Father-in-law and mother-in-law for me,
The best, most wonderful relatives.
I admire them, I value them,
And in everything I take their example from life.
I congratulate you on your silver wedding,
I wish you warm relations and prosperity.
May your home always shine with joy,
And let love be one for two for a long time.

We live in peace and friendship with my mother-in-law and father-in-law,
We definitely resolve all family issues together.
For me you have become close people,
May God grant you two to reach 100 years of love together.

I wish you hope, faith and love in everything.
Faithful friends to you, good luck and warmth,
There is a lot of happiness, joy, goodness.

My father-in-law and mother-in-law are the only ones like you,
Kind, good, simply golden.
You deserve a lot of respect
From me I bow to you deeply, with heartfelt respect.
I congratulate you on your silver wedding,
I promise to always be an exemplary son-in-law for you.
Happiness to you, smiles, joy and laughter,
And in all matters, great success.

Father-in-law and mother-in-law are bride and groom today,
And they sit like doves in a place of honor.
The Silver Wedding is proudly celebrated,
Congratulations and wishes are gratefully accepted.
I want to congratulate you on this glorious date,
I wish you a lot of happiness, live richly.
May success always accompany you in life,
And let cheerful laughter often sound in the family.

The flight of years is high and precise,
But then the hour came:
Father-in-law's wedding day!
I congratulate you!
It's not easy for you at first
It happened, I admit.
They gave birth to a daughter, rocked -
My beloved.
How long does happiness last, would you like to know?!
But what is there to bewitch:
Before - in diamonds - weddings
I wish you to live!

Let me put the question bluntly:
Where shall we place our feelings for you?!
The wedding day rings in silver -
Happy anniversary to you, mother-in-law!
Love it fresh, hot,
Forget about separation and adversity,
Live many more years
In harmony, love and happiness!
They will give you a lot of gifts,
Glasses made of silver will be given...
And we will give you grandchildren -
You definitely won’t get bored living with them!

Congratulations on your 25th wedding anniversary - Silver wedding:

The silver wedding is celebrated in 25 years T marriage. Next to the gold one, a silver ring is put on the finger. Silver items are traditionally given as gifts for a silver wedding.

Congratulations on the wedding of grandparents

Silver wedding is yours,
Native grandmother and grandfather -
Brighter than the holiday and more beautiful
There never was and is not in the world!
So young, light, healthy,
Beautiful, like a long time ago
It's not cow's milk for you
We drink sparkling wine!
There is no trace of Godkov on their faces,
There is no fatigue or sadness.
We praise our grandparents -
Live together for hundreds of years!!!

You've lived together for a quarter of a century -
Eat vobla, drink kvass...
And there is no man in the world
Happier to each of you!
Familiar from above, below, from the rear,
But even if everyday life eats up,
Love is boiling in you - it has not cooled down,
And the wedding day is not forgotten!
...Silver wonderful wedding,
A day of new deeds and feelings, passions,
You should still name this day
Happy golden children's day!
Hello helmet couple
(as if unknown!):
One hundred years of happiness to you -
bride and groom!!!

Congratulations on silver wedding mom and dad

There is no more beautiful anniversary in the world,
Native mother and father:
silver wedding yours -
Happy crowning years to come!
You have gone through heat and cold,
A moment of disagreement, an hour of separation...
But everyone is both strong and young:
Time has stopped in you.
And I'm already flying winged
His a beautiful dream
There, I’ll congratulate you somewhere once
You and your wedding are golden!!!

Congratulations on your silver wedding to your father-in-law and mother-in-law

Let me put the question bluntly:
Where shall we place our feelings for you?!
Rings wedding day silver -
Happy anniversary to you, mother-in-law!
Love it fresh, hot,
Forget about separation and adversity,
Live many more years
In harmony, love and happiness!
They will give you a lot of gifts,
Glasses made of silver will be given...
And we will give you grandchildren -
You definitely won’t get bored living with them!!!

Congratulations on your silver wedding to your son-in-law

The world is filled with light and goodness,
The wedding shines in silver!
Friends again, relatives,
fun, laughter:
Dear son-in-law, you are the most beautiful of all!
Take care, son, of your love,
Bring good things to the house and don’t get sick,
So that we can all gather here again
For the 100th wedding anniversary!!!

On the path together -
A significant milestone.
You lived together
Exactly a quarter of a century!
And the wedding has come to you
In the shine of silver.
At least the house is not an estate,
But there are darkness in it!
Twenty-five years already
We walked together.
Joys and troubles
We've seen a lot.
And friends are always
Were close to you
And for so many years
How relatives became.
Shines like silver
A quarter of a century date.
Sounds like music
Rich in joy.
Happy anniversary!
You are among us now
At its apogee
Glory and love
Pleased with yourself.
You still have to go
Gold for the wedding.
We wish you a lot
Happiness on the way.
Let the road be bright
There will be more to come!

The joyful wedding broke out -
25 joyful years!
Silver shines again
The aroma flows through the bouquet.
Dear ones, congratulations,
And we wish not to grow old,
So that happiness does not melt,
To make the voice ring

Congratulations in prose for a silver wedding

On this significant day, we have gathered to greet the distinguished heroes of the occasion on their silver wedding day with the friendly clink of glasses.
Nature loves the color silver: silvery clouds, silvery streams of rain, silvery surface of a river, silvery snowy frost. In the silver of nature we discern the triumph of life and nature.
silver wedding- also the triumph of nature and the affirmation of the fullness of its strength, experience, intelligence, understanding of life and active principles. This is the best and most precious period of life, when you know everything, you can do everything and you can still do everything.
For your happiness and well-being! Long live the bride and groom! Bitterly!

* * *
To live to see the silver wedding, you must have the golden character of the wife and the iron endurance of the husband.
Let's drink to the wonderful raft!

A daughter's wedding day is one of the most exciting days in a parent's life.

Emotions, experiences, tears of joy and sadness - all this fills the wedding day for the mother and father of the bride.

And at the moment when you need to say parting words to your child, say important words, excitement can confuse the parents’ thoughts.

For such an occasion, we offer several touching congratulations and parting words for your daughter on her wedding day.

Congratulations from parents at their daughter’s wedding in their own words in prose

Our beloved daughter! In all fairy tales, everything ends with a wedding. But know that the wedding is just the beginning. The beginning of a happily ever after family life. This is the very beginning of love, and not just passionate falling in love. This is the beginning of your children's life. And in order for the life of your family to last and delight both of you, you, daughter, must be wise, patient and loving. The woman is the foundation of the family, and we wish your family to live happily ever after!

My dear daughter! Now you're married. You have your own family. It will have its own traditions and laws. First you teach each other, and then you pass it on to your children. I really want you to be an exemplary housewife, a faithful friend, a caring mother and a reliable support for your children. Try to be wise and compliant. This is the most winning option in the family. You will see, having learned to be wise, you will get the desired result in everything. Know that your mother is always there, but your family should become closer to you. I will always be waiting for you to visit!

Daughter! This exciting magical moment has arrived. Remember how little you dreamed of a prince, a ball gown, a veil and a bunch of gifts... Today this dream has come true! Now try to make this children's fairy tale turn into an adult true story and be just as tender, airy and magical. Everything is possible in a family! Just don’t allow long-term sadness, resentment, quarrels, or disappointments. Let lies and betrayal never look through the window of your home. Know that you are one whole and if something happens to one half, the other will definitely feel it. Take care of each other, love each other tenderly. May healthy children be born in your marriage. Daughter, protect your hearth!

Beloved daughter and beloved son-in-law! Congratulations on your first family holiday! We want to wish that today’s date is celebrated by you every year, and that your love grows stronger every year. Your admiration for each other grew. So that you respect each other more and more. And so that every year on this day your eyes shine with happiness! Be happy!

Today my daughter gave me a son. Yes! Yes! Having fallen in love with (name) and having married him, she assured me that her husband had become my own. I fell in love with him and will consider him my son. My dear children! The long road of life stretches out before you. It will have different terrain: plains, mountains, rocks, waterfalls, and maybe cliffs... If you always hold on to each other, you will be able to overcome all obstacles. Don't forget this. Fate has brought you together, which means you need to be one team! I wish you a large, friendly family, beauty in your relationships, reliability in your plans. Be happy!

Lovely girl! You have become very big. You are already a wife! I am sure that you will cope with this position with ease. You will be the most beautiful, gentle, devoted and caring housewife, the most affectionate mother, the wisest daughter-in-law and the kindest daughter always. If you need my advice, I will give it to you at any time. Never make hasty decisions or draw quick conclusions, they may be wrong. Listen to your heart, it won't let you down. Don't argue with your husband, it's better to keep quiet. You have chosen a smart husband; he will not allow his wife to get angry and grumble. Love each other more and more every day. Bitterly!

Dear daughter! You are the most beautiful bride. And we believe that with today you will be the one beautiful wife. The most beloved wife. The happiest wife. We know how lucky your chosen one is.
And we wish to ourselves that over the next long years we will become more and more convinced that you are just as lucky with your husband. We wish ourselves to see happiness in your eyes. After all, if a woman is happy, it means her family is strong. This means her man is happy. Happy are her children. Be happy, daughter, because this is the key to the well-being of your new family.

Dear daughter! We raised you with love and care.

We tried to make you beautiful woman, a sensitive and decent person, an interesting personality and, of course, an excellent hostess.

We know that you have raised the ideal wife for your chosen one (name).

Now it’s your turn to give birth and raise ideal people, to preserve your relationships and your family for them.

Be happy, love and take care of each other! Bitterly!

Wedding congratulations from the bride's parents in verse

Dear daughter, beautiful bride,
May you be incredibly happy on this day.
Let this sparkle of your joyful eyes
It will be a reward and happiness for us.

On this day new life begins
Your family is born in happiness,
Let love and advice live in her
For many years.

May there be peace and joy in your home,
There will be no room for bitter grievances,
May the first months be filled with happiness and sweetness
Loyalty will last for many years.

Signing at the registry office is not a problem.
Loving when there is romance is easy.
Which veil to take - no, not a dilemma,
When you're in love and you look wide.
It’s more difficult when there are quarrels in the house
And the burden of everyday issues weighs on me.
In love, sometimes there are traffic jams,
But let it only be for the benefit!
Beloved daughter, you are the bride!
From your mother to your great-grandmother is your path.
But stay gentle, interesting,
Be beautiful and sweet for your husband.
Beloved son-in-law, we wish you strength
And perseverance and courage always.
May God preserve love and a beautiful marriage,
No quarrels! And to happiness, to the world - yes!


Daughter, be wise, patient,
Always take care of your husband, understand,
And like today, always be beautiful,
Don't let yourself give up.

There will be joys, there will be quarrels,
After all, this is the only way the union will grow stronger.
Remember that discord is so fleeting,
Let them not destroy the marriage bond.

Be happy! Be loved!
Take care of every moment together!
Your hearts will be inseparable
We believe in it! To this we drink!

I congratulate my daughter from the bottom of my heart
Happy marriage and wedding day.
Today I wish her for life
Burn with a beautiful light in the family.

Fire of love, hope and achievements,
Care, tenderness and joy in the eyes.
So that my husband and children repeat every day:
“Our mother is just super - ah!”

We wish our daughter
Be happy - that's it!
To win the lottery -
Best wishes to you, son-in-law!
A wedding is a touching holiday,
But there is no need for us to cry,
Let the prankster answer us
At least one: why?
Because we celebrate the merging of hearts.
This is forever, which means
A wedding is not the end!
You adore each other
Give us grandchildren.
You are already a family, but know:
We must remember dads and moms!

Our girl, I can’t even believe it,
That you became a wife today.
There is no one happier and more beautiful,
And so your young husband shines.

Our girl, but as if recently
You were small, cute, funny,
Cried loudly, laughed funny,
Splashed loudly through the puddles in the spring.

In the summer I broke my knees,
In winter, Santa Claus wrote a letter,
You dragged stray cats home,
Even though we forbade it, it’s still the same.

Well now in this wedding dress,
You boldly embark on a new path.
Only today is happiness
You keep it and don’t forget it in your soul.

Let your family life be comfortable,
Every moment together will be warm,
Absolutely all troubles will pass by,
The house will be bright from your eyes!

Our girl, love, be loved!
You were born under a lucky star.
Be necessary for each other!
May your husband have a good time with you!

Happy wedding! Here we are standing at the place of honor.
It’s so unusual – we are the bride’s parents!
And these people are already relatives to us...
Both the matchmaker and the matchmaker are one family!
We have nothing to share - we have one concern -
So that young people live in peace,
Children will be born - we will have work,
So that the children and grandchildren are happy...

Today everything has changed for everyone
Today the couple turns into a family,
And the bright feeling turned into a big one,
"Thank God!" I say quietly
Let the children be happy, without grief,
So that they only have good things,
May they give us “golden” grandchildren,
And we will help make it easy for them.

Today the sun came through the windows,
Lighting the way into the lives of my children,
And now I looked at you:
God bless the hearth of young families.
We bless you, our children.
We wish you s parental care:
The foundation is strong, the cup is full,
But happiness does not come without work.
Let life be easier to master,
Let your financial issue be simpler,
All contentment and peace,
And the babies will be brought to you on time by the stork.

This day is an added date
In the calendar, like a bright number,
We wish you to live together
They walked arm in arm and were lucky in everything!
You two look so great together
Like doves cooing in your ear,
Wonderful decoration - wedding ring,
Happy wedding! And let's add together:
“Oh, it’s bitter! Sweeten it up, young ones!”
We drink to the bottom for new family,
Make decisions easier
As a mother, I will help you!
We wish you hearts filled to the brim:
Each other, the sun, the light...
May you give birth to children on the appointed day,
And you will feel double joy...

My good ones, dear ones,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
Today on this wonderful holiday
I want to give you my instructions:
Live in peace with each other
And cherish every day.
Save kindness and tenderness
Let success not fade away in him.
Go through all the obstacles together
Know how to forgive pranks
Then through life, as a reward,
You have to know love.
Huge, earthly love
Where you can't live without each other...
When and small decision
You can't solve it without half.
All people are looking for a miracle
Not everyone can find it.
I wish you my dears
Approach cherished love!

I want to close my eyes and for a moment,
So to see you little.
And reality seems like a dream to me -
My daughter is getting married.
Happiness to you, may dear life be without a blizzard,
Without potholes, hummocks and thorns.
Leads you to your goal.
Rewarding with the results of labor.
Let love be a noisy river
Washing, erasing corners,
So that there is always peace in the house,
There is an outfit in the wardrobe, pies on the table...

I'll pour myself some wine for a toast,
And I will say from both of us:
We are very happy for you - sincerely, completely!
I will multiply this happiness by six:
Matchmaker, matchmaker, my husband and I, young -
This is a whole family...
How can I not be happy today?
If the family has multiplied.
Let us drink to the health of the young people,
May our family multiply
Let them give birth to golden children,
Let's shout “Bitter!”, dear people!

A magical day, poured into glasses,
Let it flow on a beautiful evening.
And we want the daughter-bride to know:
With family and husband - no, not everyone is lucky.
Take care of him, because he is priceless,
The treasure is one in a million.
A wonderful husband, he is a precious stone,
And know that I am madly in love with you!
Our dear son-in-law, you are our dear son,
Today we give you our daughter,
She is tender, our beloved flower,
Surround her with your warmth.
And we wish you peace and patience,
Love you as tender as clouds.
In everyday life, as at work, inspiration,
Go boldly, you have a hand in your hand!
Love walked across the planet,
And no one could resist.
And you got caught in her net,
And your feelings are locked up.
Love has been looking for you since birth,
And finally I found two.
And as a tribute to Love and Respect
You, daughter, are the bride, son-in-law, the groom.
A long and thorny path awaits you,
But the nightingales will sing to you.
Everything can be withstood, but with pure,
By the mutual power of Love!

Oh, my daughter, I’ve already put on the veil.
But it seems like it was just yesterday
You are a schoolgirl, squares with white chalk
And I could draw it on the asphalt.
Our dear son-in-law, yesterday as a boy
You chased robbers in the yard,
And the exploits read in books,
I described it in my notebook in September.
Now you are a husband, wife, family, foundation.
And soon you will have children too.
Let love always be new in the family,
But don't forget about us.
Wife and husband, but still you are our children.
We want to bless you for your marriage.
And you will remember these words:
Happy is the one who is always loved in the family!
Love has two wings, like a song,
And the soul stands wide open.
Your life is now only together
There is a long way to go.
You, dear beloved daughter,
Take care of your home.
We got the best son-in-law, we know.
He can carry the entire house on his shoulders!
There will be many decisions in the future
And questions, where would we go without them?
Let love, as the key to relationships,
It will warm you two under its wing!


A husband and wife have lived for more than half a century. Their love was hidden behind everyday reproaches, senile grumbling and age-related illnesses. The wife could not stand it and went to the witch to harass her husband, but in such a way that everything would come out naturally. The sorceress gave the woman a bottle of potion and ordered her to drop a certain dose into her husband’s tea every evening, and then do a massage, stretch her shoulders and back, so that the husband would not suspect his wife of anything bad. The wife sighed: his shoulders were still crushing his back, and look, there was enough medicine for two months! How much longer to endure! I paid and left to do everything “strictly according to the instructions.” At first the husband was surprised: he liked the attention of his old wife so much, and then he himself began to show his wife signs of attention - either he would make her a sandwich, or he would buy her beloved cookies for tea, or he would switch her beloved one to the TV series. Within a month, the wife and husband were unrecognizable! But one day the woman noticed that there was almost no medicine left in the bottle of poison, which meant that her husband would soon leave her. She burst into tears, grabbed her heart, and ran to the witch. But the wise old woman reassured the elderly wife: the bottle contained ordinary water. The sorceress added: love can always be saved not by magical love spells, but by ordinary care and a little self-sacrifice. But the sorceress did not return the money. Let there be science for women! Dear daughter! Sometimes it happens that we forget about love. But remember our words with dad: the three pillars of family well-being will never let your family go to the bottom. This is respect, care and the ability to give in. Dear son-in-law! Women are sentimental and live by feelings. If you want to be taken care of and your words listened to, arrange for your wife, my daughter, once every couple of months romantic dinner or going to the movies - and then your married life will never lose color!

Once upon a time an angel, the messenger of God, asked King Solomon what he wanted. The ruler thought: the money will run out anyway, and it won’t save you from troubles; health - this is how old age comes even to those who have never known illness; respect and power - this is how you can achieve this yourself. The king thought about it and decided to ask for real wisdom. The angel fulfilled the desire of the ruler, and also gave him what Solomon never pursued: honor, the favor of women, fortune, because wisdom is the most revered human quality. Dear daughter and son-in-law, we wish you to always live and act wisely! And you already have love. Take care of each other!

beautiful and touching congratulations at the wedding from the bride's parents you can watch the video (poems by Fazu Aliyeva, music by Alexander Zakharenko):

Our dear, sweet, beautiful couple - daughter and son-in-law! We wish you a whole alphabet of married life.
In order:
(A) - delicious dinners;
(B) - big and small holidays;
(B) - evenings when staying at home with the family is a pleasure;
(D) - Dutch roses;
(D) - sincerity;
(E) - to be one and only for each other;
(Ё) - do not use succinct expressions;
(F) - only welcome guests;
(3) - wonderful family friends;
(I) - diligence in household chores;
(Y) - brevity in requests, infinity - in their fulfillment;
(K) - a flirtatious relationship, but only with the husband;
(L) - love, of course;
(M) - courage to admit your mistakes;
(N) - tenderness;
(O) - adoration;
(P) - friendliness every day;
(P) - reasonableness when choosing children's names;
(C) - family warmth;
(T) - patience and hard work for the benefit of family and friends;
(U) - respect;
(F) - fantastic holidays;
(X) - housekeeping;
(C) - determination in saving money for a new family car;
(H) - honesty with each other;
(Ш) - joke sometimes, because a sense of humor can save any situation;
(Ш) - a pinch of jealousy, which, like a good spice, improves the taste of relationships;
(b) - be soft and condescending to each other’s weaknesses;
(Y) - so that you have everything in the plural: fur coats, plane tickets, awards;
(b) - firmness in one’s intentions;
(E) - enthusiasm when hands give up;
(Yu) - youth in the soul until old age;
(I) - you need to forget about your “I” in married life, but we wish you that you will soon have many little “I”s to whom you, by inheritance, will read this alphabet at your wedding!

Today is a bright holiday for parents,
25 years lived together,
Let luck be your guide,
May the Lord protect you from sorrows and troubles.
We congratulate you with all our hearts,
We wish you good luck, joy, goodness,
Let your dreams come true
May fate always spoil you.

And a silver wedding
You celebrate with family.
And we, parents, are happy
Let's sparkle with an involuntary tear.
Congratulations! Let it be powerless
Time will take its toll on your couple.
Live in peace and harmony.
Our dear ones, happy anniversary!

Our dear children,
You've been together for 25 years now.
We are ready to congratulate you on your silver wedding
And send a hundred good wishes.
There is no need to give advice now,
We successfully overcame all the obstacles along the way.
I wish that your love continues to grow stronger,
And your grandchildren and children delighted you endlessly.
May your family be spared all adversity,
And only friends come into the house more often.

Our daughter has grown up and is already married.
As many as twenty-five years - or there will be more!
The husband is always nearby and on guard,
We are calm about her, the wind will not blow you away.
The roof of the house is strong, there are children. Hooray!
Congratulations on your silver medal, many good things to you!

On the silver wedding for children
We wish you love and happiness,
So as not to regret anything!
And let it be in your power
Don't be discouraged and don't grow old!
And let it be just as intoxicating
A golden wedding is coming to you!

Silver wedding for children!
We wish you well and bright days,
Love, prosperity, respect,
Lots of energy, patience!
You two have come a long way together!
Let the house be happy
May your family always be happy
Angel's hand will help!

Your love, children, is worthy of admiration,
It’s even difficult to convey in poetry
All the importance and solemnity of the moment,
It’s no joke – changing a quarter of a century!
Glasses are now clinking only in your honor,
And noble wine flows,
After all, your couple is better and more beautiful,
There is no one in the world anyway!

Children have an unusual holiday today,
We sincerely wish to congratulate you.
How difficult everything is in personal life,
To be together for years without embellishment.
Twenty-five years is like silver
They flowed like a river into the foggy land.
You were both sad and funny,
There was a lot of truth and deception.

Already a quarter of a century! And as if only
At the wedding they shouted sweet “Bitter!” to you.
And now the family date turns silver,
And there it will imperceptibly reach gold...
We wish you happiness, our children
May your bright life be calm,
Thoughts and hands do not know fatigue,
Children and grandchildren warm you with warmth.
Comfort and prosperity decorate fate,
Your hearts are not deprived of love.

A quarter of a century, children, how have you been together?
And we want to tell you -
The bride is just as feminine
And it’s impossible to describe with a pen.
And the groom is handsome and stately
It’s as if the years haven’t passed -
Charming, gallant.
Well, admit it, you found it
Unravel the secret of happiness
How to live your whole life in love,
How without grief and bad weather
Only joy is earned.
You are an example for many. Know
All glory and honor to you.

May you continue to have good luck!
For a quarter of a century you have been my son-in-law,
I'm very happy about this.
You are a wonderful husband to my daughter,
There is always leisure for business.
Happy anniversary wedding,
With a silver estate
Congratulations, son-in-law.
And listen to me.

Congratulations from parents on a silver wedding

You are my dear children,
You have been married for so many years,
Left in the past, all the old days,
You were crowned with happiness and goodness guys.
And on your silver, great anniversary,
I wish you love forever,
You love each other only more strongly,
Let no obstacles arise on the way!
And on the twenty-fifth anniversary, dear ones,
I wish you to live without knowing troubles,
And don’t look for a reason for your sadness,
To all questions, your family knows the answer!

Our dear children!
How quickly the years fly by -
They cannot be returned or caught up.
You have a silver wedding,
You are together exactly twenty-five!
You are an example for us to follow,
Anyone will envy you.
Now we wish you the main thing -
Live until the golden wedding!

Dear beloved son,
You are reliable to me.
And although I’m not exactly your mother,
After all, you are my brother-in-law.
25 years ago we became related,
Since then we have become very good friends.
I wish you only happiness,
Avoid bad weather with our daughter.
Let your plans come true,
And there will be no traps on the way.

Our dear, our beloved son-in-law,
We want to congratulate you
Happy silver wedding,
For us you have become like a son, we love you!
Gone from your glorious wedding
Twenty-five happy years already,
Take care of your family, because you are a man,
Live without tears and troubles.

You guys have been together for exactly 25 years
Happy many years to come
And I want to wish you
Good luck and victories!
You have a wonderful family!
We are proud of you!
And there are children and friends nearby,
We wish you love!

You will celebrate a beautiful anniversary with your daughter,
Let’s not put an end to the relationship here.
After all, you love your wife so much,
That it would seem possible to turn the world upside down.
I congratulate you, beloved son-in-law,
I wish you a golden life until your wedding.
Well, in the meantime, I gave you silver here,
And the main ones in beautiful words awarded.
So be, my dear son-in-law, always successful,
In family life, be comforting.

Accept congratulations from the children

Turned 25 today

We wish our father to love our mother,

And we wish mom that she always
You supported your father in everything!

You've been around for 25 years now,
And in the eyes there is still the same gentle light,
And hearts are filled with love,
As if the year had not touched them.
Dear parents, please accept my congratulations,
You deserve only admiration
In honor of the glorious years spent together,
We give you compliments and a huge bouquet.

The joyful wedding broke out -
25 gratifying years.
Silver shines again
The aroma flows through the bouquet.
Dear parents, congratulations to you,
And we wish not to grow old,
So that happiness does not melt,
To make the gold ring.
And what tests
They won’t come, we want to live
Just like on the first date,
Which is not to be forgotten.

There is no more beautiful anniversary in the world,
Native mother and father:
Your silver wedding -
Happy crowning years to come!
You have gone through heat and cold,
A moment of disagreement, an hour of separation...
But everyone is both strong and young:
Time has stopped in you.
And I'm already flying winged
With your beautiful dream
There, I’ll congratulate you somewhere once

Today there will be shouts of “Bitter!”
To sound at the wedding table,
Confessions, toasts and more,
After all, you are twenty-five today!
You are our children. Really
Has it really been so many years?
How quickly the years have flown by,
And the children have grown up a long time ago.

How glad we are, dear parents,
You have lived to see the silver wedding,
A quarter of a century behind us,
We rejoice with you.
Everyone is looking at you, admiring
How beautiful you are when you kiss!
Such tender hugs
We wished you before.
Try to save them
And don't be shy about kissing!

Congratulations from parents on the 25th wedding anniversary

A quarter of a century is an anniversary.
You without fear and doubt
From your own children
Please accept congratulations.
We want to wish you
So that this is your date
With an easy number 25
It turned out to be winged.
And we also want to say,
That we will all make an effort,
So that everything you could wish for
You had everything today!

My beloved parents
In my destiny, irreplaceable,
You've been together for 25 years,
And I believe you couldn’t be happier!
I wish you longevity,
May you celebrate your centenary
Golden life together,
And may love make you happy!

25 years: not more and not little,
We didn’t even have time to blink an eye,
Life began to be seen in a new way,
Wisdom was given by the path traveled.
Congratulations on your silver wedding,
Sincerely, with all my heart,
We wish you good luck, parents,
May your dreams always come true.

My beloved parents
In my destiny, irreplaceable,
You've been together for 25 years,
And I believe you couldn’t be happier!
I wish you longevity,
May you celebrate your centenary
Golden life together,
And may love make you happy!

The flight of years is high and precise,
But then the hour came:
Father-in-law's wedding day!
I congratulate you!
It's not easy for you at first
It happened, I admit.
They gave birth to a daughter, rocked -
My beloved.
How long does happiness last, would you like to know?!
But what is there to bewitch:
Before - in diamonds - weddings
I wish you to live!

There is no more beautiful anniversary in the world,
Native mother and father:
Your silver wedding -
Happy crowning years to come!
You have gone through heat and cold,
A moment of disagreement, an hour of separation...
But everyone is both strong and young:
Time has stopped in you.
And I'm already flying winged
With your beautiful dream
There, I’ll congratulate you somewhere once
You and your wedding are golden!

Congratulations on the silver wedding from parents

The couple has been together for a quarter of a century -
Millions of tender words
The groom tells the bride,
I'm ready for anything for her.
Even though the groom is already experienced,
But the bride is young.
We will just say one thing now:
So let it be forever.

Please accept congratulations from the children
On your joyful anniversary together!
Turned 25 today
To the family, we will congratulate you too!
We wish our father to love our mother,
And more often he gave flowers just like that,
And we wish mom that she always
You supported your father in everything!

I immediately congratulate mom and dad,
I wanted it very, very, very much.
And I won’t lie here,
I prepared the poem at night.
I’ll read the lines as a gift,
So sincere, gentle, colorful.
Please accept congratulations from your daughter,
My good, beloved, dear ones.
I congratulate you on your silver wedding,
I will give you my heart again.
The only thing I can say here is that I know
That I will never betray you!

How our children have grown up, and how we have grown old!
But it's a joy to be with you on such a special day.
We congratulate you on your silver wedding
And we give you such beauty!
Take care of each other, as you have learned
Over the years of difficult family life.
You have children, grandchildren and, of course, us -
Let's open a family business.

How quickly twenty-five years have flown by,
The years are passing inexorably, and we are running after them,
Happy anniversary today to mommy and daddy,
I congratulate you on your silver wedding from the bottom of my heart.
You live long in love and never fight,
I want you to be healthy and happy always,
You remain as young and cheerful,
Because whoever loves will never grow old!

Our dear, kind, glorious,
Congratulations on your silver wedding,
For us, you are the dearest, the most important,
You serve as a great example for us.
Dear parents, congratulations,
Always live in love and harmony,
Be always protected by fate,
Walk next to the golden wedding.

Dear parents, at this glorious hour,
We hasten to congratulate you on your silver wedding,
May the sun give you a ray of warmth,
May fate be favorable to you.
Live in joy and happiness,
Let all the bad weather fly by,
Always complement each other
We wish you warm family rain.

You will celebrate a beautiful anniversary with your daughter,
Let’s not put an end to the relationship here.
After all, you love your wife so much,
That it would seem possible to turn the world upside down.
I congratulate you, beloved son-in-law,
I wish you a golden life until your wedding.
Well, in the meantime, I gave you silver here,
And she rewarded me with the most important, beautiful words.
So be, my dear son-in-law, always successful,
In family life, be comforting.
Let congratulations quickly rush to you,
I will replenish your wallet with silver.

These twenty-five flew by quickly,
You are now at the newlyweds table again.
Only adult children are sitting now,
And they look at their parents with love.
We will celebrate your silver wedding,
And we will take every right step together.
The novel of life was happy and interesting,
So let the fog never penetrate you.

You've been a wife for 25 years,
What should I tell you, dear?
I'll drink to the bottom for you,
And I wish you luck!
Let only the family grow stronger
To make you happy
Stay forever
The best and most beautiful!

I have only one joy in the world,
There is a beloved, of course, and a tender wife.
We lived together for twenty-five years,
This means that we will now sing about the silver wedding.
Today I will give you a beautiful silver pendant,
You look out the window, then go out onto the balcony.
Let different people see, any, everyone in the country,
How beautiful you are in the world and doubly so.
And in the evening I’m at a family and wonderful dinner,
I'll tell you how much I love you and how much I need you.
You are the best angel in the world,
Read my congratulations soon!

A quarter of a century is an anniversary.
You without fear and doubt
From your own children
Please accept congratulations.
We want to wish you
So that this is your date
With an easy number 25
It turned out to be winged.
And we also want to say,
That we will all make an effort,
So that everything you could wish for
You had everything today!

We've been shoulder to shoulder for a quarter of a century.
I admit, my neck is stiff!
Not in life closer than a person,
I've lured you in forever!
With you, dear, into fire and water,
With you to the circus and to the skating rink.
You gave me happiness and freedom!
Please accept my heartfelt congratulations!

I am very happy to congratulate you, dear ones,
Happy silver wedding now!
You are my parents,
What’s difficult to convey... well, just “Cool!”
I wish you health, mutual understanding,
Prosperity and family warmth!
May every wish come true,
May your life be happy!

A quarter of a century is very difficult
Live hand in hand.
Sometimes it gets sick
Kiss, caress, love.
But a huge milestone has been passed,
There is no way to turn back.
Who is not suitable for marriage?
Immediately changes his path!
But you have been together for so long:
Twenty-five is not the ceiling!
A helmet without modesty and flattery
Congratulations to you!

This day is so special
And so important for all of us
For a silver wedding
Everyone was gathered at this hour.
Numerous guests
The whole family from all sides
Congratulations and wishes
Continue to live in unison.
So that silver feelings
It hasn't gone dark for many years.
To shine with freshness
Radiating the light of happiness.
For patience, understanding
Created an ideal
Exemplary tender couple
Whose life experience is not small.

We walked at your wedding
They shouted, sang and danced.
Today you are also the bride and groom
But your wedding is not from the same test.
Today is your wedding silver
We wish only the best for the family.
You lived together for a quarter of a century
You gave birth to beautiful children.
Send congratulations from your friends
And let the family be your cozy corner
Over the years it only gets stronger
And your life should be more interesting and easier.

Your wedding is silver,
Silver in the hair
But love lives on as before
In your souls and hearts!
Twenty-five is a holy date,
Life wasn't easy
Pain and wounds, passion and happiness
Somewhere deep in the heart!
Everyone has passed, overcome,
Honor, glory and praise to you!
Let the wedding be golden
It will be fun too!

Silver wedding - family anniversary,
Silver wedding - you can't forget about it!
Silver wedding is a beautiful ceremony,
Silver wedding - love big parade!
Silver wedding is an exciting moment,
Silver wedding - the wealth of shared years!
Celebrate the Silver Wedding with all your heart,
A silver wedding is a stepping stone to a golden one!

Dear wife, we have been together for 25 years.
It’s probably true that we are cut from the same cloth.
And we are very similar to each other,
All our endeavors are quite similar.
I love you only more over the years
Allow me to unexpectedly congratulate you.
I will send you my tender congratulations,
Be happy with me, angel.

Place silver rings next to gold ones,
So that all your dreams come true and become painted.
You’ve been strengthening the family’s foundation for a quarter of a century,
In moments of quarrels, love was not driven out of the soul.
You carried her through storms and blizzards,
That is why separation and sadness did not come to you.
We wish you happiness on your silver wedding,
So that there would be no reason for tears, bad weather.

We watched the fire every day,
Which flared up more and more.
Both at night and on a wonderful day
You took care of the fire of love.
And now that long-awaited hour has come,
When we bring you congratulations,
So pay attention to us
Your clear and cheerful gaze.
We wish a whole kilogram
We'll give you a beautiful packaging.
We want to wish you so much,
So that soon you can again
To those affectionate beautiful days
Add new, colorful furnishings.
May you never lose each other!

Our dear children,
You've been together for 25 years now.
We are ready to congratulate you on your silver wedding
And send a hundred good wishes.
There is no need to give advice now,
We successfully overcame all the obstacles along the way.
I wish that your love continues to grow stronger,
And your grandchildren and children delighted you endlessly.
May your family be spared all adversity,
And only friends come into the house more often.
We send you our parental congratulations,
And may your family angel always protect you.

You have lived together for a quarter of a century.
We congratulate you, keep it up!
There were both strife and joy.
But you were able to restrain each other.
And your love gives birth to pride.
We will experience it to the fullest.
We congratulate you on your silver medal today.
Let a wave of happiness cover you!

Today we came to your wedding from silver,
There were flowers in their hands, and the voices were rattling a little.
After all, live 25 with love together,
Deserving of great honor, of course.
You loved and love each other
Of course, this is your common merit.
For us, you are an example of the strongest family,
For this, my deepest bow to you.
Please accept our congratulations from your friends,
And let life continue to be “nothing.”

Happy Anniversary!
And already a big kid.
Together for 25 years -
Bathing in the love of shackles!
We sincerely wish you health,
Let love not fade away
The sun illuminates the soul,
Gives you inspiration!
And goodness comes to the house,
Happiness and joy to you in it!

Dear beloved son,
You are my reliable back.
And although I’m not exactly your mother,
After all, you are my brother-in-law.
25 years ago we became related,
Since then we have become very good friends.
I wish you only happiness,
Avoid bad weather with our daughter.
Let your plans come true,
And there will be no traps on the way.
You receive my kind congratulations,
Be happy, my beloved son-in-law.