Ivanova Maria Evgenievna,


MADO CRR-kindergarten "Sibiryachok"


Program content:

Learn to compose a portrait from separate parts, an oval face, a hairstyle - multi-colored strips of paper, natural material, eyes- colored paper, natural material;

Fix the method of expressing an oval made of paper folded in half; develop color perception, creative imagination;

Activate in speech adjectives denoting different moods, words used for use in comparison (hair structure, hair color);

Improve dialogic and monologue speech;

Help you understand your emotional state and those around you, and the ability to adequately express it;

Bring up positive emotions, sympathy for each other, desire to help.

Material: tinted album sheet for background; pink, white square for the face; multi-colored stripes; wool threads; natural material for hairstyles; small white square for eyes; small multi-colored squares for the pupils; large semicircular templates for cutting out faces; face cutting diagram; group room map; small round templates for cutting out pupils; letter from the residents of Mood Island; pictograms with different moods; multi-colored round circles for arranging children; double-sided wizard mask; subject pictures cut into 6 parts; an envelope with numbers 1, 2 for completing tasks; Fairy's magic wand; magic hourglass; sentiment pictograms to encourage children; scissors, felt-tip pens, glue stick, oilcloth, wet wipes, scrap tray, computer, tape recorder.

Preliminary work: looking at the illustrations from the album “What a Mood”; children working at the “My Mood” stand; coloring coloring books with moods; examination of the illustrative album “How different we are.”

Working with parents: a selection of color illustrations for compiling the album “How Different We Are”

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, they gave us a letter. I wonder who it's from. Let's read it.

Children read:“Come! Help! We live on the island of Mood! An evil wizard has bewitched us!”

Educator: What to do? (Children's answers) Let's think about what transport we can use to get to the island faster? (answers). Yes, I agree with you completely. You can get there quickly using these types of transport, but you still may not make it in time. Maybe some magical objects from fairy tales will help us, with the help of which we can instantly find ourselves on the island? Guys, I have a magic screen, all you have to do is press a button and fairy-tale characters will appear. Maybe their magic items will help us? Let's try (The teacher presses the button. Aladdin, Fairy, Puss in Boots, Baba Yaga appear on the screen in turn).

Educator: What is the name of the fairy-tale hero? (Aladdin). What magic item did he use? What had to be done with the lamp for the magic to happen?

Remember and tell me who it is? (Pinocchio). What magical object could be used to open a secret door?

What is this heroine's name? (Baba Yaga). What is the name of the magical transport on which she arrived? (broom, stupa)

Which magic item Did the fairies do good?

Educator: But the problem is, which of these items do we need? And where to find it, tell me! (children's answers). I think one hint will help us out. Let's use it (the teacher shows the map). What do you think this is? What is the card for? Let's look at it. What do you see here? ( geometric figures). What geometric shapes do you see? (circle, triangle, square, rectangle, semicircle, trapezoid). What could these figures on the map mean? (furniture, objects). A map of what could this be? That's right, this is a map of the room! Think about what room the map reminds you of? (group room). Well done guys, you guessed it, this is the map of our group. What do the numbers on the map mean? (sequence of direction of movement, path, route, road).

I'll tell you guys. A secret: we will look for envelopes with these numbers, only then will we be able to find a magic object, with the help of which we will instantly find ourselves on the island. Remember and tell me in which room we will look for these numbers? (in a group room, in a group room).

Educator: That's right, let's go to our group room. Tell me, what number should we find first? (number 1). Where could it be, let's look at the map. What shape should we find? (rectangle, semicircle) Where is it located? (between the Windows).

Children find an envelope with a number 1 in a corner of nature.

So we found envelopes with the number 1. There are so many of them! Take one envelope at a time. Are they all the same? What is the difference? Think about what different colors tell you? That's right, you need to find a match for your color. (children find pairs).

Guys, you and I are going to look for a magical object and on the road we will see and meet a lot of interesting things. And who we will meet, what objects we will see, we will find out if we look into the envelopes. (Children take out cut pictures).

But what is this? They are all divided into parts! Tell me, how can we find out what is shown in the pictures? (collect).

Children collect object pictures on the carpet in pairs, divided into 6 parts (cake, syringe, book, angry dog, kitten).

“From the parts of the picture you have already assembled

You probably guessed what mood,

Tell the guys how you found out ,

Why do you think so or did you guess?”

Guys, you and I are going to help the residents of Mood Island. It is very important to remember and talk about the fact that mood can be different. Let's take a look and say, what kind of mood do we get when we see a cake? (joyful, festive, happy, contented, cheerful, good-natured, surprised).

How will we feel if we eat the whole cake? (we will be upset, we will be upset, we will be sad, we will be sad, we will be surprised, we will be happy).

When adults read a book about goodness to you, what feeling do you get? (satisfied, happy, satisfied, calm, good-natured, thoughtful). And if you listened to a story about an evil deed, what mood will visit you then? (distressed, sad, sad, angry, scared, thoughtful, angry, determined, saddened).

What mood arises if we are invited to get vaccinated? (distressed, scared, angry, sad, sorrowful, offended). And if the child was given an injection and he recovered, then what words can be used to describe his mood: healthy, happy, joyful, satisfied, delighted, cheerful, surprised.

Guys, when we see such an angry dog, how do we feel?

(scared, sad, angry, surprised, upset, sad, angry, surprised, distressed, saddened, upset)

Let's think and say: why is the dog so angry? (the dog was angry from hunger). And we will feed her. What kind of dog will we see then? (contented, joyful, noble, happy, well-fed, good-natured). How will we feel then? (we will be happy, we will smile, play with the dog, laugh, laugh).

Look closely at the kitten. What is he like? (kind, affectionate, cute, pleasant, soft, gentle, fluffy). What kind of mood are you in? Why? How will you feel if a kitten scratches you? (we’ll cry, we’ll be sad, we’ll be upset, we’ll call our parents, we’ll be sad, we’ll try to calm the kitten down). But our kitten, guys, won’t hurt us.

I liked your effort. Talk about different moods. But now let's see what the map now tells us. Next look for number 2. Where on the map is this number located? (in the middle). Look carefully and try to find the desired item. What shape is it? (triangular). What is it called? (corner board games). Let's get closer. And here is the envelope with the number 2 and the treasured item! (the teacher takes out the Fairy wand). Let's not waste time. Turn to face me.

Educator:“I’ll touch you lightly with a magic wand”

Children:“I’ll now find myself on a magical island”

The children turn and see the island on the screen.

Listen to how quiet it is here! Why is no one meeting us? I wonder what kind of people live here? What do they like? Let's close our eyes and imagine this. Open your eyes and help me finish this:

One resident is big, the other is small

High Low





One resident's eyes are black - blue, blue - green, brown - brown.

One resident has short hair, another has long hair


Light - dark


Thick, sparse, thin.

One resident was cheerful, the other sad

Evil - good




Good-natured - indifferent.

That's how different the people live here! Only the evil wizard did not like all this! And he bewitched them, turning them invisible. And most importantly, he took away their mood.

Do you think we can disenchant them? (Fairy wand). No, guys, a magic wand can help in a magical land. But we can help you! Your magical hands will create a miracle, goodness!

“They love work and don’t get bored

Our hands can do everything.”

Let's show residents with different moods in our works! And to make the work interesting, let’s remember about our assistants (the teacher displays a diagram).

What is this? (scheme).

What does a straight line on a sheet mean? (fold line).

What do the little dashes mean? (cut line).

The teacher shows a large semicircle. What is this? (pattern, semicircle). What can be cut using this template? (circle) Remember and tell me how to do this? (Fold the sheet in half on the white side. Place the template with the straight side of the fold line, trace and cut out).

What can we cut out this way? (circle). What are we going to stick the face on? (background) Think about what material you need for the background? What can you cut out from small templates? (parts of the face). What parts of the face? (eyes, pupils, nose). What other parts of the face should be shown in the works so that residents can hear and speak? Look at the various materials on the table, think and decide what you will use to make hair, eyes, pupils, ears for your resident. To decide which of you will help a resident with what mood, you need to take these circles, turn them over, look and sit at tables of the same color (children choose circles).

I suggest choosing material for work and sitting down (Children choose material and sit down. There are pictograms with moods on the tables.) Before starting work, the teacher says: “I want to warn you guys that there is a magical time on the island! We need to have time to help the residents before it ends” (puts out a magic hourglass. While working, the teacher invites the children to think about what name they will give to their resident)


Guys, we helped the inhabitants of the island.

What mood are they in now?

But there are no trees on the island, the residents will plant them

There are no houses, they will build

There are no flowers, they will sow

There are no animals, they will have them.

Let's talk about how different our works turned out!

What mood did you help the resident with? What did you call him? Why? What is your resident thinking? Tell me, what made your resident happy? What is your resident not happy with? What advice do you have for him? What does your resident like? How would you cheer up your resident? What does your resident want to say? What words of gratitude does your resident want to say? (thank you, thank you). Tell us, what game would you invite your resident to play? Why? What kind of mood would you befriend a resident with? Why? (For each answer, the teacher gives the children incentive prize: pictograms with a cheerful mood).

Guys, there is only one resident left on the island whom we could not help! Who do you think it is? (evil wizard). It seems to me that it would not be entirely right if we left the island without helping him. I think he really needs her. How can we help the wizard? (children's options).

I really liked your desire to help, your options are very interesting. I also have an option. Let's give him some mood! That's it! But the problem is, how do we convey this to him? Tell! (children's answers)

I am pleased with your desire to help the wizard. Let's write a letter to the residents of the island as a group asking them to give this mask to the wizard. Our time on the island is ending. It's time for us to return to the group. Stand in a semicircle.

Educator:“I’ll touch you lightly with my magic wand.”

Children:“And I’ll end up in my favorite group.”

How good it is to be home! Really, guys?


Kryazheva N. L. Development of the emotional world of children. - Yaroslavl: Development Academy, 1996.-208p.

Minaeva V. M. Development of emotions of preschool children. - M.: Arkti, 1999.-48 p.

We invite preschool teachers of the Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their methodological material:
- Pedagogical experience, original programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scripts educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

Goal: to create conditions for artistic perception and creativity in children through the technique of unconventional drawing (“finger painting”).

Educational: - develop children's memory and attention;

  • continue to introduce children to blue and yellow colors;
  • develop hand motor skills through finger painting;

Developmental: -enrich children with a variety of sensory experiences;

  • develop verbal communication between children and adults and peers;
  • to arouse children's desire for creativity through play;

Educational: - to cultivate responsiveness to music in children;

create a positive emotional mood;

develop artistic perception.

Vocabulary work: autumn, rain, leaf fall, wind, blue, yellow.

Preliminary work: examination of illustrations and slides depicting autumn, rain and leaf fall.


  1. Handout material (drawing showing autumn tree and clouds, gouache, wet wipes)
  2. Demonstration material (hanging hoops with “rain” and “leaf fall”), educational board, recording of nature sounds on a flash card, “Autumn” songs.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: - Guys, look how many guests have come to us. Let's say hello to them. (Children say hello)

The song "Autumn" is playing

Educator: Children, what time of year is it now? (autumn)

What happens in the fall? (the grass and leaves turn yellow, it rains, it becomes cold outside, birds fly away to warmer climes).

Yes, all nature is preparing for winter. The leaves on the trees turn yellow and fly off.

(wind noise recording)

We approach the leaf fall hoop.

Guys, look at what beautiful leaf fall we have in the group. Let's come and take a closer look at it. Tell me, what color is it? (yellow).

You like? And I know beautiful poem about leaf fall.

Yellow leaves are dancing

They fall from the branches and fly.

This golden fairy tale

They call it “leaf fall.”

The hoop opens and falling leaves fly towards the children.

And today we will draw this beautiful leaf fall. Let's go to the tables. Children sit at tables, handouts are provided for each child.

What do you think we will draw with? After all, there are no tassels on the tables?

You and I will be wizards and we will draw beautiful leaf fall with our fingers. For this we need yellow paint. Dip your finger in the paint and put bright dots on the leaf of the autumn tree. Like this. (teacher demonstrates drawing techniques)

Children perform leaf fall and wipe their fingers with wet wipes.

(rain recording)

The teacher draws the children’s attention to the “rain” hoop.

Guys, look, the clouds frowned and it began to rain. What color are raindrops? (blue) Let's come up and play with the droplets.

Finger game "Rain"


They fell on the blades of grass.

Drip-drip droplets,

Drip-drip small.

Children's palms

They catch these drops.

Drip-drip droplets,

Drip-drip small.

  • Well, we’ve played with the rain, and now let’s go to the tables and draw rain with our magic fingers for our clouds in the picture. For this we need paint of blue color. Show me where she is?
  • Dip your finger in the paint and draw droplets under the clouds. Like this. (show by teacher)

Children perform “rain”.

So we got beautiful “autumn” pictures.

Summing up.

Children, today we were wizards. Did you like finger painting?

What did we get in the drawings?

What color are the leaves and rain?

Would you like to become a wizard and draw magical pictures? (children's answers)

municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 28"

Summary of direct educational activities on artistic and aesthetic development in senior group

Topic: “Journey to the underwater kingdom.”

Program tasks : continue to expand and clarify children’s ideas about living and inanimate nature, develop a realistic understanding of these phenomena and the ability to establish relationships between them. Summarize and correctly convey perceptions in words and drawings; make children want to draw a picture of the underwater kingdom.

Encourage the transfer of a fabulous atmosphere by creating a unique flavor;

strengthen your watercolor painting skills using the following techniques:

Drawings on the raw,

Palm drawing,

Induce emotional responsiveness when perceiving the drawings. Develop fine motor skills, creativity, and imagination, fantasy. Foster independence, activity, and love of nature.

Previous work: reading the fairy tale “The Little Mermaid”, reading fairy tales about the sea and its inhabitants. Looking at paintings about the sea by Aivazovsky. Carrying out observations of fish in an aquarium. Conversations. Making a “sea” model.


Blue water, sponge, sheet of paper, paints, brushes, napkins. Pictures about the sea, mermaid. Record "The Sound of the Sea".

Progress of the lesson.

Children enter the group and see the pictures.

Educator draws the children’s attention to the pictures: “Guys, what do you see?”


Educator : “That’s right, this is the sea. Guys, let’s see what kind of sea is in the first picture?”


Educator: “What do you think, Seryozha?”


Educator : “How else can you say about the sea?”


Educator : “Let's look at the second picture. What is the sea like here?


Educator :What else can be seen in the picture?


Educator : “What else can be seen in the picture?”

Child : “The waves are playing.”

Educator : “What else do you see, Nastya, tell me.

Child: “Clouds have moved into the sky. The waves are rocking the ship, and before long it will sink.”

Educator : “Yes, in the second picture the sea is menacing, restless. Let’s, guys, remember summer. Tell me, which of you has been to the sea, swam in the sea or sailed on a ship?”

The children answer.

Educator : “Now tell me, why do we need the sea?”

Child: “To swim.”

Educator : “What do you think, Ilyusha?”

Child: “To sail on ships.”

Educator : “So what is good and bad in the sea? Let's first list what is good about the sea."

Children's answers:



2.You can swim.

3.Sunbathe on the seashore.

4.You can sail the sea on a ship and see different countries.

5. The sea brings food to man: fish, seaweed, etc.

6. A person gets fancy shells and pearls from there.

7. Man needs water for life.

Educator : “Children, what is bad in the sea?”

Children's answers:

The bad:

1. The sea is fraught with many dangers. When it is formidable, you can drown.

2. There are all sorts of predators in the sea that can eat a person - sharks.

3. If you walk on the ice of the sea, you can fall through and drown.

Educator : “Yes, you are right, guys, there is a lot of good in the sea, but it is also fraught with danger. Would you like to suddenly find yourself deep, deep under water, at the very bottom of the sea and see who lives there, what wonderful things there are?”

Children: Yes, we do.

Educator : “Then, let’s sit in our submarine, close our eyes and imagine how we are descending through the water to the very bottom of the sea.”

The recorder turns on.

Children close their eyes and imagine descending to the bottom of the sea.

Educator : “So we found ourselves at the bottom of the sea. (The recorder turns off) Let's open our eyes, guys, and get out of the ship."

Children leave the ship and wander along the seabed.

Educator : “Oh, how interesting and beautiful it is here. What interesting things do you guys see?”

Children: “Colorful fish swim around, algae of different shapes grow.”

Educator : “Oh, guys, I saw something unusual, like a star. It’s a starfish. What does it look like? It looks like a red five-pointed star. And marine because it lives at the bottom of the sea.”

A mermaid appears.

Educator : “Oh, who is it, guys, that swam up to us?.”


Educator : “How did you know it was a little mermaid?”

Children: “She has a fish tail.”

Educator : “What do you know about her? Where she lives?"

Children: " In the sea. In a fairy tale."

Educator : “That’s right, so we found ourselves in a fabulous underwater kingdom, where mermaids live and can even talk.”

Mermaid: “I am very pleased that you recognized me. Guys, what fairy tales do you know about me, about the underwater kingdom, about the sea?”


Mermaid: “Yes, I live only in fairy tales. Our underwater kingdom is very beautiful and there are many wonders in it.

I have many friends - nimble, colorful fish. We love to dance in circles with them. And I also have a friend. Guess who he is?

(makes a riddle)

Don't you know me?

I live at the bottom of the sea.

Head and eight legs -

Can you guess who it could be?”

Children: "It's an octopus."

Mermaid: “Well done, the guys guessed the riddle correctly. My friend is an octopus. He loves to ride me because he has a lot of legs. We live a very fun life, but...

But I've never been to earth. And I would really like to see what the Earth is and how people live there.”

Educator: “Well, guys, let’s take the little mermaid with us to kindergarten so that she can see how we live. Let’s swim with us, little mermaid, to the surface and you, too, can see how interesting and fun our children live.”

Everyone boards the submarine and goes up to land.

Educator: “Well, here we are again in our group. This is where we live. Do you like it, little mermaid?”

Mermaid: “Yes, I really like it. Did you like my underwater kingdom? What did you guys like most?”

Educator: Guys, the little mermaid would really like to know what interesting things you saw at the bottom of the sea, what you remember. Let's draw what we saw on our journey. Sit down at the tables. Here is everything you need: brushes, paints, water and a sponge to wet a sheet of paper. Napkins for drying your hands. There is also a plate with paint for painting with your palm. How can you draw an octopus?

Children : "Brush, finger."

Educator: “Yes, but the easiest way is to draw an octopus with your palm, dipping it in paint and applying it to a piece of paper. And when it dries, we’ll draw on its eyes. What else will you draw?”

Child : colorful fish.

Educator: What else will you draw, Kirill?”

Child: "Seaweed."

Educator: “What will Nastya draw?”

Child : "Starfish."

Educator: “What can you depict at the bottom of the sea?”


Educator: " Who else saw what on seabed?"

Child: " Shells, sand."

Educator: " Guys, now remember once again what we saw in the underwater kingdom and decide what you will draw. What will you draw, Denis?"

Child : "Octopus, algae."

Educator: " What will he draw, Anton?”

Child : "Starfish."

Educator: “Or maybe someone, guys, would like to draw a fairy-tale goldfish? The little mermaid will take your drawings with her and show them to her friends and her octopus friend. Let’s try to make sure they like our drawings. Please get to work.”

The music turns on.

Work management .

I note who immediately started drawing. Well done Seryozha and Ksyusha - you’ve already painted the blue sea.

But Alina already has an octopus swimming in the sea.

If someone finds it difficult, then I come up and together we try to draw an octopus on another sheet.

Well done Timur U. and Sasha L., they have a lot of pebbles and algae in the sea. I note the neatness in the work.

Let me remind you in advance that the lesson ends.

Kirill and Nastya have already finished their work and are cleaning up the table. Well done: “When you finish the job, go for a walk.”

Children bring out their drawings and display them on the board.

Educator: " Look, little mermaid, what a big sea the guys have made. Like real.

I see a green cheerful octopus, and you?

Where did you get the nimble octopus? Why do you think so?

And one fish likes to play hide and seek and hid behind a pebble. Find her.

Mermaid: “Indeed, it turned out to be a real sea. There is so much to see here - algae, fish, and octopuses. Can I take all your drawings with me?”

Children: " Yes."

Educator: " That's how much I liked your drawings, guys."

Mermaid : “Guys, now it’s time for me to go to sea. Goodbye.”

Teacher and children: "Goodbye!

Organization: MBDOU kindergarten<<Ручеёк>>

Locality: Rostov region, Zimovniki village

Abstract of GCD

on the topic: “I paint the sea, the blue distances...” using non-traditional drawing techniques - blotography and landscape monotype .

Prepared by:

senior teacher

different age group Kurchatova S.V.

April 2017

Abstract of GCD

on artistic and aesthetic development in the senior group

on the topic: “I paint the sea, blue distances” using unconventional drawing techniques - blotography and landscape monotype .

Target: Introducechildren with unconventional technology drawing – blotography with elements of appliqué and landscape monotype.To develop creative activity and independence in children.

Educational objectives:

  1. Continue to form children's ideas about the sea and its inhabitants.
  2. Teach them to creatively and independently reflect their ideas about

the sea and its inhabitants, using techniques - blotography and monotype,

with appliqué elements.

  1. Expand and enrich children's vocabulary.

Developmental tasks:

Develop cognitive interest in nature, imagination, color perception, sense of composition, creativity, communication skills.

Educational tasks:

To cultivate curiosity, responsiveness and artistic taste and interest in the visual arts.

Material for the lesson:

for each child

  • album sheet,
  • Palette with 6 colors (yellow, blue, turquoise, blue, green, red),
  • Napkin,
  • Brush

Demonstrative material:

  • Cut-out pictures depicting transport,
  • Presentation “Depths of the Sea”
  • Turtle toy
  • Multi-colored ribbons
  • Soft modules for building a ship
  • Chest

Using an audio recording of the composition “Chunga-Changa”, music on a marine theme.

Preliminary work:

Looking at illustrations depicting sea animals, talking about the life of sea creatures, listening to the music of the sea elements, reading artistic and educational children's literature, artistic and productive activities; drawing “Aquarium and its inhabitants”, application “Aquarium fish”, didactic games“Who lives where”, “Habitat”.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: The teacher and children are scattered in the group

Guys, today an amazing thing happened to me. This morning the phone rang in our group. I picked up the phone, and who do you think called me? Can you guess? ( Children's answers)

I would never have guessed who it could be either. And a little turtle named Droplet called me. She called from a small tropical island in a warm sea. And you know, guys, she said that she would really like to have many friends. And she invited you and me to visit.

Shall we go for a visit? Great guys, do you know what an island is? (children's answers)

Educator: Yes, an island is where the sea is, it is a small part of land surrounded by water.

Guys, in order to find out what we can use to get to our island, we need to collect these cut-out pictures (Children in pairs collect cut-out pictures of a motorcycle, train, plane and ship)

  1. Motorbike. What did you get? ( children's answers)

Can we go by motorcycle? And why? ( children's answers)

  1. Train. And you got a train. Can we travel by train to the island? (children's answers) Of course not (children's answers)
  2. Airplane. How can we get to the island? ( by plane)

We can get there by plane. And if we fly on an airplane, what can we see from this airplane? (children's answers)

  1. Ship . What else can we use on our journey? What can we see along the way?

Educator: Everything is decided, you and I will go on a trip by ship to see a lot of interesting things on the way to the island. But we don't have a ship.

Guys, you and I can fold it on our carpet. Look, we have soft modules lying against the wall. Make a ship out of them. What should our ship have?

The teacher coordinates the children's activities in building a ship.

What should our ship have? (children's answer options) I think our ship should have a bow? Yes, but should the ship have sides? Yes, here they are ( if necessary, corrects the construction of children) It is necessary to build firmly, why do you think? ( children's answers) Yes, so that the water does not cover us, we build strong sides on the right, but on the left? (they build and discuss - this is the left side, this is the starboard side). So, this will be the stern of our ship. Guys, look from above, is this our ship?

Educator: Yeah, okay, then I think we should all come to our deck. Please come in and sit down. We sit down comfortably, because we want to see a lot on the way to the island. And we look forward.

Educator: Guys, (tells a poem)

Educator: Well, take me with you, okay. Yes guys, we are already on the high seas.


Nautical-themed music plays quietly.

(Slide 1 with a picture of the globe.)

Educator: Look ahead, what we see and the right globe. (Slide 2 with a picture of the sea surf.)

And here are the sea waves, we now heard the sound of a wave, the sound of the breaking sea waves, the sound of water.

(Slide 3 with a picture of a ship)

And here is our ship, on which we are sailing to our island, where a turtle named Droplet is waiting for us .

(Slide 4 with a picture of dolphins)

Look who it is? (children's answers).

Yes, these are dolphins, they love to swim near ships, and they often help people. Dolphins are considered the most intelligent animals; they even know how to communicate with each other, using various sounds in conversation: clicking, whistling.

(Slide 5 with a picture of a whale)

Educator: Look, who is this? Yes, this is a whale, the largest inhabitant of the sea, This is the largest animal in the world. When it floats, a fountain of water is visible in the sea, and here in this picture only his tail is visible above the water.

(Slide 6 with a picture of a shark)

Educator: Look, this is a shark. This is the most dangerous inhabitant of the sea. Dangerous predator. The shark swims very quickly. And she has many, many teeth. They are often called bloodthirsty, toothy, evil. Their teeth are in six rows, and sharp as a saw. You need to be very careful.

(Slide 7 with a picture of fish)

The teacher recites the poem:

Fish, fish, two bends

Two bends, two arcs, one hundred and four rainbows!

Educator: Look, these are fish. How beautiful, what color are they ( children's answers) They live where it is shallow.

(Slide 8 with a picture of sea urchins)

And this sea ​​urchins (what colour hedgehogs in the picture). With the help of needles, sea urchins not only protect themselves from enemies, but also move, as if on stilts, along the seabed.

Educator: Let's sail further, who else will we meet?

(slide 9 with the image of fish and algae)

Notice the color of the algae? ( children's answers what color) Beautiful?!

(Slide 10 with an image of an octopus)

Educator: Let's look ahead. Who is this? That's right, it's an octopus, what color is an octopus, yes they come in different colors. Why do you think it received such a name - octopus? (children's answers).

The octopus was named so because eight limbs extend from its short body. Its soft body has no bones and can bend freely in different directions. In case of danger, they have the ability to very quickly change color and become the same color as the ground.

(Slide 11 with a picture of jellyfish)

Educator: . Look, look who we see - jellyfish. These are mysterious and incredibly beautiful inhabitants of the seas and oceans. But among the jellyfish there are very dangerous ones. They can cause a painful burn and we will not touch them with our hands. In fact, jellyfish are beneficial; they filter and purify sea water.

(slide 12 with the image of starfish)

Educator: . Look, what about this? Yes, these are starfish. How many rays does a starfish have? Let's do the math. Five! And what a color, and a very unusual color, beautiful! Oh guys, this must be our friend Droplet!? which is waiting for us. We are already approaching the shore, to our island.

(Slide 13 with a picture of a turtle)

Educator: Guys, look, turtles are born from eggs, what a little turtle. Let's swim further.

(Slide 14 with an image of the island)

Educator: And so you and I found ourselves on the island. Warm sea, noisy palm trees, hot sand underfoot. Look to the right, to the left, our little turtle is somewhere here. Where is our friend? And here is our friend Droplet.

Educator on behalf of Droplet : “Hello guys, I’m so glad that you came to visit me. My name is Droplet, what’s your name?” (children get to know each other, say their names) Oh, oh, who hasn’t stroked me yet?

When you guys sailed to the island, what did you see? (children's answers...)

Educator: Guys, I have a request for you: could you draw me some sea creatures, and it would make life more fun for me on my island. Will you draw it?

Educator: Guys, please go to the tables.

Do you think we can draw the sea? How can we draw the sea? ( children's answers - brush, pencils, finger, felt-tip pens...)

Educator: Today I want to tell you about new way, with which we will draw, look carefully at your tables. Have you looked? Please note that there are palettes in front of you, what colors are on it ( children's answers). Have you ever seen such colors in the sea?

Today we will study a new technique called blotography with appliqué elements, look on your trays there are figures prepared for gluing. These are figurines of which inhabitants of the deep sea? (children's answers) Amazing.

So, guys, we have a blotography. This is when a drop of paint drips and falls on a sheet of paper folded in half. ...Then, when you have finished listening to me, dip your brushes first into one, then into the paint and begin to drip onto one half of your sheet, all over the half. You will use the colors that you like. After you have dropped all the flowers, we will fold our sheet in half and iron it well - well with a napkin. And then we'll open it and see what we got.

Guys, but before we start drawing, you and I will stretch our fingers, show all your palms, and now your fingers, these are the fingers. Rub your palms and repeat after me.

Finger gymnastics “I draw the sea”

Educator: Guys, rub your palms, fingers, and now concentrate, remember what I told you, take your brushes, dip them in jars of water and start creating, you are real artists and each of you will have completely different pictures on a sheet of paper, not similar to each other on a friend, but I’m sure they will all be very interesting and beautiful.

(music starts playing quietly)

Educator: First, dip it in a jar of water, and take the paints that you really like, dip the brush well into the paint. More water so that the drops are greasy - greasy.

Individual assistance in the drawing process

So, now leave the brush on the palette, bend the sheet and draw, smooth the sheet with a napkin. Good good. Guys, look what beautiful pictures You got it, now all you have to do is stick on the sea creatures. Stick directly onto the paint.

Guys, while your paintings are drying, go wash your hands.

The paintings are drying, and now we will relax and dance and give our Droplet a fiery dance. (Hands out ribbons)

Educator: We come up with movements that we will give to our Droplet.

(hands out ribbons) Chung-Chang's music is playing.

Educator: We come up with movements that we will give to our turtle. Different, different movements. Have fun!

Guys, the music stops, and we all lie down on the seabed, close our eyes, everyone turns into starfish,

Relaxation music sounds

Lie down, some on your tummy, some on your back, as comfortable as possible, spread your arms. Take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale through your mouth . Let's listen to music. (several times, the main thing is that the children lie comfortably and breathe freely)

Educator: And now, pay attention, your eyes open, as soon as I count to five, you will all sit on the carpet. Listen one, two... and everyone sat on the carpet - five.

Guys, let's remember where we went today? ( children's answers)

Who did you see while sailing to the island? (children's answers) Yes, and we saw an octopus. How can they be called in one word? Yes, we saw sea creatures.

Educator: Let's go to the board and look at our sea paintings. What kind of pictures did you get? (children's answers). What did you use to draw them? (children's answers).

And you know, our turtle Droplet has prepared a surprise for us. Close all your eyes now. Takes out a chest

Educator: Open your eyes ( opens the chest and examines the surprise). Let's say thank you to Droplets for the gift. Now let’s say goodbye to her, see you again, turtle!

Used Books:

1. Veraksy, N. E. From birth to school. Approximate basic general education program for preschool education [Text] / N. E. Veraksy; edited by N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. – M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2011

2. Davydova, G. N. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. Part 1: educational method. manual [Text]

3. Kazakova, R. G. Drawing classes with preschoolers: textbook - method. manual [Text] / 4. Tskvitaria T. A. Non-traditional drawing techniques. Integrated classes in preschool educational institutions. - M.: TC Sfera 2011 (Teacher's Library)

5. Komarova T.S. Children's artistic creativity. Methodological manual for educators and teachers. – 2nd edition. M.: Mosaic-synthesis, 2008

Summary of continuous educational activities for children 4-5 years old “I draw the sea.”

Integration educational areas: artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development.

Subject:"I'm painting the sea."
Target: Formation of drawing skills in children using non-traditional techniques.
- Teach children to draw the sea using various ways Images.
- Continue to teach children, think through and implement the design of the drawing.
- To contribute to the formation in children of an understanding of the imagery of poetry about water, about the sea, to evoke an emotional response to the poems they hear about water.
- Create conditions for experimenting with different art materials and tools.
- To consolidate children’s knowledge about water, its importance in the life of living organisms.
- To promote the development of children’s interest in creating an image of the sea in various ways non-traditional techniques.
- Promote the development of imagination.
- Continue to cultivate perseverance, interest and the ability to work in a team.
- Continue to cultivate respect for water.
Equipment: sheets of white paper different sizes(elongated rectangles or stripes), gouache paints blue, white, blue flowers, hair and bristle brushes of various sizes, foam sponges, old toothbrushes, washcloths, jars of water. Sound recording “Music of water”. Presentation “All about water”.
Preliminary work: Looking at illustrations depicting the sea, memorizing poems about water. 1. Introductory part
Game "Hello".
Hands, hands, wake up, hello!
Hello little fingers!
And our little hands, hello!
Wake up our legs, hello!
And floods and springs, hello!
Eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hello!
Everyone, wink at each other, hello!
And you will smile at your guests, hello!

Educator: Guys, I invite you to draw today? Want to? (Children's answers.)
Educator: Then sit down on the chairs at the tables, while I go get some water.
(The teacher goes to the restroom and returns with glasses full of snow.)
Educator: Guys, look what this is!? Snow is coming out of the tap... What should I do? How will we draw without water? (Children's assumptions.)
Educator: Snow is frozen water. What kind of water do we need for painting? (Liquid.) Take the snow in your palms and count to 5, what happens to it? (It began to melt and turned into water.)
Educator: You can’t drink this water, but you can water flowers and paint with it. Let's put the cups on the radiator, and while the snow melts, we'll talk about... And a riddle will help you guess what we'll talk about.
She is both in the sea and in the river,
She is in the tap, in the stream,
Both in the pond and in the spring.

It might rain,
Water the earth from the sky. (Water.)
Educator: What is water for? (Water plants, cook food, drink, bathe, do laundry, swim; animals and fish need water.) Slide
Educator: Well done. That's right, guys, everyone needs water: animals, plants, and people. This means that water is needed for life on earth. And all life on our planet Earth partly consists of water. And you and I are also made of water. A person can live only 3 days without water. But fish and sea creatures generally cannot live without water. Therefore, it is very important to protect and conserve water! Slide
Educator: Where can you find water? (Children's answers.) There is water in the river, in the lake, in the sea, in the stream, it rains - these are droplets of water, snowflakes fall - these are frozen droplets of water. Slide
Educator: Our entire planet is mostly made of water. When people flew into space, observing our planet from spaceships, they saw that the Earth was blue. Look how beautiful it is - blue planet Earth. Slide
Educator: And now the guys will tell us more about water. (Children read poetry.)
1. Water everywhere - water in a glass,
And in the kettle, and just in the tap.
When there is no water at all -
Then you won’t cook dinner.
2. We are used to the fact that water is
Our companion always!
We can't wash ourselves without it,
Don't eat, don't get drunk.
I dare to report to you
We can't live without water!
3. Fish cannot live without water
I can't, you can't.
Let's all save water together
And guard every drop together.
2. Main part.
Educator: And this is what our Earth would look like if all the water disappeared from the planet. You like? (Children's answers.) Slide
Educator: And so that our planet doesn’t become so dry, let’s draw another sea for it? (Children's answers.) Look guys, the snow has already melted and we can start drawing. But first, let's rest.
Physical exercise "Sea".
The sea is very wide (Children spread their arms wide to the side.)
The sea is very deep. (They squat, touching their hands to the floor.)
Fish live there, friends, (Perform the “Fish” movement.)
But you can’t drink water. (Spread their arms to the side, raising their shoulders.)
The teacher invites the children to sit on the carpet, on which a film is spread (so as not to stain the carpet) and art materials are placed: large brushes (hair and bristle), toothbrushes, foam sponges, washcloths, brushes, gouache paint in blue, blue and white, poured into plates.
Educator: So that we can draw well, we will stretch our fingers.
Finger gymnastics. “I’ll sail across the sea.”
I will press two palms,
And I will sail across the sea. (Press both palms together, without connecting your thumbs.)
Two palms, friends,
This is my boat. (Make wave-like movements with your hands - “the boat floats.”)
I'll raise the sails (With your hands joined together in a “boat” shape, raise your thumbs up.)
I'll swim in the blue sea. (Continue wave-like movements with your hands - “boat”.)
And on the stormy waves
Fish swim here and there. (Completely connect two palms to each other to imitate fish and again wave-like movements - “fish swim.”)
Educator: I want to read you a poem about a boy who painted the sea. (Reads V. Orlov’s poem “I draw the sea.”)
I paint the sea
Blue distances.
You are such a sea
We just didn’t see it!
I have one like this
Blue paint,
That any wave -
Just like alive!
I sit quietly
Near the surf -
I dip my brush
The sea is blue.
Educator: Guys, what do you think, how and with what can you draw the sea without a pencil and brush. (Children's answers.) The larger the sheet of paper, the better and more convenient. You can even draw the sea together. If you want to draw together, find a friend with your eyes and agree with him.
Let each of you have your own sea: someone will have a quiet and calm sea - calm, someone will have a rippling sea with white foam, or maybe someone will want to draw a storm - a sea storm. (Show illustrations depicting a calm, rough and stormy sea.) Close your eyes and imagine what kind of sea you want to draw now. And the music of the sea will help you.
Productive activity.
Children, individually or in pairs, draw the sea and waves on sheets of white paper spread on the floor. The teacher invites the children to experiment with art materials to depict the sea and waves.
Children draw to the background music with the sounds of the sea surf.
The teacher guides the children’s work, gives hints, and helps with advice.
3. Final part.
Examination of children's works.
Educator: What did you guys like today? What new have you learned? What was difficult for you? What's easy? (Children's answers.)
Educator: You did a really good job today – you painted a wonderful sea!
And I also want to remind you guys that water is the source of life on earth. Water is necessary for humans, animals and plants. Therefore, it is very important to protect and take care of it!
The spring has dried up, the stream has weakened,
Tap water - drip, drip, drip...
The rivers and seas are becoming shallow,
Don't waste water, waste, waste...
And then many years will pass,
And there is no water - no, no, no...
Educator: And in the evening you and I will make fish and place them in our sea. Do you agree? (Children's answers.)