfully and has a special meaning attached to it. Such gifts could be:
-A certificate for the right to constantly give flowers to your wife, kiss you every day, prepare breakfast in bed and help with cleaning the house.
-A heroic helmet or sword, as a symbol of the fact that it is the man who is the protector in the house.
-Bow and arrows, because a man is also the family breadwinner!
-A set of pins so that the husband does not get angry and uses them if the wife does not sew on the buttons.
-A book on home renovations so that the groom does not forget about his direct responsibilities.
- A wallet or piggy bank in which the husband will add the family budget.
-A car wheel is like a down payment on buying a car.
-T-shirt with a photo of his wife and the inscription “Busy.” Ideas for a young couple:
-A fan or air conditioner so that it is not hot from love.
-A tricycle to do everything together.
-Cool T-shirts with funny images. For example, with the words “Don’t come near. Married" or "This handsome guy's wife."
-Adventure gift: flight to hot-air balloon or hang gliding, skydiving, trip to tropical countries.
-Blue and red pairs of wrestling gloves so that you can sort things out “in an adult way.”
-A driver's license of a category that allows you to drive a baby stroller.
-A huge plate for two. A family is a common home, common happiness, so why not use common dishes for food. You can get creative and attach a barrier or draw border guards in the middle to delimit the territory of husband and wife.
-Coffee maker and one pair of slippers. A family is a team ready to help and support, so you need to take turns brewing coffee in bed.
-Brick, as a symbol of the first step in building your own home and hearth.
-Two hammers: a carpenter’s hammer and one for chops, as a symbol of the fact that everyone forges their own happiness, and together - family happiness. Comic gifts for newlyweds
A gift for the bride - a parcel with a saw.
We give you a precious item,
Hello husband with this item!
The saw is not for firewood - for marital purposes,
They drank until the roosters crowed.
And in the morning he gets up - you drank again,
Then they started making money.
If he doesn't like your dinner,
Take a saw instead of a tasty seasoning.
The husband will eat, but only praise!
And you constantly try to saw!
And once you show your item -
The husband will affectionately say: “Dove, hello!”
A gift for the groom - a parcel with tight gloves.
We give you not chain mail, not a saber:
You are not in a military battle, but at a wedding.
They will be useful to you forever,
So that your wife can bow before you.
Wear them, never take them off!
Otherwise, dear, you will be in trouble!
And you'll dream about devils all night,
If you take off your mittens.
Make your wife cook delicious food
Yes, always adjust with a mitten.
Caress it more often with a prickly hand -
Happiness will flow to you like a river.
If you take your wife to buy manufactured goods,
Then put the mittens on the goods,
The mittens will serve you well,
If you store them you will approximately!
You can present vegetables and fruits as a gift with the following words:
We give you cabbage so that the house is not empty.
We give you cabbage so that your wife can feed her husband delicious food.
We give you carrots so that there is love in the house!
We give you carrots so that _______________ (name of the bride) there will be no other Vovka!
We give you carrots, advice and love!
They give carrots so that Vovka is born.
Here's a carrot to make the bride nimble.
Here's a big carrot for you, bride,
So that there is skill in work.
And here are beets, so that mother-in-law and father-in-law will respect them.
We give you onions so that you don’t experience severe torment.
We give you onions so that there will never be separation.
We give you onions so that there is no torment and separation.
We give the bride an onion so that her husband will love her.
We give a cucumber so that the groom becomes a father sooner.
We give you pickles so that twins are born.
We give you garlic. How many teeth are there to have so many daughters and sons?
Here's some sweet pepper for you so that your daughter Natka will be born.
But there is bitter pepper, so that Borka’s son will be born.
We give you celery so that your son Andrei will be born.
We give a tomato to avoid discord in your home.
We give you tomatoes so that there is no discord.
We give you a tomato so that you retain your youthful vigor.
We will give you another tomato - so that there are no quarrels in the house.
We give you two beets so that your relationship will be bright.
We give you a pear so that you can live in perfect harmony.
Here are some potatoes for you, so that Antoshka will be the first.
We give grapes so that your home will always be rich.
Here is a radish for the bride, so that neither Petka nor Fedka will know the other.
We give you radishes so that you don’t swear and fight.
I give you parsnips so that your marriage will be strong.
And here is a turnip for you, so that you love each other deeply.
And here’s a plum for you, so that you can be happy with him.
But here’s the rest of the apple for you, so that there will be prosperity in the house.
I give you dill from the beds so that there is order in the house.
But here’s a bunch of seeds for you, so that you don’t meet your husband like a cloud.
And here’s a cherry plum for you, so you don’t chop it rashly.
But I give you grapes so that your mother-in-law will always be happy.
And here’s a cherry for you so that your parents aren’t superfluous.
Here's some peas for you so you don't go deaf from your mother-in-law's scream.
You can give products with the following words:
I hand you a bag of grain - from now on you are husband and wife.
A glass of millet for the groom so that his wife will love him.
We give you a nut so that children's laughter can be heard in the house.
Here's some candy for you so that your daughter Svetka is born.
We give you bagels so that there are rubles in the house.
And here is drying, so that they don’t bite each other.
Here is a loaf of bread for the bride, so that she knows the law of women.
Here's an egg for the groom so that he doesn't go to the other guy's porch.
We give you a bottle of wine - don’t forget your mother and father.
I’m giving a barrel of wine to my son and daughter.
You can give cutlery as a gift:
We give you a teaspoon to make your life extraordinary!
We give you forks so that _______________ (name of the groom) doesn’t run to someone else’s sweetheart!
Here's a plate for you, bride, so that you can spin in the house like a squirrel,
And the groom - spoons so that his feet walk along the same path.
Here is a saucepan for porridge so that my daughter Dasha is born,
And a spoon to go with it, so that there is a son, Antoshka.
Here's a mug for the groom so he doesn't have to take his girlfriend home.
We give you a mug so that you can love each other.
I’m giving you a bowl so you don’t sit close to strangers!
I give you plates so that you don’t sit with other people’s girls!
A spoon - to bread the cabbage soup, a fork - to warm up the meat,
Knife - cutting and sawing.
You can give money as a gift:
We give you copper money so that you will not be poor!
We give you a copper nickel - so that your wife will not be harmful!
We give you copper so that you can have children.
We give you paper money so that you will be rich.
We give you silver so that there is goodness in your home.
We give you silver so that you know only good things in life!
We are giving you a handful of coppers to honor the elderly.
I’ll give you a couple of rubles so that you can live like a pair of pigeons!
I give you a nickel so that you can walk like a rooster around your wife!
I give you a penny so that the man is good!
You can give household items with the words:
We give you diapers so that Alenka appears sooner!
We give you pictures so that Dimka doesn’t linger!
We’ll give you a piece of paper so you don’t run to Mashki.
We give you booties so that babies will be born.
And here is a dummy for you, so that your little son can be the first.
And also a vest so that Alenka can run around in the house.
Here is a diaper for your baby.
Here are some pants for your little boy.
Scarves for my daughter.
We are giving you a balloon so that a boy, Alik, will be born.
Here's a toy for Andryushka to go first.
And here is a nail for you, so that your father-in-law will be your first guest.
We give you a nail so that you will not be apart.
And here, finally, is a broom, so that they don’t ask their parents for money.
We give you soap so that you can have a nice life.
Here's some soap to keep your house clean.
I give you a washcloth to get you off to a good start.
We give you a blanket to protect you from troubles.
We give you a sheet so that you can live gently and simply.
We give you a log from the oven to keep your hearts warm.
We give you a vase so that you can make peace right away!
I give a box of clay so that they will invite you to a christening.
I give you a box of beetles so that you don’t look at other people’s men.
I give you a bowl of flour so that men will be born.
I give you an arc so that you don’t go to another one.
Here's a box of matches so that you can love your wife without timidity.
Here's a glass for you so that guests will come to you.
Here's a comb so your wife can have a beautiful hairstyle.
That's how much they gave! Well, now it’s “Bitter”!
If you came to the wedding, quickly give a joke!
1. Souvenir – rolling pin “Cure for Mistresses” (large and massive) and “Super fine” (equipped with impressive spikes). They are given to the wife and can become a piquant interior detail.
2. Intimacy - joke “Underpants for two.” Due to the design of these briefs, two people can wear them at the same time. The couple wearing them ends up very close to each other.
3. The transparent piggy bank “Family Budget” is divided by a partition into 2 halves with the inscriptions: “for the husband” and “for the wife.” But no matter which half the money is invested in, it ultimately still ends up in the wife’s piggy bank.
4. Plate “For two”, in the middle of which there is...a state border with a barrier. If one of the spouses dares to take something from his half of the plate, penalties are imposed.
5. Plate “For good luck”, which comes with detailed instructions on exactly how to break the dishes in the event of family quarrels.
6. The Kama Sutra sheet with piquant images of intimate positions will give young people many fun moments.
7. Souvenir saw. It is given to the wife with the appropriate words: “the saw was not for firewood, for marital purposes: they drank to her until the roosters crowed!”
8. A certificate confirming that a married couple receives as a gift... a plot on the Moon.
9. A bag with the inscription “a pound of salt” (some originals present exactly 16 kg of salt as a gift) as a symbol that the husband and wife should eat exactly this amount of salt together in order to get to know each other well.
10. “Hedgehog mittens” can be made from an ordinary kitchen oven mitt, lined with pushpins. They are presented to the bride with instructions to keep her husband in them. The groom is given a collar, symbolizing the fact that he is now harnessed to the family harness.
11. Boxing gloves (two pairs). You can play up the gift by saying that it will be useful for resolving family conflicts peacefully.
12. Each spouse is given a head of cabbage (which was previously disassembled into separate leaves and then reassembled into a head).
13. A portrait of the newlyweds in some interesting image, ordered in advance from a professional caricature artist (for example, the husband is an oligarch, and the wife is a breathtaking fashion model). If the artist manages to convey a portrait likeness, your gift will decorate the interior of their home for many years.
14. Presentation of all kinds of medals and certificates (for example, a driver’s license for driving a wheelchair), certificates for the right to use each other.
15. Watch “Who cares!” The dial of this watch has no numbers, only the inscription “Who cares!” After all, happy people do not keep track of time.
16. Necklace made from toilet paper rolls with instructions: “for purity in relationships.”
17. Glass jar with banknotes. The lid (to protect the donated amount) can be rolled up.
18. Set of hammers: for beating meat and carpentry. They are awarded with the words: “Every person is the architect of his own happiness.” This cool congratulations Suitable for any wedding, it will entertain guests and will definitely appeal to the newlyweds. To congratulate you, you must prepare in advance a small linen bag with the items indicated in brackets in the text of the congratulation.
The place, time and stars coincided for two.
The eagle groom coincided with the beautiful bride.
And on this wonderful day you can’t count your friends, relatives
At the first birthday of a young family.
And so that your union is strong,
The golden one lived to see the wedding,
We brought you for a jerk
Half a bag of wise advice.
They say it should be a lot, it should be often, it should be thick,
There must be cabbage in the family!
And there is also a belief
What children find in her.
So that you have it,
Here are the seeds for you!
(the newlyweds are given a bag of cabbage seeds)
/Groom's name/! You are now a married man!
Your bachelorhood is over,
Your festivities ended until dawn.
Now carry out your fast with your family.
Think less about a glass of beer,
Now your main drink is tea!
(the groom is given a pack of tea)
And so that you don’t accidentally turn left,
We present a compass! Keep your course only towards your wife!
(the groom is given a compass)
/Bride's name/! Don't be a bitch wife.
Don't get on your husband's nerves
Don't shout for no reason.
Better knock on the tambourine!
(the bride is given a tambourine)
Well, of course, let's get to work,
If my dear is at fault,
You can soap your neck once,
So that it would be discouraging.
And yet, soap with love and lightly.
Here are two fragrant bars for you for these purposes.
(the bride is given two large bars of laundry soap)
A good sign for the family
So that the family hearth burns.
But in life anything can happen -
It burns and then goes out.
So that it doesn’t go out at all,
We give matches in reserve.
(the newlyweds are given a box of matches)
And this thing is necessary
To maintain intimacy.
So that your nights are hot,
And so to the very cinder!
(the newlyweds are given a large paraffin candle)
For your material benefits
We give you a banal envelope.
(the newlyweds are given gift envelope with money)
May you live sweetly with each other,
We are giving away a chocolate bar.
(the newlyweds are given a chocolate bar)
And only today will be only
May it be bitter for both of you!!!
(the newlyweds are given a large onion)
The congratulation ends with exclamations of “Bitter!” Cool congratulations for the wedding. Parting words to young people for a happy family life.
There's a wedding these days - anywhere!
And, although I’m not a toastmaster,
I will allow myself to speak.
Do you agree, guests? - (guests in unison) Yes!
That's okay. Young,
I don't have easy advice
I want to give it to you today.
Your job is to execute!
So that my husband always loves,
You, bride, never
They didn’t drink it like the mother-in-law.
Do you agree, guests? - Yes!
So that your wife always loves
And I couldn’t stand my brains,
You, groom, don't be a fool,
Do this all the time:
Speak at least sometimes
That she is your star!
And give flowers more often.
Do you agree, guests - Yes!
So that my husband loves me more,
You, bride, be wiser
And take me to bed more often,
So that he can sleep better.
Stay young longer
Always look after yourself!
Men love with their eyes.
Do you agree, guests? - Yes!
You, groom, forget about the women!
If you want to go for a walk -
Go fishing -
And home, to your “mermaid”!
Loyalty is forever!
Don't waste your years
To dubious meetings!
Do you agree, guests? - Yes!
And your last piece of advice:
Be together for a hundred years!
May God give children,
And financial surplus!
Be happy always!
There is no water in our glasses...
Let it just be bitter!
Do you agree, guests? - Yes!
BITTERLY! If loud laughter is heard, your present was a success!
1. Brick, sliders and wood made from banknotes (you can use not only rubles, but also foreign currency). They are presented with the words: “every man must plant a tree, build a house and give birth to a son.” In this case, the brick is regarded as the first stone laid in the foundation of the future house. You can tie it with a beautiful ribbon or write it with the inscription: “for the construction of a family nest.”
2. A large box filled with small banknotes rolled into tubes can be an excellent gag gift for newlyweds at a wedding.
3. An umbrella with banknotes attached inside. Presented to young people with the words: “The most important thing is the weather in the house.”
4. A large number of coins, packed in a beautiful bag with the inscription “money bag”.
5. Soap and a large light bulb, wrapped in large banknotes. It is imperative to accompany them with the words: “we give as a sign of bright and pure love.”
6. A vacuum cleaner, which comes with a large colorful bag with the inscription: “guarantee”. The package contains an ordinary broom tied with a satin ribbon. Explain to those present that cleanliness in the house is guaranteed, even if the power is turned off.
7. “Book of Desires.” Take a simple diary. On the first pages there are inscriptions: “car”, “apartment”, “daughter”, “son”, etc. Banknotes are attached to the inscriptions using paper clips. You can make a “stash” section, accompanied by humorous instructions on what it can be used for.
8. Coffee maker and a pair of slippers. Useful for newlyweds to prepare their morning cup of coffee. One pair of slippers suggests that one of the spouses will take turns preparing this coffee. To give a gift, think about how to give it...
You can present the newlyweds with a beautifully packaged box, after making a speech about how a family dinner is unthinkable without good service. When handing over the box, make an awkward movement and show horror on your face when you hear the sound of broken dishes (the box contains old glasses, unnecessary plates, cups with broken handles, etc.). The box can be dropped several times, pretending that this happened by accident. After the comedy of the situation dawns on those present and everyone has had a lot of fun, give the young people a real gift.
As an option comic presentation As a gift, you can pretend that you are giving a TV and drop the box several times in the same way (there should be a lot of broken glass, plastic or tin objects in it so that it all clinks and rattles loudly).
If you decide to give a certificate as a gift, you can hide it inside chocolate egg, place the egg in the duck, hide the duck in the hare (can be used Stuffed Toys) and pack it inside the chest. As a chest, you can use a casket or an ordinary box, decorated accordingly.
Banknotes are placed inside balloons, some confetti is added and a bunch of balloons are presented to the young people, and then all the balloons are made to burst.
When presenting comic gifts to the newlyweds, they first make the following speech: “We would love to give you everything you can dream of, but the size of our salaries allows us to give only what will take the first step towards this dream.
And they give:
- hangers (for the future fur coat);
-mouse pad (for the future computer);
-life jacket (useful when the yacht appears);
-antenna (there will be a TV someday);
-self-adhesive number (for the door of a new apartment).

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A few years after the wedding, a lot will be forgotten and hardly anyone will then remember what kind of food there was at the wedding or what style the bride’s dress was. But what the guests will definitely not forget is whether the wedding was fun or boring.

Therefore, it is so important to be able to create a real festive atmosphere at a wedding - joyful, cheerful, friendly.

Cool wedding gifts - T-shirts for newlyweds

Of course, there is a toastmaster at a wedding, but guests should not remain passive. A sense of humor is not something that needs to be hidden at a party. If you are invited to a wedding, we invite you to participate in creating general fun.

To do this, you can give the newlyweds various pranks and play up their presentation with humorous comments.

Usually these are humorous poems or just rhyming lines.

For example, these:

I give you a cucumber - so that your husband is great,
handkerchiefs - so that you have daughters,
I give you a mug so that they give birth to Andryushka,
cabbage - so that the house is not empty

During congratulations, all this is taken out of the bag one by one and ends with a wad of money being pulled out of the bag. Such an original mini-scene will certainly amuse everyone and enliven the feast.

An interesting wedding gift - a brick for laying a new house

The range of ideas for a comic gift is inexhaustible. You can give the newlyweds as a joke:

  • ironclad gloves in which to hold your spouse. They are made from work gloves and ordinary push pins;
  • two pairs of boxing gloves (for a “civilized” showdown);
  • dolls dressed as the bride and groom, if you can select or order dolls that look like the newlyweds;
  • a plate called “For Two” - with a real barrier, border and figures of border guards (you will have to do all this yourself);
  • light bulb and soap (as a symbol of bright and pure love);
  • a bundle of toilet paper rolls with instructions for use (for the purity of relationships);
  • a gasoline lighter instead of a car (I give a thing into which gasoline is poured and then people enjoy it);
  • a rolling pin with the inscription “democratizer of family relations”;
  • a carpenter's hammer and a chop mallet, tied together with a beautiful bow (every person is the architect of his own happiness).

A funny wedding gift – a plate for two with a border

Comic wedding medals, diplomas and certificates

Nowadays, stores sell a lot of fun wedding paraphernalia - humorous certificates, diplomas and medals. You can also do all this yourself using a computer and printer. The presentation of such paraphernalia with a preliminary reading aloud evokes applause and a sea of ​​laughter among those present.

Consider, for example, the inscriptions on the “medals” for newlyweds – “Goddess”, “I came, I saw, I conquered”, “For winning the heart”.

The newlyweds can be given a driver's license to drive a stroller and certificates for the right to use each other: the groom - a certificate for the right to kiss his wife, give her gifts, declare his love every day; the bride - a certificate for the right to force her husband to take out the trash, help her around the house, eat everything she has prepared, etc.).

These are cool wedding gifts

Of course, for a wedding it is more common to give things that are useful in everyday life. But it’s also much more fun to give them, accompanied by humorous comments. For example, you can give:

  • a kettle and a heating pad for comfort and warmth in the house;
  • a coffee maker and one pair of slippers so that spouses can take turns serving each other coffee in bed;
  • a vacuum cleaner and a “warranty” for it in the form of an ordinary broom;
  • bed linen with scenes from the Kama Sutra;
  • fan or air conditioner so it doesn't get too hot from love, etc.

An original piggy bank as a wedding gift with a border for the wife and husband

Comic gifts for parents at a wedding

Often at weddings, gifts are given to the parents of the newlyweds. Of course, we are not talking about anything particularly valuable in this case. These are comic gifts designed to make people laugh.

For example, these could be rose-colored glasses for the father-in-law - so that he sees everything in a rosy light. Or two empty bags for the father-in-law - so that he can stock up not only for himself, but also for his young family. Or a broom with an electric cord for the mother-in-law to help her daughter-in-law with cleaning.

A funny joke is to give your mother-in-law slippers with bells with the words: “So that she doesn’t wake up her son-in-law and walk on tiptoe.”