Circle lines

The ring lines include the ring of Solomon, the ring of Saturn, the ring of Apollo, and the ring of Mercury.

The presence of SOLOMON'S RING (it surrounds the base of the index finger) indicates that a person has wisdom beyond his age.

SATURN'S RING is a sign of such qualities as a tendency to depression, a cynical attitude towards life and the people around him.

RING OF APOLLO. The presence of such a ring is typical for people who lack a creative attitude to life and work.

In 1965, an interesting book by the Hungarian researcher S. Okros was published, in which he first proposed classifying finger patterns in accordance with the 95 types he identified. The researcher claims: each of the lines on the child’s finger carries information about the life of the parents, one way or another repeating the lines on their fingers. Thanks to this, the father and mother of the child can be identified without much difficulty.

Death predicted by hand can be avoided if you act wisely and follow the advice of a fortuneteller, as the famous historian Yulia Andreevna Sokolova did when she learned from a fortune teller that she was facing death directly related to her field of activity. Members of a satanic sect organized an attempt on her life. Unexpectedly for herself, Yulia Sokolova noticed that the Life line in her palm had become noticeably shorter. I involuntarily remembered the words of the fortune teller. Sokolova became more cautious and developed an action plan in case of real danger. As a result, she managed to avoid death from the ritual knife.

The MERCURY RING (or it is also called the “family” ring) is found in people who experience heightened feeling responsibility to your family.

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Depending on the features of the mark on the hill, Solomon’s ring makes it possible to distinguish a person’s belonging to a white, gray or black magician. Figures 5.79 show all three rings, where the white magician’s ring is highlighted in white, gray- the ring of the gray magician, and the black one - the ring of the black magician.

White Mage Ring located under the index finger, at the top of the Mount of Jupiter. It is a semicircle with correct form and encircling the hill, without going beyond its limits. This is a strong energy sign that speaks of spiritual development and the psychological ability to understand the deep feelings of people hidden from view. As a rule, such people unconsciously attract others to them, people go to them for advice or any other help due to the fact that they are endowed with natural kindness and life wisdom, and thanks to the ability to instinctively feel and understand the problems of others, they can suggest a way out. any everyday troubles. The ring itself does not give great abilities for magic, but thanks to determination, these inclinations can be successfully developed and applied, helping people. This sign should in no case be confused with short horizontal lines on the surface of the Mount of Jupiter, since such chaotic lines indicate problems in achieving one’s ambitious plans. When analyzing this ring, it is necessary to note how it interacts with other palm lines or signs on the Mount of Jupiter. For example, if the ring is connected with the Heart line, then such a connection gives abilities in understanding other people's family and love problems. A ring that connects or is in some way in contact with a square on the mount of Jupiter gives the ability to feel, advise or teach other people. If the ring is connected to the belt of Venus, then this is a special gift of understanding other people with the help of intuition.

Gray Mage Ring is located on the hill of Jupiter, just below the ring of the white magician and, encircling this hill, should slightly extend onto the hill of Saturn. A person who has such a ring must very carefully monitor his speech and not speak, much less wish bad things on other people. For example, if he sincerely wishes someone happiness, goodness, etc., and does it out of emotion and from the bottom of his heart, then all the good things he wished for can come true, and vice versa, cursing the person in his hearts, he dooms him to failure. The ring of the gray magician is the middle one, both literally and figuratively, and its owner is capable of doing both good and evil. This ring also has another amazing property: its owner should not be offended, since the evil directed at him can be “reflected” and, multiplying, affect the offender. Moreover, the stronger the offense, the more time will pass before the return blow, and the more powerful it will be.

Black Mage Ring comes from the line of Life and encircles the bottom of the Mount of Jupiter, going deep into the Mount of Saturn. This ring gives the ability to practice black magic, but if it is not practiced, then they will never be able to reveal themselves. In everyday life, this can be expressed in the fact that such a person can easily cast the evil eye, especially if the hands show signs of some of the 6 enemies of a person - anger, envy and greed.

Despite the fact that the rings of a gray and black magician give the ability to practice magic and endow a person with occult talents, I do not advise you to be zealous in their development, since for any negativity or violence, even mental, committed against another person, you will have to pay the full to answer and work off these sins, if not in this, then certainly in the next life.

Ring of Saturn- this is a semicircle that begins between the fingers of Jupiter and Saturn, surrounds the finger of Saturn and ends between the fingers of Saturn and Apollo, crossing the entire Mount of Saturn (Figure 1.80).

The ring of Saturn can form a regular semicircle or consist of two separate lines intersecting on the Mount of Saturn. You can also find open circles, but in any case their ends will form an unfinished ring of Saturn. Although an unfinished ring has unfavorable properties, in terms of its characteristics it will have some positive qualities compared to a completely closed ring, since the energy coming from the finger will partially overcome this barrier.

Since this ring completely cuts off the Mount of Saturn, it creates obstacles in the path of energy, which makes the Mount of Saturn flawed, cutting off its wisdom, seriousness and poise, turning these qualities into flaws. It also imparts pessimism and uncertainty about the future and is the main limiting factor in development and objective perception of reality. Very often, Saturn’s ring appears after negative events in a person’s life, being a reflection of his internal state. Along with this, the ring speaks of a person’s tendency to often change friends, place of work, place of residence, jump from one thing to another and not bring everything started to its logical conclusion, the result of which will be the complete collapse of any field of activity.

Ring of Apollo- this is a semicircle located under the ring finger (Figure 1.81).

The Apollo Ring indicates a desire to become famous by any means, to attract attention or to advertise oneself. Such people live by the principle “the end justifies the means,” so all their thoughts will be only about fame and the thirst for recognition. Quite often they consider themselves higher and better than others. However, when these people fall from the top and lose everything they have, they are often ridiculed by others. A torn or poorly defined Apollo ring indicates poor taste and inability to present oneself in society.

Ring of Mercury- This is a semicircle located under the little finger. It is very rare on the hands and has another, more common name, which is used by palmists and is called the widow's sign. This ring indicates the impossibility of marriage and appears, as a rule, after a strong shock or upheaval associated with divorce or a serious breakup. This sign is very rarely associated with a person’s karma and is most often acquired as a result of some very negative events in a love relationship. The ring of Mercury can equally be found on the palms of both men and women.

Signs on the hills
Hill of Jupiter

Cross on the Mount of Jupiter- sign happy love and a good marriage. The cross on the hill should consist of straight, clear lines and be well drawn. The presence of a distinct cross on a hill can give its owner a quiet, calm, balanced family life; smart and caring children; husband (wife) with a good education and job, and sometimes financial status; relatives providing material and moral assistance and support. A large sign on a hill increases the period of happiness, while a small one is not so generous in favors and is short-lived. If the cross is irregular, crooked or wavy, then its qualities become negative, making family happiness inaccessible.

By the location of the cross you can determine when a person will enter into happy marriage. If the cross is located near the Life line, then the marriage will be concluded in early age. If it is in the middle of the hill, then happiness in marriage will be in the middle of life’s journey, and if it is at the base of the hill, almost at the finger of Jupiter, then family happiness will be found at the end of life.

Star on the Mount of Jupiter indicates a happy career and gives a person very strong patrons. The star sign itself indicates the ability to non-verbally influence other people. Along with this, the star is a sign of prosperity, and a person who has it in the palm of his hand will be able to gain great power and achieve a high position in society without any effort. A star located in the center of the hill indicates an acquaintance with an outstanding personality who will change the life of the owner of the sign. If the star is located at the highest point of the hill, then its location gives a high position in society, success, honor and respect deserved by the owner of the hand. A star that is shifted from the center of the hill towards the thumb indicates that the person is included in the circle powerful of the world this.

Lattice on the Mount of Jupiter aggravates the properties of the mount of Jupiter, making a person domineering, narcissistic, selfish, overly proud and distrustful. It is quite difficult for him to find happiness in marriage due to the perverted qualities of Jupiter. Since the lattice is multiple lines of Ketu, such a combination of lines gives a person disbelief in his success, thoughts of defeat, loss of the meaning of life and self-confidence, which will be compensated by an inflated sense of self-esteem and painful ambition.

Square on the Mount of Jupiter(Figure 1.82) is a sign of protection and stability of social status. Such a person is not afraid of life's trials, since he is looked after by Higher powers. The square also protects against losses and conflicts during clashes of interests; it is a sign of a stable social position, which corresponds to the level of aspirations of the owner of the sign and protects against inflated ambitions, excessive ambition and selfishness. In palmistry, a square on the Mount of Jupiter is usually called a teacher’s square, since it indicates an innate talent for teaching other people, the ability to correctly and intelligibly present information and explain material. It is considered a rather lucky sign and serves as an expression of natural inner strength and resilience.

In my practice, this sign was encountered infrequently and endowed a person, in addition to all of the above, with amazing perseverance in achieving his goals. The holders of this sign, even during the reorganization of firms and enterprises, were never fired, and they always miraculously remained afloat and kept their jobs. This is truly a karmic protective sign that protects its owner from loss of social status, position and work. According to Vedic knowledge, the sign also provides protection when receiving education.

Triangle on the Mount of Jupiter is one of the most favorable signs. It indicates diplomatic and tactical abilities and demonstrates the ability to make the right decisions and see a problem from different angles. The sign gives a person special charisma, the ability to lead other people and is an indicator of a natural talent for leadership. In addition, the triangle is an indicator of favorable conditions for obtaining education and a sign spiritual development. Its owner will be successful in activities related to administration, business, civil defense and military service.

Trident on the Mount of Jupiter enhances the properties of the hill and will help its owner become famous, increase his financial status, and also achieve professional and social recognition. This is a sign of success in your occupation. As long as this sign is present on the palms, a person is lucky in all endeavors, including through risky and daring actions. He can also talk about the acquisition of large property and wealth.

Island on the Mount of Jupiter weakens the positive qualities of the hill and indicates reduced pride, ambition, self-esteem, low ambitions and lack of desire to achieve goals, which will have a negative impact on a person’s social status and career growth.

Points on the Mount of Jupiter should not be confused with moles. The dot is one of the forms of manifestation of Ketu on the palm, which causes deprivation in a career, professional difficulties, frequent changes of place of work or type of activity.

Vertical line on the Mount of Jupiter enhances the qualities of the hill and gives a person ambition, desire for freedom and better life, administrative qualities and management skills.

Sign in the form of the letter "N" on the Mount of Jupiter indicates good luck in trade and commerce. But in order for a person to start this activity, he needs a push from the outside and the help of influential patrons.

Sign in the form of the letter "V" on the Mount of Jupiter speaks of fame and popularity among a narrow circle of people.

The Mount of Jupiter can also be used to determine how many formations a person will have. Education, according to Vedic knowledge, is understood not as what we receive in educational institutions, but as life education, built on deep mastery of the material, penetration into it and used in our activities. Education looks like distinct and long vertical lines on the Mount of Jupiter, and the number of such lines there are, so many formations a person will have. If the line is long, distinct, clearly drawn and occupies the central part of the hill, then this indicates the education received, which the person will use in his life. If the line is crossed out or it is short and thin, then the person’s education will either be incomplete or will not be used in practice.

For example, let's look at Figure 1.83, which clearly shows how this system works. The girl received 5 educations in various fields and is a very talented and versatile person. But when analyzing these lines, it is clear that there are only two long and strong lines, and the remaining three are small, thin and crossed out. From this we can conclude that of all the acquired and completed educations, only two are used in her life, and the remaining three are not used at a given time. Large lines crossed out by a comet indicate that the girl is now at a crossroads and for some reason cannot decide in the direction of her realization, and short crossed out lines indicate that these areas, although studied, will not be useful in life.

Mount of Saturn

Cross on the Mount of Saturn– a sign of danger due to vehicles and means of communication, and most often manifests itself as the likelihood of an accident on the road. The cross in the center of the hill aggravates its qualities and indicates the inability of the owner of the sign to withstand the realities of life, and can also speak of pessimism.

A cross shifted towards the Mount of Jupiter is called a widow's cross in palmistry. It is mainly found on women's hands and indicates that the wife will outlive her husband. The sign also indicates a difficult emotional state regarding the loss of a loved one, which must be clarified by the other signs on the palm, and only if confirmed by them can indicate the death of a partner.

Star on the Mount of Saturn suggests that fatality determines the course of many events in a person’s life. A very dangerous and heavy sign, which is considered only in conjunction with other lines and signs. The star will work at a time when there are negative signs or signs of sudden changes on the main lines, in other cases it is a simple sign of warning. The star sign on the Mount of Saturn is very rare, and in my practice I have only encountered it twice, which indicated periods of karmic predetermination and predetermination of the course of many events in a person’s life.

A star located on the Mount of Saturn at the end of the line of Fate indicates sudden death due to an accident, murder or terrorist attack.

A star located between the mounts of Saturn and Apollo indicates the danger of death from electricity or from a snake bite. In addition, the sign may indicate living with a person who has a fatal fate (clarified by the palms of the partner).

Lattice on the Mount of Saturn(Figure 1.84) reports full of worries difficult life, strong egocentrism, predisposition to gloomy depressive states and melancholy. The lattice aggravates the favorable properties of the hill, and since, according to the Vedas, the lattice is the lines of Ketu, it gives all kinds of deprivations. The life of the owner of this sign is like a vicious circle; troubles return to him again and again. Very often a person creates such a life and problems for himself; fixated on some idea and not getting the expected results from it, he becomes depressed. As soon as a person gets out of this state, the grid will disintegrate or favorable signs will appear in its place.

Triangle on the Mount of Saturn(Figure 1.86) gives a penchant for occult sciences and parapsychology, as well as the ability for mystical activities. According to tradition, a triangle on the Mount of Saturn is considered a sign of a palmist.

Square on the Mount of Saturn(Figure 1.85) indicates protection in life from dangers and from fatal fate. A square on this hill neutralizes other negative signs, protecting against any threat and preserving its owner’s physical health. A very favorable and strong sign, given to a person for merits in past lives.

Circle on the Mount of Saturn may indicate a passion for black magic and the risk of getting into trouble due to this sinful activity.

Island on the Mount of Saturn weakens the properties of the hill and indicates a difficult life.

Many vertical lines on the Mount of Saturn, called the Ladder of Success,- a sign that success in life will come only through hard work and determination of the owner in the fight for his goals and ideals. This is an ambiguous sign, which, on the one hand, gives a person the opportunity to realize himself and achieve success, but on the other hand, indicates that nothing is given to the owner of such a sign for free.

Hill of Apollo

Star on the Mount of Apollo(Figure 1.88) has many favorable interpretations and reports: financial success, wealth, fame and good reputation in society; achieving prominence; sudden wealth and good health; a good marriage and the talent to shine on stage, and the sign also gives good luck and fame in the acting profession. Implementing plans in the absence of the Apollo line will not give a person satisfaction in life. With a lone star, without the Apollo line, success will come too late or will come at a high price. A star located on the Apollo line is a great success in the chosen field of activity, especially in the field of art and creativity.

Cross on the Hill of Apollo(Figure 1.87) – a sign of temporary financial difficulties and impracticability cherished desires for some reason. Delays in business and difficulties in implementing plans without the protection of third parties. In the absence of the Apollo line, there is bad luck in life. If the cross touches the Apollo line, then this is a sign of disappointment and dissatisfaction with what has been achieved.

Square on the Hill of Apollo indicates financial and creative success. Luck in life, and with a successful combination of circumstances, the opportunity to make a person who is not very rich in talents popular, and this will not cost him much effort. Protection from creative losses and disappointments, as well as protection from ambitious aspirations in the desire for fame.

Circle on the Hill of Apollo is one of the luckiest signs on the hill. Bestows fame, popularity and a penchant for creativity and art. Prosperity will be achieved in a persistent but safe way. If the circle has rays on the sides and resembles the sun, then such a sign indicates world fame thanks to talent and determination.

The Mount of Apollo is the only place in the palm where the circle has a favorable meaning. Located in other places, the circle carries a destructive meaning and endows its owner with negative characteristics.

Lattice on the Hill of Apollo- a sign of superstition. Gives insane pride, sometimes madness and a tendency to reckless actions based on vanity. Often a person will have nervous breakdowns due to the lack of opportunity to express himself, while a wide grid indicates a desire and desire to become famous, and a narrow one indicates mental problems.

Island on the Hill of Apollo gives variable success and unfavorable social relationships. Difficulties in achieving happiness and success in the business in which a person is engaged. If the island is on the Apollo line, then this indicates a loss of reputation due to public scandal.

Triangle on the Mount of Apollo indicates talent and success in the creative field. It is also a mark of art critics and historians. Success in science is possible thanks to a scientific mindset and the ability to get to the bottom of the truth. The triangle speaks of a talent for painting and art, and thanks to this talent, discoveries in these areas are possible. The sign gives a calm attitude towards fame and success in life, so unexpected material gains do not spoil such people.

Trident on the Hill of Apollo close in significance to a star. It indicates the fame and wealth that a person has earned as a result of mental activity, as well as high origin, talents and talents in the field of art, and a strong material and social position.

Many vertical lines on the Mount of Apollo speaks of dissipation of one’s strengths and abilities, disorientation in choosing the path for self-realization. Very often they are found in the hands of those people who have many hobbies, but cannot, out of all the diversity, settle on one direction and develop it.

Hill of Mercury

Star on the Mount of Mercury gives brilliant success in science, business or politics due to natural eloquence. A person with a star in the center of the hill has rare cunning and can become either a talented swindler or a talented businessman. Which direction he will turn and which path in life he will take must be clarified by the signs on his entire hand. A star on a favorable hand gives eloquence and great success in the field of science, entrepreneurship or big business, and on unfavorable hand- talent for a swindler, a penchant for theft and treachery.

Cross on the Hill of Mercury(Figure 1.91) indicates a person’s financial difficulties and, just like a star, but to a slightly lesser extent endows the individual with a tendency to theft, lies and deception. In order to understand whether a person is prone to theft, it is necessary to observe a number of chirological factors: the cross on the hill should be incorrect, the little finger should be crooked, and the impression of a “bad” hand should be created. The modern interpretation also says that the cross on the hill belongs to real computer geniuses and people who are very well versed in technology.

Square on the Mount of Mercury(Figure 1.90) gives a person energy and the ability to make decisions instantly, and also protects against stress, mental overstrain, and material losses and shocks. Such a person is not prone to theft, talkativeness, or boasting and at the same time is reliable, faithful and keeps his word.

Lattice on the Mount of Mercury indicates a person’s dishonesty and resourcefulness, as well as a tendency to financial fraud. The owner of this sign cannot be trusted in anything because he constantly lies, fusses and dodges, and whatever he undertakes, he does only to please himself, regardless of the opinions of other people.

Triangle on the Mount of Mercury endows a person with wit, intelligence and diplomacy. This sign is found on the hands of diplomats, politicians and successful businessmen, i.e., people who are able to use the situation to their advantage. In addition to mastery of communication and good luck in business, the triangle means excellent abilities for scientific activity, endowing its owner with logic and theoretical thinking.

Circle on the Hill of Mercury indicates a danger of poisoning or indicates an accident. Sometimes on a given hill there may be not one, but two or three circles. They should not connect or touch each other, but be located separately, while minimum size the circle is 1 mm, and the maximum is from 7 to 10 mm.

Point on the Mount of Mercury- This is the sign of Ketu, which gives deprivation in the areas for which Mercury is responsible. An extremely unfavorable sign for businessmen, as it brings losses, shocks and material losses.

Samaritan lines(Figure 1.89) is a sign of sensitivity, kindness, selflessness and love for children. Typically, Samaritan lines are three to six lines located vertically on the Mount of Mercury. This sign also signifies a caring and compassionate nature, sensitive to the pain of others. Such a person sees his duty in caring for the less fortunate; he is endowed with pity for the unfortunate and capable. Along with this, the lines indicate healing abilities and the gift of healing. If the sign is on the passive hand, this is a sign that the person has healing abilities, but for some reason he does not use them. If the Samaritan lines appear on the active hand or on both at once, then this means that the person has discovered the gift of helping people and, being involved in the world of healing, can spend some part of his life helping others and devoting himself to treatment. Very often such lines are found in the hands of talented doctors or nurses.

Hill of Venus

Star on the Mount of Venus indicates success with the opposite sex due to charm and natural magnetism. Success in any endeavor and numerous victories and adventures on the love front.

A star at the bottom of the Mount of Venus indicates susceptibility to negative influence from the opposite sex. A star located in the middle or upper part of the hill, on the contrary, is a favorable sign and indicates success in the love sphere and the ability to influence the opposite sex. The sign gives increased passion, sensuality and sexuality. A star at the base of the thumb, which is located next to Malika Rekha, speaks of a difficult relationship with a partner that does not satisfy the owner of the sign.

A star located anywhere on the Mount of Venus for a woman is evidence that she attracts men to her like a magnet, regardless of her appearance and clothing, and this attraction extends until the star is present in the palm. Often the sign brings stormy and passionate romances, but along with this also troubles from the envy of rivals and the jealousy of partners.

Cross on the Mount of Venus- a sign of the only love for life. According to traditional interpretations, it indicates that the owner of the sign can experience a genuine and real feeling of love only for one person in life, which is clarified along the lines of Influence on the palm. If a small cross is located next to the Life line from the side of the Mount of Venus, then this is a sign of quarrels with relatives, for which the owner of the sign himself is to blame. If the cross is between the line of Fate and the line of Life, then in this case there will be interference in your career from relatives.

Lattice on the Mount of Venus indicates instability of character, hypersexuality and sensitivity. The owner of such a sign is characterized by a predominance of carnal pleasures and physical desires over spiritual ones, licentiousness and perversity of nature.

If the grid is small (no more than 1 × 1 cm or 1.5 × 2 cm in size) and does not cover the entire Mount of Venus, but some area, then this sign is interpreted as the correct intuitive decision, judgment or action of a person received thanks to him extrasensory abilities. This sign does not work all the time, but periodically, and cannot be consciously controlled.

Square on the Mount of Venus provides protection from passions, emotions and loves, as well as from experiences associated with them. If the square is adjacent to the line of Life from the side of the Rahu hill, then such a sign may indicate temporary isolation from society, solitude or deprivation of freedom. If the square is adjacent to the line of Life from the side of the Ketu Plain, then this is a sign of deprivation and rejection of social life, such as a conscious withdrawal into a religion or sect. Signs of deprivation will be discussed in more detail in the corresponding section.

Island on the Hill of Venus, close to the Life line or located next to the Influence line, indicates a person who can easily fall under the influence of his partner. If available strong feelings strong idealization and indulgence of his whims and caprices are possible. The island weakens the beneficial effects of the hill and creates problems in the sensual and sexual spheres.

Circle on the Mount of Venus a rather contradictory sign, which, on the one hand, gives high sexual potential and the necessary sensuality and attractiveness for this, and on the other hand, indicates poor health and the impossibility because of it to put these qualities into practice. According to the interpretation of ancient palmists, the sign can indicate an accident on land.

Triangle on the Mount of Venus indicates that a person’s reason influences the area of ​​feelings and subordinates them to its will, but at the same time brings balance to the character of the owner of the sign. A triangle on the Mount of Venus is a sign of calculation in love and affection, calm and harmony in relationships with a partner, the ability to control and restrain oneself. To clarify the interpretation, you need to look at the quality and nature of the Heart line, which will indicate the predominant guna in which the owner of the hand is located, as well as the presence or absence of signs of the person’s 6 enemies.

Hill of Upper Mars

Star on the Hill of Upper Mars is a very contradictory sign and is clarified by other signs on the palm. Its main interpretations are as follows: death in war from a gunshot wound and military honors. Promotion to high military rank or a reward for bravery, i.e. for participation in hostilities. Thanks to patience and perseverance, a person will achieve all the benefits and receive recognition.

Cross on the Hill of Upper Mars indicates secret enemies or physical damage, which promises a life full of quarrels and conflicts with people. The owner of the sign has a difficult and inflexible character, due to which he often enters into open confrontation with others, as a result of which he can lose control over his emotions and cause bodily harm to a stranger. In addition, there may be physical injuries to the owner of the sign due to reckless behavior, frequent quarrels and cockiness.

Square on the Hill of Upper Mars restrains the rage and unpredictable antics of its owner, protects against bodily harm, aggressive attacks and numerous enemies. In order not to provoke fate and, as a result, not to burden karma, such a person always needs to control his emotions.

Symbolizes success in the professional and social spheres of life, talks about ambition, self-confidence, the desire to lead other people, independence, a sense of justice and determination.

2. Hill of Saturn

Associated with reliability, practicality, punctuality, responsibility, conscientiousness, and the ability to concentrate. Indicates a tendency towards introspection. In some cases, it may indicate a gloomy character.

3. Hill of the Sun

Responsible for artistic talents and a sense of beauty, love for creativity and self-expression. Symbolizes harmony and happiness. Indicates the ability to find a common language with others.

4. Hill of Mercury

Responsible for quick wits, unpredictability and the desire for independence, diplomacy and the ability to build relationships with people.

5. Hill of outer Mars

Talks about attitudes towards aggression. Responsible for self-control and perseverance, courage and determination, the ability to stand up for oneself and hold the defense. Characterizes relationships with strangers. This hill is also called defensive, upper, negative.

6. Hill of Inner Mars

Indicates determination, aggressiveness, self-control and endurance, the ability to defend one’s opinion and complete the work started. Responsible for relationships with relatives and friends. This hill is also called aggressive, lower, positive.

7. Hill of the Moon

Determines how developed a person’s intuition and instincts, sensuality, imagination, and sensitivity are. Indicates a love of traveling by water.

8. Hill of Venus

Indicates relationships with relatives and loved ones, speaks of a love of pleasure, and is responsible for sensuality, love of life and vitality.

Mercury ring called the sign of a widow. Indicates the impossibility of marriage. Appears, as a rule, after a strong emotional shock or shock, a difficult divorce or breakup. A relatively rare sign.

The sign is rare and most often is acquired, that is, it arises as a result of some events in a person’s life. It can occur in both men and women. It is interesting to note that such a person may still have a relationship, but he categorically avoids formalizing it.

When studying the ring of Mercury, pay attention to the lines of influence to the line of fate, and other indicators responsible for relationships in a person’s life and his inner world. All this will help to understand what happened and how best a person can get out of this situation.

Celibacy ring on the hand meaning of the ring

Celibacy ring on hand It is considered a negative sign and is of great importance in a person’s life. The ring can be formed as an independent sign under the finger of Mercury (1), so it originates from. In the first case, when the celibacy ring originates from the bow of the little finger and ends on it, that is, the ring “works” as an independent sign, indicates a karmic destiny, the owner of the hand is working off the “debts” of past lives and most likely a person with a celibacy ring will not be able to find a life partner, and may never get married. Proof of this destiny will be the nail phalanx of the little finger, striped with transverse lines.

Celibacy ring may also form and come from the usual marriage line (2) sprouting out on the Mount of Mercury. When up and thus draws a semicircle around the Mercury finger of the little finger. Such a sign on the hand in the form of a half ring seems to cut off the individual’s communicative and sexual capabilities associated with this finger. People with a similar celibacy ring for a long time cannot find a partner for marriage, and long-term sexual abstinence turns them into platonic people, awakening feelings of platonic love.

Such a sign is not considered fateful, and most likely acquired during life. The ring, if it is solid without breaks, almost completely isolates the person from sexual desire, he becomes passive, and this situation can persist for quite a long time. In the case when the ring has a small island at the end, this indicates a picky nature, and a generally scandalous personality, a desire to find one’s ideal, a person - who may not exist, this is a sign of pickiness and big “requests”.

Such people cannot get married because of the difficulties of non-conformity and the lack of an imaginary ideal to which they could surrender with all their soul. Celibacy ring can lose its power if the owner of the hand radically revises his internal beliefs - and thus loses his influence on a person’s life. If you are still not married, we advise you to pay attention to

Rings on the fingers are considered a decoration for an ordinary person, and in principle they are, but from the point of view of palmistry and psychology, which is taken into account in art, rings on the fingers have their own definition and meaning. When putting a ring on a finger, a person consciously does not even suspect that with the ring he is emphasizing his individuality and aspirations. Palmistry is the art or science of the hand, so everything connected with the human palm and fingers as an integral part of the hand has always attracted the attention of researchers in this direction. With the exception of the wedding ring, most jewelry has no practical purpose but reveals a person's character. Palmists claim that it is not so much the ring or ring itself that is of great importance, but the finger on which the ring is located. Thus, the owner of the ring seems to want to tell the people around him some information about himself.

The general interpretation of the ring is something like this. If the ring on the finger is large or bright, then this indicates violent, or even hysterical, possible behavior of the owner. A ring of any size indicates arrogance, self-confidence, arrogance, and power of the owner.

The index finger (finger of Jupiter) - a finger decorated with a ring - is a sign of a strong-willed character, excessive pride and desire for power, especially if the “Ring of Power” is large. On right hand a ring indicates prudence; a ring on the left hand most likely indicates delusions of grandeur and a tendency to hysteria. Rings on index fingers worn by famous rulers, which indicates a person’s desire for leadership and management of people. If both fingers of Jupiter are engaged, on the right and left hand, then the owner of the rings will stop at nothing in an effort to achieve his goal, to satisfy his “I,” so to speak. A ring on this finger increases self-esteem and helps the implementation of ambitious plans, especially if it is made of tin, the metal of Jupiter and Perun, or, in extreme cases, of gold, a metal friendly to Jupiter.

Ring on the middle finger of Saturn

The middle finger of Destiny (Saturn) - the decorated finger says “I am beautiful”, it best demonstrates jewelry and how much we like ourselves. It is the size of the ring on the middle finger that indicates how a person’s insides scream, “look how beautiful I am” - and the brighter the ring looks, the more its owner strives to convince others of his irresistibility. Basically, family jewelry is worn on the Saturn finger to emphasize the connection with the ancestors. Thus, when a person puts a piece of jewelry on his finger, he accepts the inevitable influence of fate; he believes in his karma and higher destiny. The ring, as it were, pacifies the negative influence of fate and liberates a person’s thinking. If you meet such a person, be sure that he has enormous spiritual power.

And if he came to you on a date, it means that your meeting for him was definitely predetermined by fate. The rings on both fingers of Saturn endow the person with a certain degree of fatalism and a certain detachment from everyday life. A ring on the middle finger increases common sense and helps to overcome life's difficulties, favors devotion, constancy and wisdom, especially if it is made of lead, the metal of Saturn. Small-sized elegant rings indicate a sense of self-esteem, and large ones, on the contrary, are a sign of pride and vanity.

Ring on Apollo's ring finger

Ring finger (Apollo) - Rings on ring finger- naturally, the most popular topic, it will probably be unnecessary to remind you what they put on the finger wedding ring, which means marital status, a person is legally married. This custom first appeared among the ancient Egyptians, who believed that it was from the finger of the Sun that the “flow of love” began, leading directly to the main organ in this sense - the heart. With such thoughts, people wore wedding rings made of a variety of metals. The tradition of giving a spouse a wedding ring has arisen since ancient times, and thus comes down to us, when a girl gets married, she is given a ring - this is a sign of the inviolability of the marriage union - but this is only a sign, in fact, modern world It happens that a sign does not prevent you from cheating on your soul mate, but palmistry allows you to track down phenomena that can be traced along the lines of cheating. But besides the wedding ring, people ennoble their fingers with other rings. A piece of jewelry worn on this finger emphasizes a person’s passion for exquisite things and luxury; the ring on it serves as a guarantee of a heartfelt connection and helps to express oneself.

If a person constantly wears a ring on his ring finger, he strives for pleasure, a pleasant pastime, and sensual pleasures. Rings on both fingers indicate that human life is in a satisfactory position, or at its peak. positive emotions. If the jewelry on the finger is modest and small in size, then it speaks of a balanced, calm and self-confident person. I would especially like to mention female hand when a woman puts on some additional ring over her wedding ring, usually gold, and also with a precious or semiprecious stone. The subconscious meaning of this sign indicates that she wants to emphasize the importance of marriage for her and the desire for its continued retention. On the left hand, a wedding ring is often worn consciously, and usually this sign tells others that “I” am free. Other rings are particularly extravagant, large in size, designed to attract attention to the owner of the hand, and emphasize the individual's desire to be noticed. This may be due to the manifestation of an unstable and easily excitable or psycho-emotional personality, especially if the owner of a huge finger is a man.

Pinky ring

Little finger (Mercury) - The Mercury finger itself personifies its qualities, a cunning, sophisticated mind, a passion for subtle intrigues and pitfalls, and when a person puts a ring on the little finger, it emphasizes the variability of nature, reveals a narcissistic person and detachment. The individual strives for independence, and the material plane is also taken into account; this is a sign of a player in life, and the player does not disdain any opportunity to win, which can be manifested by a love of gambling and a constant readiness for flirtation and coquetry. The meaning of a ring worn on the little finger should most likely be alarming, since it does not promise anything good; the only encouraging thing is that the ring on the little finger can slow down, moderating a person’s aspirations, because fooling one’s head, flirting and constantly telling lies is a characteristic behavior owner of the ring. In many ways, naturally, everything depends on other signs of the hand, a person’s intuition, so you shouldn’t shy away from a person with a ring on his little finger, but when the only ring is on his hand, you should not let your guard down.

Thumb ring

Thumb, since the thumb originates from the Mount of Venus, the rings on thumbs hands deserve special attention. The sign given by the big ringed finger means “I ask for your attention,” I’m coming. According to researchers in this field, the main desire of the owner of such a ring is to assert himself through any possible ways, and in particular sexually. The opinion on this matter has not changed for many centuries. In ancient times, the thumb was considered a symbol of the phallus and they wore various kinds of products and rings on it to protect their masculine power. Ring on thumb reveals an emotional person with enormous energy, capable of saying something that those around him will remember for a long time what they heard, these are basically principled people who will stand their ground, convincing such a person of something, a waste of time. these are stubborn people.

By putting rings on the fingers of a person, a person emphasizes his individuality and the excessive desire of instincts, and the owner of the ring, purely intuitively understanding the problem, strives to curb his ardent temperament with the help of jewelry. So, in fact, we have become familiar with the meaning of rings on the fingers, all that remains is to make a reservation and note that the meaning of a ring “put on” a finger - Not at the behest of a person’s soul, but in size, where it fits, does not in any way coincide with the above material.