As V. Sukhomlinsky, the creator of the original pedagogical system for the development of a child’s personality, said: “The basis of children’s abilities and talents lies in their fingertips.” Therefore, without the development of fine motor skills, the development of brain activity, logical and spatial thinking, fantasy and a sense of beauty, imagination and dexterity, attention and determination is not possible.

As V. Sukhomlinsky, the creator of the original pedagogical system for the development of a child’s personality, said: “The basis of children’s abilities and talents lies in their fingertips.” Therefore, without the development of fine motor skills, the development of brain activity, logical and spatial thinking, fantasy and a sense of beauty, imagination and dexterity, attention and determination is not possible. And all this has a direct impact on the formation of personality. Japan was one of the first to develop toys for the development of fine motor skills, and today the most popular are magnetic construction sets MAGFORMERS, which are suitable for any age and are generally recognized as the most creative materials for activities with children.

Any construction set is a reason for communication with your child, an opportunity for various experiments and one of the main ways to perceive information about the surrounding reality and orientation in space. Playing with construction sets has a beneficial effect on a child’s speech development. As experts note, children who have had a construction set in their arsenal of toys since childhood have a more developed area of ​​the cerebral cortex responsible for speech and writing skills.

Types of modern designers

  • One of the simplest and most accessible construction toys are cubes, thanks to which the imagination is formed and learning colors, shapes and sizes.
  • Figures made of plastic or wood in frames with holes develop the concept of shape and size.
  • Mosaic develops imagination, creative perception of the world, coordination of movements, and develops color perception.
  • Blocks of various shapes and colors, in addition to all the qualities described above, also develop spatial thinking.
  • Constructors like Lego are great for developing fine motor skills and accordingly influence the development of brain activity.
  • Magnetic or wooden construction sets are quite complex, but extremely exciting games, which will subsequently give your child a huge advantage over his classmates: perseverance, accuracy and attentiveness are developed automatically.

The game with the designer is based on the principle of construction from simple to complex, i.e. how older child– the more interesting engineering and design ideas are born in his imagination.

The main goal that adults should adhere to when learning to play with a construction set is the development of:

  • fine motor skills;
  • speeches;
  • perception of shape, color, size, quantity;
  • natural teamwork between children and adults during the game.

Dear parents, remember that every child should have a construction set. After all, in one small box with cubes or magnets, so many skills, abilities and knowledge are stored for the further development and formation of your baby’s personality. Don't waste time, give a brain simulator to your dearest person!

Lego is the most famous brand among children's toys, which conquered the whole world with its construction kits. The Lego company was founded back in 1932 in Denmark. Lego has long been not just construction kits, but a whole cult and art. Not only children, but also adults assemble structures from pimply cubes: spaceships, huge cars, cartoon and movie characters, etc.

The company's product range is simply huge. Lego offers different kinds construction sets for children of any age! Currently, the most popular sets for children are lego chima and lego duplo.

Lego helps a child develop. This is an irreplaceable toy that your child must have. Let's figure it out: what does a child develop by playing Lego?

The most important aspect is that in addition to playing, the child also designs. And this, in turn, will be interesting to a child at any age. Psychologists and teachers focus on this factor in the education and development of children. Lego constructors have a special place in the development system. The child assembles something integral from various parts, which allows the child to develop in several directions at once.

  • Fine motor skills develop

When playing with Lego, a child actively develops motor skills. After all, the child will have to compare the details of the construction set so that they fit together. Handles begin to feel the part, its corners, protrusions. In terms of the effectiveness of motor skills development, according to experienced teachers, Lego is on a par with modeling and drawing.

  • Speech development

Many will have a question: what side did the speech turn out to have here? Let me explain. When a child plays with a construction set, he involuntarily enters into direct communication, be it with peers, parents or a teacher. He tells what exactly he wants to assemble from the blocks, what parts he will use, what color the blocks will be, and asks for help and advice in design. In addition, scientists have long identified a connection between the development of speech and fine motor skills.

  • Orienteering development

Because The construction set consists of many parts of various shapes and colors; the child needs to choose the necessary parts for his figurine from such a variety. Thus, the child learns orientation in space. Lego specialists have developed 4 types of sets for children:

  1. Creative design
  2. Early mathematics
  3. Simple mechanisms
  4. Time to play

These kits are provided for various age groups, so you can definitely choose a set for your child. The shape building activities can be found in the Lego box.

  • Development of imagination, thinking and creativity

A child playing with Lego can freely express his imagination, because... No special abilities are required for activities (such as for drawing and sculpting).

By assembling a figure according to the instructions, the child develops imaginative thinking, which in the future will allow him to independently invent and assemble his own models.

  • Development of attention and perseverance

Every child has different levels of activity. Construction under the supervision of an adult helps overly active children develop perseverance and attention. It is worth starting with simple and quick models, then gradually moving on to more complex ones that require more attention and time.

If you have children and not a single LEGO® building block at home, then you are a very strange family. Because LEGO® is not only a multifaceted educational game, but also the most popular construction set on this planet. And as a result, almost all children have it to some extent.

And while you remember how just last morning you pulled out a cute LEGO® fairy figurine from a plate and almost stepped on a scattering of plastic cubes, we will tell you how this construction set directly affects the development of girls and boys from 3 to 103 years old, and what it doesn’t just sets of parts, but something more!

FactN1: Fine motor skills develop

The simplest and most obvious. Scientists, psychologists and others smart people They officially declare: while children attach pieces to each other, their muscles develop, as well as finger dexterity, and behind all this, the speech apparatus is actively tightened, by the way. Just like that. The kid collects LEGO® - learns to speak.

FactN2: Develops engineering skills

Maybe the child won’t become an engineer, but structural-logical thinking has never bothered anyone. This also applies to girls; under no circumstances should such utilities be divided into “m” and “f”! The process of assembling a three-dimensional structure according to a diagram develops design skills at an excellent pace. And if you take high-tech sets, for example, LEGO® Technic, you will have to really stretch your brains, and at the same time train them.

FactN3: Improve the basics of mathematics and physics

Yes, even them. And again, you shouldn’t think that this is useful and interesting only for boys - it is useful, interesting and very important for everyone. Parts need to be counted, and when building structures, their stability, weight, balance and size must be taken into account - here it is, physics in its elementary form. This is how spatial thinking develops and mathematics is used unconsciously. How? So the little girl divided the construction of blocks into two equal pieces, and already learned division without even realizing it!

FactN4: There is room for creativity and imagination

We are all about the exact sciences, but LEGO® amazingly combines design with high creative potential. You can assemble according to the diagram, or you can without it. You can turn a helicopter into a cool windmill if you apply a little creativity. From the big evil elven dragon there are many small clawed monsters. And so on. A huge range of different parts will allow you to assemble anything from anything. It's up to the imagination.

FactN5: Promotes perseverance

This is an extremely important point in the modern pace of life. There is little that can pull the digital generation out of gadgets, much less make them sit quietly at some one business, not five at once. And this “little thing” is LEGO® constructors. To assemble a model you need three comrades - attentiveness, perseverance and patience. They will be very useful for the child, always.

FactN6: Bringing the Family Together

And this is also very useful for the harmonious development of the child. Collecting LEGO® is a great option family leisure, interesting for dads, exciting for moms, even grandparents can take part if their eyesight allows. Adults enjoy constructing, because this activity has no age limit, and helping a child means having a good time together.

And here’s a little life hack for you if your child initially ignored the LEGO® construction set: place the parts in a visible place and start assembling them yourself. In nine cases out of ten, after half an hour you will already be snatching the instructions from your baby’s hands. At ten it may take an hour to do this. Maximum.

FactN7: Allows you to create new worlds

With a great range of LEGO® toys, your child can play with their wildest dreams. Moana will easily come to visit Elsa’s ice castle, Ariel will fly on a plane, and nothing will happen to anyone for it. In general, this is an ideal opportunity for a “crossover” (meeting of characters from different universes), which promotes frequent and long games that develop skills from points No. 1 to No. 6. Totally beneficial.

Now you are convinced that it is difficult to find another toy that will bring as much benefit to a child at once as LEGO®. It’s not for nothing that this construction set is considered one of the most fascinating inventions of the 20th century. This is true! Playing with LEGO® is just as important for a child's development as reading books or playing educational games. And we draw the attention of parents of girls to the new sets - a wonderful line with elves, dragons and magic, in the best traditions of the fantasy genre and with fabulous scope for creativity.

Grow with LEGO®!

Lego constructors: about the impact on children's development

Lego constructors, being a very popular toy, have been marching victoriously across the planet for several decades. But what do we know about the influence of this designer on the physical, psychological and intellectual development children?

It's probably no secret to anyone that the Lego set is a toy on a global scale. Among other things, many ratings of the popularity of toys in various countries gave the palm to this simple toy.

At the same time, psychologists believe that Lego constructors, being fascinating and very interesting toy, have a significant impact on children's development. This construction set not only develops fine motor skills in children, but also has a strong influence on intellectual development. And, naturally, speaking about Lego, it would be a sin not to mention that this designer discovers and develops creative abilities in a child.

A child, putting parts of a construction set together, is engaged in mental labor. The kid, thinking one step ahead, examines various options. It is not surprising that children who are interested in Lego constructors differ from their peers in their amazing independence, self-organization and self-discipline.

More than one generation has grown up with Legos. And we can already say with complete confidence that a child, enthusiastically playing with a construction set, acquires vital qualities that will definitely be useful throughout his life. Can you think of any toy that can provide as much benefit? We can say with confidence that there are few such toys in the world, just a few!

Apparently, the benefits for children and their unconditional interest in this toy are the two qualities thanks to which the Lego toy managed to win the recognition of fathers, mothers and children all over the world.

And finally, let's talk about the material from which Lego parts are made. Considering the fact that construction sets are intended primarily for children, we can say with complete confidence that all the materials from which Lego is made are environmentally friendly and safe. Moreover, the plastic from which Lego is made contains natural elements such as horny substance and amber. Among other things, each toy model has been tested many times. In other words, designers before serial production for a long time tested in laboratory conditions for content harmful substances. The toy is also tested by special people - testers (parents and children), who make the final verdict - whether the newly created toy is interesting for children and their mothers and fathers.

Summarizing all of the above, we can say that a Lego constructor should be in every home where there are children!

If your child is 1, 2 or 3 years old, and you are trying to choose his first construction set, and are also looking for options on how to diversify your games with Lego to get the maximum benefit, then this post is for you!
If you asked me which I consider the toy the most educational after plasticine, my answer would be unambiguous - Lego constructor!

Probably everyone already knows that with the help of Lego, a child develops excellent motor skills (which is especially noted by even children’s doctors), eye and creativity. But this is far from full list what can be developed in a child with the help of games with a constructor. This is exactly what I want to write about today.
I hope that my post will be of interest to everyone and will bring even more variety and benefit to your games :) After all, only by purchasing a construction set will your child not become smarter or more dexterous, Lego is a toy that you need not only to choose correctly, but also to present correctly..

Why Lego? There are, after all, many other analogue Lego construction sets. I have held construction sets from many companies in my hands, read numerous reviews on forums among “pros” on construction sets, and even purchased sets for comparison. different manufacturers- Lego, Megablox, Unico and Krohu (regarding the latter - it really is “the miser pays twice” :))

Whatever one may say, Lego is the best! This is clearly noticeable when compared with designers from other companies. The variety and functionality of its parts are amazing! The quality of each trinket is at the highest level.
Unfortunately, many analogue designers (for example, the same Krokha) do not ensure the strength of the building or make it difficult to modify an already finished structure. This is due to the fact that one part of the parts adheres very poorly, and the other part adheres so strongly that even an adult has to make considerable efforts to separate them... In addition, for the manufacture of parts of many other cheap designers, low-grade plastic is sometimes used quality - it often has bad smell, literally crumbles when pressed, has jagged edges that can easily be scratched. Personally, I came to the conclusion that cheap construction sets are a pain and a health risk.

Of all the Lego analogues that I have encountered, the Megablocks and Unico plus constructors have performed more or less well. X although they are inferior to Lego in quality, functionality and variety of parts .
And I also want to tell you a terrible secret.- some Megablox sets (marked “3+”), as well as some Unico plus sets (from 1.5 to 5 years) are ideally compatible with Lego Duplo parts. There are also several other construction sets compatible with Lego Duplo, but they are of such poor quality that I won’t even mention their names.

For children aged 1 to 4-5 years, the ideal construction set is the LEGO DUPLO series. The parts in this series of construction kits are medium in size, they are safe and very convenient for first constructions. On each box of this series you will find this additional logo with a bunny:

If you intend to get real benefits from the designer, then I ask you not to limit yourself to purchasing just one thematic set, because... There's really not much you can do with it alone. The real educational effect and pleasure from the game will only be if your child and his imagination are not limited to a few details.


1) A large building plate and/or several small plates.

This is the foundation, the foundation - without plates you cannot build anything medium to large scale. In addition, all your buildings will have nothing to support when role-playing game- they will be unstable, break quickly and cause irritation. As you understand, there is no need to talk about the benefits of such games.

Green large building plate in OZONE

2) A set of standard basic Lego bricks (basic elements).

It should be noted that in ordinary thematic sets (which we will talk about in the next paragraph) there are so few basic ordinary bricks that it is almost impossible to build from them something beyond the options provided by the authors of a particular set.
So standard bricks without a specific theme are an absolute must-have!
There are several sets with basic bricks. They differ in the number of parts included in them and the parts themselves.

Basic Lego elements in OZONE

Huge box in OZONE

3) Almost any themed Lego set (and better yet, more than one) in accordance with your child’s interests.

A thematic set is also required, since playing only among identical bricks is not at all interesting. The themed sets offer a wide variety of building elements, as well as Lego animals and Lego people to really spice up your role-playing games.
Typically, the more expensive the set, the more non-standard elements it contains. Keep this in mind when purchasing!

You will find these and other construction sets of the Lego Duplo series in Ozone


A little background. I’ll tell you a little about how things went with Lego in our family. We bought our daughter's first Lego set when she was just under 1.5 years old. Of course, at first she couldn’t build it herself, and all her attention was directed to the animals present in the set. She played with them with pleasure and even slept. I bought another set and started building for my daughter myself - animal houses, garages, stairs, bridges, turrets... The child instantly got involved in role-playing games! We began to play out entire stories in these buildings! After some time, my daughter began to help me with “construction”, and then she began to make her first independent buildings and games.

To be honest, initially I did not intend to use the construction set in any other way than just for construction and development of motor skills. But as my daughter and I played, I realized that Lego can be used for a variety of purposes. I suddenly discovered in him a potential unknown to me before. Now I began to build for a reason, now I built with the specific purpose of teaching my child something new.

Sometimes I meet mothers who write something like the following: “my child doesn’t want to study with developmental aids, he won’t even let him open the book,” “my child doesn’t understand the tasks in the book,” “my baby is not interested in the logic tasks from the book.” For children of such mothers, Lego is especially useful.

If a child either does not like books, or does not understand something from the tasks in them, or if you want to consolidate or complicate the tasks from the book - take Lego! After all, a construction set is both an excellent alternative and an excellent addition to classes on developmental aids.


Thanks to the “correct” role-playing games, your child will be able to master an incredible amount of material without even noticing.

1. We study prepositions

I don't know anymore simple way, in order to understand and remember prepositions as easily and quickly as possible than a voiced role-playing game with a constructor.
It is during role-playing, even with the most primitive buildings, that it is easiest to show (of course, voicing each time), for example, that while a dog is walking sniffed the flowers UNDER the bridge, then climbed ON this bridge, ran BEHIND the house or ran AROUND the house, and then BETWEEN the trees, and lay down in FRONT of the booth. A girl can slide down a slide, go IN and OUT of a house, jump OVER a stream, etc. If during the game you repeat some actions several times and with different characters, the child will learn prepositions one, two, three times :)
Before starting the game, make some buildings, thinking in advance which pretext can be played in which place.
And even though the plot of your game may not be very varied, perhaps some moments will even be repeated over and over again, but the knowledge that you are not just killing time, but teaching a child, will give you strength and inflame your imagination :)
I remember how we played with my daughter (she was a little over a year old at that time) about how a cat (I controlled it) ran away from a dog (it was controlled by a child) - 20 times my cat ran circles AROUND the house, climbed up the roof of the house, then ON a tree, then UNDER the stairs. And because The child really liked this plot, so he had to play it for several days! The option of playing hide and seek between Lego men in our buildings also went well.

2. We study the concepts:small big,high-low, narrow-wide, long-short, close-far, left-right

Here you will be required to build things of the same type, but with some obvious difference from each other - depending on the feature that you want to master when playing.
- a high tower for a bear cub, a low one for a bunny,
- a large house for a person, a small one for a dog,
- a narrow path for a boy, a wide one for a car, etc.
Let's play out these concepts in a role-playing game. Not just at once, but gradually. It is also possible that the last 2 pairs of concepts will be available to a child no earlier than 2 years old.

3. We study the design of house-structures and master counting

Due to their size, many things “live” are very difficult to explain and show to a child, even if he encounters them in everyday life.
I love Lego because with its help everything can be made as visual and understandable as possible.

We can build various houses, but they must have some elements that we want to learn. Your house may have a pronounced FOUNDATION (basement), as well as a BALCONY, PORCH, staircase, roof, ARCH, PIPE, CORNICE, POOR, COLUMN, etc.

In addition, it is useful to build multi-story buildings - TWO-STORY, THREE-STORY, etc. Each floor can be designated with a NUMBER. To do this, you can use cubes from Lego sets with numbers already drawn on them. If you don’t have such a set, then you can simply draw the numbers or stick them with tape on suitable bricks.
Just don't forget to voice all of this during role play!

Example of the game: Sasha is waiting for Masha on the PORCH, and Katya went out to the BALCONY at this time to water the flowers. Then all the guys went for a walk in the yard and then it started to rain. Everyone ran away in all directions - Sasha and Masha hid under the ARCH, and Katya stood under the VISOR. The rain passed, but no one got wet. Then they walked and played together and went to visit Katya on the THIRD FLOOR to drink tea, and then to Sasha on the SECOND FLOOR to draw, etc.

4. Learning colors

Lego parts are very diverse in colors and shades. It would be a sin not to use this for our development purposes :)
The first version of the game is to make various buildings, but with the condition that each of them is of one color: YELLOW house for Seryozha, PINK for Katya, etc. If there are not enough cubes of the same color for the house, then we build a bench, a crib, etc. We play it in a role-playing game.

5. The baby’s first independent buildings - turrets, paths, ladders.

Repeatedly (but not intrusively!) During the game, we show the child various options for buildings, and between times we encourage the child to “put a brick here” or “press it on top here.”
If the child takes the initiative, even when the path he has built is a little crooked, we rejoice with him.

Unlike those previously mentioned, the following games are not so much about mastering concepts, but about developing memory, attention, and logic.

6. Game "Find the odd one out"

This is a logic game. In a series of similar things, you need to find an extra item.
It’s more convenient for me to illustrate this game with a photo. So, find the odd one out:

7. Game "Who's Missing"

This is a memory game. Place some set of objects in front of the child (it’s better to take Lego animals). The child looks at them and tries to remember. Then he turns away, and you hide one of the objects. The child must look at those who remain and remember who is missing. When playing for the first time, pick up 3 items. If the child quickly completed the task, then complicate the game by increasing the number of objects - 4, 5, 6...

8. Game "Enough-missing-too much"

This is a math game. We take a certain number of Lego animals and a certain amount (slightly less, or more, or similar) of bricks. We take the number of animals and bricks within the limits of the numbers to which your baby has already mastered counting.
The child must answer whether there are enough bricks for all the animals (whether there are equal numbers), whether there are extra bricks, or whether someone didn’t get a brick. A brick in this game can be roughly called a piece of cookie, etc. In order for the child to correctly name the answer, you clearly show how the bricks are distributed between the animals.

9. Game "Find the wrong object"

The child must choose a figure by contradiction, i.e. not meeting certain criteria.
Example: among these details you need to choose a brick that is not the longest and not white.

10. Learning to compare objects by size and arrange them in a certain order

For example, we build several towers (3-4-5 pieces) of different heights. The child must place them in in the right order from highest to lowest (or vice versa).
The same principle applies to other buildings or simply individual parts - from longest to shortest, from widest to narrowest.

11. Game "build a logical series"

The child must continue the started logical series.
Again, you can’t do without a photo:

Of course, the child should like educational games, only in this case there will be a good effect. I’ll tell you more, the child shouldn’t even realize that learning is happening, for him it should all just be an exciting game! No edification or teaching!

If our games weren’t enough for you, then you can also familiarize yourself with the games that are presented on the official Lego website