Good sorceresses, evil sorceresses, fairies and witches - since ancient times, various magical abilities have been prescribed more often to the feminine gender than to the masculine gender. Nowadays, due to large quantity A relatively small number of people believe in scammers and mystics. However, the concept of “female intuition” does not tend to become just a mocking aphorism, as happened, say, with “female logic”.

What is intuition?

Women's intuition is a woman's ability to feel subtly the world, avoid approaching danger long before its first manifestations, choose the right paths and make the right decisions.

After any disaster, there are always “lucky” people who, a few hours before departure, handed over a ticket to board a crashed airliner, who, due to an unclear coincidence of circumstances, did not go to work, or who unexpectedly changed their own daily habits.

Of course, the reasons for such a turn of events may be grounded, but eyewitnesses often say in their stories that they clearly felt that something bad was going to happen, and that is why they changed their plans.

Think about how often your intuition manifested itself - you guessed something, when you first met a person you formed the correct opinion about him (completely opposite to all sensible and meaningful arguments), you felt the approach of some troubles and troubles, you had prophetic dreams , or were there any signs? These are all signs of intuition.

However, developed female intuition is a rather rare gift. If none of the above has happened to you, you can try to develop your intuition.

Try to pay attention to little things, to the world and people around you, compare and analyze. Try making small daily predictions, for example, will one of your employees be late for work today, will it rain tomorrow, will you be able to successfully complete the task you have planned, etc.

Even if you don't get it right often, your results will improve over time. And then your trained intuition will work for you more than once in gratitude.

How to use your intuitive abilities in everyday life? Simple enough, but use common sense.

For example, you meet a handsome man, his company is rather pleasant, he is courteous, smart and charming, but “something is wrong.” You do not have visible reasons not to trust this person, but the bad feeling doesn’t go away.

You shouldn’t immediately interrupt communication (unless, of course, you have such a desire), since there is also the possibility of an intuition error, but caution will not be superfluous - meet your new acquaintance in crowded places, do not invite them to your home, and you yourself will avoid going to visit” delicately refuse.

Over time, the situation will certainly become clearer, and your premonitions will either be justified or simply disappear. In other words, you shouldn’t blindly trust women’s intuition, but you shouldn’t ignore the “inner voice” either.

Forewarned is forearmed, no matter how ridiculous and illogical the premonitions that arise in absolutely cloudless situations may seem to you, it is worth trying to check them.

If all people could see the future, life would become completely uninteresting. It is the gray veil that hides tomorrow that makes this life interesting and exciting. However, tomorrow's surprises may not only be pleasant. Developed intuition is not a way to predict the future, but your reliable friend, companion and advisor.

Probably everyone has heard about female intuition, or witnessed a situation where a girl acts in a certain way and attributes her behavior to female intuition. Some people are skeptical about this, others make jokes and anecdotes about it, but still it is impossible to say that it does not exist. In general, the subject of female intuition still remains controversial.

Women's intuition - what is it?

How are things going in practice - is there intuition, or is it just a woman’s imagination to attract attention? It was this phrase that was taken as an object of study by scientists from the University of Hertfordshire. The project was led by Professor Richard Wasman. They examined women's statements about how they could feel what happened to another person, even at a distance. The study involved about 16,000 people, with an equal number of women taking part in it, and the other half were men. The first question that was asked was how often do their gut feelings fail them? As a result, it was revealed that about 57% of men believed that they had well-developed intuition, and about 81% of women claimed that their intuition does not fail them.

Next, they were presented with photographs of smiling people and they had to say where the smile was sincere and where it was fake. As a result, intuition rates were equal for both men and women, about 70%.

In practice, it turned out that when communicating live, female representatives feel their interlocutors much better than men. It is easier for girls to understand the feelings that a person experiences and even those that he tries not to demonstrate. But as other studies have shown, relying on intuition everywhere is not worth it, because it begins to let its owner down as soon as she is influenced by feelings or emotions. If a girl knows about danger, her intuition will immediately tell her that there is reason to be afraid.

Very often, intuition suggests that the first thing that comes in woman's head, and when a girl is asked why she answered that way, she will say that her inner instinct told her so. That is why, and also based on the research of scientists, it is impossible to say that women’s intuition really does not exist; rather, there are internal sensations that, if they are not subject to emotions, can tell a woman how to act in a certain situation. Whatever the truth, there are situations that helped girls avoid trouble, so the question of its existence remains open.

Intuition is given to a woman in order to guess
a man has intentions that he is not aware of.

Jean Delacour

Women often find solutions or get to the bottom of the truth in cases where men are practically powerless. How do they do this? This is usually called the mysterious word "intuition", although there is hardly anything mysterious about it. Intuition is developed in women for two reasons. The first is experience. Tell me, what do women usually chat about with each other in their spare time? Of course, about interpersonal relationships. On average, half a day every day. And they think even more than they talk. It turns out that women in this field are much more professional than men. Therefore, it is not surprising that they manage to predict many events. The second reason for the development of female intuition is the natural ability to perfectly understand and speak body language. They easily see the discrepancy between the words a person speaks and the nonverbal signals he sends. This ability greatly helps them “read between the lines”: they easily recognize liars, predict what is on a person’s mind, what he is going to do. And it’s not by chance that I’m telling you this. I want you to understand that any woman, when communicating with you, seems to see right through you. She intuitively understands how you will act in a given situation. She feels you. And this entirely determines the degree of your attractiveness to her.
The determining factors of male failures in relationships with women can confidently be called UNRELIABILITY and THIRST FOR ATTENTION. In fact, these are two sides of the same coin. A needy man begs for attention and recognition with all his actions. These ACTIONS openly speak of his unreliability, that he cannot be relied upon at a crucial moment. Insecurity begins to surface when a man feels out of place around someone or in any given situation. He behaves timidly, weak-willed and insecure. He tries to play a confident person, although he is not. He says many things just to gain the approval of others.
Women's intuition allows them to identify insecurities and desire for attention INSTANTLY. Here are some examples of insecurity and attention hunger that you should avoid:

  • Excessive timid touching or crowding around a woman at the very beginning of communication. Do not do that! Women perceive this as hunger and insecurity. Instead, relax and let her feel comfortable around you.
  • Saying negative phrases about women or past girlfriends. Believe me, for a woman this is a clear sign of an insecure man.
  • Sudden emotional reaction to events. For a woman, this is obvious: if you are easily upset about what is happening, you can be considered unreliable.
  • Involving other people in decision making. Women love it when you decide what needs to happen and take action. If you constantly ask, “What do you think I should do?” or “Where do you want to go today?” or “What would you like?”, you will also be counted among the men in need. Just make decisions and put them into action. If she doesn't like your initiative, she will let you know.
  • Trying to say and do things to be noticed or receive a compliment. I've known a lot of men who tried to act cool and put on a lot of self-care just to get attention. This immediately informs her of your unreliability. Do not do that. If you are confident in yourself, she will notice it even without your words and without your foppishness.
  • Active participation in disputes. Many people feel the need to argue with EVERYTHING they can. If you are one of these people, just understand that your behavior is directly demonstrating your insecurity. You can always be right, but excessive activity in disputes will negatively affect your sex life. Fight it. If you want to argue with something, do it in a friendly, humorous way, not aggressively!
  • Inability to build a conversation with a woman. Do you know how to have a conversation with your friends, with your work colleagues? Yes? Then what prevents you from maintaining a conversation with a woman? If this is your problem, then you definitely need to work on it. Look at a woman as if she were an old friend of yours. Don't be afraid to ruin everything! You're studying. As long as you remain silent and answer her questions only with “yes” or “no,” your communication will be incredibly boring, and your friend will not feel comfortable for a second.
Therefore, if you want to join the "sexy men" group and get a "driver's license" for a woman's body, you will have to develop enormous CONFIDENCE and POWER. In the following articles I will try to convey as accurately as possible what I mean by these concepts.

The world knows many stories about miracles created by women's intuition. Some of them are true, others are more like a legend. However, only the most ardent misogynists dare to challenge the very fact of the existence of this phenomenon. At the same time, they contradict themselves, saying that women have no logic. The fact is that the ability to act and achieve the desired results, to make only the right decisions, without relying on logic and consciousness, is precisely what is called intuition. So, does women's intuition still exist?

What is women's intuition and how does it differ from men's?

Speaking about intuition in general, we usually mean a certain feeling, the sensors of which have not yet been discovered by scientists. Speaking about female intuition, they assume the presence of special sensitive cells that perceive the outside world outside the control of consciousness, which only the weaker sex has. Are there actually similar elements in female body, or is this fiction, like the very idea of ​​​​the difference in intuition between women and men?

How do scientists answer the question, what is women's intuition? Indeed, no one has yet found special receptors, but everyone is well aware of the structural features of the female brain and its differences from the male brain. A man’s brain is noticeably larger than a woman’s, so it is generally accepted that the stronger half of humanity is smarter. This is partly true: except bigger size, the male brain has a more developed right hemisphere. That is why hunters and miners have excellent orientation in space and time, are capable of a holistic perception of the environment, and have developed logical and abstract thinking.

Despite the fact that the female brain is smaller, it can work more intensely overall, since each of its parts is more involved and more stressed. In women, functions are distributed evenly between all areas of the cortex. In addition, they are interconnected by a large number of nerve fibers, which ensure their active interaction. According to scientists, this feature is associated with the social role assigned to women. When conducting household she had to do many things at the same time. Many of the tasks assigned to her required precision and subtlety of movements, which contributed to the development fine motor skills and touch. Scientists believe that this purpose and the characteristics associated with it are the basis of female intuition.

What is it and how does women's intuition work?

Having become convinced of the existence of unique female abilities, many ask the question of what it is, how it works, and what advantages female intuition provides in practice. In addition to predicting the outcome of various events and timely warnings, women's intuition allows them to find the most unexpected solutions in seemingly hopeless situations. No logic or reason can explain the path of this search. No one has any doubts when achieving the result that women's intuition helps to achieve, that this wonderful feeling works for good. How to answer the question, what is female intuition from a scientific point of view? With the advent of computers in psychophysiology, a new theory appeared, which was called the “computer metaphor”. By analogy, scientists have identified the stages of information processing in the brain. At the first stage, sensory analysis occurs, then attention is mobilized and an image is formed, only after this the standards are extracted from memory and, at the final stage, decisions are made.

The first stage, which provides a set of “codes” for further processing, is much more intense and productive in women than in men. It is no coincidence that they say that a woman lives by feelings and understands body language first, and then words. Sensitivity and attentiveness to to the smallest details: rustles, gestures, air vibrations are inherent in the nature of motherhood. The baby, barely born, does not yet know how to speak, chaotically dangles its arms and legs, and only expresses its first emotions by crying. A woman must be very sensitive and sensitive in order to satisfy all his needs.

Feelings give the female brain so many primary signals that subsequent stages of information processing proceed almost unnoticed. It seems that a solution or vision of a situation appears on its own, out of nowhere.

Why does intuition sometimes fail?

Cases when women's intuition did not work gave reason to deny the fact of its existence. Some men argue that women's special instincts are a fiction, and women rely solely on their emotions when making decisions. They are partly right: the main enemies of intuition - emotions - fear and delight, hope and indignation - sometimes become a curtain between a woman and the world around her. Any woman, freed from their influence, will be able to develop this great natural gift.

The M.S. course is intended especially for women and men looking for a path to self-development and self-improvement. Norbekova. If you decide to enroll in intuition training courses, our experienced teachers and trainers will help you achieve independence from other people’s opinions, get rid of the influence of accumulated negativity, and learn to rely on your feelings when making decisions.

Women's intuition helps the fair half of humanity protect themselves and their loved ones from unpleasant events, find their soulmate, buy winning ones and find themselves in right time in the right place and not perform unnecessary useless actions.

Women's intuition - what is it?

What is intuition? Translated from Latin, intuition means contemplation, which means the ability to penetrate into the meaning of event series, insight, unexpected conclusion, insight. Is there a difference between women's and men's intuition? It is believed that a woman is more sensitive to the perception of information from the subconscious, due to the fact that her right hemisphere, responsible for intuitive perception, is more developed.

Intuition as a form of cognition

How is intuition involved in cognition? In a specific way - sensual and mystical, not amenable to logic and rational thinking and therefore often causing doubt and mistrust. The subconscious is responsible for the intuitive knowledge of the world, and in this knowledge the following are closely intertwined: feelings, thinking, sensations, perception. In science, intuitive insight or cognition is a process when, during a close study of a phenomenon, a missing link unexpectedly emerges in the scientist’s thinking, dotting all the i’s.

Women's intuition in psychology

Women's hypersensitivity and intuition are of great interest to specialists; research is devoted to the topic of intuition and there are many facts confirming that following your instinct helped to avoid many troubles and make the right decision - this gives reason to consider intuition a phenomenon worthy of attention. Women's intuition - psychology scientifically explains this as a manifestation of the ancient instinct of self-preservation.

How to use intuition?

How does women's intuition manifest itself in life? A feeling of vague anxiety in response to some important life circumstance, but modern women often do not attach much importance to such a feeling, unlike the older generation of women, when following the inner voice was a matter of survival in difficult conditions, so it is important to learn to hear oneself again intuition.

How to hear intuition?

The modern rhythm of life does not allow you to focus on your experiences and feelings and how to check your intuition, when the voice of reason and rationality drowns out and suppresses glimpses of the inner voice - it is very easy, you need to realize that for a long time there has been no contact with that part of yourself that helps you make the right decisions and a lot of mistakes have been made lately. It's time to relearn how to trust and make friends with your gut instinct.

How to learn to listen to your intuition, simple ways:

  • when reading a book or watching a film, try to feel how events will develop; detective stories are useful in this;
  • when making a decision to renounce, enter a calm state and listen to yourself, whether there is discomfort in the body, in thoughts;
  • when meeting new people, hearing that first perception, the thoughts that come up, what they are saying about a person, sometimes a hostile feeling arises, although nothing bad man He didn’t do it, he hasn’t even said a couple of phrases yet, but he says: “Beware of him!”

Intuition or paranoia - how to distinguish?

How to distinguish intuition from obsession? Paranoid thoughts are viscous and heavy, arising for no reason, they exhaust a person, intensifying every day, disturbing peace and sleep. Intuition is a very subtle instrument, it comes in silence and its “voice” is calm and more often expressed in short sudden prompts: “you shouldn’t go there!” or “you definitely need to be there!” “Don’t rush!”, “this is what you need!” Sometimes there is anxiety, and it can be distinguished from paranoia only by the intensity of the experience; paranoia does not allow you to “breathe”, and panic increases.

In general, we can say that intuition also manifests itself as a heavy, oppressive premonition, so it can be difficult to distinguish; it is important to calm down and remember whether there were such moments in life when intrusive thoughts were a manifestation of intuition, and miraculously the person avoided tragic events due to the fact that he refused the trip and did not go to the meeting.

How to develop intuition?

How to develop intuition on your own and discover the treasure trove of resources that the female subconscious hides? This requires faith and a lack of skepticism, as well as conviction in the benefits and practice, practice, practice - any worthwhile undertaking is worthy of investment in the form of persistent interest and time, all this will pay off with visible improvement in all areas of life and will give confidence in one’s abilities.

Development of intuition - exercises

How to improve your intuition? Any skill requires practical actions performed every day, so if you want to improve your life through developed intuition, you need to pay attention to the sixth sense, the following simple exercises will help:

  1. The right hemisphere is responsible for intuitive abilities and some actions that are performed right hand needs to be transferred to left hand, such as brushing teeth, drawing, typing - all of this will strengthen the right hemisphere and improve.
  2. This exercise is familiar to many from childhood, when someone asked you to guess in which hand an object is located, it’s worth remembering it, to do this, ask your loved ones to hold a small object in one of their palms and place your hands behind your back, you can stretch them forward. The exercise can be complicated in the future, choose 3-5 objects and ask another person to hold one of these objects in the palm of their hand, the task is to feel what kind of object it is and in which hand it is.
  3. When the phone rings, try to catch a feeling of who it might be without looking immediately at the screen.
  4. Before going to bed, it is useful to do the following practice: take a piece of paper and a pen, put them in a visible place near the bed, ask a question to your subconscious, starting with the simplest ones, and go to bed. When waking up, remember the dream in the smallest detail, write down everything and analyze the dream; here it is important to remember what the dream gives us - the task is to feel these symbols.

Women's intuition - books

How to strengthen your intuition - there is no shortage of information about this today, and books can be a great help in order to begin to strengthen this natural quality. Useful literature on the development of female intuition:

  1. « The power of female intuition" by A. Sokolova. The author provides convincing evidence of how developed intuition helps you live life to the fullest, be in the right places at the right time, avoid trouble and feel people.
  2. "Female intuition. How to develop and improve an invisible gift." V. Khamidova. The phenomenon of female intuition, how does it affect the woman herself, is it inherent in everyone equally? By using psychological tests presented in the book, you can test yourself to have a sixth sense.
  3. “Practical Intuition in Love” by L. Day. The author shares in his work how, with the help of developed intuition, you can find your soulmate.
  4. “Self-instruction manual for developing intuition” by L. Day. The practical value of the book is great; it presents simple and increasingly complex techniques on how to sharpen your intuition to hypersensitivity.
  5. "Premonitions in modern life» V.B. Jean. Since ancient times, people have been very attentive to the anxious feelings that arise before starting any business, and women have never been let down by their inner instincts. U modern women intuition is often ignored and more reliance is placed on reason, which is why so many mistakes are made. The exercises and practices presented in the book will help you start again.