As for whether pregnant women can fly on an airplane, no one will give a specific answer. For each expectant mother this issue is resolved individually in accordance with the duration of the “interesting situation”, as well as the peculiarities of its course.

Airplane travel is allowed
vacation air flights how to behave
help fastening a suitcase
Is it dangerous to take in this situation?

  1. Pressure changes - everyone knows that a pregnant woman is very sensitive to pressure changes that are inevitable during a flight. This feeling is most noticeable during takeoff and landing. There is an assumption that such sudden changes can trigger premature birth, but there is no evidence for this. To find out whether you are at risk for this feature, you need to measure the length of the uterus using an ultrasound. Many airlines even prohibit women from flying who may give birth during the flight: pregnant women later, women with multiple pregnancies, as well as those with a history of premature birth.
  2. Lack of oxygen - during the flight, the concentration of oxygen sharply decreases, this is what most expectant mothers are concerned about. They believe that the baby will not have enough air and oxygen starvation will occur. However, according to the Swiss professor, healthy women have nothing to fear. If the expectant mother suffers from anemia, then it is much more difficult for her to endure the flight. Flying for a pregnant woman with severe anemia is strictly prohibited.
  3. Blood stagnation - the formation of blood clots in the veins - is the most serious danger that expectant mothers expose themselves to when sitting motionless on an airplane for several hours. Doctors say that the likelihood of developing thrombosis in pregnant women is almost 5 times higher than in non-pregnant women. That is why it is necessary to follow some recommendations: wear compression stockings, drink more fluids during the flight, do not drink caffeinated drinks, and walk around the cabin for at least 10 minutes/hour.
  4. Exposure to radiation - during flight, the protective layer of the atmosphere is much lower than on the ground, so the likelihood of exposure to radiation is much higher, which can cause various abnormalities in the baby.

The effect of flying on pregnancy

Harm from flying during pregnancy

Doctors express their opinion on why pregnant women should not fly on an airplane. They highlight a whole list of dangers that await the expectant mother.

  1. Fear of heights, pressure changes, excessive nervousness - all this can provoke miscarriage, bleeding or premature birth.
  2. Flights are dangerous because the air in the cabin is dry, heat and, as a result, large moisture losses. This does not have the best effect on the baby. Moreover, during the flight there is a clear lack of oxygen.
  3. There is a huge chance of solar radiation, which is caused by high altitude.
  4. A long flight negatively affects blood circulation, which causes blood stagnation. As a result, the appearance of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.

Effect in early and late stages

There is a lot of controversy surrounding the question of whether pregnant women can fly in the early stages. Some doctors claim that at the beginning of pregnancy it is prohibited to travel by plane, as hormonal changes in the body occur:

  • fatigue increases;
  • health worsens;
  • suffer from constant headaches;
  • nausea.

All this can lead to interruption.

A multi-hour flight will only worsen a woman’s condition and cause:

  • sudden changes in pressure and temperature;
  • will negatively affect the baby's development.

First trimester:

  • there are no special contraindications;
  • doctors only warn about the threat of miscarriage;
  • possible complication of toxicosis.

Second trimester:

  • exactly this best time for flights;
  • there are no contraindications;
  • there are no complications.

Third trimester:

  • flights are not advisable;
  • the body is actively preparing for the upcoming birth;
  • Pressure surges can cause complications.

Until what week can pregnant women fly? The attending physician will tell you after an examination and the woman’s individual characteristics.

Flying while pregnant

Possible dangers and contraindications

Let's take a closer look at whether it is dangerous for pregnant women to travel by plane, and in what cases.

  1. Multiple pregnancy.
  2. It is harmful for a pregnant woman to be on an airplane if she has diabetes or high blood pressure.
  3. The expectant mother experiences placenta previa or bleeding.
  4. There is a predisposition to premature birth.
  5. Thrombosis.
  6. Fetal detachment, uterine tone or other complications of an “interesting position.”
  7. Heart and lung problems.

All doctors, when talking about how long pregnant women can fly, mention up to 36 weeks. After this, it is not recommended to travel at all, as there is a high risk of premature birth.

Women's opinion

Let's look at the reviews of those women who flew pregnant on an airplane and find out how they felt.

Marina Antonova:

For me, the trip to Bulgaria became a landmark. My husband and I decided to go and relax and strengthen our bodies before the hard work ahead. I was 34 weeks pregnant and didn’t know whether flying on an airplane was harmful for pregnant women. We got ready quickly, the gynecologist said that everything was fine, the baby was developing according to the schedule. I survived the flight well. The flight attendant on board explained in detail whether pregnant women could fly on an airplane, after which I even became a little worried, since the testimony was not very flattering. The vacation was great, but we got ready to go back when it was almost 38 weeks. As luck would have it, the weather was unflyable and there were storms, so I asked if it was possible for pregnant women to fly in such a situation. They reassured me and said that this was a common thing, especially since I had to return home immediately. This time I flew with caution, I was very worried, maybe that’s why I started having contractions right in the air. My husband calmed me down and reminded me about breathing exercises. I focused on breathing and tried not to think about the upcoming birth. Fortunately, there was no need to give birth on board. Called straight to the airport ambulance, and I gave birth to our “pilot” 8 hours later.

Veronica Portyanaya:

We went to visit relatives in America when I was 12 weeks pregnant. The gynecologist examined me and told me from what month I can fly - after 12 weeks. Since I’m afraid of everything in life, before the flight I went online to read whether it was possible to fly in the second trimester. I didn’t find any obvious contraindications, but I remembered all the suggested recommendations. On board I tried not to be nervous and took a book with me to distract myself. The flight went well, I felt a little nauseous, but these are minor things. We rested and went home full of impressions. The flight back went unnoticed, especially since I no longer doubted that pregnant women could fly on an airplane. Therefore, I can confidently say that you can fly in the second trimester if there are no contraindications.

You have planned a trip, and decided to replace the many-hour journey by train or bus with an air flight, but you still doubt whether it is possible to fly while pregnant. An airplane during pregnancy is a controversial issue; there are arguments both for and against this type of transport. In addition to the psychological fear of flying, there are also certain medical contraindications, which we will now look into.

Main contraindications to flying during pregnancy

  • Gestational age. Half of all airlines in the world prohibit flights for pregnant women at 36 weeks or more; they also call women with multiple pregnancies from 34 weeks persona non grata. The remaining 50% of companies will require you to have a doctor's authorization and an exchange card;

And, for example, the American airline Virgindin will let you board the plane after 34 weeks, but only accompanied by an obstetrician.

Flying on an airplane when you are 7 months pregnant is another nuance: although carriers do not indicate this period as a contraindication, there is a risk, and it is better to postpone flying.

  • Risk of miscarriage. Regardless of the stage of pregnancy, if there is a threat of premature birth, you will be strongly advised to refuse air travel, as well as the longest trip;
  • Uterine tone. A flight with pressure changes and jolts is not the best way to spend time if you have uterine tone. In addition, in the aircraft cabin you will be constantly in a sitting position, which can also negatively affect your overall well-being;
  • Discharge. Bloody discharge is another taboo for flying; airline staff, of course, have an idea about childbirth, but helping in case of bleeding or performing a blood transfusion in the air is simply not realistic. But about how to behave if you start bleeding while you are on the ground, read the article Brown discharge during pregnancy >>>;
  • Condition of the placenta. If your attending physician has voiced a problem with placental abruption, or low placental capacity, then the plane is contraindicated for you;
  • Anemia. You will definitely encounter the problem of iron deficiency during pregnancy, but all this can be solved with the help of a certain diet or taking special medications. IN in this case We are talking about the 3rd degree of anemia, since there is a risk of oxygen starvation, the amount of hemoglobin that binds oxygen is low, therefore, additional load will greatly aggravate the situation. Read more about anemia during pregnancy >>>;
  • Toxicosis. If you are still allowed on board the plane with toxicosis in the first weeks of pregnancy (about what it is and how you can fight it, read the article Nausea during pregnancy >>>), then late gestosis will bring an unpleasant surprise - it will list of contraindications;
  • Pressure. Turbulence zones, air pockets, constant changes pressure is a serious test for a healthy person, but if you experience pressure surges, then flights during pregnancy should be postponed;
  • Artificial insemination. During pregnancy resulting from artificial insemination, air travel is not advisable;
  • Fetal position. If the baby is in the wrong position at the end of pregnancy, then you need to refuse the plane;
  • Vaccination passport. Please pay attention to the country you are flying to regarding mandatory vaccination requirements. It is extremely undesirable to get vaccinated in the first trimester, and vaccinations such as typhoid and malaria should not be done at all during pregnancy;
  • Individual contraindications. In any case, before planning a plane flight, you will consult with your doctor, and if there is the slightest threat, you should reschedule the trip to another time, perhaps already in the postpartum period.

Air travel is most beneficial during pregnancy in the second trimester (article on the topic: 2nd trimester of pregnancy >>>), namely from 14 to 28 weeks. If you have decided to travel and have not found any contraindications, then listen to these tips on how to make your flight comfortable:

  1. Place. Economy class on an airplane is definitely not for you, but if there is no other choice, then choose seats at the front of the cabin in the first row. This way you will have the opportunity to stretch your legs, in addition, the air here is cleaner, since it comes from the nose of the plane;
  2. Nutrition. You know about harmful foods, so before the flight this menu is taboo for you. You can and even need to drink, but only mineral water without gas or purified, green tea. Eat small portions and drink more - these are the main recommendations;

If you have doubts about the correctness of your nutrition during pregnancy, pay attention to our book Secrets of proper nutrition for the expectant mother >>>

  1. Walks. Every hour you need to stretch a little and walk around the aircraft cabin, for example, to the toilet;
  2. Equipment. You'll need comfortable shoes that can be easily removed, natural clothing made of several layers, a pillow for moving or a special device for pregnant women;
  3. First aid kit. You should have all the necessary medications at hand, in addition, take a mask, who knows, maybe there will be a sneezing neighbor nearby. You will need to rinse your nose from time to time saline solution, since there may be discomfort from too dry air in the cabin;
  4. Exchange card. Take an exchange card with you on the road; it may be required on the plane, or you may need it to get permission from a gynecologist for a flight on the way home;
  5. Additional Information. If you decide to fly on your own or only children are traveling with you, be sure to write down in a notebook all the necessary information regarding the place where you are going with the phone numbers of your family or friends. Extra precautions won't hurt.

Psychological attitude

Aerophobia is not a fiction, but a real fear that prevents 20% of people from enjoying flying. If you are among them, then you cannot do without psychological training, since your fear will be fully felt by the child.

Myths and reality regarding flights

You've probably heard a lot scary stories associated with an airplane in the early stages of pregnancy or in the prenatal period. Let’s discard items with contraindications when horror stories may well become reality, and consider standard situations:

  • Baggage. You understand that in your position there can be no question of any hardships, so carefully plan who will accompany and meet you, and do not hesitate to ask for help: no one will refuse you with your belly;
  • X-ray exposure. You are required to go through a metal detector, but you should not be afraid of it. It works on a magnetic field, and even a weak one, and there are no X-rays in modern equipment. Also, read the article

We all often fly on airplanes - on a business trip, to visit, on vacation. This event is common for most people and, as a rule, does not evoke any emotions. Some people get stuffy ears during takeoff and landing, others feel a little nauseous. This condition passes quickly, leaving no consequences.

The possibility of flying is different for pregnant women. Especially if the birth of a child is long-awaited event, and the expectant mother is anxious about her well-being, afraid of losing her baby. When pregnancy has only recently begun, and the woman has not had time to consult a gynecologist, the flight raises concerns. For such mothers, we will answer whether it is possible to fly in the early stages of pregnancy.

Flying during pregnancy

If a woman feels well during pregnancy, pregnancy proceeds without complications, and you can fly on airplanes. There are no irreparable consequences.

But there are contraindications for flying in this condition. Therefore, it is necessary to go to the doctor before the flight and undergo an examination. Most often, it will be enough to do an ultrasound and clinical tests.

You cannot fly in the following cases:

  • The pregnant woman began to have slight bloody or bloody discharge, and her lower abdomen hurts, which indicates a threat of miscarriage.
  • Suspicion of placental abruption.
  • Functional disorders internal organs pregnancy-related (preeclampsia and preeclampsia). Frequent symptoms are the occurrence of edema, increased blood pressure, and the presence of protein in the urine.
  • Bleeding. At the very beginning, you need to call an ambulance.
  • Severe anemia, in which there is an acute lack of hemoglobin in the blood.

In the absence of these symptoms during pregnancy, a woman can fly on airplanes with the same restrictions as women in the normal state. A flying passenger of any gender should not suffer from exacerbation of chronic diseases. Also, passengers at altitude increase the risk of thromboembolism; drying of the mucous membranes of the throat and nose can occur. Due to the large number of people on board, there is a danger of contracting an infectious disease transmitted by coughing, sneezing, or simply by talking. This danger also threatens when traveling on the subway, when visiting shops, cinemas, and so on.

If a woman during pregnancy takes measures to avoid contracting an infection and adheres to the flight rules, she can fly on an airplane without fear.

If the flight is for the purpose of relaxing at sea, in the fresh air, this pastime will benefit both mother and child.

The World Health Organization has issued clear recommendations on contraindications to air travel for women during pregnancy. Experts from this organization do not advise flying in the following cases:

  1. The gestation period is more than 36 weeks, when the mother is expecting one baby.
  2. The pregnancy period is more than 32 weeks, when a woman should give birth to twins.
  3. Flights are prohibited in the 1st week after the birth of the child.
  4. Pregnancy comes with complications. Toxicosis is also a complication.

Doctors prohibit flying with placenta previa - when the placenta partially or completely covers the uterine os. The symptom may be bleeding without accompanying pain. You are not allowed to fly if you have preeclampsia or severe anemia. With such complications, you cannot fly in any life situation. The risk for the woman and the fetus is too great.

There are situations when, in urgent need, flights are allowed. But a woman should be careful as there is some risk of miscarriage.

  • There is a threat of premature birth or miscarriage.
  • Placental abruption is possible.
  • Moderate anemia was diagnosed.
  • Non-standard structure of the placenta, its low location in the mother’s body.
  • The position of the fetus from the 28th to the 40th week differs from normal.
  • Second half of pregnancy when expecting twins.
  • Vaginal discharge with blood at any stage.
  • Carrying out a biopsy a week - 10 days before the flight and other methods of invasive examination.
  • Severe toxicosis with uncontrollable vomiting.
  • Swelling, increased blood pressure.
  • Thrombophlebitis before pregnancy.
  • Suspicion of diabetes mellitus.
  • Constant increase in blood pressure.
  • Insufficiency of the cervix, leading to spontaneous miscarriages.
  • Infectious diseases in pregnant women.
  • Chronic diseases in the acute stage.
  • Pregnancy achieved through artificial insemination.
  • Previously operated uterus.

If you have the above conditions, you can fly only if absolutely necessary.

Risks of air travel

However, it is not only a serious condition that prohibits flights for women during pregnancy. Doctors are also worried about their patient because this flight can affect not only the well-being of the mother, but also the baby itself. Let's consider what causes a negative attitude among specialists towards this method of transportation and what can be expected.

Pressure drops

Pregnant women acutely feel pressure changes environment. This is understandable, since changes in pressure can have a tonic effect on the uterus and cause premature birth.

The uterus is especially sensitive during takeoff and landing. And during these periods, the mother develops an unaccountable instinctive fear, because she understands that in the event of a birth on an airplane, there will be no obstetrician or pediatric intensive care specialists nearby, and it is difficult to predict how an important event for her will end.

Regarding turbulence zones, it can be noted that shaking and swaying of an airplane can cause discomfort to both an ordinary passenger and a pregnant woman. This may cause nausea, dizziness, and vomiting. But they will not bring significant harm to a pregnant woman and her fetus.

You can calculate the likelihood of premature birth using an ultrasound examination. This is affected by the length of the cervix. The doctor will tell the pregnant woman whether she should take the risk.

In addition, it is not for nothing that some airlines have introduced restrictions on the transportation of women in the later stages of pregnancy and on those women who have suffered premature birth before. Apparently there have already been unpleasant incidents.

Lack of oxygen

Women with a baby in the womb are afraid that when they fly to high altitudes, the plane will have less oxygen than their fetus needs. Swiss scientists conducted research and found that mild hypoxia (lack of oxygen in the mother’s blood) for a short time does not have a negative effect on the development of the embryo. Moms don't have to worry. But this only applies to healthy pregnant women. If a pregnant woman suffers from anemia, it is extremely important for her to constantly inhale a sufficient amount of oxygen.

Probability of thrombosis and thromboembolism

The risk of developing thrombosis (blood clots in the deep veins) increases significantly even during a normal flight lasting more than 4 hours. In pregnant women it increases 5 times. And if you look at the statistics, thromboembolism even on earth occurs more often in women expecting a child than in people in normal conditions.

To avoid this complication, you must follow several rules during flight:

  1. Do exercises for the legs - strain and relax the muscles of the legs alternately for 10 minutes per hour.
  2. Drink water or juice more often, give up coffee.
  3. Every hour, walk around the salon for 10 minutes.
  4. Put on anti-varicose compression stockings in advance, designed to prevent the disease.

If the expectant mother has prerequisites for the disease - excess weight (close to 100 kg), carrying twins, she must undergo medical training before the flight. The doctor will prescribe you the necessary drug intramuscularly, which is administered only 1 time. You can start taking 75 mg Aspirin on your own a few days before the flight, but this is less effective protection.


On earth at sea level, everyone is exposed to cosmic radiation, but people are protected from it by a thick layer of atmosphere. However, each person receives as many x-rays per year as if examined with 2 x-rays.

At the altitude of the aircraft, the layer of atmosphere is much smaller, and there is less protection from radiation. But research by scientists says that during a 7-hour flight at a normal airplane altitude, passengers receive 2.5 times less x-rays than in a clinic during a chest examination. This dose of x-ray does not affect the development of the fetus of the expectant mother. Although pilots who are constantly in the air receive as many X-rays as if they were working in an area of ​​increased radiation.

The metal detector frame at the airport, which protects passengers from terrorist attacks, operates using a very weak magnetic field, which has no effect on health.

Dry air on an airplane

Air that is too dry during a flight can cause dehydration. This is very easy to avoid. Every hour you need to drink half a liter of still water or juice. Tea and coffee will not help with dehydration.

The lack of moisture in the air also dries out the mucous membranes of the nose and throat. Swelling of the mucous membrane may appear, making breathing difficult. To combat this phenomenon, you need to moisten the mucous membrane with a solution sea ​​salt in water (Aqua-Maris), instill vasoconstrictor drops into the nose, wipe your face with a damp cloth. Antihistamines will help against edema, which must be prescribed by a doctor in advance (Suprastin and others).

Infectious danger

Since people who suffer from acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections and other diseases transmitted by droplets often fly on an airplane, they exhale their bacteria and viruses into the aircraft cabin. Bacteria also accumulate in cabin air conditioners, the filters of which are not changed before every flight. Therefore, pregnant women with weakened immune systems are advised to take protective measures against infection - wear a medical mask over their nose and mouth.

How to behave in flight?

Preparing for a flight for a pregnant woman should begin on the ground with a visit to the doctor. If the doctor has approved the flight, you must:

  • Dress in comfortable, non-constricting clothes and shoes without heels that you can put on and take off without using your hands, without bending over.
  • Wear anti-varicose socks or stockings on your feet.
  • Cover your nose and mouth with a medical bandage to prevent infections.
  • Take your time when entering the salon, be the last one to enter.
  • Do not sit cross-legged.
  • Do exercises for the muscles of the legs.
  • Drink half a liter of water or juice every hour.
  • After every 50 minutes, walk around the salon for 10 minutes.
  • When the pilot asks you to fasten your seat belt, fasten it under your stomach.
  • If you have the financial means, fly business class.
  • Take small pillows on the flight that you can place under your back to create the most comfortable position for yourself.
  • Take drops and nasal spray (Aqua Maris, Glazolin, etc.) on the flight.
  • Buy and take wet wipes on the flight.
  • Ask your doctor in advance to prescribe a motion sickness remedy for pregnant women and take it with you.
  • To prevent blocked ears during takeoff and landing, buy and take lollipops with you.
  • Do not drink coffee or tea.
  • Don’t forget your exchange card, which shows your gestational age, blood type, and Rh factor. Place it next to you on the plane along with the phone number of relatives to contact in case of pregnancy complications.

By taking these precautions, you can fly on vacation. Breathing iodized air and swimming in the warm sea is beneficial for mother and baby.

When is the best time to fly?

Flying in the early stages of pregnancy is fraught with trouble. It is recommended to travel from the 4th to the 6th month of pregnancy. At this time, miscarriage is least likely.

There is also advice from doctors when it is not necessary to fly on an airplane - this is from 3 to 7 weeks, from 9 to 12, from 18 to 22. It is also not worth planning a flight on those days when a woman would have her period during the period of non-pregnancy. Such periods are associated with the development of the baby’s internal organs and life support systems - circulatory, nervous, bone, endocrine. If the flight affects the formation of organs that will not develop properly, a miscarriage may occur.

Doctors consider flying in the last three months of pregnancy possible. But some airlines, whose employees do not want to deliver babies in the air, often require women more than 28 weeks pregnant to provide a certificate from a gynecologist stating that she is not at risk of premature birth.

To reassure women, it is still worth clarifying that flight attendants are taught to deliver babies, although they are not too willing to do this.

Flying during pregnancy worries all expectant mothers. The answer from gynecologists is always the same: “No negative impact of flights on the fetus has been identified, but the individual characteristics of the pregnant woman must be taken into account.” Let's try to figure out this issue ourselves, taking into account the experience of airline workers and expectant mothers who flew on different periods pregnancy.

Horror stories for pregnant women or warnings?

When it comes to pregnancy, the expectant mother begins to be frightened from all sides with stories about the possible loss of the child. Such horror stories were not spared from air travel. People believe that as a result of flights, the number of miscarriages, premature births, and children with developmental disabilities increases. In addition, there is no qualified medical assistance on the plane, which can lead, in the event of an unforeseen situation, to death for both mother and child.

Due to recent events, flying during pregnancy can result in an accident, explosion, terrorist attack, or premature birth in a foreign country, as a result of which the child becomes a foreigner. But you will read the same horror stories not only about air travel, but also about traveling by any type of transport (train, commuter train, bus, car, ship).

Still, pregnancy is a normal state of a woman, not a disease. Now the ecology is completely different, so doctors focus on the fact that in our time such a phenomenon as maintaining pregnancy has become the norm. Therefore, any factor can provoke the threat of miscarriage, not just air travel.

Pregnancy and plane travel: what causes miscarriages

Let's look at each horror story in more detail. Firstly, the threat of miscarriage exists at any stage of pregnancy. And regardless of flights. The riskiest period is the first trimester (up to 12 weeks), when the threat of miscarriage is primarily provoked by genetic factors. In addition to hereditary factors, miscarriage can be caused by stress, bad habits (alcohol, smoking, drugs), physical trauma, and sexual intercourse.

Consequently, it is not the plane that causes the threat of miscarriage, but the internal state of the pregnant woman. Any woman who has been kept in hospital knows very well that miscarriage is caused by increased uterine tone. And the tone can be increased by any strong experiences (both joyful and negative), anxiety, stroking the stomach, fatigue, and physical stress.

Travel tolls, hassle at the airport, fear on the plane, stress, anxiety - and as a result, miscarriages occur and a frozen pregnancy occurs. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid stressful situations as much as possible: do not stand in line at the airport, go through a manual search, consult a doctor about sedatives, follow safety rules. Then air travel during pregnancy will be the most relaxing and safe.

And one more thing: if there is tension in the lower abdomen, lingering pain, or bleeding, then you need to call a flight attendant for help, take a lying position so that your legs are at height, and use the medications recommended by the doctor.

Premature birth

Judging by world statistics, about 7 children are born on airplanes every year. Some women give birth in flight due to changes in pressure, others when landing in a foreign country due to climatic conditions. The causes of premature birth remain the same: fear of flying, stress and the peculiarities of the flight.

Every passenger knows that at altitude on an airplane, pressure increases, the amount of oxygen decreases, and movement is limited. It is these features that can lead to premature birth due to the fact that the baby does not receive oxygen, and the risk of thrombosis, placental abruption, and rupture of water increases. The baby feels uncomfortable and begins to knock hard on the stomach, as a result of which the pregnant woman begins to panic, and as a result, labor may begin.

Therefore, a long flight during pregnancy can worsen a woman's condition. But you should not blame only airplanes for premature birth, since there can be many reasons for deterioration: genital infections, isthmic-cervical insufficiency, placental abruption, polyhydramnios, varicose veins, preeclampsia, multiple pregnancies, large fetus, improper diligence of the child, defects in the development of the baby , physical and mental fatigue, stress, poor nutrition, age of the pregnant woman (before 18 years and after 40 years).

Birth of children with developmental disabilities

Doctors have not identified the effect of flights on pregnancy and the development of congenital defects in the fetus. However, there are stories among pregnant women about women giving birth to children with developmental disabilities on airplanes. Their justification comes down to the allegedly increased level of radiation in the cabin. However, developmental deviations cannot appear in a child during one flight. The fact is that congenital defects form in the first trimester of pregnancy due to hereditary and acquired factors.

In the first case, we are talking about hereditary diseases (mutations, hernias, cleft upper lip or palate, heart disease, polydactyly, etc.), the second refers to an unhealthy lifestyle (alcohol, drugs, nicotine, taking medications without a doctor), working with chemicals and radiation, ionizing radiation.

At an altitude of 10 kilometers, the radiation level is up to 200 μR/h, which is tens of times higher than on earth. However, do not forget that the skin of the aircraft absorbs most of the radiation, and 5 times less radioactive particles reach the cabin. This amount is completely safe, since in a year of flights you can only gain half a roentgen.

In fact, pilots need to fly 700 hours a year to reach a dangerous dose (1.5 roentgens). Ordinary citizens cannot afford that much air travel. But do not forget that pregnant flight attendants are already prohibited from flying at 12 weeks of pregnancy, and some airlines immediately transfer them to ground work.

About the qualifications of flight attendants

Lack of timely medical care can lead to death. Passengers point out to pregnant women that not all planes have flight attendants with obstetric knowledge. Nowadays, this is a true warning, but if the expectant mother is going to fly, then she should inquire about all the details in advance and choose the most reliable airline.

Reputable aircraft have at least one flight attendant with minimal obstetric knowledge, which means that if childbirth is complicated, he may not provide appropriate assistance. However, not all employees have experience and may become confused during childbirth. Even in Soviet times, Honored Obstetrician-Gynecologist V.N. Serov emphasized that the birth of a newborn on an airplane and other extreme conditions is fraught with complications for the child and the woman in labor.

Firstly, a pregnant woman is not focused on labor. Secondly, there are no conditions for childbirth (passengers are usually asked to vacate the first seats). Thirdly, the risk of diseases in a newborn increases due to violation of sanitary and hygienic standards. And fourthly, passengers and employees of the aircraft also experience enormous stress. Therefore, both doctors and airlines prohibit women from flying in late stages of pregnancy.

Plane crashes, terrorist attacks. Birth of a foreigner

It is irrational to talk about plane crashes and terrorist attacks. These phenomena are inherent in any type of transport, and even pedestrians get into accidents more often than plane crashes. The main causes of plane crashes are weather conditions (fog, heavy precipitation, mountainous terrain), faulty instruments, and human factor (piloting errors). In any case, world statistics say that for every 1.2 million flights there is one plane crash. So the plane is the safest transport today.

Now let's talk about horror stories about the birth of a child in a foreign country, whose authorities do not give him back to his mother. These myths were taken from television programs where pregnant women flew for long periods of time. Therefore, many Russian and foreign airlines allow flights during the 7th month of pregnancy only with a full set of documents and the presence of a doctor.

As for the birth of a child in another country, according to the law, its registration takes place at the place of residence of the parents or at the registry office located nearby. But even in this case, the address of the parents is indicated as the place of residence, and an extract from the hospital is attached to the document.

Bureaucratic problems for a pregnant woman may arise due to the lack of documents (exchange card, prenatal certificate, certificate from a gynecologist). However, most foreign airlines care about their reputation and try to quickly and peacefully resolve all troubles.

Basic flight rules for pregnant women

When planning a flight during pregnancy, you should keep in mind that each airline has a number of rules regarding this. As a standard, the expectant mother will be required to provide a certificate from a gynecologist about the duration of pregnancy and permission to fly (for a period of no more than 7 days), as well as an exchange card.

In the absence of these documents, a pregnant woman must obtain clearance from a gynecologist located at the airport and write a document waiving claims against the airline in the event of unforeseen situations (childbirth, miscarriage, deterioration of the child’s or mother’s condition).

Many airlines refuse to allow pregnant women to fly. More often, a flight at 34 weeks of pregnancy becomes possible if you have the required documents and an accompanying obstetrician. Russian Aeroflot allows air travel when there are still 4 weeks left before the due date.

Please note that a pregnant woman has the right not to stand in line during registration, not to go through customs, but to undergo a manual inspection. It's best to ask for an aisle seat in business class or the first row, closest to the exit. Firstly, you can stretch your legs there, secondly, it’s closer to the toilet, thirdly, you don’t disturb anyone during frequent movements, fourthly, oxygen flows from the head of the aircraft to the tail compartment.

At what time is it undesirable to fly?

Remember that flying in the first trimester of pregnancy is undesirable due to the risk of miscarriage. The fact is that during this period hormonal changes occur in the woman’s body. She already feels bad because of toxicosis, heartburn, pain, constant mood swings, pressure surges, and here she will have to fly on an airplane where there is not enough oxygen, atmospheric pressure increases, dry air and there is no opportunity to move freely.

The best time to fly is in the second trimester of pregnancy, when the expectant mother feels well. Here doctors emphasize that flying is possible for pregnant women who have already flown before, have not experienced the fear of airplanes, and for whom the entire first trimester passed without complications. In other cases, it is better to refrain from air travel.

In the third trimester, gynecologists also prohibit flying to eliminate the risk of premature birth. Airlines also do not allow a pregnant woman on board a plane from 34-36 weeks without the accompaniment of an obstetrician. Alas, the birth of a child becomes a huge stress for the crew and passengers, and a very risky undertaking for mother and baby.

Flying during pregnancy: reviews from pregnant mothers on different lines

Recently, more and more pregnant women are appearing who like to lead an active lifestyle and want to give birth in an unusual place. This is why many women hide their position in the last stages of pregnancy in order to get on the plane. Let us analyze in more detail the condition of the pregnant woman and child during the flight based on reviews from experienced travelers.

Most women endured a flight in the first week of pregnancy, not realizing their piquant situation. Most of the sad stories of miscarriages occur at 6-12 weeks, when active hormonal changes begin in the female body.

Expectant mothers who flew in the second trimester did not notice any negative consequences for your health or your baby. Women flying in the third trimester talk about different situations: about wonderful rest and well-being, about successful premature birth, but also about complications and troubles.

Women who have traveled during the 10th week of pregnancy, as well as 24-26, 34-36 weeks, are recommended to refrain from air travel in the first and third trimester and always follow safety rules.

Safety rules during the flight:


As you can see, pregnancy and air travel are incompatible for women who have contraindications: threat of miscarriage; anemia; diabetes; Congenital heart defect; asthma; high water; multiple pregnancy; low fetal diligence; large fruit; abnormalities of the placenta; pregnancy through IVF; hypertension; toxicosis; seam from caesarean section; chronic diseases; defects in the fetus.

If a woman’s pregnancy progresses through all stages of pregnancy without complications, but she has never flown on an airplane, then it is better to refrain from flying. For most people, the first flight is accompanied by incredible stress, fear, anxiety and pressure surges.

Thus, flying during pregnancy is not prohibited if the woman feels great, has no contraindications or complications, and can tolerate air travel. Remember that the expectant mother is responsible for her child. Flying and changing climatic conditions can become new stress for a pregnant woman and child, which can lead to dire consequences.

Today it is difficult to imagine life without air travel. Active, successful women, for whom travel and flights are commonplace. Some people want to travel often, others want to visit relatives who live far away. But when pregnancy occurs, the time comes for such women to think for two.

And the question naturally arises: is it possible for pregnant women to fly on an airplane? How will air travel affect the child, what are the restrictions for pregnant women, what is the safest time to fly for both mother and fetus.

Is it safe to fly on an airplane?

Many people believe that air travel is unsafe for expectant mothers. And there really are reasons. You just need to figure out which of the arguments are true and which are false, far-fetched, and have no basis in reality.

Pressure changes as a risk of premature birth.

At the moment of takeoff and descent of the aircraft, pressure surges are most noticeable by humans. And a woman in a position who has a double burden on cardiovascular system, the more he feels it. There are several studies by foreign authors about the risk for expectant mothers of such pressure surges. Moreover, the conclusions from the results of these studies contradict each other.

Some argue that sudden surges in pressure lead to contraction of the uterine muscles and, consequently, to premature birth. Others argue that birth rates ahead of schedule is the same both on the ground and high above it.

This question is so controversial because each individual case has its own predisposing factors to the premature birth of a child. And pressure surges during flight can serve as a trigger for the implementation of these predisposing factors. This is precisely why many airlines will not allow a pregnant woman to board a plane without a doctor’s authorization certificate.

Ionizing radiation.

The upper ozone-containing layer of the atmosphere protects the earth from radiation. This is the so-called ozone screen, located at an altitude of 20-25 kilometers above the earth. It blocks ionizing radiation from space. And that part of cosmic radiation that passed through the ozone screen gradually decreases on its way to the earth's surface.

Since airplanes fly at a decent altitude (about 10 thousand meters), they are more susceptible to this radiation. But the doses received by infrequent plane guests are negligible and cannot negatively affect the course of pregnancy.

But for people regularly on board an airplane (pilots, flight attendants), this radiation is very dangerous. The Americans even have a study that proves high probability frozen pregnancy in flight attendants and female pilots.

Another common concern for pregnant women is having to go through a metal detector. In fact, the operation of such a frame is based on a weak magnetic field. Thus, passing through such a frame is absolutely safe for both an ordinary person and pregnant women.

In this regard, being near a mobile phone or having electrical appliances, including a TV, in the bedroom is more dangerous, since such devices also create magnetic fields, and their effect on a pregnant woman is much longer.

Deep vein thrombosis of the extremities.

Pregnant women with prolonged uncomfortable positions are at risk of developing blood clots in the vessels of the extremities. During pregnancy, blood thickens, especially in the later stages. This occurs largely in order to minimize blood loss during childbirth.

Thus, the concentration of blood factors responsible for coagulation is higher, which causes the formation of blood clots. The consequences of this are dire, and, as a rule, occur with lightning speed.

Women who have prerequisites for developing or already have varicose veins should be especially careful in this regard. Wear during flight compression stockings with a preventive degree of compression is mandatory for such women.

During long flights, a pregnant woman needs to get up at least every hour and walk around the cabin for a few minutes. You can stretch the calf muscles of your lower leg while sitting or pull the toe of your foot towards you and away from you.

Risk of viral infection.

Given that a pregnant woman’s immunity is suppressed, she is at risk of contracting a viral infection. And not only because of the crowding of people on board the plane.

As a rule, the air on board is purified by filters, which in turn are capable of accumulating viruses, bacteria, and fungi over the entire period of operation. All this “live life” accumulated over more than one flight will circulate freely in the air during the flight. If you often suffer from viral infections during pregnancy and realize that the immune system does not give adequate resistance, protect yourself with a gauze mask during the flight.

It is also important to note that the air in the aircraft cabin is dry. This circumstance makes the nasopharyngeal mucosa even more vulnerable and unprotected to viruses. To moisturize the nasal mucosa, you can use special sprays based on sea water or a simple saline solution (plain salt water, 0.9 grams table salt per 100 grams of water).

It is also often said that a pregnant woman on board an airplane is at risk of dehydration. Again, due to the dry air on the plane. The risk, so to speak, is small, since the person will not be in a confined space without access to water and food. People in need of additional drink can in any case ask the flight attendant for water.

In this regard, you should not drink diuretic drinks before and during the flight (coffee, carbonated sweet drinks). It is worth limiting not only when flying.

Also, the fact that you are allowed on board the plane with a limited supply of liquid should not come as a surprise to you.

Lack of oxygen.

The oxygen concentration in the atmosphere is reduced at altitude. This also applies to the air on board the aircraft. Scientists investigated how such a reduced oxygen content in the air would affect the condition of the fetus.

Cardiotocography (CTG) data confirmed that such a lack of oxygen does not lead to hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the fetus. The thing is that with a non-critical lack of oxygen in the body of the expectant mother, compensatory mechanisms are triggered, which allow the child’s organs and tissues to receive oxygen in the required volume.

It is worth mentioning that there are maternal conditions in which fetal hypoxia can actually develop during a flight (severe anemia, feto-placental insufficiency). These pathologies are absolute contraindications to flying for expectant mothers.

Anxiety and anxiety.

During pregnancy, a woman’s psycho-emotional state is already at a special level. And during the flight, unrest can further destabilize the condition of a woman who is in an interesting position. For especially impressionable people, it is possible to take sedatives in advance, approved by your doctor.

Motion sickness, feeling unwell.

In principle, flying on an airplane is always accompanied by some unpleasant symptoms (nausea, headache, dizziness, vomiting, ear congestion). But for a pregnant woman this issue is especially relevant.

In the first half of pregnancy, women may experience such manifestations, and this is considered absolutely normal. But during the flight, these symptoms may appear with new strength, which is undoubtedly unpleasant, but not dangerous. Unless we are talking about uncontrollable vomiting, which, without replenishing the water balance, can lead to dehydration of the expectant mother’s body.

In any case, if you have such a problem even in any ground transport, you should think about the advisability of such a trip on an airplane. And when there is a really urgent need for such a flight, they can come to the rescue medications from motion sickness. Be sure to consult your doctor about possible contraindications for these medications for you.

What is the best time to fly?

The safest and most favorable period of pregnancy for air travel is the second trimester (3-6 months of pregnancy). During this period (from the 14th to the 27th week), the problems of the first trimester associated with toxicosis, as a rule, are already behind us. Almost all the main organs and systems of the fetus are formed, and the threat of termination of pregnancy at this stage is minimal. It is important that the build of a pregnant woman at this stage still allows her to lead a fairly active lifestyle.

After what week can the airline require a doctor's certificate?

As a rule, women under 28 weeks of pregnancy are not asked for permission from a gynecologist when boarding an airplane. But you should have a document confirming your gestational age at hand.

After 28 weeks and before 36 weeks of pregnancy expectant mother You will be allowed on the plane only after presenting a certificate from your attending physician stating that there are no contraindications for the flight.

From the 36th week of pregnancy, flights for women preparing to become mothers are prohibited.

These conditions are generally accepted, but some airlines introduce their own rules. You can find out more about them on the website of the airline of your choice or by calling the information numbers of your carrier company.

Contraindications to air travel for expectant mothers.

Experts distinguish absolute and relative contraindications.

The absolute ones include:

  • complete placenta previa (the placenta is in the path of the fetus during childbirth);
  • severe anemia (hemoglobin below 70 g/l);
  • preeclampsia (a combination of pathological edema, high blood pressure, and the presence of protein in the urine).

In the presence of the pathologies described above, air travel can lead to disastrous consequences.

Relative contraindications do not exclude, in case of urgent need, the possibility of flying by plane during periods of pregnancy favorable for this.

If there are relative contraindications, doctors recommend that a pregnant woman avoid flying by plane if possible. But it happens that a woman is observed in a foreign clinic, and she must arrive in another country for the birth. Such a flight is possible, but only if certain rules of caution are observed during this period. Discuss these rules with your doctor.

Relative contraindications:

  • threat of miscarriage, history of premature birth (bloody discharge, suspicion of placental abruption, isthmic-cervical insufficiency - incomplete closure of the cervix and isthmus of the uterus);
  • abnormalities in the structure and location of the placenta;
  • severe toxicosis, gestosis;
  • uncompensated concomitant pathology of the pregnant woman (diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, acute viral diseases);
  • breech presentation of the fetus after the 28th week of gestation;
  • after 26 obstetric week in case of multiple pregnancy.

Rules for a comfortable flight for pregnant women.

A pregnant woman should think about the safety of her trip in advance. First of all, it is worth checking (even before booking trips and tickets) with your doctor about possible contraindications for air travel for you. If you do not have such contraindications, then it would be a good idea to immediately obtain a certificate (maximum 7 days before the flight) from a gynecologist about permission to fly.

Be careful, when booking tickets, check with your airline about their rules for transporting women in an “interesting” position. These rules may vary from carrier to carrier.

Most airlines will not allow such a woman to board the plane without a certificate from the attending physician. Some companies require a certificate only from specialists from the medical center of the same airline (for example, Lufthansa). Other requirements are also possible. So it’s worth finding out about them in advance. You may have to make a choice about which airline you will fly with.

Even if your build does not yet indicate that you are pregnant, the certificate will allow you to avoid unnecessary questions during the inspection. If the belly is of a decent size, you will need to confirm the duration of your pregnancy with a certificate to prove permission to fly at this stage of pregnancy.

You must also have an exchange card with you with the obligatory indication of your blood type and contact details of your next of kin. Medical documents must be in a visible place. Then, in the event of an emergency, you will receive help faster.

So, when traveling by air from medical documents you will need:

  • a certificate with permission to fly from a gynecologist indicating the duration of pregnancy;
  • pregnant woman exchange card.

When booking plane tickets it costs:

  • Choose a seat in the first row, on the edge of the aisle. The reasons for this recommendation: air circulation in the cabin goes from the nose to the tail of the plane - it is easier for a pregnant woman to breathe; there is more space in the first row - you can take a comfortable position; you will have to get up often - an aisle seat will allow you to do this without disturbing others;
  • If your financial opportunity allows, it is better to buy a ticket to business class, where the seats are more spacious and comfortable, and the aisles are wide.

Preparing for the flight:

  • choose clothes that are comfortable, do not restrict movement, and allow the body to breathe;
  • Choose shoes that can be put on and taken off without bending or bending down. Moreover, the shoes should be such that even if your feet swell during the flight, so that you can put them on;
  • Take small inflatable pillows to the salon. They will allow you to relax the muscles of the neck and lower back as much as possible, and take a comfortable position;
  • take with you mint or sour candies, which can combat these symptoms in case of motion sickness or stuffy ears;
  • It is better to drink regular drinking or mineral water without gas;
  • wear special stockings with a prophylactic level of compression to prevent blood clots.

What should you not do during a flight?

  • sit for a long time or be in a position that impedes blood circulation and lymphatic drainage from the lower extremities and pelvic organs (for example, leg over leg);
  • do not fasten your seat belt (you need to fasten it under your tummy);
  • drink diuretic drinks before landing and during the flight (coffee, sweet drinks, green tea).

What medical supplies can you take with you for a comfortable flight?

On the flight you need to take:

  • medications approved during pregnancy (Avia-sea) to prevent or reduce symptoms of motion sickness;
  • gauze mask for prevention viral infection, for the same purpose, enter the aircraft cabin last;
  • saline solution in the form of an aerosol to eliminate dry mucous membranes of the nose and throat (Aqua-Maris, Quix).

Here is a brief and succinct summary of what a woman preparing to become a mother should know about flying. By reading this information in advance, you can avoid unpleasant surprises and, therefore, worry. Enjoy your flight.