Make a funny pig mask out of paper New Year's Eve cheerful and will bring a little fairy tale and miracle into the holiday.

Throw a carnival party in the spirit of the symbol of the year! To make a pig mask with your own hands, you will need one free evening, good mood and some creative inspiration. Craft materials will fit into any budget, so don't look for reasons to give up crafting. We recommend that you start preparing for the holidays in advance and don’t be afraid to add your own twists to the design.

Creative materials

To make a pig mask with your own hands, prepare:

  • Whatman paper or two sheets of A4 paper;
  • gouache or wallpaper of a suitable color;
  • glitter and clear polish (nail polish) for decoration;
  • glue paper or silicone gun;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • simple pencil, pen;
  • marker (black or blue);
  • scotch;
  • ribbon for ties.

Whatman paper is denser, use it if you are not going to cover the craft with pieces of wallpaper, but paint it with gouache. Keep an eraser handy just in case so that you can correct the contours if necessary.

Manufacturing and decoration techniques

On a piece of paper or whatman paper, draw the outlines of the pig, having previously estimated the width and height of the face of the one who will be hiding behind the character. Consider how much of your mouth you want to be visible.

On the second sheet, draw two ears, a nose and a fastening strip for the pig’s snout.

The size of the Whatman paper allows you to draw the entire muzzle, rather than drawing the ears separately. The author of the master class did not have whatman paper on hand, so the photo shows an example of cutting on plain paper. Carefully cut out your sketches.

Check if the ears match.

And is the nose the right size?

Take a piece of wallpaper and reverse side, carefully pressing the edges, carefully trace the contours of the pig mask.

Also carefully outline the nose and ears. Don't forget about the fastening strip.

All parts will need to be made in two. You don’t have to outline the second ear and the second patch, but simply leave enough space nearby so that later, after folding the wallpaper evenly in half, you can cut out two elements at once. It is more convenient to sign the blanks so as not to get confused. Carefully cut out all the circled pieces.

You should get: 4 ears, 2 nickels, 1 base and 1 long strip. Prepare the parts for gluing by arranging them in the correct order.

Carefully glue all components of the pig mask. Trim the edges if necessary.

The elements will be dense and strong. Check again that all parts fit.

Carefully outline with a marker all the fragments, except for the fastening strip and the folds of the ears.

Circle the ears on the back side (you don’t need to go all the way to the bottom).

Glue the ears, having previously bent them using a ruler, and glue the fastening strip into a tube.

Glue the snout onto the fastening tube, and then glue the finished nose to the pig mask.

This is what should happen as a result of your efforts.

Using tape, make loops for the ties, insert ribbons into them that will hold the pig's face on the head. If you do New Year's mask, add appropriate decoration. Carefully coat the contours with clear varnish and sprinkle glitter on top of the fresh layer.

And this is what a pig’s muzzle from whatman paper will look like, painted with gouache (covered with tape for density and durability).

Using this master class, you can make children's masks for the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs.”

As you can see, making paper masks is accessible to craftswomen of any level. It is more difficult to create Venetian masks using the papier-mâché technique, using this fascinating creativity.

Use carnival paraphernalia at home during holidays and co-ops. It's fun and funny. Plus, you can do without makeup.

Hello comrades!

Let's start with the pig mask. The cute Nif-nif is made using absolutely the same principle as... a cat and... an elephant. It looks amazingly like an elephant. It’s not for nothing that there is a fairy tale about this().

Pig or pig mask

So, the pattern will be like this.

By the way, the difficulty will not be in the mask, but in finding the cardboard suitable color. I used pink photocopy paper and reinforced it from the inside with masking tape, as well as pink isolon. An ordinary travel rug. And just white isolon (for insulating floors - sold in hardware stores), I blushed it. Someday I’ll tell you about all these cunning ideas. Now let's get back to the pig mask.

Attach the pattern to a sheet of A4 cardboard (landscape). It matches the width very clearly. Let's cut out, cut through all the darts, lightly draw the edges of the dart on the forehead, glue it, pinch the bridge of the nose (with a stapler is best).

The forehead is now convex, the nose is pointed forward, the eyes are narrowed. We wrap the nose and glue the snout (it is better that the color of the snout is somehow different from the main color of the mask, but not radically, for example, not crimson).

We also glue the free corners of the cheeks to the patch. Ears. Well, the ears are fluffy and very interestingly bent forward, hanging over the eyes. So Naf-naf is ready. Or maybe it’s not a pig, but a pig. Then it’s worth drawing eyelashes and highlighting the blush.

Believe it or not, comrades, a cute pig mask can easily transform into... a devil, and I would even say an imp. Well, such a character will also come in handy, for example, for caroling or for Halloween.

Schematically they are the same. The pattern is the same, let’s change the color and add horns and a gloomy expression and we’ll get a fiend from hell.

Holidays and carnivals in kindergarten or school - this is not only a joyful and fun event for children, but also a headache for adults who do not know how and where to get the right costume or mask for the child.

Of course, constantly buying or renting a suit is quite an expensive pleasure, so you should think about making it yourself. Don’t rush to give up, even if you are far from needlework and sewing. Creativity get down to business, and your imagination will help you bring any bold idea to life.

A popular costume is a pig or pig.

Deciding on a character and thinking through the image

What comes to your mind first? Pink color, a snout nose, funny triangular ears or a donut tail? All these are integral components of the image of a pig, which means that to one degree or another they should be reflected in his costume or accessories.

You can make any pig costume you like: perhaps it will be the perky and cheerful Funtik, or the cute and charming Piglet (either from the Disney version of the cartoon, or from the Soviet one), or one of the three pig brothers from famous fairy tale, or the funny and resourceful Peppa Pig, or the capricious and imaginative beauty Nyusha from Smeshariki. As you can see, there are a lot of options to choose from.

It is necessary to select a character based on the child’s personal preferences (maybe there is a favorite cartoon or fairy-tale character, a pig), and also take into account his age. For example, if your baby is still very tiny, then there is no need to make bulky costumes or think about numerous details, because most likely you need the outfit more than the child.

For infants or children who are not yet walking, you can make a funny pink jumpsuit with a hood in the shape of a pig’s face, and if you are familiar with knitting, you can knit panties and a hat with ears for his head.

Much greater scope for creativity opens up when creating costumes for older children.

Several ideas and options

A child's holiday outfit can be the simplest. Perhaps you will simply designate the image of a pig with a headdress or mask, and the role of a costume will be played by ordinary clothes, skillfully selected and suitable for this character.

For example, if you dress a boy in a beige or light pink shirt/turtleneck with a bright vest and short pants or bloomers with straps/suspenders, then you will get one of three brother pigs. You can complete the look with a mask, which is very easy to make.

  1. The pig mask can be made of paper. Then all you need to do is find a nice mask template and print it out, then cut out the holes for the eyes, color it and attach an elastic band. If you don’t want to paint, you can print out a color template right away, and to make the mask stronger, glue it to a thick base or cardboard. If desired, decorate the mask with glitter or other decor.
  2. The pig mask or headdress is also made from other materials. You can make it in the same way as a paper one, only from felt, sew it from fabric (taking any hat as a basis), make it from foam rubber or papier-mâché, etc. Face painting would also be appropriate for the holiday.

If you know how to sew, you can use patterns and completely sew a suit. This can be either a one-piece jumpsuit or pants with suspenders or a skirt (for girls), described in the first option, but already made specifically for this look.

Select materials that are light and voluminous so that they hold their shape well and look beautiful, for example, thermal velour, fleece, organza or taffeta. It will work out very well if you duplicate the material with padding polyester. Be sure to attach a ponytail to the costume (you can twist it from wire and cover it with fabric), and the legs can have pink socks or knee socks.

If there is a costume competition or important performance coming up, you can do some original or interesting costume, for example, the costume of Peppa Pig or Nyusha the Smesharik. By the way, such costumes will be available even for adult animators. Peppa may be wearing a pink dress or sundress, but she will have to tinker with the headdress. Try cutting it out of foam rubber and painting it or making it out of felt.

For Nyusha’s costume you will need to sew “ round dress"(cut like a sundress or a dress with a yoke, but add a tulle lining down and gather tightly to form a ball). Decorate the dress with applique or other decor. You can put a pink headband with ears and a pigtail on your head, or you can make a full-fledged Nyusha headdress (more suitable for animators or for creating life-size puppets).

Let the image of a piglet, created with your own hands, be the brightest and most beautiful at the upcoming holiday!

Hello comrades!

At the request of readers, I am writing an article “How to make a boar mask.” Making masks of all kinds of exotic animals is my hobby. I made a boar mask one evening just to prove to myself that I can do this (and for fun). Well, she boasted about the photo on the website and suggested: if anyone is interested, ask, and I’ll tell you how to do it. After which I conveniently forgot. And now - it turns out that the boar is in demand!

I welcome everyone who wants to “reincarnate” into Mr. Hro-Hro.

So how to make a boar mask? I made the first one from wrapping paper. To be honest, we need to check how this model will perform in a cardboard version. By the way, which cardboard should I choose? I have a set of black-yellow-blue... hmm, no brown! I made an agreement with myself: I’ll take white, the reverse non-dress side is some kind of grayish, let’s see how this grayness will look as a boar color.

I took out the old boar mask, glued it down, laid out the parts on A3 cardboard, traced it, and cut it out.

I bend my nose, even crush it. This is where you need to show sleight of hand and resourcefulness: the cardboard needs to be bent both along the nose and across, so that the long snout becomes slightly, slightly folded and not flat, but like a rounded gable roof. In general, first it’s better to practice bending just a large piece of cardboard.

The darts on the forehead had to be lengthened - cardboard is stiffer than paper. It was also not necessary to seal it, but. I note that the edges of the darts should be inclined towards the midline of the muzzle - this visually narrows the animal’s forehead. If this were a human mask, the darts would be glued in reverse to make the forehead appear wider.

I cut the outer edges of the ears with fringe and ruffle them. I bend the inner edges and connect them at the base with a stapler - the ears have acquired some volume.

I take a “pad” nose - the one that should well and comfortably disguise the actor’s nose (this was used in ), I bend it and try it on myself. Fine. I glue it under the boar's nose with a heat gun. I try it on again and straight on my face, bending and pressing, I give it this fake nose. correct form. Is sitting?

On the inside of the boar's nose, I apply two large drops of glue to the folds on both sides and glue it to the lower nose. Now the upper nose does not dangle arbitrarily, but it does not lie exactly on the lower one, there is a gap between them so that you can further bend and “shape” the outer nose. I glue the ears and bend them forward strongly. I glue the patch.

All , The boar mask is ready. Oh, I forgot my fangs! I cut out the tusks from whatman paper so that both sides were white (actually it should be yellow, but... the color didn’t work out very well - the boar ended up being an albino).

Nevertheless, if such a beast appears and says “Hro-hro”, respect and respect for him are guaranteed.

Do you want your child to look cute and funny at the New Year's party and be different from other children? Or are you going to a corporate event, a fun party of friends? An excellent solution would be to make the costume yourself. It's pretty easy and fun if you follow the tips.

Making a children's pig costume

First, decide what kind of outfit you want and think over your image. For example, you can make a pig mask or even a whole Funtik costume. If there are several of you, it will be interesting to make masks of the three little pigs on your head from the fairy tale of the same name. You can be a variety of characters, from the cute Peppa Pig (for a girl) to the cute little coward Piglet from the cartoon Winnie the Pooh (for a boy).

Another option is to make a whole hat on your head. You can simply add pink clothes to it, such as a dress, or dress the pig in denim overalls. There's a ton here interesting options. Also, using foam rubber, you can make a Smesharik costume with your own hands. There are many interesting ideas for a costume where the main element will be the mask.

Paper pig mask

Most easy way- download and print the paper template. This is done like this:

You can make such a mask not for the entire face, but only half or around the eyes. Pig mask for your New Year's holiday or party ready.

Cardboard mask

You can draw the template yourself. Even those who do not consider themselves a great artist can do this:

Or try to draw a mask yourself, giving free rein to your imagination. You may need to practice on plain white paper first. Again, you can decorate the mask in any way you like. Alternatively, you can immediately use pink (or any other color) paper or cardboard. A cardboard mask will be stronger and more reliable. If you make three of these masks, perhaps even slightly different ones, you will get masks of three pigs per head.

Paper plate pig

Another fairly simple option is to make a mask out of a paper plate.. Take the opportunity to print a ready-made colored face on your head or decorate the plate yourself. Make holes and attach ribbon and elastic.

A more difficult option is to use disposable plate and a glass. We will make a snout out of a cup. To make the masquerade mask stronger, you can use several plates and glasses at once. You just need to insert them one by one. You also need to cut out ears from the plate. You can make them from cardboard. It will be more beautiful if the material does not differ. Paint the nose and ears with acrylic or gouache. Make holes for the eyes and mouth. Next, attach the pig's snout from the cup using regular glue or double-sided tape.

Attach a ribbon or elastic band for tying so that the child or you (depending on who will wear the accessory) is comfortable. That's all. The funny pig mask is ready.

Felt pig face

This is probably the most interesting and expensive option, which is also the most unusual. For it we need felt. Here the unusualness will be in the material. You can take felt of two different colors for the snout and muzzle. There are a couple of possible options here:

  • You can draw a cute face on felt using felt-tip pens.
  • You can simply trace the downloaded and printed template.
  • Can be glued small parts(such as the nose and ears) from felt of a different color to the base.

Then you need to cut it along the contour, leaving slits for the mouth and eyes. All that remains is to attach a ribbon or elastic band (according to the size of your head) to it. And the funny pig mask is ready.

Mask made from old T-shirts

Another pretty one unusual option This accessory can be made from old T-shirts that no one has worn for a long time. Or buy pink flannel, outline the template, cut along the contour, overcast and, of course, make holes for the eyes and mouth. This option requires minimal sewing skills. If you wish, you can even outline the eyes with a felt-tip pen. The templates for this are quite easy to print. A funny mini pig mask will surprise everyone.

Other costume decorations

After printing a pig mask on your head, you can change it a little. Add some small details, such as freckles. For girls, you can draw or even attach a flower hairpin, like the pig from Smeshariki. You can put a hoop on a girl or knitted hat boy. You can even make it for a pig light makeup, emphasize the eyes. This option is especially good for adults. Beautiful decorations, earrings or beads may also be appropriate. The main thing is not to overdo it.

Add carnival costume You can use different accessories of cartoon or fairy-tale characters. For example, you can wear clothes like your character, or come up with a completely new character that you like. Perhaps it will differ from others in color or ears. There is a huge opportunity to get creative here. An upturned snout, pink ears and round cheeks - all these elements create the image of a very cute little pig.

You need to measure the circumference of your head with a centimeter (or immediately with a ribbon). We cut off the required amount of ribbon, taking into account an additional two to four centimeters for tying. They are needed to thread the ribbon through the small holes on the side and tie it. It is better to make holes not too close to the edge, since any mask can tear a little in these places. Especially if it is an accessory made of not very thick paper.

For greater reliability, seal this place from the inside with tape. You can also replace the tape with thick paper if it is convenient. Then paper strip the size of the circumference of your head plus two to three centimeters needs to be glued to the mask. It is worth gluing not very close to the very edge so that the strip sticks well. For a cardboard accessory, regular PVA glue or universal glue is suitable. Don't forget to color this strip of paper in the color of the mask. It is also better to match the ribbon to the color of the suit.

Work is a joy for mother and baby

Of course, animal costumes are often simply bought in a store, but a costume made by yourself is much more interesting and original. A pig mask can be an excellent addition to the costume of Funtik, Smesharik, Peppa, the three little pigs, Piglet or any other fairy-tale boar hero. A funny DIY pig mask will be a great addition to your New Year's costume. It will help make a holiday, game or party unusual and exciting.

It will be especially fun if you try to make it with your child. He can help decorate or tie a ribbon, depending on his age. You can turn this into a fun game for the whole family or let your child create with friends. It will be fun if they make three little pigs masks on their heads together. Costume making is a wonderful way to spend time together.

Attention, TODAY only!