We always associate orange citrus fruits with cheerful New Year's holidays, and even in the summer heat this sour fruit can bring real pleasure. Children are especially happy with tangerines, and after the fun their mothers think about how to remove tangerine stains from fabric.

Every thrifty housewife is looking for what available means can be used to remove bright marks. Tangerine stains are not easy to remove from textiles, but they are still quite possible.

Regular table salt will help remove juice stains without a trace. But this method only works if you act immediately.

Place the clothes in a basin and cover the stained area with a thick layer of salt. You can also wash the tangerine stain with a strong saline solution. Fresh juice can be easily washed off with a slurry of table salt and water.

After treatment, the item should lie for at least 30 minutes, and then it is soaked in cold water and washed with household items. soap. I always remove blots of this kind with salt and household items. soap.


A good way to remove a tangerine stain is to boil the item. But this option is not suitable for all types of fabrics. The mark is washed off perfectly when boiled on white textiles.

But you can simply treat the material with boiling water, if its type allows this. But it is still better to treat cotton items that do not fade with boiling water.

Spoiled milk

You can try to remove traces of tangerine from clothes with sour milk. Kefir or whey will help wash tangerines. The material is simply immersed in milk or kefir and left for 10 minutes. After this, the contamination is washed off from the household. soap. The serum removes even old dirt. How else can you remove juice from textiles if they are also old?

What to do if the stain is old?

It is not always possible to wash the fabric immediately, and the blots become old. In this case, wash the item with stain removers.

Before applying the stain remover, the edges of the stain are treated with talcum powder or moistened with water to prevent streaks from appearing on the fabric. Then the product is poured onto the stained area and left for a few minutes. After this, the material is washed in the usual way. You should only wash items with stain remover in cold water.

To delete old pollution, you can also use table vinegar. Soak a cotton swab in vinegar and then treat the juice with it until the dirt completely disappears. In a few minutes the item can be washed. How to remove stains from tangerine, how to remove other stains of this kind?
You can remove dirt from textiles with baking soda or detergent. The easiest option is dishwashing detergent, but it is not suitable for delicate fabrics.

As you can see, there are many ways to get rid of citrus marks on textiles. Choose the product you have on hand and get started.

Many of us associate tangerines with New Year's holidays, fun and incredible surprises. However, stains on clothes from them are removed with great difficulty and do not bring joy.

Traces of this juicy fruit can be found not only on children's clothing, but also on carpets, curtains, walls and furniture.

Only at first glance it seems that it is very difficult to remove tangerine stains. Experienced housewives claim that fresh marks can be removed using the mixture laundry soap and warm water. To remove old stains from clothes, you will need:

  • salt;
  • kefir;
  • glycerol;
  • serum;
  • baking soda;
  • any stain remover;
  • bleach (preferably oxygen);
  • egg yolk;
  • lemon acid;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • baby or laundry soap;
  • high quality washing powder.

Having at least half of these ingredients in your arsenal, it is possible to remove stains on white or colored linen.

Folk remedies

How to remove stains from tangerines using salt, boiling water or kefir?

In order to effectively remove tangerine stains, you need to start working almost immediately. It is necessary to place the clothes in a basin and sprinkle the dirty area table salt. It is also recommended to smear the tangerine stain with a mixture of salt and warm water, forming a paste. Dry clothes should sit for at least half an hour. After this, it must be rinsed in cool water and only then washed by hand with soap.

In order to remove a stain from a tangerine, there are several more effective ways except for the use of table salt. Experts advise using regular boiling water. You should boil a full kettle of water and pour it completely onto the stain, the stream of boiling water should be continuous. After 15-20 minutes, the product can be washed with washing powder manually or in washing machine.

A thing made from natural materials that do not fade can even be boiled.

This way you can get rid of tangerine stains on white or stubbornly colored clothes.

Sour milk is an excellent stain remover that can remove tangerine juice on clothes. Using a piece of cotton wool, you need to apply kefir to the product and leave the thing alone for 30 minutes. After the lactic acid neutralizes the traces, you need to wash the clothes in warm water with powder or baby soap.

This option is necessary in order to save clothes that are not machine washable.

Getting rid of stains using household chemicals, hydrogen peroxide and glycerin

How to remove a tangerine stain from any type of clothing? It is worth using glycerin, which can be purchased at your nearest pharmacy. It can be used alone or in tandem with egg yolk. This mixture must be applied to the stain and left for a couple of hours. After this, you will need to wash the clothes in warm water with washing powder.

How to remove tangerine stains using hydrogen peroxide has been known for quite some time. This pharmaceutical ingredient must be poured onto a cotton pad and applied to the contaminated area. After seven minutes, you will need to rinse the clothes in warm water and only then wash them with your usual washing powder.

However, it is not always possible to remove tangerine stains using folk remedies. Then it is necessary to use high-quality household chemicals.

Experts advise first applying it in an inconspicuous place on clothing to test the effect of the chemical on the material.

When choosing oxygen bleaches and stain removers, you should pay attention to:

  1. fabric type;
  2. color of clothes;
  3. type of pollution;
  4. intensity of pollution;
  5. fabric's tendency to shed.

After careful selection of the product household chemicals In the store you need to read the instructions. To remove a tangerine stain, it is often enough to wash clothes with stain remover in a washing machine. Sometimes you will need to soak the item in warm water using stain removers or oxygen bleach.

If, after using household chemicals, the stain has been washed off, but a faint halo remains around it, you will need to soak the clothes again. After a night of soaking, you should wash the item again.

Now readers of this article know exactly how to wash tangerine from children’s and adult clothes without any problems.

Many people love citrus fruits, but they need to be eaten carefully, otherwise unsightly yellowish spots may appear on clothes. What to do if a stain does form? How to wash tangerine from clothes without damaging the fabric? Below are useful tips, which will allow you to put your favorite thing in order.

How to remove tangerine stains? Regular boiling water will help!

How to wash tangerine from white clothes? Regular boiling water! Simply pour a small amount of water into the kettle and bring it to a boil, then pour boiling water over the stain.

Getting rid of impurities with fermented milk products

How to remove tangerine stains? Traditional will help you folk method– use of sour milk or fermented baked milk. It is necessary to dip the clothes in this product and keep them there for about ten minutes. After this, wash the contaminated area with laundry soap and dry thoroughly.

Dishwashing liquid - an unusual way

A more radical method is to use regular dishwashing detergent, which is designed to remove stubborn stains. To get rid of stains, apply a small amount of product to the stain and whisk it into a thick foam.

After this, the clothes should be left in this condition for several hours, then rinsed thoroughly with plain water using washing powder. Using this method, you can remove even fairly old stains.

How to remove a tangerine stain on clothes using salt?

Carefully lay out the item and place it in a basin, then make a thick paste of salt with a little water and rub the contaminated area with it. Leave the clothes like this for about half an hour.

After this, the item must be washed in cold water, then add laundry soap foam to warm water and wash again. You need to rinse the product as thoroughly as possible so that no traces of salt remain on it.

How to wash tangerine from clothes (colored fabrics)?

In order to get rid of a stain on a colored item, you can use regular glycerin. You just need to treat the stain with this product and soak the clothes for several hours in warm water, then wash them thoroughly.

Professional products

Don’t know how to wash tangerine from clothes? Just use professional cleaning products that are designed to remove stubborn stains. Such products can be purchased at specialized hardware stores.

To use this method, read the instructions and apply the product to the stain or wash the entire item in the solution.

Above are the main ways in which you can get rid of unpleasant contaminants. Also check out useful recommendations, which will allow you to do this quickly and with the highest quality:

  1. If you don’t know how to remove tangerine stains from clothes, it is better to use specialized “store-bought” products. However, this product is potent, so be sure to read the instructions before using it. Do not leave the product on clothes longer than indicated in the instructions, otherwise you may damage the fabric.
  2. The same rule applies to various solvents (for example, gasoline). They must be used very carefully; use on delicate fabrics is not recommended.
  3. When choosing a technique, take into account the type of fabric (remember that boiling water can only be used on white fabrics; for colored items it is better to use other methods).
  4. How to remove tangerine stains? There are several ways to do this, but remember that the sooner you start getting rid of the stain, the more effective it will be. Old stains are quite difficult to remove.

Now you know how to wash tangerine from white and things of other colors. It also happens that citrus stains are too old, so wash them off in the usual ways fails. In this case, it is recommended not to take risks and simply take the item to the dry cleaner: professionals will help you get rid of dirt and at the same time keep the item in its original form.

Thus, a tangerine stain is an unpleasant thing, but getting rid of it is quite easy, you just need to know some folk tricks.

Removing an orange stain is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Yellow spot completely eats into the fabric and does not leave it no matter how hard you try.

Orange and its juice leave noticeable stains on clothes

How to remove a stain?

It is better to remove an orange stain by fighting it. when it is just planted. It’s better to find a few minutes of free time, wash the stain and put it in the machine. Effective method Remove orange stains from clothes using vinegar and water. Wash the area under cold water, a fresh stain should come off under a stream of such water. If the mark is serious, treat the area with vinegar and then rinse under cold water.

If non-delicate clothing is stained, it is enough to pour boiling water over the stain and wash it.

Tangerine spots on delicate clothes You should not remove it this way, as the fabric will deteriorate.

Most the best way remove orange or tangerine stains from clothes using salt. Sprinkle it on the contaminated area, wipe it and wash it in the machine in the usual way.

Glycerin, which is applied to the problem area, also helps to remove a tangerine or orange stain from clothing. After a few hours, the item is washed as usual.

To remove stains use:

  • salt;
  • soda;
  • vinegar;
  • detergent;
  • petrol;
  • acetone, etc.

Acetone will help quickly solve the problem of orange stains

The stain is outdated: what to do?

It is not always possible to remove a tangerine stain from clothes right away, then you can remove the stain from the juice using special stain removers. The choice of product depends on the material of the clothing and color. To avoid streaks, the area can be treated with powder or moistened with water before using the stain remover. Then pour the product onto the area of ​​the juice mark, leave it for a few minutes and wash the clothes as usual.

Also, the old stain from the juice is removed by soaking the fabric in water with a stain remover for a long time. The water temperature should be cold. When the soaking time has already expired, the product can be washed in a machine or by hand.

You can soften the mark by dousing it with steam, but it is not always possible to remove the juice this way from all fabrics, because a delicate item cannot be doused with steam. To remove the old mark from the juice, use a bite, moisten the disk with it and apply it to the area. After a few minutes, the item is washed.

You can also remove traces of citrus fruits with soda or detergent. The most popular way is to use detergent. It is not suitable for delicate fabrics, but it effectively allows you to remove marks from any other fabric.

You can mix baking soda and dish soap, place on the stain for twenty minutes, then rinse under cold water and wash as usual.

You can remove marks on white using different means. For those cases when it is necessary to remove dirt from an expensive item: do not wash or soak it, take the item to the dry cleaner. The main thing is that they can only remove the trace there if you yourself did not try to remove it.

The most common fruits in our stores after apples are oranges, tangerines, grapefruits and lemons. It’s not always possible to clean and eat your favorite delicacy without getting a stain on your clothes, tablecloth, curtains, or even wallpaper. If there are children in the house, this is inevitable. It is not so easy to remove an orange or tangerine stain at home: fruit juice is very quickly absorbed into the fabric. But if you follow simple rules, everything will work out.

First of all, we need to understand what we are dealing with. Juice stains from tangerines and oranges are bright orange and very noticeable. Lemon juice is light yellow, and among grapefruits there are fruits with red pulp. Citrus juice contains organic substances: alpha and beta carotenes, which determine the range of colors from yellow to red and orange.

It is enough to destroy these compounds, and the stain will discolor. Carotenes are oxidized by oxygen, are unstable in acidic and alkaline environments, and dissolve in alcohols, hot and cold water. Almost the entire arsenal of home remedies can be used to combat citrus stains. The choice of active substance and method of treatment depend on the properties of the material on which the stain appears.

The time factor is also important. A fresh stain from a lemon or other citrus fruit (if it was planted no more than 10-15 minutes ago) can be easily removed by simply placing the stained area under a stream of cold water. Old stains It is much more difficult to remove, it will take more time, and professional products may be needed.

General rules for removing stains:

  • Before using any product: home or professional, you need to check how it will affect the dye and fabric fibers. To do this, the drug is applied to a patch supplied by the manufacturer, or to an inconspicuous area (for example, to an internal seam allowance);
  • treat the stain with a cleaning agent of any consistency: liquid or suspension (mushy) - you should in a circular motion from the edges to the center from the wrong side, and only at the end - from the front side;
  • before treating stains on clothes, tablecloths, carpet or wallpaper, you must first clean the surface of the material from dried dirt and dust;
  • after removing the stain, the item must be washed entirely, and if this is not possible (stain on the carpet or wallpaper), rinse thoroughly with cold water;
  • It is useful to cover a fresh stain from a grapefruit, orange or tangerine with an absorbent: fine table salt, flour, starch or talcum powder. Any of these products will absorb the bulk of the liquid, prevent the appearance of a characteristic halo, and it will be much easier to remove traces of juice;
  • if the stain is old, then the fibers of the fabric are saturated with juice and have dried out. First, the item should be soaked in cold water, and after 1.5–2 hours you can begin to remove the stain;
  • Do not use vinegar to remove stains from fabrics made of polyester (nylon), silk acetate and viscose. This is especially important for pile carpets made from these materials.
  • If your home remedy for fruit stains includes vinegar, use only table vinegar (9%). Wine vinegar and essence (70%) are not suitable for these purposes;
  • the method using hot water (with a temperature of about +100 °C) is only suitable for items made of white cotton or linen fabrics;
  • In order not to spoil an expensive item made of delicate material that cannot be washed, it is better to immediately dry clean it, without even trying to do anything. If traces of “amateur activity” are noticeable, the item will either not be accepted for cleaning at all, or will be accepted, but without a 100% guarantee of results.

Traditional methods for removing citrus stains

A freshly planted orange stain can be easily removed by rinsing the stained area in cold running water and then washing it by hand or in the machine.

If the stain was not treated immediately, but was noticed in time and covered with table salt, it can be easily washed off using a high-quality powder or liquid detergent suitable for the type of fabric. Any salt that has absorbed juice should be shaken off before washing.

Even dried citrus stains can be removed from white natural fabrics (cotton and linen) using boiling water or steam. To do this, you need to pull the stained area of ​​fabric over the edges of a metal container and pour water brought to a boil straight from the kettle through it. Treatment with a steam generator or an iron with a steam function will help. The remaining traces are removed using a cotton pad moistened with ammonia or a mixture of vodka and vinegar (1:1 ratio).

For items with unstable dyes that are best not machine washed, the method using fermented milk products is well suited. A thick layer of kefir is applied to the stain pre-treated with water or the material is moistened with sour milk (whey). Place under the fabric paper napkins or towels in several layers and leave for 10–15 minutes. Then wash the item by hand with a neutral detergent for colored laundry.

Glycerin mixed with raw egg yolk works great on colored fabrics. An item with a stain treated with this mixture should be soaked for 2–3 hours in warm water, and then washed.

Remove orange or tangerine stains from wool fabric or knitted product natural will help lemon juice, diluted with water (in a 1:1 ratio). Another option: mix equal parts lemon juice and vodka, soak the stain with this solution and after 20 minutes neutralize the acid with ammonia. After washing, the stain will completely disappear.

On wool, you can knock out the wedge with a wedge - remove traces of orange juice with lemon

Citrus stains are removed from clothes made of natural silk and light-colored satin with ethyl alcohol (vodka). To do this, use a cotton pad soaked in heated alcohol (up to 30–40 °C) to wipe the stain until the fabric is saturated. The discs should be changed until the stain disappears. It is recommended to wash only by hand, with liquid detergent, so as not to destroy the structure of the delicate fabric.

If orange or tangerine juice gets on a carpet with wool or synthetic pile, you can use an effective remedy prepared according to the following recipe:

  • dishwashing gel – 2 parts;
  • baking soda – 1 part.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly and treat the area of ​​the carpet covered in juice. Leave the mixture for 30–40 minutes, after which rinse off the remaining product with water. If there is washing vacuum cleaner, it will make the task easier, if not, you will have to wash it by hand, carefully collecting water from the carpet, then dry the area with a hairdryer.

Attention! If the pile is made of natural silk or viscose, contact with water is strictly contraindicated for it, you will have to take the carpet to a specialized dry cleaner.

Store products

If none of the above methods work and the stain remains, you can use oxygen bleaches or treat it with professional stain removers, which are sold in hardware stores. The most popular of them:

  • "Antipyatin";
  • "Ecover";
  • Frau Schmidt;
  • Sarma Active;
  • Vanish.

These products must be used in accordance with the instructions indicated on the packaging.